Theft of the Family Jewels

Story by Kajowwojak on SoFurry

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A fun little story for Charn of a cold blooded reptile enjoying some warm balls a little bit too much!Always looking for feedback!Commission for:  charn

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A Theft of the Family Jewels

There was a distinct sound of stomping and items being tossed around. Slowly, the reptile tugged the weighted blanket off of his form, exposing cookies and cream scales to the cool air. Aohd sluggishly reached one arm over to a switch placed near his bed, flipping it with loud click. Nothing at first. The finger flicked it a few more times before light filled the room, and the reptile allowed himself to be bathed in the red glow of the heat lamps placed over his bed. Silvery eyes shifted from the lamps to the clock on the night stand, and his tongue flicked out of his mouth with frustration. It was seven AM and he wasn't supposed to be awake for another four hours. Sitting up as his body temperature continued to rise, and his lethargy melted from his bones, Aohd grabbed a pair of briefs that he had been wearing the night previous and stumbled out of his bedroom to the common area. There was Robert, his roommate.

Ebony fur, wet and sheer against his muscled frame, let little of the morning light escape its grasp. The large, muscled bull was clearly trying to find something as he was tipping over couch and sofa to check under them. Panic was setting in to his movements as one hand clung to a towel that was wrapped around his hips, the other unintentionally knocking almost everything onto the ground in his desperate searching.

"What on earth are you making such a ruckus over?" Aohd finally asked, wiping the blur from his sleep deprived eyes. Usually he didn't mind such a view. Aohd had been roommates with Richard for about eight months, and after discovering a mutual appreciation towards men six months ago, it wasn't an uncommon sight. Well 'mutual appreciation' was a bit strong. Richard was primarily straight, but is alright getting a blowjob from a guy friend every once in a while, and showered at the gym often enough to not care about nudity. Nothing more than that. Still, it didn't stop Aohd from enjoying watching the buff bovine walking around in the buff.

"Oh, shit, sorry for waking you up. Uh. Have you seen my black pants? The long, nice ones?" Richard winced when he saw the tegu leaning on the door frame of the bedroom. "I thought that they were in my closet, but they aren't. They're not in the laundry room..." He held up a pair of fairly good looking slacks that actually belonged to Aohd. "All I found were these, and I can't wear these in public because... well... ya know..."

While not as muscular as the Richard, Aohd had a similar body style, and a very similar waist. However, what Aohd has was a very modest genital slit, while Richard had a pair of the biggest testicles that the reptile had ever seen in person. While Rich could get the pants around his hips, that was only with the zipper undone and those massive balls hanging out. "Yeah, yeah, no, uh... Those are definitely mine but..." There is a pause again as he took a moment of thought. "What's the big deal? Why the rush."

"WELL." Richard took a deep breath to try to calm himself, his tail whipping behind him in clear stress. "See, my oldest brother is getting married TODAY, and I needed to leave, like, fifteen minutes ago. I thought these pants were mine, like I said, but when I put them on, clearly they weren't, and now I'm gonna be late and my parents will not let me live this down!" Richard tossed the pants onto the couch, picking up the towel from around his hips, not caring to about Aohd getting an eyeful as he tried to dry off the rest of his hair. "My pants aren't in your room, are they?"

An eyeful he happily, and Aohd's tongue flicked out of his mouth in thought. "I dunno where your pants are, and it would be a whole day just looking through it... But I have an idea. Hold on one second." Twisting to get back into the much warmer room, the tegu stepped over a couple piles of clothes to get to his dresser. First drawer... no... not the second... There it is! Fishing out a small black box, Aohd practically leaped over the clothes back into the common room, just in time to see Richard bent over a couch, giving him a nice view of the ass, as well as the drooping, hanging balls. "Hey, Rich, try this on for size?" He called, tossing the box over to him.

Richard caught it easily enough, looking around it a few seconds, before opening it up and seeing a rather odd looking ring. "Uh... I appreciate it, bro, but I'm not the ring bearer, and I'm pretty sure that my bro already has the rings taken care of." His voice seemed confused, not sure how else to react to it.

"No you... Look, its not a ring... I mean, yes, it is a ring, but it's not a finger ring, its a portal ring." Rolling his eyes, and crossing the distance. The tegu grabbed the ring out of the box, and knelt down, eye level with the orbs. The tegu hesitated for a brief moment, feeling the heat radiating off of the orbs, the masculine scent noticeable, even through the fresh shower. The reptile blinked and refocused himself. "I got a friend who works down at Principium Labs, and they're working on this tech. He didn't mean to leave it over here buuuut he isn't gonna be able to be back until next week, and I don't think he will mind a little bit more field testing." The small, titanium ring split vertically, and Aohd slipped the base of the balls into it. He closed the hinge very carefully, to avoid any form of pinching, and then they both heard the small beep, indicating a successful seal, the Tegu grabbed the top and bottom of the ring. "This is gonna feel funky, but gimmie just a sec more."

He twisted the ring. Top clockwise, bottom counterclockwise, and the ring span around slowly along the horizontal axis, until it made a complete 360, meeting back in the middle. Once it was lined back up, Aohd gave it a gentle tug, and, like pulling a pair of magnets apart, the ring split along the middle, and just like that the massive nuts were separated from the bull.

"W-woah, what?" Richard seemed shocked, as he looked down at the orbs, swaying and hanging by the tegu's hand. "Holy shit. I can still feel them! So, uh... wait, should I just put them in the car or...?"

"Bro, you're thinking too much. I'll keep them here at the house, I don't have work today, you put on my pants, go to the wedding, and we'll put the rings back together when you get home, alright?" Aohd snagged the pants from the couch and put them against the bull's broad chest. "Don't be late for your brother's wedding, alright?" Aohd called over his shoulder, as he carried the balls back into his room, fully intent on getting the rest of the sleep he was due.

"Holy shit bro, thanks! Alright, uh, dunno how late I'll be back. If it's too late, I'll just be staying in a hotel, I'll text you!" Richard had a big smile on his face, forcing his feet through the legs of the black slacks, the button coming up first. With richard's dick sticking through the hole, it was still a tight squeeze, but without those coconuts he called balls in the way, he could get it zipped up. The rest of the suit came on easily enough. The white button up shirt and the black suit jacket came together with the tie to form a very respectable looking bull. "Thanks again Aohd!" He yelled as he ran through the doorway and shut it behind him.

Once again it was quiet in the house, and Aohd laid back under his blanket, gently setting the large orbs onto the night stand next to his alarm clock. Warm and toasty, but not the best for a cold blood to sleep. Reaching over to the switch for the lamp, Aohd heard it click once... twice... three times... Still, the lights remained on. He knew the switch was broken, but usually flicking it a few times fixed it. "Fuck me with tire iron..." He grumbled. Usually the rest of the house was too cold to sleep, and he had his room insulated to be just warm enough to not put him in a coma, but cool enough to sleep.

However... he usually didn't have the place to his own either. Pausing for a moment, under the heat of the lamp, a thought brewed in his head. Sure, he might get hell for it later, but he was sure Richard would give him a pass in the long run. Glancing over to the round orbs, just a couple feet away from him, Aohd sighed and stood back up. First thing's first, he reached up and unplugged the lamp from the switch. He wasn't about to let the lights burn out too. They were expensive! Second, once his room was dark and cooling again, he reached out and picked up the balls by the portal ring, and walked out of the bedroom, across the hall, and directly into Richard's room.

He'd just taken a shower, so the heat and humidity in the room was perfect for falling asleep, with the door closed to keep too much cold air from coming in. The reptile crawled into the oversized bed of the Bull. Flicking his tongue, the taste of Richard clung in the air, sending a shudder down his spine. Both arms wrapped around the hefty orbs, their heat bleeding into his chest, and a smile crawling across his reptilian features as he felt the warmth, the heartbeat of the big bull. Aohd closed his eyes and let the exhaustion from waking up too soon take over and let his body relax.

Aohd certainly had some interesting dreams. From being the size of an ant, walking around on a floor as soft as a cloud, to being wrapped in a thick, warm, fuzzy blanket, to being a feral reptile of old, sneaking into a hen house, and wrapping his mouth around the biggest egg he had ever encountered before. And then he tried to swallow it... and something felt wrong. Like the egg was caught in his throat, or that something was pulling at it, and keeping it from letting him swallow it. With a sudden start, he jerked, only to find himself back in the bedroom, significantly cooler than before, and with a very distinct, masculine flavor on his tongue. Reaching over to the lamp on the nightstand, he turned it on, and was a bit embarrassed to find that the egg he had dreamed of swallowing was actually one of those large, round orbs that he had been snuggling with in his sleep. If he was capable of blushing, he might. Taking great effort to slowly pull it out of his gullet without harming the sensitive skin in his mouth. With a wet, satisfying pop, the large bull testicle came free and laid upon his chest.

Aohd had played with these orbs before, but seeing them separated from the bull made them seem... different. They even looked bigger, spread out wide on his belly than just hanging below the already large bull. The reptile reached out and gently placed his hand on the warm, meaty orbs, feeling them tense up gently. He was sure his phone was probably buzzing with a dozen text messages right now, but that was in the other room, and so far away. The warmth of the orbs felt so good on his body. A lot warmer than he expected, and it was hard to go back to sleep. By now the smell of soap had long since gone, and the salty smell of musk had permeated the room. "Well.. In for an inch, in for a mile..." Aohd mumbled to himself, lifting up the delicious, hefty pair, and pressing his nose right between them, inhaling the salty sweet scent of the bull testes. There was a brief shift in the fabric, and Aohd looked down at his own twitching length. 'How long had that been there?' he wondered to himself, with the balls pressed against his face, smothering him with their heat.

He let his tongue slip out of his snout, and coil around one of the spheres, groaning softly as he could taste the juicy balls, squeezing and fondling them gently, tensing and beating with blood. One hand held them firmly to his face, nipping gently with his lips, while his other hand reached down to fondle himself. Gently stroking up and down, as the pleasure between his legs was equally matched by the enjoyment of slurping on those balls.

Briefly, he felt his stomach rumble. A shift of his gaze saw that it was nearly noon, and he had almost skipped breakfast. Breakfast... images of eggs drifted into his mind again, and the hazy dream left in the corners of his memory. A firm throb in his grip, told him that it was a good thought. A thought he kept working on. His jaw opened wide to let the salty, meaty orb slip into his mouth, holding firmly onto the portal ring, as he had to carefully wedge it in, not wanting to hurt them. How had he done this in his sleep without issue? Not the point. The point was how good it felt, having that fat testicle in his mouth, that round egg shaped ball of salty meat. Up and down his fingers continued to tease at his own member, tongue coiling and curling around it. Deep breaths through his nose resulted in lungfuls of earthy bull musk. His stomach rumbled again, but he ignored it, he was too busy enjoying those orbs. He squeezed tight around his shaft as he didn't want to get off too quickly, savoring his 'meal' as another thought came to his mind. He could barely swallow one of them, there was no possible way for him to swallow both, right?

Aohd hesitated, but his dick throbbed far too firmly for him to resist. Tilting his head to the side, and opening his mouth as wide as possible, his tongue slipped between the orbs, hanging on his nose, and coiled around the one on the outside, the one left the most alone. It was... an effort, to say the least, to get both of them into his cheeks. It was almost painful stretching his mouth wide enough for them, but after almost a good five minutes, he got his lips past the halfway point, and felt it slide in.

With both orbs in his cheeks, a task he'd never accomplished before, both hands were free to explore his own body. The metal ring hung just outside of his lips, acting as a handle for when he was done. His grip returned on his shaft, as the savory orbs throbbed and clenched in his snout. Richard was definitely going to have some choice words with him later, but this? This was worth it. His free hand slid up and down his body, legs stretching and toes curling with the pleasure coursing through his form. The tegu groaned and felt himself approaching faster and faster, as he suckled on the fat bull eggs. Huffing and panting and not even thinking properly, he moaned loudly, feeling the edge coming closer and closer...

Right as he was approaching his climax, just teetering over the edge, Aohd let go, because there was something unexpected: the balls suddenly tightened. Was Richard having an orgasm? Did he accidentally poke him with a tooth? Did the balls get twisted by the portal ring? All of these thoughts and more flooded through his head in a panic. But, the sudden clenching made him gasp and swallow. The bull's tightening testicles sucked the portal ring past the reptilian lips, becoming so tight and dense that they pushed deeper into his throat at the same time as the surprised gulp. Just like that, the balls were far past his gag reflex, sliding down his throat. First one, then the other. To make matters worse, as they made their descent. Aohd only able to gasp for breath once the deliciously hot balls had sunk all the way down to his stomach. The whole time his dick ached from sitting right on the edge, but once the hot, throbbing, rocky mountain oysters sat in his belly, he couldn't hold back any longer. Thick shots of reptilian spunk splattered his chest, and up on his face. Aohd looked up suddenly, to see Richard standing at the doorway, huffing and panting, a very obvious wet spot in his pants.

Richard had tried texting and even calling his roommate when he was asleep, to no answer. He excused himself from the wedding, explaining there was an emergency at the household. The whole ride home he was tormented by the licking and suckling and slurping on his balls, unable to do anything about it. He even creamed his pants right there as he was pulling into the driveway. He opened the door to hear loud moaning coming from his bedroom, only to suddenly drop to his knees. He didn't know what was going on, but he had to buckle and stop for a second as it felt like his balls were going through a vice grip for a moment. Once he could stand again, he stumbled to his bedroom, and threw open the door. He saw a horrified looking Aohd looking back at him, cum splattering his chest, and without his balls anywhere in sight.

"R-richard! I, uh, I-I can explain..."

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