
Story by WSAD on SoFurry

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#63 of San Furnando, Calipornia

Be very very careful with who you place bets with, and what you put on the table! You might just discover that the price of your overconfidence is far more costly than you're willing to pay.

This story is a 'return to my roots' moment where I get a bit mean to the protagonist with some hardcore NTR action! A lot of my recent work has been a lot more 'fluffy' than this, so if you didn't care for content like what you found in past works (Heat of the Moment, Asking for It, Kinks, Extra Credit) then skip this one.

It's not that bad, but I'm just tossing out this warning on the off chance your only here for the cuddly content. Again, I repeat though, this is hardcore NTR. lol

Also, the two main characters name might be familiar to some of you. I chose them on purpose as a bit of an homage to another creative work in the furry fandom. Kudos to those who know where I got their names from. :3

He could hear his ears ringing just like an explosion had gone off right next to him, and the whole world had simply gone mute. Jake was speechless, and his skin felt clammy and cold beneath his russet fur with his girlfriend Clarissa clinging tightly to his arm now, as she too understood what had just erupted right in front of them on the table.

The evening had started young, with a frat hosting a house party for anyone and everyone willing to pay the small fee to join in. Jake, a fox, and his girlfriend, a poodle, had decided to drop by since the frat hosting it was popular for their parties. They'd drank and had fun, which eventually led them upstairs to the second-floor game room where they had a pool table.

Now, Jake knew how to play pool, since he grew up with a table in the family den where his dad taught him everything he knew. Pool just came naturally to Jake, and when he played against other people, he was clearly the better man. He'd entered the ring of men playing the game and quickly started winning. He never lost a game, in fact.

Clarissa spent the entire time working as his personal cheerleader, her eagerness to show off her boyfriend, her pride and joy, only hyped him up to play better. He won so many rounds that players started to break away and distance themselves to other parts of the house out of frustration, that was until two newcomers dropped in to watch, a hyena and an alligator, both of whom were men.

Little by little people dipped out of the party until the upstairs was mostly empty with Jake ready to head out with his girl now that he had no other competitors left, but the two guys who'd dropped by to watch the game decided to step in at last, and that's what had led to the bomb that was to shatter the couple's evening.

"Let me give it a go. You're pretty good." The hyena said, picking up a cue.

Jake thought about turning him down, but his girl was hanging off his arm and eager to see her boyfriend thrash another opponent, so he relented and decided 'why not'? When the pair offered to wager real money, acting really cocky that they had what it takes to beat him, Jake pulled out a hundred from his wallet and put it down with the money the cocky pair had walked in with.

He played the hyena and won, and his girl cheered for him as he took the $300 in cash and handed it to Clarissa to hold like a trophy.

"My turn." Said the gator and told him to put something on the table.

"Want your money back?" Jake offered, feeling cocky himself after so many wins.

"Nah, more than that. I want stakes." He said and pulled out his phone. "You got a PayPal?"

Yeah, Jake did, and what happened was the alligator showed off his account balance... He had money to blow, and Clarissa was thrilled and told him he could clean them both out! A chance to walk away with a solid 1K was musical, but something in his gut was warning him of trouble. He didn't listen to it then, but now he knew he should have.

Because he lost.

"Looks like you lose, Pool Boy." The gator laughed and stepped around the table to approach Jake and his girl. She backed away to stand behind him, but the gator only extended his hand to rub his fingers together for the money he was owed. The poodle stuck it out for the alligator and snatched her hand back as soon as he'd put his mitts on the money.

"Where's the rest of it?" The hyena spoke up. Clarissa had only passed along $300.

"I don't have that much to give you." Jake replied with his girl hugging tighter to his arm.

"Got an empty room handy?" The gator asked, startling both canines. The alligator was a big guy, had some real muscle. The sneering hyena behind him wasn't as thick but had muscles of his own. Both were bigger than Jake, who was just an average fox.

He shouldn't have listened to his ego, or his cocky girlfriend who thought he could conquer the world with a pool cue. The alligator didn't risk putting 700 dollars on the line just so he could win back the hundred he already lost. He'd wanted more than that for his trouble.

"We already got our 200 back but splitting your Ben in half doesn't do enough." He told them.

"Let us get a taste of your girl. She's real cute." The hyena added. What he should have said was for them to fuck themselves, then pivot and leave.

"Fuck off!" Jake replied angrily, and the hyena was stepping around the other side of the table leaving both exits toward the stairs blocked by a muscular thug.

"Jake!" Clarissa said, worried, but trying to keep her boyfriend calm. Her touch was enough to keep him from doing anything stupid.

"I'm gonna go check for an empty room." The hyena said with a smile before walking past them into the hallway.

"You ready to pay up, honey?" The gator said, and Jake felt the hair rise on the back of his neck. He turned to Clarissa and took her by the arm, but she stood firm and glared the bigger man down. Behind them there was the noise of doors being opened and shut. It was a big house with many rooms.

"You can't be serious!" She said angrily.

"Found an empty bed." The hyena said from down the hall. The second floor was almost empty with no one in sight, but the sound of the party was still going on downstairs. It was only 2am with frats and their girls still having a good time.

"You heard him, honey. We got a room to ourselves." The gator sneered.

"You're a prick!" she said, and Jake started to pull her away.

"You got your money back, plus extra." The fox told him, but the gator cut him off from his exit past the pool table.

"She pays your debt, or you can, but you ain't gonna look as pretty afterwards if I have to make you pay up." He said with a glare of his own that made Jake feel a chill down his spine.

"What's the hold up?" The hyena was now behind them, spooking them both almost out of their fur.

"Baby, don't." He heard Clarissa whisper and squeeze his arm. The implied threat of violence was clear, and he couldn't hope to come out of a brawl with these two in one piece...

"Clarissa!" He felt himself start to panic, but she turned to the hyena with a steel expression and stiff posture.

"Where?" She asked, as haughty as she could.

"Right this way." The hyena replied with a smirk and gestured down the empty hall. Jake felt her grip tighten on his arm with her looking unhappy, but firmly set on her decision to bail her boyfriend out of a fight he couldn't hope to win.

"Let's just get this over with." She whispered and squeezed him a little tighter. It was Jake that took the first reluctant step towards the hyena, and with that the pair followed the thug with the alligator coming along behind them.

They came to an open door and the hyena stepped inside with the rest of the group coming in behind them. It was a plain bedroom that looked like a guest bedroom rather than one someone regularly slept in. The alligator nudged Jake further inside and took the door handle into his grip.

The door clicked shut behind them, and the hyena dragged a chair away from an empty desk and shoved it past Jake and into the corner between the door and the wall.

"Sit." The alligator shoved him down by the shoulders and into the empty seat, with the fox's hands balled into fists atop his thighs.

"Don't get rough with him!" He heard his girl say from the other side of the hyena. All he could see of Clarissa was the sides of her pleated skirt, since the hyena was such a broad bodied male.

"That's cute, but it's you we're gonna get rough with, doll." The hyena said with a sneer, and Jake felt his fur bristling up again. He wanted to jump out of the chair, but now the gator was leaning himself up against the door next to him, and kept his hand right over the fox's shoulder to keep him put.

"Don't call me doll! You'll... You're just getting what you're owed and nothing else." She bit back with fire in her voice, but that didn't seem to make either of the men flinch. The hyena stepped around her a bit, giving Jake a view of the small poodle standing her ground defiantly against the much larger hyena.

Her 5'3" frame always made Jake feel tall but seeing her next to the hyena made her look so much smaller than she really was. He reached over and grabbed her by the chin.

"You're paid up when you can make both our erections go away, sound good to you?" He asked her, and to Jake's side the gator started chuckling.

"It's gonna be fine, buddy. We won't make too much of a mess of her." The gator said and gave a mean squeeze to Jake's shoulder, making him flinch. The poodle had heard the alligator's comment and darted her glare to him and saw her boyfriend with ears folded back. God, he felt worthless! Her anger was still biting like fire though with her turning her gaze back to the hyena who was clearly aiming to be the first of the pair to get 'paid'.

"So, how do you want it? We want this over with." She replied and jabbed her delicate finger into the hyena's chest, making him laugh at her.

"On your knees, doll." He said, drawing out the emphasis on 'doll' just to spite her. She wasn't in a position to deny him his choice of words, and she simply huffed and dropped to her knees, adjusting her skirt along the way. Jake winced at the sound of a button snapping followed by the pull of a zipper. Clarissa sneered angrily at the crotch in front of her even as her skin flushed pink under the pristine white fur of her face.

He tugged himself free and shook his flaccid length in his hand. His member was long and thick, but only grew in size as the hyena stroked himself to erection. Jake squirmed in his seat but felt the hand on his shoulder squeeze and push him back in place.

"Nah, ah." He growled. The fox looked angrily to him, then back to his girl who was now cowed and in awe of the rigid cock in front of her. The hyena was huge, way bigger than Jake, and her blushing had faded and now she looked pale, which was an achievement for someone with ivory fur.

"Time to pay up." The hyena said, and then shook his dick and slapped her across the face with it. She gasped and glared back at the hyena but bit her tongue and furled her brow as she reached up to take his length in her hand. She cast Jake a glance, and pinched her lips together, a look of shame on her face, before turning back to shut her eyes and open her mouth.

His heart sank as tears welled up in his eyes as he watched the hyena push the end of his cock past her lips and into her muzzle. She gagged at first, screwing her eyes shut before reaching her delicate hand up to push away the hyena's own. With his hand gone she took a hold of his shaft and began to pump his dick no differently than she would have Jake's.

He knew her technique well from all the times she'd done it to him but seeing her do it to another man hurt him so bad he had to finally shut his eyes and look away. Jake could still hear her sucking away with the sound of her hand pumping back and forth across another man way too loud to ignore.

She gagged again, and Jake folded his ears tighter against his head.

"Oh, yeah, that's right, doll." The hyena growled, making Jake tighten his first up even more. Clarissa was still gagging, almost rapidly, until she popped off audibly with a smack and a cough.

"You're too big!" She said, and Jake opened his eyes and looked at her. His girlfriend was glaring up at the hyena and wiping her mouth with the back of her wrist.

"You ain't getting this to go away if you don't try a little harder. You figure it out, or I'll figure it out for you." He told her, and she flinched and looked back down to his cock, which the hyena gently shook in front of her face. Jake watched as she nervously grabbed the hyena's cock and put it back in her mouth where she then began to quickly throat the bigger male as deeply as she could.

Clarissa was beginning to gag as she made it halfway down his fat prick, but the hyena wasn't satisfied with her effort. His hand reached out to grab a handful of the hair by the back of the head and he yanked her forward.

The poodle gagged hard, choking as his dick was forcibly slid down the back of her throat. Her eyes bulged with surprise as the blunt tip breached her esophagus and penetrated her gullet to become the first cock in her life to ever reach that deep in her mouth. Jake made to stand, to do something, but the grip on his shoulder tightened and he was forced back down with a deep rumble coming from the gator's throat like a growl.

"Sit, or you'll be gaggin' on me next." He said, and the fox's ears fell flat.

He watched as his girlfriend's nose was pressed tight at last to the hyena's muscled abdomen. There was a visible bulge in her throat as her neck was stretched taut around the girthy tool she'd been force fed. When the hyena then reached out to grab her by the ear with his free hand Clarissa was balling her fists on his thighs desperately pushing her head back to no avail, then the hyena started face fucking her.

Jake was watching helplessly as he was forced to witness his girlfriend being roughly used like a whore, the hyena pushing and pulled her head along with the rocking of his hips. Every thrust elicited a satisfied growl from him, and a loud gag and choking noise from her. The poodle's eyes were screwed shut with tears beading up at their corners before staining the fur of her cheeks with the black of her running eyeliner.

"L-let her breathe." Jake stammered as he watched his girlfriend's eyes flutter with her fists loosening their grip as the poodle's grasp on consciousness began to wane.

"Almost there." The hyena grunted and ground her face back deep into his crotch, rolling his hips against her muzzle as his balls flexed and hiked up close to his body before letting the man exhale a moan of pleasure. Jake watched the hyena's whole body flinch just once as the first rope of cum erupted hard from his shaft. She choked on his cock as her neck pulsed with every throb of his cock. There was no need for her to even swallow with how deep down he was in her throat, and after a minute of his nuts churning away the hyena finally freed her with a satisfied sigh escaping his mouth.

When his cock finally popped free of her mouth, Clarissa was in a complete daze. She gasped, eyes weak and fluttering, cum and spit drooling off her muzzle and onto her skirt with even more cum joining her when the hyena's cock spit its last rope across her muzzle to further tarnish her face.

The hyena grabbed her under her arms and hauled her upright and tossed her backwards onto the single sized bed, where she collapsed limp with her chest still heaving to catch back up on all the oxygen she'd missed out on for the last few minutes.

"Wait, that's enough!" Jake protested as the hyena pulled up on the poodle's skirt, but he just sneered down at her panties before casting him a glare, a glint in his eye.

"Just getting her ready." He said before slipping his hands up to the sides of her thong, then pulled them down her legs until they were caught around her ankles and shoes.

He dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed and started pulling her legs up. With her bare pussy exposed the hyena had no trouble pressing her knees down to the poodle's chest so he had a clear view of her cunny resting neatly between her thighs. With a lick of his chops, he starts making out with her cunt while Jake continued to sit, feeling absolutely defeated and demoralized.

What sort of boyfriend lets this happen? He was angry with himself, but the wind had all been sucked from his sails as his spirit was slowly broken by the hyena having his way with his girl.

"She's got a pretty lil cunt, don't she?" The hyena said after coming up for air. The poodle was covering her eyes with her hands and keeping her lips tight together. She'd recovered, but her ears were as flat as Jake's were.

When he stood up his cock was as hard as ever, almost like his first load hadn't put a single dent into his libido. Jake didn't even have the courage to protest that the hyena was going to have his way with Clarissa again after having already blown one load in her. Instead, he watched as the hyena pinned the girl's legs down with one hand while he lined himself up with the other.

The broad tip of his cock brushed up against her slit briefly, a teasing gesture, right before the hyena crammed it forward. His cock split her cunny open as the head breached her folds and sank inside her, making the poodle yelp. His cock was much larger than Jake's and Clarissa whined through tightly clenched lips at first, but as the inches continued to sink inside her...

"W-wait!" She stammered, and stuck out her hand to push away at the hyena's stomach, but he didn't relent. He stopped only to retract his cock briefly, then pressed it back in her again. The poodle whined as his girth pried her open even more with at least six inches now buried inside her with plenty left to spare.

"It'll fit, just you wait." He grunted down at her before letting go of his dick now that half of it was firmly planted in the poodle's cunt. He hooked both hands behind her knees and leaned over her to press the girl down into the bed as his hips picked up speed. He began to see-saw in and out of her with the growing noise pollution of a wet piston filling the room and Jake's folded ears.

The fox listened as his girlfriend continued to whine pitifully with her hands back to her face to hide her shame. A minute passed, and then two, the hyena had worked most of his dick into her now and he wasn't stopping. He was going faster and with each backswing of his hips Jake could see how wet and sloppy his cock was becoming with the combined juices of the hyena's and his own girlfriend's slinging out of her cunt and onto the floor.

Clarissa's whines were fading, shifting into something else, now coming out of her as quick panting as she desperately tried to hide herself behind her delicate hands.

The hyena slapped his hips against hers, forcing a shocked gasp from Clarissa, and his balls clapped against her ass with every inch of his cock now firmly rooted in her cunt. He had no idea she could fit so much inside her! Where was it all going?

"That's it." He sneered before shutting his eyes and tilting his head back with a look of satisfaction spreading across his features. His hips started rocking into her again, faster now, and the noise turned the inside of Jake's ears red. The hyena's cock was making the most lurid and raunchy noises he'd ever heard, and the entire time Clarissa was panting hard and fast beneath the brute as he relentlessly pumped her pussy full of dick.

She let out an anguished whine before a moan escaped her lips. It almost sounded like she was fighting back tears, but then another moan, even louder than before, left her trembling lips.

"I-I'm sorry!" She sobbed, but her sorrow was joined with another gasp followed by more moaning. Her panting was growing more rapid as she could no longer control herself. The poor poodle was getting into it whether she liked it or not, and Jake felt a growing sense of horror as he watched his girlfriend slowly being taken away from him by the hyena's prowess.

"Yeah, cum for me, doll. I know you're close." The hyena sneered and looked over at Jake. His hips started bucking faster and faster with Clarissa's moaning and panting growing louder and louder as he did so. The hyena never looked away from Jake until finally the fox couldn't endure it anymore and he shut his eyes and turned his head away.

"Jake!" She shouted loudly, and he made the mistake of opening his eyes again. He saw her hands flying away from her face to push away at the hyena, but that was a lie. Jake wanted to believe that's what she'd intended, but instead her hands found the hyena's stomach only briefly before dropping to her legs where she clung to herself as her body began to writhe under the bigger man, her cries of pleasure filling the room.

The hyena forced her to climax and wore the smuggest look of triumph on his face as she shuddered and convulsed beneath him. Her eyes were rolling back in her head with pleasure even as fresh tears flowed from them, her body betraying her in the face of the hyena's skill in the bedroom.

"I think she called out the wrong name." The gator laughed, but the hyena didn't seem to mind.

"Lovin' that dick aren't ya?" The hyena smiled down at the still quivering poodle.

When she didn't immediately reply he yanked his hips back and slapped them forward hard enough to make Jake wince at the sudden impact of the pair's hips. Clarissa's yelp ended as a labored moan as the hyena switched gears by spreading his legs and getting a good grip on her hips. When he started jackhammering her the fox wanted to stop him out of fear that he was being too rough with her, that he was going too hard for her to bear.

"Oh, GOD!" Jake heard his girlfriend cry. Even as she tried to shield her face from the three sets of eyes that were watching her, Jake could still see the white fur of her flush going bright pink as her eyes lost focus behind her fluttering eyelids.

Jake's heart found new depths to sink to as he listened to her howl in pleasure as the hyena took her as hard as he could. Her legs started twitching and he heard her pussy squirt, fresh liquid splashing out to pelt the hyena's stomach only to drip and dribble down past his cock and over her heavy nuts.

"Clarissa." Jake whined her name in despair as her cries of ecstasy nearly drowned out his sorrow. For a brief moment he made eye contact with her, and she shut her eyes in shame even as her body continued to writhe under the steady assault of the hyena's fat prick.

"Fuckin' gettin' there!" The hyena grunted and doubled down on his rut, leaning over the poodle, and pulling the girl tighter into his lap as he punched her full of yeen dick. Jake watched as the hyena's mouth fell open, panting steadily, grunting and growling as his climax bubbled up from his balls to slowly explode out of his cock with a triumphant shout that evolved into a throaty growl as his nuts seized up against his body.

Taint flexing, cock throbbing, he ejected another round of thick ropes into the poodle who was eagerly, if shamefully, accepting them with her pried open petals. She howled along with the hyena as she came again, her pussy spit mixing together with the frothy cum foam that was forming at the lips of her stretched cunny before dripping down over the hyena's balls and onto the floor.

When he was done, he yanked his cock free, and his cum spilled from her gaped tunnel like a small deluge, and there was now a puddle of cum on the floor that only grew in size as the poodle sodden cunt could no longer close or tighten up to keep anything inside her.

"Please, no more." Jake begged, but the gator had other ideas and traded places with the hyena. During the change over the fox could hardly shift in his seat. His girlfriend was laying there on her back, looking satisfied even as her cheeks remained damp from her earlier tears. Her breathing was slow and deep as she recovered from her session with the hyena.

"I- I'm s-sorry, Jake." She panted at last, but the corners of her lips were curling into a faint smile even though her eyes looked worn out but sorrowful.

With the hyena now at his side, Jake felt a new hand on his shoulder to give him a squeeze. With his free hand the hyena was shaking the cum off his dick and onto the floor before tucking himself back into his pants.

"Don't worry, we're almost done. His fuse is shorter than mine." He said, not that it did anything to soothe the fox's wounds. In reply the gator grunted and grabbed Clarissa by the hips and rolled her over onto her belly with her legs now hanging off the bed.

"It's not about how many times you pop, but how many times she does by the time you're done." The gator defended himself, and the fox felt his ears fold back again.

Jake looked on as the gator unsnapped the button of his jeans, the fabric already taut from the impressive bulge trapped behind the faded denim. With a casual unzip the fox could see the white of his underwear appear as the bulge escaped its prison with the gator's hand massaging and working at himself while Clarissa panted and moaned on the bed.

Hooking a thumb under the waistband of his drawers he tugged them down and Jake's mouth went dry as the enormity of the gator's cock popped free. The lengthy green tool drooped towards the floor as it slowly twitched to life with the gator's blood pumping as hard as it could to make that piece of meat erect.

The alligator was too big! The hyena was large, almost too large with the poodle struggling to take it... There was no way!

"Please." He whined, but he wasn't in charge and he was promptly ignored.

Stroking himself now, the gator's cock was gently throbbing in his hand until he was at full size, which easily gave him two extra inches over the hyena, and even more girth. Jake paled in comparison to the two brutes and the fox closed his legs together as a feeling of shame hit him that he couldn't control. The gator pressed his tip to the poodle sodden cunt.

"Oh, God." She whined without bothering to look back at her new partner. As the gator pressed himself forward, she groaned as her cunt was stretched open even wider, but she didn't bark a single complaint. The poodle laid there and took it as she whined and balled her fists up on the sheets.

The gator went slow, wearing a smug and satisfied grin on his snout. His smile was crooked with pearly white teeth showing between his lips, and his eyes were locked on the point where cock now disappeared into her cunny.

All he did was see-saw himself in and out of her at first, a languid lazy motion that stretched her cunt and left his piston covered in the sloppy seconds the hyena had left for him to take. He kept this up for a few minutes until Jake could tell his girlfriend was moaning quietly on the bed, her face turned away from him and buried into the bedding.

Suddenly, he snapped his hips forward and Jake winced as the poodle barked in surprise. The gator held himself firm for but a moment before rocking back slowly and snapping back in her quick. She barked again, clawing at the bed, the gator didn't quit. Each thrust squeezed more of the hyena's cum out of her cunt to send it slopping over the edge of the bed and onto the floor.

"Nice and snug." He growled, hilting himself in her again. When he pushed himself even deeper the poodle whined louder and started squirming on the bed. Tighter and tighter he pressed himself against her until Clarissa's whines morphed into labored panting. She started shuddering on the bed as Jake stared wide eyed and confused as his girlfriend was pushed into another climax.

"I think she likes it." The hyena sneered, and Jake merely deflated. Emasculated as the bigger man robbed him of his girlfriend before his eyes. The poodle's shaking eased up until she was merely panting, limp, atop the bed.

The gator slowly extracted his cock from her, the pale green pillar dripping with a combination of sexual fluids. He placed a hand on the back of her ass to pull her tail aside while his free hand grabbed the base of his dick. With a shake of a hand, he slapped his slimy cock across her backside while flashing a toothy grin.

Jake saw the gator slip his thumb between the cheeks of her ass just as he began to press the end of his cock between her cheeks.

"W-wait, no!" He started, but a hand clapped around his muzzle and squeezed it shut.

"Zip it." The hyena growled.

The gator pulled her asscheek to the side, exposing to him the tiny star that was her pucker. The gator's broad tip sank against her asshole, and the poodle flinched at the touch.

She tried to lift herself up onto her elbows, but then the gator leaned forward, pressing his dick against her pucker until the poodle yelped. Jake couldn't look away as he watched her anal cherry being taken from her right before his eyes. She never let him back there and had never implied any interest in anal at all! The enormous head breached her entrance and sank just past her sphincter, now firmly locked inside her rear.

She was whining sharply and left in an open mouth pant. Her fists balled up a handful of bedding as she tried to crawl away, but the gator simply grabbed her by the hip with a single hand and hauled her backwards. Inch after inch of him sank slowly and laboriously into her chute.

Clarissa went mute, her teeth clenched tight together as her eyes rolled back in her head. The gator let out a groan as half his cock made it inside the poodle before stopping. For a moment it looked like he could go no deeper with the gator's dick bowing under the pressure of his hips pressing ever forward, then something must have gave inside the poodle's rectum because the rest of his dick suddenly slipped inside her without resistance.

"Holy shit, she's a pro!" The gator exclaimed and took both sides of her hips in his hands and pulled her tight against him until their hips were flush together.

"It's always anal with you." The hyena laughed.

"A man of culture." The gator replied.

Jake was a mess. He didn't know what to do. All he could manage was to stare at the point where their bodies met, and he couldn't even see his dick anymore. He'd actually put the entire thing in her! Her face was soaked with her makeup, eyes still beyond her own control gazing at the ceiling through the backs of her eyelids, but she wasn't silent anymore.

She was grunting, her body twitching, as her mouth struggled to remain clenched. When the gator began to pull his hips back her mouth parted, and a groan escaped her lips. When he shoved himself back in, she grunted before turning it into a moan. He began a slow and steady rhythm of pumping into her ass just like he had with her cunt, and Clarissa was now dropped flat to the bed and clawing tighter at the bed as her mouth fell open into a loud panting and grunting as the cock was worked slow and deep in her.

"Yeah, take it, slut." The gator said and started to speed up. The faster he went the louder she got until she was pushing against the bed with her hands trying to pick herself up but failing. She couldn't close her mouth even though it looked like she was trying. Finally, something in her broke, and she shuddered again, a loud whine rolling out of her muzzle as she climaxed. And she didn't stop cumming.

Her entire body began to quiver and quake as her orgasm slammed into her from head to toe. She stopped whining and started grunting and shouting. Feminine shouts, yips instead of barks, her tail thrown up and over her back submissively.

Jake watched the green piston being pumped in and out of her quicker and quicker, and he began to feel himself stir in his pants, and he felt horrified at his own body.

With Clarissa now in the throws of climax the gator stopped playing and started fucking. He bucked into her hips hard and quick, then yanked himself back out just as fast he'd planted himself in her. Both men had a similar style in the way they fucked and had a clear preference for a jackhammer-like pace that left the poodle shouting and howling on the bed as her asshole was used and abused by the monster dick the gator was feeding it.

She was out of control, her mouth working on its own accord to signal the ecstasy she was feeling in that moment. All her pride was gone as she merely writhed under the alligator's assault. He barked a laugh as he slammed himself in her, holding still to make sure she took it and to feel his full size buried up her backside.

"It's the prissy ones that love it up the shitter the most." He grunted, then yanked himself back out of her to start the jackhammer back up. Clarissa screamed, and the poodle squirted all across the gator's heavy nuts. Jake could hear and see the splatter as her juices hit the floor behind them.

He leaned over her as he continued to thrust.

"You love that big dick don't ya?" He asked her, and she whined in reply. He gave her a vicious deep thrust when she didn't answer. "Don't ya?"

"Yes!" She cried, her voice growing hoarse.

The gator, feeling satisfied with her answer, stopped thrusting, which left the poodle whining that the piston in her cunt was no longer moving. Jake watched then as the alligator grabbed his girlfriend by the arms and lifted her off the bed. She sank down deep onto his cock, her legs dangling over the floor as she hung helplessly off his cock. He turned the two of them to the side so they could face Jake and his yeen captor.

The gator flashed a wicked grin at Jake, with the hyena's hand still firmly wrapped around his muzzle. The hyena meanwhile started fishing for something out of his pocket with his free hand.

Disinterested in Jake and what the hyena was doing the gator carefully grabbed the backs of Clarissa's knees and lifted both her legs in the air until her ruined cunt and overstuffed asshole were on clear display to the mortified Jake. He couldn't look away, and his own smaller cock was straining at his pants against his wishes.

"Let's give him a show." The gator grunted and started bouncing Clarissa on his cock.

She started shouting and howling with her voice now fully hoarse from how much she'd worked her vocal cords in the last half hour. Her mouth hung open, her face a disaster of ruined makeup and lipstick, with her eyes unfocused.

"Look at your boyfriend, doll, give him a big smile." The hyena said, and Jake saw out of his periphery that he was now holding his cellphone up and aiming it at Clarissa. The fox didn't think he could sink any lower, and here he was doing it. The hyena was now filming his girlfriend bouncing on this brute's obscene prick over and over again as she whined and howled and cried out in pleasure. She was lost to it.

And she was smiling at him, mind gone, too addled by dick to give a damn about anything.

"You want my fat dick up your ass don't ya, slut? Love getting that D up your crack?" The gator growled, and Clarissa barked a happy 'YES!'.

"Beg for that load! Milk my fuckin' dick!" He added and started bouncing her even harder. She howled first, then her arms dropped to her sides to grab at the sides of her ass. She pulled at her cheeks, spreading them as hard as she could even though she looked so close to passing out at that moment.

"P-puh leez! Cum! Cum in mee!" She cried; speech now slurred like she was drunk. The gator obliged her and continued to assault her backside as hard as he could while the camera continued to roll.

The gator started to growl, long and loud, it was like a terrible rumble that Jake swore he could feel through the floor. One last slam of his hips and Clarissa was left fully hilted on that too-big too-thick dick, and then the gator's nuts started to throb.

They didn't just throb, the whole underbelly of his cock began to rhythmically pump as the cum violently ejected from his nuts and deeply seeded the poodle's guts. She was cumming again, the poodle now hyperventilating as her insides were getting the rinsing of her life with a deluge of lizard cum so hot and thick she could feel it's warmth radiate through her entire body.

Jake's cock jumped and continued to jerk in his pants as he watched silently, not even trying to fight it anymore. Her stomach began to swell, little by little, until the trim and taut tummy she once had was now looking like she was carrying Jake's kits in her belly. For several minutes, the gator seeded her until most of his output was spilled out onto the floor beneath them, and Clarissa had lost consciousness, limp in his arms from having climaxed so hard.

"Well, that's a wrap, honey." The gator said, then the hyena put his phone away. With that accomplished Jake's muzzle was freed and his girlfriend was tossed in a heap onto the bed, her skirt bunched up around her middle with the pussy and asshole both thoroughly gaped and oozing the cum of two different men.

Jake sat silently as the pair laughed their way out of the room, commenting to each other about how 'it takes a special kind of idiot to lose your girl to a bet'. The fox couldn't move for a long time as the damp spot in his pants grew cold to the touch, while his girlfriend continued to lay passed out on the bed fully exhausted from her ordeal.

Trevor's Interlewd

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The Pool Boy

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Binding Ties

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