A Gladiator's Reward

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Lord Jaycin, a rich, powerful and noble-born Artic Fox has come to the city of another country to study their people and their culture. Here, he partakes of their, in his mind, barbaric gladatorial games. He becomes entranced and then smitten by one of the young gladator's who demonstrates a remarkable skill, agility and above all - youthful endurance and vitality. Lord Jaycin will purchase this young colt, come hell or high water - as what is the point of having money - if its not to purchase the things one's heart desires?

Gladiators Reward

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

14th September, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

A multitude cheered, screamed and in some cases, even beat on each other in the paroxysms of their glee at the gladiatorial combat that occurred in the arena below. Up in the private box, Lord Jaycin rested a pale furred paw on his chin and watches with interest, his hazel eyes transfixed.

A particularly brutal move made the crowd grow even more hysterical as Lord Jaycin continued to watch. His loyal servant, a young Doe goat approached with a silver goblet filled with wine set on a golden tray.

"Sire?" She asked, bowing her head, kneeling and offering it to him.

Not taking his eyes off the combat below, he took the offered wine and clutched the goblet, some of the wine spilling forth and running unheeded over his fingers. Backing away, the young doe kept her eyes downcast as she awaited her master's whim.


Hours later, the dead hauled off, the victors lauded and celebrated, Lord Jaycin remained on the ornate chair, his eyes vacant and unseeing as his mind whirled and memories washed over him. It had been spectacular, whilst he was not interested in this barbaric sport - he admired the physique and training these gladiators had. One in particular had struck him as exceptional...

"Come, Alexis - " Lord Jaycin spoke, as he rose and walked past the kneeling goat.

Obediently, she followed him from the private stand and out through the curtains behind the chair.

"Such a display - " Lord Jaycin murmured, his thick brush of a tail swishing too and fro.

Keeping her thoughts and words to herself, Alexis quietly followed her master. She was his servant, favoured amongst his staff, but a servant none the less. She would never speak unless absolutely necessary.

His booted feet ringing on the granite floor, he nodded courteously to the other high born who passed him. Alexis kept her eyes downcast, as was expected of her, her ears sharp and alert to her masters slightest movement.

"Alexis," Lord Jaycin stopped suddenly, then turned to face her.

"Sire?" Alexis asked, her paws clasped before her.

"Go find the Slave Master, tell him I have wish to speak with him in my home."

Nodding, she curtseyed politely, then took three steps backwards, before turning and quickly walking off, her nub of a tail twitching. Lord Jaycin watched her, seeing her pale furred thighs, the leather skirt which did little to hide her lithe, effeminate rear or the treasures that hid beneath that skirt...

With a contemplative chuckle, he turned back around and left the arena.


A bear of a man, seven feet if he was an inch, built like a statue with a physique that looked like it was carved from marble, knelt before Lord Jaycin, who sat on a plush chair, one pale furred leg crossed over the other, as he rested his narrow chin on one paw.

"Slave master," Lord Jaycin smiled. "Greetings and welcome."

"Mi'lord, it is an honour to be in your presence!" Whispered the Slave Master.

Inwardly, Jaycin sighed. He despised this strange culture's ways - where he was from, far across the shivering sea, their culture was - different - more refined and in many ways, superior.

"You are deserving of reward and honour, for your gladiators, they performed exceptionally well!" Lord Jaycin smiled, leaning forwards and placing both paws on his knees.

"Thank you mi'lord, I drive them hard, I chose only the best for the games..."

Lord Jaycin slipped off his chair and began pacing, tapping one fingertip against his chin thoughtfully.

"I have need - " Lord Jaycin spoke. "Of a special entertainment..."

Keeping himself bowed low, as societal custom demanded, the slave master awaited his instruction.

"That Equid..." Lord Jaycin pondered.

Silence greeted him.

"Mi'lord, forgive me, I am but a simple dealer in flesh, I do not...what is equid?"

With a sigh, Lord Jaycin shook his head. Have these people truly such limited intellect? Or are they a product of a society that the wealthy and powerful are educated, whilst the lower class are kept as trained beasts?

"That horse...the grey!" Lord Jaycin politely spoke, masking his distaste for this societies shortcomings.

"Do you wish to see him up close mi'lord? It would be my honour to present him to you!"

Lord Jaycin scratched his chin thoughtfully, his triangular ears flicking too and fro.

"I trust he is..."

How do I word this... Lord Jaycin thought.

"Bring him to me, at your earliest convenience, I will await him here. I wish to meet this gladiator."

"Yes, mi'lord, at once!"

"Excellent - dismissed!" Lord Jaycin smiled, clapping his paws together in pleasure.

Keeping his head bowed, the man stepped back three paces, then deeply bowed and left. As Lord Jaycin returned to his chair, Alexis quietly moved up and stood attentively beside him, her head bowed and eyes downcast.

"I am wondering - " Lord Jaycin spoke to her, as he gestured.

Quickly, she moved before him, then knelt on the ground, her head bowed, awaiting his whim.

"Do you think this equid will make a fine addition to my stable?"

For a moment, Alexis was quiet. "I know not my lord, it is not for me to say."

Lord Jaycin reached forwards then cupped her chin and gently lifted her head, gesturing for her to stand with his other hand.

"You are my most beloved of servants, your loyalty and discretion are a honour to your family. Speak now, from your heart."

"My lord, as a servant, it is not permissible for one such as I to watch these - " Gesturing with her left paw, she tried to encompass what had happened today. "I know not of this equid. If he has caught your eye, master, then I must say he must be of special beauty and skill."

Smiling down at her, Lord Jaycin leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

"Yes...I believe he will be..."


Less than an hour later, wearing nothing but a loin cloth and a collar to which was affixed a rope which the Slave Master held, the equine and human knelt on one knee before Lord Jaycin.

"As requested mi'lord..." Spoke the Slave Master. "This is the grey."

Stepping down off his raised platform, Lord Jaycin walked quietly over and stood just out of reach.

With a gesture, he motioned to the horse. "You may stand."

With a flick of the ear, the equine remained kneeling, head lowered.

"Beast!" Snapped the Slave Master. "Do as your better commands, now, stand!"

Tugging the rope, the man forced the horse to stand, his eyes filled with disgust and anger towards the human who mistreated him, but it was the briefest of glances and Lord Jaycin's eyebrow quirked.

"Spirited? Interesting..."

"Forgive me mi'lord, this one, he does not know his place. I swear, he must have taken one too many blows to the head as a foal, he seems incapable of speech, he is -"

Lord Jaycin held up a paw, silencing the slave master.

"I recognise that brand - " Lord Jaycin murmured in a strange language.

Recognition flashed in the equine's eyes as his ears pricked forwards.

"So," Lord Jaycin smiled, then spoke again in the language of the Equid before him. "You are_one of the Equidalis. How did such a proud, noble creature end up a slave in these - _barbaric- games?"

Remaining silent, the horse lowered his head in difference and respect to his better.

"A fine looking creature - " Lord Jaycin murmured. "May I see all of you?"

With a shudder, the Equid paused, before he pressed his fingers down his firm waist and slid the loincloth to the floor, standing there as naked as a newborn foal. A gasp come from behind and there was a crash, as Alexis dropped the tray, her paws flying to her muzzle before she fled.

With a dismissive wave of his paw, Lord Jaycin chuckled. "Forgive her, dear Alexis'... well..."

Obviously uncomfortable, the Stallion stood, his slight trembling making his tail swish, as the Vulpine looked him over thoroughly.

"Thank you." Lord Jaycin nodded.

Dressing himself, the stallion bowed his head and clasped his paws behind his back.

"Name your price slave master - " Lord Jaycin grinned. "For such a fine stallion as this? I would pay his weight in gold!"

Staring incredulously, then remembering his place, the slave master dropped his eyes and stammered.

Cupping a paw to an ear, Lord Jaycin frowned. "Pardon?"

"He was taken as a young colt and..." Stammered the slave master.

"Yes, I'd assumed so - " Lord Jaycin waved a paw. "Name your price for him. I would purchase him."

"I - mi'lord..."

"Five hundred dactarans? A thousand?" Lord Jaycin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mi'lord...he is...hardly worthy..."

With a snort, Lord Jaycin looked down at the trembling human before him, before he sighed and walked to his desk. Here, he wrote on a slip of parchment, then applied his personal signet seal to it. Folding it over, he returned and pressed the letter into the slave owners hand.

"Three thousand, payable for this colt...now, I believe our business is done?"

Staring at the letter, the slave master trembled, then bowed and scraped almost piteously before the Vulpine.

"Yes...yes mi'lord..thank you for your generosity and..."

"Thank_you_..." Lord Jaycin smiled broadly, as he walked with the slave master back to the front door.

Quietly, the newly purchased Equid stood, head bowed and respectful, his emotions kept in a tight control as he wondered why on any content - someone would pay three thousand dactrin's for him...


Later, Lord Jaycin stood in the expansive bathing chamber, watching as the Equid stared at the large, deep bath, from which come the shimmer of the hot water and a lovely floral scent of oils and a few flowers that floated on its surface.

"Please, bathe, whilst I usually find your kinds scent most alluring, the stale sweat is quite - off-putting." Lord Jaycin smiled and gestured, speaking the language of Equidalis.

Quietly, the colt slipped into the water, at first tense and quivering, before he shuddered and nervously leaned back, the hot water soaking him from hoof to throat. He leaned back, resting his head against the edge of the bath and a quiet sigh escaped him as the water and oil worked its magic and relaxed his tense muscles.

"What shall I call you?" Pondering, Lord Jaycin walked over, then placed a stool behind the bath, as he picked up a cloth and soaked it in the hot water.

"My slave name is - Geld, my lord." Stammered the Colt.

With a snort, Lord Jaycin reached down and lightly rubbed the cloth over the colt's chest, feeling the firm musculature.

"A slave you shall be no more!" Lord Jaycin spoke formally. "You are to be my servant, to be cherished, pleasured and cared for."

"Master? I'm a..."

With a smile, Lord Jaycin stood up, leaning over the colt, then touched noses with him, a smile spreading across his Vulpine features.

"No, you're no longer a slave, by my word, you will be a servant, serve me with honour and respect, and you will find yourself richly rewarded for your servitude. I expect only honesty, truth and politeness from my servants. I offer you a life of travel, experience and..."

Frowning, Geld looked up into Lord Jaycin's eyes. Realisation suddenly spread across the Equid's face, as Lord Jaycin grinned wider and licked his nose.

"You will find I offer many pleasures..." Lord Jaycin whispered, as he lovingly caressed the colt's cheek with a paw. "You old life as a cruelly treated, abused and beaten colt are over - I know who and what you are, your species ancestry and your noble and proud heritage..."

His eyes widening, Geld blinked slowly.

"I know unlike these... primitives ... gah, how their society functions, I will not ever comprehend! Your people and mine share a unique and fascinating quirk..."

Dropping the cloth, Lord Jaycin walked around to the side of the bath, revealing he was completely naked. As he slipped into the water, he sighed in pleasure, then carefully slipped down and straddled the young colt's thighs, his paws sliding into the scented water.

"Unlike them..." Lord Jaycin snickered, as the Colt gasped and felt paws squeeze his sheath gently, the leathery paw pads trailing along the ridged edge. "We're not ashamed to share our bodies with another of the same sex..."

"Master..." Gasped the Colt, eyes wide and nostrils flaring. "I've never..."

Placing a paw lightly on the Colt's lips, Lord Jaycin smirked, then kissed his velvety furred nose.

"Then let me teach you..."


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