Kobold Journal Part 1

Story by Kajowwojak on SoFurry

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This was an interesting story for Apolleo featuring his character being transported to a magical world and turned into a Kobold.  He's been taken under the wing of a Dragonborn who has been very kind and promises to help him!

Never written in the form of journal logs before, but I hope you guys approve!

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Kobold Report

Date: 23rd of Solein, Age of Quartz

Hello! My name is Scine. I'm a kobold, or at least, I'm currently one. I don't know how I got to where I am, or how I was turned into a kobold. It's been about a month since I arrived... wherever I am! Dathrokin said the country is called Yallin. I was rather scared for a while. Truth be told, I still am. But, Dathrokin is a well regarded dragonborn scholar, and he believed me when I told him that I wasn't a kobold, or from around here.

He said that he thinks I was a victim of either errant wild magic, or some form of curse or spell backlash. He said he is going to try to study me and find a way to undo what has happened to me so that I can properly be turned back, and hopefully go home.

Dathrokin told me that, due to the long term nature of transformative magic, that he wanted me to try to keep regular journal entries. This is for two reasons. The first is so that I can focus on remembering who I was and who I used to be, and the second is so that we can have a record of my state of mind, that way we can keep track of any changes. He's really really smart! A lot of other wizards laughed when I told them that I wasn't a kobold, and because I didn't have any money... well, 'gold coins' is the money they use here. Actual gold! They laughed at the paper bills I had, and said my copper and silver looked fake and wouldn't accept it. Maybe when this is all done and over with, I can keep a small sack of gold and take it home with me. That would make it all worth it. Probably lose my job since I've been gone for weeks without notice, so actual gold would be a nice little way to restart my life!

Right, sorry, got distracted there, journal! So, Dathrokin explained that whatever happened to me is very unusual and can't be fixed with common spells, so he will have to study me over a long period of time. I mean, that makes sense! But also, he is very busy, and adding researching me to his list of duties would be difficult and slow. So, I offered to try to do some of it for him! I don't know about magic and stuff, but I can read (Which is apparently a big enough deal to warrant mentioning!), I can organize stuff, and I can stir potions and pots and cauldrons. He even offered to pay me for my time! It will be menial work, but it's not super hard labor, which is a good thing, because I'm so god damned small. Seriously! Like. I'm like, 2'6! I have to use a step ladder just to get on a stool!

Sorry, got distracted again. Dathrokin, when you read this, I promise you that I've always been easily distracted like this! Anyways, journal: Doing odd jobs around the tower means that I will get a few spare coins, and I can use that to get myself food and stuff. That's super useful! He told me that, because it might be months or longer before he can crack the curse, that I should get used to living in Yallin, learning the customs and the like. I mean, it makes sense to me. When in Rome, right? (Dathrokin, Rome is a place in my home world, and the full saying is "When in Rome, do what the Romans do." Which is basically saying 'go with the flow').

Date: Day 19 of Norix, Age of Quartz

So, days of the week are really hard to keep track of. I have to keep asking Dathrokin what day it is. He's concerned that I'm developing memory problems, but I just explained to him that we have a seven day week, each 24 hours in a day. Unfortunately that isn't the same here, and it's why I keep getting confused. Apparently there are Twelve 'days' in a cycle, each for one of the major gods, and each day is broken up into thirty 'hours' each representing one of the children of these gods. Like. What the hell am I supposed to do? Or, well. "Hells" I suppose is the appropriate term here now. Also, apparently demons don't like us invoking hell the same way people back home don't like invoking Gods name? There's a little imp that owes Dathrokin. He's a bit of an ass, but I think he's just grumpy because he got outsmarted by a 'mortal.'

Anyways, the last few days have been a little weird. I don't know if it is because of magic, or because I'm a kobold now, but the food has been kinda making me sick. I tried eating what I used to eat, but after a few days, I was starting to get really ill. Dathrokin explained that kobolds are primarily carnivorous creatures, so he's switched me over to eating primarily meat. I think that he is right (he usually is), because I've been feeling a lot better since switching over to strictly lamb and pork. Got to say, though, I really miss grapes. Like, Having a handful of sweet and juicy little balls? But apparently, Kobolds aren't supposed to eat them at all.

I had briefly considered just staying here, since magic and sorcery is so much cooler than back home, but I don't think i could live here if I couldn't eat food. That and the names of everything are different. Remember how I said I'm eating Pork and Lamb? Well, apparently those are called "Nuggs" and "Torflin" and when I make myself look like an absolute fool when I was oinking at a butcher so he could understand that I wanted pig. Uhhg. I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to that butcher. But I'll remember nugg. And if I forget, I have it written down! That way I won't be able to forget again!

That being said, I am getting really annoyed at how much I'm eating. Dathrokin says that kobolds are extremely active creatures with an equal metabolism. I mean, I am always energetic, and always needing to do something, or else I get... Uh... distracted. But that just means that I'm spending all my money on food, instead of things that are interesting? I've got about two sets of clothes, and they're just shrunken robes that Dathrokin gave me, and its really annoying. I'd rather just go naked. Actually, I have seen a lot of kobolds that were naked when I was visiting the town. Maybe that's normal? I'll have to ask if it is okay. Is that weird, journal? I mean, I'm not specifically a nudist or anything, but it is already hard trying to get used to the body that I'm in, and poorly fitting clothes just keeps making me trip and fall.

Anyways, I don't know if I have anything new to mention in this journal page. Sorry if it was boring, Dathrokin, if you read it in the future! Everything is just so weird and overwhelming that I don't really know what is actually considered to be worth writing down. I can't just write down "I saw a weird looking bird" every day. I'd have twelve books all saying the same thing! Still. I'm supposed to be doing this to keep track of myself, so I guess that's what I'm doing!

Date: 4th of Vilk, Age of Quartz

So update! Apparently it's very normal for kobolds to be naked, due to our self temperature regulation from working everywhere from deep caves to active volcanos. He only offered me clothes because he thought I would be uncomfortable. It IS kind of embarrassing letting it all hang out, though. When I was a lizard, I had internal genitals, but now I... don't? And I think I'm bigger than the average kobold. Or... I don't know! It just feels a little weird. But Dathrokin doesn't seem to be bothered in the slightest, so that helps.

I'm still helping around the tower the best I can. I've gotten really good at organizing things, which has freed up a lot more time for him to help me. Previously, it was just, like, every other day he'd give me a look over, and cast a spell or look at me through a crystal or something. Now every day he can take about an hour to properly look me over.

I'm gonna be honest, it's been a little awkward, being sat on a table and being examined all over. Not, bad, but... well... More than once I've popped a boner as he was staring. He didn't say anything, though, so maybe he has dealt with this before? I don't know. I mean, it's not like he's bad looking at all. Kind of has a bit of a dad vibe going on? He's a lot older than me, sure, but he is really nice and has been working really hard to care for me.

Crap, is this bad? Oh jeeze, usually when I write I don't care if Dathrokin will look over it, because he is trying to take care of me. But... Oh boy I am really embarrassed at the thought that he might read this page here. What if he finds out that I kinda think he's hot? Maybe he will be mad at me? Well, maybe not mad, but I hope it won't complicate things, because he's trying to help me stop being a kobold, and I'm otherwise just some stranger from somewhere else, that's living in his basement. He's working so hard to fix me that I wouldn't want to make things awkward.

Maybe I'll hide this journal, so I can write more private stuff, and have a separate journal for keeping track of my progress and thoughts, and have this for where I can write more private thoughts and things? Yeah. So, I'll need to re-write a lot of passages in the new journal, and I'll use this one for stuff I wouldn't feel comfortable with Master Dathrokin reading over.

I'm gonna go ahead and cut this entry short, journal. I don't have much free time before I'm gonna have to start doing my rounds of taking care of cleaning and potion management, and I need to get started on the next journal.

Oh, he's gonna notice that I started a new one. I need to come up with a good excuse. Hm. Maybe I accidentally spilled some wine on it? I'll think on it while writing up the new journal. Anyways, next journal will probably be a little more private thoughts. Gosh, I hope it doesn't get too weird, just in case that I do need to show Master Dathrokin...

Date: 7th of Vilk, Age of Quartz

It got weird.

Okay, so, Master Dathrokin has been trying to experiment with some potions that have been designed to try to erode malicious magic deep within. Something similar to a healing potion, but for my soul instead of my body. It's made me feel really funny, and maybe that's working? Part of me really hopes that it is working, and that I can go back home, but part of me is really starting to like it here. Things are a lot calmer, there isn't this constant looming stress about trying to make rent or working at a dead end job that can fire you at a moment's notice...

But, I'm getting off track. So, I had popped another boner after drinking the potion and master Dathrokin noticed that I was acting a little strange with it. He told me that it may very well not be my fault at all, but that... well, apparently kobolds are exceptionally active creatures, sexually, known for high volumes of sexual activity during the summer, which it is, after which the sex drive goes away, and they focus on raising the clutches that resulted from the rapid instances of reproduction. So, basically, I'm kind-of stuck in rut?

The random boners have definitely been a more regular issue, and though I try to rub one out every once in a while to make them go away, it only seems to do the job for about an hour or so, before I find it swinging between my legs again. Still, Master Dathrokin has been really nice about it, and isn't making me feel weird about being so horny all the time. He said that he would try to find a way to also make a potion that would assist me with it, because the last thing I need is to actually worry about a clutch when I'm trying to go back home.

I told him that I was gay, and didn't think that was an issue, but apparently kobolds can kinda just... change their gender? Usually it's a dominance thing, where there is a specific need for a female, and without one being necessary, in addition to not even knowing HOW to do it, then I shouldn't have to worry about it.

Still, he's been giving me extra time to excuse myself now so that I can deal with it. I must say, this new dick is really fun to play with. I didn't have foreskin before, but I'm definitely going to miss it when I go back to being a lizard and going back home. But hey, nothing says I can't try to enjoy myself in the meantime right?

Shit. I've just spent this entire journal entry talking about boners, and now I have one again. Doesn't help that I've also been thinking about Master Dathrokin this whole time too. Wait, that might not be helping anything. Shit now I'm just really horny thinking about him. Fuck.

Alright, uh, I'll call it here, Journal. I'm going to go beat my meat until my break is over. Here's hoping that I can focus on work long enough to keep things focused. He said that the further into summer I go, the stronger the desires are going to be. But I trust that he's going to get that potion to help with my libido soon enough. After all, he's working really hard for me, and... Sorry. I really gotta take care of this boner now.

Date: 22 of Vilk, Age of Quartz.

Alright! Private Journal, do I have some private stuff to share with you today. So uh. The last couple of days have been mostly a blur. There was some major solar event that I didn't really understand going on, so I didn't have the free time like I used to, which meant that my boner was causing a real issue for focus. He tried a few potions to help me with it, but I don't think they were the right strength, because I'm hornier than ever.

Which is... why I'm writing this right now. See, the event is over, and neither of us had slept in two days, and Master Dathrokin was passed out on the sofa. I was trying to sleep on the opposite chair, but my boner was getting the better of me. Sometimes I can be, uh... Kinda loud whenever I am jerking off, so I didn't want to wake him up. Plus, I was so tired that I didn't want to go through the effort of trying to jerk off. But that's when I looked over at Master Dathrokin, asleep and saw that his robes had come apart and he was... well, I think he was having a VERY good dream. I'd never seen him naked before and he was rock hard. He was even bigger than I was! I tried to just roll over and force myself to sleep, but I was just... rock hard, and I couldn't get it to go down and go away.

I don't know what came over me, but the next thing that I knew, I was kneeling on the ground next to him. His member was twitching, inches away from my nose. Every heart beat causing it to bounce. I couldn't stop myself! I just... leaned in and gave it a lick. And it tasted so good. Like. Yeah, I'm not unfamiliar with oral, but I dunno. It just tasted so good and then I was just sucking on the whole shaft. Bobbing up and down, trying to be as quiet as possible. I mean. I knew what I was doing was bad, so I didn't want to wake him up. But as a result, I could hear his breath getting heavier, gentle groans of pleasure filled my ears.

The next thing that I knew, I was jerking off as well. Every breath and huff from Master Dathrokin was just... so hot. I've never sucked on a guy when they were sleeping, but that just made it so much sexier? I don't know. But I just kept going and going on the shaft, all the way down to the base. Let me tell you, feeling every throb from his dick throbbing deep in my throat... I couldn't stop. The next thing I knew I was unloading my whole load onto the ground between my knees.

It... might have been the strongest orgasm I've had that I can remember.

But even though I literally just came, I couldn't stop blowing Master Dathrokin. With all my focus, I was sucking and bobbing up on the cock, until I heard a sharp breath from him and a thick load of spunk filled my throat. There was just so much I looked like I swallowed a bowling ball! But it was so warm...

I swallowed down every ounce and when I was done I was just so... at peace? I don't know the right word. Just felt so good. I curled up on the chair and I just passed out immediately.

Luckily it all dried off by the morning so he didn't know any better.

Date: 33 of Donon, Age of Quartz

So, we've been experimenting more with potions. He's really trying really hard to get me fixed but... I don't know. Ever since I sucked Master Dathrokin off that night, I haven't been able to look at him the same way. Before, I just thought he was mildly attractive, but now I keep imagining him naked. Every time I jack off, there's about an 80% chance that I'm thinking about him. About sucking on his dick again when he was asleep that night. Of him reaming me over the examination table.

I've blown him a couple more times since that day. Only when he was exceptionally exhausted (I don't want to get caught!), and each time was as enjoyable as the last. However, tonight I'm going to try to do something a little more risky. I'll write more about it tonight before I go to sleep to see how it goes. I don't want to jinx myself, but, Journal? I think we're both gonna enjoy this memory.

Date: 33 of Donon, Age of Quarts. Part 2.

I did it!

Master Dathrokin hasn't slept well the last week, and he took a potion to help him pass out. I made well and sure he was asleep, and when I was certain he wasn't waking up... I uh. I climbed on top of him and rode him! I can't believe that I really did it, but it just felt so good! I started by giving him a blowjob as usual. He wasn't really hard so really I made out with his slit for a good while, and licked and slurped on his shaft until it was nice and wet. Then I just... climbed on top of him and started easing my way down. Kobolds must be really good at this stuff, though, because it didn't hurt in the slightest. I sat down on his dick like my hole was made for it.

That made it even hotter when I started bouncing up and down. Oh god, rubbing at all of my insides and grinding against everything. If I'm getting hard again just thinking about it. Fuck, I might just jerk off again with my other hand as I write this.

The hard part was that I came before he did. Actually, I came twice, it felt so good. The first time I managed to cum only on myself, so that there wouldn't be a mess, but the second time was more of a surprise and got on his blanket. I uh... I licked it up to try to make sure there wasn't any evidence afterwards.

But eventually I sat down at the base of his hips, and felt his big, throbbing dick fill me up with so much cum. It's still inside me too, It felt so good.. Nnnf. It's still warm and just feels so... good being full of cum. I wonder if this is one of those things that Master Dathrokin was warning me about. About how being turned into a kobold could affect my mind. But even if it was, I'm okay with it.

I gotta stop writing now. I just came all over the library floor. Gonna go clean that up!

Date: 34 of Donon, Age of Quartz

He found out.

I can't believe I was so stupid. Apparently when I had came on myself the first time, it started to get all runny and leak down in places I hadn't seen. Master Dathrokin just gave me this look when he spoke to me, and... maybe it was magic, maybe it was just being embarrassed about it, I don't know. But when that big, sexy dragonborn gave me that stern look, I just... I had to come clean about everything. I even told him about all the times I blew him in his sleep.

He seemed... He wasn't angry. Thank god he wasn't angry! Just... disappointed. After I told him everything, he came over to the couch and sat with me, arm on my shoulder, and explained that he was concerned. He was afraid that the hormones that I was getting from my new kobold body were polluting my mind, and making it harder to be 'me'. I told him that I was fine! Hornier than usual, but perfectly fine!

Still, he cared so much about me. He hugged me and feeling his warm, muscled body pressing against mine, feeling how much he cared about me. It felt so good. But, that's when I popped another boner. Right there in front of him. And that's why I'm writing this journal.

As much as I would love to say that he threw off his clothes and fucked me on the couch until I couldn't think anymore.. That's not what happened. No, Master Dathrokin said that this was exactly what he was worried about. That my kobold nature was corrupting me into desiring to be subservient to someone, rather than being my own person. I don't agree with him at all! I don't feel subservient, like he owns me or anything, I just think he's hot!

But for my own safety, Master Dathrokin said he was going to try to curb my sexual desires in order to keep me from losing myself. He said he'd have something for me when I woke up. Quite frankly, I didn't think that they had things like this in this world, but... When I woke up this morning, I looked down at where my morning wood was supposed to be, and there was this shiny metal cage around my dick. A tight metal ring that wrapped around my dick and my balls, and a cage over my dick, with thin bars that went down longways. It was tight. Still is. Maybe he got the size wrong and made it too small? I don't know. But I can just always feel it squeezing at my dick, reminding me that its there.

And... that is kinda hot? I know that sounds stupid, but for as much of a horny bastard that I've been for so long, I'm not any less horny, I'm just completely at the mercy of when Master Dathrokin allows me to cum.

I've got to go do my chores now. But I've been so horny for so long, even just today, that I'm already noticing pre starting to collect at the tip of the cage. God I hope I don't start dripping when I'm doing my chores. I don't want to have to mop every place clean after every chore rotation...

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