Forbidden Magic

Story by Patrick Lambert on SoFurry

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Follow up story to "The Fake Idol". Luuk' has been kidnapped by an enemy tribe, and Oochel decides to face them to rescue his lover. But his enemies might no longer be as the Elders told him

Commissioned by Slimeylionmint on Twitter.

eep Luuk' safe. It was the task commended by the Elders. It was the only task he had. The young axolotl inherited the magic of his ancestors. And by decree, he was meant to lead the tribe as soon as he passed his rites of initiation. And Luuk' chose Oochel, another young axolotl with little skill in combat, to be his companion.

"Choose carefully, as the one you select must be your sworn protector," an Elder told Luuk' when he was five. And from the line of warriors, he picked the little Oochel, who had no aspirations in combat. He was nothing but his playmate.

It wasn't his choice. And they threw him against his will into the ring, surrounded by warriors older and stronger than him. Oochel survived, losing his childhood and innocence in the process. Fueled by the rage against rules and customs a child couldn't understand. Until he learned that Luuk' didn't put his finger over him for nothing. A force he couldn't imagine put them in the same path.

He knew it, because that same force pressed now against his chest, as he crossed the frontier into the Crocodilian Tribe. Bloodthirsty savages drove by chaos. He hated each one of them. And Oochel knew they hated him and his kind just the same. A fragile peace treaty kept both tribes from killing each other, one that was about to break after the Elders discovered they kidnapped Luuk'.

They wanted to make a plan. Oochel wanted to take action. Against the Elders' orders, the axolotl left the tribe alone and unarmed, willing to do anything to bring back his little Luuk', whose destiny was bigger than he could imagine.

A spear landed right in front of him. While they lacked the swiftness of the axolotls, the crocodiles were expert in ambushes. If they wanted to kill him, they could have done it even since the moment he put a paw on his domains. The spear was just a warning shot. Oochel stopped and looked around until he found the eyes lurking in the swamp.

"I do not want to fight," Oochel expressed as he raised his hands.

After a moment of silence, three crocodiles emerged from the muddy water. Two of them still held their spears, while the other, who was the one who shot Oochel, shared looks with them. Oochel couldn't just ignore the fact they were naked; even when he knew it was for movement freedom and to maintain stealth underwater, it was embarrassing to look at. No surprise why the Elders hated them so much.

"Another pinky walks into our territory by his own will," the unarmed crocodile said. He approached Oochel, giving a good look at his muscular body.

"This one is important," another crocodile said. "Look at the scars of countless battles."

Despite having no visible weapons, the crocodile walked around him and messed with his loincloth, rubbing his slick skin and running a claw across the scars in Oochel's body. He, but his expression remained the same.

"Sensitive, huh? No need to hide it," the crocodile whispered to his ear. He felt his warm breath and saw a glimpse of his fangs from the corner of his eye. "Move!" he shoved it, making him almost lose his balance. "The chief would like to have a word with you."

Escorted by the trio of reptiles, Oochel walked through the muddy waters deep into the crocodilian territory. The water and the ground under his paws felt different. And the trees grew in distorted ways, making curves more notorious the more they advanced. He knew the crocodilians had magic of their own. A chaotic variant, according to what the Elders taught them. But this was beyond what he imagined. To think Luuk' had to fight against something like that...

"The pinky does not show fear," said one crocodile.

"He tries to be strong. Like the young one," said another.

"We shall break him too."

He clenched his fists. Break him? "Did you brutes dare to put a finger over him?" he mumbled. The fragile axolotl appeared in his mind, naked and exhausted, tired, scared, begging for mercy with his eyes. And surrounding him were those disgusting crocodiles, laughing at him, ready to continue their punishment.

His mental peace was broken. The balance brought by mental peace was what gave them their swiftness and precision in battle. He knew anger was not the right emotion to guide him, yet he attacked with pure hatred within his heart. But a vine that came from nowhere stopped him before his fist could reach the crocodile's maw. Then another one. And another one. Within seconds, the green vines covered his body and immobilized him.

"The chief found him!" cheered the crocodiles.

Oochel tried to break free, only to find a stronger grip the more he struggled. His paws lost balance, and he fell like a trunk into the swamp. Holding his breath, he continued fighting against the vines. He saw the silhouettes of the reptiles laughing at him, and vanishing as he agitated the water in his foolish attempt to break the binding. His strength faded quickly, and his vision became blurry.

An invisible fist grabbed him and pulled his head out; the sudden movement woke up before losing consciousness. He coughed some water out, and his vision tried to adjust back to the light outside the water. Only then he noticed his body was still surrounded in water, surfing through the surface deep into the twisted woods. Only one magic user could move with such grace, but it was impossible...

The huts appeared moments later. High into the trees and connected through hanging bridges, the crocodilians watched as the stranger was pulled up towards the chief's hut. The column of water grew, giving him a better view of the tribe. Judging by the look of them, they were trained for war regardless of their gender.

While more rudimentary, their huts and bridges were built to hold their weight. He noticed several vines tied together hanging from specific points, as a way to get down easily in case of an invasion, Oochel assumed. Hollow trees worked as observation towers, from where slender and smaller reptiles watched over with bow and arrows.

It was the first time seeing the crocodilians this close, and now more than ever he wanted to rescue Luuk'.

The column of water sent him into the biggest hut, localized in the middle of the tribe. It left him right before the entrance, and the vines immediately lost strength. Oochel tear them apart and get up, taking a look at the entrance. Even through the vines that served as doors he felt the heavy presence of a powerful magician. It made him flinch. Not even the Elders were at that level. But Oochel knew that whatever was inside could bleed like any other living being.

"You can come in," a deep voice called from behind the vines.

His body trembled by the sound of it, and for a moment, he lost control over his legs. Oochel advanced slowly, ready to defend himself if needed.

"It is not usual to feel so much anger coming from a noble axolotl," the voice said as he crossed the vines. "The peace of mind is actually one of the attributes I admire the most of your kind."

On a wooden throne, a red crocodile received Oochel with a charming smile and open arms. He wasn't old, but his posture and the look on his green eyes denoted the experience proper of a wise chief that made several sacrifices in his life. He was strong-looking, with a good balance between fat and muscles--a hand-to-hand combat was out of the question, at least in that place where he had the advantage.

"I was expecting an army to enter into my domains," the crocodile said, taking a good look at Oochel's body. "But I have the feeling that you couldn't wait for that. Isn't that an irresponsible way to act?"

The ceremonial robes wore by the crocodile left nothing to imagination, partially covering the sides of his body while leaving the rest exposed to the view. Like the crocodiles who captured him in the entrance, he didn't need a loincloth, as his manhood was concealed inside his slit.

"That is not of your concern," Oochel replied.

"You might be right. However, when it comes to the security of my people, everything is of my concern. Especially if it's something that can start a war."

"You make it sound as if you weren't looking for one," exclaimed Oochel almost immediately.

"It might surprise you, but I am not. The savagery so commonly associated with my kind is nothing but the result of previous war chiefs that wanted nothing but the glory of combat. I am not interested in a conflict that has no positive impact on my people."

Not only the looks, but also the tongue of a wise chief. One that was completely different from what Oochel expected. He was ready for a fight, for blood. Not for a peaceful leader. Still, that didn't erase his offense

"Then why did you kidnap one of our kind?" he exclaimed, taking one step forward.

"Kidnap?" The crocodile laughed. He clapped his knee a couple of times and tried to regain composure. It wasn't a mocking laugh, and Oochel couldn't stop from feeling he said something wrong. "I believe there is a misunderstanding. Your friend Luuk' came here voluntarily."

After hearing that, Oochel followed the reptile's gaze to the door. Luuk' crossed the vines with his usual smile, as if nothing bad ever happened. His bodyguard rushed to meet him, holding him between his arms as if it had been years since the last time he saw him.

"Luuk', are you alright? Did they hurt you?" Oochel asked, taking a good look at the fragile body of his friend. But there was no sign of violence. Not a single wound nor blood coming from his mouth or nose. The axolotl was in perfect shape.

"What are you talking about? The Chief Lambert accepted me as his guest, and everyone has been treating me so well!"

"I expect you can take this as a proof of my good will," Lambert explained as Oochel continued with his meticulous inspection. "Luuk' came here on his own. I was incredulous at first, and get my people ready in case of an attack. But he explained he wanted to maintain the good relations between our tribes."

"That's the truth, Oochel," Luuk' added, holding Luuk's hands. "The Elders might want to keep distance between us and the crocodilians. But if I expect to be a good leader, I have to follow my own instincts."

"But Luuk', you-"

"They could have attacked us a long time ago. They have the strength to do so. And they didn't. I wanted to see with my own eyes if they were as ruthless as the Elders said. I wanted to know if a war was the right path."

"Do not make a mistake. We are ruthless, but I don't see you as my enemies. There are more lands beyond the swamp, and their inhabitants might be more dangerous than the rumors your Elders spread about us."

"What if this is just another trick?" Oochel asked.

"It might, and it would, if the circumstances were more appropriate. But you came here alone. Killing you would be more easy than trying to convince you. And I might assume you acted against your Elders' orders by coming here alone. I know your kind. You do not let rage guide your actions. It is a dangerous emotion. It is contagious. Allowing someone guided by rage back into the tribe would be dangerous, am I right?" Oochel evaded Lambert's gaze, ashamed of his actions. "Your Elders want to recover him, not someone that can't control his anger. Despite your skill in combat, you are disposable right now. So what's the point in tricking you?"

He was right, after all. Oochel came without a plan. He only expected an opportunity to strike and retrieve Luuk'. But how? He was ready to improvise. But after having a glimpse of the kind of magic Lambert had, that window just closed in front of him.

Luuk' took his hand and tried to comfort him. He wasn't ashamed to show some of his emotions for Oochil in front of the chief.

"I do appreciate you coming here for me, even if it was against the rules. But I have to make my own choices, be my own leader. I can't follow blindly what the Elders told me. Maybe they were right in the past, but the Crocodilians changed under a new leadership. And we must change too if we want to thrive. We can't stay in the swamp forever."

Oochel was... surprised. Destiny pushed him and Luuk' into a life for which they weren't prepared. One kid turned into a soldier. Another into a leader. And now his little Luuk' was finally following his role. It made him proud, and at the same time, sad for what that might mean for their relationship.

"Change is, after all, a natural thing. We weren't born walking in two paws or talking the same language. Even our way of thought shall change if we expect to survive," Lambert inspected the familiarity in which both axolotls acted. "I see powerful allies in you. We might learn from each other and prospere beyond the swamp. Your friend here has proof of that."

"It's true! I told the Chief what kind of magic I can do. I know I shouldn't!" He rushed to say before being scolded by Oochel. "I told him as a sign of my good intentions."

"And I was happy to show him a couple of tricks."

"I learned from... well, what happened the last time," Luuk' blushed at the memory of the leach and its replica of Luuk', "but the Chief knows a lot of things about my kind of magic."

"It's not unique from your kind, although it manifests easier," Lambert added.

"I was the one who brought you after the Chief binded you. I can feel the presence of others through the swamp now! And I believe he can teach me things that the Elders can't. A proper learning! You already saw how skilled he is"

"That part with the vines was a little excessive from me, but just like you, I couldn't let you hurt my own kind."

Oochel remembered the vines, and how easily he manipulated them, even without having visual contact over him. As if his aura wasn't enough to prove the mastery he had over his own magic.

"They tricked me into thinking Luuk' was hurt. They said he was..."

"Broken," Lambert interrupted.

When Oochel looked back at him, the glow coming from his green eyes startled him.

"I must admit there are certain attitudes that haven't been fixed. They aren't precisely good at communicating with others. It is something I'm working on. But I can assure you they are obedient and loyal. And they won't act against my orders," Lambert snapped his fingers. "Luuk' saw a demostration of the kind of magic I use on them. After all, you can't expect to guide a tribe by just controlling some vines, do you?"

Oochel wanted to reply, but something else caught his attention. A smell in the air that he just perceived, maybe too subtle for him to notice before. He couldn't tell exactly what it was. It wasn't like anything the herbalists from the tribe gave him before.

"A swamp isn't precisely a good place to live. Hostile. Untamed. It lacks something special. Something to calm down the violent tendencies that the swamp wakes in us. I think the right kind of fragrance can do wonders in someone's mind. You can increase his perception of things, maybe make them more violent or docile. There is one fragrance for everything. And once you find it, everything becomes easier."

There was something on the roof he didn't notice, or maybe it wasn't there at first. Vines entangled in the wood, with blue flowers at the end of each one. From the center, small spiral filaments spreaded spores, too small to even notice them. And they were all over the roof... for how long they bloomed there?

"It smells nice, right? It's my own creation. I worked hard to make a fragrance that reminds you of home. It's not that strong. It tingles in your nose as you breathe in. And it makes you feel comfortable. Relaxed. It alleviates your pain. All your worries fade away as you inhale, like a mother's embrace or the flavour of your favorite food."

"What are you...?" Oochel asked, but he found himself lacking the will to even talk. He wasn't tired or losing strength. In fact, he could stand still and feel his body--he simply wasn't able to control it.

"You relax. As you breathe in, you are no longer the soldier or the bodyguard. You are Oochel, nothing more, nothing else. You can think of the things you love, and act in the way you want. As you breathe in, you no longer feel the binds of the Elders or your tribe, of the obligations you have. The world outside these walls no longer exist. For you, only what's inside it's what matters."

His breathing lowered. And his perception became sharper. There were now flowers blooming in the walls and the floor. It was easier to see the spores in the air. All the tension disappeared from his muscles.

Lambert stood up from his throne. The ceremonial robes fell from the sides of his shoulders, leaving his naked body exposed to the duo of axolotls. He approached Oochel, contemplating his muscular body under other eyes.

"Luuk'. You and Luuk' are what matters. Breathe in. The fragrance reminds you of him. Of his body and his expressions. His voice and the sound of his laugh. The way he acts when he's around you. And how your heart races when you hold him in your arms. This is the smell of love, of the forbidden magic that binds you together."

Luuk'. His sweet Luuk'. How delightful was the smell of his loved one. Soft and sweet. For a moment, Oochel saw the crocodile approaching, and tried to snap out of his spell, but the spores became like a thick fog and only his silhouette remained in the air. He started to forget where he was or what he was doing.

"You are exhausted."

He was. Oochel knew the crocodile did something to him, but he couldn't do or say anything else. His body refused to act even when a set or arms took him from the floor.

"Take him to my chambers," Lambert said at the huge crocodile that now held the limp body in his arms. "And send a couple of messengers to their tribe. The Elders must know we are treating them as the finests guests."

"Yes, Chief."

Lambert stood before Luuk'. The cute axolotl had a dumb smile in his face, probably reliving the fantasy Lambert planted deep into his mind. He was glad to see it worked just fine.

"Heh, even I could feel over you," he said, carrying him in his arms. It was impossible not to feel obliged to protect him. Not when he looked so vulnerable and weak. "But you are not a weakling, despite what others might think. All you need is good guidance."

Something slick woke him up. Oochel opened his eyes to find the familiar roof of his hut. The sun rising let some of its light to illuminate his room through the open window. A soft breeze felt almost like a tender caress over his naked body. And he felt once again something slick running across his paw. When he looked down, partially covered by his erection, Luuk' was treating himself with the sweet taste of his paws.

"W-w-what are you doing?" Oochel asked, immediately jumping on his place and covering his manhood.

"Oh, my bad! I thought you were a heavy sleepier."

"Luuk', you aren't supposed to be here!" He looked through the open window, but no one from the tribe was around. "The Elders are gonna be mad if you're not in your room."

The Elders? Something felt odd. Wouldn't they be mad already? But for what?

"They don't look for me this early today. They're in council right now."

"Huh? But they just had one yester-No! That's not the point! You shouldn't be here," knelt in front of his bed, Oochel crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks. "C'mon, you know I don't like that face."

"You're always saying we'll be having a time together and that never happens."

"I just don't want to get you in trouble! What would happen if a guard sees you coming in or out?"

"That I'm visiting my bodyguard."

"Which you shouldn't," Oochel refuted. Luuk' gave him a hurt look before turning his head towards the door. "Luuk'... I know you want us to be alone. I want to."

"Then we should."

"But there are rules we must follow! We can't just act the way we want."

"Why not? Just because the Elders say so? We are not tied to their customs."

Once again, Oochel had a pinch in the chest. Why did all of that feel out of place? Was he somewhere else before? Somewhere... outside the tribe? No, he hasn't left since the day he went with Luuk' to pick up some herbs.

The memory of that also reminded him of what the slug did to Luuk'. Oochel swallowed, unable to ignore how much he wanted him after watching him being tricked and assaulted by the slug hidden within his clay clone.

Luuk' pressed his nose against Oochel's sole. "I like your smell. It's so strong and masculine," he ran his tongue between his toes. "I've been wanting to do this with you for so long."

Oochel couldn't reply nor react. It was as if an invisible force had him immobilized. His heart beat faster as Luuk' jumped between his paws, sucking on his toes and rubbing his soles all over his face. It tickled in a different way.

"You have been taking care of me since we were kids. It is my time to take care of you," Luuk' said. There was a lust in his eyes he never saw before. "You are, after all..."

"... my true love."

The glow from his green eyes had Oochel's attention. He got all he needed from Luuk' after managing to impersonate Oochel within his mind. Like any other sorcerer, he had a natural resistance to that sort of spells and tricks; even without proper training, he fought the trance as hard as he could. But everyone has a weakness. A forbidden love with his bodyguard never crossed Lambert's mind at first.

He loved how soft and warm Oochel's skin was. His paws were quite sensitive, and the taste was extremely pleasant. it wasn't as good as a huge crocodile paw, but it had its own charm.

The vines coming from the roof held the axolotl, just at the right height. The enchanting made sure they held him firmly but without putting enough pressure to break the trance. With both arms and legs tied up, Oochel was Lambert's marionette, his body being manipulated at his will.

"I want to change the tribe. I want to guide them into a new direction. And I want to show you how much I love you."

But it was Luuk' who talked in Oochel's mind. The axolotl continued treating himself with the tasty paws of his lover, his eyes fixated on the throbbing cock moving like a pendulum under Oochel's struggle.

He stopped, pulling him to the edge of the bed. Oochel saw him getting up, his own manhood hard and wet. Even when he saw Luuk' naked other times before, it was different now. He saw the Chief he was destined to be. And the lover he wanted to lay with.

"My love. I want to make you mine," he pressed the tip of his cock against Oochel's entrance. He always thought that, when the time came, it would be Oochel the one taking him. But he couldn't fight against the charm in Luuk's eyes, a gleam he never saw before. It disarmed him in an instant. "I want to show you how much you mean to me. How much I want you in my life."

It was painful when he felt the tip going in. Luuk' was bigger than he expected. Even when he tried to relax, his body struggled as he pushed one inch after the other. But him being the one taking his virginity was a joyful thought that made him endure the pain. His first moan was involuntary and loud, but his hand refused to cover his mouth; Oochel arched his back and failed to keep quiet while Luuk' shoved his cock all the way in.

"Does it feel good, my love?"

Lambert had both of his legs against his shoulders, looking right into Oochel's eyes. The axolotl smiled and nodded. The red crocodile gave a slow lick at his paw and started thrusting, slow enough for Oochel to get used to his size. Pain was ok, but too much could break the trance and complicate things. Of course, it was hard not to go full speed after feeling how tight and hot was Oochel's insides. Lambert had to bit down his lips as a way to contain his lust.

"I will guide the tribe. And I want you by my side," Lambert continued. He closed his hands around Oochel's hips, shivering at the growing pleasure. "I want your guidance and protection. And I shall offer you the same. For the rest of our days."

Harder and faster. The vines loosened its grip as the axolotl sank deeper into trance, no longer unable to distinguish reality and dream. It was, after all, the love of his life the one fucking him at that moment. Luuk', the usually weak and needy axolotl, acting like a true male. Even his body had a different look, a little more muscular than before. But that didn't matter. Oochel could only focus on the intense pleasure brought by his thick manhood claiming his body and his soul.

"We won't let the Elders guide us anymore. We won't let them terrorize the tribe with their old traditions. We can and will change. But you shall listen to me. Trust my judge. And follow me."

"Anywhere, my love. My chief," Oochel replied.

"Having you by my side will make me stronger. You make me better."

Oh, how tasty his paw was. He could stay there licking and sucking and sniffing at it. And it wouldn't be long before he could delight himself with more of those delicious paws. And those slender bodies. And their cute expressions of pleasure. His eyes glowed with more intensity and he fucked faster the loosened hole of the broken warrior.

"I make you better," Oochel repeated, looking deep into the glowing eyes of Luuk', whose skilled tongue continued working hard on his toes. All of that without lowering the pace. He felt the tip pressing hard at his prostate, making him get closer and closer to his climax. But he wouldn't reach it. Oochel would remain at the edge, tortured by the intense pleasure for as long as the crocodile wanted to.

Lambert wasn't until that same effect, though. He was immune to his own magic. He felt his climax building up and increased the rhythm of his thrusts. He would have plenty of time to play with those two later on, and there was something else he wanted to do. So when he reached his orgasm, he didn't do anything to stop it. With one final thrust he shoved his cock balls deep and started to fill Luuk's insides with his seed. The warm and thick cum made Oochel squirm in place as his body tried to achieve that same level of pleasure. He felt the warmness quickly covering his body from head to toes.

Lambert took a moment to recover himself. He slowly pulled out his cock, feeling his own cum running out of the loosened hole. The vines quickly made a hanging throne for him before he fell backwards, both legs too tired to keep holding his body. He took a look at his dripping cock, then at the mess he made in the overly excited axolotl. Smirking, he snapped his fingers and Luuk', who silently watched everything from the corner of the room, approached.

"Now more than ever you'll need him by your side," he started to say, as more vines came down to sustain Oochel's weight. "He, who stands above all other warriors, shall be your sword. He will protect you and help you guide your people. And you shall love him for who he is to you."

He made a stop to run one finger across Luuk's chin.

"And both shall be mine. But now, love each other as you always wanted. I will take care of you two."

For a moment, the enchantment broke and an exhausted Oochel watched as his friend and lover climbed over him. Luuk' lined up so his entrance was right above Oochel's dripping cock. Both swallowed. Their love and lust for each other was as strong as the trance, enough to make them forget where they were.



They kissed like the first time, much to Lambert's delight, who played with his nipples to regain his excitement. Excitement not only for the show the couple was giving, but for the security that their entire tribe was now under his control. And without the bloodshed the war chiefs wanted. All that it took was some little forbidden magic.

The Fake Idol

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Golden Eyes

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My last order to you

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