Fraternity Pi Epsilon Tau

Story by Kajowwojak on SoFurry

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This was a 7 page commission for BearTP

This one is pretty graphic, featuring some mild blood and torture. But, if it is your thing, by all means enjoy! Always looking for critique!

Fraternity Pi Epsilon Tau

Bear was fairly new in town, having gotten into United Worthington University on a scholarship. He'd never been away from his home town before, but he was quite excited. It was a big college, with a lot of good opportunities. It was pledge week and Bear was looking to make some new friends. He'd been told that frats were an excellent source of networking and getting to know people, so it seemed like a good opportunity.

Walking through the sidewalk where all of the frats were, there were all sorts of different recruiting methods. Free beer, parties, things like that. Some of them the fox was certain he would want to avoid, like the one where he saw a big, black bull crash through a second story window to a bunch of cheering drunkards. Eventually his eyes fell upon house Pi Epsilon Tau. The outside was fairly clean. There were plenty of drinks, but it seemed much more contained? Someone at the front was absolutely checking ID's and it just seemed so... Organized. When the vupine approached the front door, there was a rather intimidating looking Bat standing at the door, stopping to check his ID. 25 was old enough, but being a Fennec, age is very hard to pin down, so he didn't take any offense.

The inside didn't even feel like a stereotypical college frat. People were drinking, sure, but there was lots of casual, simple conversation. Things were level, and even and it just felt very inviting. He grabbed a drink from a cooler, and walked around, not really sure who to talk to, bu happy to greet anyone who would speak to him. Eventually, he found himself upstairs in a room where there were a couple people discussing geology. A komodo dragon, a human, a lemur, and a puma. The conversation probably lasted a good thirty minutes before the lizard and the lemur left, leaving only Bear, the human who was called Isacc, and the Puma, Alex.

"So, Bear was it? I don't think I've seen you around before. You a new member?" Isaac asked, sitting down in a large chair, sipping at a glass. The human had lightly tanned skin with some freckles dotting his cheeks, sandy blond hair kept nice and short, and clear blue eyes.

"Oh! No. Well, maybe! I haven't signed up to a fraternity yet, but this place has given me a really good vibe." Bear responded.

"Good to hear!" Alex had a fairly thick accent, as he was here from abroad, but the english was good enough to keep the conversation up.

"Yeah, we are always looking for new pledges! Though, we also tend to be a little more picky. I'm sure that you've seen how, uh... Rowdy some of the other houses can be." Isaac took another sip of his drink, his face wincing.

"Oh, yeah, no, absolutely." Bear chuckled nervously, taking another big drink of his beer. "That's actually why I stayed away from them. I'm kinda far from home, so I think that avoiding getting in a fight would probably be for the best."

"You new here too?" Alex flicked his tail, an eager smile upon his face. Isaac seemed to share that same eagerness.

"Oh, yeah! I had a scholarship and so I'm basically getting a full ride." Bear finished his drink off, tossing the bottle into the nearby trashcan. "I don't really know anyone here so its like starting a whole new life, haha."

"Hey hey, that's awesome! Well, we definitely would love to have you here. I mean, if you're still interested!" Isaac reached to a cooler beside of him, and pulled out another bottle, pouring what looked like whiskey into a glass, and handing it over to Bear. "A toast, to new beginnings!"

Bear took the drink happily. "To new beginnings!" All three of them downed their drink at the same time, and they all took a moment to relax. The conversation moved on to some other things, but for Bear, he seemed to just lose focus. Was he drunk? He usually didn't drink much, and his low body mass made him a lightweight on top of that. Things got blurrier and blurrier for him. "I uh... y-a know... maybe needsh to go..." He mumbled out, trying to stand.

Alex stood up and put his hand on the fennec's shoulder, keeping him down. "You don't look good. How about you stay. Sleep it off. Better in the morning." The face of the puma was the last thing that the fennec fox saw before darkness overtook his vision.

When Bear woke up, it wasn't in a cozy chair in the upstairs of the frat house. It was cold. Everything was sore. He tried to move the sleep from his eyes, but his arms wouldn't budge. Slowly he turned and rubbed his face against his shoulder and opened his foggy vision to see that the room he was in was bright white. It hurt his eyes, but he forced them to adjust. More vision soon returned and he was coming to realize that he was laying on something metal. Again his limbs attempted to move, but now a sound accompanied their resistance. A clanging of metal on metal encroached on his large ears.

Turning his head around, the vulpine attempted to find the source of the metallic sound, and his eyesight soon fell upon his wrists, shackled to the metal slab he was laying on. His ankles had a similar fate, as the panic started to seep into his body. Yanking, tugging, twisting, all futile despite his desperate attempts, and all coming to a halt when his sensitive hearing heard the sound of footsteps.

No longer focused upon his immediate predicament, Bear looked more critically around the room. It looked almost like a doctor's office. Sterile, white, with cabinets. There was a doorway across from him, that he could see from between his legs, as... He came to realize he was completely naked as well. A deep, cold weight sunk in his chest as the door handle jiggled, and soon opened up. In the entryway was the two familiar faces from before, Isaac and Alex. Bear curled his tail to hide his bits. The friendly expressions from before were gone, though. Alex looked sombre, but calm. Isaac was smiling still, but in a way that made a shiver run up the vulpine's spine.

"Ah, you're awake. I was hoping for a little more time, but I suppose it doesn't really matter." Isaac said, walking over to Bear, placing a single finger on his leg, just above the ankle cuff, and dragging it along his form, as the human walked up towards his head.

"Whats going on? Is this some kind of hazing thing or prank?" Bear shivered as the finger pushed his fur the wrong way, ending at the tip of his ears, which flicked with frustration and annoyance. "I'm not cool with this, okay? Whatever.... THIS is, its not worth joining your frat!"

"Already expressed interest. And Isaac express interest in you. Not hazing." Alex wasn't wearing his casual jeans and jacket from however long ago it had been. Rather, he was wearing long black pants, and a white coat. If this was a doctor's office, Alex looked like its doctor.

"Indeed, that is correct, my friend. I wouldn't dare to haze a cute little fox like you. And I couldn't bear the thought of letting you walk out of my home. So, I simply decided I wouldn't allow that to happen." Isaac explained, the smile somewhat cruel as he looked up and nodded towards Alex, who frowned and walked towards one of the drawers, and pulled out some plastic gloves.

"Wait, what is going on?" Bear sputtered out, watching as a number of unfamiliar tools were pulled out of the drawer, and placed onto a metal tray. His toes and fingers curled anxiously as many of them looked quite sharp.

"You see," Isaac let his fingers trace along the soft furred chest of the fennec, teasing at the nipples on occasion. "we are extremely selective of the pledges to join our frat. Very rarely will we let... animals join our ranks. But, if they can prove their use, sometimes we will make exceptions." Despite Bear's clear discomfort, Isaac continued. "For example, Alex here... Well, he was almost in your position right here. However, turns out that Alex is quite an exceptional surgeon, and was hand selected by the heads of the school for a free ride."

Alex flattened his ears as he listened to the human, approaching the foot of the table. He grabbed one of the fennec's paws, squeezing a device, with a tiny rubber band opening, and going over his toe. And then again and again. The rubber band was tight and almost immediately his toes felt cold as bloodflow was cut off. Once that happened, another device, that looked not unlike a wrench came out. Alex gripped at the toes, feeling them for a moment, before unceremoniously gripping right at the base of one of his claws, twisting, and yanking. Immediately Bear cried out in pain, though his mouth was grabbed by Isaac, keeping his mouth shut, even as he huffed and puffed through his nose, another muffled scream as a Q-tip of something was jammed into the exposed bloody hole. The bleeding quickly stopped but it felt like his toe was on fire. His only saving grace was that the tight rubber bands were numbing his toes.

"Now now, don't interrupt me. Believe it or not, I'm being nice right now." Isaac's grip was like an iron vice, Bear couldn't open it even a centimeter. "So, as I was saying," There was another muffled yelp as the next claw was removed, and cauterized. "Alex was going to be the next frat pet, but when he was willing to offer his exceptional skills and services in exchange for being a person." Despite his squirming, Bear was unable to do anything as Alex went down the line, until all of his claws were removed, and the rubber bands soon after.

"That means we needed to find a new pet for the house, and wouldn't you just happen to walk in, brand new to town, no connections, and no paper trail? Perfect." Isaac smiled and stepped around to the side, still holding on to the muzzle, so that Alex could begin removing the claws on his hands. "Now, we have some rules for our pets. First, you aren't allowed outside. Second, you are to follow any and all orders from frat members. Third, your name is now Barkley." The writhing and screaming soon resumed as he found his finger claws being plucked one by one, tears rolling down his eyes. "And finally, number four: You are now my property. And I can do whatever I want to my property." Soon, his claws were completely removed, leaving the poor vulpine curled up as best he could huffing and panting through his nose, barely able to keep air in his lungs. "Any questions?"

"Wh-" Was about as far as 'Barkley' was able to get, before the backhand of Isaac came and slapped him across the face.

"Property doesn't talk. You don't get to have words. Do I make myself clear!?"

Barkley shuddered at the stinging. It hurt, but only a fraction of the pain he had otherwise felt so far. His mouth opened, and the human's hand came up, but with nothing but an incoherent whimper leaving his throat, Isaac was satisfied. The human's hand came in to pet him patronizingly, but when the fingers came up, the vulpine tried to snap at him, biting at the fingers. Isaac was just too fast, though, and the backhand came again.

"Alex, grind his teeth. If he's going to be mouthy, I don't want him biting any of the others, especially when they shove their dick down that throat."

"Wh-what? Wait, no, please, I won't bite!" The fox begged as the puma picked up a tool that looked like it belonged in a workshop and not a medical room. It whirred and span rapidly, but rather than mercy, Isaac had a look of disgust as the puma hooked his fingers into the corners of his jaw, forcing his mouth open and exposing his teeth.

"What did I just tell it? Property doesn't talk. Cut out his voice box when you're done." Isaac turned and left the room, leaving only the two anthros alone. There was no opportunity for dialogue, as the room was soon filled with screaming, as the grinder pressed into his teeth. The only mercy that was offered, was the speed of the grinder, so he wouldn't suffer for long, and the caps that were placed over the nubs of his teeth to protect the nerves. It hurt too much to talk. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as the feline grabbed a needle and pressed it into his neck, numbing him. Barkley couldn't see what was going on, couldn't move, but he saw the knives, and the scalpels. It wasn't too long before the deed was done and the stitches came in. His fur hid almost all of it, but that didn't matter. Something slipped past his vision, a thick, leather strip came around his neck, right over the surgical cut. A small burst of heat singed his fur, a bright flash of light, like a spark, and then it was over. Alex tugged on the collar a couple of times, and it was secure.

Alex was almost done with the 'safety' aspects. Back to the cabinets, and he pulled out some surgical steel, shaped into a semi-circle. Four of them, specifically. The vulpine tried to say something, anything, tried to beg for mercy or appeal to his better side, but nothing but a soft gasp of air left his throat. There was something that looked like a needle gun next, pressed against his upper arm, near the shoulder. It pierced right through his skin, and the surgical steel, with nought but a small hole in the middle of the flat side, was slipped into the piercing hole, stretched slightly to allow it to hook on the underside.

This was repeated on his other arm, and then again at the back of his legs. It wasn't until the third one that Barkley realized that they were: D-Rings that were now permanently a part of his body. Something he would never be able to remove. He flattened his ears as the last one was pushed into place. Trussed up like a BDSM toy, the next, and final, addition was not something that he liked to see. It was another rubber band, like the ones that were put on his toes. This time, the rubber band was placed right around his testicals, and his whole body tensed up as they pinched his sensitive balls.

Alex went quiet as he would turn his back, waiting and watching the clock. It didn't take long before his balls started to feel colder and colder. They throbbed and tensed, desperate for warm blood, but none would come. Finally, the feline turned back around, with a clean scalpel in his hand. Barkley shook his head back and forth, silently begging, before it would cleanly cut through the balls, making sure that there would be no blood. The rubber was left in place, to allow it time to heal, as he would dispose of the cold testicles into a trash can.

"Up." The puma said, unclipping the chain from a single arm, and folding it in half, clipping the metal cuff to the D-ring on his arm. Then the next. Then his legs. Alex was gentle, his face never once looking like he was enjoying what he was doing. But as Barkley was lifted off of the table and set on his elbows and knees, he couldn't stop from staring at the vulpine's exposed ass.

The fox winced as he tried walking around on his joints, only being given a moment before a leash came from above and clipped to his collar. The door was opened and he was led out by the feline, to another room that looked much more... cozy. He was definitely back in the frat house, but he was also definitely underground. A basement floor. But, that wasn't of concern. What was of concern was the few people in the room, all humans, and all completely naked. Isaac was sitting in a particularly large, velvet chair, drinking from a wine glass as the new pet of Pi Epsilon Tau was brought into the room. His smile turned into a displeased sneer as he looked over Baskley.

"I thought we agreed to nullify the pet." He said, voice threatening the feline, who looked quite intimidating.

"Voice box is gone. Knows fear and will be obedient. Give reason to hope... and have something to threaten to remove if not." Alex spoke quickly, humbled and cowed by Isaac, but for Barkley, it was clear that this was, in fact, an attempt at mercy. An attempt to give him something after losing everything. It was a desperate attempt, but one that seemed at least partially to sway the cruel human.

"Alright. Fine. If he acts up, then his balls are gone. You know what? I think you did a good job, Alex. I think you've earned a reward. You get to fuck him first. Stretch him out nice and loose for the rest of us." Isaac's smile was cruel, able to see through the attempt to be kind to the new pet.

The Puma wasn't about to disobey the head of the house. Slowly the feline disrobed, the letters of the frat house tattooed onto his chest. One of the other humans tossed the feline a bottle of lube, and he knelt down behind Barkley. His fingers and toes clenched tight as the large feline's fingers ground the lube into his rear, whimpering and huffing out near silently as the others grew hard, stroking themselves, clearly enjoying what was about to happen.

Alex wasn't gentle. He pushed both thumbs into the fennec's tight hole, pulling it apart tomake sure that there would be room for his dick. The puma pushed in, slow at first, but steady, inch by inch sinking into the pet's rear. Once bottomed out, he pulled back, and began fucking, nice and slow, letting his pump feline balls slap into the smooth area where Barkley's balls used to be.

One of the other humans, shorter than Isaac, but with a much bigger dick, got up and walked over to the fennec. "Looks like you did a good job on his teeth. Always get nervous fucking you animal's mouths, but this should do nicely." He commented, gripping the base of his pump, uncut cock, and smearing pre against Barkley's nose. Slowly he opened his mouth, not wanting to anger the human, who wasted no time in shoving it into barkley's throat.

Alex must have done more than just cut out his vocal chords, because he wasn't gagging on the fat dick, even as it pushed deep into his throat. He could feel it pushing in and out, bulging his throat, but he couldn't gag, no matter how hard he tried. The heavy orbs slapped his chin, and the collar affixed to his throat, over and over, with much more ferocity than the feline behind him. Hands grabbed both of his large ears, using them as handles to yank him further down on the cock, grinding his sensitive nose against the humans groin, filling what breaths he could get with thick, masculine musk.

A loud goan left the pale skinned human's throat as the dick throbbed hard, deep in his throat. He could feel shot after shot of cum pouring directly into his stomach. Barkley's lungs burned as the dick was held deep inside him, cutting off any hope of air. Vision started to grow dark, before the hips were pulled back and he could breath once more. The wet, cum and spit coated dick was wiped on his face, cleaning the shaft, as the next human got in place, barely giving the new pet a chance to breath.

Barkley didn't even get to see his face. The dick was smaller, but half again as thick, stretching his throat to its absolute limit as the hips smashed into his face over and over again. It was easier to breath for this one, but that just gave him the opportunity to hear Alexs' breath get heavy, and feel a deep warmth inside of him, as his rear was filled with feline spunk.

The puma pulled out, unceremoniously, and was given an approving nod from Isaac. Alex left, returning to the medical room to clean up the mess left behind by the procedure. Isaac took his place, though. While not as long as the first, or as wide as the second, Isaac's dick was a good median between them, and both longer and thicker than Alex. His ass was soon abused again, as two other humans approached, stroking themselves as the poor fox was railed from both ends. Every thrust from the front pushed him back on Isaac. Every ram from Isaac forced the dick deeper into his throat. His fists tightened as he tried to not simply pass out from it all, but there was little he could do but try to just survive.

Time was impossible to keep track of, all he could do was focus on the brutal fucking he was getting from both ends, distracted only when he felt a thick shot of cum splatter against his face. One of the humans let loose their load, intentionally aiming for Barkley. The second followed soon after, and the two coated his face quite well. One eye was forced shut, the other had to be careful to keep cum from dripping into it.

His throat was filled again a few minutes later, and Isaac finished last. The pet could barely breath and the humans were out of breath as well. A sudden tug at his throat took him from his stupor. Isaac had his leash and was tugging him along, silently demanding him to follow. "I think you're going to make an excellent pet, Barkley. You're going to spend your time roaming the frat and pleasing anyone who even looks mildly horny. If you can't find anyone, you will look for them. And if I find you hiding away from your duties..."

Isaac opened a door to a bathroom. While it looked like a fairly standard public bathroom, one of the urinals was missing, and in its place was a number of mounting points on the wall. "We will put you here for everyone to be able to find you."

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