Trevor's Interlewd

Story by WSAD on SoFurry

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#62 of San Furnando, Calipornia

Here's this month's second story! Its a bit of a short one, but I hope there's still enough here to pique the interest of anyone whose a fan of Old Flames. Trevor's Interlewd is just a little tease of what sorts of things are to come whenever I get back around to writing more content for those three rascals!

I hope you all enjoy!

Trevor White found himself stuck at work on a Saturday morning. Normally he'd be at home right now, and he really really wished he were! He and the wife had made weekend plans that started late yesterday, but the husky got an emergency call saying he needed to come in to take care of something at work.

As a real estate broker, he was in the business of selling properties, and his company typically only sold high value properties be they commercial or otherwise. They had a potential buyer threatening to back out of a sale and Trevor was called in to help put together a new offer the buyer might accept. The property in question had been an expensive acquisition that had now been on the market for over two years. They were desperate to get rid of it and recoup some of their loss.

He was the only person in the office today with the husky keeping in touch with three other employees via Teams messenger. They had multiple offices around the country and the property they were trying to sell was in Tallahassee. As it stood Trevor was the only person working on this that wasn't in Florida.

He had his earbuds in with his phone propped up on the desk as he worked. Trevor shifted in his seat and resisted the urge to unzip himself. Playing on the screen of his phone was a FaceTime video coming right from his master bedroom.

His lovely trophy wife, Rachel, was presently on her hands and knees with their mutual friend Richard railing her from behind, his cunt-soaked cock sinking into her pussy hard and fast as he took her like he owned her. The big blue lizard had driven in early yesterday to spend the weekend with the married couple. They'd planned the trip ahead of time so when this business with Tallahassee came up it was an unexpected thorn in all their sides.

But they had an unlimited data plan and Richard had a phone with an excellent camera, so this morning Richard and Rachel set the phone up on a tripod so that they could film themselves fucking while letting Trevor watch discretely from work.

The husky wasn't in a position to talk to them through the phone, since he didn't want to accidentally reveal what he was doing while on the clock, but him getting a chance to at least watch them have sex was good enough for now. Hell, not even just watch! The phone was easily picking up all that delicious audio porn. Every wet slap, slurp, and smack was coming through his earbuds crystal clear.

Fortunately, he'd only be putting in a half day today, so he'd still have plenty of time to spend with them later, and he couldn't wait!

Trevor's eyes were pulled away from his work and back to his phone as the sound of Richard slapping his wife across the ass grabbed his attention. The big stud yanked his cock out of her with a lurid slurp that ended with his cock head popping out of her gaped cunt, a long thread of pre and cunt spit connecting their bodies together before it broke. She slumped to the bed exhausted, and Trevor could hear her panting like she'd been running a marathon. With Richard having just finished plowing her as hard he could he was looking winded, too. Both of them were incredible athletes that could keep up with each other like they were made for one another, and Trevor didn't feel any shame in admitting that.

Seeing the two of them fuck was such an incredible rush! Two people built for the bedroom, going at it with gusto, robbing each other of every ounce of innocence they might have had. Trevor loved his wife so much, loved her smile, loved her voice, he adored her from head to toe, and knowing he could give her the chance to get broken in two by her best friend and unofficial boyfriend was like a gift too good for Trevor to pass up.

They'd dated each other over a decade ago, and now that they'd rekindled their friendship after so long they'd started unofficially dating again, and that just made it hotter! The husky got to learn so much more about his darling Rachel ever since she became a hot wife. In another life she might have been a porn star just like Richard had been in college. Just think of the kinds of films she could have been in when she was in her 20's! She was still in her 30's, but Trevor wouldn't lie about imagining her ten years young and being perched on Richard cock in a porno.

"Want more of my dick, slut?" The big blue lizard sneered down at the German Shepherd as he rolled her over onto her back. The husky could hear his wife moaning in reply as the reptile knelt down behind her, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her into his lap. His enormous cock was dripping wet with his wife's juices.

Rachel couldn't help but to squirt when Richard fucked her. It was something Trevor could quite manage to do on his own, what with his cock being only a little more than half Richard's size. Even having a knot didn't help bridge the size gap. The lizard was huge, his shaft thicker than the husky's knot from tip to base! His wife was such a size queen that if she needed to get off hard, she needed something big in her, like her husband's fist.

As he watched them through the phone, his wife reached out and grabbed her stud behind the neck, pulling him in for a kiss, and it was a sloppy one! She drooled so much whenever she got a hard fucking from her boyfriend. Trevor watched as his wife lifted herself high over the blue lizard's lap, guiding his cock towards her slick entrance. She dropped back down and hilted him with ease.

Trevor had to look away for a few moments at a time as he continued his work. He could see the cleaning staff wandering around outside his office emptying trash cans and doing their various other duties. He hoped they wouldn't want to come in to clean his office and would just ignore him until he left for the day.

In his peripheral vision he could see his wife was eagerly bouncing in her boyfriend's lap, letting him bottom out in her with every drop of her hips. She'd gotten so good at hilting that porn star dick that it was second nature to her now.

Arms around his neck, his hands grabbing her ass, they fucked like a well-oiled machine for a few minutes like this. When they stopped it ended with another sloppy kiss, evolving into the lizard tongue fucking her with Rachel happily gagging on the lizard's tongue. Richard broke the kiss, licked his chops, then shoved her back down onto the bed with him covering her with his body.

"Excuse me?" The cleaning lady knocked on his door frame.

Trevor immediately reached out to his phone to turn it face down on his desk, taking one of his earbuds out to listen to the lady. Of course, they'd come to bother him!

"Yes?" He asked.

"Can I clean? Your only room left." She asked, and Trevor put on his best fake smile and nodded.

"Sure, go ahead." He told her and left his one earbud out as the lady entered his office and started the vacuum cleaner.

He could barely hear them fucking! It sounded like he was pounding her again, but he missed the insertion, and now he was missing all the action! The husky's office wasn't the largest room, but the lady was in her 50's and hobbling around like she was in her 70's. When she finished with the vacuuming, she started with the trash bin.

Trevor could at least hear his wife shouting now, she was really getting it something fierce with Richard's own grunting signaling that he was getting close to climax. He'd heard that lizard pump his nuts in his wife so many times now that he knew all his cues, and that made this so much more frustrating! The cleaning lady finished emptying the trash bin, but instead of leaving she pulled out a duster.

"You don't need to worry with that, ma'am." Trevor told her as she started to run the duster across the window blinds. He was trying his best to remain calm as Richard audibly neared his peak, with Rachel howling in another one of her climaxes.

"Sir?" She asked, stopping, and paying him attention.

"You don't need to dust my office today, it's fine."

Richard blew his load, he was grunting and snarling his climax in one of Trevor's ears as the husky reached to grab the other earbud and squeeze it in his hand out of fear the cleaning lady might hear it.

"No?" She asked.

"It's fine, my office is clean for the day, thank you."

When she finally gathered her cleaning supplies and left the room, he asked her to shut his office door. She did, and Trevor quickly turned his phone back up to prop against his coffee cup, but it was too late.

Richard was slumped over his wife, both lovers left with heaving chests. Trevor had just missed it! Fuck!

The lizard picked himself up off the canine and Trevor at last saw the penetration in reverse. Richard had speared his dick right up her ass, and he'd missed the whole thing! That frustrated him so much! His fat cock slurped out of her, drawing out a deluge of cum. Her stomach was slightly swollen with seed as she panted limply on the bed. It looked like she'd passed out.

Richard grabbed her by one leg and shook it.

"Rach?" He called to her, but she just continued to lay there comatose and panting. She was out cold.

Trevor watched the lizard pick himself up off the bed, stretching his back once he was standing, his cock dripping cum all over the carpet. They'd made so many stains together in their bedroom that they'd need a professional cleaning crew to come in there if they ever sold the house.

The husky thumbed the microphone switch on his earbuds when Richard started moving towards the phone. He picked the phone, the FaceTime camera spinning around crazy as it moved through the air.

"Enjoy the show?" The lizard panted.

"I missed the ending! The cleaning lady wouldn't leave my office!" He spat in frustration.

"Oh, that's bullshit." He laughed. "Hey, let me take it off video."

Trevor waited until they were back to doing a normal phone call with Trevor staring blankly at his computer. He didn't even have that much work to do right now with his three coworkers in Florida holding the husky up with their side of the job.

"So, you missed everything we did?" The lizard asked incredulously.

"No, I got to watch everything before you started fucking her ass." He replied. "That's right when she walked in wanting to clean everything."

"Well, shit, but hey, I'll make sure she's rested up and ready to go again when you're back home." Richard assured him.

"That'd be nice. I've been pitching a tent all day so far."

Richard laughed at that, remarked that he was sure he was.

"Hey, you want to try doing that little video we talked about tomorrow?" Richard said, changing the subject to something that left Trevor feeling very embarrassed.

Back and forth for weeks now the two men had been discussing their 'open relationship' with Rachel. Rachel being the sexy hot wife, Richard being her old, but now new, boyfriend, and then Trevor being the cuck husband. Richard was very forward with him being a confident bull and was gently checking in on what Trevor wanted to try doing in the bedroom and with their love triangle.

The husky enjoyed being Richard's cuck, it was fucking hot, and so incredible getting to watch his wife being absolutely destroyed! It made his heart race like crazy being there just feet away from the action and left him feeling dizzy whenever he'd kiss his cum drunk wife after she'd just finished a round with Richard.

"Uh, I mean, I guess we could try." Trevor hesitated.

"We don't have to, no pressure. It's something you wanted to do right?" Richard asked.

Trevor nodded to himself, blushing under his fur.

"Yeah, I'm just really nervous." He laughed.

"Trev, we'll go at your pace. I know Rachel will be thrilled to see you fluff me for her." He replied, and when he said the words, it made the husky shiver. Trevor had never fluffed a man before, or even touched a man sexually that wasn't himself!

"I think we can try it, yeah!" The husky replied, trying to psyche himself up. If he was going to be his wife's cuck then he should go all the way, shouldn't he? He reached up and rubbed his cheek nervously with a hand before noticing one of his coworkers just emailed him back an adjusted proposal for him to review.

"You sure?" Richard asked reassuringly.

"Yeah, but we can talk more about it later. I need to get back to work, since they just sent me a new version of the proposal." Trevor told the lizard, who agreed that he should get back to work, and promised he'd take good care of Rachel while he was gone so she was ready again when the husky got home.

Trevor couldn't wait to be done with this stupid sale and be back home getting cucked by his best friend and wife.

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