What A Vacation: Part 2 (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#13 of Commissions

Sure, Audrey vacation started with her girlfriend forgetting her clothes and having a bit of a lecherous time at the beach, but surely that can't be all Caleb has planned? Or so Audrey says, despite herself.

Another commission from Elberik featuring his characters. I hope you all enjoy!

Caleb did pack Audrey's running shoes and socks, a small comfort that the squirrel lost immediately when she realized why. The sun had barely cracked the sky when she woke up, her girlfriend jostling her awake. "Hey, rise and shine."

She turned over, grumbling about the lack of shine. "Audrey," Caleb teased, climbing atop the bundled up squirrel, "Don't make me pull the mistress card this early. Get up." With a half baked groan, she rose from her covers and pulled herself out of bed, trudging toward the bathroom. Caleb had already used it, having been up a good half hour before her. By the time Audrey was out, the fox had been stretching on the porch in nothing but a black sports bra, matching jogging shorts, and tennis shoes. Her girlfriend smiled, "Can't believe you slept through the alarm."

"Given last night, can you blame me?" Her first day at the beach had been draining, and sore on her mouth. Caleb snickered, stepping inside to stop the squirrel from opening the pantry.

"Nope. We're going out first."

"But..." Audrey blinked, looking at the slowly brightening sky, "But breakfast."

"We'll eat after. Come on. Unless you wanna jog when there's more people around." As frustrated as she was, Audrey couldn't exactly say no to her girlfriend's plans. Well, she could, but she never wanted to. The salty ocean air basked against her naked body as they hit the beach, the two power walking side by side with nothing but the low tide and cry of feral seagulls bouncing in their ears.

For the moment, it was peaceful. No one to stare with a blushing face or pointed finger. Just her and Caleb, with a clear showcase of who between them was in charge. The sun rose high when they reached the end, replacing the pinks and violets with the ever present light blue skyline. They headed back, with more morning beach goers present than before. Their walk turned to a light jog, forcing the squirrel's breasts to bounce free and wild to anyone watching.

And they watched. Audrey's face burned red, her teeth gnawing at her lower lips with every smiling gaze and erection aimed her way. Caleb kept out of reach by several feet, forcing the squirrel to pick up her pace. It only occurred to her how hard she was running by the time they passed their house.

"Don't slow down," Caleb ordered, "Else I'll be locking you out."

"B-But..." She gasped, "We just passed...the...house..."

"Yeah, cause we got a class to get to. Come on."

When they hit the other end of the beach, Audrey braced her knees to keep her from falling. She wasn't out of shape, keeping up with Caleb on the regular was exercise enough. Looking around, she found herself by a pier. "Catch!" Turning quickly, she caught the plastic water bottle by the skin of its cap. Cold to the touch, Audrey twisted the cap off and guzzled it down. "Woah, there. Don't drink it too fast."

"I just ran...the entire beach...naked." Audrey gasped out between breaths, "I think I can drink as fast as I'd like."

Caleb nudged her girlfriend. "You say that as if you're mad. But we both know how red your face is. And it's not just from embarrassment, is it?" She couldn't deny the fox was right, as much as the little voice in her head demanded she should be ashamed of it. But no one else was bothered by her nudity. Looking back down the beach showed her that she wasn't the only nude jogger this morning.

"Come on." Caleb took her hand, "We got a class to head to."

"A class? But what about breakfast?"

"We'll get it later," Caleb chuckled, pulling the squirrel along, "Besides, you're gonna love this." The two girls headed down and off the side of the pier, walking across the hot sands to find a small crowd gathered underneath the dock. Like everyone else at the resort, there was a mix of who was clothed, and who wasn't, and even those clothed wore more scantily clad suits. The only normally dressed people there were the white rabbit in the middle, and Caleb.

"I thank you all for coming to my class." The rabbit bowed as if taking to the stage. He carried an androgynous build covered only by a pair of blue floral patterned swimtrunks. Surrounding him were coils of rope, thin and soft rope used for...Audrey's eyes widened. "Normally I'd do this indoors. But they're renovating back at the center and I figured why not enjoy the outdoors?"

"Caleb," Audrey whispered, "What kind of class is this?"

The fox opened her mouth, but a heavy hand slapped Audrey's back before she could answer. "It's a rigging class, jugs." A feminine cackle echoed in her ears. Turning to her side, she found a shark girl in a flame pattern bikini step up to her, accompanied by an otter whose bikini did little to hide her cock underneath. "Don't tell me you're nervous. Especially after your little show this morning."

The otter put her hand in the shark's long white hair, "Jessie, be nice. They could be new to the resort after all."

"After that run? I dou-" Caleb grabbed Jessie's hand before she could give another heavy pat across Audrey's back. With a soft smile, she whispered in polite anger, "No one touches her unless I say it's ok too. Is that clear?"

Jessie pulled away, hiding her blush but exposing her fangs as she nursed her hand, "Jeez...I thought foxes were the submissive ones."

Audrey kept close to Caleb after that. Their instructor, who went by Mr. Finks, explained some basic techniques that the rest of the class copied on their partners. The fox took special interest in any breast binding ties, taking the time to poke or squeeze Audrey's nipples when they were tightly squeezed. When asked for a more complex tie, he requested a volunteer. Caleb pushed the squirrel forward, "She's always up for a good tie. Ain't that right?"

"Y-Yeah," she stammered, her heart fluttering at all the eyes on her. Mr. Finks smiled and waved for her to come closer, unbinding a soft batch of rope in his hands. The mouse started off explaining what he was going to tie first, letting his fingers poke and explore around her body in front of everyone. The exact specifics fell of deaf ears for her, letting her mind wander as the ropes threaded around her chest thrice and bound her arms behind her. Erections, covered or otherwise, came into view, as well as envious gazes from the other models.

Brought to her knees, the squirrel's legs were spread apart and bound. "Now we just loop this around here," The mouse tossed his rope through the ring above. "And pull." The rope dug into her, its soft nylon fibers tightening at the pressure of gravity. Caleb helped lift her up upon request, giving Audrey ample time to adjust to the strain against her body until she could hand from the pier by the rope alone.

The weightless feeling mixed with the tight ropes and the eyes, those greedy lustful eyes...She gulped, feeling more like a pinata for everyone. "I'll admit, I got a little carried away with this tie," Mr. Fink chuckled, lightly spinning the squirrel around. "This one gives ample access to every hole for play. Only downside to this one is that if your sub has a cock, you're likely not gonna get it to penetrate you. But most suspension isn't about getting penetrated by the suspendee."

"How long can she stay like that?" Caleb asked. Mr. Finks brushed his chin and slipped a finger between the ropes. "Well, so long as I've avoided circulation, I'd say ten minutes give or take. Most suspension play you see in porn can't go on for too long." The fox smiled at his answer, that dominant devilish grin that told Audrey she'd be sore later. She whispered to the fox, out of Audrey's ear as she spun away from them. When she turned around, Caleb pressed her lips against her girlfriend. "Don't get too full. We want to have lunch later."

"Now, Audrey, is it?" The mouse asked, continuing when she nodded, "Your mistress tells me you have a fantasy of being used while suspended. Would you like to fulfil that? Consent is key here after all." She nodded, peering down to see a monster of a cock pulled from his swimsuit trunks. "Excellent. Now folks, Caleb said only to use her mouth for fucking. But if you want, her ass is free to turn red." He lowered her down to crotch level and clamped down on her nostrils. Gasping wide for air, her mouth filled with a wide rodentcock shoved deep down her throat.

Mr. Finks continued to explain lesson after lesson to the class, but Audrey had trouble keeping focus as he used her mouth. Ramming so hard and fast that his balls slapped her chin. "Fuck she's got a nice throat. Not too tight, not..." His hands clamped down on her head. She felt the twitch in his cock and tasted the seed before it shot down her throat, strand after strand filling her. A thin line of his seed connected his cock to her lips when he pulled out, snapping at gravity.

Everyone saw his cum drip from her lips. Lecherous looks hooked into her burning chest, more painful than the ropes digging into her. Caleb's smile set fire to her masochistic heart. "Don't leave her waiting. She needs protein."

A line of cocks took to her mouth. Some big, forcing her eyes to roll back as she struggled to breathe. The small ones were the most humiliating, letting her position sink in as they jack hammered into her maw. "Hey, put some effort into it," An otter said, her fingers firmly holding Audrey's scalp tight. "You can bob your head. Don't expect me to do all the work."

She blinked, then nodded. How embarrassing of her to be so lazy. Her tongue lathered each cock, neck craning and bobbing when demanded. How many cocks had taken her maw? Five? Ten? The squirrel peered up at the gator sticking his dick in her face. She didn't remember him from the class. Not that it mattered, her mouth was vacant for everyone.

Thankfully, plenty of people ate pineapple. She spat into the sand, seeing a small puddle underneath her. Her head hung low, throat tired and sore of the whole affair. "Wow...you really are a slut." A new hand jerked her head up, spat in her face, and spun her around. In her delirium, Audrey saw flashes of grey sharkskin and pointed fangs laughing at her. "Like, I've seen public fucks before, but you really just took like, twenty people without complaint. Sore at all, bitch?" Jessie slapped her face before Audrey could answer. "That was rhetorical. No one cares about a dumb little hole."

The sting of the slap was minimal to her aching throat. Audrey looked out for Caleb, but couldn't find her underneath the pier. Heavy hands swatted her butt cheeks, "Gotta say, it was pretty hot. Made me envious of my mistress's cock." The rigging lowered, bringing her a mere foot off the cold wet sand. Jessie grinned and pulled down her flaming bikini bottom, exposing her dripping pussy to the squirrel. Next Audrey knew, her nose was shoved into the wet snatch. "Get me off you dirty little whore," Jessie growled, "Your mistress must use that tongue for herself."

"That isn't watching." An orange blur flashed in the corner of Audrey's vision, pushing the shark backward to the sand. "Your mistress and I said to watch her and let her down when finished." Caleb's growl sent shivers down her spine. She'd look up, but her neck didn't want to move.

"H-Hey, I'm just-"

"Just what, Jessie?" A new voice emerged. The otter? It sounded familiar enough. The shark's stammering made it clear. "Maybe it was a mistake to let you out of the belt." Jessie's merciful pleads were in the back of Audrey's mind as the rope loosened and she hit the sand. Caleb pulled her in tight, "Hey, hey, Audrey. You with me?" Worry filled her voice. The squirrel blinked and smiled at the concern across her girlfriend's face. "Yeah...I'm here."

"Good." She freed Audrey's legs and arms. "Rest easy. Me and Sarah are gonna have a talk with Jessie."


"Do you think it's a good idea leaving her there?" Audrey asked, straining in her new bindings. While she enjoyed being freed, there was nothing quite as fun as walking back to the house with her arms bound by rope behind her, her breasts wrapped in rope and thrusted out by Caleb's newest tie.

Not quite as bound as Jessie, who'd been hung upside down by her ankles in addition to her arms tied back, her tail tied up, and a wad of rope being used as a makeshift gag. She watched the shark flail in frustration as waves crashed underneath them. "I mean, the tide is coming in."

Caleb shrugged, holding the rope leash taut as they walked off from the pier, "Jessie's a shark, so she can breathe just fine underwater. Besides, Sarah's gonna go get her in about twenty." She pulled Audrey close, hands wrapping around the grey squirrel's waist. "Sorry for not staying. I had to use the bathroom and Sarah said Jessie was trustworthy so..."

She cut the fox off with a kiss. "Caleb, I'm ok."

The fox blinked, blushing red, "Are you sure?" She asked, "I can undo the ropes now and-"

"Don't worry about it. Though we definitely need these off in the shower. Especially if I'm servicing you."

Caleb chuckled, "I don't know who's worse. Me, or you."

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