Dress to De-Stress (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#28 of Commissions

Ash has had a tough time at work. His friend Josh has a solution to help deal with that stress. It involves some pretty outfits.

A commission for Gunsword2003. Characters belong to their respective owners.

The utter banality of his work life did little to lift the guilt of why Ash was stressed. The spotted pig leaned against the wheel of his car, resting his eyes just for a moment at the stop sign. No one was behind him, leaving him guilt free for a few wondrous seconds before driving back off.

It was the weekend, a warm sunny Saturday, and still his last week had been riding up his spine. Deadlines, layoffs, they were all so apparent that the pig felt like his neck had compressed from keeping his head down. Do good work, don't complain, and get home, that had been his motto day in and day out, with little time for anything fun thanks to his commute and cooking. Often he'd just spend the night rewatching his favorite shows on streaming, like the Great British Bake Off. Those sweets had his mouth watering at the seams.

He needed a change. Some sort of shovel to dig himself out of his rut. Calling his best friend shouldn't have made him feel guilty, but the need to do something else nipped away at him with anxiety pouring in like a selfish stream. Josh, as casual as he was, told him to swing by on Saturday morning. A day with his best friend was just what he needed. That and some goddamn relief from the heavy breathing escaping his maw. Maybe he should have slept in? Or just bought coffee. Ash shook his head and pushed the pedal, enough distractions.

Josh's apartment was a quiet one bedroom placed in an unremarkable marble building, much more spaced than Ash's apartment. Not that the pig minded, he liked where he lived for commuting's sake. Parking out by the driveway, he took a deep breath and tottered up to the front, ringing the doorbell.

A blonde haired and grayscaled dragon answered the door, dressed in a green dragon halter top hoodie with sleeves too long, and a pair of light green panties over his crotch. He lazily smiled at Ash, resting his thin arms against the doorframe and letting everyone in view see his outfit. "Hey dude, what's up?"

Flustered, Ash took one look around him to see if anyone was watching. He knew it was Josh's place, but to answer the door so brazenly dressed like that...the pig pushed him in as he stepped inside. "Seriously? I know you have pants."

"Pants are boring," Josh said, curling a finger through Ash's ponytail, "Oh my god, are these knots? Split ends? Dude, you are taking care of your hair, right?"

Ash batted the scaly claw away and sighed, "Just...just been using basic shampoo and conditioner, ok? Quick rinsing, nothing special." The dragon pouted and leaned in, wrapping his long sleeves around the pig's chest. Ash, let him rest against him, needing the embrace more than he realized.

"You wanna talk about it?" Josh asked.

He shook his head. "Not really. Kind of just wanna relax."

"Well, welcome to mi casa then." The dragon looped his loose sleeve around the pig's forearm and pulled up to the bed, sitting down and patting his lap. "Come on. You know you wanna chill."

Slumping down against the couch, Ash nestled his head across the dragon's lap. Soft coos and friendly brushes dragged across his head, shielding him from the stress of the world. "Fuck work..." He muttered.

Josh nodded, "Yeah, work sucks. Gotta be the tedium for you, right?"

More than the tedium, he could deal with that for a good chunk of time. But the deadlines and burnout were killing him slowly. "I haven't had fun in days. I just go home to eat and sleep."

"Oh?" Josh scooted himself closer to the pig's head, "Well, if you need a destresser, I might have a fun idea." Instead of feeling the soft imprint of the dragon's cock, Ash felt something hard and metallic prick against his head. He blushed and looked up at his friend, who smiled and nodded. "Come on, you can't tell me you weren't looking for an excuse?"

With a gulp, Ash shook his head. "Good," Josh said, petting his friend's forehead, "Why don't you stay here and get undressed. I'll bring out some clothes."

"W-Why not go to your room?"

"Because." Josh booped the pig's flat nose, "It's cuter to see you blush in the open." With that the dragon shifted off the bed and left, leaving Ash alone to strip down to his undies. It wasn't the first time he'd been with Josh's ideas, but it didn't mean his face avoided a new shade of pink while he waited in nothing but a pair of briefs. Josh came back with several hangers of clothes, hands on his hips when he saw the pig fluster. "Hey, I meant strip, not keep your underwear on."

Giddy as an anxious school girl, Ash pulled down his briefs and revealed himself reaching half-mast from the thoughts alone. "Good girl." Josh laid about several sets of clothes, and handed the pig a pair of red silk panties. "Put this on. I know it's your favorite color."

The burning passion of red mixed with the soft fabrics pressing against his cock and balls had Ash biting his lip to calm himself. Josh giggled and helped lace a bra over the pig's chest. "God, you look like such a cute little slut." He whispered, helping next with a soft green dress over the pig's frame. "Go on, give me a twirl." Heart pounding, Ash spun fast enough to let momentum carry the dress's bottom, revealing his erection tenting against the panties.

God, he needed this. Free of responsibilities and stress. Just a moment to be a cute girly piggy.

Clapping, Josh hooked his arm with Ash and dragged him along, "Next is my favorite part, the makeup." Pulled to the dragon's bedroom, the pig found himself plopped in front of a vanity mirror. His friend started sorting and applying various bits of makeup, from black lipstick, mascara, painting the pig's nails a lovely shade of crimson. "Ah, stay still," The dragon demanded whenever Ash figited. The pig couldn't help it, he wasn't used to applying makeup on his own. Never had the time to practice.

"And viola!" Josh decreed, spinning the pig into the mirror's reflection. Ash didn't see himself, at least not who he thought was familiar. The dashing eyelashes, supple lips, and mascara painted him a new face atop the old. "Great, right?" The dragon leaned over him, undoing his ponytail and grabbing a brush, "Now let's get to work on this mess."

The pig could hardly believe he stared at himself. Not even the tug of his hair knots could shake him from the lock his gaze grabbed. He looked so...pretty. As though he could grab the attention of hundreds of guys just from a single selfie online. Their eyes pouring over him with lust and desire, hands on their cocks in worship of his form.

"You know, Ash doesn't really fit a pretty girl like you," Josh giggled. The big blushed harder, squeezing his legs inward in hopes to stem his growing erection. "I think Asher works better, don't you think?"

"W-Whatever you think, Josh." He tried not to bite his lip and smear the makeup.

The dragon laughed softly and batted his comb between the pig's legs, "Are you sure you don't have an opinion?" He teased, dragging the plastic teeth across the outline of Asher's erection. "After all, your clitty seems to be enjoying it."

"My...my what..." Ash asked between breaths.

"Clitty." Josh gently but firmly pulled Ash's head back by his hair, "That's what girls have, Asher. Though yours might be a bit too open. I have something for that, would you like to try it? It'll be all the more adorable." Every pump of his heart screamed yes, the blood flow engorging his cock more. The dragon let go and left the room, returning to hand him an ice pack. "Press this against your clitty. We need it to shrink."

The chill bit into his rod, shrinking it slowly but failing to kill Ash's arousal. Even at its smallest, he felt the desire burn, threatening to fight against the chill. "Back on the bed," Josh said, "Legs spread." He shuddered a breath as he laid down against the mattress, giving his friend ample room to work with. Breathing tensed at the dragon's touch, fingers digging into the bed as his panties were pulled aside. Josh massaged something wet and slimy across Ash's cock and balls, followed by a cool metallic ring his nuts were squeezed through. Then came the tightness. A cap pressing against his shaft and forcing it down until he felt only the warmth of the squeeze and the metal against his cockhead.

"And locked. Why don't you get up and have a look at your clitty, Asher?" The dragon said, helping the pig up to look down at the tiny metal dome over his cock. Entranced, Ash pressed his finger against it, feeling the pressure against his dick but nothing else. "See? Now you can be a good girl." Josh pulled down his own panties, revealing the same cage save for a set of bars over his pink tip instead of a solid dome. "Just like me."

The pressure had him tingling, like a budding at his crotch that refused to grow, slowly building up and releasing the tension through his body. Like being giddy. Ash, no Asher smiled, blushing as his cage twitched in defiance of his arousal. Josh giggled, "Someone's liking it," He teased, tapping his claw against it, slipping just past the urethral hole to tease his sensitive little head. The sensation traveled like lightning. Asher held his breath for a second, letting a moaning gasp escape his lips. "So sensitive. Just like a clit." The dragon leaned in and whispered, "Wanna try a few other outfits? I've got some that might feel more appropriate for a little slut like you."

If Asher shook his head harder, it'd fall off. The feminine dragon gave a sultry wink in the mirror and swayed his ass back and forth toward the closet, pulling out outfits of leather and latex that the pig had seen only in porn. "You're gonna love this. Best part? All your size." He didn't even question it, already too busy stripping down to nothing but the tiny cage over his cock. He felt so liberated like that, naked but restricted, at the mercy of another. Like a bubble about to burst but unable to, its form getting closer and closer to pop.

First came the red and black corset. Josh pulled it tight around the pig's waist, letting Asher's chest pop out like little titties. One stretchy red latex thong pulled over his crotch, pressing harder over his cage. His haggard breaths didn't stop the dragon, who helped pull over elbow length red and black rubber gloves and matching high heeled boots over his limbs. "Such a pretty girl," Josh cooed, latching a heavy studded and broad collar around his neck. The dragon leaned into the pig's back, his own caged dick pressing up and grinding against his friend. "How's it feel?" He asked, sniffing deep into Asher's hair, "Being such a pretty girl?"

Every little movement came with resistance. Even breathing. Not enough for harm, but enough to remind Asher how restricted he'd become in this new outfit. Yet as Josh pulled him around, letting the pig face his reflection, he found no regret in his form. Instead there was beauty, desire, the budding desire burning from his loins and passing through his body. "Good..." He whispered back, "Real good."

"I can bet." Josh twirled his claw through the pig's hair, tying it into a ponytail as he spoke. "Wanna take some pictures?" With his nod, Josh let go and returned to the closet, coming back with a red ballgag. "Put this on. You'll look even cuter with something in your mouth."

His teeth failed to dig into the rubber, pressing down only to be pushed back by its strength. Locking the strap behind his head, Asher puffed his chest out and held his arms behind him. "That's it. Work it, girl." The dragon pulled out his phone and started snapping pictures, encouraging every little pose the pig pulled off, and adding extra restraints to better reach certain angles. Locking his hands to his feet to bend him over, wrists to his sides like a straight jacket, or even a spreader bar to give a lovely look of his open legs.

Asher felt wanted, desired. He knew Josh would never share these photos, but part of him wished he would. That someone online would see them and beat their meat at the idea of the pig on his knees for them. Fuck, he shivered, the firmness of his cage had his body tingle.

"God, these are great." Josh cycled through the photos, "I think my little slut deserves a nice reward. Don't you?" Asher nodded, reaching for his catch to scratch at the itch of pleasure building. The dragon stopped him, pushing the pig back against the bed. "Ah, ah, ah. No touchy." He pressed his body over Asher, pulling his and the pig's panties aside and exposing both their cages.

The clack of their cages touching rippled over Asher's flesh. He couldn't feel his dick, not any pleasure at least, but the realization that his best friend was rubbing against him, grinding their cages together, had his breathing stammer. The dragon clasped his hands, holding the pig apart as he humped into him. "That's a good girl. Rubbing your clitty with another, how scandalous." Asher's face burned with his smile, his body moving in sync with his best friend's, letting the creaks of the bed and his gagged moans fill the open air.

Then he stopped. "Wanna feel something really good?" He asked. In haste, the pig nodded, excitement letting his arms fall limp to the surprise cuffs the dragon locked around them and pulled across the headboard. Like lighting, Josh locked his friend to each post, leaving the pig open and exposed to his touch.

Josh left him to stew, sorting through his closet while the pig waited. Asher's desires only burned more, his mind screaming for release just to feel the firmness of his cock at full mast. He'd be lying if he said he hated it, the restrictive bindings and the tight trap of it all. Part of him wanted to stay like this, forever at the mercy of another.

Thankfully, his horny side never made the rules.

Josh replaced his attire with a more latex covered look. A tight and shiny top with long gloves, with his midsection exposed and only long rubber boots over his legs. He smiled and twirled a hitachi wand in his hand. "You're going to love this, Asher." He crawled back over the bed, gently dragging the bulbous head of the wand against the pig's cage. With one press of a button, the vibrations wired and Asher's teeth dug into his cage.

"That's right," Josh cooed as the pig squirmed in his bindings. "It's so sensitive, isn't it? But it's slow. Painfully, agonizingly, slow." He trailed it up, down, and in circles with the cage, forcing the metallic walls to vibrate against the pig's speezed cockhead. "Just like a real clitty, it requires patience and discipline."

Whatever patience Asher had vanished. He needed it off, needed to cum, but one look from Josh told him plenty. The dragon wanted to drag him through it, delighted at every panicked movement. Each squeeze of his hands, kick of his legs, the retreat of his crotch that the wand followed with ease. Nothing reduced Asher's tortuous pleasure. Only the dragon could do that.

Josh's cage pressed against his own, letting the wand stimulate both cramped heads. He moaned through bitten lips, shuddering at the build up. "Fuck...can't you have all the f-fun, can we?" He gasped out, trying to steady his breath against the cracking dam that separated them from ecstasy.

He whimpered into his gag, digging teeth against the rubber ball as the damn finally started to crack. "Yes, that's it," Josh cooed, holding the pig's face. "Come on, little slut. Cum for me like a good girl." His body shook, like a skipped beat running across his system as it processed the pleasure while missing an erection. His sensitive head burned brighter at the continued vibrations, earning a quick little laugh from the dragon as seed dripped out.

Josh didn't let go. The hellish pleasurable torment continued until Asher's tears streamed down his cheeks, ruining his makeup. The dragon lifted off, pressing the vibrator against his own crotch and humped the air, softly swearing to himself over and over while jiggling his cage. Finally, he gasped out and withered, a spittle of seed dripping from his cage as he struggled to stay upright.

The thin frame of his best friend collapsed against Asher, creaking the bed as their sweaty bodies mingled. Josh wrapped his arms around the pig's neck, fingers playing with his air. They stayed there in silence for who knew how long, bodies melding into one organism through matched breathing. Asher tried to push his gag out with his tongue, but it was locked on tight.

"Well," Josh said, patting the pig's face, "I think that went well. What about you?" Asher nodded, noting the smile across the dragon's muzzle. "Good, good. Now first things first, I need a shower. You don't mind if I have you locked up while I do so? K, thanks, bye." Asher's complaints fell on deaf ears as the dragon hopped off of bed and headed out to the bathroom. By the time he heard the shower running, he rested his head back in defeat and waited.


"Oh I know!" Josh giggled into his phone, "And you should have seen his face. It was just so cute?"

"I did see it. Just the face," Jessie said on the other end, "When are you gonna show me the rest of it? He's too adorbs!"

Josh had considered it, exposing all those pretty pictures of Asher to their expanded friend group. But he decided not to, preferring to have some 'fun' blackmail to keep the pig coming over. Not that Asher seemed to mind, strutting around in the black latex maid outfit he'd picked out for him this morning. The dragon tapped his plate, signaling the gagged pig to pick it up for cleaning, which he did happily. "I'd love to, but Asher needs to give approval first."

"How come he hasn't?" Josh could imagine Jessie's lips pouting when she said that. "Don't tell me he's embarrassed of how cute he looks."

"Embarrassed?" Josh giggled mad, "Far from it, dear. His mouth has just been a little full, at the moment. And not in the way you think." Though from how the pig perked his buttcheeks, the dragon could tell he wanted someone to take their cage off. Too bad for Asher, Josh had no intention of letting himself out just yet.

"You missed a spot." Josh pointed to the droplet of butter from the stove top. "Can't have a poor maid, now can I?"

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