Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 14 - Physically impossible...

Story by MrGimp21 on SoFurry

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#15 of Gortoz 'A Ran

Ever since that night, things started to go fast with Sarah and me. We kept on doing what we always did. Hanging out, shopping together, having fun. The two of us shared a little secret that no one knew and were supposed to never find out about us. Everyone in high-school considered us to be best friends. But Sarah and I both knew we were much more than that. Sometimes we pulled each other in to the girl's bathroom and made out in one of the stalls during our breaks. And sometimes, we went a little further than that, if you know what I mean... We were usually hanging around in town after school was over and sometimes, we went to Hillfryers Ridge, with these huge hills and countless of cherry blossom trees. We usually went there just to be alone, away from everyone else. I still had to tell the truth to Mikaela but whenever you're facing something difficult, you're just postponing it for as long as possible. I was so happy with Sarah and whenever you're happy, you're not thinking about someone else's feelings anymore. At first, I was thinking on how to bring it to Mikaela. But Sarah made me forget about her whenever I was with her. And so, four months passed by without Mikaela knowing about the two of us. I visited Mikaela lesser and lesser now that I was with Sarah. But Mikaela wasn't stupid...

I remember on a beautiful soft spring day, early in March when I was with Sarah at Hillfryers Ridge. We were there making out, talked and laughed and gossiped and everything and it made us forget the time. We were cuddling each other when all of a sudden, a strong wind catch us by surprise. It's been windy that day, but it wasn't that bad. The sun was shining and soft fluffy white clouds painted the light blue sky. When we both looked up, we literally saw thousands of pink cherry blossom leafs being carried away by the wind, high up in the sky far above the green hills. Slowly, they were twirling down in the distance and spread out like a huge pink blanket over the green grass below... it was an amazing thing to have witnessed that together with her...

I've witnessed a lot of beautiful things on the planet together with Sarah. Things you normally don't pay attention to and take it for granted. She made the ordinary look so extraordinary... Things like seeing people together in the park having a good time... Whenever I held her in my arms, I used to close my eyes and felt myself drifting away. Every time I looked at her, she smiled. Was I ever tired of seeing that...? Did it ever felt like a drag for being with her...? No... It only made me want more of it. I thought of Sarah whenever she wasn't with me. And sometimes at night, I longed for her... Those sweet and gentle touches... Sarah was the only one who knew how... Was it puppy love...? No, absolutely not... It wasn't... I felt that I wasn't driven by blind affection caused by immature young love... We know what we wanted... And we found it in each other... The more I thought about it, the more serious I considered our relationship to be. I could easily imagine myself living together with her one day and maybe even get married to her. I was thinking way ahead for my age...

'Are you sure you two will be alright without us for the weekend?'

'Yes! We'll be fine! Just get going!'

'You know where to find my mobile phone-number when you need us and there's plenty of food in the refrigerator for the weekend. Oh, and I left a fifty dinar bill on the cupboard in the living-room just encase you need to do some groceries or something.'

'Yeah, I know. Would you just go and have some fun already?'

'Oh and be careful with the stove. Make sure to close the gas tap whenever you're done using it.'

'Relax, Sarah's got my back. Just get to it and have fun.'

'Be careful, okay? I'm gonna miss you, sweetheart...'

Catherine gave me a big smooch on my forehead and clenched me in her arms so tight that I could hardly breathe. They were just gone for the weekend but judging the way she held me and how sentimental she got made me wonder if they were leaving for good. Simon stood in the hallway with the suitcase as he had this distinct smile on his face...

'Oh come on, you're gone for just two days! We'll manage.'

'Sounds to me like you wanna get rid of us.'


'Hehehe, talk about subtlety ... Ready, Catherine?'

'Yes. I'll call you tonight when we get there, okay?'


And then finally, they made their way to the door while Sarah and I were standing there. On the inside, we had a huge grin on our faces but didn't show it. I watched how Simon puts the suitcase in the trunk and slammed it shut. Then he looked back at us and watched how Catherine cuddled me once more and gave another big smooch on my forehead. Simon walked back to us and looked at me for a short moment and even though he thought that Catherine made a big deal out of it, he couldn't resist giving me a firm little cuddle and a kiss on the cheek. After that, we said our goodbyes and Sarah and I watched in the doorway how they got in the car... Simon turned the ignition... Gently drove off as we were waving... But once they turned the corner at the intersection and we closed the door, a huge grin slowly started to appear on our faces... Quietly, we walked back to the living room and flopped down on the couch, to stare outside in blank space... But after a moment of silence, it finally got through to us...

'Yes!! Finally! We got the whole house to ourselves this weekend!'


Right that very second, all hell broke loose. Pillows were flying through the air, smacking each other with it while we're at it and chasing each other all over the house like the immature pubescent brats that we were. But at some point, Sarah jumped on top of me and pinned me down on the couch as she looked down on me... Her head came closer towards mine while I clenched my arm around her back... I feel attracted to her in every way imaginable... But that day, I felt even more attracted to her... I didn't know what caused it... But her scent was so intoxicating... A quick kiss was all it took to turn me on... The way Sarah looked at me made me realize that she was just playing with me... Teasing me... A little preview of things yet to come later that evening... It made me wish I could influence time and fast forward it... Sarah rests her head on my chest while she lets out a deep and satisfied sigh and gently fondled my hair...

'So uh... What's the plan?'

'First we go into town and have ourselves a Dame Blanche at Giuseppe's. I haven't had one of those for ages.'

'Oh yeah!'

'And we'll see what we'll do from that point on.'

'What about tonight?'

'Movie night...'


So without further wasting precious daylight, we quickly made our way outside to get on our bikes and peddled our way to town.

Simon and Catherine were gone for the weekend because Simon's family gave that weekend at Isla Santiriago as a present for their twenty-fifth anniversary. They left on a Friday evening at around twelve o'clock in the afternoon when Sarah was already at my place. We had the week off from school that week but school was starting next Monday. It takes two hours to drive to the docks and then another eight hours on the ferry to get to the island. The ferry was big and luxuries and they'd be staying at a four star hotel and basically get pampered like little babies. I've seen pictures of the place and well... I really wished I could go with them. I'd be getting a nice massage and swim a lot but of course, I couldn't get along. So I asked Catherine and Simon if Sarah could stay over so that I wouldn't be lonely. They agreed to if I wasn't gonna trash the place... Being alone together with Sarah meant that we could do things we normally couldn't... So imagine the look on Sarah's face when I asked her to stay over for the entire weekend... She hugged me tight, kissed me and whispered in my ear that this weekend would be memorable... But I kept my patience... And I just had to wait for it for two weeks...

There was always something to do in downtown Ravello. I wouldn't exactly describe it as a market place but the shopping-mall had a huge round square outside, surrounded by little cafés, ice-cream parlors and snack bars with cafe terraces on the square. One of these ice-cream parlors was called Giuseppe's and Sarah and I were regular customers ever since we discovered it years ago. We always ordered a Dame Blanche, which is basically three scoops of vanilla ice-cream, covered in warm chocolate sauce served with a crispy waffle in a bowl. Absolutely delicious... Of course, they were expensive at Giuseppe's but still fairly priced compared to all the other ice-cream parlors... A small Dame Blanche would cost around four dinar and fifty cents but it was worth every penny. The soft, creamy scoops of vanilla melted on your tongue as the hint of chocolate became stronger the more the ice-cream melted... I didn't know what this guy did with his ice-cream but it seemed as if he had some secret ingredient that made it taste way better than all the other ice-cream parlors. We always came back at Giuseppe's and the owner started to get to know us the more we came by. His name was, as the name of his parlor suggests, Giuseppe De Luca. A very friendly old Lottatore Brindisimo hound. At least, that's what he always told us. The way he said it sounded as if he was very proud of his race. He truly was a gentleman of honour and dignity and treated people with the utmost respect and I guess that also was a factor for his booming business. This one time, when it was late in the afternoon and there were no customers in his parlor and we were the only ones there, Sarah made a remark of how good his ice-cream was. We heard a quiet chuckle from the back and noticed him standing behind the display refrigerator, cleaning it, while he had a little smile on his face. He looked at us and smiled and Sarah told him that it really was that good. So moments later, Giuseppe walked up towards us with two bowls of Dame Blanche's with four scoops of vanilla covered with a lot of chocolate sauce. On the house, he said. Otherwise it would be thrown away. So we thanked him and he pulled up a chair and joined us. His gentle eyes looking over those small glasses of his made him look as if he was the friendliest man on the planet and we started talking. He told us he inherited this ice-cream parlor from his father forty-three years ago. But he didn't have any children who could take over the business, so he kept his business for as long as he could. I joked that we could take over and he had this little smile on his face. And talking with him was really fun. It's a sad thing that it can't be done anymore these days, having these kinds of conversations with a complete stranger. We've been talking for at least half an hour until we had to go. And the moment we left, he smiled at us. And it actually made me wonder how lonely he must've been if he told a bunch of teens his life-story...

So yeah, visiting Giuseppe was a regular thing on our schedules. At least once every two weeks. And he always had stories to tell and it was a lot of fun to listen to them. He was so passionate about the way he told his stories. So that day when we visited again was no exception. But of course, that wasn't the only thing we'd be doing. We looked around for shoes and clothes and managed to have a lot of fun. And at some point, we sat on a bench and just talked. At around five o'clock, we went home and were feeling a little hungry. So instead of making our own food, we decided to take the easy route. Once we got home, I took a folder of Amon and we ordered stuff... Sarah decided to stay boring so she chose a simple durum döner with fries. But for me... I had the shoarma and Adana kebab dish. Now you might ask, "what the fuck is shoarma, kebab and durum döner or however the hell you pronounce it?" Well, I can imagine that you're not quite familiar with my culture. Good question because I don't really know either. For the shoarma and döner, they basically impale a sheep on a spit and it gets grilled as it rotates. It's a little spicy but as you might know by now, I love spicy food... And the Adana kebab... Well, it's a bit like a hamburger, except its shaped rectangular and it's really spicy. You get a shitload of fries, meat and vegetables and it saved me from making an ass of myself in the kitchen. So once it got delivered to us, we got ourselves plates and drinks. And so, our "our movie night" started off...

'Oh, this is so awesome. I love this stuff...'

'What kind of sauce is that anyway?'

'Garlic sauce. And loads of it.'

'You're not getting a goodnight kiss from me tonight.'


We continued watching movies after we were stuffed. But that stuffed feeling made me feel a little drowsy. At around nine o'clock, we were feeling really tired... So we got ourselves dressed up in our nighties and went downstairs where Sarah and I were lying down on the couch, cuddling each other while I rested my head on her chest and with my eyes closed. I could fall asleep just like that...

'Do you think we'll be married one day...?'

'I don't really see myself getting married... But I'd say yes if you asked me one day...'


'Would we have kids...?'

'If it was physically possible, yes...'


Every time I breathed through my nose, I smelled her intoxicating scent... So delicious... And so tempting... My hand slowly made its way to her inner thigh and gently caressed it... I tried to be as subtle as possible but Sarah was anything but subtle... Her hand slipped in my panties and slowly caressed me while her other hand went under my nighties and squeezed my boob... Sarah looked at me and had this cheeky little smile on her face...

'What, you can't blame me for being in heat...'

'You're in heat...?'

'Don't tell me you didn't notice...'

'No... Wow...'

'It's actually the first time for me... It's been four days now...'

'So... What's it like?'

'You've never been in heat before?'


'Oh, well... It's really not that pleasant... You feel really horny at the worst of times and just... Want to pull down you're jeans to see if anyone is willing to take the bait.'

'... Did you?'

'No! Of course, not. I'm just saying it can be really uncomfortable when males are around you. Especially when they notice you're in heat...'

Again with the cheeky smile... Was that the reason why she seemed so irresistible to me...? So beautiful and so sexy...? Knowing that I kept getting teased by her...? She squeezed my tit a couple of times... My tits aren't big but that didn't seem to bother her...

'So kids, huh? Who'd be pregnant?'

'You would. You're obviously more girly than I am. I'd be the one sticking it in you.'

'So you wish you were a guy?'

'No, I'm not saying that, more like something in between.'


'A hermaphrodite.'

'What's that?'

'It's neither male nor female... It has a vagina and a penis... It looks kinda freaky but interesting at the same time... I saw pictures of it...'

'Best of both genders...'


'I'd suck your cock every night if you were...'

'You'd have to suck my balls too, you know...'

'I would if I had to... I'd be milking you dry...'

'And to get down on your knees to receive a huge load of cum over your face...'

'I love your cum...'

'I know you do... And then I'd be eating you out for about ten minutes so that my balls can reset and-'

'Ten minutes...? Can't it be a little longer than that?'

'Alright then, fifteen minutes... I'd turn you over on your back and rub my cock over your clit until you beg me to pound you hard...'


'So eventually, I'll decide to give in... I'll pound you so hard until you squeal and reach an orgasm so intense, you'd be stunned for like, half an hour... Your wet pussy will be pounded so hard by me; you wouldn't be able to walk properly the next morning...'

'You promise...?'

'If I had a penis...? Yes, but sadly, I don't.'

That certainly burst her bubble... The look on her face was priceless... She got so horny by that and then she remembered I don't have a penis. But I do have fingers... My hand reached down inside her panties and slowly rubbed up and down her moistly cunt... Slowly teasing her to make her realize she's the one in heat and not the one in control... I was in control... And I fucking loved it...

'You just love playing with yourself, don't you?'


'You made it sound as if it's a bad thing...'


'How's that for a penis...?'

'It'll do just fine...'

A couple of more rubs was all she needed to calm down little... She rested her head on the pillow and closed her eyes while I kept doing my thing... Slowly, very slowly I started to penetrate her, going a little deeper each time my finger went out... Her fluids felt so thick and moistly so I didn't have any trouble getting inside of her... And at some point, I pulled out my finger and gently touched her lips with it... Sarah's mouth was opened a bit... She lifts her head up while she gently started to suck my finger... As if she was giving my finger a blowjob or something... Her tongue was slowly curling around it and at some point, she opened her eyes... The way she looked at me gave me goose bumps... It was like this little game we were playing to see who could tease one another the longest... But the night was so young... And we'd better not waste it...

'So uh... Wanna take a shower?'



'I'd love to...'

So we ran upstairs to get ourselves to the bathroom as quickly as possible... The hallway upstairs was littered with our clothes and I never saw Sarah undressing so quickly... She was completely naked in front of me and when I took my top off, she held my hands above me so that my top covered my eyes... I heard her giggling as she gently pressed her lips against mine again... And she slowly let my hands slip, so that my top got taken off and were no longer covering my eyes... I saw that Sarah had her eyes closed but and then one of them opened up and looked straight at me... What's it like to know that you are wanted by someone very badly...? That someone longed for your passion and intimacy...? It made me feel a little nervous, actually... I was scared that I was gonna mess it up for her...

Once the water was nice and warm, we entered the shower cabin... The moment we opened the door of the cabin, clouds of warm steam were blown in our faces... And once the door was completely shut, Sarah threw her arms around me and held me close as the hot water was running over us... We quickly washed each other and well, after that, we sat down on the bottom of the shower cabin with Sarah sitting between my legs, cuddling each other...

'Do I make you happy, Ceylan...?'


'Heh... I can't tell you how happy I am for being with you... And I know that one day, everything will be alright. We'll find a way to live together.'

'I hope so...'

'I wouldn't care what everyone else might think...'

'Same... I'm just a little worried about my parents though...'

'Why is that...?'

'I don't know how to tell them... Or how they'll react if I did...'

'We'll tell them when the time is right... And I'll be there with you when it happens...'

'You promise...?'

'Yes... I promise...'


'Sometimes I really wonder why it took so long to find out about each other, you know...'

'You won't find it if you're looking for it...'


'Gortoz 'a ran...'


'Gortoz 'a ran, it means "I'm waiting". My grandmother always told me that.'

'Your grandmother?'

'Yeah. Well, my "real" grandmother. Not grandma Jaisyaram...'

'What did she mean by that?'

'I asked her one day and she told me that we are all waiting.'

'Waiting for what?'

'We don't know. We need to find out for ourselves what it is that we need. But she told me that we are always waiting for something. Sometimes we find it on our way. Sometimes, it'll find us. And sometimes it doesn't... But you'll never find it if you're looking for it. So we wait...'

'Wow. That's deep.'

'Yeah... And I guess those words will always stick by me.'

'Did you...?'


'Did you find it...?'

'I think so... Yes...'

I closed my eyes the moment I felt her grip on my arms clenched around her stomach... She kissed my arm and whispered quietly that she loved me deeply... That she never wanted to loose me... The water drops seemed to freeze in midair and all the sound in the world seemed to fade off as I could only hear her quiet breathing... She bowed down her head so that the warm streams of water ran down her neck... And when I saw her neck like that, something just snapped inside of me. I felt this urge that had to be satisfied... So I gently started to lick the back of her neck... It's a tigress's way of showing affection to special people...

'Hihi, that tickles...'

'Juh keeb stihl, babe.'


'I said, just keep still.'

'Oh... You do this to yourself too?'

'Itsh difficuht to tak wiff youh mouff opah.'

'But it's funny to hear, nonetheless.'

'You layk it?'

'Yeah... I can throw my peeling and scrub products in the bin now that I've got you...'


'It's relaxing...'

It certainly is... I remember my mother groomed me when I was just a little cub. Most of the time, I fell asleep while she was grooming me... And now I was grooming Sarah, the most beautiful girl that ever walked on the face of the earth...

The hot shower cabin filled with hot steam made us feel so drowsy... Even though the night was very young, I felt sleepy... So I turned the water off and opened the cabin so that we could get out. I gave Sarah a towel and we dried ourselves off... The large mirror above the sink was damp and once I wiped the damp away, we saw ourselves in the mirror. Sarah noticed I was staring in the mirror at our reflections, so she put an arm around me and leaned her head against my shoulder while she had a beautiful smile on her face...

'We're hot, aren't we...? Every guy who could see us right now would be playing with himself...'

'I guess...'


'I still wish my tits were bigger though.'

'Nooo, you're tits are fine as they are...'

'No, seriously, I mean, if I lie down on the bed and stretch myself, you wouldn't be able to see them anymore... I wish they were as big as yours.'

'I only got a thirty-eight C cup, their not that big...'

'Still, their bigger than mine with my measly thirty-four A cup...'

'You've got other things that makes a guy hard...'

'Like what?'

'Weeeeeell... You're flirty teasing attitude... You're hips... Not to mention that ass of yours...'

'I still prefer girls over guys.'

'Exactly... That's what's making them so hard if they saw us doing it...'

'Which probably would never be the case.'

'Maybe, but... Never say never...'

Her head drifted off to my tits... She slowly opened her mouth and engulfed my nipple with her mouth, gently sucking it while her tongue made slow circular motions around my nipple... And I saw it happening right in front of me in the mirror... She keeps doing that for a while on both of my nipples while I watched her in the mirror... So fucking hot to see her work her magic on me...

'It wouldn't feel any different if they were bigger, Ceylan...'



I placed my hand on her back and my hand on the back of her legs and managed to pick her up. She shrieked and laughed when I did and she rested her head on my shoulder...

'You're so strong and muscled...'

'Well, I do work out...'

Sarah wasn't really that heavy so I carried her like a baby over to my room. It reminded me of newly weds carrying the bride inside. Except we were naked when we crossed the doorstop... I gently placed her on my bed where Sarah sits up right and looked at me...

'You know, Ceylan... Some people marry before they do these kind of things...'

'Maybe I should propose you first then...'

'Maybe you should...'

So I got down on my knees in front of her and took her hand, like you see in those movies. I gently kissed her hand and looked her straight in the eyes...

'Dear Sarah...'


'My dearest, sweetest sexiest Sarah...'


'My lovable cuddly fluffy little honeybuns...'


'My oh so sweet-'

'Just get to it.'

'Oh, okay. Sarah...'

'Yes Ceylan...?'

'I'd be pleased as punch if you married me...'

'So that we can fuck each other?'


'Sounds reasonable...'

'Yes. We'll make it official in twenty years from now. Now gimme some lovin'...'

All she had to do was to spread her legs a little to reveal her pink slit and moved a little forward... All she did was looking down on me and had this little innocent smirk when she placed her hands on my head, as if I was some slave, bound to satisfy her needs... But instead of pushing my head between her legs, her heads moved down to my chin and gently nudged my head up...

'I got something for you...'

'You do, huh...?'


Sarah got off the bed and got to her bag on the ground... She opened her bag and was messing around in it... And while she was kneeled, I took a good look at her body... Over the years, I saw how it slowly changed... And with each and every day, she only seemed to be more beautiful... She turned her head and smiled... All I could do was to smile right back at her. But when she showed me what she got with her, my smile was wiped away from my face...

'Hihi, you're blushing...'

'What is that thing...?'

'You don't know what it is...? Not even a hunch of what you're supposed to do with it...?'


I knew what it was but... That didn't meant it felt right to do it. Sarah showed me a pink dildo that can be worn around your waist with a little egg shaped thingy inside that had a little wire to it...

'W-Where'd you get this...?'

'Mikaela bought it... She said that I could discover myself what I enjoy and well... She said that she could use it on me if I wanted to... But I just don't want her to do it... I want you to do it...'

'B-But... Doesn't that hurt? I-I mean, it looks so big...'

'I did this before, you know...'

'S-So you're not a...'

'A virgin? No... I thought you knew...'

'I-It's just...'

'Why...? Does that upset you...?'

'No, I think you're really beautiful... You can have anyone you want...'

'That's the thing... I just want you...'

Ever since this night started, I had a strange feeling about it. Just the way we were interacting with each other made me feel more nervous as time passed by. Things were just happening way too fast for me. I was in control of everything one moment and the next, I totally lost it. But when she showed me that thing, I wasn't so confident about myself anymore. No longer was I confident about us... Sarah and I always had playful sex of which I enjoyed every second of it. But that moment... It felt as if things would change... As if we were taking things to a whole new level... As if we were acting way too mature for our ages... Things we shouldn't be doing yet... And of course I felt very nervous when she expected me to wear it... It just didn't feel right to me... And I think she knew that I was nervous... She could see it...

'You don't have to if you don't want to... I just thought that, now that we're alone, we could do things we never did before...'

'No but it's just... I-I... Well...'

'It's okay, you don't have to explain...'


It stays silent for a moment when I was staring in blank space and thought things over. It just felt so strange and so... Awkward... When I looked at Sarah, she didn't really seem to be so bothered by it... She was just fondling her hair...

'How was your first time with Blain...?'

'I don't know... It just happened two times and well... I didn't think it was that much of a big deal... I can't really remember, it's been a long time ago and we haven't done it since...'

'Did it hurt...?'

'No... I didn't really feel anything except that it tickled a bit...'

'Did he put it in you or...?'

'I think so... Yeah...'

'You think so...? You sure he just didn't hump you...?'

'I don't know...'


'What about you...?'

'I went all the way with my boyfriend last year... It hurt a little and it was bleeding a bit but... It was worth it...'

'Did you want him to...?'

'I'm still not so sure about it...'

A long moment of silence once again... She lied down on my bed with her legs spread while she was looking at me, as if she was offering herself to me and that I could still change my mind. As if it was up to me to satisfy her needs. She realized I wasn't gonna take the initiative this time... So she did it herself... Her fingers found their way and started to please herself instead... It didn't take long before she got wet... Her wet pussy was shimmering in the light and she rubbed the dildo over her pussy... And after a while, she gently started prodding herself as if she was teasing the both of us... I could watch her for hours like this... Sarah let out these quiet sweet gasps while she had her eyes closed and smiled... And the moment she penetrated herself, she let out a long quiet moan... Slowly, she went in and out while I watched how she pleasured herself... Sarah might've faked those moans, but it didn't sound faked to me at the time... And at some point, she pulled out... And I still remember when she did, I thought to myself "How the hell does that even fit...?" But apparently, it just fits perfectly... She looked at me for a moment and got hold of that egg shaped thingy. She spreads her lips and gently inserted it... And after that, she wears it... She puts it on like someone is putting on panties... Sarah looked at me again and I got the idea... She wanted me to ride her instead... She already knows that I didn't want to use it on her... But riding her instead didn't feel right either... The thought of something so big inside of me didn't make me feel comfortable... And yet I was a little curious... Nothing has ever penetrated me bigger than my fingers... And well, Blain wasn't really that big... The first time we were doing it, it didn't went in... I think he just kept rubbing it over my clit and well, the second time... I guess it went in and out a couple of times before we got busted... I'm not sure... But that was a long time ago... And his penis was tiny back then... Would it be safe to say if I was still a virgin back then, even though I thought I wasn't? Yes... Everything felt uncomfortable and scary... I guess that's what virgins are supposed to feel the first time. And yet... There was something soothing about it... Maybe it was the way she looked at me. Ever so patient... Allowing me to explore this new and strange thing... I felt attracted by her scent... Looking at the damp stain on my bed sheets between her legs... I smelled it... I crawled over to her and looked at her, and she had this expression as if she was to say that it's okay to try it out... So I got on top of her with the dildo between her stomach and my pussy... The dildo felt wet and warm and it wasn't anything like I expected... But still... I think she could see that it was going to be the first time for me...

'You nervous...?'


'You're still a virgin, aren't you...?'

'I-I don't know... I'm not sure...'

'Don't be so nervous... Just do what feels right, okay...?'


Her hands moved down to my ass and gently caressed the fur on my bum... Her head moved down to my tits and slowly engulfed my nipple in her mouth while her tongue slowly made those circular motions again as she sucked on my nipple... This tingle went through my stomach and I just couldn't think anymore... Her hand went down to my inner thigh and gently caressed it... And when I moved up to make room for her, I felt the dildo pressed against my clit... When I moved down, I felt her fingers caressing my vulva... Slowly moving up and down felt great... Sarah gently inserted a finger inside me, going a little deeper each time I moved down. So I was riding her for what felt to me a long time... I felt so horny that night that it actually made me wonder if I wasn't the one in heat... And even though it felt so great, I started to get a cramp in my legs... It seemed to get worse the longer I was riding her. When I got off of her, I stretched my legs to get rid of those cramps... And right after that, Sarah got on top of me while she continued to finger me and to rub the dildo over my clit... I slowly started to loose control over my body... With every huff and puff that came out of my throat, I felt the tingles exploding all over my body and it only seemed to get more intense from that point on...

'How's that...?'

'It feels so good...'

'Are you still nervous...?'


'Don't be...'

'Will it hurt...?'

'Maybe a little... But I promise I won't hurt you...'

She held my legs up high in the air and rested them on her shoulder as she came close to me... Sarah looked down and got hold of the dildo and I already felt she tried prodding me. With a lot of squirming and wiggling, she managed to penetrate me with the tip of it... Fingering me for the last half an hour paid off... It slipped right in me... I don't know how to describe it but... It felt so strange and yet so... I don't really know... And after she prodded me countless times, she finally pushed through... And that hurt a little... When Sarah saw that it hurt, she stopped and I could only hear her panting and breathing with this quiet buzzing noise... She whispered in my ear to take a deep breathe... And slowly, very slowly, she started to penetrate me again... It just slipped right in me again... Going a little deeper each time... She kept whispering how tight my pussy was... And how much she enjoyed humping me on top... How someone as tough and confident like me could be so timid and shy when it came to sex... She thought it was cute... And she did everything she could to make it enjoyable for me... And even though it felt awkward and unnatural to me, I couldn't help but to think that it was the best thing happening to me... I was deflowered by her... Each and every time she made out with me, made me feel as if I was floating in the air... And when I looked down, I saw how she was doing me... Going in and out slowly... She certainly loved pretending to be a guy... And maybe I really started to love her doing me too... Her clitoris kept being stimulated by that egg shaped thingy inside of that thing... And hearing her moan on top of me felt great... Over and over again, she kept whispering with a tremble in her voice and uncontrollable breathing that she was going to cum... Sarah rested her head on my shoulder when her moans started to sound like sweet little squeaks... So I did what she does to me all the time... Gently biting her neck scruff while feeling all over her body... Trying to find those sensitive spots she found with me... It only took a couple of minutes after that... She let out a quiet sweet moan, firmly grasping my upper arm and the bed sheets while the humping stopped... She tried to get a grip on her breathing but that wasn't so easy... It took her a while to catch her breathe again... And when she finally faced me, her face was all red and sweaty and her hair was a total mess... But nevertheless, when she smiled at me again, I thought she was the most beautiful girl that ever walked the planet...



'D-Did you...?'

'Did I what...?' I asked her quietly while I fondled her hair...

'Did you cum...?'


'Oh... I owe you one then...'

'I'll keep you to it...'

'Heh... Was I any good...?'

'Hm-mm... You did great...'

'I didn't hurt you, did I...?'

'No... No, you didn't...'

'I just don't want you to regret it...'


'What, you're the one who said it was physically impossible...'

'True... But you're the one who said that I wasn't gonna get a goodnight kiss...'

'You're garlic breath isn't so bad once you've brushed your teeth...'


'Take a lot of Tic Tacs, Smint and pretty much everything that doesn't make your breath smell like garlic...'

'Chill, I get the hint...'

'There's Tic Tac in my bag...'



For the rest of the weekend... Weeeeeeeell... Most teens would throw a party when their parents aren't home but not for Sarah and me... We didn't go out during that weekend alone and when we did, we only went out for a couple of hours... But ever since she deflowered me, she kept using that thing on me... We were too busy with discovering ourselves and each other... As if a whole new world of possibilities opened up for us... And she even taught how to give blowjobs... We tried so many different positions... And well... Let's just say I got my brains fucked out by her during that weekend... But just because I was the "girlfriend" that weekend didn't mean her needs weren't satisfied. Instead of wearing it, I used it with my hands... She wouldn't notice the difference if she had her eyes closed... And even though she wanted me on top of her and nail her, I didn't. It just didn't feel right for me to do it for some reason. Just the thought of it made me nervous and she could see that. We both didn't want to ruin that weekend by that... So she didn't force it on me... But I can honestly tell you that she fucked me a lot during that weekend... Six or seven times in just two days... I lost the count... I really enjoyed having sex with her. But getting my brains fucked out with a strap-on by Sarah was something I enjoyed even more...

Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 15 - "Gortoz 'A Ran"...

About a week later, I received a phone-call from Mikaela. She called me on a Monday evening, at around eleven o'clock when I already was in bed. Mikaela told me how much I meant to her and how much she missed me... The way she told me that I meant so...

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 13 - "We know"...

'I thought it'd be a lot scarier...' 'Mwhuh...? Whuzzat...? ' 'The movie...' 'Oh, yeah... I was just dozing off... I didn't see the end of it...' 'Hehe... Well, you didn't miss much... They all died in the end except for that chick...' 'Well,...

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 12 - A rude wake up call...

'Get in the car.' I did what Simon told me to do. And well, by the looks on his face, it wasn't really a smart thing not to do what he said... He got behind the steering wheel and slammed the door of his car while he puts the key in the ignition. I...

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