Lawful and Indecent: Part Six: The Reviving

Story by wellifimust on SoFurry

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#6 of Lawful and Indecent

A day couldn't heal the sting of public humiliation; not for everybody. Maybe a sting operation in the nudist resort will set things right.

Thanks to DukeFerret and psydrosis for proofreading!

All characters belong to Disney. Please do not sue me and take all of my money.


Lawful and Indecent 6: The Reviving

Judy had enough thinking about it.

She just ran.

Dust clouds buffeting her open car door, she ran deep into the alley where the suspect was escaping: a weasel, ginger fur, pockets full of wallets, and if she wasn't lucky, bullets. Badge out, clenched fist, she ordered him to stop; no good, so the goose chase into the tight labyrinth began. Last thought was a memory; too much ground to gain. There's only so much a bunny could do on those legs, but pumping blood made the muscles work better than a brain wave. Handcuffs dangled at the belt, loose enough to throw out. Justice. That's what the name is.

Sprinting 'round the last corner, he found himself at the metal staircase by the apartments and jumped to grab the next platform up. The sharp metal dug into his fingers as he rose to the platform, clambering out of Judy's reach. Or so he thought. She leapt to it no problem, startling her target, his fur getting frizzy with thrill. He climbed it fast, whipping around the U-shaped corners, her rabbit legs burning up each step behind.

He reached the top and tried the door to the maintenance shaft, fumbled the knob, no good. Pounding vibrations down below threatened him; he looked out to the other staircase a few feet across, nothing in between, a sweat drop running off his brow. No other choice.

Just as she reached the step, there was no one there.

A gong in her chest as her mouth hung open; she saw the culprit climb to the faraway stairs, its metal framework reverbing with his speedy descent. And it lay agape as she watched him descend at lightning speed. She took out her pepper spray can and bit into the shell, leaning away from it as the contents sprayed out, then threw it at the stairs, ending up hitting the weasel in the face. He cried out in pain as he held one eye, slowed, but not deferred.

It wasn't enough. Even as she reached the bottom of her own stairs, he was making his way towards the city. Judy flashed her badge as she waded out to the public, all of them pulling over like cars to a siren. He was making his way to the skeleton of an unfinished building, past the bulldozer, running across the beam.

She had no choice but to follow, her rubber bullets bouncing off the slanted trajectory of the beams below them. Every second she righted herself, losing ground, the weasel taunted her, gaining distance quickly.

The beam beneath them lifted. As it turned, he jumped off. Judy's paws made clouds of sand as they hit the ground, and she watched him run through the closest door.

This place was good for demolition. Outlines of picture frames, holes from whatever used to hang up there and splintered wood scattered all over the place. She heard his thudding footsteps up the staircase and dashed upwards. Floorboards ricketing underneath, she pressed on, turning the corners, checking her six, expecting his final trick to jump down beneath her. Though it never did. He wasn't heading for the top, was he?

She found him by a window, right near the top part of the truss, and she knew he was about to be that crazy. A crane hook swung into view, presumably going to the highest beam just feet away from the window, and his tongue lashed out in insanity as he jumped to it.

And then, an orange flash, right by the ankle.

It all happened so fast.

Judy felt like a speck of dust on the glass of a grandfather clock as she watched him swing, suspended by the handcuffs from his ankle to the hook, the wallets dropping out of his pant pockets. She holstered her gun, feeling as stuck as he did. She saw Nick on the highest beam, a ramp of truss leading right up to his position. Sly fox.

She holstered her gun, paws on her tilted hips. "Took you long enough."

"I got a little lost along the way," he shrugged. "Wrong turn to Albuquerque and all that. 'Least I didn't lose a rat race to a weasel with one eye." He playfully tapped the culprit and let him swing.

She rolled her eyes and grinned. "Hey, play nice! I had him on a good run."

"Well, if my outfit didn't slow me down, I would've got him first!"

That joker. What with the way his belt lay crooked on his bare waist, yet his hat stayed on just fine; an orange bliss, that fox was. Aside from that, he was completely naked. Looked good on a Saturday, and he'd been like this since Sunday, bare in front of hundreds of onlookers, but look at him now! With the sun and the buildings in the background, he was a statue among them. A dirty, smirking one that she erected with her kindness. Yes, it'd been a hell of a week, and in some ways the two days left were even scarier, but for now, he was quite the distraction. Focusing was tough when he took center stage. Tough with the subtle swing of his dick on every tilt of his hips. Tough with those unsucked fat nuts out in the open. Admittedly, it was hard to take it seriously when her crotch whispered in her ear like he would on a frisky Saturday night. "You take the wins when you can get 'em," that's what she told herself, but some days are easier than others, like planning park bench romps in the afternoon.

"How'd your day off go?" Judy asked.

"Oh, Carrots, it was twenty-four hours of pure meditation, let me tell you," practically performing this now, "and you know what else? Six hours into it, I was beginning to realize just how silly this whole thing is. What else are the animals supposed to do when they see a guy like me walking around like this, take notes? Flattering, sure, but a little peace and quiet did the trick. In a word, this whole thing is, uh...stupid."

"That's the word?"

"Well, one of seven six-letter words. Anyway, with Jared gone and the system scouted, there's not much left in my way anymore. We're all doing our jobs here; I'm just the naked one."

Lost in the image of that, she chuckled. "I doubt anything feels weird to you anymore."

"I wouldn't act like that." With a stronger push, he let the culprit swing. "You wouldn't want me tying you up like him, right? Blindfolds? Handcuffs?"

"Don't go so easy on me."

"Hey! Hey!" the weasel yelled. "Are you done flirting? Let me down before I fucking die! And stop swinging me close to your crotch!"

Nick cleared his throat, slightly shocked. "Sorry. I'll make it easier."

After giving the wire a few tugs, the crane let him down towards the cop car at the bottom. Now, Judy could get a good look at his face. For a day off of work, he had tidied himself up. No longer did the fur stand on the back of his neck.

They met each other at the bottom near the cop car, watching the culprit go inside and zoom off in the distance.

Nick clapped the dust off his paws. "All in a day's work!" He put them on his hips. "How's a lunch break at eleven sound?"

"Sorry! Not part of the schedule."

"Ah, come on! It'll be fun! Besides, I'm not up for the next part."

Judy shuddered at that. "It'll be fine."

"You sure about that?"

"Well, you've done a lot already! It can't be that bad, right?"

5 minutes later...

"Hey! Hey! Somebody toss this twink a thong to wear!"

"It ain't Halloween anymore, slut!"

"Oh, come on, give that tiny dick some air!"

"Nice ass, you little bitch!"

"Hey, Chief, wag that tail a little longer!"

Gobs of laughter everywhere. All attention flocked like dozens of hyena-seagull hybrids to the one flustered nudist on the block. He kept himself covered, but it didn't matter. Animals left and right mocked him, taking pictures, making him feel as pitifully naked as possible. Some walked by and gave a good look at his ass. Others fought the urge to slap it. One skunk thought he could sneak around, pry open his cheeks and take a picture of the hole, probably for a mean price-he didn't last long, but a valiant effort. Meanwhile Judy stared blankly at her phone, hopelessly ignoring the glowing bulb of public humiliation that was Nick Wilde.

Funny thing about embarrassment: it's given, not taken. Even as they ducked away from the street for a smaller crowd, it was still an explosion. He hung his head, the only thought in his mind, They love seeing me like this, that naked, humiliated cop bitch on the block_._ Ears folded back, paws feeling like exactly what they were, he waded through, and they pointed, voices multiplying like cells. A posse of shopping bag-toting fennecs gawked. A crowd of hamsters scurried under him, each of them taking videos of his large, exposed butt and swinging balls, chaotic jeers in the background for somebody out there's perfect fap. His cheeks flushed, tail swinging. Humiliation: plain and simple. Few things felt more vulnerable than a gang of rhinos making fun of you for being naked in public. What conversation was there to have? There was nothing but laughter, and laughter sharing in laughter, and amidst all of that: a blank face, and an annoyed sigh.

"For the sixth time in a row, this is the most humiliating day of my life."

Her gaze didn't falter. "Yeah, I'm kinda over it."

"Wanna go inside?"


She grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him to the closest store. The sudden coldness brought chills ranging from his bare chest to his pelvis, the sound of a who-knows-how-many-years-old pop song ringing quietly over the squeaking racks and cash register, the occasional camera flash. Key aesthetic.

It all made him groan. "Really, Carrots? A clothing store?"

"Uh, yeah, didn't think that one through. Anyway," she took out her phone and played the black and white video on it, "There's this footage found in East Lake City that may lead to the underground apparatus. We've already caught the two suspects involved in the robbery, but there's one over here that got away." She swiped right to a short video of a panther escaping out another door. "There. I've been looking for him all day, but he's a tough catch."

"Is anybody else doing this?"

"No, just me. I had a hunch," she drifted off. "Some of the officers in the department said it was a red herring, but I don't believe them. Even with both criminals caught, the bank still counted thirty thousand dollars less. This robbery was way too well organized to not get away with something else."

"Wait, but these aren't yours, right?"

She sighed. "No. Not intentionally."

"So you just took them off the counter and made them your responsibility?"

"I don't like it when you do this."

"Carrots, Carrots, listen," Nick said, paw on her shoulder. "How many officers are patrolling those sectors?"

A heavy sigh. "A lot."

"How many of them need backup?"

A cart full of jeans passed them by, and she pretended to be distracted by it. It made Nick frown. He wasn't used to seeing his bunny this distant. If he hadn't known further, he'd just assume it was an off day, but just about every day was like that, now. He played the waiting game. Eventually she sighed again as her eyes clenched shut.

"I was demoted to parking duty last night. Mental health reasons."

"Carrots, I'm sorry."

But she pushed his hand away, trying not to eye him up and down. "No. No, no, stop. You're in a way worse situation than me."

"How can you ignore the problem when he's standing right in front of you?"

She huffed and seemed to pout instead of giving an answer. He felt like pouting, too. Ignoring her problems wasn't the word, no; it was her gaze at the storm to come. What was to come down the line? Clearly that was getting to her, too.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"Fine, fine, it's just..." She sucked wind through her teeth. "I'm fine. You're the one suffering through this. Just wish there was a better way."

"I want to make it easier for you, Carrots."


"There is a way, but you have to trust me."

"Oh, please, I can't even trust myself!"

"You're panicking."

Fuming, she yelled, "I know that I'm panicking, I just need to-"

"Carrots, I know the guy!"

Her ears perked up. "What?"

"I've seen him around. He likes a very specific hotspot. It's not gonna be easy. But I think it'll make all of, well," He gestured to himself from shoulders to knees. "_this..._more bearable."

She blinked, still not understanding, but came to reason soon enough with a wider pair of eyes.

He nodded, eyebrows popping. "Keep an open mind."


The massive gates looming overhead hid not evil, but uncertainty. A sunset or a supernova wrapped in a ball of chocolate and iron. Even with the trendy wooden sign above: "Mystic Springs Oasis", it left a thousand secrets, treasures, all hidden within those who enter with a purpose. Take a picture, it will last longer. Take a single glance, it was gone forever. Such was the appeal. Especially when you learned they didn't allow cameras.

They could already hear the bugs buzzing around Yax's head when they stepped inside the dark room. Matted hair, slatted eyelids, two-foot beaded beard, the poise that barely registered an open door; it was as if he were hypnotized by the kaleidoscopic carpets that lined the room. Still, they'd been lucky enough to catch him in between meditation periods.

"Ha ha, right on, man!" Yax said, two thumbs up. "I knew you'd come here. You're like, a! Or something!"

"Heyyyyy, the yak's back in the sack! Good to see you!" Nick said, arms outspread before one went on the table, "Say, how come every time I see you meditate, it's in here? It's beautiful outside."

He chortled. "It's all about the vibes, man. Once y'get past the part where you're focused while everybody's all walkin' around, doin' stuff, their thing, y'know, y'gotta tie a better connection. That's why I got the rugs in 'ere. Plus, it's like there's no difference between closin' my eyes and openin' 'em, so the only thing that smooths my retinas is, like, the light of God or a customer, one o' the two."

Laughing, Nick said, "All right, here's another one, listen up:" counting fingers, "Black panther. Six foot something. Grey birthmark. Nice butt. Ring any bells?"

"Oh, yeah, that guy's in there right now! He comes by every Friday through Sunday, you lookin' for him?"

"Bingo! We just want to ask him a couple questions, that's all."

Judy nudged him. "I thought you said he was dangerous."

"No, I didn't," Nick mumbled, slapping the wallet on the table. "Two for the day pass. Keep the change."

Yax took that and filed it in the register. "All right, looks like you're all set. You and your friend can put 'em in here!" And pointed to a section of the room off in the corner where all the clothes stood in a neat pile.

"Actually, I'll be keeping my uniform on," Judy stepped forward. "This is a remote operation, and there's no reason to-"

He tried to take her seriously. He really did. She turned to Nick for answers, but he was none the wiser. Confused, she recalled last time they went, there wasn't funny business. It gradually set in what the plan was.

"Wait!" she protested, grabbing his shoulders, hushing up. "Wait. Wait. Wait. We can't just do a sting without our gear!"

Nick scoffed and frisbee-tossed the hat on top of the pile. "Talk about bringing a gun to a knife fight." Smirking, he walked past the stammering bunny. "Loosen up. Nobody's gonna hurt ya."

Yax chuckled. "Yeah, we don't judge. If anybody body shames, we just throw 'em out."

"See?" Nick pointed behind him. "Expert's approval. Come on."

He headed towards the door where Yax was leading them to, but she didn't follow suit. A moment passed, and she turned away with arms folded.

"It's just," she said, pressing them deeper. "I don't want them to see me."

He brought a finger to her chin so their eyes would meet.

"What about me?" he asked. "I want to see you."

She said nothing.

"Don't overthink it," he said. "Just relax."

She slipped off her pants, showing her black panties. Then she slipped off her vest, the shirt right after, leaving her in her underwear. She hesitated, but saw the look on her fox's face, and the twitch of his length. So she gulped and then slipped off the bra and the panties. Then she went to collect her clothes, but Nick was faster, swiping them all up and folding them in the clothes, making sure to hide them in the pile under the hat.

"Uh, Mister Yax?" Judy asked, her hand raised. "I'm requesting to take my notepad inside the vicinity."

Yax giggled. "Yeah, sure, why not? A notepad's not clothes or nothing."

The door opened as Nick snickered to himself.

She felt some instant regret, throwing her arms over her breasts and crotch the second she hit the light. Frantically looking, she thought it'd be easy to find a black shape in the sunlight of the open ceiling, but it wasn't so. Boxed in the castle-like strawberry shortcake walls were the menagerie of trees curling the pathways, every shape and size, cones and bushes, much like the exposed bits of the animals that walked amongst them. Sunbathers lay on towels in the grass beside those in sun-salutations. Picnic tables lined with giraffes and hippos gathered for lunch, talking so casually. Alien concept. It could only be that way for a first-timer.

Oddly enough, the first thing Nick noticed were the new hedges to the right wing. They led to somewhere like a maze, but he could only see the entrance.

"Hey, did this place get smaller, or did I get bigger?" he asked.

Yax half-chuckled. "Yeah, we just got that there for special occasions. See, we wanted to set up a couple picnic tables and a band for the nights, but we got a little carried away, y'know, just last week, a couple people went back there and-"

"Yax, Yax. Buddy. Did you glow the place up?"

"Oh! Oh, yeah! Sure thing, we did! See, we wanted to set up a couple picnic tables and a band for the nights, but..."

Judy wasn't listening. The eyes were on her. Tall and small. Fat and skinny. Startled by a pair of mice by her feet. She knew everything, and they knew everything about her, except for what lay beneath her hands.

"...And," Nick started, concerned, "is that seasonal too, or...?"

"Can't remember, gotta get back for meditation!" Yax said, stretching his arms. "Catch ya later! No rough sex in the pleasure pool!"

It was blunter than either of them were expecting. He seemed to walk in a zig zag on his way back to the cash register. Meanwhile, Nick was smirking down at Carrots.

"See? No sex allowed."

She wasn't convinced. "You know how totem poles have a head on every side?"

"You feel like they're all staring at you, don't you?"

"Yes, oh my God, I'm so nervous I never should've come here I should've just stayed outside why didn't I just-"

He let down her hands, revealing her fuzzy chest and her tight pussy, slightly darker than the rest of her fur.

"Oh," she said. "That's actually not so bad."

He eyed her. "I get the feeling you're the slightest bit tense."

"First time for everything, right?"

She was making it look great, though. For all the times Nick had been embarrassed in public, it was nice to see the tables turned. He'd turned the world inside out and saw the one person who wasn't listening. And the way she quivered like her pussy would on a good fuck, standing outside naked for the first time since a drunk night at college she'd never spill the beans about made him feel a lot more at home. So much so, he made up that story on the spot for the hell of it.

"How about we settle down? I'll grab you a bite to eat."

She said something to the effect of "okay" under her breath, still distracted by the surroundings.

"What's the matter?" Nick asked. "You look great. You're like a sexy picket fence!"

"Oh, stop," she giggled.

"There's a lot more where that came from," he said, repositioning his hand on her back.

She sat down at the white table, all eyes, all ears. The red couch lay empty. The giraffes were up eleven to zero at the volleyball court. No panther in sight. A male fox and coyote walked by the table, and each caught a look at her. They smiled, but only because she did first. Next minute, Nick was back with a popsicle, handing it straight to her.


"Hey, I never got to give you one," he teased. "This one's on the house!"

Amusing enough, but there was still someone to find, and she was still keenly looking for him. Somehow, trying to find him now bored her. Especially with the way he was treating her.

"Carrots, you with me?"

Snapping out of it, "Y-yeah!" but still made herself crystal clear.

That look in her eye. That slight shiver in her voice. She was an open window. He stuck his paw beneath the table and kneaded her thigh.

"You know," he crooned, "I never paid you back the other day."

She practically blushed through her fur. "Here?"

"Let me rephrase that," he leaned in, "how about you be on the lookout, and this time, I get myself a bite to eat?"

A slight stammer, but she was thrusting forward as if to get her pussy closer to his fingers. She wanted it bad.

"Go for it."

And to an extent, it surprised him. He slunk under the table when no one was looking and pried open her legs for the lemon behind them. She held back a squeak as his tongue went inside her, far too big, finding every notch that it could. Already so wet, it was like he was just adding to it. Still, she peered around, composure melting like chocolate in the sun.

She had a photographic memory of the path. A hippo bounced around. Three forty-something-year-old raccoons talking about the game last night...or something. Fuzzy head. That big snout between her legs kept corroding her mind. Paw on her cheek, behind the tree she thought she saw a dark shape. A gasp was stifled as that image was covered by Yax taking the seat across from her.

"So you're a newbie here, right?" he asked. "Just hit me, like, a day ago."

Her paw clasped over her mouth. "Y-yes?"

"Yeah, I was meditating in the office, and I kinda-sorta opened my third eye," he mumbled, "and, yeah, like, I saw you really tense and like, super not okay. You mind if I teach you about the culture?"

_ _ "Sure thing!"

Then thought,Gosh darnit, Judy, you're too nice!

He appeared to sway with the wind. "Awesome, man! Er, girl. Anyway, we're a group o' guys n gals who wanna let our spirits loose. We all got ways o' doin' it. You know, a lot of people had to fight for stuff like this.The details are a little fuzzy, but I remember a guy shouting something like, "Unclothe the animals!", and then he got shot in the face exactly nine hundred and eighty-three times. Bummer. But now all that stuff's over, and I just wanna relax. Most everybody's chill like that."

Judy nodded, gripping the benches, her left eye half closed as she came into Nick's mouth. Though his tongue didn't retract; instead, he squeezed her thighs, feeling up to her butt to pull her in, just an inch.

He's really testing my patience, she thought.

_ _ "And we're all adults here, you know, we rub lotion on each other and touch each other and stuff. It's all for good fun."

"Yeah!" she yelled. "Yeah. Good fun. Awesome! Great! So, how else? So I can enjoy the view! Yeah! Great sun. Vitamin D. Please?"

Yax seemed to do a half snort into a giggle; except he didn't, he just kept his mouth open and chuckled. In other words, he had no idea what she just said. No dice for her. And with her vulva in a wet, sloppy embrace, that spelled bad news for her reputation, so she kept up the half-smile and pretended the heat was getting to her head instead of her pussy.

Flies scattered as he pulled a bottle of suntan lotion from his hair. "You know, I actually got some on me right now. You want some?"

Oh, that's an easy one, of course not.

_ _ "Sure!"

Why am I like this?

_ _ That rumble. Nick was laughing at her. The tongue inside her retracted and ran around her vulva, over her hard clit, teasing her, eating up every second of it. Once Yax made his way to her, he dove back down, covered by the thin shadow as lotion rubbed into her shoulders.

"You know, the sun's really good for Vitamin D."

"I know, Yax," she sighed. "I know."

As he rubbed it in, he started talking more about spirits, but the only one she felt was the rising one in her chest. Even her breasts felt sensitive, the hot sun and the animals walking by only flustering her harder. Her legs flexed, locking Nick's head in place; better finish what he started.

"Whoa," Yax stopped. "My third chakra just opened up." His bottom lip hung in a U. "Actually, wait, that was my eyes. Anyway, I noticed you're tense, what's up?"

"No!" she cried. "It's just that I'm looking for, a, uh...criminal!"

"A what?"

More animals heard that. Some of them turned to her, and the shock in her face mirrored that of her pussy. From the massage parlor to the couple just now joining the neighboring table, they asked her: "a criminal?" And it echoed and echoed until it all got back to her. Her palms were flat on the table, puffing her cheeks. One zebra turned to three cows turned to a bull and a rhino until the whole table was surrounded. The sweat beaded down her contorted face as the pressure rose, Nick tongue pistoned through her vagina as he gave a quick rub around the clit. Their questions barraged her:

"Everything okay?"

"Is someone hurt?"

"Do you know something we don't?"

"Is everything okay?"

Judy's fists balled and her eyes clenched tight, cumming with fury again, "YES!"

_ _ "Oh, okay."

Everybody dispersed in seconds. Her legs were still light and her whole body was like a hot bath full of TV static. Yet one person stayed.

"Well all right, lemme get your legs," Yax said before looking around her. "Whoa, hey! Fox dude! What the heck are you doin' down there?"

Judy froze up, expecting the worst. Fluid had inundated her crotch section and dripped down to her anus. Meanwhile, Nick laid to her side and held the popsicle stick in his hand.

"Hey Yax," he said, reading it. "Listen to this one. Why did the little strawberry start crying?"

"I dunno, why?"

"Because his parents were in a jam!"

As they both barreled over laughing, Judy grabbed the notepad and ran.


And almost ran headfirst into him.

"Hello?" the panther asked.

"Nothing!" Judy yelled, covering herself quickly and releasing, nervously chuckling. "I mean, uh...." Then she realized this was their target, and she happened to be face to face with his penis. "Hello! We're-uh, I'm looking for you, to, um-"

"Whoa, slow down," he knelt. "You okay?"

Flustered by his size, she continued: "I just have a couple questions to ask you in regard to recent criminal activity in the East Lake sector."

"All right. Go ahead."

She cleared her throat. "On the sixth of this month, there was an attempted break-in to the East Lake City bank at eleven-oh-four in the morning. Several witnesses were arrested on arrival, but each of them failed to give a proper incentive. We suspect the odd timing of the attack was a diversion into a kidnapping case conducted later that day." She shivered at the memories. "This resulted in a larger sting that concluded this attack was not an isolated incident, and in fact a part of a greater operation."

"Makes sense to me."

"Good. With that said, camera footage on the outskirts of the bank showed a black panther narrowly escaping around the perimeter."


"All right, and you're aware that it was three seconds after the sirens were heard in the background rather than the six minutes and twenty-one seconds of down time prior?"

"No, I couldn't have been aware of that. I was in the safe room at the time."

That didn't sound right. He would've had to have been out of sight from every camera. And those black ears above the's either a massive coincidence or a slam dunk for her. Time for a litmus test. She brought out three sketches-one of an antelope that had nothing to do with the robbery, and two suspects drawn from what they'd gathered from the film. The trick was to see if she'd throw them off track.

She showed him the first. "Do you know this animal?"

"No" to all three.

So he wants nothing to do with this, she thought. "Are you aware that the same footage caught you sprinting through the back door approximately three seconds after the sirens were heard in the background?"


"Why were you fleeing the scene?"

"Because I heard gunshots and wanted to get out as quickly as possible."

A likely story. "You had something in your hands that you left covered up. I want answers."

"You don't want to know about that, trust me."

"I think I do."

"No, you don't."

Judy nodded, case dismissed. "Well, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to put you under arr-"

"You said there was a back door?"

The spontaneity of it caught her off guard. "Yeah?"

"There is no back door."

She blinked. "What?" Words failed her. "How do you know that?"

"Because I work there."

Her fur shot up. "Oh."

"I ran out the side door. I was trying to phone the police. I'm the reason you arrived."

No. She wasn't buying it. This was the perfect opportunity to turn it onto her. Both of them were vulnerable; nothing to hide. Going for the head was the quickest option.

"Then what was in your hand?"

"The key to my chastity cage."

That brow furl and that bottom lip of his looked like the resting bitch face of a comic book C.E.O. Needless to say, sometimes the truth didn't come wrapped in a bow and shiny red paper. She looked down at the long, limp tube between his legs. Imagining that inside a cage was...well. Much like this little incident, cat's out of the bag.

"Oh." It was awkward in the room. And the room didn't have a ceiling. Pretty awkward.

"Anyway, if we're done here, I've got some sun to catch."

She didn't try to stop him. And it amazed her how she didn't even get to the storm drain system questions, or anything of the sort. Well, if that was for the best, then that's that, so she left the scene, back from where she came.


"Hey, Nick?"

The only people she found at the picnic table were a pair of gazelles.

"Hey, have you seen a slim, handsome fox around here? Twice my size?"

They shook their heads, but another animal came thundering in. A shadow overcast. Judy looked up and saw a thick rooster that stood eight feet tall, huge breasts spilled and belly thick, though her gaze was of stone and chopped trees under a golden sun.

"I will help you." Her voice was the girth of an elephant in boldface. She ascended to a sun salutation pose. "Patience." Deep in the throat, she hummed in rhythm of the vibrations of the Earth. On the ball of one foot, the wind went from a whistle to a howl, whooshing through their fur, waving her ears. The sky darkened. The mountainous hums of faraway Gods rocked the heavens, as the rooster's whole body began to sway with it. As she turned, the howling wind moved the table with the gazelles, but like them, she could only stare in pure awe. Time slowed to a crawl. The rooster's clenched eyelids showed her focus, sticking her gargantuan glutes out in the last twenty degrees of her great pivot to the direction of a torch-flanked door on the far side. The clouds parted. The wind slowed to a crawl.

"He is there."

The pure beauty brought a tear to Judy's eye. She took a full minute to find the words. But all she could say was, "Okay."

When she opened the door, she felt the heat go from hot to steamy. In the middle of a circle of pink petals was Nick in a hammock and some shades. Two arctic foxes were on either side of them, clearly supposed to be fanning him, but they'd gotten other ideas, massaging his body instead. Torches hung on the walls, candles around the perimeter, their orange flames making his fur look twice as naked, four paws sifting through his golden fur as they found every single notch. They'd been putting in work. When Carrots' vision adjusted, she saw his long, hard penis straight as a board in front of her, tail limp at the bottom.


Neck tall, he slowly met her eyes. "Good to see you!" The sight of him was tantalizing. "We could use one more hand, if you're interested."

"I, uh, had a run in. I might forget."


Guess he wasn't buying it. She was so wet it'd've been impossible to sway him. His tongue had hooked her until she squirmed and squealed and gave him everything he wanted, and now it was coaxing out the rest; theory of a smooth talker. There. That's the spirit. What was the harm in letting go? Have sex for the hell of it. Why did there need to be a reason?

Judy grasped the manhood that had been hidden from hundreds of lewd onlookers and kept it all to herself. A two-handed grip, he stretched; maybe the white foxes hit the good spot, she assumed. Though she held the best seat in the house; that thought, she'd save for later. His balls were so got her to stroke faster, paws dusting over his thick head as they bounced lightly below him. The way he sighed out a whirlwind and sank into the scarlet cushions. She loved that.

Her tongue lapped up the shaft, the two vixens giggling, but she wasn't listening. All she wanted were those light but lucid green eyes of acknowledgement following her gaze. So she licked more, all the way to the tip, before she suckled that further. Four white paws kneaded his chest, stimulating him; they wanted this, too.

Wet lip smacks mixed with both of their moaning. The shadowed horns of a gazelle showed through the nearby window just as quickly swept away. It gave her a rush; one she'd never felt before. The sensitivity in her velvety breasts rose, so she rubbed them against him. She swallowed him deeper, caving in her cheeks as inch by inch entered her throat, tender paws massaging his pelvis. On either side, two furry thighs rolling, snout up and stargazing, tail curling, and the cherry on top: the curved eyebrows, O-lips, the oh-so lovely pressure climbing up his shaft to the brink.

One loud _"Oh!"_and the fox seed shot out, a geyser that quickly rushed from her throat to her lips and out. She coughed, but kept going, stroking him at the base, until the spurts grew to spouts in her warmth. Happily, she swallowed it, satisfied with how good he felt. Outside, the quiet chatter continued, unaware of what had happened. Almost like a miracle. Almost like a successful crime. Though crimes caused pain; here, everybody felt good.

"That'll cost you extra," the right vixen said, and they all laughed.

"Even so, it's not enough," he breathed. "Thank you, girls. Carrots."

When they left, Judy took her chances further. There was no room for her on the cushions, so she took their place and stroked his chest. She whispered "love you" in his ear, and it flicked as she did, turning his head over to kiss him. And it occurred to her that those words rolled off the tongue in a way it hadn't before; full of semen in a dark room of love. Warm as fire, she couldn't parse between the thrill of him, or the thrill of outside. Must've been both. What a day, what a day, and still, there was so much left to go.


The sunscape was blinding, though they each had new heads on their shoulders.

"Didn't know you had it in you, Carrots!" Nick stretched. "You're pretty good with the nightstick."

"Oh, the other girls made it easy. I was just...y'know, curious."

"Curious, hmm?"


"Curious enough for a small audience?"

"Y-well-it happens!_We've spent a lot of time together, in _way crazier places, and we were in a dark room, and there you were, on the couch-chair-throne-thing, all dressed up in the nuuuude, and I just-I couldn't just leave you hanging!"

He smirked. "First of all, Carrots, at that moment, I was not hanging. In fact, I was _very_hard."

Blushing, she looked away. "You were."

"Secondly, I don't get why you're acting so nervous. I've seen you like that a thousand times, and you looked just as pretty in every one. A couple of spectators weren't gonna take away your thunder, and you've made that very clear to the three of us."

"Well, it wasn't the masseuses," she said. "It's..." Her mouth hung open, "well, it's the way they set it all up. The candles, the pillows..."

"Better than a street corner."

She whirled around, as if someone had heard that. "Nick, that place was barren. This was so different, I mean, anybody could've seen what we did, and that..." She seemed sad; too sad. "That would've ruined everything."

"Sounds like you knew the consequences pretty well."

She went cold. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"And yet, we got away with it." Now he was cocky. "Who's got time to care?"

Her face contorted with disgust for half a second before it hit her. If he only knew what world his words had rocked. It wouldn't make it easier to get her train back on the tracks, but it'd be a start.

Instead, she thought, I wouldn't be thinking like this if I'd just gone back to- before the hairs on the back of her neck stood. "Oh! Uh...anyway. Panther. Right."

"Are you sure you want to let this go?"

"He's not a criminal." She stiffened. "He was just a teller."

The disappointment brought him back to business. "I didn't say he was a criminal. I said he was a witness."

She paused. "Right. Um," shook her head. "No. I don't trust it. He said the thing in his hands was nothing, but I don't buy it. That could've easily been a cover up." Her eyes grew renewed fire. "One more time. Let's follow him."

"Wait, wait, what was in the guy's hands?"

"Just the key to a chastity cage, he said. I shouldn't have believed him, he never showed me."

Stammering now, "Was he a perpetrator, or-?"

"That's why I need help." Stonefaced, cold. "You with me or not?"

His lip curled in frustration; she couldn't make things like this up without a reason. From the animals she saw to the mind of the fox she'd known for years. Bad friendship after friendship taught him that if context is the only thing saving you from scrutiny, it's probably a veil that wouldn't hold.

The lightbulb was on, now: safety. If he couldn't pluck the panic out, he could at least give her that.

"We'll give it one more shot."

They snuck beyond the hedges, around the park, eyes peeled as Nick's resolve and trust grew thinner and thinner. Though eventually, they found him, a shadow in the shadow of a rock formation holding the shimmering spring.

He disappeared behind the hedges to the right of them. That was where a park bench was, enclosed in hedges, a meditation room. She walked up to the wall of the hedge and peered her way through, Nick over her shoulder. The suspect looked around, as if someone was there. Then he picked up his cell phone, dialed a number.

Jackpot, Judy thought, and thumped her feet. Goosebumps accompanied the shivers. The rush was apple pie pheromones to the bloodstream.

"Hello?" he said. "Yeah, Mom, I'm here."

She had to put it somewhere. Sticking her butt out, she found his flaccid length in the crack and slowly shifted side to side. The panther heard none of it.

"It's going pretty good."

You know what else was good? Big fox dick. The harder it got, the more her pussy quivered. Nick mumbled in her ear: You're really showing yourself, aren't you? Damn right she was.

"No, I'll be out of here soon."

The leaves in her fingers crunched, the hard man meat wedged between her buns, digits on her shoulders getting tougher as the tip nudged over her vagina.

"Uh huh. They're here, too."

Her gasp could've blown her cover.

_ _ But the party noisemaker was louder.

A flurry of rainbow confetti poured down on them; they flailed their arms, checked the sky, and saw a blimp that said "Congratulations!" Zax was clapping behind them. "Congratz, bros! You're the first ones to get caught screwing in the resort!"

Judy babbled: "Oh, no, no, no, we're so sorry, we're so sorry-"

"Now you get to have sex on the new stage we set up!"

Both went silent.

Nick's dick throbbed a single time. "Excuse me?"

Yax put out a paw. "No time to explain! Just get with it!"

And a crowd came in and swept them up, rampaging them as their confusion meant nothing.

Thrown onstage, streamers above them, balloons, a cake, and her ass getting eaten like a good birthday on fast forward. Judy clawed at the ground like a predator, ass up, cock inside, fucked in public, the chocolate fountain to her banana-sticked partner, sweet tooth of a thick Aphrodite. Grit teeth, fist pounding, moans becoming grunts: "Harder! Harder! Harder!", and needless to say, that was obvious, that tight bunny pussy dominated like cramming a bratwurst in a Pez dispenser. Sprinkler residue on the surrounding grass couldn't compare to how wet she was. Teeth on the neck; she liked that. Oohs and aahs; she liked that. Secret's out. Pussy annihilated. Again, "FUCK ME HARDER!", she did love to restate the obvious; all eyes on them, his claws dug deep, their sex, fried bacon in the grill of truth, any moment, now, the shoe would drop! Her back arched as she fired her cannon on his dick, eyes burst open to the crowd, polite applause to her final screech:

"Nick! Nick, I'm cumming! I'M CUMMING!"

Outside the resort, they sat side by side on the sidewalk, six feet apart, eyes wide and staring straight ahead, both with their fingers interlaced over their knees. An empty cup skittered across their feet, but they hadn't moved a muscle in thirty minutes.

"So," Nick said. "See any good movies?"

"Oh." She coughed. "Yeah. The one with the...guy."

"Great. I liked that one, too."


"So," she mused, feeling through her ears, "I guess I should," she shied away, bit her lip, "admit something, real quick," then looked back at him pleadingly, as if her violet eyes could ask for forgiveness prematurely, before finally, after a deep breath and a moment of second thoughts left to the vultures, "I've always wanted to get into sex work."

Nick smiled calmly. "Could've fooled me."

"It always seemed so...vicious. And dangerous. But there's something fun about that. The way you could give yourself over to anybody with the money and let them play with you and twist you in ways you never thought possible. Just the thought of it-the thought of waiting on the street, leaning in the window of some stranger's car, being taken to his house, having sex with him, and leaving. There's so many risks involved. So many factors. I...I couldn't."

He glared lucidly at her badge. "Careful who you're talking to."

"Sorry. I'm just fascinated."

Smirking, he flirted, "Pretty exciting, huh?" And she smiled back; a good one. Earnest. For too damn long she kept that back. Nothing was as fascinating as realizing what got her worked up in the massage parlor. It wasn't him; well, not entirely. It was the girls doing their jobs. Those paws churning a flame was like a taste of her desires-and she did get a taste, oh yes-but only the slightest bit. And that was all it took to get here.

"Thing is, you can't do this sort of thing in Bunny Burrows. The folks start talking around and, well, that doesn't end well for anyone. So I worked really, really hard, and got exactly the job that I wanted, and ran into the same exact thing. One door opened, another seven closed."

The feeling was all too familiar. And Bunny Burrows was the problem, huh? He'd wondered how much of that was made up on her own. Poor girl's been through a lot already. But he couldn't ignore the rest of it. She'd been doing fine, but even with the way that foot still thumped on the pavement, she wasn't exactly comfortable with all this. Good at hiding it, though. Her sultry gaze was full of relief, sexual and mental.

"Hey, before I forget," she put a paw on his knee, "thank you for doing this. I needed this more than I ever knew. It's like the clouds just parted and I'm...I'm still standing here. You ever feel that?"


"Sexy, I guess, with this whole thing you're doing."

If anyone else called it "his thing", it would've offended her, but Nick was patient. "I think I handled myself well today," he said with a dash of salty humor. "So did you. You don't have to be ashamed for that."

"I'm not. Well, for now. If anybody saw what I did, it's curtains for me."

"And you think they'd get it?" Nick's eyebrow raised. "You think any of these people know what the hell they're talking about?" He scoffed. "Listen, I've endured a lot of humiliation over the past week; turns out, when there's a naked fox walking down the street, everybody wants their say. They're confused, they're hilarious, they're this and that; you wanna know how I tell them from the idiots? One's louder. To them, my body-my naked body-is a personal offense. But if I wrote a hundred letters to these slut shamers and one email, I'd get no replies and a notification that I've been blocked." His bellowed laugh lit her spirits up. "These people don't _talk,_are you kidding me? They'd rather box themselves off. It's easier to convince themselves they're better when they don't try to learn about the other side. It's sad, really. It doesn't matter if your job is to save lives and help the helpless; they'd treat you all the same. I hate to break the news, but you've said it yourself, Carrots. You're nothing to them. Why not throw it right back at 'em?"

She listened a while, taking it all in. "I'm so glad you won't judge me."

"Last thing I could ever give you is a tongue lashing for that." He put the badge back, this time on her crotch, an aroused smirk back on his face. "I've got better reasons."

Judy giggled. "You got a pretty good taste of me, that's for sure."

"My compliments to the chef."

Just then, the walkie talkie chimed in. Nick answered it.

"Officer Wilde, come in."

"Good to hear." It was Wolfard. "We've kneecapped the underground system in over half of all projected sectors. East Lake City bank is back up and running with round-the-clock surveillance."

What a relief. With Jared and Subject 23 gone, reasons to worry were dwindling in the wind. For the first time, he could say that Zane was toast.

Though, Wolfard said, "Uh, there's something else I need to tell you."


"...Nevermind. Over and out."

"Over and out," Nick repeated, and the line went dead. "Well," he turned, his smile as wide as a canyon. "What do you know!"

She should've been bursting with happiness, but it was more like a fizzled soda can than a bottle cap on a mentos volcano. Her walkie talkie flipped around in her paw as she waited for it to go off; Bogo, particularly, yelling at her for not sticking to her position. She waited. And waited. never did. A smile crept up her face, a prick of freedom in her blood, now as she got up and stood to his side.

"Let's go home," he said.

At last, her warm smile; relief. That day, she learned that miracles didn't have to be a gift. It could just be a day. As they walked, her bloodstream pulsed in tidal waves, thinking of the things he'd said, and the twisted ways he gave her comfort. They could've kissed. They could've held hands. Instead, she crept her hand up his thigh and at his crotch, hearing him gasp softly as she fondled it.

His tail snaked on the ground. She watched as it stiffened until she was working with a piston. He smirked at her, as if to ask, Here? "Yeah," she whispered, reading his mind, watching his lovely balls bounce, pleasuring his fat meat snake. No cars in sight, nor in hearing. Peace. She kissed the tip, then his lips again.

They hardly even got to the end of the block before he spilled. It sank into the cracks where it would never be seen again. On her toes, she kissed his cheek again. A car passed by, honked the horn, and just kept going, going, gone.


"Are we good to go?"

Shadowed room. Single desk. Gloved hands. Interlaced.

"Not yet," it responded.

Patience, thin. Wires out. Rags.


The table was set.

Zane couldn't wait.

The Loophole

Thanks to DukeFerret, psydrosis and StokerBramwell for proofreading! And thanks to Edtropolis for his OCs, and the commission that became the thumbnail for this story! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - **The...

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Nightswimming With the Lifeguard

Other Lifeguard Stories: [Don't Fuck With the Lifeguard]( [Fucking With the Lifeguard]( [Merry Fucking Christmas, Chad!]( Special thanks...

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Unemployed, Ch. 6: Well

As usual, thanks to DukeFerret and psydrosis for proofreading and editing. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter...

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