The Adventures of Captain Nevos

Story by Kajowwojak on SoFurry

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Despite the 'volume 1' this is just a parody title. This is not an ongoing story in any way.

With that out of the way: Hi there! This is the first story that I've written that centers around someone's personal character. I was inspired to write this story based off of an image that Draite drew. Feel free to favorite the original here!

If you liked the story, let me know in the comments section! I love reading your thoughts!

Captain Nevos belongs to Nevos

Rocket Raccoon belongs to Marvel

The original artwork belongs to Draite

And the story belongs to me!

The Adventures of Captain Nevos: Volume 1

The Bounty Hunter Bungle

"INMATE 62169, PLEASE STEP INTO THE YELLOW CIRCLE." The loud, unemotional voice of the computer spoke, the short raccoon walking into the spotlight that hung over a yellow circle in the middle of an otherwise dark room. "PLEASE REMOVE ALL CONTRABAND FROM YOUR PERSON AND DISPOSE OF IT OUTSIDE OF THE CIRCLE."

"What the hell contraband am I bringing in here?" Rocket would retort, folding his arms as he called to the darkness.


Rocket rolled his eyes as he kicked off his boots, and unzipped the space suit that he was wearing, tossing all of it to the side, just outside of the circle, left only in a pair of boxers.


"Are you flarking kidding me!? What is contraband about und-fine, whatever." Rocket continued to grumble as he slid his underwear down to his ankles and kicked them out of the circle too. Not that he minded. Judging by what was swinging between his legs, he wasn't ashamed of showing off. There was a whirring sound as a floating table would make its way in front of the raccoon, on it were four different cuffs with a blinking green light on each, and a uniform. "What, you expect me to comply with just putting this on myself? Get bent."

"PLEASE DON APPROPRIATE ATTIRE, OR BE JETTISONED." The mechanical voice boomed from above, which Rocket rolled his eyes at again. Some more mumbling and complaining arose as he grabbed the yellow uniform and put it on. Shirt first, just to let the boys breath for a little longer, and then the pants. Static above the raccoon implied the voice was about to speak again, so he hurried and grabbed the cuffs. As each one clamped around his wrist and ankle, the green light turned red, and a maglock prevented it from being pulled off. The red lights on his wrist cuffs glowed a brighter red for a brief moment, before an electric bolt shot between them, forcing his wrists to be bound close together like proper handcuffs. A door opened in front of him and he heard the voice above him speak again. "STEP FORWARD INTO THE CONTAINMENT ROOM. YOU WILL BE ESCORTED TO YOUR CELL."

Rocket grumbled and padded forward through the open door, where he met two robotic guards, each brandishing laser rifles. "I suppose you're supposed to be my escort? Can you fire the valet, he's an asshole." The robots did not react, simply turning and beginning to walk. The fresh inmate followed them, taking a glance around the large area, which was filled with countless stacking jail cells, each filled with two or three different inmates each. He didn't have much of a chance to figure something out, before the robot in front of him stopped.

"ENTER YOUR CELL." It demanded of him. One laser rifle was quickly aimed at him, the other into the cell, presumably at whoever his new roommate was to keep them from trying to escape. The hard-light wall parted, and Rocket stepped inside.

When the wall was sealed again, everything fell almost completely silent, like he was cut off from the outside world entirely. The binding of his cuffs turned off and he had proper use of his arms again. Glancing around the room, he took in the spartan design of two cots bolted to the wall, a bench with a ventilation grate under it, and probably the only proper decoration; a xenomorph pin up on the wall. Rocket's eyes turned back from the wall to the cots, but now there was someone there. A chameleon not much taller than himself, wearing matching cuffs and uniform. And he looked pissed.

"Well, look what the Flerken puked up." Nevos spat at the raccoon, gritting his teeth. "What happened, spent all the money from my bounty on alcohol and got arrested for disorderly conduct?"

"Oh, you wanna go, you wannabe pirate lord!?" Rocket sneered to the chameleon, baring his teeth as he squatted down, ready for a scrap. "Keep that lip up and I'll leave your giblits on the ground!"

"Drop the act, tough guy!" The reptile retorted, getting into a combat stance himself, claws bared and ready. "You wouldn't have grabbed me if it wasn't for that three-word twig of yours! Where's he? Get thrown in a wood chipper?" Rocket wasn't having any of that anymore, lurching forward and tackling right into the chest of the pirate captain, wrapping one arm around his waist. Despite being smaller, Rocket was pretty dense, what with those metal bits inside of him. But being bigger certainly had its advantages, and Nevos grabbed the raccoon by his shoulders and tried to lift him up. Rocket's claws dug into the elastic waistband of Nevos' pants to try to hold on, and they could both hear tearing as the ass of the yellow uniform was torn to ribbons.

Held in the air momentarily, the raccoon kicked and scratched with every limb that he had, Nevos toughing through it long enough to throw Rocket across the cell, slamming him into the hard-light cell wall. The slam knocked the air out of the raccoon's lungs, as Nevos leaped onto him, claws slashing back and forth at whatever they could reach. Rocket did his best to defend himself, but was at a serious disadvantage. Everything turned red in an instant, a loud alarm causing the tussling duo to cover their ears, as the sound of robots stomping behind them drew their attention away from their scuffle.

"CEASE COMBAT. IF YOU DO NOT, LETHAL FORCE WILL BE AUTHORIZED." Every single one of the guards were pointing their weapons directly at the two. Both sets of arms raised into the air slowly, as each single-lens eyes focused upon the two. "SEPARATE TO OTHER ENDS OF THE CELL. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST." Nevos stood up first, and backed away from Rocket, all the way until he was sitting down on the cot. Rocket grunted and stood up next, his uniform barely described as threadbare rags as he stumbled his way to a small bench on the other side, and sat down. This seemed to please the robots as they stopped training their weapons upon the two. One stayed behind to monitor, as the others would disperse and resume their patrols on the other inmates in the prison.

Both combatants huffed and puffed, trying to relax the best they could. All of their wounds were superficial, but scratches are still far from pleasant. Rocket finally spoke up. "Hey uh, bud. Since we ain't allowed to be clawin' each others throats out, I gotta ask. Weren't you, like, two foot taller when I claimed your bounty this morning? I've heard of shrinkage in reptiles but this seems a little extreme."

"You probably wouldn't know, but it's the cuffs." Nevos held up his wrist to look at the glowing red light of the cuff. "They're designed to suppress dangerous abilities of inmates to make them easier to manage. And since I'm 'less dangerous' when I'm small, they keep me nice and condensed." He explained as he let his back rest against the wall, pulling up his pants, which had sagged due to the raccoon ripping out most of the behind. "So really, what DID you do to get locked up so soon. It's been, what, twelve hours?"

"Okay look. I was under the impression that illicit goods that were stolen and then moved out of jurisdiction by thieves and smugglers, in this instance yourself, were considered to be 'lost property,' the use of which more or less being up to the opinion of its owner, in this instance me. But APPARENTLY after collecting your bounty, I was supposed to return your cargo! Like, what? I wouldn't have even looked twice at you if it wasn't because I thought I was gonna keep everything in the hold!"

"Really? The stuff was still stolen, and you didn't think you'd have to give it back?" Nevos couldn't help but laugh a bit at the thought.

"It was less 'I thought I didn't have to give it back' and more 'If they really wanted it back, they would have done more than just put a bounty on your head, so they won't really notice that it's gone missing, and assumed it was already pawned off by the time I caught you.' and when they weren't going to be letting me just fly away things got... heated." Rocket folded his arms, grumbling a bit as he looked down at his own uniform. It was barely held together by string. His pants were barely even pants, half his dick hanging out in the open.

"Alright, that's fair. Still. I would have thought you would just take the money and run."

"See, I WOULD have, if I wasn't also down a hundred thousand units to The Collector." He rubbed at his forehead and groaned. "The man is as eccentric as they come, but if you owe him money, he's pretty ruthless." The raccoon grumbled and sprawled out onto the bench he was on, his whole body still aching from the slam from before.

"Oh fuck, why the hell were you making bargains with The Collector? Further, why were you making bargains THAT BIG with The Collector? You might as well kick a Ravager in the dick and piss on his ship!" There was a mixture of dumbfoundedness and being impressed in the chameleon's tone.

"Eh, he was the only one who would bite. I mean, I also thought I had a foolproof plan to get all the money back to him, and more."

"Oh yeah? And what was that plan?" Rocket gestured towards the chameleon, who had a blank look on his face for a moment, before the realization. "Ohhh. I mean. I guess I'm flattered? But what made you think you could take my crew? I got a bounty like that for a reason."

"What do you think I spent the money on? The Novacorp Gauss Driver. A fifteen meter barrel with custom made tungsten bolts, guaranteed to pierce through shield and metal alike." Rocket smiled to himself wistfully, remembering the weapon.

"THAT is what spiraled us? Holy shit, you got a good taste in weapons." Nevos laughed, wincing shortly afterwards. "So you're the one who sniped that beauty from me, eh? I was actually gonna purchase that weapon myself, but my guy said someone else just bought it out. Small world, eh?"

"Hah! Small world indeed. And if you are still wondering if it was worth the price: The answer is absolutely yes." Rocket let out a content sigh as his eyes lost focus, thinking back to the large weapon, though his attention was quickly brought back to Nevos with the sound of him chuckling.

"You must really like that gun, huh?" Nevos asked, though it was clear that he wasn't looking Rocket in the eye. Rather, quite lower, towards the twitching erection the raccoon was sporting.

Rocket blinked and looked down between his legs at the six inch throbbing uncut racoon dick between his legs. There was a moment of pause, followed by a casual shrug. "Hey, you'd probably get a boner too with a piece of equipment like that." He reached down and grabbed around his dick and under his balls, wagging it back and forth teasingly. Given his short stature, he was pretty well hung and had nothing to hide. "Or do you wish you could handle some equipment like this?"

"Oh, is that a request?" Nevos asked, not taking his eyes off the rod as it bounced up and down. "I mean, I'm pretty sure my equipment is bigger anyways." He grinned teasingly as he would grope at his groin to emphasize the bulge.

"What! Maybe when you're, like, twice my size, but right now? I'd find that hard to believe."

"Well, why don't we just check for ourselves?" Nevos had a sly smile, scooting to the edge of the bed, and pulling down the front of his pants, until the waistband was hooked under his hefty reptilian orbs.

Rocket was hesitant at first, but they did seem to be past the stage of trying to kill each other. He hopped off of his desk and padded right in front of the chameleon, still rock hard. Nevos spread his legs a little further to give some room for Rocket so they could compare properly. Not being shy in the slightest, the raccoon pressed his rod against the chameleon's. "There, see? I'm bigger."

"Hold up now, I'm not even fully hard yet." Nevos countered. "Maybe you can help with that?" He didn't wait for permission, just wrapping his hand around both dicks, and stroking them up and down, smooshing them together. Judging by his cellmate's face, Nevos figured that he was enjoying himself.

"Nnng... That's not fair at all." Rocket groaned, rocking his hips as the two frotted.

"What are you going to do about it?"

Rocket paused, barely able to concentrate with those fingers squeezing at his head. The cocky look in the pirate's eye made Rocket grit his teeth. He looked down at the shafts, watching as his foreskin bunched up at the tip, wrapping partially around Nevos' head, when he got an idea. In one swift motion, Rocket grabbed the front of the chameleon's shirt, and yanked him close, into a firm kiss, strong enough to make even the pirate captain squirm.

At this point Nevos wasn't about to lose a game of gay chicken with a short raccoon bounty hunter wannabe! He kissed back, pushing his tongue into Rocket's mouth, coiling it around in return. He continued stroking and squeezing the shafts together, and he could feel pre making the process easier... he just wasn't sure who's pleasure it was from. Rocket finally pulled back, only for Nevos' tongue to follow him for a couple of feet. The muscle had tied itself firmly around the bounty hunter's tongue, and the chameleon just winked teasingly, before retracting his tongue into his mouth. "You blinked first."

"What! Are you crazy, I was just coming up for air after you tried smothering me, shoving that thing down my throat!" Rocket protested as his dick continued to be stroked and pressed against the chameleon's.

"Whatever, loser. Doesn't matter though, I still win, look how much bigger I am." Nevos teased, letting go and putting both hands behind his head, leaning all the way back in the bunk to admire the admittedly small, but significant size difference between the two.

"Big deal, you've got almost a foot on me, I'm still doing much better proportionately." Rocket said, trying to save face, though he was quickly distracted as he felt his dick being stroked again. He moaned again when he felt his balls gripped and tugged, only to then realize that Nevos' hands were still behind his head as he reclined. Glancing further down at himself, he saw that it was the chameleon's dexterous feet groping and toying with him. Thankfully, brown and black fur was excellent at hiding blushes, but Rocket didn't pull away as the toes started to milk pre from his tip.

"A "foot" eh?" Nevos chuckled softly. "Aww, what's wrong? You're not being a sore loser, are ya?" Nevos teased. "I mean, now you're down 2-0. You lost the fight, you lost the dick measuring contest, now what should we do?"

"I'll show YOU a sore loser." Rocket growled, stepping forward, the long toes letting go as he put himself right between the chameleon's cheeks again, grinding his dick at the rear entrance.

"Woah now, hang in buddy." Nevos sat up, pressing a hand firmly on Rocket's chest. "You lose and think that fucking me is the right answer?" There was a pause and a smirk. He could feel Rocket throbbing, almost at his hole. "How about one last competition? Winner take all? I bet that, for all you're boasting with that dick of yours, that you'd cum first anyways."

"Ha! That's where you're wrong, numbnuts. You're gonna blow your load and have to answer to me!" Rocket sneered, getting ready to thrust in, though the palm kept him firmly in place.

Nevos' smile got all the wider as he sat up properly. "Fine, but I'm on top. I'm gonna ride you until your balls are empty... then, when you cum first, I'm gonna fuck you until you can't walk anymore."

Rocket rolled his red eyes and stepped back to make room. He was fine with that. Plus, it would be nice to lay down on the bunk too. With a firm flop, he was lying down on his back, pushing his twitching dick into the air, ready for the chameleon to sit on it.

Nevos licked his lips and climbed up on top of him, wiggling his firm ass over the swollen head, and then lowering himself down on it. There was certainly a firm, lewd groan as he felt the raccoon filling him up, but the pirate at least was going to enjoy it. He'd start slow, going an inch or two down, then back up, then a little further and a little further.

Rocket was certainly enjoying the hot, tight walls of the chameleon clamping down on his dick, but thought he was going a little TOO slow. The bounty hunter gripped at the tail in his face, and gave it a firm tug, pulling Nevos all the way down to Rocket's hips, and a very tight clench around the shaft, and a loud sound of surprise.

"Hey, watch it. Get too rough and the guards are gonna get onto us again." The pirate captain panted out, huffing and grunting as he lifted himself back up slightly. Rocket didn't seem to mind too much as he thrust into the chameleon's ass, slow but firm, definitely hitting the right spots. Nevos breathed out a moan as he could feel the tip grinding at his prostate, pre drooling out of his cocktip. "Heh, how's my ass, bounty hunter?"

"Mmph... Feels like a professional whore's. Which is a good thing, all things considered, because if you were a virgin, you'd probably be in tears." Rocket spouted off between grunts. What he didn't want to admit was how, after the grinding and making out and footjob, combined with not having enough privacy to jerk off for a few days, he wasn't sure how much longer that he could last in that tight rear.

"Oh, does it now?" Nevos dropped his hips again firmly, causing Rocket to groan out. "Well then, sounds like you're definitely going 3-0." He huffed, taking charge as he'd bounce on the dick with extra force. He'd clench his toes for support, but even though he was bigger, that didn't mean Rocket didn't have a good dick.

The racoon bit his lip as Nevos took control, feeling his hips smashed repeatedly by the chameleon. He could feel his orgasm building and he was not sure how he was going to win this one. He looked around the room quickly, most of his vision being the bouncing reptile's ass, and legs, and feet... It was a long shot, but with Nevos doing the bouncing, he didn't need to thrust upwards. Angling himself the best he could, he lifted his legs, and wrapped his own toes around the pirate's bouncing, pre coated dick, letting Nevos do himself in as he ground the shaft with his paws.

"Wh-hey, now that is cheating!" Nevos panted out, shivering as he felt the paws around his rod, every bounce resulting in him thrusting into the paws. Rocket certainly wasn't as dexterous as him, but with how pent up he was, the mammal didn't need to be. He grunted and tried to find a better angle, but there was only one that he could really figure out. He leaned back more firmly, and pushed all the way down onto Rocket's lap, the angle making sure his feet wouldn't reach... but also forcing that dick to grind against his prostate.

Rocket growled out at the new angle, gripping tight onto the curled tail, trying to hold back, but another firm thrust downward made him inhale sharply, blowing his load into the waiting ass of Captain Nevos. Spurt after spurt pulsing deep into the waiting ass.

Nevos huffed and panted. He knew he'd won, glancing down at Rocket smugly, but every spurt and throb was right against his prostate. It was barely halfway through Rocket's orgasm that he unloaded himself, spurting cum all the way to the far wall. Neither of them stopped thrusting and fucking, until both of their orgasms had completely wiped them out.

"Ya know... For an asshole... You're not a bad lay." Rocket panted heavily, going completely limp on the cot, still buried balls deep into the chameleon as they both took a moment to recover.

"For a loud mouth... Neither are you." Nevos retorted, huffing and grunting in the process, before finally pulling himself off of the dick, and flopping down beside the bounty hunter. His eyes glanced away to the hard-light wall where apparently they had indeed got the attention of the guards watching them. Luckily, none of them had guns drawn, rather they were... enjoying the view for lack of a better word. Most likely the organic guards watching the feed for themselves. The captain flipped them off and the robotic guards would walk away, resuming their normal patrol routines.

"So, I guess I lost that one too." Rocket grumbled, certainly a sore loser, but not wanting to just let Nevos completely rub it in his face.

"Eh. You came first, but you also made me cum so hard I couldn't think straight for a little bit. Let's call that one a draw and try again later." Nevos grinned at the spent mammal.

"Hah! Sure thing. Try again and again until we have a definitive winner?" Rocket jeered with a wink to the pirate, forcing himself up onto his elbows, still trying to catch his breath.

"Well." There was a pause and he checked over to the wall to make sure the guards were gone. "I DID have plans to break out. But I wouldn't mind spending some time off, so to speak. And if we have a good enough time, I wouldn't mind breaking you out too. As long as you don't try to collect my bounty again."

"Eh, what can I say? I've been stuck in worse holes with worse cellmates. Just don't leave me behind, alright?" Rocket found the conditions reasonable enough, reaching over to grip at the cum soaked tip of the pirate captain, giving it a firm squeeze, just to tease him. "But uh... How are we gonna determine who gets top bunk and who gets bottom bunk?"

"Play your cards right, and we can share." Nevos said with a sly grin, turning his head and kissing Rocket right on the lips.


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