Billy Maze's Bio.

Story by RammyPillow on SoFurry

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#9 of My Lewd OCs Bios

Oh dear: The ninth OC, Billy Maze the sympathetic Flaaffy!

He's on the same boat as Noah for having a dark backstory. Not as bad as Noah's, but still pretty damn dark, all things considered. So heads up for that.

Anyways, another chubby overweight OC, RammyPillow?

Yes. With a dumptruck ass just like Ixaka/Dash and Millo's. Definitely enjoy imagining this character in nsfw scenarios because of me having a thing for chubs, honestly.

But anywhos, one OC down, two more to go before I finally go start that short lewd story series. Genuinely looking forward to writing that someday, folks. In fact, I plan to release the other two OC bios this month. Yes, I'm going there. :x

Name: Billy Maze.

Species: Flaaffy (Anthro).

Sexuality: Bisexual/Demisexual.

Age: 22.

Gender/Sex: Intersex (Andromorph/Cuntboy).

Height: 6.3 ft. in.

Appearance: He's chubby with a bit of overweightness to him (can still run and walk, though). He has moobs that looks like huge breasts (which lactates like one as well), blue eyes, and a plump looking pussy. White wools formed around his neck and head, and has thick, conical ears with black stripes. He carries a very big, voluptuous ass with a long, black stripes tail that has a blue orb at the end of it. His feet is a bit humanoid with hooves on them (two white toeclaws, to be exact), and he's taller than the average male height (enough to shove someone between his moobs). The clothes he wears are usually a red tank top and blue shorts (two clothes he had to steal from some shops).

Abilities: Like all Flaaffys, he's capable of using electric related attacks such as Discharge in fights. He can also absorb any electricity thrown at him, manipulating them into an object he could use such as an sword. When he's hit by someone, he activates his Static ability to put them in a paralysis state. He usually uses his Static as a way to shield himself and others.

Likes: Rammy's cock, dancing, reading books, his friends (especially Rammy and Noah), chocolates (and sweets in general), playing videogames, golfing, cuddling, showering, cooking, peace, lactating, and giving someone a moobjob.

Dislikes: His parents, being harassed/abused, being betrayed by those he grew attached to, seeing his friends getting harmed (especially Rammy and Noah), fat shaming, discrimination of all kinds, rape, meatloaf, fighting (reminds him of the multiple times he had to fight for his life), drama, standing by the edge of a tall building, and tennis.

Bio: Benevolent, affectionate, and compassionate. Those are the three things his friends considered him as due to his concern for others well being, being clingy and attached to his friends (especially Rammy), and overall having sympathy. He never wishes to harm anyone, which is why he generally feels down whenever he has to use self-defense. He's not a fan of fighting nor drama in general because it causes nothing but misery to him, which is why he avoids it. He's also easily scared of things, mainly stuff that makes him uncomfortable such as standing by the edge of a tall building. What he's fond of are playing videogames, dancing (mainly with Noah), reading books, and getting to provide someone his man-milkers during sex, feeling joy and freedom from them. He can be quite the heavy sleeper, only ever waking up to being grabbed or poked at: Barely ever wakes up to noises. His goal in life used to be about becoming an video broadcaster to share gameplay footages to the world after being inspired by them. But due to his unfortunate past involving his parents, he ditched aiming for that goal. Though after living with Rammy and his friends for some time, he's starting to consider other career paths such as becoming an storytelling writer, much like what Rammy is doing. He even thinks about collaborating with the Zoroark someday.

Background: He used to live with his parents, who wasn't a huge fan of him. They wanted to have a boy with all the male genital parts, yet were given one that lacks them. His parents also didn't like how he was naturally born chubby, setting their disappointment lower for him. Since then, they neglected Billy throughout his life. He tried being around them and wanting to get along, but all he got was them being busy or telling him to go someplace else. The closest he got to being around them was when they take care of him physically via feeding him food or helping him shower. He got whipped by his father whenever he's too afraid to do something, forcing him to comply. Billy took all of this as a sign to become a better son. So he did his best to impress his parents, down to making good grades in school and immediately doing the task he was told about. He didn't see the effects of this until one day, his parents suddenly praise him for his good behavior. He wasn't sure why he received the love he wanted out of the blue, but nonetheless felt happy about it. Then one night, a group of black clothing individuals busted down his bedroom door and tied him up as he was deep asleep. While they carried him out of his room, he woke up only to see his parents receiving money from a man named Rick Rogers. He muffled towards them to gain their attention for help, but they simply looked at him in disgust, Rogers grinning at the kid as this happens. Since that day, his love for his parents had vanished as he was taken away, being put back to sleep via a needle shot. He soon arrived at Rogers and co's secret organization building, where he lived the rest of his life as their pleasurable puppet. Due to being scared easily, he immediately listened to whatever Rogers and co tell him to do, fearing what they'll do if he doesn't. He also met Noah this way, getting to learn about him throughout his time being in the building. After listening to Noah's escape plan, Billy began to tear up and grew a distaste towards his family for putting him in this situation, which Noah hugged him in response. Upon reaching the age 17, he followed Noah's plan after training with him in secret. The two defend each other against the guards preventing their escape. He nearly threw up at the amount of times he had to electrocute someone, feeling down about it. At one point, he almost got choked to death by one of the guards sneaking up from behind. He then evolved and stabbed the guard with an sword made of electricity, becoming shocked that he could do that. As him, Noah, and the rest of the other minors make their escape, Rick Rogers and his guards stopped their path. After Noah killed Rogers and evolved, Billy electrocuted the rest of the guards to death before they all escaped the building. From there, they wander around in the middle of nowhere until they saw a city. Billy was going to join the minors heading there until he noticed Noah left into a forest nearby. He followed him afterwards. The two stick by each other's side, making their way out of the forest and into the streets. His second life was as rough as Noah's, having to constantly defend himself and Noah, and relying on sex to gain some money. He even resorted to stealing two clothes from a clothing shop so that he can not roam around naked, being sure to provide the gray tank top to Noah. When he turned 22, him and Noah were struggling against these anti-slut extremist groups, preventing the two from using their powers on them. As the two were close to their deaths, Rammy and his friends step in to save them. After being treated and healed at the hospital, Rammy and co chat with the two for a bit before wishing them farewell. He told Rammy that him and Noah has no place to stay in, which Rammy offered them to stay at his place. The two hesitated for a moment before agreeing to think about it. Soon, they decided to stay at Rammy's place. After taking their time to get used to the Zoroark and his friends, Billy decided to have sex with Rammy. Before the two considered it, Noah stopped by at the last minute, wanting to join in as well. After the three had sex, Billy became more affectionate and open towards Rammy, which was where he started becoming more clingy towards others. Soon, him and Noah told Rammy and the others about their past and what they went through, receiving warm hugs and comforts afterwards. Billy adored his friends more than his parents since then.

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