The Loophole

Story by wellifimust on SoFurry

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The worst place to be caught naked is in a crowded water park. But when Fiona decides to swipe her boyfriend's speedo, S Tails will have to make do in the most embarrassing chase of his life.

Thanks to DukeFerret, psydrosis and StokerBramwell for proofreading!

And thanks to Edtropolis for his OCs, and the commission that became the thumbnail for this story!

The Loophole

Every set of rules has a loophole. The blurred space between the lines that lets the craziest things ride once, and never again. It's inevitable, and they know it. Maybe they let it go on purpose just to see the fire start. Or maybe it really is just one big oversight. Either way, it's their funeral. Because when all the pieces fit together-the perfect weather, Friday morning, all the kids were still at school-that's when the floodgates open. "Must wear swimsuit at all times in the water park." Funny that they never mentioned anything about a speedo. Funny that no one had ever tried it. Matter of fact, some of them found it very funny.

Fiona leaned on the wall outside the men's locker room, one leg crossed over the other, dragging a comb through her long, chestnut hair. Her caramel fur colored all but her belly, chest and face like she was half a truffle. Her hands smoothed over her black one piece, bored, but not impatient. Though she woke right up when she saw that jittery, toothy grin of her slim boyfriend, sporting his glossy blue "swimsuit" over his short cut orange fur.

"Didn't know it was my birthday!" she smirked knowingly.

The first stiff breeze nearly knocked him dead. "I have some ideas."

She hummed, picking up on his future tense. "Well, you've got me hooked. You really had to pick the tightest one for your penis?" And there she went again, always emphasizing the words that embarrassed him most.

"Maybe," he managed. And for a moment, she said nothing. Tails was never a champion of social etiquette, but he knew whenever his girlfriend stopped talking, her mind was on a journey to a whole new world. FionaLand was a creative one, though he never had an image of it. He could take a wild guess the way it melded its way with the real world in the lewdest ways. The perfect moment would strike, and the world bent to her will like a contortionist, right when Tails was least expecting it. To make it simple, when Fiona broke his comfort zone, she smashed right through. To him, that was the point: flattery. The power of suggestion.

"Anyway," she said at last, "c'mon, the water's getting cold!"

They made their way into the crowds, Fiona amused, Tails barefoot and timid. That patch of fabric made better latex the way it held his crotch hostage. A slim V clung over his full moon as if it was a sticker, and the bare insides of his thighs rubbed as he walked, hips a little too chilly to ignore. His tiny bulge was aching. If he thought about it too hard, it'd only make it harder, as if his only real coverage was his girlfriend's rough, guiding hand fondling his junk in public. But this was what he asked for, so he left his second guessing in the locker with their towels and wallets and let the sunny day begin.

The first few slides had easy lines, as if they were all thirty-six person caps. Time was a blur, superseded with funny looks; jealous, even. She squealed with joy, and he smiled with her. Still, people were looking, but so long as she was happy, it was a-okay. She made it clear after the fifth ride.

"Guess we picked a good day to go!" Fiona said, elbow bumping him. "You having fun?"

"Yeah! Lots of fun." He wanted to follow up. "Like I'm wearing nothing at all!"

"Ooh!" she sang. "Confident!"

"It's easier now, given what you've made me do in the past."

"I know you'd do it again."

He knew what she meant. "Hey, now, I didn't say that!"

"It was fun, wasn't it? I remember the look on your face. All of them."

Her tantalizing insistence never came without warrant. Those surreal, unforgettable memories of his day at the beach with her friends. The way they constantly prodded and teased him for being the only one naked, and how he quietly loved every second of it. No secret; Fiona loved to remind him whenever she wanted to see his dick hard. So it was no surprise this was another one of those times.

"Totally," he said, and that summed it all up.

"Mhmmm?" she teased. She graced his hip, caressed the fur, and pulled the strap an inch out. A rubber SNAP echoed with a fox yip. Tails covered up his speedo bulge just as the prick beneath it twitched.

"Stop!" Tails begged, embarrassing himself with an identical tone. "I didn't mean it!"

"You didn't?"


"Then why'd you wear it in public?"

"'Cause!" He slunk, rolling his eyes away. "Maybe a little bit."

"Babe!" She chuckled at that. "You know, decency's kinda funny to me."


"Yeah, y'know, everybody says skinny dipping is the best kind of swimming, but no one actually does it 'cause it's illegal and shit. Imagine if one day we all just decided to stop caring, just for the hell of it. You know what would happen? I think at least eighty to ninety percent of everybody here would be totally butt naked. I'd put money on it. Hundred grand."

Tails gawked and watched her yet again ignore the myriad of strange looks she got. She had the body of an early twenties rockstar but the fucks given of a seventy-year-old on the porch with a jar of moonshine. As far as he knew, it only ever came out when he was with her.

"Hot," he said at last, and they both laughed, interrupted by the screams coming from the huge red water slide above them.

She pointed. "Wanna try it?"

Cantankerous. Big rides were a big scare, but disappointing her was far worse. Unlike all the other lines, this one was cramped. Tails fixed his speedo, but kept one hand on as his anxiety crept to his chest. That height was scary enough; he didn't need the thought of one of them slipping it down.

Fast forward a couple minutes, and he was zooming down a hundred-thirty feet. He clung tight to the floatie, but the speedo felt looser. Fiona screamed, much louder than he. The water crashed around him, flushed up through his legs, the world a dark, colorful wind tunnel.

Then the light returned, and he splashed and rocked. Dizzy, he stood and hit the water out his ear. Something startled him. Beyond the fence, people were cheering him on. This took him off guard. Smiling, he gave a thumbs up back to them. Ever so slightly too long. And when he finally got his balance back, he waded off with her. Still dizzy. Still alert. Still...

...wearing the speedo.

"Looks like a thong the way it rides up your butt," Fiona teased. "You trying to make it disappear?"

"Nah," Tails smiled slyly. "Just like the wedgie."

Punching his shoulder, "I know you're not into that!"

"I know, I know! In all seriousness, though, that shook me. Mind if I go on the lazy river?"

"Sure thing, babe, want me to come along?"

"Nah, I'm good. Just need some alone time."

"That's fine, babe," she said, and watched him wade in front. "Make sure you don't get your swimsuit stolen!"

"No problem, babe!"

Off he went.

The BareBack Lazy River ran all across the park and kissed every attraction. It was basically a ferryless ferry. He put his arms over his head as he lay on a circular floatie. Eyes shut. The sun was nice. Time melted to a syrup. So he relaxed every muscle and let the water do the work, the last thing Fiona said to him flowing away with the stream.

And then,


Right off his legs.

Yep, he thought. Fiona.

His cheeks flushed. Throwing himself off the tube, he shivered his way towards the perpendicular entrance. He guessed thirty something floaties on the way up to the staircase where a crowd stood before the line behind it. Look at them all: bored, unaware.

He gulped hard. I can already hear them laughing.

Warm water at his waist, his thighs, toes, slipping into the crack of his bare butt, but the worker at the floaties wasn't looking. Two more steps. The glossy sheen of water like a dress he stepped his way into, a thin window to his naked body. He stepped out another inch, systems raging, two inch flaccid penis growing at the thought. They paid no mind; a relief and a suggestion. A transparent blue floaty below his navel allowed him one double take before everybody saw. One last move. A series of potted plants on both sides flanked the river; he darted behind one.

And looked at the line leading around the bamboo walls. Disappearing around the closest guy: that unmistakable color of auburn. Fiona. Speedo in hand. Evil smirk. Worst of all? Eye contact. She knew he was following.

He ducked from one plant to the other as his nipples hardened, goosebumps around his chest, the people in line still blissfully unaware. One pointed finger's all it'd take. Sixty agonizing seconds passed before the first gap came loose.

Here goes nothing!

He dashed out, straight out in the open.

But she wasn't there.

Instantly, he zipped behind one of the nine potted plants. The wide open landscape was big and flat like a hockey field. A breeze caressed him from the waist down while he tried measuring the potential onlookers in dozens. Fiona. Where was she? He found her: there, by the drinks, pina colada in hand by a strip of lazy river, a mile away, it seemed. Tails was confused. Had she expected him to follow? The center was a no-go, but close by was an island of tall grass and palm trees.

Maybe if I stay low, I'll stay out of trouble, Tails thought, before immediately ruling it out. The park guards are everywhere. Darn. This'll be impossib-

_ _ "Hey there!"

A voice like gravel and cut trees startled him. He turned to a rather stocky looking brown walrus, a yellow park jacket barely holding back his big gut, jeans about to burst as he lifted the plant next to him. A half-glazed, half-enthused look in his brown eye, lazy in the other. He saw the pot just at his waist. His heart began to race.

"H-hi!" he said, and thought, HE DOESN'T KNOW I'M NAKED!

"We gotta bring that pot around," he said. "Mind steppin' out of the way?"

"N-no!" Tails stammered. "Uh...I'll carry it!"

"Nah, that's up to the-"

"I insist!"

Walrus reeled back a bit. He turned to the line of workers behind him, who lifted up every other pot and apathetically made off with them.

"Well, who am I to turn down a favor?" he said. "Besides, we're low on staff today. Now, put your back into it!"

"Sure thing!" And he screamed inside at what he'd just done. He lifted it from the bottom and followed them out into the public. It was like covering himself with a post-it note. He walked with it facing the stampede, unsteady fingers, unsteady legs, both tails horizontal over his rear, but they were slipping fast. The heat of bodies and voices flushed his cheeks and shook his legs. Every half second, they mumbled: "'scuse me," unaware of the rippling mass of glutes that was S Tails the Fox. His tails slipped an inch, and he thought he would've yipped at that. Instead, he did at the hand slapping his ass.

"Hey! This way!"

It was Walrus. Behind him, the boys were moving away to a more sparse plot of concrete. He walked backwards after them, tails now limp with embarrassment, thoughts of being bare-assed to the people behind him surfacing. A giggle sounded somewhere. Not sure where. His heart pounded like a paddle. Each beat, the split-second heat of a camera flash. The split-second flash of his balls behind it. And after came the split-second image of the pot smashing to pieces and exposing him for good. Any moment now, somebody would point, laugh, take videos, and it surged through his body like a rush of blood to the-

"All right, boys, put 'er down!"

The new shade cast over him; overcast roof. Behind him, the front of an indoor water slide, a yellow chain across the entrance. Under construction. Four open windows made its midnight darkness look at least like 7:45 PM.

Dark enough to wait them out, he hoped, and ducked beneath it when they weren't looking. Or, at least, he thought so.

"Hey, you in there?"

Instantly, Tails threw his hands over his genitals when he saw that boulder of a man prop one arm up against the doorhole. Outside, a sign read "Hideaway Cove'', an arrow pointing seemingly at his shameful displaye. He was caught, and a part of him liked that, but the other part saw him on a brisk, naked walk to a cop car if he messed this up.

"Huh?" Walrus asked amusedly. "How'd you get naked?"

Didn't he just slap my butt? He put it aside anyway. "I, uh...I lost my trunks!"

That subtle pause. That half twitch in his eye. That flex of his bicep; Tails made up that last part, himself. Big dude wasn't buying it.

"Lost yer trunks?" he scratched his chin. "How'd you lose it from here to there?"

"It was an accident!" He was just blurting things out now.

"Well, you're not allowed in there, so come on out!" he said. "Here, I'll get nekkid with ya!"

Not what he needed, but he couldn't help but snicker. Then, an ibex peered over his shoulder, muscles nearly twice the walrus's size, big horns, and two eyes full of three hours of sleep. Just seeing made Tails pivot away, smiling for all the wrong reasons.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Kid lost his trunks."

"Nah, I mean, why's he covering up?"

"Should be obvious."

"Is it?"

"He's got a tiny dick."

Tails was offended. "You haven't even seen it!"

"Then show us!"

Obviously he didn't move. Not even when they began to snicker amongst each other. He said it again: "tiny dick!", half smirked and mockingly, and the rest of the workers caught the drift, each of them poking their heads around each other through the windows. Tails twisted his knees and grit his teeth, eyes like dinner plates, flustered like a thermometer spewing mercury in his cheeks.

"You want help?" Harris asked again.


"You sure?"




Harris sighed, shaking his head. "Listen, kid, you don't gotta be embarrassed about it. We're all men here. The important part is that ya find it in your heart to forgive yourself for having a tiny, useless, thumb tack of a penis that you'd much rather risk showing off the whole water park instead of asking for the pine needle it'd take to cover up."

The ibex interjected: "He actually meant not to make yourself body conscious by being hyper-aware of your flaws instead of building comfort and confidence in the only body you're ever gonna have, but that was much more entertaining."

"Hey did I catch you boys exposing a self fulfilling prophecy again?" some gruff voice behind them yelled. "Get back to work!"

"Oh no!" Harris screamed. "We can't let boss see us bullying some twink bitch again!"

A bull from the nearest window pointed beyond him, eyes full of rage. "Dispose him!"

Harris ran forth and shoved the bag of twigs into the locker behind him. It creaked as it lifted up, found itself in the out-of-order slide, and shoved down by Harris with the force of a thousand dodgeballs. Tails coughed and sputtered in nonsense before it finally crashed to the end, door opening with it.

"So that was humiliating." He crawled out and cracked his back. A clean glass door led out to a path before him. The park outside roared with people, bombastic intercom announcements and faraway screams; one of them, him, on the inside, as he saw Fiona walking with his speedo in hand.

The coast was (mostly) clear, so he bolted. It was a straight shot to a strip of land with no one in it. She darted to the right across the rope bridge, the lazy river now beneath them, any onlookers getting a clear view at his naked body, but he couldn't worry about it now. Tails ran past and ducked by an island of palm trees and tall grass.

Fiona ran into the wide open street of games. Dunk tanks, bank-a-ball, ring toss. Red/purple/green roofs, glasses clinking and fun chatter filled the area, between them, the only path. So he went for it.

Light on his feet, humiliated, the adrenaline at his shins stung like a cowboy's spurs to the horse. Around him, the images blurred. Ring toss; we have a winner! The clerk carried the huge stuffed toy just over his eyes. The man on the dunk tank saw his face. He tried to point, but fell, and the people applauded. But he made it. Somehow, he made it, and still Fiona ran further away to the right.

Up at the end of it was a stone arc, a waterfall running from the top. Fiona twirled the speedo in her finger and ran through it. Tails ran into it with her, and the second he came through, wanted to run back out.

The wave pool.

Open as a soccer field. Dozens of people. Hundreds, maybe. Teal umbrellas lined the perimeter, while the clear waters took up most of the space. A lifeguard watched over it, unaware of the completely naked fox that'd just emerged. Running to the other side was Fiona, looking back and dangling the speedo in the direction of the water.

Tails burned with humiliation; checkmate. It felt like they were already looking at him. That speedo. It might as well have been a thirty foot leash and a light tug. His face pouted and blushed, but he couldn't help but imagine his maw at her pussy in public. Maybe some would join in. A picture or two. Smile, slut! She beckoned him with her fingers. His dick twitched like those digits were dancing over his scrotum. He'd snap out of it, soon. Not much time to spare.

Someone whistled to his right. The squeaky wheels of whatever he was rolling came with it. He crouched. Thankfully, he was still in the shadow of an arc. As it passed, he moved with it, catching a glimpse of the floppy eared brown afro dog carting it while staying between it and the great, rocky wall. One sudden turn was the only scare. But he was covered. It stopped. Now what? He thought. A towel lay on the ground nearby. Nobody was looking. A smile crept up as he reached for it, when:

"Hot dogs! Get yer hot dogs!"

The dog opened up the cart as a storm of footsteps came closer. As they did, a girl came over and slung the towel over her shoulder. Covering himself instinctively, Tails scrambled for options, but found nothing but empty space. Perhaps he could run out? He peered around the side of the cart to find an array of volleyball nets just a sidewalk's length away from the shady tables.

That's that. In seconds, exposed from all sides. Everyone teasing. Teases becoming laughs. Laughs becoming mockery. Legs shaking, cock throbbing, mind screaming, whatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo...

He spotted a bag of hot dog buns close to the top of the table. Then it looked out to the line. Everybody there was an avian. He quickly grabbed the buns, ripped them up into crumbs, and threw them out at the line.

"Get yer hot d-!"

Like that, everybody in the line was pecking at the ground. He covered his junk and burst into a sprint.

Fiona ran up the stone staircase in the distance. That's his target. Three seconds before someone turned, a red-and-white beach ball bounced towards his way; a good cover for his crotch. He waved "Hi!", smiled, anything to stop the staring. Then, the air deflated. He kept running as it hit the ground, two feral seagulls flying to either side of his hips. When they passed, an umbrella clattered down, so he held it in front of him. But it was heavy: as it dragged across the ground, its shade tore off like a bad sweater. Quickly, he saw a hat on the ground and traded. Now merely feet from the staircase, he held that over his crotch, running backwards, hoping desperately no one was looking. They weren't. Stealth god.

He realized that the cap belonged to the Philadelphia Eagles and quickly threw it in the trash before he stood on his toes to see just over the staircase. Fork in the road. Between it, the underside of the twin slides, Bolt & Blunder. There she was by the red one. Arms crossed, patiently waiting. But he had no way of getting up there.

"'Scuse me, kind man!"

Behind him was a small, wrinkly looking sloth looking straight at his body. Tails jolted, then saw the cane he was holding. He was blind.

"Could you walk a conveniently elderly man up the conveniently located staircase?"

Nodding slowly: "Sure thing."

And they walked at an incredible one step per minute. He was beginning to wonder if the whole park would go down this staircase before he ever got to the top. A few people rounded the corner; Tails ducked behind the old man, and that was just enough coverage to escape a second glance. As he reached the top, he reveled in how he saved a man, and his dignity.

"Thank you!" he said. "On second thought, could you guide me back towards the entrance?"

"Sorry! I'm being abducted by aliens!"

Then he ran for it, the certain-uncertainty of being seen only turning him on more. The snaking of the low-riding slides made it look like a maze. He followed her around. She ducked to the right, back where the slide became lower. When he ran around, she wasn't there.

He stopped to catch his breath, then heard some noises behind him to the right. The lazy river was behind him, five floaties around the corner with approaching voyeurs. But the road he'd run across was now full of people again, and at any moment they could see him.

Then, a single-passenger pink floatie, perfectly opaque, rolled at his feet.

No, he thought. She isn't gonna make me....

_ _ The slide opened up before it curved around and ended. His only exit. He pulled himself up to it with the floatie and let his body do the work. When he splashed down, he walked to the fence, towards the crowds of people waiting for their friends to come down. Those who had noticed him looked at him strangely. Tails smiled meekly, wondering if they realized.

_Oh fishsticks,_Tails thought, keeping it sturdy. After all, the only exit left was beyond them. Their voices hexed him in all directions. One small slip, and they'd notice. One little motion. To his right was a girl smiling meekly at him. She was wearing the same yellow jacket as the guys before. Right when Tails made it through the guys and around the fence, she put her finger up:

"Sir, you have to return that!" she said.

And like that, heads were turning towards him.

"M-me?" Tails trembled, his floaty falling, a slight diagonal.

Her smile was innocent. "You have to give it back!"

Sweat beaded from his forehead. No, that wasn't it. He looked up and saw the giant water slide above him. Behind him were the spires holding it up in a long patch of grass, all just a floor below the stone path before him, cut off by a short metal fence. Fiona was still nowhere to be found. Had she gone a different way at the slide?

"Sir!" She was impatient. "Do I have to get it myself?"

Truly, there was only one answer.

Tails whipped the floaty off his body, threw it directly at the worker, covered up and ran for the railing. The few feet he traveled felt like a mile as he vaulted over, thudding to the soft ground.

Safe, for now. It was hard enough for anybody to see him down there. There was a staircase on the other side, about a quarter of a football field across. Ten hut.

He still seemed to grace from pole to pole. As he went, it became noticeably more quiet. It felt...amazing. Sexy. If he stood still, he could feel the earth move with him. Even the blades of grass reminded him of his nature. And that's just what he needed. That small justification. That tingle beneath his feet, and suddenly, regret felt like nothing. A story in the making while it happened right before his eyes.

A low, white plastic chain met him at the top of the stairs. A few feet after it lay Chill Lagoon. This was just a regular pool place. Still a part of the park, but more like someone's backyard. There were pool chairs, sunbathers, swimmers and a lot of quiet. He could even see the hotel in the background.

Best of all, a white towel hung beyond the black chain link fence just short enough to hop, no other belongings by the chair. Perhaps it belonged to the park. That was a good enough guess. He wrapped it around him; embarrassing, but doable. The locker rooms were under a pergola not too far off, except they looked nothing like the one his belongings were at. Tails guessed that he was on the other side of the park. If only he had a map. Or a sign. Anything of the sort.

The gate was just in reach, when-

"Hey, Tails, what's up?" called a voice to his left.


"Fancy seeing you here!"

So unassuming. A draft of air flew beneath the tower and up towards his secret jewels. That gentle smile with the blue eyeshadow. It was like a crossbow bolt that super started the heart, and in the worst possible place.

"Oh yeah, I was just drying off!" he said softly. "H-how are you doing?"

"Fine, y'know, I just came here to relax by the pool. Can't ruin the makeup."

Think of an icebreaker, he thought. "How's the business going?"

"It's going! We've got a gig in Malaysia next week. Really excited for it. Anyway," she put her hand out, "can I have my towel back?"

Tails turned around, flustered out of his mind. He stuttered. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because...I'm..." His voice was lowered to a squeak. "Uh, I'm just-"

Her brow lowered. "Fiona took your speedo and now you're running around the park completely naked."


"Got it," Rouge said instantly, opening the fence. "There's a locker room nearby. Keep the towel on, baby."

Tails' stomach flipped as he followed her.

She grew aggravated. "Why the hell would she do that?"

"'Cause she just wanted to mess with me, I guess."

"She always does that." Sigh. "You know, I've known her for a long time, and I've seen her get in a lot of shit, but this is just a bridge too far. If she thought for a second how easy it'd be to get caught, she would've-" Suddenly, she gasped. "Wait. Did you ever go to the guards?"


"Did you ever go to the guards?! They would've given you something to cover up with!"

The galaxy of concern in her eyes stopped him cold. He had gone to the guards; in fact, they had gone to him. And it did cross his mind, but he didn't say it. He said he was looking for his trunks. And he was. Technically. The thought doubled over: did it cross his mind? Or was the thrill and the adrenaline too much? It was a crash course in nature: truth is always scarier than lies. That's why they're told. And the truth was that he'd given up a chance that he hadn't even considered.

She'd judge me for sure, Tails thought. "Because I was running too fast, I think."

"You can't just outrun park police," she said, and mumbled, "Except for that one time in Emerald Coast where she was drunk and bought a cucumber at the street market, know what, nevermind."

"I wasn't outrunning anybody!" Tails interjected. "I was mostly just running at her. At first I thought she was leading me somewhere, but she just kept going, and I had no choice but to follow her."

Rouge just scowled. Tails didn't like that. For one, it wasn't her fault. Still, though, with all that running, he was pent up like a frozen soda pop. Concern? He didn't need her concern. He'd finished this maze of a park, finally reached the minotaur, and here she was, refusing to even slam the boot on his balls. He wasn't sure what disappointed him more: that or the fact she didn't whip off his towel right then and there. But he kept steady. At the end of the day, she was being a good friend. There was only one way to show he liked it. Flaunt it.

"But at the end of the day," he said at last, "it's kinda hot."

That caught her off guard. "Oh?"

"Yeah, I..." Tails lost his train of thought, realizing he had no idea what he was doing. "It's my thing! Wouldn't be the first public run I've made in my birthday suit." He buffed out his chest. "Tell you the truth, it's not even the craziest game we've played this week!"

She scoffed. "Please don't compare this human rights violation to a game."

"Why not?" he asked. "That's what it is. I'm handling it just fine. Besides-" He cleared his throat. "I've actually always wanted to get naked at a water park!"

Rolled her eyes. "Lucky you."

"Yes, really! It's one of my top three sex locations!" He tapped three fingers as he went on. "It goes: office building, then water park, then giant football stadium with a worldwide broadcast while I'm chained by the balls to the big yellow fork things they have on either end of the field."

"Do you mean, like, your balls are stuck to just one, or you have one testicle cuffed for each of the-"

"In any case, this is practically a dream come true! If I had it my way, I would've shown up like this."

"That's...actually, points for kinkiness."

"And you'd get a front row seat!" he urged. "I'm surprised she didn't invite you here, herself, just to have someone to pass my speedo off to." He braced himself. "One half each, right?"

She giggled. "She'd have to do a lot of convincing."

_ _ "I disagree," Tails said assuredly, catching some people's attention. "I mean, you said it yourself at the beach." He kissed his bicep. "I look great in the nude."

She paused, a glare at him held for a while.

"Gimme that towel back," she said.

"Come and take it."

In an instant, she swiped it off, exposing the erection beneath it. But Tails kept smiling.

"See?" he asked.

Rouge laughed. "I can't decide whether I want to shove you in one of these lockers or back in the park."

"How about the shower?"

She perked up at that. Didn't he care what Fiona thought? That girl who left him naked at the water park to run and hide and duck through every single crowd?

...No. No, he didn't.

When no one was looking, she dragged him by the cock into the girls room and shoved him in one of the showers. He was nervous, sure, but in all the right ways. A feeling he hadn't needed any building up to. It was already there. And when that look she gave was reminiscent of a beach towel and a pinch of air, the only hope in his mind was that she caught the drift. All of it.

In seconds it got steamy, especially between their lips. The water banged like drops of sun against their fur. The slim fox melted as he took his body over.

Tails was hers, moaning in response, face stuck in her huge tits. She rubbed his cock, mouth to his ear whispering, "Oh, I love this dick!" And she bit her lip just to keep herself from moaning, when she took it all inside her.

He gasped as he felt it. She grabbed his hips and pulled him in, his dick burning with her tightness. Face smothered in wet boobs, pinned by her thick, curvy body to the wall, that pussy was an oven to a fire with the smothering warmth of her smooth skin. Their fleshy smacks bounced off the walls. It was hard to be quiet, so she shut him up with a kiss, then tossed him back in her chest, humping him deep.

He moaned in her lips, "Mmm gnn-nn cmmm!" Her bottom lip said it: not today. She slipped him out and stowed his length between her thighs, feeling him unload, one spurt after another while his head was once again engulfed by her soft, pillowy mounds. A wink he'd never see was the greatest taunt; eyes snapped shut while she rocked her legs, milking every last drop out of him. And she left him there, thrusting that sloppy cock long after he was done, reveling in the heaven of steam, stimulant and woman that held him tight.

Then she snapped him out and forced his head on her pussy.

"You're not leaving this shower until you make me cum," she breathed. "Get to it."

Jitters still alive, the pressure exploded as he forced his chin between her big thighs and kissed the soft, wet slit between them. He circled his tongue, she pushed him closer as her clit raged with ecstasy; the feeling of dominance. The water combined with her wetness, and he lapped them both up, legs far too weak to even think of changing position; perfect storm. So that big, bad bat grinded further, humping him like a mechanical bull, the flush of his cheeks radiating on her legs incentivizing her to squeeze him tighter.

Her hands went from the wall to the back of his head as she felt the pressure build up. Even her suppressed moans came out with a squeak. Somebody must've known what they were up to by now. She grinded faster, her fingers through his damp fur, scratching him, keep licking, so he did, saliva mixed with water mixed with pussy juice for seconds before the moment of truth came in full: her body burst like a cattail, the fluids overwhelming him for seconds before he collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath, a weak smile still clear across his face.

She looked at him for a good while, naked, curled up on the floor, the water pelting down. A drop of cum finally slipped from her ankle to his cheek. Job well done. And yet, still, it wasn't the end of it. Sex wasn't a door she walked through; it was a house. No room can go unchecked; the etchings in the wallpaper got her carried away.

For a good ten honey crushed, afterglow infested minutes, she thought of what she'd do to him next. It was like deciding how best to order the skeletons in her closet. Her in a diamond bikini that covered just her nipples and vulva, him in just skin and fur. How she'd buy the place out just to watch that bare ass weave through dozens of onlookers. How he'd blush and blush and blush and hold his nuts like he was about to lose them, prove him right by draining every last drop on the park bench. The crowd would come free, and so would she. Ride his dick, cum inside, leash him up, spank his ass a couple times, do it all again. Handcuffs. Ton of girls laughing at his small cock; that'll make him hard again. Ride his face in front of them. Tie him up if he misbehaves, gag him with that speedo, buttplug with an emerald on it, eat her ass if he wants it out. Fuck him in public. God, she loved the way it sounded. Fuck him in public. And she was so tied up in that act that she almost forgot about Fiona. That battle in her head: she wouldn't mind, right? Rouge assumed. Hypocrisy. She was resentful before, but the double-edged sword was now she knew how Fiona felt. Tomorrow might bring something else, but for now, it felt damn good.

When they could feel themselves again, she turned off the water and gave him her towel. All the girls were still in their changing room. She put her bikini back on, gave him a look and ushered him out, but made sure to give a towel back. It was soaked from being too close to the nozzle, but he was too satisfied to care. Though when the sunlight tasted his warm, toasty fur again, Tails loosened it down his hips, just to feel it just a little more.

Then, she snatched it off.

"Had to do it," Rouge laughed, twirling the towel. "Fiona's right. This is fun!"

Quickly he covered himself with his hands and blushed at the few giggles from around the outside lockers. He said to her something a little more earnestly than expected: "Thank you, by the way, I really needed that." It was as though the warmth of the steam still raged between them, in a vibration of lust rather than love.

"Y'know, I might end up wearing that all day," he chuckled. "I mean, I think I'm gonna be naked for a while."

"You damn well better be," she smiled. "Seriously, though, thank you too. That was really fun. And I hope you learned your lesson about taking help when it comes to-"

Just then, Fiona ran across the outskirts, darting up the stone steps of a nearby hill.

"There you are!" Tails cried, running out for her.

"Wait!" Rouge called, still holding the towel, but wasn't quick enough as he watched him run like a bullet towards her.

Close by was a hill with stony steps, like a spruced-up nature trail. But what remained at the top was what counted. The voices came by again. A little shady and woodsier, he ducked behind the nearest tree. Then he looked around for the sight of her.

There. The bridge. Wide open to the skies above, but not a hiding place in sight. You could see the whole water park from here. Tourists were everywhere: taking pictures, looking at maps, chatting by the edge. And at the center of it all was her. Fiona. Crossed legs, leaning by the edge, sightseeing.

Tails knew he had no choice. He covered his crotch and blushed two shades redder as he ran out into the open. A couple of seconds to register, and he was already getting looks, but he didn't care. He couldn't. The speedo was in sight. His refuge. He cried out: "Fiona!"

She didn't answer. Only her arm, which loomed over the bridge.

And the second he reached her, she dropped it.

Tails looked at her. "Why?"

"I dunno," Fiona shrugged. "Thought it would be hot, but man, that wasn't even a six out of ten."

Losing his cool, "You're gonna get me in so much trouble!"

"No you're not!" Fiona said. "Don't you remember the loophole?"

"The one about the speedo?"

"No, no, the one right next to it! If you lose your swimsuit in the water, they won't arrest you. Happens all the time."

Tails blinked twice. "Oh. Why didn't you tell me that sooner?"

"'Cause it would ruin the surprise!"

"I just ran around a water park completely naked."

"Yeah, and I was so confused! You didn't have to do that! I was stopping by all the water rides: the wave pool, the twin slides, the dunk tanks, all the other parts of the lazy river! You were supposed to get caught so I could act like you'd just lost it in there. Then you kept running, and since you didn't go to the guards, I thought we were playing a kinky little game. Is that so hard to understand?"

Tails couldn't argue with her. "Fine. You're right. But do you think what you've done is okay?"

"Not at first, but then your dick got hard, and my pussy got wet, and aren't we technically having sex at that rate?"

Tails: "No."

Fiona: "Oh."

"You know what is?"



"I don't get it."

"I fucked Rouge."


"Just now."

"Just now?"

"In the shower."


"Her boobs are bigger."

"Double ouch."

"And her hoohah tastes like those flavored marshmallows you buy at the store."


"Truth hurts."

They paused awkwardly to let the supernova of truth lay waste to any conversational tension.

After a lightyear, Tails broke it. "You could've at least given me the speedo back, right?"

"Well, sure," Fiona said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "but I just wanted to see that no one really cares about your nudity! Swimsuits get lost all the time! Just because it happened to you doesn't make it a tragedy! You're an amazing boyfriend, and I just wanted you to let yourself loose and indulge a little bit before putting it back on and getting back to the fun part. That's not so bad, is it?"

Tails thought about it for a while. "You're still kind of a terrible person."

"But I got what I deserved, right?"

He kept up his disgruntled glare.

Fiona was frustrated, but then again, he had a point. "Oh, all right." It all happened so fast. She then stepped out of her one piece, dangled it over the bridge, and dropped it off, completely straight faced every step of the way. "Happy now?"

The sun came out from the clouds. Meanwhile, Tails felt as though a boxing glove labelled "disbelief" had punched him in the face.

"Uh," he stuttered. "Better?"

"Good enough for me!"

She took his hand and walked back down the hill, both of them soaking in the sunlight, uncaring of the people around them taking notice. They'd reunited and conquered the day. Amends were broken, but they could always be forged again. They knew it'd come even then. All that was left was to strut their stuff and let the loophole guide their way.

"Hey, Fiona?" Tails asked. "Are the guards gonna believe the water took your one piece?"

"Shut up."

Thumbnail: Speedo Snatch by Edtropolis

Nightswimming With the Lifeguard

Other Lifeguard Stories: [Don't Fuck With the Lifeguard]( [Fucking With the Lifeguard]( [Merry Fucking Christmas, Chad!]( Special thanks...

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Unemployed, Ch. 6: Well

As usual, thanks to DukeFerret and psydrosis for proofreading and editing. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter...

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Unemployed, Ch. 5: Pro-Creation

Thanks to DukeFerret and psydrosis for proofreading/editing! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...

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