Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 13 - "We know"...

Story by MrGimp21 on SoFurry

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#14 of Gortoz 'A Ran

'I thought it'd be a lot scarier...'

'Mwhuh...? Whuzzat...? '

'The movie...'

'Oh, yeah... I was just dozing off... I didn't see the end of it...'

'Hehe... Well, you didn't miss much... They all died in the end except for that chick...'

'Well, that sucks...'


'Aren't you feeling tired...?'

'A little, I guess... You...?'


'What time is it...?'

'Four thirty AM...'

I let out a big yawn, rubbed my eyes for a moment and noticed the end credits rolling on the TV... It took me a couple of moments to wake up... I thought I was dreaming... But when I opened my eyes, I found myself in her arms... Cuddling me... And then I suddenly remembered it... It wasn't a dream... We were supposed to go out but we called it off... Sarah stayed over for the night. Hours ago, we went to bed... Took a shower in turns and I waited for her to finish. Catherine already prepared an air mattress for Sarah to sleep on but she hasn't been on that thing all night... When we were done taking a shower, we watched DVD's in my room... On my bed... Catherine told us not to stay up too late but of course, when you're spending the night with a friend, you're not listening to you're parents when they tell you to go to sleep. We watched The Grudge, Resident Evil and now Ghostship... None of these films were really scary but they were alright... I got hold of the remotes and turned the TV and the DVD player off...

She was supposed to sleep on that air mattress that Catherine prepared for her. But she didn't get out of my bed... All we did was staring at each other, drifting off in each others eyes... The longer she stared at me, the more nervous I started feel... Her clammy hands reached out to mine while her thumb caressed the back of my hand... She placed her other hand on my cheek and a weak smile appeared on her face...

'I've had a lot of fun tonight...'

'Me too...'

Her hands made their way to my back, holding me in a loving embrace while Sarah gently pressed her lips against my cheek, giving me a tender little kiss... I wasn't expecting that... She never did that before... It was really unexpected... Maybe it was the way I reacted that made her feel nervous again... I wasn't saying anything to her... Maybe she regret doing it... I wished she would do it again because I didn't have the guts to kiss her, even if it might've been an innocent kiss... But instead, she rested her chin on "my shoulder and let out a quiet sigh while I felt her heart started to beat faster through her nightie... But that made me feel more nervous than I already did...

'So uh... What are we gonna do tomorrow...?'

'You tell me...'

"What's wrong with her...? Why is she acting like that...?" Maybe this wasn't happening... I might wake up and find out it was all a dream... But as the minutes were ticking by, I realized it wasn't. Everything feels real... Even that wonderful feeling in my stomach... I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off... But I got snapped out of it when I felt a tear hitting my shoulder...

'Sarah...? What's wrong...?'

She didn't respond to me... The tears slowly hit my shoulder as her grip around my back tightened... And I held her like that, until she finally seemed to calm down... She took a deep breathe and let out a depressed sigh...

'You okay...?'

'Y-Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine...'

'What's going on...?'

'It's complicated, Ceylan...'

'You can tell me...'

Sarah didn't say anything for a while... All she did was holding me tighter... And when I placed my hands on her back and cuddled her, I felt her heart started to beat faster... At that very same moment, she started to caress my hair...

'I want the things happening between Mikaela and me to stop... I talked to a social worker and she's willing to help me... But she told me that they can only help me when I say that I want it to stop... I'll have to tell them everything that ever happened... Absolutely everything... It's going to ask a lot from me and it's going to be very difficult... I really need to think things over... But if I do this, it means I'll be going away for a long time...'

'What...? Then where are you going...?'

'I don't know yet... I wish I knew...'

Her voice didn't sound so cheery anymore like she always is whenever she's around me... Quiet... Timid... But what I felt that night can't be described... I don't know how I felt when she held me, looking for support... So I did what's natural for me to do. Just to provide a shoulder to cry on... Very quietly, she sobbed... Why was she crying in the first place...? What made her feel so sad that night...? I rubbed my muzzle against hers and whispered that everything will be alright... She lets out another sigh... And then she said it... With a nervous tremble in her voice as I felt her heart started to beat faster when she finally managed to speak up her mind...

'I love you, Ceylan...'

It took a moment for me to realize what she said... But once those words started to sink in, I had no idea what it did to me... It's strange to see how those words can have such an impact on you... But I heard that she meant it... I felt it... And that's when I closed my eyes and let all of those wonderful feelings rush through my entire body... And those feelings only got better the moment I finally whispered it back quietly in her ear...

'I love you too...'

Her reaction to that was pretty much similar to mine... Startled... Happy... She looked at me and smiled while her eyes seemed to get closer... I didn't realize how close her face was because all I could see were her beautiful eyes... My heart was beating faster when I finally realized how close they really were... Those wonderful feelings I felt in my stomach crawled up slowly... And when she gently pressed her lips against mine, those feelings exploded all over my body... Every fiber of my body felt tingly and sensitive when she finally did... Her cherry flavored lips were delicious... Sarah's hands moved to the back of my head while she sat upright and gently touched my lips with the tip of her tongue ... I can't describe that feeling when you experience it for the first time... I never got kissed like that before... The feelings were so overwhelming it caused me to gasp... But as soon as she felt with her tongue my mouth was open, she didn't hesitate... I felt her tongue touching mine... Gently kissing each other... Things felt way different for me when it happened so all of a sudden. Maybe that was the reason why I started to feel a little scared... It all felt new to me... So sensitive... So sexy... So... Arousing... It wasn't until she gently pushed me back on my bed when I started to feel so aroused... Maybe it was because I was in such a vulnerable position when she stretched my arms, feeling my biceps... They way she touched my lower arms and slowly went down with her fingers felt very sensitive... To me, it felt as if I was pinned down on my bed and couldn't move a muscle when she was on top of me... No longer was I in control nor had influences to change this... No longer was I being dominant... I couldn't be... I was just too startled by her actions... And even though my mind told me that it was wrong, I wasn't listening to it... I allowed Sarah to explore every inch of my body... I thought I was able to teach her a thing or two... But maybe she was the one teaching me instead...

The kissing never stopped when she touched my upper arms. But she focused on different spots instead... Sensitive spots, as if she knew exactly where they were... Sensitive spots that I didn't know of... Sensitive spots that never got touched before by anyone... Not even Mikaela was able to find them... Whether she couldn't find them or maybe didn't even want to find them... But Sarah did... She kissed my upper arms... Slowly went down to my chest... Gently licked her way up to my neck... And then Sarah did something unexpected when she stretched my arms again... I felt she gently bit me in my neck scruff, another sensitive spot that never got explored before... I gasped when she did... Quietly, but she heard that I did... So she bit me again... This time, a little harder... A little longer... Those subtle changes in the way she did were enough for me... I already felt my panties getting a little wet caused by everything she did... I would've touched myself if she wasn't pinning my arms down... I wouldn't care if she knew I was doing that... Sarah lifted my nightie up so that my belly became exposed... Her head slowly moves down towards my stomach where she gives those tender little kisses again... Feeling every curb, every inch of my body with her soft tender hands... It feels so different and I didn't know why... It really caused me to feel nervous even though I wanted it so bad... She moved her hands under my nightie, gently feeling my breasts... The palm of her hands going over my nipples... Sarah slowly started to caress them with the palm of her hands... So sensitive... So arousing... I closed my eyes the moment she started to feel me... But all of a sudden, an overwhelming nervous feeling caught me...

'S-Sarah, wait...'


'W-We shouldn't be doing this...'

'It's not the first time I'm doing this...'

'N-No but...'

'What's wrong...?'

"What's wrong...?" I didn't know. How come something so right felt so wrong? Somewhere, deep down inside, I knew that this night was coming. It was inevitable for it to happen which is why I never doubted. I saw it coming from miles away... But if I saw it coming from miles away, how come I still got caught by surprise...? Why was I so afraid to give in...? I gave myself so easily to Mikaela... So why shouldn't I give myself so easily to Sarah...? Because everything felt so different with Sarah...? That this wasn't just going to be a quick fuck...? Those questions I asked myself confused me so much over the years and yet I never had answers. It always felt to me that my feelings for Sarah were deeper than she could ever comprehend. But that night, after she made out with me, I realized my feelings for her were deeper than I've ever imagined. And right that very second, I knew that her feelings for me were different too... When I looked her in the eyes, I started to realize something... Some people give it away like that, as if it has no value at all... Sarah's not like that... Sarah used intimacy as a way to express feelings she can't express verbally... And I was denying her that while I didn't know why... She quickly removed her hands after seeing my expression and looked away...

'I'm sorry...'

'It's okay...'

There was this awkward moment of silence when she got off my stomach and lay on her side in front, with her back facing me. But after a while, she still didn't get out of bed to get on that air mattress... I didn't know what it did to me. It felt weird... Comforting, yet strange... But after a moment of hesitation, I placed my arm around her stomach... And when Sarah took my hand and caressed the back of it with her thumb, I didn't know what to do... Or what to say...

'It's because of Mikaela, isn't it...?'


'It's because of her...'


'Do you honestly believe she loves you...?'

'I don't know... I really don't know anymore...'

'You think you know her, Ceylan... But... You really don't...'

'Look, I know what I'm doing, okay...? She needs me... I can't just leave her like that...'

'I'm not asking you to leave her... I just want you to realize of what you're getting yourself into...'

'So what exactly is it that I'm getting myself into...?'

Another moment of silence... She didn't have an answer to that question... Why was she making such a big deal out of this?

'Are you really that naïve, Ceylan...? You really don't see it...?'

'I don't know... Things haven't been the same anymore ever since... Well, you know...'

'I know... I just wanna know how you feel about her... Or why someone like you even cares about her...'

'What do you mean, someone like me...?'

'Just be honest for once, Ceylan...'

'What exactly do you expect to hear from me...?'

'What exactly do YOU expect from HER...? A future together...? For fucks sake, Ceylan, she's eleven years older than you... Fuck no... She's not like that... And you know it all too well... So... Why the hell are you doing this to yourself...? Why are you doing this to me...? You know it... I know it... I've always been afraid to give in to my feelings for you because of her and I'm just so tired of it... You know how I feel whenever I see you with her...? How much it hurts me...? To see you getting fucked by someone who doesn't even give a shit about you...?'

"Good question... I wish I knew..." Why the hell did I stayed with Mikaela even though I already knew the truth and knowing that it would never work out between us? Did I honestly believe that Mikaela and I were getting married one day and settle down...? Would she make me happy...? I've had my doubts and thought things over... But after Sarah confronted me like that, I finally tied the knot... She was right in every way. But I didn't really like it... By breaking up with Mikaela would mean that I would hurt her feelings. But it's my life and I had to think for myself instead of someone telling me what to think...

'I've thought things over for a long time now... I know what you mean but... I just don't know how to bring it to her without hurting her feelings... You always talk about her as if she's the cruelest person on the planet... She's not...'

It stayed silent for a moment while I got carried away in thoughts again... I realized that things have gotten way out of hands ever since it started... And now I was stuck in the middle of it all... I just had to find a way out... And let Mikaela find someone else... And maybe I had to find someone for myself too... Someone more real... And I realized that she was right in front of me that night...

'Mikaela might've done all those things to me... But in the end, she was the one who greeted me with a smile whenever I came home from school... She's the one who stood in the kitchen cooking for us... She did our laundry... She took care of us when others didn't... Mikaela's not a bad person, Ceylan... People around her made her like that... You can hold a grudge against someone for you're entire life... But in the end, you'll have to let go... Despite everything she ever did to me, Mikaela's still my big sister... And I know she loves me... But I have to protect her from herself... And myself... The only way to do that is by turning her in, even though I really don't want to... She'll hate me for it... And I'll hate myself for doing it...'

Sarah has always been mature for her age. The way she portrayed life and the people around her... I didn't really understand what she meant with that. But I think Sarah's conscious was speaking up its mind. Sarah told Mikaela so many times that she needed help... But Mikaela wasn't listening to her and now, Sarah was forced to take drastic measurements in order to save what's left... To protect Mikaela... To protect herself... And maybe even to protect me... She questioned things a girl of her age shouldn't be questioning... She had to make difficult choices that a girl of her age shouldn't be making... But I was just too stupid to have realized it that night... I thought by talking to her about this made me finally know what I really want. And I thought I knew... Maybe we were afraid to give in to our feelings for each other because of Mikaela. I was afraid to hurt her feelings if I broke up with her. Sarah was afraid of something else... But then it suddenly struck me... "Mikaela isn't with us now, is she...? What one doesn't know, doesn't hurt, right...?" Maybe it's best to leave some secrets in the dark... And apparently, Sarah thought the exact same thing when she turned her head and faced me after a long moment of silence... And after we stared at each other for a moment, we knew we were thinking the same. We kissed each other again... It felt as if a huge burden dropped off my shoulders... And while we were making out, I felt something I never felt before and I just can't describe it...

The kiss started out relatively innocent... But just the taste of her lips begged me for more... Things started to heat up... Especially when I got on top of her stomach, only to get myself closer to her... And I felt nervous, knowing for what was coming... So I wasn't surprised when her hand gently caressed my belly for a moment... Her fingers went down, knowing exactly where to go and slowly slipped down my panties while we were still making out... She gently spread my lips and started to caress my slit with the tip of her finger... But still... There was something about her... I looked at her while she was still touching me and while she did, she had this innocent smile on her face... Turned out she really had two faces... She wasn't as innocent as she always appeared to be...

She never changed the pace... Slowly moving up and down with her finger in the same rhythm over and over again while she stayed patient... Making out with her while she touched me felt great... My fast breathing turned into little gasps... And the feelings were building up very slowly... But at some point, I couldn't make out with her anymore... I could barely breathe when she kept touching me, caused by those gasps... So I rested my head on her chest and stick my ass up in the air... I positioned myself to make more room for her by moving my legs apart... And made sure nothing was getting in her way... So I lifted my tail up as high as possible for her...

It didn't ask a lot from Sarah... The way she pleasured me seemed to be effortless... As if she knew exactly what I liked... It's obvious she did this before... But I never experienced it in such a way. It was all new to me... It felt great... I felt how her fingers slowly made their way down... She gently inserted a finger in me and it slipped right in... Slowly making those "C'mere" motions while she caressed my clit with her thumb... Gasps were replaced with quiet moans... I couldn't think... I could only feel... I closed my eyes and let all of those wonderful feelings rush through my body... Those feelings only got better whenever she kissed me... Those loving, tender kisses... I lost control of my body at some point... She gently pushed me on my back and slowly pulled my panties down when she got on the other end of the bed... Sarah pushed my legs apart and stared right at my vagina... When I looked up, I noticed her face was awfully close to it... And then she looked up...

'Place your feet over my shoulders...'

So I did... Her hands reached to my ass and lifted me up... It was difficult to hold my balance with my ass in the air, but she supported me... Sarah used her thumbs to spread my slit and gently rubbed it...

'Gorgeous... Absolutely gorgeous...'

Her head came closer and gave it a quick kiss... And she did again, a little longer this time... I closed my eyes and enjoyed it for a while... But the moment she tasted me caught me by surprise... A quiet gasp couldn't be oppressed and when I opened my eyes, I saw her using her tongue on me... She was so amazing at this... Slowly licking her way up and down... Sucking on my clit every now and then... My cunt got so wet... Sarah seemed to enjoy herself... And with every firm lick she gave over my clit, there was this tingle going down my spine... I saw her doing it... Every now and then, she looks up and heard her muffled giggling... Sarah obviously loved the way my pussy tasted... Her enthusiastic and impatient desire to pleasure us both started to take on a different form... So Sarah pleasured herself too... Maybe she was just teasing herself, with her face buried between my legs... Every now and then, she lifts up her head to gasp... It's difficult to stay quiet whenever you're not alone in the house... Especially when there are people around you that you don't want to let them know of how good of a time you're having... Or how good Sarah was at pleasuring me... And at some point, she stopped and quickly took her panties off... She moved my legs apart and kneeled down in between... I didn't know what was gonna happen when I felt her wet pussy touched mine... I couldn't think... Then she slowly started to hump me and picked up where we left off... I felt her pussy was dripping wet... And so was mine... Rubbing off against each other was easy because of our natural "lube"... It was difficult not to moan out loud... I would've if I could but we both knew we couldn't... "Ssssh..." Sarah bended over and lifted her nightie up which caused her tits to bounce right in front of me... I firmly squeezed in them and just kept licking it as if I was grooming her fur...

It started out rather playful, seeing as we felines are very curious creatures... But at some point, it didn't look so playful anymore... It really was love... Maybe even passionate... But accompanied with lust, nonetheless... Two young curious girls in puberty, driven insane by hormones... I think our actions spoke for ourselves when she got off me again and buried her face between my legs... The way she did it was a bit rough... But very satisfying... And then she fingered me again... Slowly at first but it didn't take long for her to go faster while she also kept pleasuring me with her tongue... The feelings I felt in my stomach only build up from that point on, as if there was this tension and that it could snap any moment... It felt as if I had to pee... I didn't want to pee in her face but the more I tried not to, the more difficult it became to hold it... And I felt I was gonna lose it... I was about to pee in her face... But telling her to stop when it felt so great...? Hmmm, no... How the hell was I able to tell her that...?


'You cumming...?'

'U-Uh...! Hhah...!'

Hehehehehe... Yeah... She already knew I fucking loved it... But it was just a matter of time... I couldn't hold it anymore... And then it happened... I tried to be as quiet as possible... But of course, that wasn't the case... I let out a loud moan and saw myself squirting right in her face... At first, I thought it really was urine that I squirted in her face...

'O-Oh my God...! I-I'm so sorry...!'

'For what...?'

'For what...?! I-I just peed in your face...!'

'That's not pee...'

"Oh..." Can you imagine how naïve I was...? I've seen it once but I never thought I'd experience one... I really had to catch my breathe while my eyelids felt so heavy... Sarah cuddled me and gave me a quick kiss... Everything felt so sensitive afterwards... And so... Amazing...



'You're tongue feels like sandpaper...'

'Yeah, well, you're nipples look like chocolate milk duds...'


'That was so awesome...'

It only took her a couple of moments for her to fall asleep. My mind was empty and peaceful when I watched how she was sleeping, feeling quiet breathing and slow heartbeats... I looked outside the window and saw the sun was coming up... So I closed my eyes and drifted away in the most relaxing sleep I've ever had...

That night was the very first time I ever reached my climax... It felt so great... Even when I played with myself, I wasn't able to get one. But my first time having an orgasm wasn't the only reason. My love and sex life was changed dramatically ever since that night. That night, Sarah opened my eyes. And she was right... I thought I knew what I wanted ever since then. And all I wanted was to stay with Sarah... I wasn't thinking of Mikaela's feelings anymore and I just had to find a way to break up peacefully with her. But of course, whenever you're facing something difficult, you try to postpone it for as long as possible so that you do not have to face it. And that's exactly what happened... But, like I said... Sometimes you just need a rude wake up call to make you snap back to reality and to make you realize of what you're doing... Being young, naïve and in love can make you blind... And I was about to find out of how blind I really was...

Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 14 - Physically impossible...

Ever since that night, things started to go fast with Sarah and me. We kept on doing what we always did. Hanging out, shopping together, having fun. The two of us shared a little secret that no one knew and were supposed to never find out about us....

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 12 - A rude wake up call...

'Get in the car.' I did what Simon told me to do. And well, by the looks on his face, it wasn't really a smart thing not to do what he said... He got behind the steering wheel and slammed the door of his car while he puts the key in the ignition. I...

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 11 - A valuable lesson...

The ride home was anything but relaxing for me. I thought things over and everything my grandmother told me seemed to make sense. That it's not a wrong thing. It's not and I know that, but it's a lot harder to live with, especially when people around...

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