Ashley Gray (Applesandwich commission)

Story by SiberDrac on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

Ashley Gray is a man with specific tastes, and if you fit the bill and can take orders, he has a unique means of rewarding hard workers. Ashley is a new character of Applesandwich's, who is the lovely individual who commissioned this work. Ashley was a blast to work with - something really new and unique for me. To be fair, I do have a thing for dominant lagomorphs...

If you want to commission something for your character, I'm open! Prices on my profile page. Or, if you just want to support me and the things I do, check out my Patreon ( where you can vote on topics of the month and my Ko-fi ( where you can keep me fully caffeinated and creating kinky stuff for you to enjoy. I also love hearing from you, either here, on Twitter @DarkDooks or! come hang out at the Gilded Chasm and the Lily Boutique themselves on my Discord (! Enjoy.

"Hey, Thumper Bumpkin, you ride all these cows to reach the city, or did they ride you?"

A pair of long ears swiveled slightly towards the source of the jackassery. Chocolate brown eyes followed, but the rest of the black-speckled face didn't. No fewer than four distinctly feline - not bovine - growls briefly rose, then fell, as the newcomer attracted the attention of Ashley Gray and his four suitors.

Cocksure, as Ashley mentally named him, fired another salvo. "Pretty skinny and a little old, but." A shoulder shrug and the rudest smirk. "I'll make you feel young, and I'll make you feel thick." For emphasis, hips pumped the air once. Bright green eyes, a smarmy grin, and an overly dramatic swagger defined an orange-and-black tiger man who couldn't have crested five-six.

A panther, a lion, and a pair of cougars, the smallest of whom was pushing seven feet tall and brawny enough to snap Cocksure in half, darted glances at Ashley. Ashley, a desert hare who was built like a whip, put his hand on the side of his head and rested his elbow on the hotel bar where he and his retinue had gathered for a quiet evening, flicked his glance from under a wide-brimmed, black cowboy hat at the biggest cat, and said, "Get the tab, Leo." His soft, baritone voice had a mild Midwestern drawl to it. His attention was now completely focused on Cocksure. A thick piece of straw gradually got worked from one side of his mouth to the other. As soon as it reached the corner of his lip, the other three cats stood up, adjusted their semi-casual clothes as a unit, and left. They were in stark contrast to Ashley's plain white tee and faded blue jeans and to any keen observers, it might have been apparent that their mode of dress and company made his look less out of place at a nice hotel's bar. It might have been apparent that he had orchestrated the gathering.

The lion finished paying and approached Cocksure. He leaned down, crowding the much smaller man a bit, and showed him his phone. "My eyesight's not what it was." He tapped his bifocals. "Read this for me?"

"Huh? Uh." Cocksure's eyes tried to watch too many things at once. He wasn't sure if what he'd done had worked or not. Maybe it had? It seemed too easy, though. A little smile played at the occupied corner of Ashley's lips. "There's no... text. It's just a gif of some guy getting his ass beat."

"Huh. My mistake. Thank you." The lion walked past Ashley on his way out, but without moving from his relaxed position, the hare dropped his opposite hand to the lion's crotch, grabbed, and squeezed. The much larger male froze.

"Introduce us," Ashley said.

"Ah, yes, sir," the very fine feline responded. He turned the moment Ashley's hand released him and gave a nod of greeting. "This is Ashley Gray. Mr. Gray, this is...?" He left space for Cocksure to fill in. The tiger opened his mouth, but

"No, no. That won't be necessary. He can earn one. Thank you, sweet pea."

Cocksure was already in something of a state of shock, and then he watched 'sweet pea's' ears flush crimson at the sound of the pet name and his jaw finally dropped. Ashley owned those four men. The lion nodded again and left, and then the newcomer was left alone at the bar with Ashley Gray - because every other patron had sensed danger like they'd heard a rattlesnake and given them a wide berth.

"Sit down," Ashley said. His gaze never left the tiger's for the remainder of the conversation.

Such as it was.

For his part, Christopher the twenty-something tiger - AKA Cocksure - was now thoroughly out of his element. He thought feverishly back to what that stupid video personality had said about negging. It was supposed to be foolproof, especially with buff, good-looking guys like himself. You find your target, approach confidently, choose something about them that's easy to pick on, and then make them feel like they have to prove you wrong. Sure, it seemed like a pretty shitty piece of pick-up artistry, but he'd spent the night with enough shitty people by now that it seemed, y'know, fair play?

He took a seat before meaning to. Instead of feeling like the hare was underdressed, now, looking up at the older, taller male, Christopher felt like his loud, purple, quarter-tucked button-up and flashy white pants were just... garish.

"Do they have you doing the jawbreakers, then?"

Cocksure Christopher blinked, not understanding. "Wh-?"

"Nod or shake, don't open that mouth 'til I tell you." The line was quick, quiet, and immutable. Ashley took a moment to pick up an old fashioned cocktail with his free hand and take a sip. Up close, those brown eyes had flecks of gold. They were intense and captivating. "Must be the chewing gum, the way you talk."

Christopher stared. He started to open his mouth again and Ashley's eyes started widening, as though incredulous the other man would even try. Christopher wisely chose not to.

"Chocolate river's too good for you. Maybe the TV station to get you that small?"

Comprehension broke over his face. Ashley was calling him an oompa loompa. He glared and flushed brightly and cursed the day he'd chosen to wear purple.

"Theeeeere, he got it eventually," Ashley drawled without even a smirk. "No," the hare suddenly corrected. His hand snapped out like a quickdraw, snared Chris's snarling muzzle just before it opened, and jammed the bone of his thumb down against the edge of the tiger's nose to force his head down so that he had to roll his eyes even higher up to look at Ashley. The bartender flashed them a glance, but didn't intervene. "Mouth. Stays. Shut." With each word, Ashley bobbed Chris's head as though the tiger were nodding along. Then, he released with one last sharp tap of his fingertips across the bridge of the feline nose.

Christopher felt pulled out of space and time. He must have fallen asleep and started dreaming. He'd wanted to get some tail. He hadn't gotten some tail in months, now. He'd picked a hotel bar where he could find guys who were in for the night and would be gone in the morning. And he'd finally tried something new, and that new thing was backfiring harder than he had imagined it could. Equally surprising, though, was that as he felt at his nose to nurse it slightly and felt his pulse throbbing at the sore spot, he felt his erection insistently keeping time along his inner thigh. He was enjoying this. The attention, the unshakeable domination, the... command.

Ashley sipped at his whiskey again and took his time to savor it before continuing. "You got more stones than brains, though that ain't a high bar. Each of those dudes could throw you a lot farther than you can count in feet, but you walked up anyway. And, you're lucky." He bit off the end of the straw that was soft with whiskey and swallowed it. "They're tired out from this afternoon, I'm in heat, and I can see from that tent you're pitching that you're hung enough to make up for stupid and rude for a night. So you choose right now if you want to sit there slack-jawed and tight-pants'ed 'til you realize you messed up or if you want to come up to my room and learn a little respect. And." Ashley finished the rest of his drink with closed eyes, then set it down and opened them again. "In terms of shit I want to hear out your mouth, it's 'yes, sir,' or nothing." And he waited.


"Stand right there and don't move."

Christopher stood right there, in Ashley's hotel suite, and didn't move.

"Arms out like a T." Like a T. "Good wingspan. Curl your arm, lemme see that biceps." Christopher curled his arm.

Ashley muttered commands between groping tiger flesh while Christopher sank steadily into a mindset of obedience. The younger man silently questioned why he was so keen on being told what to do. Was he really this servile? Was he really so eager to have his free will submitted to another? He wondered these things while Ashley squeezed at his muscles like testing beef and felt up under his clothes without asking permission.

The tiger had always assumed the dominant role in the bedroom, even when the dynamic hadn't been established before reaching it. He was short, but he was brawny and big-dicked, and those together accomplished a lot in the way of cementing stereotypes in other folks' minds. He had just started wondering if he'd ever consciously made the choice to dominate his partners, or if it had always just sort of happened because it felt like it needed to, when he felt Ashley's heated breath on the back of his neck and a black-furred paw grabbing his junk.

"Get yer fuckin' clothes off, kitten. There's work to do, and I can't wait much longer." The scent of arousal suddenly assaulted Christopher's senses. He realized he'd gotten a little caught up in his head, but that didn't last more than a second after he heard the order. His fingers fairly flew down his button-up to unfasten everything and toss the shirt aside while Ashley ground up against his rear end. There was something unexpected in the way the hare moved and acted, but Christopher couldn't put his finger on it and was too busy shoving down his pants and letting his eight inches of tiger meat swing into view to think that hard about it.

Ashley snagged his shoulder and yanked him roughly around. His golden brown eyes glinted and he smiled. The glow of heat was in them. "Good boy." He shoved his lips down against the tiger's hungrily and sucked the air from them. Christopher became unfalteringly aware of his cock pressed between their thighs. He needed sex just as bad as Ashley did at this point. Unthinking, he pushed feverishly into the kiss and was immediately chastised with a hard pinch to his nipple.

"Cute, but you ain't earned your own decisions, yet." Ashley shoved a bundle of leather straps against his chest. "Put this on. I'll need handles." Finally, Christopher was able to get a good look at the other man's nude body. The hare's lean frame was wiry and graceful like a dancer's. His tawny coat had black gloves and boots, and was interrupted at his chest by twin scars, which then led the eyes downward to a taut belly with a proud six-pack, which itself guided the gaze to an inflamed vulva already damp with arousal.

"Yes, sir," Christopher answered at last, while fumbling his way through straps and buckles. A flash of approval swept through Ashley's eyes, but that was all. He stepped forward and impatiently yanked at a strip of leather here, a ring of steel there, until an X of leather held together by a metal O was lashed across the tiger's chest and thick straps framed his crotch and buttocks.

"Open up," Ashley commanded, with a hand toying at the cat's upper lip. As soon as a fang was available, the hare pushed his thumb up against it until it drew blood, then wiped the blood on the ring in the center of Christopher's chest. To his rapidly blinking surprise, the fluid faded into the ring. He looked back up at his... master.

The hare smiled wide. "Don't worry. I'm clean. And you better be, too."

"Y-yes, sir."

"Attaboy. Let's get you warmed up."

Again confused, Christopher followed Ashley to a wide, comfortable reclining chair. The hare took a seat with his legs splayed and his arms on the armrests. The tiger hesitated.

"Knees." Christopher dropped. "Come here." He crawled forward a few paces. "Put that big spiky cat tongue to good use." Ah. That explained the all-cat coterie: Ashley had a type.

Christopher started with his thighs. He found himself salivating with his ever growing desire to serve. Something pricked his consciousness, but more than anything, he felt as though bits and pieces of his mind were falling into place. He parted his jaws and dragged them up the inside of Ashley's right thigh. He was rewarded with the sound of a low moan. He repeated the motion, covering a good six-inch stretch of fur and lean flesh. Grooming instincts kicked in. His fingers closed around the hare's calf to both caress and hold it. His nose caught whiffs of arousal constantly, but he knew he wasn't allowed to touch Ashley's groin, not yet. Instead, he sated himself by exploring new inches of his master on the other thigh. While he did, he felt ripples of warmth flow through his shoulders and back and biceps, making them feel taut even though he wasn't flexing them. He relaxed them consciously and repositioned his hands so he could focus back on the use of his lips and tongue. His master's fur was silken smooth, to the point grooming seemed almost an insult, but he hadn't been corrected or told to stop, yet. As he went, he felt more and more confident. The strokes of his tongue became longer, deeper... broader?

The tiger's brow furrowed. He tested again. His tongue felt like more of it dragged behind his muzzle, and like it was a little heavier and thicker. Must just be the mental experience. He dared to move upward to the hare's waist, then stood in a half-crouch to sweep his tongue upward along cobbled flanks and ribcage, past sensitive regions of the chest, and up to the armpit, where now, he could unfurl that broad, spiny, wet, hot muscle into the sensitive underside of Ashley's left arm. His broad left paw spread over the hare's torso and as he stretched it, he felt that meaty tiger paw spread just a bit more, to cover just a bit more of the other man. He knew he'd done right when the hare's hands closed around his groin, one grasping his cock and the other hefting his nuts one at a time.

The tiger worried he was crowding his master, which felt odd - he was broader than Ashley, but he certainly wasn't bigger overall. Crouching over the hare like this, he felt awkward, and like his thighs might not hold in the position. Instead of getting tired, though, they seemed to settle into it. The rising feeling of awkwardness fell, and Christopher simply sank into the half-squat more deeply to keep his muzzle where it was. He found himself purring and nuzzled his way sweetly across Ashley's throat with his big, wet nose and warm breath towards his other side. He flexed his cock in the hare's hand and rumbled with pleasure to feel the flex push his fingers apart. Again, the spark of something changing, maybe swelling, maybe feeling steadier and stronger, flared in the back of his mind. He went back down to his knees, not registering either that he needed to do so to reach down under Ashley's other arm despite having needed to rise to a crouch before, or that the hare's hands didn't leave his cock when he did.

After minutes of tongue-bathing his master, Christopher felt his nape grabbed and his head repositioned. He stared in shock. Ashley looked... smaller. He was panting with lust while he looked up at the tiger from his seat. "Now," the hare growled, "get your head down there. If you ain't done it before, I'm sure you'll figure it out. Better you do, bigger you'll get."

Even the dimmest bulb shines when you stick a match inside it. Christopher had grown, inch by inch and piece by piece, while he'd serviced Ashley's body with his tongue. He barely had time to reassess his body before his head was driven down between Ashley's thighs and he opened his maw instinctively to lap thickly along the wet folds and up to the swollen, firm clit. The hare hissed in pleasure and pain and writhed. "Slow the fuck down, boy." Christopher stopped. "But don't stop." The bridge of his nose got thumped and he went back to work, more tenderly and patiently.

Now, he could think about it. He could feel the space his body was taking up. He could feel his muzzle thickening between Ashley's thighs as his head - slowly - bobbed and wove to glide his tongue around, then inside, where the much enlarged muscle could not only probe deep but could fill. He took in Ashley's juices greedily, and each time he hit a right spot, he knew both from the moans coming from above him and from the way his cock throbbed and surged with new size and girth, or the way he felt the weight of his nuts swell between his legs until they touched the floor, or the way his shoulders puffed up under Ashley's roaming, greedy fingers. The desire for more seeped inside him as the size itself did. He needed to be... huge. He needed to make his master happy. He needed Ashley to climax, because surely, if he was good enough to make his master cum, he'd be made enormous, and then...!

"Enough!" Ashley commanded harshly.


"Bed. On your back. Now."

Christopher raised his head. If lust had a visage, it was this, and far be it from him to disobey that panting, wild look. He scrambled to a king-sized bed, but wasn't fast enough for Ashley, who shoved his back with a foot as he was climbing in. "Oof," he said into the sheets.

"I said on your back, boy." Ashley did some_thing with his fingers and the tiger's pressure points and even if Christopher hadn't been desperate already to do the right thing, pain compliance had flipped him over in a split second. The hare mounted his hips and started grinding his cunt against the belly of Christopher's cock. The younger man tried to guess how big it was from comparison. A foot? Longer? He was _huge. And he had to spread his thighs just so the hare's ass didn't sit on nuts that couldn't help but rest on top of them.

"S-sir, I don't want to hurt- YEOW."

Ashley had pinched the skin of his sac. Another time, it would've killed his erection immediately, but here, it just made it throb harder. "Kind of you, but don't undo all the progress that mouth just made by makin' sounds with it." While he talked, Ashley eased himself up, sliding his wet slit along Christopher's shaft. He ground his clit against the belly of it, spread his labia around it, humping the enormous rod higher with each movement, until everything was in position. Then, he settled himself around the head of the tiger's shaft, knelt on all fours with his hands on Christopher's pecs, lifted his wild-eyed gaze to his new toy's, and said, "Fuck me."

Christopher fucked. He slammed his hips up and in, and four inches of his shaft slipped inside Ashley's cunt. The hare's claws clenched into the meat of the tiger's pecs, then grabbed around the leather there to keep himself in place against the brutal strength he'd created. He shouted in triumphant pleasure. "Again!" Christopher wasn't sure what to do with his hands, so he tore the bedsheets with them while he slammed his hips up again. Ashley was wet, and, impossibly, he was able to contain every inch Christopher gave him. He dipped his head to bite ever more enormous pecs, pulled at hands and arms so he could ravenously press his face and lips and tongue along hard, swollen and swelling biceps, gnaw on ever meatier trapezius, while his body moved in time with the tiger's in desperate heat. His paws climbed and kneaded their way up and down the thick rungs of the ladder of his new pet's abdominals "Fuck... me..." he groaned into Christopher's chest, and Christopher obliged.

They rutted hard during the following minutes, with Ashley's moans and croons climbing higher and louder, his shouts and cries a combination of a cowboy on the job and a buck in heat. Each time his body seized and the muscles of his cunt spasmed with pleasure, Christopher grew again, and again, until an unlikely sixteen inches of tiger cock was plunging in and out of Ashley. The hare's thighs had been designed by evolution for sprints and honed by practice for marathons, and while his fingers and claws and lips explored and sculpted his prize, he never stopped rutting. The tiger's teeth were clenched so tight with pleasure that his jaw hurt when he suddenly felt a hand fiercely grab his newly broad muzzle.

"You don't cum 'til I do." The hare's body slid hard against his own, but Christopher didn't dare move. He knew his master wanted him still. He teetered on the edge of climax.

Even so, his eyes flew open. "You haven't-?!" He could have sworn he'd felt the shuddering, the twitching, the-

"Oh those were appetizers. When I do for real, you do, and you bite me 'til I bleed."


"If you don't," thrust "I will take -" thrust "- every ounce I gave you -" thrust, until there was no space between them, "- back. Say yes sir."

"Yes, sir!"

"Now fuck me, and flood me."

Christopher almost started rutting again, but Ashley held him back thoughtfully. "Try spankin' me, too. Giddyup."

The tiger rolled his hips in hard, needy cycles. One clawed, broad paw finally went heavily to Ashley's thigh - and encompassed it - so the other could swat his ass. The spank made him seize around the cat's cock in reflex and they both groaned. He tried again - "Yeah!" - and again - "YES!" - and again - "YES, fuck, bite me you monster I swear to ggggahhhh...!"

Ashley's lower half thrashed in climax while his arms held himself up and steady on top of his pet and still he kept driving. He rammed his body against the tiger's over and over and over while pleasure blew through him like dynamite. Cum exploded out of Christopher like a stifled geyser to erupt around their meeting groins and as ordered, the tiger sank his jaws into the crook of Ashley's neck to bind them together in climax. Bliss was an extended detonation that lasted for long, rhythmic, loud moments.

"Aahhh... ah-hah. Yeehaw~" Ashley sighed teasingly as he rode out the last of his orgasm. Christopher was still rolling his hips like a mechanical bull at the end of its ride, with cum dribbling out of their joining. Ashley rode him with the ease of a seasoned cowboy and sat back on Christopher's hips like he would on the back of a horse he'd just finished a race with. "Not bad for a first-timer."

Christopher had just had the best orgasm of his life. He was still seeing stars, and he felt ashamed to hear "not bad," but "not bad" still soaked into his ears. He loved this. He loved to serve. He wanted to do it again, and better, so that he could be better than "not bad" for this man. Blindly, he started moving his hips again, only to feel a little, commanding prick of a claw under his chin.

"Uh-uh. Cute, though." The hare carefully dismounted. Christopher's eyes bugged out when he saw the sheer length of himself that slid out from his master. His cock flopped down heavily on his abdomen, soaked and dripping from their exertion. "And cute counts, here. Good mating bite, too. Lemme see that arm." Ashley sat sideways on his chest and inspected the grooves of Christopher's triceps, biceps, and deltoids with his thumbs and fingertips. "Figured you'd take the muscle well. Fuck I love this." He lowered his lips and kissed, nibbled, and gnawed at those lines, clearly working himself up again as he did. "Speaking of biting, towel's in the bathroom. Hop to, and quick - blood stains easy. Cold water, if you didn't know." He slid off and onto the savaged bedsheets.

Dazed, but compliant, Christopher rolled a body that felt enormous and unwieldy off the bed while Ashley did stretches. He looked at himself in the mirror. He had to be... almost eight feet tall, now. And broad. Muscular. He felt like a giant with a third leg... but a giant who did what he was told. He brought back the towel and began dabbing at the red marks and streaks left in Ashley's fur.

Unceasingly confident, Ashley leaned back on his elbows with a cell phone and typed in a couple messages. He took a look at Christopher's expression of consternation and reached out a hand to hold his chin fondly. "You did good. Real good. I'll keep your digits for next time I'm in town."

The tiger nodded, mind abuzz. He dared a question. "They don't travel with you?"

"Sounds expensive. Naw, Leo does, but the rest are locals. They come when called. You will, too."

He nodded again. "So... when...?"

"I travel a lot for work; hit this place once a month or so. Leo! Panth! Y'all know y'ain't gotta wait anymore." The door to the room opened to admit the massive lion and panther Christopher had seen down at the bar. They didn't seem as massive, now, but even while he watched, their forms started expanding beneath their clothing. "Stripes here got me warmed up - y'all gotta finish the job."

Stripes's eyes bugged out again. He had the biggest cock he'd ever seen. He was the biggest person he knew besides "Leo" and "Bags." He had been a warm-up? Both of the bigger cats had to awkwardly stretch and dance around their clothing to get it off before it tore. Both wore leather harnesses beneath their clothes that were different colors and designs, but somehow... the same, as Stripes's. They slipped out of their undergarments just as they crested nine feet tall each and showed no signs of stopping, and Stripes felt his jaw drop open when he saw what hung between their legs.

Shame-faced, he started to get up to give them the bed. A small hand instantly tugged at his wrist, hard enough that he had to catch himself on the sheets. "Did I say you could go?" He looked up to see Ashley's toothy smile leering over him. "When I get this way, it's a team effort." The hare's other hand went to Stripes' cock, and he felt it start to swell. "And you're on the team, now, boy."

So are those two part of the package?

"In more ways than one, honey bun." "Call me appetized." "How about I call you an appetizer?" "I think you'll want to treat me like the main dish." Xander smiled when he said it. This new version of him that actively enjoyed flirting was fun. Until...

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Your new Assistant, Sand

The papers that came with your new Assistant: _ _ _Name: The summation of all known things can be articulated by the atoms in a single grain of sand; and yet, you- AKA Sand_ _The largest of our stock, this tegu Assistant is a perfect all-in-one...

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Survival, Chapter 1: Acorn Paste, Honey, and an Egg

"Of course I kept my name. I won't forget the way we live. So many of us die that they just number us," said Shalai's Fifth. The Sighing Hex sighed. "I know." Fifth glowered at him. "Does it annoy you, that the way your people slaughter and eat mine...

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