The Choice: Part 2 (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#15 of Commissions

Julius's little modeling stint is far from over. In fact, Mr. Godfree has special plans for the jackal.

A commission for Critic. I hope you enjoy!

"Good hustle out there." Coach Girk clapped as the team circled around him. Julius's arms fidgeted impatiently as practice came to an end. The longer he waited, the more disappointed Mr. Godfree would be., the rabbit knew he had football practice, that's why the college athlete was doing the damn modeling extra credit in the first place. Or at least that's how it started.

"Now I know you all got a tough time with classes, but we're close to finishing out this season. So study hard, and finish strong. Now hit the showers!" The burly stag grabbed Julius's shoulder before he got up. "Now hold on, Fink. I wanna talk with you for a second." Julius bit his lip but nodded, knowing full well that Mr. Godfree wouldn't accept any excuses. "You been doing ok? You seem to be a little sloppy on the field out there."

Still? Julius held back the urge to groan. It'd been weeks since Mr. Godfree had him wear the damn chastity cage. His first few practices were unbearable with it, but over time he'd grown used to the cage. Or he thought he did. "You're not staying up too late studying, are ya?" The stag asked, "While I'm glad your grades are improving, you don't need to go crazy now."

"S-Sorry Si...Coach," He gulped, feeling the bars of his cage dig into his cockhead, "Mr. Godfree's been giving me some extra lessons in addition to what I'm doing for him."

"Godfree?" Girk blinked, "Darian Godfree?" Julius nodded slowly, earning a smile from the stag, "Well shoot, I didn't know you were helping him out. Smart bun, that rabbit. Used to be an art professor at my old job." He patted him on the back and helped the jackal back up, "You listen close to what he's got to say. Guys like him know a thing or two. Now git." That heavy hand smacked down on the jackal's rump. Julius covered his mouth, cutting off the submissive moan that escaped his lips and prayed that his coach didn't hear. He didn't stay long to find out, running back to the lockers.


"No?" Mr. Godfree balked at the response. The calico rabbit wore a subtle irritation across his face, mixed with confusion at the jackal's answer. Julius felt his neck tighten, as though the disappointment in the bun's voice tore out his courage. "What do you mean, no?" He asked, business shoes clicking against the cement of the gallery backroom while he balanced a pair of black heels between his fingers.

"It's just...well, sir...." The jackal's words dug deep into his throat, refusing to come forward in the bun's presence. Against his will, his cock pressed tighter in the cage, twitching in the aftertaste of the well dressed rabbit's vanilla cologne.. Khaki's, a matching sport's coat, and that white shirt with the pink tie, everything screamed control. Especially compared to Julius's own frilly stockings, panties, and the lacy halter around his waist. Mr. Godfree's clothing options for him had gotten more...unusual as of late, but part of him had trouble saying no. "I don't know how to-"

"You think it's excessive." Darian cut through the jackal's excuses like a knife. "Need I remind you that, as a model, it is not your purpose to think about the outfits."

He didn't have to take this, the sheer arrogance from the rabbit. Yet Julius found his legs shivering in the rabbit's presence. Not from fear, he knew fear, but of something else. "I-I mean no disrespect, sir. I just figured, maybe we could neo-"

"Negotiate?" If Mr. Godfree's face didn't show his frustration, his tone did. "Such things are only applicable when both sides have something to offer. You are not irreplaceable, my time is. I have already wasted enough of it staying after hours with your lessons." He shoved the heels into the jackal's hands, "Either you put these on, or leave and come back tomorrow morning. Or don't even bother coming back. I'm sure you're smart enough to graduate now."

"N-No!" He shouted before realizing it, holding his hand out to the curator, "I'm sorry, I'll-"

"Excuses, Julius, excuses." Darian crossed his arms and shook his head, "Words mean nothing. Actions do. You have thirty seconds to make up your mind." In panic, he fell back against his ass and slipped his feet into the black heels. To his surprise, they fit without hassle, slipping on as though his foot were meant for them. "Good," Darian said, holding his hand out, "Now get up. We have a limited window."

"What are we-" The heel slipped under his weight. The jackal tumbled over, finding himself caught against the hare's chest and holding tight for safety. In the briefest moment, he felt the strength hidden underneath those clothes, the muscle definition that his own training couldn't provide him. Mr. Godfree held him steady, letting the jock's chest adjust to the weak feeling overflowing him.

"I am holding a party this weekend. Different from my usual gala events. It will be more...performance based art. You will be performing, and, unlike my other set pieces, you are wildly ill-prepared."

Performing? Him? His fingers dug deep into Darian's sportsjacket, mind lost in the imagined eyes staring back down at him and this outfit. Fear crawled up his spine, but something else shook his core, something that had his cage seem tighter. "I...I don't know if I can, sir."

"Obviously not, as you are now anyway." Darian pushed him up straight, keeping a hand braced against him for balance. "That is why we're doing a crash course. No cameras and no assistants. Just us." Somehow that made his breathing even tighter, as well as flushing his face. Not that Mr. Godfree noticed, if he did he didn't show. "First we're doing balance. We won't finish today until you can walk across the gallery without issue."

It was well past sunset by the time Julius had walked out the front doors, ankles burning at Mr. Godfree's crash courses. The rabbit held his hand throughout the first hour, keeping a tight grip on his sides to hold him steady while quizzing him on math, science, and history. He didn't stop testing even as he let go, giving the jackal no respite from learning under him.

With balance achieved, the next day focused on posture, and Mr. Godfree's methods were extreme but effective. A rope had been tied around the jackal's balls and pulled upward to the ceiling, whilst his arms were locked behind his back, tight and constraining inside the single sleeve. The rabbit pulled the rope through a loop, forcing it to pull Julius's balls upward and keep his legs straight as he carefully stepped forward. One slip up, and he'd feel a regretful tug. This, combined with the swats against his ass whenever he answered incorrectly, made the next two days a nightmare he found himself seeing when his eyes stayed shut.

"Don't slouch!" Mr. Godfree commanded, swatting down on Julius's ass with a riding crop. "This isn't some casual walk. Stand straight, puff out your chest, and, for god's sake, rock your hips out. Haven't you ever seen a model in a movie?"

"Yes, Sir! Sor-" Darian grabbed his maw before he could utter another word. "No," He growled softly, holding the jackal's mouth tight, "No, I am tired of your excuses. Stand still." Even without the option to do otherwise, Julius froze upon his command. The rabbit grabbed his head and forced it straight, keeping it steady with a posture collar locked around his neck. Any grunts were muffled by the wide ballgag stuffed into his maw. "I should have started sooner. But desperate times call for desperate measures. And since you won't practice outside these walls like any good model, adjustments are required."

The physical discomfort hurt less than his complaints. Somewhere in his mind, Julius knew his situation was fucked in some way. He was, after all, bound and gagged in an older man's backroom. But with every click and clack his heels made, every strain the rope around his cock and balls forced upon him, the black jackal wished for some sign of approval that he was doing it right.

He had earned freedom in his mouth and arms on the third day but knew better than to speak before being asked. Mr. Godfree grew tired of his rudeness, but his ears tilted in surprise at the jackal's progress. While he did not ask, Julius made an effort to walk across campus in proper form. When no one watched, obviously. Of course, the rabbit had Julius keep the heels on whenever he was inside the gala. The locks around his ankles helped.

"Now that you can walk, it's time for you to dance." The rabbit took him deeper into the building, leading Julius to wonder just how big his gallery was. Behind two push doors stood a single steel pole, exactly like the stripper poles he and his friends used to frequent. "Our schedule is running tight, so you will need to miss classes tomorrow." He raised his hand before Julius could speak, not that the jackal opened his mouth, "I have made your teachers aware you will not be available. Do not worry, this will not affect your grades."

He took a seat against a black fold out chair as Julius took to the stage. For a moment, he imagined the eyes falling on him and his cage twitched against the pole in response. Mr. Godfree wasted no time barking positions, leaning back with his legs crossed at the practice. In the corner of his eye, Julius swore he saw a smile brace the rabbit's lips. But every attempt to check fell flat against him. Real or not, those curled lips pushed him harder than any command forward.

A confident clap echoed from the calico hare's hands as the final day of prep ended. "In nearly a week, you have proven yourself to be an...acceptable model," He mused, pacing around the standing jackal and inspecting him like an object on display. "It's a shame we didn't have more time. But we cannot slow its passage, now can we?"

He shook his head, stifling his breath as the rabbit softly smiled. "I expect you to be at the show two hours in advance. You need to stretch and prepare for it." He tossed the heel key over to the jock, "Until then, rest well and don't injure yourself at your game. I need you polished, not broken."

He didn't make it to the game. Julius found himself staring at the ceiling of his dorm room that night, unable to sleep until the dead of night. Mr. Godfree's smouldering cologne filled his dreams, his strong hands holding him possessively. His hands were bound, yet his struggles weren't for freedom. "Hold still," the hare commanded, his grip melting into leather and latex restraints across the jackal's body as a camera took center stage.

Then he was there. High heels arching his feet, leather and latex sticking to his body as another skin, and cold blue lipstick smothering his lips. Darian smiled from across the crowd, holding a glass of brandy to the sky as others cheered him on. Some faces were familiar, others a blur while he shook his cage for all to see. How long had it been since he'd been out, to feel his own erection between his fingers?

How long until Mr. Godfree's bulge escaped his pants?

In cold sweat he woke up, panting harder than any gym workout. Ripping his bedsheets off, Julius found a pool of pre at his crotch. "Fucking...goddamn it..." He muttered, slumping back into bed. He had to get out, somehow.


"Oh, you must be Mr. Godfree's main model." Julius blinked at the bunny girl answering the back door of the gallery. He nodded all the same, following her inside to see how packed the backrooms had become. The jackal had seen plenty of people here before, helpers for Mr. Godfree's photoshoots. But there were more than just makeup artists, costume designers, and technicians this time. His eyes drew to the muscular and lithe men stretching around the area, from tigers, bears, wolves, to even badgers. Who were they, and why did he feel a sudden pang of jealousy in his chest?

"You're early." Mr. Godfree brushed past several models and waved away the rabbit. "I told you two hours, not three."

"I'm sorry...sir," He gulped, feeling so small yet oddly comfortable in the rabbit's presence. "I just...I needed to deal with something."

"Your stomach flu?"

He blinked, "What?"

Darian raised his brow, "Your stomach bug. Mr. Girk called me and said you might not make it due to a bug. He was quite upset about it."

A bug, yes that was the lie he told the coach. "No, no, sir. That's fine." Had he expected him to not show? Is that why there were so many other models? Julius shook his head, "I just...well, I needed to...What I mean is..."

"Follow me." Darian rolled his eye and curled his finger, as if hooked on an invisible leash. Unseen or otherwise, Julius followed close behind, stopping in a dressing room with the rabbit closing the door. "Strip and start stretching. We might as well make you limber."

Silence passed between them. There was nothing the two hadn't seen, no shame left as Julius exposed his black furred body to the rabbit, naked safe for the tight cage. Darian kept a close touch against the jock, directing him physically with each movement. "I'm amazed how much of my time you take up," He said, more as an observation than an insult.

"I'm sorry?"

"Don't be," He said, holding the jackal's arm back, "I like my work to be more, hands on, if you will."

"Are those other models your work, sir?"

He laughed, a deep chuckle that nearly knocked Julius off his feet. "Don't be ridiculous. They are additions I found for this show. Strippers and the like, all willing to make a quick buck for my art. They are clay that's been heated, unable to be molded again. Not like you. You are my pride tonight."

The compliment caught his tongue. The jackal's body went rigid and loose together, burning up as if he were a schoolgirl. Darian kept his hands close across his body, forcing the jackal to stretch out further until he was limber. "You're slacking," Darian noted.

"Oh, um...sorry, sir I-"

"Is the cage not enough?" The rabbit asked, his back turned to the jackal. "Do not act so surprised. I see it move, along with the lightness of your chest. I need you to be focused out there."

Had he really been that obvious? "Sir, I'm sorry I...well maybe if you could take off the cage I-"

"No. It stays on until we are done. But at this rate," He sighed, shoulder slumping slightly as he nestled his brow, "You are liable to make a mistake if you are aroused."

"No!" The conviction in his voice shocked himself, "I won't make a mistake. I'll prove it. I just need get some things off my chest. Like-"

"My dick?" Julius flushed, his throat tight at the rabbit's minute smile as he turned. "I am aware of your stares. It is natural." He pulled his zipper down, pulling his cock out before the jackal. It was bigger than he'd expected, perhaps even bigger than his own. "You can have a taste if you want, we have the time."

Within a blink, the cock was in his face. Mr. Godfree had not moved, but Julius, his mouth salivated over the rod before him. One whiff filled his nostrils with the heavy masculine musk, shaking his knees against the floor. "Start slow, and keep your throat relaxed." Darian's hand softly latched down onto the black furred jock's scalp. It didn't pull him, no, it kept his head steady as Julius's tongue tasted the fleshy cock, its pre coating his tongue.

"Good boy," Mr. Godfree cooed, letting his model's face swallow his cock. "Breath carefully. Pretend you are swallowing it but stop before you gag. Wait until that feeling subsides."

His grades, football, and even the humiliation of being his model, none of it crossed his mind now. Julius's mind focused entirely on instruction, letting the rabbit's cock explore his throat without care. In that moment all he cared for was the rabbit's praise and smile, his own squirming cage meaning nothing to him.

Like being a model all over again.

The rabbit's breathing tensed, his grip tightened, and his cock twitched inside the jackal's maw. Swearing incoherently, he held the jock down and filled his mouth with seed. Julius coughed, sputtering some out from his mouth in an attempt to clear his throat. "You did good, was that not your first?"

"It was...sir." While not a virgin, he'd never sucked a dick before.

His right ear wilted at the response, "Ah, either way, you follow instructions well. In any case, here you go." The rabbit pulled the usual locking heels and stockings from a dresser, with an additional strange white unitard and a gag that...Julius gulped at the familiarity to Mr. Godfree's own cock. "Your uniform."

"My what?" Julius took the clothes regardless, finding the unitard had an extra addition that covered his head would pop out. "Um...sir, I didn't see any of the other dancers have these."

"You saw them stretching," Mr. Godfree quickly corrected, "But you're right in that no one else has this sort of uniform. They are appetizers, eye candy for the guests. You are the main event, the symbol of my art." He stepped over to him, hand gently caressing his chin and forcing him to stare deep into those earthly brown eyes. "Besides, I would imagine you're worried of everyone seeing such a strong jock in such frilly clothes. So think of it as a special bonus." His breath coiled down Julius's neck as he added with a whisper, "Just for you."

Heart in a vice, the jackal nodded with the finger brushed against his chin. "And...and the gag, sir?"

"It's art, dear. Don't worry yourself over it. The canvas doesn't. Now open, I might as well help you." Julius had worn stockings and heels enough to dress himself, but the rabbit's touch had an effect on him that he couldn't dare say no. His cage twitched in agony as he locked the gag around his maw, tight enough for anything coherent to escape his lips. Then came the stockings and heels, all frilly across his muscular legs. The leotard, or zentai as Mr. Godfree called it, clung over his fur like a second skin and covered his face, turning his reflection into nothing more than a mannequin with free arms and a bulge that hid his cage.

"Magnifique," The rabbit murred, "Just one more thing." A strap of leather wrapped around his throat, tight enough that Julius felt it with every gulp. "Just a final touch to the look, ma salope." The final click rattled throughout his body, making him all the more thankful that Mr. Godfree was there to catch him. "Look for me in the crowd when you are done."

Julius lost track of time between the dressing and when his heels hit the runway. Darkness patched with violet lights streamed around him, with eyes gazing across his hidden form with every shape of his hips. In his mind, they saw past the outfit, saw his black fur slick against his body as he took to the stripper pole and spun off it, exposing his cage enmasse to everyone.

Teeth ground into his gag at their envy and desire. He slapped his ass, that tight and muscled bum he swore was meant for football running. But now, he needed to show it, to expose the modern form Mr. Godfree had used for so many of his sculptures. "Shake that ass, boy!"

Practice kept his body moving while his mind froze. Eyes behind the white fabric scanned the crowd, drawing in on the antlers belonging to the voice in question. Coach Girk? He blinked, resisting the urge to rub his eyes at the stag watching him from afar, sitting casually with his legs spread and cheering on his erotic display.

Did he know? No, he couldn't. Memories of practice resurfaced, back to the commands his coach ordered, the pat against his ass, and the knowledge of Mr. Godfree. Julius couldn't believe it, even as his cage trembled at the thought of his coach enjoying every order tossed his way.

His time ended with the blare of a siren, letting him step by a lion boy taking his place and off the runway. Even with the fabric and darkness, his eyes kept wide for Mr. Godfree. He needed to be near the rabbit, what came next he wasn't sure. He found him soon enough, resting in a dignified demeanor with a glass of scotch in one hand, and Coach Girk sitting beside him.

"Well, well," The stag smiled, "So this is your new boy?" He chuckled, standing tall and towering over him. His muscled gut pushed out as cocky eyes squinted at his zentai. "Not as defined as your last one. What's his name?"

"It has none, tonight." Mr. Godfree stood up, pulling a leash from his pocket and clipping it against the collar, "Mannequins need no names. Though this one has done very well tonight." With a soft tug, Julius fell to his knees, sitting between the rabbit and the stag but feeling more like their prey. Coach Girk smiled and kept his eyes close on him.

"Something about him seems familiar."

"It, Henry," Mr. Godfree said, apparently knowing Girk on a first name basis. "And I wouldn't assume so."

"Nah, nah, I'm sure of it. Can you have him...I mean, it, stand?" With a roll of his eyes, Darian pulled at the leash, forcing Julius up. The stag twisted him around, hands grabbing his ass, "Yeah...looks familiar. It must really love working out its butt."

"I only seek the best models."

"Yeah, you do. Have to say I get a little jealous of it." Henry's hand came down at his backside. Julius grunted into his gag, thankful for its muffling embrace. "Just reminds me of this player I have. Didn't show up to the last game, claiming he was sick. He's been...'difficult' recently."

"Oh?" Mr. Godfree sipped from his glass, "How so?"

"Well he's been slower. Still my best quarterback, but I'll be damned if he has been more dainty as of late." He grinned, leaning back into his cushion with both arms outstretched, "I'll admit, I'd love to have his ass on a silver platter. Maybe I could borrow your little art piece later and-"

Darian's laugh set the jackal's mind at ease. "Henry, as much as I appreciate our mutual interests, you know how I feel about sharing. I'm sure you can find another jackal amongst the models I've hired." He let Julius sink back to his knees, having the white masked jackal rest his head against his lap. "This one is mine. For now."

Henry sighed, shifting his crotch only now for Julius to see the monster imprinting in the stag's jeans. "I suppose. Maybe I'll go find a wolf, make him howl. Until later, Darian." The two nodded with their goodbye, leaving Julius to watch the stocky stag walk away and mingle into the crowd while the rabbit's freehand scratched behind his ears. In that moment, his worries dissipated and all he wanted was to be at Mr. Godfree's side.

And so he was, until the sun dawned a new day.

The Choice: Part 3 (Commission)

A single strand of saliva slipped through the gag between his teeth, joining the small pool forming at the floor. Julius clenched his maw, biting down at the rubber ball while trying to remain still as to not shake the table laid out across his back....

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