Pack Mentaility Chapter 9

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#9 of Pack Mentaility

The next day Jezeca and nadia went to the tailor's shop for better fitting clothes. Veli wanted to come but Jezeva said she had to do her chores first, Veli grunted and pouted as they left. Jezeca wasn't wearing her now typical clothing, the dragonscale armor instead she was wearing the skimpy top and long pants she got the first time she was here.Opening the door Jezeca greets Sela "Morning Sela I brought my cousin Nadia for a better fit on her clothes." Nadia looks puzzled at Jezeca's cousins statment. Jezeca just gives her a look that said 'later'.Sela looks over Nadia making rough calculations in her head.

"Cousin you say? Well allright we'll head back and I'll get some measurements for Nadia." Sela grabs Nadia to lead her to the back put is halted when Nadai refuses to move and looks nervously at Jezeca.Sela then asks. "What's wrong?"

"Nadia's a liitle shy, she lost her family awhile ago and I'm closest relative she has so she only feels safe when I'm near."

"OH! I'm so soory dear. That must be why you left a couple years ago?" Jezeca nods then looks at Nadia and continues.

"Nadia go with Sela, I trust her and you need better fitting clothes." Sela tries to placate Nadia by saying.

"Jezeca do you need anything new? If so you can come back to and I can update my measurements on you." Jezeca shakes her head.

"No. Nadia must learn that I can't always be near and she must be able to function alone. Go on Nadia I'll just be out here looking at the clothing, and I don't need new measurements I haven't chage physically since the last time." Sela shrugs and leads Nadia to the back room, Nadai follows with her head drooped if she was still in wolf form her ears would also be drooped and her tail between her legs. They enter a room empty except for four mirrors and a platform in the center of the floor.

"Take off your clothes and stand on the platform with your arms out please." Sela guestures to the platform and takes roll of measuring tape. Nadia strips and does as Sela asks, Sela starts her measuring Nadia's body. Now Nadia didn't mind being naked in front of the woman having been naked for over 20 years. She does mind Sela's touching with the tape for only her mistresses touch her body so much though Mistress Jezeca only really touch when she cuddles beside her during sleep, but she trusts her mistress and will endure anything for her. Sela herself notices Nadia's body, some what musclular which is odd for most women. All werewolfs become musclular after the rebirth, Sela knows of only one women who is as musclular, Jezeca who that's to her training has much more defined muscles. After a few minutes Sela steps back and asks. "Allright what kind of style do you want?"

"Like my cousin's clothes." Sela then goes to the other door as she opens it she asks.

"Do you have any prefered colors you want?"

" White, dark blue,and a trim of red."

"Okay, stay here I'll see if I've got any in the back." and goes through the doors. After a few minutes Sela returns with a bundle of clothing. "How are these?" and she displays each color she had to see if there acceptable. Nadia choses the colors she likes and Sela puts the rest away. "Want anything special on it?" Nadia takes a few minutes to think before she responds.

"Make a red cresent moon on the right breast." Sela nods then looks seriously at Nadia and asks.

"Is Jezeca really family for you don't look at all alike?"

"She's the closest thing I have to family, I....I suffer horrors you cannot know, She saved me from it."

Sela looks at her in the eyes and sees the pain that was hidden until then, for being with Jezeca has been healing her a little at a time. Sela then nods saying.

"Okay, I know Pat has said she's saved his butt numerous times during his route, so I'll take your word. Let's return to your cousin." Nadia put her clothes back on and follows Sela back out to the main room.

"Well it should be done tommorrow and it will cost to two dragons."(Dragons are the silver coins in their currency)

"I don't carry dragons so I'll give you a Phoenix (Gold coin) for two offits just in case." Sela stops to figure the work estimates now before responding.

"Okay come late tommorrow and they'll both be done." Jezeca nods and heads out of the store with Nadia closely at her heels. Upon returning home Nadia asks what thet were going to do next.

"I'm going to meet with Pat to figure out my rejoining his business while you keep Pup busy. I'll join you when I'm done."

" Very well mistress, by the way why don't you want me calling you mistress in front of the townspeople?"

"It's easier to keep our wolves secret if they think we're cousins, Pat and the faily mat accept us fully but if the town foynd out it will be our heads." They walk the rest of the way in silence. Nadia and Veli go out into the woods to get to know eachother better. Jezeca enters Pat's office as he upon hearing the door looks up from a sheet in his hand.

"Jezeca! Come in have a seat I was just going over preparations for my next trip. By the way thanks for that account you gave me not only has it helped during slow times I manage to double the profits."

"That's good very good in fact. Pat I want to help on yur routes again."

"No problem I was preparing for just that, though I hate to lose the account it was yours to begin with."

" I don't want to take it all back I was thinking of sharing especially since you double the profits. When is your next trip?"

"Oh not for another week so you'll have time to settle in again. It is good to have you back your more reliable then most of the help I had to hire since you left."

"I'm sorry to hear that, well if there's nothing else?"

"Nope I'll confirm you as partner in the account tommorrow, go have fun with Veli." Jezeca gets up and leaves the room after that. Using her nose she follows Pup's and Nadia's scent all the way to a pond deep in the forest. There she finds Pup teaching Nadia how to fish, a smile appears on Jezeca's lips at the site knowing the two of them were now friends.

"Caught anything yet?"

"Jezi! I got 2 fish and Nadia almost had one." Nadia drops her head in shame. Jezeca walks over to Nadia and puts her hand on Nadia's shoulder.

"It takes time and patience to catch fish. Even the pros might not get any some days so don't take it to hard." They spend most of the day out in the woods having fun before heading in for supper and sleep not long after that.

The next day was un eventfull except for picking up Nadia's clothes. The shirt was primarly white with dark blue going from the armpits down and circleing the bottom like a balt with red trim on the shoulders and the red crescent moon on the right breast. Her long shorts were completely blues with red going down the sides and lastly her boots were blue at the bottom, white on the top with a light red trimming through it all with two little red crescents facing eachother. Jezeca thought in was very nice and Veli just loved it much to the blushing of Nadia herself. The rest of the time Jezeca and Nadia spent at Pat's house without any real incidents. Jezeca repelled serval attempted raid againts Pat's cart with little trouble. Nadia learned how to cook form Lela and Veli and Nadia became closer. It was not uncommon to see Jezeca having Veli or Nadia or more common both hanging around her. Alas though Fall had come and it was time for them to go back to the pack. Jezeca and Nadia had already strip and change into their werewolf forms, Jezeca then walks to Veli. "See you in the spring Pup." And she hugs Veli tightly. Veli returns the hug.

"I'll miss you, I wish you didn't have to go but I know you have to. Be safe and return." Jezeca licks her face,gets up and rubs her hand over Veli's purple hair.

"Be good to your parents." She and Nadia then spring into the trees and start the tree hopping route to the pack.

The trees had all truned color by the time they arrived at the den. Silverback goes over to welcome them back, allthough he's alittle hesitant after last time."Welcome back, how was your stay?"

"Good it was nice seeing them again." She walks past him and unbenost to him he visibly relaxes. Jezeca's stride to the den is interupted when she's tackled by Starlight and Digger. They're still hugging tightly while on the groung and yipping.

"You're back!You're back!" With an immense feeling of deja' vu she manages to get to her feet and notices the change in the two pups.

"Wow you two have grown. Before you were just over my knees now your above my legs."

" Pups can go through massive grown rates sometimes." Silverback states.

"I noticed, so have you guys had supper yet? I'm starving." Silverback chuckles and responds.

"No we were just about to though so your timing was good. Come join the pack for dinner." It was a moose this time and soon it was divided among the pack. Silverback carefully watches Jezeca and Nadia on how they respond to the pack now. A few minutes later he likes what he sees. While Jezeca still eats away from the pack it isn't as far anymore and she'll occastionally respond to questions by the others. A stark difference when she ate in silence before, he considered it a small victory. Though he was dissapointed when she and Nadia still slept away from the back but, he reminds himself to remain patient that she might in time. In a few days the two wolves got back into the usual routine for the pack and the pack got used to them being around. On a special note. When ever Brutus was near Jezeca his paw automaticly covered his malehood and his head bowed in defference. Silverback couldn't help being aroused at the sight. He was always attracted to Jezeca, to her spirit,determination and both her loks in form but being a born werewolf he's more attracted to the wolf form than the human. Seeing some of the other wolves treating her as a alpha female fills him with the desire to clam her. The problem is he doesn't know how to get her to be his mate. He could try Brutus's route but he doubts he'd do much better. His paw reactivly heads towards is cock. She hates what she's become and is only here because of her word. If she culd leave without any concerns that the pack would go after her she would leave and never return. She's only now starting to open up to the pack he can't endanger that for his on lust.

A month later snow has fallen onto the ground and Silverback was out gathering wood. Though he could have another wolf do it he has three reasons to do it, one he likes to set a good example, two it's good excersie during the winter, and three it provides the perfect place to think. And foremost on his mind was still how to get Jezeca to be his mate. His thoughts are interupted when he hears Snowhunter call his name. He looks over and see's the wolf approaching him. Snowhunter is the oldest in the pack and serves as the historian of the pack. His name comes from his pure white fur." Hello Snow! What are you doing out here?"

"What else would an old wolf like me come out here, to talk to his alpha." Snowhunter is among the few who can get away with this kind of treatment to the alpha even Silverback's predocesser.

"I'm all ears."

"That young wolf Jezeca, you dealt with most of her problems the right way."

"I did?" Snow nodded.

"You did and not many alpha's would have. As you know many reborns don't take the rebirth well, heck if it wasn't for the wolf being born in mind as well as body most would have killed themselves. Jezeca though is a rare case. Her human and wolf side our so seprated that there are two souls in her not a composite one most reborns get but she isn't the first. An affect of that is she is capable of having two packs."

"Wait wait wait. Two packs? How?"

"Yes two packs, When she left us the first time I have no doubt the wolf missed us but didn't have the control or the influence to come back it had to seek out another and found it with the family the Human Jezeca encountered."

"I didn't think humans could be considered pack unless they're given our blood."

"They can for even us born werewolves are still part human. Why do you think the erge to make some into us comes from? We can sometimes instinctually see the potenial of a human if they were reborn. and to further prove my point when she returned she knocked ya a big one because you took her a away from her pack."

"Shouldn't her wolf ease that now she was with us?" Snow shakes his head.

"No, one the human Jezeca is still in control. It's the side we talk and deal with every day so she still sees both us and the world through human eyes no matter which form she's wearing. Two the wolf accepted that family as pack, and though it was happy to be here it was also sad to leave it's second pack behind seamingly forever and that added to her rage. Your deal appease both the human and the wolf. granted it could be better, but you've already seen the proof. She's more open with the pack, she was actually joking with Moonlight as I left to find you. She may never fully assimulate into the pack nor fully merge her two souls but your actions assured she can find peace both within herself and in the pack. Any other alpha forced her into submission and her potential lost, even the wolf would be broken."

"But what if I had that family reborn and brought into the pack? Wouldn't that help?" Once again Snow shakes his head.

"No that's the worst thing you can do. She'll want to take care and look out for them, you saw that with Raceh early on, but she would never forgive you and would try to flee with them and form her own pack. One that would hate us for all time. The only reason she gave up on Raceh was the fact Raceh had truely been reborn and Jezeca considered her lost, but notice when she returned Rceh was the only one she allow so close on a regualr basis."

"What about Nadia, Starlight,and Digger?"

"Nadia is her olf not the packs, she's here only because she considers Jezeca her alpha and Jezeca instinctually now cares for her. As for the pups, She can have no hatered to them they weren't born during her rebirth and thus can be tolerated by the human side. I notice you've been in heavy thought recently and I figured it was because you're not seeing the progress you would like."

"Partially old friend it's mainly just her not her assimluation into the pack." Snow rasies an eyebrow.

"So our alpha has found a potenial mate? No need to be ashamed, she's strong in both body and mind many, obvious signs of a fertile female and alpha female potential. You've got word work cut out for you. I can't help you with that. All feamles are different, but on the plus side being a werewolf give you plenty of time to figure her out." Snowhunter then leaves Silverback to ponder all he has said.

Later that night Jezeca was in the alcove she created in the den for privacy preparing her spot for bed when Nadia came up to her. "Mistress you've changed." Puzzled by the statment she looks over her shoulder to Nadia and asks.

"How have I changed Nadia? I'm still in wolf form I'm still hear. What could possibly make you think I've changed?"

"How you react to the pack. When first came back you were down right hostile to them. Shuning all but me, that female Raceh, and those pups. Now you relate to them, intract as you natrually should. Wolves even werewolves are ment to be in a pack, not alone. Being with Veli heal something in you."

"Healed me? I'm STILL a freaking werewolf, Pup and her family make me feel human again when I'm around them!"

"And that's what you needed mistress. You can't let things go easily, it's not in your nature. You felt something was wrong and you needed to fix it but didn't what it was or where to look. When you found it you worked hard and sacrificed to care and protect it. that's one of the reasons I was drawn to serve you. I need help and you could provide the healing I need. I doubt I'll ever return to who I was before my last mistress took me, but with you I could rebuild." She settles them both on the moss/grass mat they use as a bed and continues."You've shown me great kindness and patientence with me. You gave to me even when it was uncomfortable for you. Allow me to show you my thanks." nadia then kisses Jezeca and pushes her down on the mat. She then takes her paws, one groping a breast the other going for Jezeca's pussy. Jezeca tries to resist breaking off the kiss.

"W..wait! Stop!" But Nadia continues. Her paw now teasing the pussy.

"Sssshhhhh! Mistress please allow me to show you my thanks...and my love." Nadia then bring down her muzzle to the nipple of the un groped breats and starts milking it. Jezeca stars to groan and moan in earnest. She tries to fight saying to herself."This can be happining. I'm straight I don't like girls this way! But it feels so good." Her wolf doesn't help."She loves us, it doesn't matter whether she's male or female. neither of us is ready for our own pup. You do love if not in the same way. We should show our love to her."

"But....but." Jezeca can't complete the though from the pleasure ans Nadai moves over to the other breast and milks that one and the paw at the pussy was now going in pussy deeply and pumping in and out. After a few minutes she climaxes and slumps on the mat in the haze of the afterglow. Nadia looks over her with a smile on her lips and asks.

"Was that good mistress?" Jezeca thought rapidly in her head."I never thought I could get that kind of pleasure from a woman. Yes it was a woman I shouldn't,but she's been through so much. I haven't had sex in years. Wait , I haven't have I? What the heck." She looks into Nadia's gold violet eyes.

"Does this answer your question?" and she pulls down Nadia's head and kisses her deeply. Then she starts playing with Nadia's pussy.

Silverback was heading to bed with the thought that tommorrow he'll try to court Jezeca. Hear here's the sound of love making and thinks little of it until he notices it's coming from Jezeca's alcove. He goes over curious, Jezeca has shown no intrest in a mate and after Brutus the males have no desire to risk there malehoods trying to force her. When he arrives he is shock to see Jezeca and Nadia making love to eachother, heavly. he quickly backs away. Now same sex matings were allowed it was just uncommon and he normally wouldn't have a problem with it but, His dreams of Jezeca being his mate out now blown to the winds. He lies down oddly the among the first of the pack to head to bed instead of the last and secretly moarns the dearm of his dream.

Meanwhiles after their third joint orgasm the girls call it a night. Nadia immediatly falls asleep with the biggest smile Jezeca has ever seen on her lips. She actually feels joy at this. Seeing Nadia so happy."I cold get use to this." and for the first time she wraps her arms around her new lover and falls asleep unknownly with her own smile.

Pack Mentaility Chapter 10

Two years passed without much going on. Lela relucantly allowed Jezeca to train Veli in combat when they were nearly robbed during a winter. Veli proved to be an excellent student, after taking some hard knocks she just jumps back into it. Even Nadia...

Pack Mentaility Chapter 8

They stayed off the roads to avoid travelers and did what they called 'tree hoping'. Tree hoping is where they use their speed and agility to hop from tree branch to tree branch and they can make good time and do so almost unnoticed. it does have it's...

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Pack Mentaility chapter 7

It takes two days for her to find the head quarters. many found out the hard way never get on the bad side of a werewolfe on a mission. She reaches the outskirts of the compound and takes a look to see the security. Even though it's hidden in the...

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