Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter ten

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the material in this story, then do not proceed.

Wyvern's: (this is in my mind, what a wyvern looks like.) Skinny but as large as an adult dragon. Their wings are attached to their arms, and their tail has a diamond like razor on the tip of their tail. Brown fluff around their neck and a dragon like facial features. No horns but long pointy ears. They can shoot only green sludge and are incredibly fast flyers. Their sludge is like acid and will eat through about anything and they can make it as potent as they please.

Chapter ten: Divine Recognition

"How could this be.... Malefor is alive?" Ignitus the Chronicler questioned.

Ignitus had decided it best to keep an eye on the lingering Malefor in limbo. However to his shock he found that Malefor had been reborn. Though something seemed different. Their was no evil within himself. This new purple dragon that goes by Mal, even has his own book. Apparently Malefor gained more than just another chance. He gained another childhood. Another chance at everything. First love, first date, first kiss. All Ignitus could do is let the other guardians know, and tell them that he is truly good, or at least, another person.

Meanwhile with Mal and the others:

"Mal.. your awake!" Landis said surprised.

"What are you doing?" questioned Mal.

"Just... thinking..." stated Landis.

He seemed sad, Landis's expression said that he felt empty, just as Mal felt. Just as Landis had taken care of him the night before, keeping him warm and fed. He would return the favor.

"Landis?" Stated Mal.

Landis didn't answer but looked up, meeting Mal's gaze.

"You feel empty don't you?" asked Mal.

"Yea... how did you know?"

"I'm feeling the same way." Mal stated forcing a weak grin.

"It's just, I have all this knowledge and I don't know where it comes from, I know how to skin, cook and even spells. Yet I can't remember my past...." Landis said with his heart sinking.

Mal's heart was sinking too as he saw tears starting to fall from Landis's eyes.

"It's ok." Mal stated and pushed himself into Landis's arms, grasping his torso in a hug.

Landis hugged back letting himself cry, not able to hold it back either way.

"It's fine, we will just make new memories, I think we have a lot to look forward too." Mal stated as he pulled back slightly looking to the dragons that they met the day before.

As Mal turned to look Landis in the face his eyes widened as he felt something press against his lips. Landis had his eyes closed as he pulled Mal into a kiss. Mal went wide eyed unsure what to do. After a minute of hesitating Mal's eyes slowly closed as he returned the kiss.

Landis was the one to break the kiss, and he seemed distressed, "I'm so sorry, I don't.. know why I did that... I just..."

"LANDIS..." Mal yelled to get his attention, "It's ok..."

"I.. didn't..." Landis stuttered.

Mal stood on his hind paws and pulled Landis into a short kiss, "You did, and it's ok."

Landis seemed to calm down and their lips seemed to meet once more. Tongues searching the other. Neither caring if the dragons sleeping only feet away awoke. Both were starting to get aroused from the kiss. Landis's member pressing against his loincloth and Mal's member poking from his sheath.

"What are you two doing?" Cynder asked with a rather shocked look on her face.

Landis and Mal jumped away from each other starting to freak out.

"We.. I we were just..." Mal and Landis said loudly and nervously.

"Just never-mind..." Cynder was blushing wishing she hadn't of woken up.

Spyro's wing tightened around Cynder and she instantly remembered about them spending the night together. (not in the perverted way) Cynder licked Spyro's cheek which elicited a sigh from him. Spyro started to stretch and yawn as his drowsy eyes began to stir and adjust to the light. He smiled as he laid his head across Cynder's claw and mumbled, "Morning."

"The guardians are still asleep, should we wake them?" Cynder asked nudging Spyro's head.

"Nah, way I see it, everyone is alive and healthy. Let them relax." said Spyro Yawning.

Cynder caught Landis's eye looking at her. He seemed still red from her catching their kiss.

"Listen.. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, I just didn't expect to wake up to you two kissing." apologized Cynder.

Mal only turned his head with a fierce blush and Landis looked to Mal before replying, "It's ok... I'm sorry about that..."

"It's ok I guess, no harm done." Cynder said curling against Spyro.

Landis only looked toward Mal in an apologetic look on his face. Mal gave a grin which reassured Landis that everything was going to be alright. Everyone shivered however when a cold chill passed through the mushroom trees. Seemed as if winter was falling in place. Cyril raised his head as he whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, "Winter."

"You know what they say about winter." Volteer stated.

"And what would that be, Volteer?" Cyril scowled.

"It clears the path for spring, the riddance of disease and the start of anew." Volteer said in his usual way.

Cyril didn't retort, he only looked to the ground, thinking about what would the future would hold.

"How about we all get going?" motioned Kira as she got up.

Everyone spread their wings to take off.

"Um... I can't fly." Landis stated.

"And I'm too small to carry him." Mal said after.

"Oh, sorry. How about you ride on my back." Cyril offered.

Everyone was quite shocked that Cyril was being so kind. Usually he though of himself too highly, too almighty to even consider some filthy beast to ride on him. At least..., what he used to think.

"Cyril, you running a fever?" Volteer stated, slightly getting revenge by having the snide remark this time.

"I'm... just trying to be nicer..." said Cyril.

Cyril was surprised that Volteer's comment didn't anger him. It made him blush instead. He really did change and he felt as if all was falling in place. This winter had something in store for Cyril and he knew it. At least, he was hoping for his happiness. He was looking forward to the impossible.

(dairu123 - Anyone think I'm laying it on too thick? Lmao sorry)

Landis climbed onto Cyril's back and everyone took to the air.

That night when they arrived at the temple-

Everyone was amazed that during their flight that it had started snowing. By the time they reached the temple, the snow had barely started to stick to the ground. Only the ancestors could tell how thick it was going to get.

Everyone was anxious for the snow. Except for all the guardians except Cyril. He was the dragon guardian of ice after all. Everyone was excited for tomorrow, and they only hoped that it would last long enough to play in.

"Everyone, with ice breath, which would be Mal, Spyro, and myself, should all cover the windows in ice so the warm stays in and the cold stays out." stated Cyril.

Everyone went right too it. Layering the windows with thick ice that was sure enough that it would stay cold through the winter. Spyro being much faster covered more of the windows. Mal on the other hand had trouble shooting his ice. He would often shatter brick or accidentally set fire to the drapes. No body blamed him though. They tried making him feel better afterward. It took a better part of two hours but they did it. They closed off all the windows.

Spyro and Mal shivered frantically trying to warm up. While Cyril seemed to barely feel it. Cynder and Landis quickly moved to Mal and Spyro. Warming up their boyfriends you could call them.

"My muscles ache..." Mal whimpered.

"I'm sorry..." Landis said holding Mal closer.

"Mine too, we need a rest." Spyro stated rubbing up to Cynder as she wrapped her wing around him tighter.

"We have plenty of rooms, so all of you just pick one and that can be your rooms till yall either leave or decide to stay forever." stated Cyril.

"Who knows when we will get the dragon egg protection service open again." Terrador said sighing.

"So you guys protect eggs...., like a daycare service?" Landis questioned.

"Yep, we used to use our vast knowledge to hatch and develop the young minds of dragons, bettering the civilization by means of teaching." Volteer rambled.

"Your not going to stop him?" Terrador whispered to Cyril.

"No, I'm turning over a new leaf, as I said earlier today. I'm being nicer." Cyril said with passion in his eyes.

Terrador chuckled, not believing his ears. (dunno if he has ears XD)

"Let's go find us a room." Landis stated running up ahead of Mal.

"Wait for me!" Mal hastened.

"Spyro... you want to just share a room?" Cynder said with a blush.

"Yea.. let's go." Spyro said with his own blush, walking past Cynder.

Cynder quickly followed smiling to herself.

The guardians went to their own rooms and instantly Cyril heard a voice, "Cyril, can you hear me?"

"Yea, is everything alright Ignitus?"

"Well yea I suppose. Mal the one that you recently met is Malefor." blurted Ignitus.

"Wait... Is he here to kill us?" questioned Cyril.

"No, he has now memory of his past life. So please just watch him and help him the best you can." Ignitus warned.

"Well... If you say so Ignitus." Cyril reluctantly sighed.

Ignitus also warned the other guardians, all was going good right? Wrong! Not that any of them knew, but the storm outside was worsening. The snow was starting to pile up. Many of the creatures outside were dying. Who knows who else was suffering from the storm. Suddenly a knock at the temple door. The door bell went off right after making loud noises throughout the temple. Cyril was the first to reach the door, with Terrador, Volteer, and Kira right behind. Cyril's eyes went wide as a creature fell against him. He grunted as he caught it.

"It's a Wyvern!" Volteer said shocked.

"Help me get her in." Cyril demanded pulling the almost lifeless corpse into the temple.

Kira closed the door behind them and then helped the other guardians pick up this Wyvern and brought it to a bed. Quickly they covered it up. Cyril turned to grab another blanket but was stopped by the Wyvern with it's claw on his arm.

"How you feeling?" Cyril questioned.

"Bett.. better.."

Now that Cyril got the chance, he could see the bright blue eyes that was staring up at him. He started to notice the Wyvern's features, SHE WAS FEMALE! Cyril was a little drawn back from the creature. It didn't stop him from asking, "What's your name?"

"Candia." She coughed, "Yours?"


That was all he could say when her head hit the pillow. All faded to black as she passed out. He quickly reinforced her windows with ice and stuck a hot water bottle under her sheets. Warming her instantly.

"Ok... we should let her sleep." Kira stated as she made sure everyone left her alone.

Everyone decided it best to get some sleep. Leaving Candia to rest and everyone to settle down a bit.

"Spyro, could you warm the room a bit?" Cynder shivered closing the door behind them.

The room was the room Cynder had stayed in after Spyro saved her from the darkness. It had been moderately decorated by Cynder. Spyro aimed his muzzle in the air, lighting all the torches in the room and heating up the air the best he could. Spyro took in the surroundings of the room. This was actually the first time he had ever seen Cynder's room. Her large bed seemed big enough for a couple adult dragons, and the bedding was black silk. Posters were taped to the walls and she even had a vanity dresser with make-up on it. Spyro was just amazed that dragons even wore make-up. It was mostly nail polish though.

"Cynder, would.... you like to take... our relationship..." Spyro hesitantly stuttered.

"Take it a bit further?" Cynder asked completing his sentence.

"Yea..." Spyro said with a light blush. Eying her for her reaction.

Cynder smiled walking over to the bed where Spyro had laid down, "What did you have in mind?" She asked curiously.

"Maybe... a kiss?" The blush thickened as Spyro spoke.

"That's easy." Cynder said taking Spyro's cheek into her claw.

Their lips met. Kissing felt so warm and loving. Spyro's tongue seem to nervously poke at Cynder's muzzle, asking for entry. It was welcomed by Cynder's prehensile tongue. Both wrapping around the other searching the others mouth. The kiss deepened as Cynder pulled him closer. They stood on their hind legs to get closer but Spyro meeped and pulled away. Hiding himself from her.

"What's wrong?" Cynder questioned worriedly.

Cynder then noticed where he was hiding. His member had slipped out and he was apparently aroused. What surprised Cynder was that Spyro looked down, and pointed. Cynder looked down to see that her pussy was exposed and wet.

"You... like what you see?" Cynder said with a nervous blush.

Spyro swallowed nodding his head.

"you've... seen mine so how about you stop hiding yours?" Cynder tried to coax him.

It seemed to work however. Spyro moved standing on his hind legs. His member was throbbing as vigorously as it could get. Spyro's eyes searched Cynder's body as hers did the same to his body. Cynder took a step toward Spyro and he seemed reluctant to let her near him. He calmed down when she whispered, "relax"

"I've never done this before." Spyro said nervously.

"Don't worry, When I was evil, I had done this type of stuff lots of times." Cynder said trying to reassure him.

"I.. guess I can't blame you for that since you were under Malefor's influence." Spyro said relaxing.

Spyro winced as he felt Cynder's claw on his stomach. She sat on her hind legs with her body against his. Her right claw lowering to his member. Spyro let out a moan once she held the thick meat. He nearly started fucking her claw when she started to squeeze.

"See, it is ok." Cynder whispered in his ear.

Cynder gasped and moaned loudly as she felt something rub against her clit. It was Spyro's tail. He had pushed it in between them and had pressed it firmly against her neither regions. They both moaned out as they worked each others lower parts.

"let's... get on the bed." Cynder panted.

Spyro removed his tail and pulled from her grasp. Moving to the bed and sitting down, curious to Cynder's next move. She didn't waste any time either. She moved over grasping his member forcing a moan from his muzzle.

"You like dominant or submissive?" Asked Cynder.

"you... your choice." Spyro gasped.

Cynder grinned as she pushed him rather forcefully to his back. Spyro was shocked as he looked up at her. He yelled out a moan trying to cover his maw so no one could hear. It was no use however. Cynder was going wild licking up and down his member. Spyro looked down at her to see that her tongue was wrapped around his girth. This sent his arousal skyrocketing as pre drizzled down his shaft. Whimpering and thrusting Cynder grinned rather evilly as she pulled his pink bulging member into her maw. Making him jerk veraciously against her will. Somehow this seemed to give her an adrenaline rush knowing that Spyro was under her mercy in this position. Spyro's moans filled the air and he long forgot why he had to be quiet. His moans let out as his limbs melted and his claws grabbed the sheets beneath him. The torches in the room seemed to flicker and grow to Spyro's pleasure. Quickly heating the room. To Spyro's surprise Cynder had started moaning against his cock. He looked back to see her tail bent around and a claw reached back shoving and pulling her tail in and out of her dripping treasure.

"Omg... Cynder...." Moaned Spyro, trying best to hold out his orgasm for just a little bit longer.

He didn't last though. Cynder screamed out against his cock. Spyro could only guess she hit her orgasm. Cynder's mouth tightening around Spyro's cock making him shoot over the edge. Spraying his sticky cum inside her maw. His body seemed to melt away as he slowly released his aching fingers from the blankets. Cynder swallowed what she could and slid up his body. Meeting his gaze with a kiss.

"Are you ready for me?" Cynder asked seductively and panting vigorously.

Spyro nodded feeling his cock harden smelling her arousal in the air. He was definitely still horny and he moaned out not caring who heard now. Her pussy was rubbing up and down his shaft. Making it wet from her previous orgasm. Cynder bit her lip as she pushed down, slowly taking Spyro's long eight inch cock into her hole. The room was starting to get rather hot now as the torches was blaring. Cynder pushed down onto Spyro's cock as he thrusted up into her. Scale against scale slapping together as their hips collided. Spyro licked at Cynder's neck as he pulled her down to his chest and started pounding away at her tight treasure. Making her eyes water and scream out his name, "SPYRO!!!"

Cynder could already tell that yet another orgasm was on the way. Her body was melting and her moans seemed to grow and yet all she could hear was Spyro's thrusts slapping against her underside as he thrusted himself up into her. Muscles started to tighten and her pussy started to convulse over Spyro's rock hard shaft. Sending both Spyro and Cynder into orgasmic bliss. Spyro shooting his fiery cum into her hole as she sprayed her sweet nectar all over his shaft and stomach. Soaking the bedsheets underneath. Cynder collapsed, panting into Spyro's ear. Gently licking at his neck as this wonderful experience came to an end.

"Wow...." Cynder said almost whimpering as her body continued to convulse long after her orgasm.

"Hehe... have fun?" Spyro joked as he panted.

Cynder gave him a playful lick as she rested her body as they stayed like that. Their juices continuing to mix as they leaked out of Cynder's filled hole.

Ending Comments:

Dairu: Well, the all everyone was waiting for. The Spyro-X-Cynder scene.

Spyro: ... Say WHAT!!!!

Cynder: *giggles*

Sparx: WHY the HELL ain't I in THE story YET?

Cyril: Cause your a useless side character.

Volteer: I knew you couldn't stay nice.

Cyril: Hey! I said nothing about being nice behind stage. *sticks out tongue*

Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter nine

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by sexuality or otherwise offensive literature then do not read further. Chapter 9: The Belief Of Another "Master... are you ok?" The minion questioned Malefor didn't answer he only turned to leave heading...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler - chapter eight

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the content in this story then do not proceed. Author's notes: The Dark Master's name is Maverick just so you know. Chapter eight: Draining thoughts Spyro flew through the air looking toward Cynder...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter 7

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the contents in my stories then do not proceed. Chapter Seven: Pushy heart, pushy demand Cynder stretched her wings wide as she gave a mighty yawn. She relaxed her body and looked around. All she saw was...

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