Haunted Gig

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#16 of Comm/YCH

Jade returns and get a job working in a haunted house for the weekend in order to have enough cash until she gets a new roommate.

Story idea was a commission for T-Bone on FA

Jade quit her second job a bit too quickly and was short on cash once more. She had thought the new roommate would have moved in right away but it turned out they needed a month before they could. Luckily for her, she noticed a help wanted posting for a haunted house over the Halloween weekend that would be able to cover her expenses. Well that was assuming she got the job at least and the pay was as advertised.

Part of Jade was worried she might not get the part if a certain distraction popped up again. Ever since she stuffed the last guy in her breast, the raccoon felt as if she could still feel someone moving around in there. She never could feel anything solid however, rather it was like her breast milk was sloshing and pushing against the flesh on its own. Who knows maybe her breasts had become haunted after stuffing one too many people into them. While she joked about that internally, it was starting to seem like it might actually be true.

The raccoon was more nervous about this than she typically would have been. Not because she wasn't sure if she'd get a spot but rather what she'd have to dress up as. Part of her feared whoever ran it was just going to be a huge perv and make her dress up in a skimpy nurses outfit. It was always the guys that got the fun costumes after all while a lot of the things for women were just sexy insert something here. Who knows maybe she'd get something nice and just get to actual freak people out.

Taking a deep breath, Jade walked inside the building and saw the long line of people in front of her. Maybe there was a chance she wouldn't get the job after all with how many people were trying to get it as well. With nothing else to do but wait Jade stayed in line and just hoped that she'd do a good enough job at the audition. There was a pattern to the people walking out after the audition however which was a bit worrying. The men were a mixed bag of happy faces and those filled with anxiety but the women on the other hand looked upset more than anything. Whatever roles they had in store was probably something perverted or the guy conducting them was.

When there were only a few people in front of her, Jade stopped a cheetah that was coming out of the interview room. "Hey, what exactly are they having us audition for?"

The cheetah looked annoyed though Jade wasn't sure if it was because of the audition or because she stopped her. "The chick from the Addams Family movie. I got told I wasn't big enough to fill the role and when I brought up an image of her they said that's not what they had in mind."

"Your figure is perfect for that too though if they are only looking for eye candy we might be better off not getting it. Also kind of a weird choice, she doesn't exactly scream haunted house to me."

"I know, right? But at least it might have been a fun role in a way. Who knows maybe you'll get it since you at least have some assets." The cheetah then walked off with a smile but the second Jade looked away she heard the cheetah scream. "Screw you, you perverted asshole."

Yeah that was a fair response based on what she said about the guy conducting this. Maybe she was better off leaving right away but she also really needed the money and it was a decent amount for just four days of work. Who knows maybe she'd have fun with it and the weekend would fly by. It was then that Jade panicked as she realized she had no idea what the character was like since she had not seen the movie since she was a kid.

Also if they were looking for at least some accuracy, she wasn't even the right species for it. Aside from being tall, dark and mysterious what else was she even like. Oh no, Jade thought upon realizing that she wasn't close to being tall enough for such a character. It dawned on her that she was truly screwed and never had a chance to begin with but maybe it would be better in the end that she wasn't fit for the role.

"Next." Jade heard the voice in the room ahead and she snapped back to reality. She'd take a deep breath before stepping inside and bracing herself for the worst. "Whoa, you got the job."

The raccoon thought she would have a sense of relief upon hearing those words but more than anything she was confused. "For what exactly? I didn't do anything."

"Don't worry about it, you have just the thing we're looking for. You'll be the perfect Motircia Addams and people will love you in the costume. No one comes to these things for the acting." He then slid some papers to the front of his desk. "Sign these wavers saying you know the risks of the job. People can get very handsy when they are scared."

"How exactly am I supposed to scare people as her though? It's not like a zombie which would just swipe at and try to grab people."

"Just do that and don't worry about it, people will love you in the costume and to get pulled in by you."

It was as she feared and Jade struggled to crack a smile especially as she felt his eyes linger on her breasts. The money was too good to pass up with how far behind she was on this month's bills though. Really it was her own fault though that she was in this mess to begin with and it was only for a few days. She begrudgingly signed the waiver and with that the job was hers.

"Excellent, I'll see you tomorrow at noon." With that Jade walked out of the room and heard him yell that word one last time, "Next."

Jade went out to a restaurant and put in her ear phones while she watched the movie just to at least refresh her memory of the character. She wondered if someone would be playing the husband or if this was going to be a solo act. To be perfectly honest she wasn't even completely sure how she was supposed to play her as a solo character. Part of what everyone always liked about the character was her relationship to her husband.

She then felt a bit of motion in her breasts, making her squeeze them together to try and settle whatever was inside down. Unfortunately for Jade it came at an awkward time as her waiter returned to her table. "Here's your food." He left as quickly as he came, not another word was exchanged as both parties felt awkward about it.

Covering the side of her face, Jade kept her head down a little while she ate, hoping to not draw anymore attention to herself. She'd have to deal with whatever was going on with her breasts at some point. Jade tried to contact that goddess the other night about it but so far she had gotten nothing in response. Part of her wondered if this was her doing but it didn't seem like her type of thing to do. It was hard to say for sure though given their one very short interaction but gods were sometimes known for amusing themselves with mortals.

The continued movement in her breasts made it difficult to focus on the movie let alone not make her look crazy from shifting in her seat too much. "Please behave," Jade quietly whispered to her breasts. To her surprise it worked at least a little as the movements slowed down and even settled completely at time. Guess asking was always worth a try after all.

Even after watching the movie, Jade had no idea how she was supposed to pull off this role even if someone was playing the husband. For one if they did have someone playing the husband she had no chance in hell having any chemistry with them. Secondly what would they even do to scare people that would be in character. Maybe she really was supposed to just try and jump scare people and grab them sometimes. Aside from the initial shock though the costume still wouldn't be scary.

Upon waking up the next morning, Jade would wash up and enjoy a sandwich before she had to head out. Checking her messages, email and everything else while she ate. There were a couple more bites about the room so if this person fell through, she'd hopefully at least have a backup. Part of her was tempted to ask if they could move in immediately and pay upfront but then the other person she agreed to would be upset. So she'd have to at least give them a chance, it was her fault for not checking when they'd move in before agreeing to them after all.

On the way to the haunted house, it dawned on her that she'd have to wear a dress for this. Jade couldn't remember if she had ever worn one before, maybe when she was little but it wasn't something she had ever worn. Part of why she skipped the school dance was because she felt like she'd have to wear one so never bothered with them. The dress should be long so maybe she'd be able to get away with keeping her pants on. If not it was only for a few hours at least and not like she'd be wearing it for too long.

After she arrived, Jade was given her outfit and went to try it on. It didn't take her long to realize the dress was meant for someone smaller in the chest than her. The costume made it a little difficult to breathe with how tight it felt over her belly and chest. She almost felt like her breasts were going to fall out of it with how big she was for such a thing. Grabbing her jacket, she'd keep the dress on for now and use her jacket to cover up her nearly exposed breasts.

"Excuse me," Jade said as she tapped on the shoulder of the guy in charge. "You wouldn't happen to have something that's a bit bigger would you? I can barely breathe and I'm going to have a wardrobe malfunction at this rate."

Turning around, he'd look at her for only a split second before responding with, "Get rid of the jacket." Reluctantly Jade removed the jacket to show the problem. "You'll be fine, it should hold for the few hours you have to wear it."

"Maybe I can swap roles with one of the other girls?"

"Trust me, you'll be fine and the people will love it."

Jade gave him a look but she knew this guy wasn't going to budge so it likely wasn't worth arguing and losing the money from this. She put her jacket back on and listened carefully to the explanation. There was no Gomez to her Morticia so it was definitely odd to be a solo Addams. From the expanantion it was explained that they were expected to mostly just jump scare people and try not to grab if we can since grabbing usually led to punching.

All in all it was typical stuff but why wasn't she at least a vampire. Jade had a hard time figuring out why the guy running this wanted Morticia outside of finding her hot. At least with a vampire she'd have an easy reason to scare people. Well if you're mostly going to be eye candy, you might as well get paid to do so.

The beat up old room she was assigned to didn't even really have anything for her to play with. There was a dusty old bed which she dared not sit on, a night stand that was completely worthless and lastly a wardrobe. Opening the wardrobe, it seemed big enough for her to fit inside and was cleaner than the rest of the room. She guessed she was expected to jump out of there and spook people. While it seemed an easy enough scare if she wasn't careful she could hit someone with the door or have it swung back at her.

She probably should have read that piece of paper more closely to see if any injuries she got would be covered by that guy. Jade had a feeling the guy was covering his own ass and would try to not pay for any of it though. At least she was getting paid a fixed amount of money since she had a feeling this place was not going to attract a lot of people.

Over the course of the first night, Jade failed to really give anyone a good scare outside of a small jump and a couple people holding their chest. However she did notice a few people make several trips through and wait for her to jump out either to stare at her cleavage or purposely try to get pulled in against it. She wasn't too amused by it all but kept telling herself it's okay, just a few more days of this and hopefully never again.

Before the second night started however the boss had her stay behind while everyone else took their places. "You did great last night, seriously just the best." Jade's face immediately gave away her feelings on the matter and he hurried up. "Listen, I need you to maybe pull in a few guys against you."

"So you want me to let random guys violate my personal space on purpose just so they can be pervs? Even though we're not supposed to touch them if we can help it." Jade felt like walking out and her face was reflecting just that.

"Just hear me out. I'll pay you an extra hundred dollars to do this." The little weasel smiled up at her like he was doing her a favor.

"I want double."

His smile quickly vanished. "Two hundred? Fine."

"No, if I'm going to let some perv feel my chest on purpose I want double the initial agreed amount. I noticed how many repeats you had come in just to try and sneak a peak or try to touch me." She then crossed her arms and gave him a cold look.

"Take the two hundred or leave it." The weasel gave her a very serious look but seemed a bit nervous.

"I'll take my pay for last night then be on my way."

Jade started to walk out only for the weasel to block her path. "Fine, I'll double your pay but only for the remaining nights, not the first."

She thought about it for a minute and put a finger up to her muzzle. "I'll agree to that as long as you pay me everything upfront."

"I can't do everything right now."

"Then I guess I'll be on my way, move aside please."

The weasel started pulling on his own fur in frustration. "You're a bitch, you know that? Here I'll give you half now and half at the end of the night."

"Yeah and you're an asshole, pleasure doing business with you." He reluctantly gave her the money and Jade counted it on the way to her room. It seemed in his anger and rush, he miscounted and gave her a bit extra. Not that she was going to let him know since he was a dick after all.

The second night was a bit more eventful in terms of the number of people that came through. Also because of her having to grab people and blindly pull them in if they got close enough to her. Though the repeats would position themselves so they'd get pulled in face first rather than have their back pressed up against her. A few near hits and shoves made her start to rethink this. She didn't get hurt but it was only a matter of time until something happened.

Once the night ended, she'd call a friend to come meet her since she wasn't sure if any of the creeps would be waiting for her outside. The weasel seemed to be in a better mood though while he sat there counting the cash. He'd give her a dirty look when she asked for the rest of the money but gave it to her in the end while mumbling under his breath.

Two more nights was all that she needed then she'd be free and with any luck never have to go through this again. She really just needed to not stuff this next roommate into her breasts. Someone else maybe but not someone she depends on for financial reasons. The more she thought about adding someone to her breasts, she'd feel the one lingering within her stir and slosh around. That also needed to be taken care of eventually before it possibly caused problems.

On the third night things went much the same though she did notice a dalmatian male who went through several more times than some of the others did. Usually with different groups of friends, so she was luckily able to avoid letting him touch her breasts too much. Other than that she finally got slapped across the face really hard after grabbing someone's boyfriend. Neither party was really happy with the outcome aside from the dumbstruck boyfriend who had a dumb look on his face.

She brought it up with the weasel and they fought over it for a few minutes before he just threw another hundred at her to try and get her to drop it. Jade didn't for a bit longer but took the money regardless. Her face still hurt a bit and it even felt like the feline pierced her skin with her claws ever so briefly. One more day, she kept telling herself, just one more day of this job.

The occupant in her breast was also getting more restless from pressing so many people up against them. It freaked a few people out but they didn't seem to think much of it. Probably from just how unbelievable it seemed and she wouldn't blame them for thinking such. Since it was in fact crazy to think about let alone that it was possible.

Tonight was her last night, she was finally done with this job and with the new roommate moving in she was in a good place. Not to mention the extra money she was able to get out of the weasel helped stable things. So honestly she was in a good mood overall.

Most of the night went the same as the previous though this time when an upset girlfriend took a swipe at her, she was able to duck out of the way. The dalmatian was back again however and Jade was sure he'd try something before the night was over. This time he was mostly alone, likely less shy about whatever he had in mind and so Jade was careful to keep an eye on him.

Near the end of the night, things started to slow down with some free time between the waves of customers. Finally it happened, the dalmatian entered the room alone and she'd likely have to deal with him for a few minutes if another group doesn't show up. Very unenthusiastically, Jade jumped out and just tried to do a normal scare instead of a grab but the perv fell on purpose just to grab onto the top of the dress and pull it down to reveal her breasts.

Admittedly it felt good to not have her breasts squeezed into the tight dress but at the same time now this dog was face deep and groping at them. Jade could feel her breast milk leaking out against their hands while she shoved them away. She almost yelled for help until she noticed the dog was shrinking. A grin then appeared on her muzzle as she realized what was happening.

It almost seemed fitting that this would happen to this dog. While she wasn't sure if it was her doing or the goddess's, Jade wasn't going to let the opportunity slip by. Plus she might get in trouble if he says something about it. The raccoon immediately tried to distract him from what was happening even as his clothes were falling off.

Pressing him back in against her breast, she expected him to continue shrinking but he wasn't. It wasn't until she pressed the dalmatian's hand against her nipple that she realized it was the milk's doing. While the dalmatian shrunk in size, Jade noticed her breasts weren't growing quite as much like when she had done so to the others. She didn't really have much time to think about it however with another group possibly coming at any minute.

Luckily for her the dalmatian seemed completely dazed by the experience and his lust kept all of his focus on the breast she was pushing him against. It wouldn't be long until the pervy mutt was smaller than her breast and Jade tossed his clothes aside out of view. Bringing him into the wardrobe along with her as she held him against her while she got the dress back over her breasts.

The male didn't even make a bulge in the dress as the breast's flesh squished over his small body. Jade however could still feel him wiggling which only made the one inside even more restless. She just had to hold out a little longer before she'd be able to stuff the male inside her nipple and seal his fate.

Unfortunately for her the milk dweller had other plans and while Jade was able to feel more of that milk leak out, she was unable to do anything about it. The milk clung to the dog's fur and soon it started to retreat back into the breast. This only made the confused canid wiggle more as it was pulled along by the milk, which wasn't entirely liquid it would seem. Jade herself found it hard to concentrate on her job as she felt the strange sensation.

She knew there was no way the dalmatian would be able to move with her breasts pinning him down in such a tight outfight and yet something was pulling him toward her nipple. His hands got pulled in first, followed by the arms and head. It was at that point that Jade would feel the tugs get stronger as her breast or whatever was in her breast tried to pull the dog inside. Jade tried to adjust her dress in a way to help move things along while not quite taking it off.

The movements made the raccoon a bit wiggly herself as she wanted to stuff the squirming male the rest of the way inside. She even stumbled out of the wardrobe and into the arms of the last group. They checked to make sure she was okay before moving along, completely unaware of what was actually happening. Once they were gone, she was then notified that the night was over and was free to go.

Jade took a bit more time than usual when she changed back into her clothes to get the dalmatian the rest of the way in. It was then she saw the milk wrap itself around the dog's legs before pulling them in. Admittedly she was a little freaked out by this even though she had her suspicions for a while now. While it was good to see the last of her prey disappear inside of her breast, she was going to need some answers from that goddess eventually.

A friend drove her back to her place and while she tried to not draw too much attention to herself, he certainly noticed her touching her breasts more than usual. Not that he really dared ask what was up but he did give her a few confused looks. He never really had an attraction for her but she was certain he had noticed her increase in size. She knew he'd be too shy to ask though and she was glad that was the case because there was no way she could explain anything.

Up until the moment she fell asleep, Jade was far too aware of what was happening within her breast. Whatever the haunted milk was, it had a firm grip over the dog and she wasn't entirely sure if it was trying to absorb the dog or what. It didn't feel bad at least but she would have to get it under control somehow eventually. By the time she passed out the dog was no more and the milk had settled for the most part.

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