Broken Egg Bar

Story by Kajowwojak on SoFurry

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This was a fun story that was intended to be 5 pages, and got upgraded to 9, commissioned by  negativetheoryBe careful what happens when you're showing off the goods in skeezy parts of town!

Posted using PostyBirb

The Broken Egg Bar

Boris "Baron" Gallen always enjoyed his time visiting The Broken Egg. Unusual name, but it was actually built out of an old breakfast diner. As a result, it was built a little differently than your standard bar, but very little remodeling was required in order to bring it back up to health code. Not that this bar could pass health code to save its life, but nobody came here for the food. No, they came to get wasted on watered down beer, and get laid in the back rooms that were originally set up for private and VIP guests when it served food proper.

Baron was a sturdy buck that stood roughly 6 foot even, with his antlers adding another foot on top, easily. A button up shirt and some blue jeans was the casual outfit for the evening as he waved to the bartender. It was Saturday evening, so it was a decent crowd for the buck to look through. He never left the bar with his balls the same size anyways. Usually it was someone pining over him with desperation, not realizing what they were getting themselves into, but on nights like tonight, he was looking to lay the right kind of person.

Standing at the bar, leaning on the bartp, rather than just sitting on one of the stools, was Jeremy. Five foot, three inches tall, he was short for a dalmatian, but he had the body of a runner. Thin and lanky, he was definitely the twinkiest guy at the bar that evening. However, the thing catching everyone's eyes was what was pressed down his pant legs. The size of the bulge was impressive, even for a guy a foot taller than him, and the extra tight skinny jeans he was wearing only made them look bigger. There were a number of guys trying to buy him drinks and cop a feel, but Jeremy knew how to play the crowd. And why complain about getting some free drinks from some desperate, horny guys?

Baron knew this was the guy he was gonna get. How? He wasn't sure, but this dalmatian was definitely going to be someone with some empty balls by the end of the night. Sitting down at the front, the barman sat an Old Fashioned in front of him without even asking for his order. The buck took a drink and checked the rest of the crowd. Mostly usuals, not many stupid individuals, which left him with pretty good odds for bedding the dally. Watching him push one of the guys off, Baron smirked as a plan started to come to him, reaching down to his thigh to adjust his growing arousal. But first... his own drink. Can't start the evening off dry, right?

"Oh, come on, I couldn't possibly drink ALL of these on my own. Y'all will get me killed." Jeremy chuckled out loud to the small group of guys that were crowding him. At least five different shots were placed in front of him, and though he was taking his time knocking them back, he wasn't hesitating. He was no stranger to getting wasted, and was young enough that he could drink a bottle of water before bed and be perfectly fine. A couple guys were trying to not-so-subtly grope at that heavy bulge, but when one actually succeeded, Jeremy got a sour look on his face, and shoved the guy away from him with his foot. "Oi, asshole, 'buy me a drink, first' isn't meant to be an exact offer. A shot doesn't mean you get to grope me." Playing the victim only got sympathy from the others, even if it did reduce the amount of groping he got. Another smirk crossed his face as he downed another shot.

The big buck had seen enough, and he knew what his move was to make. With his glass finished, he stood up and waded through the crowd of people, until he forced himself into the seat next to the dalmation. "Buy you a drink first, huh?" Baron's voice was dismissive, almost insultingly so, as the various individuals around Jeremy either scattered at the sight of Baron, Baron's own thoroughly impressive bulge size, or tried to white knight and started to get enough bluster to push him back. They didn't get the chance, as Baron pulled a loose hundred dollar bill, and slapped it onto the bar in front of the dalmation. "Tell you what," He nodded to the bill, "meet me in the VIP room for a bit of mutual fun, and you can have all the drinks that will buy." Baron raised his eyebrow, smirking in a seductive way. The ball was in the dalmations court, and none of the others were willing to drop a hundred just for a grope.

Jeremy stared down at the crisp, clean bill in front of them, the only thing standing between it and him being the buck's muscular hand. "Well, you DID scare off all of my suitors." He teased, biting at his lower lip, and spreading his fingers over the buck's in a teasing manner, his eyes looking up and down Baron's muscled form, lingering on the impressive bulge Baron was sporting. Finally he gripped the exposed edge of the bill, and tugged it free. "Alright then, tough stuff. Show me what you got. And you better not disappoint. I'm not usually so cheap a lay." The Dalmation winked and rolled the bill up, slipping it into his back pocket, walking with a swagger to show his ass off as he headed towards the back room.

Baron's grin was nice and wide as he simply stood off of the stool, and followed behind the dalmatian, certainly eyeing the tight ass as much as the rest of the patrons. He let out a whistle towards the barkeep, and caught the keys that were tossed his way. It would go on his tab. And he was always good for it. The back rooms didn't look like a bar in the slightest. It still had the carpeted ground and smooth walls and warm lights of a breakfast diner. Some walls were clearly added, segregating off spaces specifically for 'private' use. Baron draped one arm over the smaller dog and directed him to one of the larger segregated areas.

Inside, there was a couch, a single sized bed, and a TV with a selection of porn that nobody could think to stomach. Once the door was closed behind them and locked, Jeremy wasted no time planting his palm between the big buck's legs, his other hand reaching up to grip at the antler's, and pull his head down to kiss him. It wasn't so much in a dominant manner, as it was in a desperately horny manner.

Baron wasted no time either, matching the kiss, both hands reaching around to grab at the ass of the dalmation, and hiking his fishnet shirt up to get at the waistline. By the time he got to the front of the pants, Jeremy was already pulling apart the buttons of his shirt. He rolled his shoulders and let the dalmatian pull his shirt off, just so he could reach back and pull the pants down.

Jeremy's fat dick flopped out of the skinny jeans and into the open air, already hard and twitching. His apple sized balls swung into the open air as soon as the pants were pulled down past his thighs. The dog let out a lewd groan as the buck's large, warm palm reached down to cup them, squeeze them, run the pump gonads through his fingers. Every squeeze made the dog's monster cock throb in the air. The dalmation let go of the buck's form to finish pushing down his own pants, stepping out of them as Baron's finger tugged and played with the dog's foreskin, rolling it up and down the first knuckle of his index finger.

Baron finally let go, to let himself out of his own pants. They weren't skinny jeans so they kept him 'modest' but that was by standards of the knee-length dick he was sporting. He let the pants hang on his hips for a moment, grinning as the dalmatian just stood there, completely awestruck at the size of the massive schlong that Baron was somehow hiding in his pants. It was a long moment before Jeremy moved, gently wrapping both hands around the massive member, stroking up and down, unable to tear his eyes away from every wrinkle, every fold, and every vein of the shaft.

"Good lord..." The dog mumbled aloud, completely distracted from actually fucking the buck to just appreciating the huge rod in his grip. "This isn't a dick, this is a whole-ass monster. What do you feed it?" He joked out, slowly stroking the rod up and down some more, leaning in and giving the exposed head a kiss, before it was obscured by the heavy foreskin again,

"Oh, you know. Whatever it wants. Smaller dicks usually." He chuckled out as Baron reached down to rub the back of the dalmations head encouragingly, always enjoying a warm mouth on the beast of a dick that he had swinging. "But, you haven't seen anything yet." With his free hand, the buck hooked his thumb in the waistline of his pants, and pulled them down, letting gravity take them to his ankles, as the mango sized testicles dropped straight down, their hefty weight causing his sack to straint just keeping them in place.

Jeremy reached down, grabbing at the massive nuts, blinking in surprise in the actual effort he had to exert in order to lift them. The buck's sack was stretched around them from their weight. Warm, leathery, and leaving nothing to the imagination as the thick veins spidered outwards from being pulled down and pushed out. "Hey big boy, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm thinking oral is off the table. One good thrust and these bad boys are gonna hit my jaw and break something." There was a smirk on the dog's face, mostly being playful, as each hand palmed a ball, squeezing and fondling them, all attention on the growing erection of the Buck.

"Oh, darn. I guess you'll just have to make it up to me, then." Baron retorted, continuing to pet the head of the dog, just for a few more seconds. "Tell ya what. How about we just enjoy each other's sizes, hm? Don't find many guys who can compare to me." The buck stepped out of the jeans around his ankles cleanly, and walked over to the couch. He plopped his large ass right in the middle, back against an arm rest, with one leg slung against the back, the other resting his foot on the floor.

"Twist my arm, why don't ya." Jeremy chuckled and walked over and took his place. He flopped down in much a similar manner, his leg laying over the hip of the buck, foot stuck between the torso and the back of the couch, as the buck's other leg lifted up and propped his ankle firmly against the armrest on the other side, sandwiching him between the two muscular legs.

"Comfy?" Baron teased as he reached down, and groped both dicks together with his massive hand. Jeremy reclined backwards, wiggling to get a proper hip-to-hip angle, as both of his hands reached behind him to rest his head upon, giving the big buck a firm nod. That was all Baron needed to see, smirking wide as he stroked the two dicks up and down. Slowly at first, but building momentum. Each stroke tugged his own hefty stones upwards, and their own weight brought them back down, slowly shifting the dog's nuts beneath his own.

While he was overall enjoying himself. Jeremy couldn't avoid a feeling of that dull ache as the massive mangos bounced on top of his own again and again. But, it was a sexy ache, at least to him. Like the ache of blue balls from too much edging, pain with the promise of nothing but extended pleasure. Plus, what was he going to do? Ask this Missouri Monarch to stop? He could let his balls take a bit of a beating. Besides, he wasn't planning on ending the night any time soon. As time went on, his balls ached more and more, like the massive buck bollocks were getting even heavier. But that was normal, right? That kind of ache usually compiled upon itself. Besides, it was his own orgasm that he was reaching towards.

Biting his lip, Jeremy rocked upwards into the thrusting, desperately trying to get himself over that edge, huffing and puffing. Clearly Baron could tell, because he was squeezing tighter, and stroking faster. Sure, that just mashed his apples a little more, but it was absolutely worth it. He could feel his orgasm teetering on the edge. Getting closer, and then further, and then closer again. He closed his eyes, holding his breath as he tried to get a little more. Suddenly, he felt the hot splatter of spunk layering itself on his fur, clinging to his fur, more obvious on his black spots than his white areas, as well as hitting his face. But... it wasn't his orgasm. Huffing and puffing, his own orgasm just felt like it was gone all at once. Maybe it was just a distraction from suddenly being coated in cum from the big buck? "Hoo boy, you uh... don't make small messes, do ya?" He grinned, weakly, slowly opening the one eye that didn't have a load of cum across it, staring at the big buck pointing both dicks at his face, while his own dick was partially flaccid in Baron's grip, and his orbs positively aching.

"Most guys see that as a bonus." Baron said, almost innocently, finally letting go, and letting both of their members. The massive shaft of the bull pressed down upon the softer rod of the dog, basking in the afterglow, clearly enjoying himself, as he stared at the cum soaked dog. "Hope that I was what you were expecting." The buck teased as he reclined with his own arms behind his head, as his dick throbbed and a fat wad of spunk oozed out from his head and splattered onto Jeremy's belly.

"Mmph. Well, that depends." He huffed out, much hornier than he should be. "See, I was expecting a generous lover, but you're the only one who's gotten off. Do you plan on fixing that?" There was a little bit of teasing in his voice, but Baron could absolutely tell there was desperation in the dog's voice, between his heavy panting and lip chewing.

"Mm... Well, I never plan on being a selfish lover..." He reached down and gripped his dick, squeezing right at the base to cause the veins to poke out. "How you wanting me to do that? I'm not big on blowing guys, and this bad boy here will probably split you in half." He teased as he wagged the fat dick back and forth, though it was hard to tell if it was for waving his own ego around, or just to tease the dog.

"Oh please." Jeremy grunted and lifted himself up from between the deer's legs, and span around. Once he was bent over the armrest, ass in the air, the rather large, loose ring of the canine was visible, tail lifted to bring even more attention to it. "You're about the same size as one of my favorite toys. I think you'll fit just fine. Hell, if you ARE too big, I'll even give that hundo back to you. Deal?" Jeremy looked over his shoulder, smiling with his eyebrows raised, but Baron could still see the desperation in his voice.

"Well, how can I say no to giving a dog a bone?" Baron grunted and lifted himself again, placing a hand on the dog's shoulders for support. His other hand reached under, rubbing at his belly, smearing the cum into the fur, but just for the purpose of getting plenty to rub onto his own rod. "Don't back out on me now. I'm gonna give your ass the pounding of a lifetime." Baron waited for the nod from Jeremy, before slowly pushing in. To his own surprise, the dog wasn't exaggerating about his experience in the slightest as he sank in, inch by inch, deeper and deeper, until he was at the base, his own balls gently swinging forward and bumping into the dogs'. The big buck smirked as he felt their balls grinding against each other, as he waited a few moments, giving a weak thrust to feel the two sets of testicles swinging with each other, before he'd really get to fucking.

The dog took a deep, sharp breath as the tip of the buck's big bone pressed at his rear entrance, only to be replaced by a long, slow moan as the member began to fill him up. Slowly but surely he would feel the shaft grinding at his insides, causing his stomach to bulge out just to accommodate the huge dick. "Mmm. Go nuts, big guy, I can take it." Jeremy practically begged, though slightly out of breath as the fat dick pressed the air out of his lungs. Both fists clenched tight as the big deer took him up on that offer, thrusting in and out at him in a firm but rapid rhythm. He could feel his balls swinging with the buck's, wincing as they seemed to get pulled far back, like they were stuck together, and grunting on the forward thrust, slapping the dense gonads into his groin, smushing his balls between them and his own torso. But, he must be getting used to it, as every forward thrust, it seemed to hurt less and less.

Baron smirked, though. The dog was cute, but how could he turn down a hefty package like what Jeremy was sporting? Every second their balls were touching and grinding against each other, Jeremy's balls were getting smaller and smaller, while his own were getting more and more dense. Every time his hefty stones crushed the kiwi sized spheres, they got smaller and smaller. He could feel the dog approaching another orgasm, desperate and needy, and he planned on taking that from him too. Squeezing the dog's shoulders tighter, he gave a few more firm thrusts, making sure that his massive balls were merciless for the dog, crushing the canine's cherries under their heavy weight.

Jeremy huffed and moaned out, clenching his toes with desperation. It was just like before, where he felt his orgasm getting closer and closer, but never quite getting close enough. The heavy pounding against his balls? Was that what was keeping his orgasm at bay? He didn't know, couldn't think. Had to focus. Had to cross that line. A near-feral whimper left his throat as the balls crushed against his own one more time, and the pain was gone. Well.. Almost. There was just that dull ache in his hips and his dick. But, not only was the pain gone, his orgasm was too. All at once he whined as all pleasure just seemed to vanish, and he could feel his ass filled with shot after shot of the buck's massive load.

The big deer grunted as his orgasm subsided, pulling back and landing hard on the couch with a content sigh, as his fat dick laid across his hip, still oozing cum. Baron reached down to grope and fondle his hefty orbs, smiling with the biggest, cheesiest smile he could. "Was it as good for you as it was for me?"

Jeremy whipped around, frustrated and confused, his dick hanging completely limply between his legs as he stared down at the buck, not amused in the slightest by the deer's grin. "I got an ass full of cum, but you could have at least kept going until I finished." He growled, folding his arms.

"I dunno. Did my best. That sounds like a 'you' problem." Baron said with a shrug, still fondling himself, clearly pleased with himself as he stared at the huffy dog up and down. "I mean, I'm not stopping you from getting off. Be my guest." Baron relaxed on the chair, clearly aroused by the shorter dog's frustration.

"Oh fuck off. Generous lover my ass." He mumbled as he reached down and gripped at his flaccid dick. Jeremy stroked it up and down, probably for a solid minute before he noticed that he wasn't getting hard. Probably because he was just pissed off though. His hand reached down to fondle his plump sack, only to find... Nothing there. A wave of panic shot over the dog's face as he looked straight down, tugging his dick to the side, and seeing nothing swinging under his dick. "Wh-what's going on?" He sputtered out, looking between his empty, smooth groin, and the buck.

Baron's smile only seemed to get wider, almost maliciously so, continuing to fondle his own sack, which now certainly seemed a bit bigger, and heavier. "Something wrong, pup? I'm certainly still enjoying the view if you want to keep stroking." His words were playful, but his tone implied he knew more than he was letting on.

"Where the fuck are my balls!?" He swore at the buck, voice loud, but the fear was too obvious to even try to hide. One hand continued to squeeze at his dick, still as flaccid as before, the foreskin hanging sadly off of the tip of the shaft.

"Right here." Baron said, tugging at his own gonads a bit, their density bouncing on the couch cushions. "But, I think it's a good look for you. You seemed to be struggling so much in those skinny jeans of yours, now they should fit properly." The deer winked to the dog, who flattened his ears against his head, whimpering as he held his groin with both hands. For all his effort, he couldn't even get a little bit hard, and there was no pleasure rubbing the area where his balls used to be. Almost completely numb, no trace of having any balls whatsoever. Neutered.

Baron finally made a moment to stand up, his heavy orbs sagging between his legs, his half-hard shaft twitching as it was tugged down by the sheer weight of his gonads. He casually walked over towards his set of clothes and started putting them on, one leg and then the other. He didn't button them up yet, letting them sit on his hips, his junk hanging out on display.

"What!? That's fucking it!?" The dog shouted, practically leaping from the sofa, marching over to the big buck. "You get off to this shit, you sick bastard? Taking random guys and neutering them?" The dog's finger jammed itself into Baron's muscled pecs, and truthfully it probably hurt the dog more than the buck. He screamed and yelled and swore and shoved at the bigger male, until his face was so red that his face was pink under the white fur.

Once he was completely out of breath, huffing and panting, Baron rolled the shirt over his shoulders. "You done whining?" He asked, grabbing Jeremy's jeans and using them to wipe the spunk off of his dick, before tucking his package into his pants. He was certainly needing a little more effort now that his balls were even heavier than before. This just seemed to piss the dog off further. The dalmation lunged at the larger male in an aggressive manner, and Baron responded in kind, thrusting his arms out and striking the canine right in the chest, sending him sprawling over the ground. The deer wasn't playing nice anymore.

"Aw, f-fuck you... Nnf... Just wait until-"

"Until what?" Baron sneered down at the canine, walking with a casual stride to cross the distance. He bent over to look down at the dog, the light bulb causing menacing shadows to claw down from his antlers. "You're not going to do anything." He kicked the dog as he tried to make another lunge. Not to hurt, but to make a point. "Let me tell you exactly how this night is going to pan out. We're going to go back to the bar with a big ol' smile on our faces,walk up to Rico, and get ourselves a couple of cold ones."

"Fucking excuse me!? You stole my god damned balls, you fucking-"

Baron kicked him again, more forcefully, completely done with the bratty dog's attitude. "You still have that limp little dicklet you call a cock." His voice was menacingly calm. "And if you don't want to walk out of this room looking like a barbie doll, you'll stop acting like a bitch." He turned around and walked back towards the door,

"When the bar closes, you're free to whine to mommy and daddy, call the police, whatever. Same thing will happen, that's happened the last dozen times. They'll come to investigate, and I'll slip them a few Benjamins, much like the one in your back pocket, they'll tip their hat and apologize for the inconvenience, and life goes on."

"Th-that won't work! My Parents are worth-"

"Doesn't matter." He interrupted the dog again, absolutely irritated with him at this point. "Oh, my parents know a guy who knows a guy." He said in a mock, whiney voice. "Let me be crystal fucking clear with you, puppy. Anyone who's anyone knows me and knows about me." He pat himself over in a casual manner, in the same way that someone made sure they had their car keys and wallet before leaving the house for work.

"Y-you're bluffing! You're full of shit!" The dog's voice had grown weaker and weaker with every attempt at a rebuttal but Baron was completely unphased at the prattling of the spoiled little dog, folding his arms as he looked down at him.

"If you think this is fucked up and weird, you should see my day job." Baron was getting bored with this song and dance that he seemed to go through every time he wanted to add a few ounces between his legs. "You can whine and say "oh, but my parents are worth billions, they sell stocks, and this and that and company mergers and selling businesses-" whatever, I've heard it a thousand times before. Literally at this point, I think." There was a nonchalant shrug. "It really doesn't matter. Whoever you think your parents or whoever are, or who they would send at me, they are already too scared to touch me."

"You are in a shitty bar in a shitty part of a shitty town. Either, A. You're actually broke, and you're just wasting my time with idle threats. B. You're a fed who is way over his pay grade, or C. You actually DO have money, but mommy and daddy don't let you out here, and will just say that you got what you deserved for not listening to them." The big buck pulled out a cigarette from his shirt pocket and lit it, exhaling a small cloud of smoke in the dog's direction. "Besides, they love me here. I'm a valuable asset to the community."

Jeremy had heard just about enough from the bull talking out of his ass. Tears were matting the sides of his cheeks as he struggled to stand. His whole body was sore from shouting and getting kicked by the buff burly buck.. "A f-fucking asset to the community? How the fuck are you an 'asset' to anywhere!?"

Teeth biting down on the cancer stick in his mouth, Baron was done. Turning his back to the whimpering pup, he kicked the door hard enough to break the doorknob, and swing open. "Pest control. Now get your fucking ass out of here."

Jeremy sniffled and shuffled towards the deer, knowing it was the only exit. He reached for his pants, only for the buck's foot to come down and yank it away from him.

"Ah-ah-ah. I'm keeping these, since you decided to act like a little bitch for so long." The big buck pulled out his wallet and dug through it a bit, pulling out a couple more hundred dollar bills and tossed it onto the floor.

Jeremy hesitated for a moment, expecting for it to be another cruel joke, but when he felt confident grabbing the wad of cash, he knelt down on his knees to pick them up. There was easily four hundred dollars in various sided bills, and also a business card for a meat packing plant. "Wh-what is this? Some kind of cruel joke?"

The buck rolled his eyes and rubbed at the bridge of his snout. "If you're REALLY still super sour about losing those little cherries of yours, call that number, and say that you're looking to purchase a selection of sausages for personal order." He tossed the dalmations pants over his shoulder. "There's a whole business for this kind of shit, pup. But that's going to be for later. Right now, we've got beers to drink." As the big buck turned to look towards the confused, but no-longer-sobbing dalmatian, he would add "These pants are mine, but talk to Rico behind the bar. He keeps an extra pair of jogging pants for occasions exactly like this." Baron sounded exhausted from dealing with the dalmation, but at least he stopped sniveling. "Remember what I said. A selection of sausages for personal order. Say it back to me so I know you're not stupid."

"Wh-what? Uh... I want to buy a personal order of sausage?" The dalmatian sputtered out, easing himself up to a stand again, one hand clutching the bills, the other cupping the area that used to be his balls.

"No, no-nuts. A selection of sausages, for personal order." Baron repeated, gritting his teeth in annoyance, not entirely sure why he was even throwing this whiner a bone.

"I don't-"

"If you don't say it right, you're gonna stay fixed, you hear me? For the last time: A selection of sausages for personal order."

"S-selection of sausages... For personal order." Jeremy sputtered out, squeezing the bills all the tighter, staring down at the business card. It stated that it only did business orders, but perhaps that was the point? By the time the dog looked back up from the business card, Baron had already walked away.

Things had calmed down at the front of The Broken Egg Bar. Only people left at this hour were regulars and boozers who didn't know what time it was. Rico already had another Old Fashioned waiting for him at his usual stool. Baron pulled the hundred dollar bill out of the back pocket of the jeans over his shoulder and tossed it to the bartender. "This is for the door." The big buck mumbled, before attending to his drink.

Rico looked down at the Benjamin that was placed in front of him. He raised his gaze up from it to the Buck. "You sure that'll cover it, Baron? That was a fancy door. Ya know. Regal oak?" His tone was less angry, and more disappointed. Like catching his son masturbating to human porn.

The buck rolled his eyes. It wasn't like the bar didn't get the majority of his paycheck every other week. He reached for his own wallet and started counting out a few more bills, for his tab, and for the door as well. "You know, I told you to just make them swinging doors to avoid this."

"And I told you that the doors gotta lock for privacy reasons. I know you don't care, but most skeezeballs don't want to worry about someone walking in while they're pounding their latest floozy. And kicking locked doors has the same result." Rico explained, watching him count it out.

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