A Barbeque To Remember

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Penny is an anthropomorphic Whitetail Doe, mated and loved by the black furred Anthro Wolf, Greymane. When a family BBQ is orgainized, Greymane brings along Penny to meet his pack - the young Doe feels -so- out of place, being the only prey amongst so many predators - but it goes off without a hitch - until Penny in an inopportune break in conversation - makes a most embarasing comment...

A Barbeque to Remember

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

6thOctober, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Original idea for this tale come from my dear friend on SF, Possum, go give him some love for the idea :)

Penny held a container on her furred lap, which inside was a beautifully decorated cheesecake. Greymane, her beloved partner of a year, swore and his furred paws gripped the steering wheel until Penny thought it'd surely crack. His wolfish temper burned hot within him as she suspected it did with all his kind, but he mostly kept himself in check - especially dealing with his beloved Whitetail doe lover and mate.

"Easy there big boy.." Penny murmured. "What's the rush, you said we got a good few hours to get there. Its only like three hours, you're driving like its three minutes!"

With a sideways glance at her from his bright eyes, his eyelids crinkled in the corners and he smiled lopsidedly at her.

"Yeah, sorry my sweet doe - you know how driving gets to me. I swear these people can't drive for love nor money..."

"You swerve once more, you'll be wearing this cake, not eating it..."

With a giggle, the wolf smirked and took his foot off the pedal and slowed the vehicle.

"Much better..."


Greymane bounded into the house like he owned it, a black, silver fur tipped whirlwind of fur, muscle and fangs. He was immediately swarmed by pups of all ages, who climbed all over him and playfully pulled him to the ground, him going along with their play and giggling and squirming.

Penny paused in the doorway, wide eyed and staring, before an older Wolfess walked past the fur-pile then held out a paw and smiled at her.

"Penny? Its such a lovely honour meeting you, Greymane's said so much in his emails and phone calls about you, please! Come in, come in! Oh, wheres my manners, I'm Alexis, please! Come in!"

Taking the container from Penny's nerveless fingers, Alexis chuckled and led Penny past the tangle of arms, legs and fluffy tails that writhed and giggled on the floor. Leading Penny to the kitchen, Alexis looked around then set the cake on the counter.

"You have a..." Penny began, nervously stepping from one cloven hoof to the other.

"Be at peace young one! You don't need to dispense with the common platitudes and so on, sure, we may be carnivores, but we're not going to eat you if you step one hoof out of line! We're a very easy going, casual and playful pack here. From what Greymane's told me, you'll be loved and adored!"

"A...pack?" Penny stammered.

"Sorry, I forget you're not one of us, not that that is a bad thing! Yes, we Wolves are very gregarious - here today, we've got grandchildren, a few great grandchildren, sons, daughters, wives and husbands of said sons and daughters, partners..."

"So many..." Penny whispered, ears going flat.

"Easy young one!" Alexis chuckled. "Not one of them would dare even look sideways at you, I promise. You're perfectly safe. Come on, settle, please? Your fear scent is strong, tell you what - come with me a moment..."

Penny felt herself led by the paw down the hallway and into the bathroom. Sitting down on the edge of the bath, Penny shivered and tried to suppress her natural fear at being surrounded by so many carnivores.

"Nope, not that, not that either...definitely not _that_one...ah!"

Penny squealed as she felt some fine spray mist the base of her ears, neck and throat. A pleasing floral scent come to her nostrils and she inhaled deeply.


With a chuckle, Alexis nodded. " Much better, now, come meet the pack!"

Penny glanced sideways at the elder Wolfess, who blushed and chuckled.

"Sorry, poor choice of words..."


Penny found them charming, friendly to a fault, open and honest and quickly, she grew to love them. They were curious, especially the younger pups, and Penny went out of her way to make their curious minds fill with information about her. Did it hurt to walk on cloven hooves? No. Why don't you have a fluffy tail like we wolves? Because a deer only has a small tail, like this... Their curiosity seemed to know no end, and Penny spent more time answering their questions, than she did talking to the adults.

Finally, it was time to eat, and they formed a neat, orderly line, taking their plate to the grill where a huge selection of cooked meats, sausages and other things that personally turned Penny's stomach were laid out. Carefully, she avoided the others, picking over the salads, fruits and breads on the other trestle table.

So much food was produced, the tables bent and groaned under the weight. Penny thought it was extravagance, but Alexis winked at her and said almost all of it would be gone in no time.

She was right...wolves had very healthy appetites...

Greymane slid into a spot beside her, saliva dripping from his lips as he stared down at a massive steak that was at least four inches thick and filled the large plate. Penny shook her head, this was the fourth plate he'd gotten and he fell to it with vigour and gusto, sawing off a huge chunk and held it to his nostrils as he breathed deeply.

Penny felt her stomach twist and turn within her, as she seen blood still dribbling from the almost raw steak, but she kept herself controlled. Being mated to a wolf had its advantages - and its disadvantages...

A scent come to her, then she frowned and looked at him as he popped it into his mouth and chewed, his eyes closing and head tilting back as he sighed and swallowed.

"I know I shouldn't ask," Penny murmured. "What is that you're eating?"

"Venison" Greymane grinned at her, then his ears flattened and he looked sheepish, before he smiled weakly.

Penny's eyes widened and her black tipped ears went flat as she stared in disdain at him. "You know I don't like you eating deer!"

Penny suddenly become aware of the silence that her statement had brought to the table as multitude of eyes turned to look at her.

Exceptionally bad timing... Penny's mind thought.

Greymane snickered, the tension broken, as he raised one eyebrow at her, then looked down her lithe, petite form, then back up again. A smirk on his muzzle as Penny blushed, her inner ears turning a brilliant crimson and she averted her eyes.

Around her, the pack howled in laughter, as Penny blushed worse and squirmed helplessly.

"I couldn't eat a whole doe..." Greymane sniggered, then kissed Penny lightly on the cheek.


To Court the Fèidh - Chapter Six -

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