Full Stop

Story by Patrick Lambert on SoFurry

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#3 of The White Room

Cheke is finally ready to finish his little project. All he needs to do is give the bear one last push into the white room where his consciousness will reside for the rest of his days.

Final part of the commission for Cheke. I had a lot of fun with these stories, using a different style for each one.

"Ok, let's do this, buddy..."

Cheke took a deep breath and sat two meters apart from the bear. The fat polar bear was on the edge of the bed, still with his clothes on, apparently asleep. Cheke smiled, proud of his work. Alex has remained in trance for a longer period of time, and fell faster into it; it was more than enough for him to feel proud of his hypnotism skills. But he was ambitious, and having his pet falling in trance after drawing a couple of circles was just another step.

After working with him for the last month, with a session every two days, and knowing absolutely everything about his personal life and inner secrets, Cheke knew it was time for his little drone to awake.

Cheke took him to a hotel away from the city. A place unfamiliar and retired from any sort of distraction was perfect. A simple yet comfortable bed, with a cheap sofa he moved to face the mattress. The carpet wasn't clean, but he didn't mind the crumbs he stepped over. Walls painted completely in white helped too. It was what you would expect from a room where you would stay just one night to either sleep or fuck, but it worked just fine for his purposes.

He made sure to cover all possible distractions from either work or home, making everyone believe he and Alex were too busy to even answer a message--he has been managing Alex's social media since the first session in order to make the excuse credible. His plan was flawless; and it had to, otherwise it wouldn't work.

"Alex, listen carefully to my voice. Are you listening? Nod if you can understand what I'm saying."

One single nod. Good. He didn't ask him to nod twice.

"Good. Listen carefully, as this is important. I'm gonna snap my fingers three times right now. Listen carefully," Cheke raised his right hand and snapped his fingers one... two... three times, following the same rhythm. "Every time I snap my fingers three times will be followed by an order that you must follow. If I tell you to stand up after snapping my fingers three times, you would do so. Anything I say without snapping my fingers is something you must visualize in your mind as part of a story. I am the narrator from now on, and you are the protagonist. Pay attention to every single word. What I'm telling it's what you are feeling from now on. I'm gonna snap my fingers, and the story will begin."

One... two... three...

"Wake up. It's getting late. You ignored your alarm long enough. It is not a surprise how tired you are. Your boyfriend, your highschool sweetheart, had you busy most of the night. He's been getting a little rough lately, trying a lot of things that you asked him nicely to do. And he accepted gladly. Because he wanted it too."

"He's not by your side. Of course he won't be. He works most of the day and comes late at home every day. He's working hard. Harder than you. So you don't mind if he's late. He will come back home every night, and that's all that matters. Besides, that gives you some extra time for yourself and... No, no, put those pesky thoughts away..."

"You don't want to get out of bed. Not only your muscles are sore, but you're also too comfy to get out. You grasp the sheet and wrap them around yourself, hopping to get back to dreamland. But the alarm refuses to let you go. It keeps screaming at your ear louder and louder with every second."

"You finally sat at the bed's edge. There is no use. You won't go back to sleep no matter how hard you try. Why did you set it up in the first place? You're not working today. You actually planned to stay in bed till midday the night before. Your boyfriend chuckled at the idea; he said you shouldn't be that lazy. But that's the plan you had. Your boss is an asshole and you've been working pretty hard lately."

"Your legs tremble under your weight. He was wild, that's for sure, pushing your face against the bed. But you asked for it; you begged for it till he accepted. That big was your lust that you didn't mind skipping the foreplay and going raw. But still... it wasn't enough."

"You dress up with whatever you find clean and go for breakfast. You don't like eating alone, it reminds you of how things were at home. But no one replies to your invitations to go out and have some pancakes at that shop you love so much. Still, you don't want to do that. Go out with people. Seeing your friends. Being social. Lately, you've been thinking a lot about it, more than before."

"The sun is shining outside. It would be a waste to stay at home on a beautiful day like this. What's so bad about having breakfast alone? You put those thoughts aside and take your keys to leave. The neighbor it's working on his garden, a white tiger you barely speak with. You don't remember his name, and your interactions are limited to the casual greeting. But he's handsome, always working in his flowers with no shirt at all, and something in his green eyes always catches your attention."

"You've been thinking a lot about him lately. More than before. It provokes a funny sensation in you. You know which one. You try to shush it away when you take the bus but it comes back after you sit next to the window. It's funny how all the things you did so far in your life look completely different now. Meeting someone, leaving your career, moving to another city. The big steps back there look more like whims. And just because some cute green eyes caught your attention..."

"No, it has nothing to do with him. It has to do with you. The bus stops and you get down. You walk towards the only direction that matters now."

"But it's not only you, but everything. You haven't bought new clothes in months. You love one pancake shop so much and make no effort to try another one. You go to the same boring job everyday despite all your promises to leave it and try something new. Video Games and beers are what you do with your friends. And sex? No, you don't want to admit it. But you know it's true..."

"Sex has become something... boring. You try new things and enjoy them all. But it's not enough. No, you don't blame your boyfriend for that. He has a libido as big as yours, and loves doing all kinds of stuff with you. But after you finish, you can't stop yourself from thinking you could have done more. You have a bigger libido? Is that so? No, because you know that speaking with him about it won't fix the problem."

"You're missing something. You know it. Or... you have something you shouldn't? Is there something within yourself that shouldn't be there? It makes more sense. Yeah... a thing that stops you, that prevents you from crossing lines. A thing that does not go away by just... talking about it."

"And when you notice, you're back at home. You walked back unconsciously, did you? Or it's because two green eyes were calling you in your mind? Was the shape of the muscles under the fur? Or the provocative musk pulling you from the neck like a leash? Threesome are nothing new in the open relation you have with your boyfriend. And you wouldn't qualify the tiger above other males with whom you have fucked before. So why is he causing such an impact that you try so hard to ignore?"

"But you know exactly what it is. You know it by looking at him, licking his lips as he notices you in his garden, with one hand over his bulge, and his green eyes burning with lust. He is shameless. Unlike you."

Cheke moved closer, his words now a murmur.

"He's not forbidden. He's not out of your reach. You could have fucked with him at any given point. But deep down, you know that crossing words with him means crossing a line from where there is no turning point. Behind that friendly face and cheerful attitude rests a twisted mind. It's the danger that incites you. You are a big, fat whore that believes you are capable of taking anyone. Including him. You wanna prove yourself capable of taking him. Even when you know you can't. But wouldn't that be the biggest show of submission?"

Cheke snapped one... two... three times.

"Get up."

And Alex obeyed.

"You don't know what to say. He gives you a friendly welcome to his garden, nothing particularly different from how he talks with any other neighbor. And you greet him back. But his presence it's enough to make you stutter. Don't look at him, despite how much you want to do it. He asks you if you forget something at home or why you returned so quickly, but gives you no chance to reply as he continued talking about his morning. And you listen to him. You listen to his voice. Deep. Raspy. Sexy. You imagine that voice giving you orders, calling you names, moaning with pleasure. Moaning your name. Alex. Alex. Oh, Alex. It's like an ice falling down your back."

"He moves closer. He's musky from all that sweat. And he keeps talking while you imagine his sweat falling over you, impregnating you with his scent, as a reminder of who just fucked you."

"He gives a quick look at your entire body without changing the topic. He wants you as much as you want him. You can't imagine for how long he has been waiting for that moment, for you to get closer. And you can't explain how you managed to evade him for so long. Now that you're in front of him it seems impossible to escape. You have to finish what you started."

"You can't keep up with his talking, but you know it's irrelevant. All that chit chat it's only to make it look like a normal interaction between neighbors from everyone else. But his hand it's resting somewhere else, and you're dying to look down. He's playing with you. He testing how much you can endure. You're breathing faster. Your legs are trembling. You're biting your lower lip. He sees all of that."

"And you don't notice it till it's too late. He brought you to his doorstep. Slowly, one step at a time. And he's now in front of the open door. He walks backwards, unzipping his jeans. You want to stop. You know that going in would change your life completely. He won't be just a fuck buddy. He's gonna be something else. Something bigger. You try to hold on to what's left of your dignity and decorum, but the temptations it's too strong."

Alex took a step forward by himself. Good. Cheke put the sofa away. Then snapped his finger one... two... three times.

"As soon as you take a step forward, I will stop narrating and you will open your eyes. In front of you will be the tiger you are dreaming with right now. You will do what he tells you. All that happens will still be your fantasy, but the only difference is that you will have your eyes open and act freely. Listen carefully to him. Listen to what he says as if it was me who is talking to you. Remark every word he tells you in your brain. That will be your reality."

Then he snapped his fingers one... two... three times.

Alex opened his eyes. The lust was visible in every action he took, from the heavy breathing to the way his eyes inspected every detail from Cheke's body. The tiger was already taking off the buttons of his shirt, much for the bear's delight.

"Guess you couldn't hide it anymore, huh?" Cheke pointed out, focusing on the notorious bulge Alex had. Embarrassed, he shrugged but did nothing to hide his excitement. "That's fine. There is no reason to keep it hidden at this point. We both know what's gonna happen," he moved forward, chest now exposed, his muscles covered under all that fluffy white fur. "Been waiting a lot for it to happen, if you ask me."

His jeans fell to the ground, and Alex couldn't stop himself from taking a quick peek at the bulge--his heart skipped a beat after seeing Cheke wasn't wearing underwear. He took a good look at his manhood, the throbbing, gleaming meat of the tiger.

"Now, I wasn't expecting a naive reaction like that. Not after all I heard about you."

"A-about me...?" he mumbled, looking back at him with shame and lust in his eyes.

"Yes. Males coming in and out of your house, your moans in the middle of the night. I didn't need the neighbors to tell me about the type of lifestyle you and your boyfriend have. You're not precisely good at keeping things discrete."

In his mind, he never cared about that. Let people talk shit, as long as they don't get in the way. But now Cheke made him care about it, and he felt shame for being too careless about it.

"Although I might enjoy this version of you. Naive, timid, it reminds me of a virgin whore; you know, those cute boys who brag a lot about having no limits, only to get scared when it's time to taste the real thing. It's actually the most exciting experience, being with one like that. It takes time to break the shell, but they get crazy as soon as you're balls deep. I wonder if you're gonna be like that."

Cheke was close enough for Alex to feel his breath. The huge tiger was purring in arousement.

"But from where this shyness comes? Is there something you wanna ask me? Something... you can only find in me?"

The bear swallowed. He took the tiger's cock between his trembling hands. The shaft throbbed in response, coating his palms with precum. Cheke let out a sigh of relief, holding himself from thrusting into the firm grip.

"You thought you were shameless. Yet you can't control your hands. And you can't even talk to me. You don't know what real shameless is. You still have a lot of things in your mind that stops you. Limits. Moral. Free will. But that's ok. I can take care of those pesky thoughts of you. Clean your mind from any limit. Because that's what you want... right?"

Alex couldn't reply. In his fantasy that's what he wanted. Cheke made him believe he fucked with dozens of males--nothing too far from his reality--, doing what they wanted, from licking his paws clean to taking an entire fist. He loved being humiliated, being recorded and posted online from anyone to see how much of a whore he was. All things he wanted to happen.

But what if he had no other choice? What if he had to obey? Hell... what if he wasn't conscious of anything? What if he was nothing but a spectator?

"I know what you want. I know it better than you. I know YOU better than you. So be a good boy, and get on your knees."

The bear obeyed. He quickly faced the hard cock, still throbbing and dripping pre. It was just a couple of inches away from his nose, filling it with the strong musk.

"Take a slow, deep breath, boy. Focus on my musk. Focus as it goes into your nose and runs down your trachea, reaching your lungs, filling them. Then hold it for five seconds and let it out, slowly. And repeat it. Focus on my musk. Focus on how it fills you. It makes you feel excited. Not the size. Not the taste. But my musk it's what turns you on. And with every breath you take, you become more and more excited. And you start to need it more and more," a brief pause. "Breathe in faster, hold it longer, let it out slower. Taste it in your mouth. Engrave it in your mind."

And Alex did so. Following the tiger's command, he filled his lungs with the strong and salty musk that emanated from his cock. A delicious smell, better than anything he experienced before. The smell of a real male. It made him feel warm inside. And safe.

Cheke put a hand over the bear's head and pushed him towards his cock.

"It's your reward," he said, as his cock slowly went inside the slobbering mouth.

One inch at a time. Alex closed his lips around the shaft. The taste was as good as the smell. The bear was in pure ecstasy by the time Cheke reached his throat, feeling the wet nose against his pubes. He curled his toes and arched his back in response to how tight and warm the bear's throat was, and how hard it squeezed the tip of his cock.

"This is what you wanted. Not to taste me, but to obey me. To submit yourself to me," trying hard not to moan or breath loudly, Cheke started to hump in a slow pace. "You know your place. You always played as the slave for petty fantasies. Collars and leashes, loud voices giving you orders, your body being handled with no care. Enjoyable, yes, but not what you really wanted. No. You craved for absolute submission. Be nothing but a toy. And I can give you that."

His hips started to move. In and out, Cheke fought against his urges to moan while his cock penetrated the bear's maw. His skilled tongue worked just as good as ever even when in trance.

"Silly, silly bear. Feel me as I feed you with my cock. Rejoice while you taste it, as you have never tasted anything like this. It makes you happy. It makes you happy. It takes away your problems and your stress. But it's not my cock what relaxes you. It's your submission."

Faster. In and out. In and out. Giving him just enough time to take a breath before choking it, reaching as deep as he could into his throat.

"Focus on my cock. Focus on how it moves in and out. In and out. But it is not your mouth what I'm fucking. Take that sensation and move it upwards, from your mouth to your head. Feel the tip squeezing against your brain, slowly going in. Deeper and deeper into your mind."

Alex was drooling all over himself at that point, no longer able to resist or stop the tiger. His erection was painfully stopped by his jeans, a clear spot of pre visible through the fabric. He looked up. And Cheke noticed the fear in his eyes. Tears of fear. And sheer excitement. He started to fuck him faster, drooling just like him over his face.

"Do not fear, my boy. It does not hurt. It pleases you. Every thrust reminds you of your first orgasm. Yes, focus on that memory. Think of how much you enjoyed having your first time with a male. Hold it. This is better. This is stronger. It is a pleasure you never reached. Because it takes away your stress, your responsibilities."

The bear trembled. Maybe in the deepest part of his ravaged mind, a dumb bear woke up to the tiger's words. Maybe it noticed his true intentions, and the treason committed by a so called friend. And he witnessed in horror the damage that his sickening fantasy would provoke in his dumb, dumb brain.

"You forget about your work. You forget about debts. You put everything aside to enjoy yourself. To surrender yourself to the pleasure. You only wish to be used, to be told what to do. No more bonds with the real world, only a never-ending lust."

Maybe the bear tried to fight. Maybe he cried out of fear and tried to resist. But his body didn't move. He couldn't scream. He couldn't act. Maybe he stayed there, inside his own mind, falling into desperation as a twisted tiger reduced him to nothing.

"Yes, good boy. Do not fight. Do not resist. Do not think. The more I fuck your brain, the more dumb you become. And the more dumb you are, the more happier you are. So be a dumb, dumb bear. Listen to me. You do not have to worry about a single thing anymore. I will tell you what to do. And you will listen to me. Because you are my dumb, dumb bear."

Faster. Deeper. His cock was now inside his mind. He could smell it. He could taste it. He could feel the pre coating every memory and thought. His will melted by the intense lust of the tiger. Everything inside of him started to fall apart.

And his body finally reacted. But not to fight; no, the bear's eager hands released his hard-rock cock and started to jerk it off. It was completely covered in pre, dripping like a faucet. And it took him mere seconds to cover the floor with his cum; his body twitching by the intense orgasm, and his hand still pumping to get the last drip of cum out of his balls. Muffled moans came out of his throat. And maybe one last scream of help that no one heard.

Cheke pulled out before he reached his own climax, almost tripping on his own paws. Alex took deep breaths, whining after the intense facefuck. But he was different. He no longer had his usual expression.

Instead, Cheke noticed the dumb, wide smile that he would expect in a drunkard. The bear couldn't even keep his head steady, bobbling it to one side to the other. Half laughing, half moaning, he even wasn't looking at Cheke, but something beyond him. Beyond the tiger, beyond the wall, beyond everything. And he was still hard, jerking off his dripping cock.

"What a lovely sight I have in front of me," Cheke finally spoke out, a twisted smile growing in his face. "If you could just look at you. But I don't believe you can even do that, am I right? My putosito?"

The bear followed the sound, and raised his eyes towards Cheke's face, but he continued with a lost look, as if he was inside a white empty space, just listening to the mysterious voice coming out of nowhere.

"Yes, I believe that name suits you perfectly. Now, putosito, clean the mess you made. It is not right to waste cum."

The bear obeyed with no delay, going on his fours and licking his cum from the floor, following the trail until he encountered two big tiger paws in his way.

"Lick it clean, putosito," Cheke said, after offering him the cum-coated sole.

And the bear obeyed, licking his paw with the same enthusiasm as if it was a cock, moving the tongue between the digits, and frotting the sole all over his face. He did the same with the other paw, wagging his ass like a happy dog.

"Well done, my putosito. I am so proud of you."

And he truly was. Hypnosis was one thing, just a simple trigger followed by an action--like a computer command. Byt the tiger went beyond that and rewired his brain. Alex was... no, his drone was obeying him without a doubt.

"Because that's what you are. A drone," he said proudly, giving him a small pat in the head.

Still, Cheke knew he had work ahead. Just brainwashing him wasn't enough. Whatever was left of his mind would help to make a mask and evade suspicion. And of course, a plan to make him disappear in case of an emergency. But Cheke didn't want to worry about those things at that moment. He wanted to celebrate his triumph.

"Get on the bed, on all fours, putosito."

The drone followed his command with a notorious happiness in his mind. Brainwashed or not, he still was a fat slut, after all; too horny to even take off his clothes. But Cheke didn't mind at all. He enjoyed the moment, revealing his fat ass as he pulled down his jeans.

"I have fucked this cumdump so many times. But I believe this is gonna be the best one," claws out, he made hole in the tight boxers, revealing the white ass cheeks that so many other males had seen before. "Even now it's like seeing it for the first time. But of course I know what this hole is capable of," he took a moment. Some rimming would help going in easily, if Cheke weren't too horny already. "Putosito don't mind Master going raw, do you?"

"N-no, please do as you want, Master," even his voice was different, more dummy, almost childish.

"Thought so," he said. He still let some saliva fall over his cock and the drone's ass, just to be sure.

His warm hole was inviting him to just destroy it. He had to fight the urge to do so. But he also wanted to tease the living hell out of him. He pushed the tip in and waited--mostly to don't cum for how excited he was and the firm wrap Putosito already had around it. But when he was ready, one inch after another invaded the fat ass; too slow to get used to it, too fast to enjoy it.

Putosito remembered how to scream, and quickly shoved his head in the mattress. In an instant, Cheke was balls deep inside the bear. A familiar sensation, and at the same time, one completely new and different to anything he had before.

"Repeat after me. Putosito must use his ass to milk master's cock."

The bear controlled his urges to scream and raised his head.

"P-putosito must use his ass to milk master's cock."

And Cheke started fucking its ass. He pulled his cock until he had only his tip in, then shoved it back till he felt his balls slapping against his fat ass. And repeated. In and out. In and out. He didn't even give him time to get fully used to his size before starting to hump at a regular pace. Cheke had his own mantra playing in his head, one made specifically to delay his orgasm--and to keep going after it.

"Putosito is nothing without Master."

"Putosito is nothing without Master."

The bear repeated the words with such a clarity that it didn't seem he was under control. But of course, that was one of the things Alex enjoyed--at least when he still was around.

He fucked him faster. Surprisingly, it wasn't his ass what excited him the most. No, it was hearing him. Putosito repeated his words perfectly, what a perfect demonstration that he was no longer in control. That his thoughts weren't no longer his, but Cheke's. Just having so much control over someone surpassed any fantasy he had before.

"Putosito exists only to bring Master pleasure. It is nothing but Master's plaything!"

"Putosito exists only to bring Master pleasure. It is nothing but Master's plaything!"

"It's his cumdump."

"It's his cumdump."

"It's his fleshlight!"

"It's his fleshlight!"

He smacked his hand without measuring his force. Putosito was half moaning, half screaming, as if the slaps between hips and ass weren't enough for the entire motel to know what was happening in that room. But Cheke didn't matter. Let them hear it. Let them know what was happening inside. After all, he felt incredibly powerful. And he made sure to express it in faster and deeper and harder thrusts.

"Because Putosito is a fat, cock sucker slut."

"Because Putosito is a fat, cock sucker slut."

He was getting close. Too close. And too fast. His cock throbbed hard inside of the drone, and even his pre started to leak out; his thighs were wet and covered with it. But it was ok. He wanted to cum. He wanted to breed that sweet, perfect ass. He came inside so many times before, but that was the first time he felt the need to think he was breeding him.

His claws pricked around the drone's hips. He arched his back and looked at the ceiling fan that spinned slowly under them. His legs trembled, trying to keep it up with how hard he was already fucking him.

"Master's cock fills Putosito... Master's cock completes Putosito... Master's cock controls Putosito..."

And there it was. The point of no return, for both of them.

"Master's cock fills Putosito..."

One thrust. And he repeated the words with an allegiance mixed with sadness, the voice of someone resigned to face the destiny ahead of him.

"Master's cock completes Putosito..."

Two... and a tear rolled down. The last act of free will, a farewell to the world outside of the emptiness that became his mind.

"Master's cock controls Putosito!"

Three... a smile decorated the dumb expressión. Cheke reached his climax and shoved his cock all the way in, shooting a one-week-long load inside of his drone. The roar of pleasure resonated across the entire room and beyond it. And his seed invaded his insides in mere seconds, leaking out of his ass when there was no more room inside of it. A warm sensation grew in the drone's belly, quickly expanding to the rest of its body, marking it as Master's property. And when it reached its head, it went inside its mind too, coating it in pure white.

And Alex vanished within it.

"It became easier to work with him after that. It was like a clean chalkboard. So I started with something simple, standard conditioning. There are several words and sounds that act as triggers for certain actions. Certain faces also increases his libido"

Cheke added after explaining the entire session to a doubtful red crocodile.

"This is some serious fucked up stuff," he pointed out.

The polar bear before him was naked, tied to a wooden chair that had been adapted with a hole in the seat that left his ass uncovered. Beneath, a fuck machine worked mercilessly in his hole; the sound of the motor and the gears was adequate for the bear. The VR headset and the headphones had him disconnected from the real world.

"What is he listening to?"

"White noise. And he's watching static, but with certain words appearing at different intervals."

"He's surprisingly quiet."

"As expected. If he moans or cums, I play an air horn in the headphones. I'm looking for absolute control over his pleasure and orgasm so he can reach it on command. When he finishes a complete session without doing any of those things, I give him a prize."

Lambert hummed, still intrigued by how it worked. He looked up at Cheke.

"Mind if I give it a go?"

"Oh, please do! It was made to be share. In fact, I think you might find all the things he can do fascinating. I'll tell you everything. Just listen carefully, you don't wanna miss a single thing..."


"Hey, can I tell you something?" "Sure, go ahead." "It's something hard to explain, you know? You might think I'm crazy.." "We're friends, aren't we? I wouldn't think that of you no matter what." "Ok, then... I don't know where I...

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A straight line

Disgusting little pig. That's what crossed the tiger's mind as he watched the polar bear on his knees, licking his paws, jumping from digit to digit, taking special care of each one of them, like a starving male enjoying the last bite of his plate. HIs...

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Forbidden Magic

eep Luuk' safe. It was the task commended by the Elders. It was the only task he had. The young axolotl inherited the magic of his ancestors. And by decree, he was meant to lead the tribe as soon as he passed his rites of initiation. And Luuk' chose...

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