Spring Break - Prequel - Fall

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Spring Break

Spring Break - Prequel - Fall : A gay whitetail buck hits his favorite nightclub, looking for love, or even, as its the fall, maybe some male affections for the night. Here, he finds one who ticks all his boxes and sets his heart fluttering - the one he will come to love and cherish the rest of his life...

Spring Break

Prequel - Fall -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

13thSeptember, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Reuben looked at himself in the full length mirror, naked as the day he'd been fawned, twisting his body this way and that as he ran his hooflets down over his well muscled chest. Admiring himself, not that he was obsessed, he just liked how he looked. His trailing paws slid down the taught, almost washboard like abdominal muscles and he nodded in satisfaction.

His antlers gleamed and shone, the sharp spikes glistening with vigour and health. Recently having shed the velvet - a frustrating time for all stags, be they feral or anthropomorphic - Reuben felt his blood running hot within him. Now was early October - the traditional start of the rutting season and he felt every urge and instinct of his ancestors fill his heart and mind.

Unlike most Buck's... Reuben thought to himself, as he looked himself over again. I'm not beholden to my instincts, my preferred partners aren't Does...

Turning away from the mirror, he dressed in thin black slacks and a loose button up shirt. Smoothing his clothing down, he stood back before the mirror again and looked himself over. His cloven black hooves were clean and polished to a gleaming shine as he grinned and nodded.

"I look good and I feel good - " Reuben muttered, as he left his bedroom and headed for the front door.


Reuben's ears flicked and a slightly pained expression crossed his muzzle as he entered the Gilded Hind - a place unlike most bars that either human nor anthropomorphic person would visit. On the outside, it appeared to be one of many bars, night clubs or gathering places - in appearance - in reality, it was where those of a _certain_persuasion, sexually, could safely gather and express themselves.

Lights strobing, artificial smoke hanging like a cloud near the roof and the music...if it could be called that...threatened to burst the eardrums of any who got too close to the stage where the Vulpine DJ held court. Countless numbers of a diverse species filled the dance floor. Here and there, scattered amongst the fur and scales - surprisingly - were humans.

Whilst humanity and the Anthromorph's had co-existed for centuries, it was unusual for them to frequent such establishments as this. They weren't unwelcome, it was just...unusual. Romance existed in all its forms, from the sedate to the exotic, and Reuben moved cautiously through the crowd and headed towards the back rooms.

Quietly, the door hissed closed behind him and he tilted his head back, sighing in relief. Whilst he didn't mind music, at that intensity and mixed with the strobing lasers and other lights - the phrase a deer in headlights didn't do it justice.

It was quieter in here, the lighting subdued and relaxing, a faint floral scent wafting through the air as Reuben's cloven hooves clopped across the floor to the bar where he sat on a stool and rested his chin on a paw, his hooflets idly drumming against his cheekbone.

He startled as a paw gripped his rump and as he got turned around, he found himself nose to leather vest clad chest with a large friesan stallion. Leaning back, Reuben looked at the physique of the stallion, who grinned and posed under the stag's gaze.

Reuben was impressed - he couldn't hold it back - as he took in the polished hooves, the strong, masculine legs, the tight fitting G-string that covered the sheath and...

"Like what you see little one?" Snickered the stallion.

Reuben blushed, his ears twitching back as he chuckled and nodded. "I got to admit Bruce, you look damn fine my friend!"

With a snicker, the Stallion reached out and cupped Reuben's muzzle in one paw, lifting his head up and gazing into the deer's dark eyes.

"We could be good together - " Bruce tipped Reuben a wink. "I haven't had a sweet young Buck in too long..."

Reuben shook his head and chuckled quietly. "I'm flattered - but I don't think so..."

Turning side on, Bruce struck a theatrical weight-lifter like pose, showing off the muscular body and flexing.

"Your loss, this stud is ready willing and more than capable..."

Reuben laughed, he couldn't help it - for all Bruce's posing and the oozing masculinity of him, he was really as sweet as sugar and gentle as a lamb.

"Whole lot of horseflesh here..." Bruce grunted, as he winked at Reuben. "Your loss!"

Reuben snickered and turned back around and gestured for the barman. "That may be..."

Bruce grinned and walked off, carrying the drinks tray with him.


For three hours, Reuben chatted casually with a variety of people - some male, some female - many of the women tried their mystical wiles to entrance and captivate him, but Reuben stayed in control and polite throughout. He did not have the heart to tell them he wasn't the least be interested in them sexually.

"Excuse me - " Come a feminine voice to his right.

Flicking an ear, Reuben's muzzle wrinkled in frustration, his patience starting to wear thin with the women who saw in him _something_he could not and would not - give them. As he turned, he paused, then a blank look swept away all thought and emotion. Standing next to him was a Whitetail, just like him...

He was unlike any Stag he'd ever seen, no antlers, an effeminate appearance of musculature and the outfit! From his cloven hooves that peeked from under bright pink hoof-covers that laced up the ankle and thighs, Black fishnet stockings that were beautifully encasing the pale white fur of the legs, stockings that stopped at mid thigh.

Reuben felt his heart begin to flutter in his chest as he blinked and looked again, almost as if he were dreaming.

This enigmatic buck wore the smallest skirt imaginable. From the back peeked a shy nub of a tail that flagged too and fro under Reuben's gaze. Midriff to chest was more of that pale fur, so fine it was almost like gossamer. A short blouse, as vibrant as the hoof-boots clung seductively to the narrow chest. Reuben's eyes tracked upwards and he found himself gazing into the most intense woodland brown eyes he'd ever seen...

Reuben was speechless, he could only stare, trapped like a deer before oncoming headlights.

With a cheeky smile, those pale lips parted as the Stag before him held out a slender paw. "Hello, my name is Nathan, may I know such a handsome young Stag's name?"

"Uh..." Reuben murmured, then shuddered and blushed, his ears slicking back in shame and guilt, as he reached out and gently took the offered paw in his own. "I'm Reuben..."

"Charmed - " Nathan smiled, then gestured to the empty chair. "May I?"

Almost forgetting his manners, Reuben stepped aside and gestured. "Oh..yes...please!"

Nathan sat, folding one leg over the other, before he trailed a hooflet lightly over the rim of his drink, some sweet scented cocktail. Turning his head, he lowered it, those pale lips parting and closing around the straw as he took a long swallow. Reuben watched the strange deer's throat muscles ripple as he swallowed, then he blushed again and sat down, scooting his chair closer to Nathan's.

"Ten buck's says he won't last the night - " Come Bruce's call across the room as he picked up glasses and set them on the tray.

Other's chuckled and wagers were made - both for and against - but Reuben was oblivious to the interactions around him. There was something - elusive - about this effeminate Buck's scent he couldn't put his fingers on.

"I've never - seen you in the Gilded Hart before." Reuben muttered.

With a shy sideways smile, Nathan twirled his drink. "I'm new to town, I must admit, this is _so_much nicer than my previous town - ugh - surrounded by small minds and smaller ambitions...besides - a doe like me? Wasn't exactly...welcome with open arms and hearts..."

Reuben sighed, having experienced other's prejudices directed at him over the years.

"So..." Nathan smiled, his eyes crinkling as he tipped a wink at Reuben.

Reuben blushed again, then gestured to the barman, who grinned and made them two new drinks.


Bruce won his bet...


A year after that night in the Gilded Hind, Reuben had become smitten with this effeminate young Stag. He had courted him with care, love and affection, and late one mid-summer eve, the two young lovers cuddled together beneath the stars, laying on a blanket.

Sweet honeysuckle from the flowers filled the air, Reuben inhaled the scent, then gently licked his lovers ear, making Nathan squirm and giggle.

"I love that scent - almost as much as I love you..." Reuben murmured.

Nathan snuggled in closer, taking Reuben's paws in his own and lightly caressing them.

"I wore that scent the night I first met you..." Nathan giggled. "Its beautiful, isn't it?"

"Mmmm - " Reuben admitted.

Nathan's flagging tail brushed back and forth against Reuben's belly, making the larger Whitetail growl playfully and squeeze Nathan's belly playfully.

"Stop that..."

Nathan's smile spread as he twisted his head to look sideways at Reuben. "Stop what? I'm innocent..."

Faster, the flagging tail whipped back and forth.

Shuddering, Reuben muttered and rolled Nathan off, then knelt over him, placing his paws on Nathan's chest. Looking down into his lovers eyes, he adopted a serious face - one Nathan completely ignored by rolling his eyes theatrically and then licking Reuben's nose.

"You just wait...until we get home little doe..." Reuben growled, tapping Nathan on the nose with a fingertip.

Nathan squealed and giggled hysterically, eyes widening as his beatific smile spread from one ear to the other.

"Oh, I do so love the Fall..."

Reuben snorted and shook his head. "I know you do..."


M/M - Ring the bells -

Ring the Bells © Cederwyn Whitefurr 12thSeptember, 2021 All Rights Reserved. - Authors Note - This tale, whilst including Sebastian and his brother Richard, is in no-way canonical with the Far From Home series. It is a small 'what if'...

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Character Reference: Richard

Name: Richard Species: Red Kangaroo (Megaleia Rufa) Age: 24 Body Type: Athletic, muscular Hair/Eye Color: Being of Red Kangaroo ancestry via his mother's side of the family, his fur colours have the very distinct black and white muzzle markings,...

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Character Reference: Sebastian

Name: Sebastian Species: Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus Giganteus) Age: 23 Body Type: Effeminate Hair/Eye Color: Being of Grey Kangaroo ancestry via his father's side of the family, his fur colours have the black ear tips and tail, with black...

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