Clearing Out the Toy Chest - Kinktober 2021, Day 22

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#23 of Kinktober 2021

Morris has a new dildo, but no space to store it! And when one has a whole chest full of toys, what better way to decide which ones to keep or throw away than to test out each and every one of them!

This story was written for Superduperdog as Day #22 of Kinktober 2021! Today's theme was Toys and the story contains M/Solo masturbation involving a consenting adult male. :3

Clearing Out the Toy Chest

Morris beamed, his lush tail wagging from side to side as he slipped into his bedroom with the plain brown, freshly delivered package clutched protectively to his chest. The white furred wolf set the box down on his pet, patted it playfully, and murmured to himself.

"Now, you just wait there until I'm done working for the day, and I'll give you a test-run."

He grinned and growled, swaying his hips from side to side as though the cardboard box was capable of being affected by his flirtations. A few moments later though, chuckling and sighing as he idly reached down and re-arranged his crotch within his pants, Morris turned and took a step back towards the bedroom door. Towards his home-office downstairs and the hours and hours of work that awaited him before he could fulfil his promise. He paused. He grinned, and licked his lips as he turned his head and peered over his shoulder back at the bed and the box resting upon it.

"Although... maybe I could open you up. Just take a peek, make sure they gave me what I asked for. Otherwise I'll be distracted worrying about that all day."

Letting himself use that excuse whether he believed it or not, the wolf flounced gleefully over to the bed and snatched the box up off it. He held it close to his slender figure and with clawed, well manicured fingertips easily split the packing tape to gain access to the box's interior. Within that plain outer packaging that bore his address, a much more vibrant box awaited him. His toes curled and his tail wagged faster as the wolf up-ended the outer box and shook it slightly until the interior package began to slide free. Soon he was unfastening the lid of that box too, and within, held firmly in a plastic shell but large enough to take up most of the box itself, was the hottest, largest dildo that Morris had ever dared to buy himself with the intention of actually using upon his own lithe body.

"Ohhfuck... there you are."

According to the website, a whole host of reviews and several videos that Morris had watched... repeatedly, the dildo in question was meant to feel almost like the real thing. Made of a new blend of materials that worked with basically any lube, hadn't provoked any skin reactions in its substantial testing, and textured to mimic a genuine, fully aroused erection. Yet within the plastic currently binding it, Morris could only look at it. He groaned under his breath, knowing he really, really did have to get back to work, but placated himself with another quick murmur.

"Well, I mean... I've gotta make sure it feels the way they say. Otherwise I'll be thinking about that all day, and I need to be able to focus on my work."

Ignoring the swelling bulge in his own pants, the clearest sign that betrayed his utter lack of interest in getting back to his job, the wolf prised open the plastic packaging and plucked the dildo free. His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed.

"O-oh... fuck..."

He closed his eyes, and groaned even more loudly. It really, really did feel like a real cock. To the point where with his eyes shut he really could believe that some guy had just wandered into his room and placed a genuine erection in his grasp. It conducted his hands' warmth so perfectly that it was as though the body-heat was coming off the dildo itself. It was just the right mixture of stiff and squeezable, and through some miracle of the materials comprising its form, every time Morris squeezed it or even more subtly changed the force of his grip upon it, it seemed to twitch, to pulse within his grasp.

"Ohfuck... I really, really wanna use you right now..."

The wolf groaned to the toy in his grasp as he forced his eyes open again, breaking the illusion that there was some other hot dude in the room with him.

"...but, I have to get my work done. So... I'll do that. I'll work hard and get done as quickly as possible today. And... until then, I'll be a good wolf. I'll be good, and put you in the toy chest where you belong."

Huffing as his cock rubbed against the inside of his underwear as he walked, Morris crossed the room to the lined wooden crate that some might have used for storing towels or bedding. Not the wolf though. For him, the box contained a far more delightful array of accessories, and now it was going to have one more object for him to pick from during his free time... though, for the next couple of days at the very least, longer if it was as good as some of the videos suggested, Morris already couldn't imagine him using anything else. He held the toy in one hand, opened the toy chest with the other, and...


He murmured, blinking as he stared at the sea of handcuffs, gags, vibrators, dildos, strokers, wands bottles of various kinds of lube, and the various other accessories filling the toy chest to the brim. Literally to the brim. He reached down and tried to shift the sizeable pile of sex toys around, to fill in any gaps and make room for his latest toy. But, there simply wasn't any. If he tried to put the toy in now and close the lid, he'd end up squishing it, holding it flattened and under pressure for hours and hours, potentially ruining the brand new and high quality toy. His tail twitched. His ears flushed pink, and Morris giggled to himself as something crossed his mind. An excuse. No. A reason to delay his work. To give him a compelling, to himself at least, reason to email his boss and spin some tale about why his projects wouldn't be handed in until Monday, rather than this afternoon on Friday as expected.

The wolf licked his lips, and shrugged to himself.

"Well, I guess I've gotta make some room for you. Which means... clearing out the chest, and getting rid of some of the toys I don't need to use any more."

His cock strained harder, throbbed more urgently still within his pants, and the wolf groaned happily as he dared to vocalise the devilishly wonderful, sexy nature of his plan.

"And, to be fair to them... my other toys, that is, there's only one way for me to decide which of them gets thrown out."

He trembled, his tail wagged furiously behind him, and Morris tossed his head, his long, lush white hair flowing around his grinning face as he chuckled in delight at the day he had just laid out for himself through this new, impending plan.

"I've gotta use them. Test them, and see which of them don't make the cut any more."


"Ohhhyeah... ohhhfuck, that's good... that's really... r-really... ohh, yeah! Yeah!!"

Less than ten minutes later Morris stood in front of the large, full length mirror affixed to his closet door, naked, legs bowed outward and hips urgently bucking against a fleshlight clutched in both his hands. Lube dribbled out of the end of the fleshlight and over his balls as the wolf huffed and yelped in ecstasy, and he stared greedily at the euphoric, overwhelmed expression that crossed his face as he began to pump thick ribbons of cum into the deliciously tight confines of that faux-asshole.

"Cumming... I... a-aahhhhhgod! Yesssss, ohh... oh god, that's... fuck... okay, mnnhh, gotta keep you... holy shit."

He plunged the loudly slurping toy down around his cock until his balls were drained to their limits and his erection couldn't withstand the squeezing, stroking stimulation of the masturbation sleeve any longer. Only then did he pull it away from his cock, and with a final groan as a mixture of lube and his own cum began to dribble out of the upturned toy, Morris staggered shakily back towards his bed, to set the stroker down on the beginnings of the keep pile and to promptly, eagerly pick up another toy for test number two.


"Ohh... ohhhh that's... yessss. Fuck. So close. Just a little more. Please. Pleeeease... oo-ohhhh..."

Morris forced himself not to touch his own body, hands trembling, fingers flexing and clenching into fists repeatedly as he sat on the edge of the bed and stared down at his cock, bouncing wildly and drooling obscene amounts of pre-cum as a bullet vibe with a soft, delicate strap rested wrapped around his cock, humming a high pitched hum as it buzzed intensely against the underside of his cock's head. His eyes glazed over. His whole body began to shake from the force of the pleasure so utterly outside of his control, albeit by his own doing. At the last moment, the wolf let himself fall back flat upon the bed, and howled in rapture, clawing at the sheets either side of him as his cock strained, quivered, hung on the edge of ecstasy for an impossibly drawn out few seconds, before beginning to rapidly twitch and spray cum repeatedly all over his snowy white belly, chest, and yelping, gasping face.


With a pile of almost a dozen toys in the keep area and not a single one in the thus far entirely absent 'throw out' section, Morris' toes curled and his eyes bulged as he slipped one of his very first dildos into his ass for what had to have been the first time in over two years. Hoping to find something he could throw out at the bottom of the toy chest, the entire contents of the box now lay spread across his bedroom floor. Even at its very base though, aside from being a little dusty which a quick wash in the bathroom sink had fixed, Morris' superb taste in sex toys remained intact. The toy was smaller than basically anything he used these days, almost half the size of his newest and most prized, as yet untested dildo. Yet still as the wolf propped himself up on a stack of pillows and raised his legs up high to assist himself in pressing the dildo into his own ass, his eyes rolled back and his cock lurched happily as its slender, somewhat more softly textured length wormed its way with the assistance of liberal lubrication right to the wolf's prostate.

"Ohh god, that's nice... I... hhh-hhahhh, I missed that..."

He whined, closing his eyes and thinking back to his first time using that toy. To how inexperienced he'd been relative to now, and how utterly incredible it had felt to be able to do such things to his own body. Morris began to work the toy in and out of himself as he re-lived those faded but now revitalised memories of years past, and as he wrapped a hand around his cock and began to jerk himself in time with the dildo's thrusting, he already knew that this one was a keeper too.


By the time Morris' phone began to ring within his long discarded pants' pocket, the wolf was in no fit state to answer it. In fact with his cock spasming and spraying strings of notably weaker, more watery cum over his already matted stomach, a testament to his progress throughout the day, Morris' own howls were ringing in his ears to such a degree that by the time he'd come down from that latest orgasm enough to notice, he was far too late as he scrambled to the edge of the bed and tried to grab at his phone with the knotted dildo still buried to the hilt and obscenely stretching his ass.


'I'll be sure to have them for you on Monday. Thanks for being so understanding, boss! I won't let you down! - M'

How he'd let the day slip by him so swiftly, how it had gotten to 6pm without him noticing, leading his boss to call and ask if he'd had internet issues that had prevented his work from updating to the company servers, Morris knew all too well. He had completely lost track of time. He had spent his entire day masturbating, and even now, as he finished texting details of and apologies for his faked food-poisoning to his boss, Morris' free hand was clutching a large massage wand with its rounded, violently buzzing tip resting in between the base of the wolf's cock and his aching, overworked balls. He barely set down the phone in time before his body began to jerk, thrash, and cum, and as Morris' drained but bliss-stricken body kicked out wildly, he groaned in dismay as he heard a rumbling clatter, and looked over to see the mountain of toys in his towering keep pile spilling down across basically half the bed as he disrupted their precariously perched arrangement with the heel of one footpaw.


It was almost 2am before Morris found himself lying on his side, eyes glassy, cock rock hard and throbbing despite being so impossibly over-worked that he could barely think about touching it without whimpering, with his brand new dildo resting on the pillow in front of him. It was the only toy left. The only one he hadn't yet tested. It was the entire reason he'd taken on this challenge, so he could in theory give himself a reason to put it away and focus on his work, until he was ready to use it.

Yet now, as that moment finally came, he couldn't do it.

He had fucked and pleasured and worked himself to orgasm with every toy capable of producing such a response inside the chest, and every single one of them had delivered. Delivered so much, in fact, that he couldn't bear to try and make himself cum again.

Not now.

Not till he'd slept, and given his cock, his ass, and what for the last two hours had been utterly dry-firing balls to recover.

But... tomorrow? Or rather, later that day, after he'd slept...

The wolf grinned, and licked his lips as he stared hungrily at the toy.


He croaked breathlessly, voice raw from having howled and screamed in pleasure so much.

"Tomorrow, I'm gonna sit down at my desk... a-and... and buy a second toy chest. Problem solved."

His eyes fluttered shut, his chest rose and fell more steadily, but as his cock remained rigid while he lay there with his newest dildo, and with the room reeking of sex and littered with dozens upon dozens of recently used, cum or lube-stained toys, Morris couldn't bring himself to fall asleep until he had assured his latest purchase that it wasn't being denied what every other toy in his collection had been granted. A chance to prove itself worthy of a place in his collection.

"And... while I sit there, and pick out a new box for you? I... mnhh... fuck, I'll have you buried deep inside me, and I'll ride you. I'll ride you all day long, so you have somewhere to be kept safe until that new chest is on its way."

By Jeeves

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