Iced Latte with Breast Milk

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#45 of Quickies

So there was a tweet going around that artists were drawing something based on it and I figured I'd write a breast vore story involving it. Might as well bring back the raccoon from the previous breast vore story for it and continue that. Since it is still september this will be the last of the sneptember things as well.

Also woo october coming up so hopefully plenty of halloween/werewolfish type stuff coming up.

Jade had fallen into some financial trouble and ended up having to get a second job working a few nights a week at the adult Pawbucks. It was her fault really as she had stuffed her roommate into her breasts and now it was harder to make rent. Not that she regretted it since the wolf felt nice on her breasts and he'd always be close to her now.

The coffee shop had an adult only policy, largely thanks to the fact that all their baristas were female and topless. Well they had aprons on but it was hardly enough to hide anything especially for someone with as large of a bust as hers. On the bright side the raccoon definitely got a lot of tips from the people ogling her breasts.

That said it was tough some nights to not stuff in one or two of her customers especially when they wasted her time by staring at her tits rather than ordering. While she'd miss the large tips, Jade wouldn't miss the job in the long run as she wanted to have her nights back. There were several nights when she missed opportunities to go someplace fun since she had to work this second job.

Tonight was more tiresome than others since she had come straight to this job right after her other job ended. The raccoon already has dealt with too much as is with her boss harassing her to put in more hours at the office. She could see the thirsty eyes in the crowd already and feared some of them might get handsy with her. Though if they did, maybe that would finally give her an excuse to add them to her breasts since they wanted to feel them so badly.

Luckily there were a couple large bouncers that dealt with any customers that were troublesome or threw up too many red flags. So usually she didn't have to deal with too much harassment from customers but still it was one thing she'd be glad to not have to deal with anymore. There were a few people that applied for the spare room in the apartment, so with any luck she'd have someone she could stand to be around soon.

Jade tried to sound upbeat to get more tips but came off rather monotone still from her soured mood. Not that it seemed to matter in most cases with the tips still flooding in because of her breasts. A couple of hours in and Jade was already regretting coming in with how tired she was. She was only halfway through her shift but it had felt like an eternity.

It was then Jade noticed the snow leopard in line, he was staring at her breasts and subconsciously licking over his muzzle every now and then. She knew that she should likely call over one of the bouncers but was too tired to bother and hoped he'd behave well enough. The closer he got, the shyer the feline seemed to become with him trying to look away, mostly at the ground.

Then it was the feline's turn at the counter and he had difficulty getting words out. "I'd like... I'd like a uh iced latte with breast milk." His face then immediately went flush with a blush and panicked a little. "Sorry, I mean breast milk..." He then covered his muzzle, hoping no one heard him but his eyes kept drifting to the raccoon's breasts as he went to speak. "I meant breast milk." His paws then covered his entire head as he slowly tried to get it out. "I need an iced latte with milk breast."

Jade's coworker let out a giggle as she overheard everything. The raccoon was mildly amused herself and the feline was cute in a way but it gave her an idea. Leaning forward, her breasts were practically in his face as she whispered in his ear. "Meet me around back and you can have a taste." She then stood up straight and turned to her tiger coworker. "Cover for me, I need a small break."

The feline was basically in a state of shock after the invite, only coming to his senses when another customer told him to hurry up. Jade herself being a bit amused as the feline then scrambled out the door. Chances were he was accepting her invite and she'd be giving him all the milk he'd ever want.

Outside the air was cold with the night chill starting to set in with the sun already setting. She'd take off her apron, leaving her breasts completely exposed to the sunset sky. Jade would quickly notice the snow leopard peaking around the corner and at her large breasts. "Come here kitty. You want some milk don't you?" Jade motioned for him to come over with one paw while the other squeezed over her breast.

He'd hesitate a little but soon walked right on up to her and looked into her jade green eyes before drifting down to her tits. He was patient and like a good boy waited for permission to touch her breasts. Though he was clearly eager to do so based on the way his tail was flicking and slurping over his muzzle.

"I don't know how long I'll have before she can't cover for me so we better be quick kitty. Though all things considered it's only fair you take your shirt off too." Before Jade could even finish talking, the feline had already started to remove his shirt, exposing his slender and very fluffy belly. "That's a good kitty, now you can have that drink you wanted. Sorry to say I forgot your iced latte though."

The feline certainly didn't seem to mind as he immediately leaned down a little to slurp over the sensitive nipple before latching onto it. His paws came up to knead at the breast while he eagerly suckled on her tit to get the cream he desired. A purr started to come from the feline once he tasted the raccoon's milk on his tongue, partially filling his muzzle with it before gulping it down.

Jade meanwhile was enjoying herself both because it felt good for her breasts to get some attention again from someone other than herself plus the thought of what was to come. She'd lift her hands up to his ears and rub over them, encouraging the eager feline to continue sucking on her tit. If it wasn't for the fact she had to get back to work, the raccoon likely would have taken her time with the male and enjoyed her time with him. With her being a bit more limited on time however, Jade knew she'd have to stuff him into her breasts sooner rather than later.

She felt little resistance from the male when she pulled his muzzle off of her nipple then smushed his muzzle back against it. The feline really had no clue what was about to happen to him and happily nuzzled at the nipple with his eyes closed. Part of her almost felt bad about what she was going to do to him, he might have even made a decent roommate to help empty her breasts if they met under different circumstances.

Unfortunately or fortunately for the feline though, he was going to add to her breasts both milk and fat. Jade pressed his head against the nipple a bit harder until it spread open over him and took the entirety of his muzzle inside. To her surprise the feline didn't try to pull away, rather he kept nuzzling deeper into her nipple. She watched as the snow leopard's head pushed completely into her breast.

Her nipple squeezed around his neck as it struggled to stretch out over the male's wide shoulders. Only made harder by the fact his arms were practically hugging her breasts and paws still kneading at the soft flesh and fur. A shiver then went through Jade's body as she felt the feline's rough tongue slurp at the inside of her breast. It was an odd sensation and she wasn't sure if it felt good or bad.

Jade grabbed hold of his arms and after a bit of effort got them down against his sides, allowing her nipple to stretch out enough to take in his shoulders. Her milk leaked out of her stretched out nipple around his body while she took his chest inside. The feline was still completely willing and pushing himself deeper into her breast. She wasn't sure if he was aware of what was happening or lost in his lust. Either way she wasn't going to complain especially since she was looking forward to the end results of this feline adding to her breasts.

Part of her was amused to see his paws kneading at the air, desperately trying to sink their paws into something but unable to with his arms bound. His purring on the other hand just made her want to stuff him into her breast even faster as the vibrations coming from his body felt great.

Once her nipple neared his waist, she'd reach for the button and zipper on his pants to undo them. This allowed her to grab hold of his pants and underwear and work them down until they fell around his ankles. With those out of the way and the difficult parts of the feline's body out of the way, it wouldn't be long until he'd be completely claimed as hers.

Unfortunately unlike last time, she didn't have a second person to stuff into her breasts to balance them out. The raccoon just had to hope that once her breasts started to absorb him that they'd just automatically find a balance. If not though, she was sure she could find someone else to help or the gryphon goddess would help her with it.

Jade grabbed hold of the feline's legs and pulled them towards her breasts. His thighs were quickly claimed but she had to wait a few moments for the feline to curl up more before the rest of his legs up to the paws were able to be claimed. The greedy raccoon was rather proud of herself for claiming yet another male to her chest.

She wanted to let the male's paws and tail get slowly claimed by her breast but knew she was pushing things as is and had to get back to work. Pushing on the soft pads, she watched as the last of his paws were sealed into her breast then the tail practically got slurped up from the feline's movements.

With the feline completely claimed by her breast, Jade would lean back against the wall and rub over the bulges. A smirk appeared on her muzzle while she kneaded into her breast while the feline struggled to move around inside. He still didn't seem to be trying to escape, rather he was rubbing and nuzzling against the inside of her breast while he drank her milk. The raccoon was certainly more than happy to let the feline become one with her breast since he enjoyed it so much, she'd likely even remember him unlike her previous prey.

Much like before the feline started to shrink in size and as he did, her other breast would grow in size, slowly balancing them out. Her paws lifted her breasts slightly before letting them drop back down, feeling just how heavy they were with the addition of the feline. Not that he was completely gone yet though no one on the outside would know that as his form was now too small to make a noticeable bulge on her massive breasts.

The now small feline was now soaking in a pool of her milk and he'd be able to enjoy it at least until his body converted into more of her cream. Most of his mass had been converted into breast fat for both of her breasts, where he'd spend the rest of his life as a part of her bust. He'd certainly help draw in more people to her breasts for them to enjoy before possibly being added to them as well.

For now however Jade put her apron back on and prepared to head back inside. Before she opened the door however she noticed a familiar green glow as the goddess stole some of the size she just gained for herself. It was a bit rude she thought but it was the price she had to pay for such a generous gift.

Her coworker looked like she was going to ask about her sudden increase in size as the tiger just stared down at them but couldn't get the words out. Jade felt like her breasts were still a little on the heavy side, maybe she would have to put up a breast milk latte special to help alleviate the load a little. At least once the feline was done converting into more of her breast milk.

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