A Perfect Night for a Swim? - Kinktober 2021, Day 20

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#21 of Kinktober 2021

Two friends go skinny-dipping in a lake, and have a totally vanilla fun time. Oh, sorry, I just read what kink this story is about. Yeah, what you think happens to them while they're swimming? It happens. ^^

This story was written for Bluetippedwolf as Day #20 of Kinktober 2021! Today's theme was Tentacles and the story contains sexual acts between consenting adults and a rather amorous tentacle monster. :3

A Perfect Night for a Swim?

"C'mon! It's been so hot all week and the pools are all packed."

Even as she spoke, Val was rolling the car down the dirt track towards the lake. In the passenger side front seat, Zeke glanced nervously out of the window, expecting flood-lights to flash over them at any moment and a voice over some sort of loudspeaker to demand to know what they were doing. The bluejay chirped nervously and clicked his beak, looking back at the grinning arctic fox-otter hybrid with wariness written all over his face.

"I don't even have my shorts with me. Do you really expect me to go swimming, at midnight, in a lake we know isn't open to the public for swimming, in my boxer shorts?"

Val snorted and shook her head.

"Oh my god, Zeke, do you really think I'd ask you to do that? Really?"

The avian male raised an eyebrow, but a pang of guilt shot through his heart a moment later. Maybe he had judged his friend too harshly, maybe she was just playfully joking around, and driving a little way down the path was just her way of giving some credence to the idea before turning around and driving them back home without detours as planned. He sighed and shook his head.

"No, you're right. Sorry, I didn't mean to come down so hard on you for just trying to have a bit of fu-"

"I'm asking you to go skinny dipping! There's no way I'd expect you to get your underwear wet!"

The bluejay buried his head in his feathered hands with a groan, but as they reached the end of the track and emerged onto a stone-laid car-park with wooden barricades around it to mark its boundaries, Val's infectuous giggles had forced a smile to turn up even the edges of the much more

cautious bird. He should have known that Val would try something like this. She was always wanting to try something new. Always wanting to push the boundaries of whatever situation she was in. And, in a way she was right. It really had been scorching hot for the last week, all the local pools were packed to capacity with big queues outside and time limits for those who did get in. And though it was common knowledge that this lake was on private property and that swimming was not allowed, it occurred to Zeke that he had never actually heard why. If there were dangerous currents or some sort of toxicity in the water, he'd have thought that would be the sort of thing that would be publicised. So, maybe it really was just some douchebag landowner wanting to keep regular folks off their 'property'.

With those thoughts in mind, Zeke actually gave a more genuine and enthused smile to Val as the car pulled to a halt. He immediately began to blush however as while looking right at the fox-otter hybrid, she began to strip. Without opening the car door, without checking the surroundings to see if there was anyone else here, she simply unfastened her seatbelt and began to remove the clothes from her snowy white furred, more predominantly otter-shaped body. He hurriedly looked away, only to glance back as Val's breasts were bared, unable to resist the quickest of looks. Of course, he happened to look back just as Val turned her head towards him, and she giggled and raised an eyebrow as she caught him red handed checking her out.

"Take your clothes off and you can look all you want while we swim."

She murmured as she pushed her back against the seat, lifted her rump off the padded seat beneath her, and began to scoot her pants and underwear down in one smooth motion until they were far enough along her legs for Val to settle down and simply slide them the rest of the way off.

"And, hey... who knows. Maybe if the water's nice, and you're nice too... maybe you can do more than look, if you'd like?"

The fox-otter hybrid teased playfully, only to giggle and pull open the driver's side door, launching herself out into the darkness as Zeke just stared after her, Val's words and the image of her bare, rather gorgeous ass frozen in his mind. He scrambled out after her maybe five seconds later, and just barely saw his friend leaping over the wooden barrier at the edge of the car-park and dashing off in the direction of the lake shore even as he began to chase after her, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he went.

As Zeke passed by the first warning sign, he swallowed thickly and glanced nervously around once again.

'Lake Ahead. Private property, strictly no public entry!'

As he passed the second warning sign, now shirtless and unfastening his belt, he could hear Val up ahead, calling out to him through the star and moon-lit gloom encouragingly.

'PRIVATE: No Swimming Allowed.'

He could feel himself getting hard already. Thinking about the naked form of Val waiting for him somewhere in the darkness. Thinking about what she'd said. Letting him do more than look. She'd flirted with him before, but he'd just assumed that was Val being Val. That she probably flirted with all her friends. But... even if she did, he was beginning to wonder if that meant she wasn't serious, or if she just didn't let that kind of thing hold her back from having fun with anyone who was up for it.


The fourth sign was simply a picture of a swimmer within one of those red circles with a line scored through it.

The fifth, on the sandy shore of the lake, was impossible to see, because Val was leaning against it, eyes twinkling as the moon highlighted the silhouette of her body and let the naked bluejay see her in exquisite detail as he emerged from the undergrowth, clutching his balled up clothes in front of his slim but suitably long erection. He froze. He chirped audibly as he saw Val lick her lips and look him up and down while he helplessly did the same to her. Her beautiful face. Her bare and buxom chest. Her rounded hips. Her fuzzy crotch with its own rigid cock, and balls behind which the bluejay knew was hidden the slit of an equally complete and receptive pussy.

She was the kind of woman who talked freely about her body, who made no secret of the additional anatomy she was packing. But to hear about it was one thing, and to see it... to see it was something else entirely.

"C'mon. Swim with me. Or... paddle. Just hold my hands and lets go stand in the water. Please?"

The arctic fox-otter hybrid stepped forward with both hands outstretched and a warm smile on her muzzle. Her eyes twinkled in the knowledge that Zeke would have to drop his clothes in order to take her hands, or admit the reason why he was obviously holding them where he was. The bird sighed, chuckled dryly, and with a resigned shrug dropped his clothes to the floor. Val squealed, giggled, and grabbed his hands in hers, bouncing up and down on the tips of her toes in a way that made her cock jiggle and bounce up against her belly. A few moments later she was backing up, pulling Zeke towards the water, and moments after that she was pulling him forward, into her arms and up against her own naked body as they splashed into the shallows.

Her lips met with his beak before Zeke could even moan in awed realisation of what the woman before him was about to do, and as he trembled, gasped and returned the kiss eagerly, he felt Val's hips roll forward and the electric sensation of their cocks meeting. With a louder and more giddy groan he sank into the kiss and rocked his own hips against Val's twitching erection. Beak and muzzle turned and deepened their lip-lock as Val's hands boldly wrapped around and grasped Zeke's lean ass, prompting him a few moments later to reach up and brush his fingers over the beautiful breasts that had begun to drag him down this impassioned path in the first place.

Val was so busy getting her shy friend out of his shell, and Zeke was so busy succumbing to the fact that no matter how embarrassed he was, he would have done anything to keep Val touching him more and more, that neither of them noticed a new dark shadow in the already dark waters around them. A very large shape underneath the water in the centre of the lake beginning to move in their direction, and to reach out with snaking tendrils of darkness beneath the water's surface that darted towards the amorously entwined pair standing knee deep in the lake's shallows.

When something brushed against Zeke's foot, he wondered if Val was trying to play footsie with him under the water.

When something brushed against Val's foot, she wondered if Zeke was trying to do the same, surprised by his forwardness in that regard.

When something slimy and strong wrapped around their ankles in unison they looked up at one another in momentary confusion. At the same instant they recognised the look mirrored on their friend turned potential lover's face. Their eyes widened, but before they could do more than only just begin to glance downward, two dozen other tentacles broke the water's surface and grabbed them by the arms, the legs, the torso, the wings and the tail, grappling them and instantly binding them inescapably before dragging them up out of the water, and swinging them upside down over the deeper waters of the lake where the tentacles' owner dwelled.

The pair might have panicked, or at least panicked more than they did, had it not been for how swift the monstrously huge, still submerged creature was in making its intent known. Two thicker tentacles pressed against the bluejay and hybrid woman's cocks, not just wrapping around them but opening up at its tip like a suckling, toothless maw and engulfing them in slick, hot gooey-ness. Their cries of shock and pleasure were muffled as two more differently tipped tentacles pressed into their mouths and right down the backs of their throats, the tendrils coated with a faintly numbing substance that suppressed the bound creatures' gag reflexes and prevented any discomfort as something thick and creamy began to pour down their throats and into their bellies with gush after oozing, spurting gush.

By the time tentacles invaded both the asses of Zeke and Val, as well as an additional tendril discovering and plundering the hybrid woman's already wet, eager pussy, the orifices wrapped around their cocks and the intoxicating, pleasure enhancing chemicals being pumped into their systems orally were already having the desired effect. Toes curled and bodies thrashed, but not in a desire to escape. Not in fear or confusion or anger at the creature whose only goal was to befriend, to use the ways that it had seen anthros bond with one another in its waters before in spite of other mortals' efforts to keep it alone and unsatisfied. They spasmed as powerful orgasms wracked their bodies near instantly. As cum began to spray from their cocks within those tightly suckling maw-like tentacles, as their prostates were lashed and coated with thick slime that rendered them hyper-sensitive, and as the fluids flowing into their stomachs began to be absorbed by their bodies and flooded them with hormonal activators that kicked both their libidos into overdrive.

Zeke's whole body spasmed and his feathers fluttered as the bluejay gurgled and shrieked and chirped mindlessly while his balls were drained of far more cum than they could possibly have contained, his ass being fucked and filled to such an extreme and his cock being so mercilessly suckled that one orgasm simply ran into the next, and the next, and the next after that. Close by he could hear Val screaming, wailing and groaning through her own muzzleful of tentacle, and as the tendrils plundering her pussy and ass began to pump in and out of her in an alternating rhythm, so thick and so forceful in their fucking that Val swore she could feel them rubbing against one another through the flesh between her ass and pussy, a splashing ripple of sound echoed across the lake from the force which Val's pussy began to squirt alongside her own repeated, unstoppable cock's climaxes.

It was impossible to say exactly how long they were held there as the creature floated in the water below, eventually extending half a dozen eye stalks above the water's surface to more eagerly and closely watch the writhing, shrieking, constantly cumming pair. There were periods where they blacked out. Perhaps where they awoke again with a start, already listening to their own muffled screams as they climaxed yet again. Their bellies gurgled like they'd eaten a five course banquet. Their balls ached, drained dry despite the tentacle creature's attempts to keep them endlessly productive. Their asses were stretched loose by the constant pounding and rubbing and oozing of lubrication within themselves, and Val in particular could never recall a time when she had felt her pussy so thoroughly and completely fucked to absolute satisfaction.

All the pair knew for sure was that as dawn light rose over the horizon to greet them, they stirred and crawled their way up the bank on which at some point they had been laid out. A cool early morning breeze made them tremble, gasped, and their bodies to start cumming all over again as it whipped over their still rigid cocks and stretched open, obscenely well-worked asses.

Somehow they found and grabbed Zeke's clothes before stumbling and crawling their way back to Val's car.

Somehow they got the doors open and tumbled into the back seats, exhausted, in need of slumber before they could even think about safely driving home.

And yet, despite how exhausted they were and how utterly overworked their bodies were, the next thing the pair knew, they were kissing. Falling over one another upon the seats. Wrestling, giggling, whimpering and chirping happily as they were consumed by the most potent afterglow of their entire lives.


Val gurgled as Zeke's cock sank into her pussy, and without shame, without embarrassment the bluejay simply began to rut her tenderly, kissing her neck and tweeting softly in her ears as he did so. They shuddered, moaned, and made love together one last time in the back of the car before sleep finally claimed them. And as they finally drifted off into exhausted, entirely satisfied slumber, a gentle rumbling sound echoed across the lake and around the silent car-park. The low, bassy, rumbling snores of a submarine creature from another time, perhaps even another world, resting in its own peaceful slumber, happier and more satisfied than it too had been in years.

By Jeeves

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