
Story by Kajowwojak on SoFurry

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So, this is a bit of an older story that I wrote. This features a Ghost type zangoose character of mine named Shadow, and a weavile named Daquiri owned by my friend Draite.

Let me know what you guys think. I'd love feedback of any kind!

A gentle jingling was the first thing that aroused Shadow from his slumber, his whole body feeling numb. Clinking metal, not unlike a windchime. The Zangoose tried to sit up, but found his body not responding. The ghost type then tried rolling over, and his whole world started swaying. The jingling of metal got louder, and he opened his eyes. He was looking up at a roof. Heavy chains, the source of the metal sound, hung from above. Tracing them down with his eyes, he saw they were connected to cuffs affixed to his wrists and ankles, suspending him above the ground. Panic set in as he tried to call for help, only hearing a muffled, incoherent groan as the taste of silicone made itself known to his tongue. He bit down on the gag, teeth sinking uselessly into the rubber. As the swaying slowed down, he tried to calm and collect himself. Deep, slow breaths. Shadow tried to take proper stock in the position he was in. White and blue leather cuffs on his wrists and ankles. A bit gag. A muzzle. A harness. What happened? How did he get here?

It had been Friday evening. Shadow had been dealing with a lot of stresses. His brother, a Shiny Zangoose by the name of Razor, wanted to cheer him up. Shadow wasn't really the 'go out' type of person, but Razor wasn't taking no for an answer. Against his better judgement, he let his brother take him to a club. Immediately he knew it was not his kind of place, but he supposed it was better than spending the evening alone with his personal toy. It was a gay bar, and nearly everyone there seemed to be in some form of BDSM gear. There was a Lucario in a pup hood, a Machoke in full gimp gear... Okay, he had to admit that they at least looked good. Not that he could ever pull off that kind of outfit. Razor told him to have fun, that he knew some guys and was going to get him some company. And then Razor was gone. Shadow made his way to the bar and plopped his ass down. His eyes drifted over to a pair of Toxtricity dancing around a pole. The drink he'd ordered was placed in front of him and he knocked it back without even thinking. Even the Weavile bartender was wearing fetish gear - a bunch of cuffs and some sort of latex sleeve arrangement. Turning away from the staff, Shadow sat and waited for several minutes, trying to look around for his brother. What could possibly have made him think Shadow would have fun at this sort of place? Yeah, he knew his brother was into this sort of thing, but Shadow was sure he'd never shown any interest in it. Even if he did find himself staring at everyone's gear more than he would like to admit. Where had Razor gone? Had his brother ditched him? Eventually, he gave up and got up to leave. And felt suddenly dizzy. Tired. Must just need some fresh air. He turned to head towards the door, but then everything started fading and... Here he was.

Shadow tried to calm down and think. His heart was racing and he needed to focus. If he couldn't break the chains or the cuffs, he would just ghost out of them. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath through his nose and focused on becoming less solid. He tried to pull his hand through the restraints, but panic started to set in as he felt the cuffs moving with him. A chill ran down his spine as he tugged again, feeling the bite of metal wires along the inside of the leather cuffs. A new sense of helplessness washed over him as he lost his focus, becoming physical once again.

All of the thrashing and struggling came to an immediate halt when a sound caught his attention. A rattling of metal. His head jerked to his left, blood like ice through his veins. He could see the doorknob jiggling, and then the door slowly creaked open. The high pitched squeaking of the rusty hinges hurt his ears, then he had to squint as light filled the room, a warm yellow pouring from the opening. A shadowy figure filled the doorway, obscured by the light behind him.

"Oh good. You're finally awake. Remember me? It's Daiquiri."

The voice was an unsettling mixture of playful and cruel. The figure walked closer towards Shadow, and he could start to make out features. A wide headdress. Thin, wiry limbs... It was a Weavile. Shadow's heart pounded so hard it felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. He pulled again at the chains to no avail, balling his fists and yanking, but all it got him was a chuckle out of the visitor. The Weavile, this Weavile, this was the waiter. The one who had brought him his drink. It must have been him who spiked it! Shadow clenched his teeth around the bit, eyes wide, as a toothy grin crossed the Weavile's face as he sauntered over to the bound pokemon.

"Oh, looks like you do remember me! How thoughtful." His tone did not match the situation in the slightest. It was sing-song, happy, playful. But the eyes staring back down at Shadow were sharp as blades. The Weavile leaned on the suspended pokemon, leaning an elbow upon his gut as though Shadow were little more than a tabletop. "You know, when I saw you sitting at the bar, you were easily the grumpiest person in the club. How could you be surrounded by so many sexy people and have such a frown on your face?" The Weavile leaned his head on his palm, driving his elbow into Shadow's gut, while his other hand brought a single finger to draw small circles idly upon his chest. "I said to myself that nobody should be that grumpy... so I decided that I would take it upon myself to give you the best night I could offer." His finger lazily slid over towards one of Shadow's nipples, and resumed its circles, causing the helpless pokemon to flex his fingers and growl as the nub of flesh hardened from the stimulation.

Shadow huffed and growled into the bit as the Weavile toyed with him, but he also could feel his cheeks starting to get warm. Balling his fists and writhing, the ghost type tried to pull his chest away from the toying fingers, but the dark type seemed to have no difficulty following his nipple around wherever it went. He didn't want to admit that the teasing touches on his tender flesh felt good. The dark type grinned down at him with malice. "What's wrong? Enjoying yourself?" The Weavile teased, only causing Shadow to writhe more. "Awww, if you want me to stop, just say so, babe!" Shadow yelled into his bit, gnashing his teeth and panting hard. But the Weavile just sat himself up and shrugged as though completely helpless himself. "I didn't hear 'stop' so I guess that just means to keep going. I have just the thing that you'll love!"

The Weavile spun around with grace, light on his feet as he made his way towards the chest of drawers nearby. Pulling open the top-most drawer, he shuffled through a number of items, before pulling out what looked like a miner-style lamp. It was battery powered, very modern looking, and when he turned it on, it filled the whole room with light, making Shadow recoil from the brightness. Once recovered he was finally able to get a good look at the Weavile tormenting him.

He was still wearing his uniform from work. A thick, bright pink buckled collar around his throat, sitting on top of his naturally occurring one, with matching cuffs on his wrists and ankles. Over his arms were black sleeves, held to his bare biceps by a couple of belts. His nipples were each pierced, with a chain hanging between them. Just below that was a bellybutton piercing as well. On his right leg was a belt around his thigh, and a chain that lazily looped down to connect to the cuff. His left leg was adorned with a fishnet stocking.

The Weavile made a small noise of triumph, pulling a large black bottle from the drawer, and turned back around. That's when Shadow saw what Daiquiri was wearing between his legs. A shiny metal chastity cage, with a belt around his waist holding it securely in place. The Zangoose could see the pink tip of his member poking out of the dark colored sheath, the entire device twitching with the Weavile's arousal.

Daiquiri hummed a tune to himself as he approached Shadow between his spread legs, setting what he'd grabbed on the floor. Defiantly, the ghost type tried to thrust his foot forward and kick, but the Weavile had no issues leaning to the side to evade it, and just sat back to watch Shadow swing around like a ragdoll. His hand came down to firmly grab Shadow by his plump balls. That was enough to get the angry ghost type to stop thrashing. "Now now, dear... we're here to have fun, mmkay? You keep that up and I can't promise it's going to stay that way."

Another chill went down Shadow's spine. The clawed hand gripping his testicles wasn't squeezing enough to hurt, but it was enough pressure that the threat was made clear. Shadow glared daggers at the dark type, biting into the bit, reinforcing that he was not 'having fun' at all. This only seemed to bring a smile to Daiquiri's muzzle. "Excellent. Now let's get started!" A small silver ring came into view, and the Weavile wasted no time slipping Shadow's balls through it first, and then over his sheath, finally giving his fuzzy orbs a firm pat. "Not a whole lot to work with here, but I'm sure we'll make do!"

The ghost type pokemon chewed on the bit in his mouth as he looked down at the cockring hugging his junk, and despite his best efforts, he could feel his own member starting to peak out of the sheath. His attention was quickly taken back towards the Weavile as he bent down suddenly. "Alright, time to get you ready for the main event!" Daiquiri giggled softly as shadow could feel both hands on his ass, pulling his cheeks apart. Heart pounding in his chest, Shadow shuddered, feeling the Weavile's warm, wet tongue pressing up against his rear entrance. Toying with it, pushing against it. Shadow tried to stifle a moan, but failed miserably. Embarrassingly, he felt his captor's fingers squeeze at his ass in response. The tongue pushed further into him, past his ring, wriggling inside of him, toying and teasing at everything it could reach. He tried clenching down, trying to keep it from going further, but that only seemed to make the dark type try harder. Further, Shadow was betrayed by his own body, forced to watch as his own rod slowly but surely crept out of his sheath, throbbing in the open air.

The Weavile finally pulled back, clearly pleased with himself upon seeing the twitching rod. He pressed his finger against the tip of the Zangoose's shaft, slowly pushing it downwards. "Awww, see? Now we're having fun! Oh, don't give me that grumpy look, this little guy is clearly enjoying it." Daiquiri grinned down at the Zangoose, and then let go of the shaft, letting its own stiffness spring it back. Shadow winced and glared, but he could also feel how warm his face was, and how hard his dick was throbbing.

"You know, I must say, your ass is a lot looser than I would have anticipated. You practice often?" The Weavile dipped down again to retrieve his bottle, and immediately started pouring a viscous, milky white fluid all over his claws. Shadow gulped as Daiquiri then started spreading the lubricant onto Shadow's worked posterior. First just rubbing the outer ring, then putting in one finger. Then two. "Quite frankly, I'm a little surprised. Big macho Zangoose like you? Seems like you'd be a power top, but look at you here, rock hard from me rimming your ass, and already loose enough for me to get a couple fingers in there too." Shadow flattened his ears as he heard the Weavile teasing him, clenching around the fingers, but the Weavile only pushed them in deeper. But, soon enough the dark type was done, deeming Shadow's ass quite sufficiently lubricated and warmed up. Hands still dripping with lube, Daiquiri walked back to the drawers, and fetched a large black box from on top of them. Completely opaque, and at least two feet on each side. The Weavile carried it back and set it right below Shadow, like a stool, where he couldn't see it anymore. Daiquiri opened it and pulled something out. It was hard to guess, but it was noisy, making a lot of clattering sounds.

Before he could think what it might be, Shadow gasped as something cold and round was placed against his loosened hole. At first he winced, only to feel it pop in entirely--a small ball, rather than a dildo or something to that nature. A confused sound left his throat, before a second ball pressed at his rear, and that was quickly pushed in as well. Followed by a third. "I'm going to be quite honest here." Daiquiri said, his tone almost smug, as a fourth sphere ground against his ass. "I don't know how many of these beads you can fit in that fat ass of yours, but I can promise you that I'm gonna find out." And so he continued to feed more into Shadow's hole, causing the Zangoose to moan and quiver. While individually they weren't that troublesome, the sheer number of them was starting to get to him. How many were there now? Ten? Twelve? Each one slightly bigger than the last, grinding at his insides, pressing against his prostate. Shadow bit onto his gag as his breath felt shorter, huffing and puffing as he could see pre collecting at his tip. He let out a small whine as it ever so slowly dripped and slid down his length,as yet another ball made its way into his rear.

Shadow started squirming again, though instead of trying to wriggle free, it was due to how full his ass was. The most recent sphere felt like it was the size of a cue ball, and just feeling it slowly pushed into his rear had his toes curling and his dick throbbing. Swallowing his pride, the Zangoose whimpered out, trying to beg for mercy as he felt another orb teasing at his rear. "Hmm? What's that, you're getting full? Aww... we were almost done. Are you sure that you can't take the last couple?" Daiquiri pouted and placed his elbows on Shadow's hips as though he were a table, the bound pokemon groaning and swaying from the weight of the dark type leaning on him. "I promise you'll like what happens if you do." The Weavile rested his chin in one palm, while the other put a single finger on the tip of Shadow's oozing rod, and slowly pushed it in circles. The Zangoose folded his ears back, biting on the bit as his sensitive rod was toyed with, the Weavile's finger quickly soaked with his pre. On one side, he could keep begging, on the other, he wasn't actually in any position to be making demands. Slowly his head nodded his head, and the Weavile grinned and sat back up. "Oh, one more thing, before I forget..." He walked back to the chest of drawers and came back with a phone. As Shadow looked at it, he was momentarily blinded from a flash of light, Daiquiri's voice piping up "That's definitely gonna be my wallpaper."

Sitting back down, the Weavile pushed the second to last orb against Shadow's abused ring, easing it in, its brothers shifting around and pushing back in resistance. Daiquiri pressed a hand on Shadow's belly, just above his twitching, oozing dick, and pressed down. Shadow moaned out at the increased pressure grinding on his insides, curling and stretching his toes as the orbs were pushed around in an effort to make more room. It seemed that the Weavile was successful, though, as the second to last orb finally was able to push its way in, and right when it got past the halfway point, Shadow's ring clenched, sucking it the rest of the way in, followed by a grunt from the Zangoose. There was only one more to go, and Daiquiri wasted no time putting it against his hole. This one felt much larger, roughly baseball sized, and his ass was putting up more resistance. With all the other beads inside of him, and the sheer size of this last intruder, Daiquiri spent almost a solid minute slowly easing its way into the poor Zangoose's ass.

Shadow huffed and grunted through the whole process, wriggling and stretching his sore muscles where he could. He felt like he was going to explode from the amount of pressure filling his ass, grinding on his sensitive insides, and pressing directly against his prostate. Finally the last one was sinking into his ass, pushing the other orbs out of the way to make up for it, and he saw the Weavile pop up between his legs with a wide smile on his face. "You know, if I'm being honest, it's not every day that someone takes all of those beads. You should be proud!" Daiquiri's hand wrapped around Shadow's pulsating rod, causing the Zangoose to sharply inhale, whimpering and staring down at Daiquiri. The smile on the Weavile's face shifted from proud to menacing as he saw Shadow's face.

"Oh, come on now. Don't pretend like you haven't loved every second of this. Your dick has been rock hard and drooling this entire time. And like I said, it's quite the accomplishment taking all of those beads, so I can tell that you're a pro." Daiquiri slowly stroked Shadow's shaft up and down, just enough to make him squirm. The Zangoose huffed and whimpered at the observations of the Weavile, moaning into his bit on occasion as the fingers squeezed his tip. "To be honest, after seeing what you've got here, I'm not too surprised. I mean. Even I'm bigger than you are, and I'm caged up." That brought another whimper from Shadow, his face hot with humiliation as he squirmed about in his bondage. But even then, his dick was still drooling. Daiquiri grinned again, and let go of the shaft, with Shadow whining and squirming. "Oh hush. I told you that you were gonna like what happened when you took all the beads, but I can't just leave them in there."

That made Shadow whimper out, as he felt a gentle tugging deep inside of him. The Weavile was certainly taking his time to enjoy the process, the first orb being pulled out slowly by its tether, bit by bit. The largest of the orbs crept past its crest, and then quickly popped the rest of the way out. Shadow clenched his fingers and toes, moaning into the bit in his mouth. The Zangoose needed to catch his breath after that, surprised by the sudden empty feeling inside of him, but Daiquiri didn't give him that opportunity, and the next one was already tugging at his ring, being pulled out bit by bit. Shadow lost track of time as the next few came out. Each was still a struggle, but after the size of those biggest beads, he was so stretched that after soon the smaller beads were sliding out without resistance.

Finally, Daiquiri was done and Shadow was empty, feeling hollowed out. Daiquiri's fingers pressed against his abused, gaping hole, spreading it easily. "My my... You are a pro at this," he teased, standing up to get off of the box, and started rooting around inside it again. Shadow was about as limp as he could be while he waited. The Zangoose was too exhausted to struggle, watching as Daiquiri finally stood back up, this time with a new addition: a quite sizeable dildo, shiny black, apparently modeled after a Druddigon, affixed to his groin, right over his chastity cage. There were three sets of ridges upon its length, one on either side, and one row going down the underside. "This is my favorite. I think you're gonna love it too." Daiquiri taunted, as he upended the bottle of lube, pouring it directly onto the toy, his off hand stroking it, spreading the lube all over with a wet, squelching sound. Shadow stared down at the toy, watching it drip excess lube onto the ground. He curled his hands into fists as the tip pressed against his gaping entrance, easily accepting the head of the dildo.

The large toy pushed deep into him, inch by inch, and Shadow moaned into his gag. Even though Daiquiri couldn't really feel anything, he seemed to be enjoying the faces that Shadow was making. The dark type hugged onto Shadow's leg, grinning a toothy smile as the toy sank all the way down to the base. "You look cute getting dicked, you know that?" He teased to the bound Zangoose, slowly pulling his hips back, and then thrusting back in. He was surprisingly gentle, at least to start, but once Shadow appeared to be getting accustomed to the toy, Daiquiri started thrusting faster, his hips slapping into Shadow's, causing him to swing in his chains. Every hilting made the Zangoose moan out, leaking fluids onto his belly. Again and again the Weavile rutted his ass with that toy, both of them getting out of breath.

While Daiquiri could feel little to nothing, Shadow felt every inch of the dildo grinding at his insides. A pressure was building up deep inside of him with every thrust, and he tried to fight it. Tried to resist the building orgasm grinding at his prostate, trying to stop the drooling of his dick. But Daiquiri seemed to be able to tell what was going on, and just kept thrusting harder. Daiquiri's piercing eyes had a hungry look in them as he stared down at the Zangoose. Shadow huffed and panted, drooling past his bit, clenching his fists and toes. A series of grunts left his throat, each higher pitched than the last, rising and building until he finally let out a loud whine, thick white spunk shooting from his throbbing dick, spurting in time with the thrusts in his rear, splattering his gut with shot after shot of seed. Only when his flood dwindled to a trickle did the Weavile stop his thrusting, slowly pulling the dildo out of the Zangoose, and letting him hang there, completely exhausted.

"There we go. See, I said you would enjoy it." Daiquiri started taking off the dildo, and putting it back in the box, along with the beads and bottle of lube. He hoisted the box up and winked towards the limp Zangoose. "I'm gonna go clean these toys up, sweetie. See you around."

And with that, the Weavile strutted out of the room, through the only door, leaving it wide open. He heard voices in the distance, but couldn't make out what they were saying. He just hung there, staring at his cum covered chest and belly, watching his dick recede back into its sheath. Before long, movement that caught his weary eyes. He expected to see the Weavile again, but this time the fur was white, not black. Another Zangoose, with a shiny fur pattern, wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black vest, holding a bottle of beer in one hand, as casual as possible. Shadow could only stare in complete shock. It was his brother, Razor!

"Wow, he really did a number on you, huh? I told him to have fun but he seemed to really take a shine to ya." The shiny Zangoose, Razor, said, before downing the last of the bottle of beer, and setting it down on the ground. "Whelp, lets get you undone. Someone else is gonna want this room eventually." Razor walked over and started with Shadow's Legs, undoing the chains from one ankle, and then the other. Shadow was too stunned to even move on his own. The older brother gently held Shadow's ankles so he didn't swing too much, lowering them slowly to the floor. The arms came next, Razor supporting his brother's weight and easing him gently down. Released back onto solid ground, Shadow collapsed to his hands and knees, his mind whirling with confusion.

Razor squatted down in front of him with a big smile, patting his ghost type brother on the head. "Alright, you look confused, so let me explain. I was talkin' with Daiquiri about how every time we screw around, you get so turned on by being dommed, but are just too proud to admit it. He suggested spending some 'quality time' with you, showing you how much fun you could have as the sub, and I just knew that you'd enjoy it if you gave it a try. You just needed a push, something to keep you from holding yourself back." Razor stood up and stretched his legs, before looking down at the blushing, embarrassed Shadow. The ghost type grumbled into his gag, but was far too tired to take it off himself. "Come on, let's get you up. I'll get you some food and water." Razor squatted down again to help his brother stand up. Shadow leaned against him as they walked slowly out of the room, faintly hearing the music of the club growing closer.

"So tell me, was that OK? I guess I did kinda spring that on you without warning you." When he got only a muffled grunt in response, he startled and straightened up. "Oh whoops, I forgot something didn't I," he said, reaching over to undo the bridle holding the bit in Shadow's mouth. But Shadow found himself leaning away and shaking his head, blushing furiously. "Oh ho ho! I see, you really did like that!" Shadow nodded bashfully, giving a quiet, indistinct moan in response. "I'll get you Daiquiri's number, you should give him a call sometime. Who knows what he could do with a willing victim." Shadow just blushed again, rubbing his tired rump and thinking about how empty it now felt.

Dog training

The best way for Thilo to clear his head was a stroll. Tonight was a full moon and a crisp breeze fluttered through the air. The park was empty, letting him be alone with his thoughts. He took a deep breath, enjoying the sound of the wind through...

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