Coming at a Convenient Time. (NSFW Short Story)

Story by RammyPillow on SoFurry

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#3 of Short Lewd Stories~

I've been waiting for a long, LONG while to release this third nsfw short. This one was a wild one to make, but was certainly worth it. Hope y'all enjoy it, too. And happy early Halloween! (And yes, I uploaded my fic's new chapter as the same time as I uploaded this short. Felt like treating you readers on not one, but two of the contents here, ya know?)

(Warning: This NSFW contains excessive cum, foot fetish, and gender transformation.)

(Update: Had to re-edit the nsfw short due to some errors and mistakes I forgot to fix. Hopefully y'all still enjoy it, though!)

Chips and drinks were spread throughout the store; chips rested in rows of shelves while the drinks sat inside clear fridges at the end. There were also two glass doors at the front, a woman handing her cash to the cashier next to it.

The cashier grabbed the money before digging his hands into the register on the counter. He was a black illusion fox with a red tuft on his head, a round fluffy tail, a blue watch, and wore a green uniform with shorts. He took a few cents out and placed them on the woman's hand. "Have a wonderful night, ma'am," the Zorua said in a soft tone, smiling. The lady smiled back and grabbed her bags, leaving afterwards. The fox twitched his ear, looking to the side at the gray wolf wearing the same uniform as him. The wolf yawned, stretching his arms out.

"Hey man, I'mma bounce out," the anthro wolf said, patting his maw before finishing his yawns. He got on his knees to open the cabinet beneath the counter, shuffling through and taking out his small backpack.

"Alright. See you tomorrow, Michie."

The wolf stood up towards the fox leaning against the wall behind him, browsing on his phone. Michie smirked, knowing how much the Zorua, Zen, tend to be on his phone when zero customers are around. Before the wolf left, he raised his brow at Zen's phone. "Hmm?" He leaned closer to it.

Zen paused his thumbs, glancing at the wolf before bringing his phone away. "It's just a videogame I'm playing, that's all," he stated, releasing a sigh. He looked back at his phone, touching his thumb on a monster hand flinging a chip towards another monster hand within an ice ring.

Michie gave a peculiar look at the Zorua before staring at the phone, a strange symbol being in the middle of the ring: Arrows pointing towards the center, trapped by circles around them. The circle arrows were also inside of another circle with three edges, one at the top while the other two at the bottom adjacent from each other.

"Hey uh, Zen: I don't think you should be playing Monster Air Hockey at night."

Upon scoring the chip into the opponent's net, Zen turns to the wolf, a look of mystique plastered on him. "Why's that?" he asked.

The wolf got close to him, eyes widening with suspense. He laid his hand on the Zorua's shoulder. "There's rumors saying that those who played it at night will be visited by a monster. And then disappeared, NEVER to be seen again."

Zen squinted his eyes. "Is that true?"

Michie gave him a brief poker look before bursting out laughing, snapping his fingers. "Nah, dude. Just some stupid rumor those crazy theorists formed from like, zero evidences."

Zen snickered. "Should've known since I've been playing this game last night, and never had that experience."

"Hah. I wanted to mention it to see your reaction. Since it was so goofy, dude."

The Zorua chuckled, grinning afterwards. "Yeah, it was something alright."


"Hmm?" Zen flickered his ear at his phone's sound, looking down. There was a gray messenger notification at the top, displaying a photo icon. He clicked on it as it brought him to the messenger app, revealing the photo in full: Pure dark with only a faint light being from afar.

Eh...? the Zorua thought, his attention grabbed by the sender's name at the top: Mal0. I...don't even remember adding this person to my contact. Why do I see their name instead of their phone number? He looked off to the side. Unless that is their phone number, but that's...honestly strange for a phone number to contain three letters and then a single number at the end.

"Hey, dude..." The fox blinked for a moment before turning to Michie. "You good? You were like, staring at your phone like a statue or something."

Zen stared at him briefly, releasing a sigh afterwards. He exited the app and went back to Monster Air Hockey, nudging his thumbs against the screen. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just saw a message from some random person I know nothing of. I'll ignore them and go back to playing this."

Michie shrugged at the Zorua while raising his brow. He then grabbed a toothpick from a cup next to the register, sticking it inside of his maw. "Aight, I'mma head out now. Cya tomorrow or so, man," he said, strapping on his backpack and leaving the register space.

"Take it easy." The last thing Zen heard was the double doors opening and closing, emptiness invading the convenient store. Only the sounds of his fingers tapping on his phone could occupy the silence.

. . .


Zen rested his head against his hand, elbow laying on the counter as he tapped on it. He stared at the white, square pattern floor, the taps drowning out the time he spent waiting for another customer. He yawned, rubbing the register before looking around the store.

Nothing. Just the chips remaining on the shelves, the candies too, and the drinks staying in the cool fridges. God, I'm bored, he thought, gazing at his wrist. The watch was ticking its minute hand gradually, reaching the number '12' with the hour hand. Just a few more minutes left until my shift is over with.


Zen jumped for a moment, looking to his side at his phone. "Hmm?" He hovered over it, picking it up. It was a message from Mal0 again, displaying an image icon on his phone's lock screen. Upon unlocking it, he went to the messenger: It was the same image as before, but this time the light became brighter. Almost to the point of showing features such as leaves within the dark silhouette.

This is...getting wei- his mind was interrupted by another message from Mal0, his eyes widening afterwards. He trembled and tilted from side to side, his hand shaking along. The message was from a different image, containing the outside of a convenience store: The gas station, the windows, the lights showering below it all. And toward the far right was the Zorua behind the counter. "...What the fuck?"

Zen looked out of the window: Nothing but the deep depths of the road. Only the streetlights provided him with any ounce of vision. His phone made another sound, the Zorua looking back at it: A simple wink emote was from the messenger. "...Yeah, no. I'm getting out of here, ASAP."

The fox clicked on the three dots above and blocked the messenger, slipping his phone inside of his pocket. He opened the cabinet and grabbed his red backpack, strapping it on. Once he left the space, the lights went off. Zen looked around, shaking with intensity. "H-Huh!? Why did the lights suddenly go off!?"

His ear flickered to the sound of his phone rumbling, looking off to the side and taking it out. He took one look at the lock screen, raising his brow upon unlocking it. But I blocked you...How did you bypass my block? And then he widened his eyes, mouth hanging ajar.

The message was another image: Two glass doors with an uncertain Zorua staring beside him. Zen gulped, turning his head to the front doors gradually. Sweat tumbling off from his forehead as he shook to his core, eyes remaining wide.

A dark figure was pressing itself against the glass window, gazing at the fox with its hollow, void eyes. Zen backed away from the doors, his heart feeling as though it's about to explode in shriek. Zen gripped his phone, staring at a door by the fridges. He rushed towards it, gritting his teeth.

He opened the door and slammed it, dashing through a dimly lit hallway. Up ahead was the restroom and the storage room. The Zorua stopped between them, looking to his left. He pressed his hand on the storage's doorknob and twisted it, barging in. Upon locking it, Zen rushed over to the corner, pinning his back against the wall. The room was cramped, very minimal space within it. The darkness didn't help with the cramp feeling as the hallway light seeped from underneath the door.

Zen trembled in place, covering his mouth while stroking his phone. He gazed at the lower part of the door. I-I thought the rumors weren't true! He gripped his mouth, eyes sprawling into dread. Oh god, I'm going to die. I'm going to disappear and become this monster's food or something!


Zen yelped, his eternal gaze remaining at the bottom of the door. Shades overshadowed the light beneath, the Zorua's ears twitching to the sound of footsteps. Zen looked around the room for a brief moment before seeing a broom beside him. Once he grabbed it, the phone buzzed. He whined, jittering in place. Shi-Shit! I should've turned the rumble off! he thought to himself, unlocking his phone once again.

Zen's heart dropped faster than an airplane crash: Eyes widening at the image of the storage room door Mal0 sent him. "I know you're in there, darling," the chilling feminine voice said outside of the room. The tone was low and menacing...yet calm and tantalizing. Zen didn't care as he gripped his broom with firmness, trembling nonstop. The doorknob clicked, unlocking with ease before twisting.

IT CAN UNLOCK DOORS!? Zen gritted his teeth, sweat dripping more and more from him. His hand rubbed around the broom, glaring. Alright, I'm going to swing this broom and then make a run for it. In 3...2... The door opened itself. 1!

Once he swung it, the creature grabbed it. The thing crushed the broom into pieces, parts falling to the ground and scattering. "There's no need to be so violent..."

Zen gulped, clinging against the wall behind him. Soon the storage's lights turned on, the creature's hand being on the switch. She was an anthro canine monster with a skull head and dark furry skin. Her eyes were as hollow as the white space, devoid of any pupils within. Her long, dark hair flourished against her rather nude appearance, the ends of them laying over her large breasts. The monster closed the door behind her, locking it before walking towards the Zorua, towering over him. Zen gazed up at the creature, trembling.

"St-Stay away from m-me!" he stuttered, scratching the walls in paranoia.

The monster tilted her head, leaning her finger against the side of her skull. "Why's that, sweetie?"

Zen looked at his phone, immediately pinning his fingers towards the screen. He typed '911' in the contact app before a snap from the monster's fingers shut the phone off. The Zorua stared at the black screen with anxiety. What the...

"There's no need to get others involved...Although, that would be kind of nice, really." The creature got close to Zen, the Zorua whimpering and falling onto his behind. His phone dropped to the ground, breaking itself.

Zen shielded himself, tears forming from his eyes. "Pl-Please don't hurt me! I promised I won't tell anyone about your existence!" He shook in place, tears streaming down his cheeks. Soon, something warm and fuzzy surrounded him, bringing his shakiness to a halt. "H-Hmm?" He sniffled and opened his eyes, his head being sandwiched between the monster's large melons.

"Shhh...there there..." The monster smiled down, caressing the fox's head before nuzzling him. "I could never do such a thing to you."

Zen blinked. "R-Really...?"

The monster nodded. "The only thing I ever do to cuties like you is scaring you before hopefully doing something naughty." She giggled.

Zen blushed from the comment. "That...explains the nudity."

The canine creature pressed her snout against Zen's, staring into his eyes. "Would you be willing to...have some fun with me?"

Zen's face glowed more red, gazing off to the side and shrugging. "I'm...unsure." He then yelped from the monster further embracing her hug, his arms resting on the ground.

"M-Mm...Are you sure? I'm feeling pretty...heated, foxy boy. Been in it for quite some time now. So please, consider the offer," the monster pleaded, caressing the fox's back.

While this happens, Zen took one look behind the creature, her feet at complete display. He awed at the pink pawpads on the monster's feet and toes, the black toeclaws being the cherry on top of the cake. O-Oh fuck, that is so... He paused his thoughts as his bulge gradually formed within his shorts. He looked back at the monster, who was panting a bit and giving him a look of eagerness. " about we get to know each other a little before I consider...that."

The monster stuck her tongue out playfully. "I don't mind knowing my cuties."

Zen gulped softly. "What's your name? And...what even are you?"

The monster smiled. "Just call me 'Mal.'" She scratched the back of her head, laughing with raspiness to her tone. "I don't like my actual name: SCP-1471."

"...What?" Zen tilted his head in confusion.

"It's dumb, I know. I was given this name because the place I originated from couldn't think of a proper species name for me." Mal stroked the side of her arm, looking off to the side.

"Oh...I suppose that explains what you are, then."


Zen sighed in relief. "As for me, the name's Zen. It interesting way to meet you, I guess."

The canine monster giggled, breathing on the Zorua with immense anticipation. "You don't say?"

Zen chuckled softly, becoming more calm about the situation. "I do say, actually."

"Oooh? A cutie with jokes, I see? Loooove those." She clapped her hands, smiling while closing her eyes.

And you apparently like calling me a cutie, too, Zen thought, blushing in response.

Mal then sighed, patting Zen on the head. "But oh well, if you don't want to have fun, then I'll go find someone else to spook-sex with. It was nice having this little chat with you, though. Hehe."

The monster was about to get up until Zen laid his hand on top of hers. "Wait!"

Mal blinked, tilting her head to the side. "Hmm?"

Zen gazed into the monster's hollow eyes with his blue ones. "...I'll take the offer."

Mal stared for a moment before purring and smirking. "Mmm...You've made the right choice, hun." She suddenly pinned the Zorua against the wall, bringing him into a kiss. Zen's eyes widened from it, the monster ripping and shredding his clothes off. She moaned, stripping him down to his naked state.

Zen's big, canine cock flopped out in glorious freedom. He embraced the passionate kiss, laying one hand beside Mal's face while the other stroking her back, the two exchanging thirsty gazes. Mal's soaking pussy nudged against the tip of Zen's cock, the monster wiggling her toes in delight.

Mal slipped the cock inside of her instantly, releasing a rather deep moan. "Mmmmm!" She pulled away from the kiss, saliva trailing between her and Zen's lips. She grinned, moving her hips up before slamming right down. Zen moaned, stroking the monster's asscheeks with no issues. Mal cooed, lifting her behind up and down at a rough pacing. "That's more like it, cutie."

The Zorua gritted his teeth, gazing up at the tall monster lady. "That was so su-" His lips got caved by one of Mal's breasts, his head pressing against them without much warning. "M-Mmm!?"

"Just shush and enjoy these milkers, hun," Mal said in a blunt tone, deepening the cock with her menacing slams.

"M-Mmhm..." Zen went along with the demand, swirling his tongue around the tit. His tip clashed against Mal's womb, pulverizing her insides.

"Mmm...such a huge cock. And I haven't even been knotted yet." The monster purred as Zen closed his eyes, salivating over her melon. "I'm adoring your first impression, darling."

G-God, she feels so soft inside... Zen spread his legs out, giving Mal more room to ride him.

Mal panted and swung her hips from side to side, her tongue hanging out in relief. "A-Ah...I saw you looking at something earlier. And I think I know what it is." She giggled.

Zen raised his brow from this before yelping at his balls being caressed. Mal's feet grinded against those orbs, the pads and soles warming them up with serenity. Sh-She caught on so easily! I thought I was being sneaky earlier! Zen moaned loudly, thrusting upwards and curling his toes in delight.

"Hehe...Yes." Mal and Zen's tail wagged like crazy, the monster taking every opportunity to slam herself down. "Breed me real good, cutie." Zen leaked his precum inside of Mal, the monster growling in satisfaction. "Yessss!" She arched her back, stroking the fox's balls while pushing his head forward. "Suck on them harder, hun. Please a lady reaaal good!"

Zen nodded and swirled his tongue around Mal's breast again, nibbling on them occasionally. "Mmf!" His cock wiggled in ecstatic, its climax nearing.

Mal rode on him quickly, her juice spilling all over his manhood. Claps echoed from her pussy smacking against his knot, the monster panting with anticipation. "I want it in me! Soooo badly!" She kept going, groping Zen's shoulders. "Give me your knot and release those seeds, darling!"


Eventually, Zen's knot infiltrated Mal's pussy as he released his massive river of cum, moaning in pure joy. F-Fuck yessss!

Mal let loose a loud screech upon being filled, stroking the back of Zen's head. Many of the seeds escaped from the knot's barrier, splashing all over Mal's feet, Zen's balls, and the floor beneath them. Mal blinked and looked behind her, blushing at the sight. "Oh my..." Her stomach bulged a little, signifying the ridiculous loads within her.

After some time, Mal let go of Zen from her grasp, the fox finishing his release. He laid his head against the wall, tongue hanging loose while he gazed up at the ceiling. "...That was...really enticing," he said, drooling for a bit.

The canine monster leaned forward to hug the fox, nuzzling him. "You can say that again, hun," she agreed, giggling softly. "I wonder if this is your first time having sex."

"Yes, actually," Zen quickly answered.

Mal looked into the Zorua's eyes, tilting her head. "Oh?"

Zen poked his fingers together, laughing nervously. "Honestly...I wasn't certain about wanting sex. Since I'm so used to masturbating to foot related porn on my off days."

Mal raised her brow before snickering. "Oh really?"

"...Y-Yeah. Watching those videos gave me an understanding of what sex is like. It lets me know what to do in it...Sort of. Maybe." He scratched the back of his head, smiling.

The monster bopped him on the nose, sticking her tongue out in a childish manner. "How adorable." She giggled, leading the Zorua to blush in response. "If you ask me, you're doing a wonderful job at pleasing your partner."

"I-I see then..."

Mal kept her gaze on him, gradually slipping her hand down and reaching her clit. "While the first impression was fantastic, we're still not done with our little fun. In fact..." She winked at him before tapping on her clit, expanding its size as it glowed brightly. Zen stared at it, unsure of how to react. As Mal's clit grew in size, large balls formed underneath them and rested on Zen. Eventually, her clit has completely transformed into a large, canine cock. "This is just the beginning."

"...Whoa." Zen gazed at Mal's cock in amazement, blushing. "I...didn't know you could do that."

"Magnificent, ain't it? That I could just grow another genital with no issues." She purred, shifting from side to side on the Zorua's cock. The two moaned, squishy sounds emanating from the cum coated cock within the monster. "Even more magnificent considering the fact I can release as much of those seeds as you can." She groped the Zorua's shoulders, panting on him. "So lets create a delicious mess together."

"M-Mm? WHOA!" Zen was pulled on top of Mal, his hands grinding against the floor.

"Breed me more, Zen. Fill me to the brim," Mal pleaded, stroking the fox's back.

"Mmm..." Zen nodded, moving his hips back before pushing them forward. Mal moaned from the gradual pounding, Zen immediately sucking on her left breast while stroking the other.

"Y-Yes! Fuck me so good, Zen!" She mewled, curling her toes in satisfaction. Zen thrusted into her deeply and roughly, his knot plopping in and out with ease. "Reaaaallly loving the knot, too! Thank goodness for your seeds lubing it up nicely!"

Zen stopped groping her breast to give her a thumbs-up, curling his toes in delight as he pulverized her cum-filled pussy. Some of the previous seeds spilled out, the canine monster stroking the Zorua's head in pure relief. Zen then jerked off Mal's cock, swirling his tongue around her breast. Mal wailed, already spewing her precum and juices.

"I absolutely adooooore how rough you are!" The monster left her tongue hanging, caressing the fox's back. "You're very good at this! I'm impressed, darling!"

Zen pulled away from her breast, his tongue hanging loose as well. "Thanks, Mal," he said as he rammed his cock into her over and over, moaning softly. The fox was soon met with two dark feet clamming against his face, blushing. "Wh-What the-"

"Hope you, mmm, enjoy some lovely feet occupying your face!" Mal giggled, arching her legs back. "I'm quite the flexible lady, you know?" She winked at the fox, caressing his face.

"I-I can see that. Good to know." Zen continued his menacing thrusts, licking Mal's feet. The previous seeds slid onto his tongue, the Zorua purring in pure pleasure.

"Mmmm!" Mal licked her lips, admiring the roughness she's receiving from her foot loving partner. Her cock twitched in delight, its climax nearing.

Zen's cock twitched as well, spewing precum inside of the tall monster. More of the previous rivers leaked out in response. "H-Holy fuck, I'm getting so close to releasing. This feels incredible."

"Mmm, good! Now release it already!" Mal stuck her tongue out playfully, rolling her eyes up in pure bliss. Soon, Zen shoved his entire cock inside of Mal's pussy again, pumping loads upon loads of cum while moaning. "AAAAH!" Mal mewled loudly with him, shooting a ton of seeds all over him, herself, and the storage room like a water hose. "F-Fucking...Yes, please!"

Many of Zen's rivers spilled out of Mal's pussy and rapidly coated the floor, even shooting themselves onto the walls! The room was looking messy by the second, the two gazing at each other with temptation. They panted heavily, leaning their faces close. Within seconds, Mal brought Zen into a deep, passionate kiss, pressing her tongue against his.

"M-Mmmf!" Zen moaned, groping the back of Mal's head while licking and sucking on her tongue. Man...this monster chick is so inviting, he thought, laying a hand beside her face. The two exchanged more of their lustful gazes, Zen wiggling his hips to have his cock tease her. Mal giggled, pushing herself onto it. Zen moaned in response, caressing Mal's waists.

Eventually, the monster stopped the kiss, smirking before pulling herself out of his cock. She groaned, Zen gazing down to admire the messy puddles coating her pussy and balls. The monster sighed in relief. He felt so...magnificent inside of me. Inside of my pussy. So lovely, indeed. Mal licked her lips before closing her eyes, Zen tilting his head in curiosity.


The monster's breasts began to glow and shrink in size, moans emanating from her. The tone went from feminine to masculine, keeping the softness and seductiveness of it all. Her seed filled pussy faded away, leaving only the balls and cock intact. Mal opened her, or rather his eyes after the transformation ended, crossing his legs before giggling.

"Hope you don't mind having sex with a guy," Mal stated, wiggling his toes. He groped his asscheeks, spreading them.

"...Oh." Zen's cock sprung up in glee, the Zorua feeling as though he had hearts for eyes. "MY GOODNESS!" The fox hopped on top of Mal, face to face with him. "I really like where this is going!" He picked up the canine monster, stroking his asscheeks. The Zorua's cock grinded between the cheeks with eagerness, Mal squealing in response.

"Whoa! Aren't you being so eager, all of the sudden?" Mal snickered before moaning from the cock slipping inside of his anus, tightening around the infiltrated length. Despite the tightness, the Zorua was able to pound him with ease, lifting him up and down thanks to the seeds. "O-Oh gosh, yes! Love the immediate roughness you're giving me!"

Mal hung onto the Zorua, stroking his head and back while fondling his balls, his pawpads warming them up once more. "I admire the fact you kept going instead of leaving me outright."

Zen panted, raising his brow at the comment. "What the-Why would I leave all of this!?" His knot plopped in and out of Mal's ass, the monster groaning and moaning from it. "You have no idea how hot you are, Mal."

"Heh. I do, actually." Mal slammed back. "Sometimes, I think about breeding myself, too."

"Re-Really? That's v-very interesting..." Zen blushed as he continued the rough poundings, he and Mal already spewing precum. He then licked one of Mal's nipples, sucking on it.

Mal snickered before moaning in pure joy, his cock twitching with delight. "Oh gosh, I love this so much!" he exclaimed, his ass jiggling from pressing against Zen's hips.

"Definitely agreed, dude! I'm already getting close to cumming because of it!"

Mal giggled. "Then go ahead and release those seeds, darling!"

"A-Aaah!" Zen sped up the pacing before finally delivering his ocean of seeds inside of Mal, continuing the thrusts as many of them splatter onto the ground beneath the two, forming a pool.

Mal yelped and sprung his cum all over himself, Zen, and the storage's ceiling, moaning in pure pleasure. Zen didn't mind the seeds coating him, slowing down the pace. "Honestly, I could do this all day...even though it's late," Zen said, wagging his tail.

"That's the point of our fun, indeed," Mal responded, snapping his fingers. He groaned, something forming between his balls and anus. His pussy returned, retaining all of the loads from previous poundings as they splashed over the messy floor.

Zen looked down and blushed deeply. "Y-Your pussy retains my cum?"

"Mhm. Makes it all the more enjoyable that way." Mal purred. "Speaking of which, I want you to fill it up again, please."

Zen gazed back at the monster, growing bright red with intensity. "J-Jeez, never thought I'd have a chance to fuck a guy with both a cock, pussy, and balls..." The Zorua smiled meekly, shoving his entire mess-drenched cock inside of Mal's womanhood. "I will gladly take your request, beautiful! AH!"

Mal groped the fox's shoulders, curling his toes in delight as his stomach bulged from the large manhood. He groaned and moaned, the raw puncturing of Zen's cock stimulated him till no end, especially due to all of those seeds within him. Sounds emanated from the penetration, some of the seeds slipping out after each knot entry. Mal and Zen drooled at the lustful trip, their tongues swinging from side to side.

The canine monster's cock smacked against Zen and himself, flopping all over the place while spewing pre. Zen stroked Mal's ass, his balls slapping against them after each thirsty thrusts. "A-Aah, fuck!" Mal screamed in joy, pressing down on the fox's dick. He arched his back, clenching his teeth with satisfaction. "You're so good at this, cutie. I, mm, haven't felt this level of pleasure in a long while!"

"Mm, thanks!" Zen responded, ramming more and more into the skull canine's pussy. "I never thought I was craving for something like this since those porns I watched. Mmm...Honestly so glad you spooked me earlier."

Mal blinked for a moment before snickering. "Never thought I'd hear someone say 'thanks for scaring me' and mean it."

Zen blushed. "I-I mean, we ended up doing this afterwards so..."

"Mmmmmm, true." The two started leaning their heads against each other, exchanging pants as Mal stroked the side of Zen's face. "Kiss me, Zen."

"Y-Yes, Mal!" The two kissed each other, wrestling their tongues and moaning along the way. Zen's legs were trembling, his cock wiggling with anticipation. "M-Mmf!" After a ton of menacing thrusts, Zen slammed his cock deeply inside of Mal's pussy, hosing the insides with his huge ocean. He slipped out of nowhere, wailing. "WHOA!" He fell on his back, many of the seeds spilling out of the penetrated holes to make the ground more messy.

Mal giggled and moaned while shooting streams of seeds all over Zen, his stomach bulging a bit more. "Phew...Be careful next time while breeding someone standing up, cutie."

Some of the cum landed onto Zen's lips, the Zorua licking them before smirking. "Hehe, will do."

Mal groaned, pulling himself out of Zen's cock. Many seeds splashed all over Zen's dick, the Zorua shivering with excitement. "We're not done yet. I still have some tricks up my sleeves, hun," Mal said, leaning his face forward and grinning at the fox.

"G-Good to know: I'm still as hard as a rock." Zen snickered.

Mal snapped his fingers, his large breasts spawning back spontaneously as he moaned, the tone of his voice shifting back into the feminine one. His pussy also faded away, leaving only the balls, cock, and cum-filled anus: Mal switched back into a lady. "I'm riding that rock of yours, then." Mal rubbed the Zorua's chest before slamming her ass on top of his cock, roaring out loudly. Zen mewled, his cock encased in Mal's ass once again. "Mmmmm!"

Mal lifted herself up and down, panting heavily. She pressed down roughly each time, enjoying the knot plopping in and out of her. She then stroked Zen's balls with her feet, rubbing them here and there. "O-Oh my god, this is fucking great!" Zen exclaimed, caressing Mal's hands and wagging his tail with delight.

"This...cock of yours." Mal gazed down at the fox. "I cannot get enough of it, darling. I adore every bit of it. Both inside of my pussy and my ass..." She cooed, her breasts bouncing from the rough riding. Zen chuckled from the comment, groping one of her breasts. Mal moaned, laying her hand on top of Zen's and stroking it. She moved her hips from side to side, speeding up the joyride. "O-Ooooh fuck meeee!"

"Isn't that, mm, what I'm doing right now?" Zen mentioned before the two giggled, Mal's cock flopping up and down from the rampant riding. The fox then leaned forward to kiss Mal passionately, the two exchanging moans with each other as they closed their eyes. Mal started shooting a ton of seeds all over herself, Zen, and the storage room, creating a bigger mess than before. "M-MMMF!"

Zen released his huge explosion of seeds as well, filling up Mal's ass to the brim. Many old and new rivers exited the hole like a waterfall, further coating Mal's feet and Zen's balls. The seeds even splashed all over the monster's asscheeks, leading her to purr in joy. Soon, Mal pulled away from the kiss, panting with eagerness before snapping her fingers. Zen panted as well, watching the monster's breasts glowing and shrinking in size.

Mal's moaning had changed back to its masculine tone, her balls and cock disappearing in exchange for her cum leaking pussy again. After reverting back into a guy, Mal pulled himself out of Zen's cock, groaning. He turned around and slammed his pussy right on top of Zen's dick, moaning loudly before riding it. Zen mewled in pleasure, leaning himself forward to hug the monster from behind. "Oh fuck yes, Mal!" He spread Mal's legs out a bit, pulverizing his pussy deeply. The Zorua nibbled on the monster's neck, Mal growling happily in response.

"Oh goodness, yes, Zen! I love your delicious cock so much! Especially in my pussy!" Mal moaned, coating the fox's dick with his excessive pussy juices.

"A-And your ass and pussy feels fantastic too, Mal! I love it as well!" Zen kept penetrating the ladyhood, his tip smashing against Mal's womb with no breaks.

Mal's stomach bulged over and over from the large cock, the monster rolling his eyes up and drooling in pure pleasure. "Harder! Deeper!" Mal pleaded, using his flexible legs to rub Zen's balls with his feet. He pushed them up after each thrust, releasing more juices all over them.

"Oh god, oh fuck: I'm about to cum again!" Zen mewled, his cock wiggling with excitement.

"DO IT!" Mal rooted, slamming back on the Zorua's dick. The two moaned loudly as Zen rammed his cock inside of Mal's pussy, pumping loads upon loads of seeds. Many rushed out of the hole and coated the floor beneath the two like the ocean wave, some escaping the room at this point. "M-Mmm..." Mal left his tongue hanging out, Zen pulling his cock out to shoot his seeds all over the monster and the room itself. "Ngh...Mmm..."

The two partners panted heavily, holding onto each other for a brief moment while coating in seeds. Then Mal snapped his finger, expanding his chest to form his big breasts again. She moaned upon reverting back to her lady self, lacking the cock and balls like before.

"M-Man...that was really good," Zen said, his tongue hanging out in bliss.

"Agreed, mmm." Mal turned around to face the Zorua, pushing him back onto the cumpool. "Now eat me out while I suck you off. Just to end off our admittedly long fun time...Didn't expect us to go at it for this long, honestly."

"Y-Yeah. That was like what, 3 or 5 rounds or something?" Zen crossed his eyes a bit, chuckling. "I didn't count."

"That's fine, darling." Mal pulled herself out of Zen's cock, moaning softly.

"And sure, I wouldn't mind giving your pussy some eating after all the pounding it took."

"Good." Mal turned herself around, presenting her messy leakfest of a pussy at Zen. Zen licked his lips, the cum-filled pussy slamming directly onto his face. The two moaned, Mal immediately taking her attention towards Zen's seed-coated cock. She engulfed it in her mouth, bopping her head and sucking it. "Mmm!"

Zen stroked Mal's asscheeks, licking the messy womanhood. He kissed her clit before swirling his tongue around it, moaning while slipping his fingers inside of Mal's cum-filled ass. He went ahead and slipped his tongue inside of her pussy, penetrating and kissing it. Mal mewled, teasing the Zorua back by sliding her fingers inside of his analhole. She slipped her long tongue in there as well, penetrating it.

Maaan, I'm loving this so much, Zen thought, partially closing his eyes. He soon felt Mal's cum-drenched feet caressing his face, the Zorua wailing from it. OH MY GOD, THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOD! He shot pre inside of Mal's maw with joy, mewling.

Mal tasted the seed, bopping her head quickly. "Mmf! MMM!" Zen smacked the monster's asscheeks many times, his cock twitching in anticipation. Come on, darling. Cum for me. Let me taste more of you, Mal thought, releasing her messy juices all over the Zorua's face.

Zen moaned happily, tasting as much of the juices as he could. His cock soon erupted more of his raging cum in Mal's mouth, the monster doing her best to drink it all. YES! MORE! MORE OF YOUR DELICIOUS SEEDS! Some of the seeds splashed out of her maw, coating the floor beneath the two. Mal then pulled away from the cock, gulping the last remaining seeds as more shot out of Zen's cock, the Zorua moaning till no end.

The canine monster let the seeds plastered on her face, her tongue hanging out in utter joy while panting. She nuzzled Zen's cock, rolling her eyes up and licking it for a bit. I adore being the cock hungry slut I am. Mmm...

After some time of resting, Mal turned around and slammed her pussy onto Zen's cock, Zen mewling in response. "W-Wait, I thought you said we were done after the 69 treatment."

"Mmm, we are, darling." Mal kissed Zen on the cheek, patting his head before hugging him. "Just wanted your big, hard dick to rest right inside of my pussy." She giggled.

Zen blushed. "I-I see then..." He scratched the back of his head, looking off to the side. "A-As much as I'd like to rest this way, I need to head back home. Also...I'm not sure how I can clean the mess here."

Mal lazily waved her hand up and down. "Don't worry about it: I can teleport you and your belongings home."

"How so? ...Do you know where I live?"


Zen raised his brow. "How?"

Mal poked her fingers together, looking from left to right in a nervous manner. "I...admittedly stalked you on your way to work. I was hoping I could get this opportunity with you."

The fox sighed. "I should've known, heh." He moved himself back a bit to lean against the wall. "Still wonder how I'll clean this mess up, though."

Mal shrugged. "I mean, you'll be at home so it'll be someone else's responsibility the next day."

"I guess..."

Mal nuzzled the Zorua, wrapping her arms around him. "...Thank you for satisfying my urges, Zen. I had an amazing time with you today, and wouldn't mind doing this with you again. In fact, I you. A lot."

The two exchanged each other's stares, their tails flickering from side to side. "Honestly...I agree with you." Zen caressed the side of Mal's face, smiling. "I didn't think the rumor would be true about meeting a monster after playing a monster game at night."

"Oh? People formed rumors about me?" Mal tilted her head.

"Apparently. Something about a monster meeting me at night and then I disappear afterwards."

Mal giggled. "I think the ones that formed those silly rumors were the same individuals that got scared of my spooks. They didn't even give me a chance to say 'wanna have sex' afterwards, hehe."

Zen chuckled. "To be fair, I'm not sure many people would want to fuck after being spooked."

Mal rubbed her nose against Zen's, purring. "Except for you."

The fox laughed softly. "Oh shut up, you." Zen and Mal slowly closed their eyes before kissing each other, hugging during so. Mal caressed Zen's balls with her feet as her tail wrapped around his, the two continuing their beloved tenderness.

Carrie Vernize's Bio.

Name: Carrie Vernize. Species: Spiritomb (Humanoid). Sexuality: Pansexual. Age: 24. Gender/Sex: Female. Height: 5.9 ft. in. Appearance: It depends if she's in her shiny or regular form. In regular, she has the usual purple body with green eyes...

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Alcyone Nightwind's Bio.

Name: Alcyone Nightwind. Species: Ghost (Humanoid). Sexuality: Bisexual. (While she doesn't mind having sex with females, she prefers males more.) Age: 24. Gender/Sex: Female. Height: 5.6 ft. in. Appearance: She looks like the typical...

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Billy Maze's Bio.

Name: Billy Maze. Species: Flaaffy (Anthro). Sexuality: Bisexual/Demisexual. Age: 22. Gender/Sex: Intersex (Andromorph/Cuntboy). Height: 6.3 ft. in. Appearance: He's chubby with a bit of overweightness to him (can still run and walk, though). He...

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