A Little Magic and a Lot of Force

Story by Vanamee on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales From Crown City

Hollow let out a happy sigh as the salty smelling breeze brushed through his chin length white hair. The young, skinny human had finally arrived in Crown City, the greatest city on the planet! The young boy stepped off of the small clipper ship he had been on and onto the docks, looking up at the towering brick and stone structures of the Imperial capital, stretching out as far as he could see along the rocky coastline. He waved farewell to the ship's crew, walking down the long wooden pier as he drank in the vast urban sprawl. The thing that he noticed most were the people. There were so many different kinds of people!

The young apprentice mage had only recently set out from the far northern city of Lothly, deep in the Imperial province that had once been the glorious Lapine Confederation, and he was shocked by the sudden variety of people and the bright, new looking buildings. Back home, in the old and aging city of Lothly the boy had spent most of his life studying in the Imperial Magic Academy there. He was a gifted student, and he loved his studies, but he had always felt so utterly alone. The boy had been sent north when he was only three, after his parents had discovered he was blessed with magical talent, and had been raised inside the walls of the Lothly Academy. Of course he was the ONLY human there, surrounded by a population of mostly rabbits, with a few mice and other furrs. It hadn't been that he was teased, or even really ostracized. In fact he had been quite popular because of his uniqueness, having been quite the ladies man and the big man on campus. But no matter how popular he had been, he had always longed to see and be with more of his own kind.

This place was so different. Lothly was an old and dieing city, like most of the old Lapine Confederation and everything there had been very... grey. It had been stifling the boy for years, and then he had received that recommendation from the school's Arch-Mage. The old long ears had recognized Hollow's potential and had sent a letter to the Academy in the Capital, where Hollow had been accepted. Now he stood there on the dock, trying to go over the directions that he had been given to get to the Crown City Academy. The boy walked onward, his long, red, apprentice's robes hung on his thin frame, dragging behind him as he walked.

Hollow drank in that city like water, finding wonders and oddities everywhere he looked. The fanciful clothes of the city's elite, the marching of the red armored Imperial soldiers as they drilled in the street, the running about of children from every race under the sun. All of it amazed Hollow. Then he saw something that made him hold his breath. Up ahead he saw several well dressed humans sitting on a street corner, each holding a newspaper and chatting loudly. The boy stood, frozen in place in the middle of the street, trying to work up the nerve to go talk to them. He could feel his heart thumping in his hairless chest like it was about to burst.

"You lost?" He heard someone ask, a hand being placed down on his shoulder. The boy spun about in surprise, letting out a loud cry. As he turned about, he saw another human, dressed in a blue shirt and black trousers, a grey vest topping it off.

"A... a little." Hollow answered, gazing at the other male in utter curiosity. He absorbed every detail of the other's face and smiled nervously as the man answered him.

"I assume by your robe that your headed to the mage academy?" The other human inquired, Hollow giving him a nod in reply. "Oh. That's nothing. Just head down that alley on your right and keep going that direction for about eight blocks. Then turn left on Shaker Street. It'll take you right to it." And with that the other male nodded and walked onward, going over and joining the other humans. Hollow whined in regret. He wished he had tried to hold a bit longer of a conversation with the fellow. But there was nothing he could do, and he knew there would be other humans at the Academy he could talk to.

Hollow moved on, following the other human's directions and snaking his way though the alleys and backstreets as he made his way. As he walked the buildings around him began to show a very glaring change in their quality. The bright, healthy structures he had seen at the dock gave way to crumbling and dirty houses. Even more alarming to the young boy was the change in the people he ran into. The well dressed and fancy looking pedestrians he had seen close to the docks had suddenly become a rough looking crowd of rats, lizards, and burly looking dogs dressed in old, raggedy clothes. Many of them gave the young mage angry stares as he walked by, making him feel more and more nervous. He became so nervous in fact that he quickly lost count of just how many blocks he had come, and even what street the other human had told him to take.

Thus the human found himself standing rather foolishly in a small, dirty alley behind a seedy looking pub. As he stood there, looking about uncertainly, a pair of large, muscular rottwielers approached. The pair looked virtually identical to Hollow, both of them about six feet in height and rippling with muscles beneath their black and tan fur. The first rottwieler, dressed in a white shirt and dirty blue overalls pointed at hollow and laughed.

"See Turk?" The dog chuckled, poking his partner in the ribs with one of his elbows, "I told you it was a male!" The canine identified as Turk squinted at Hollow and shook his head.

"I'm still not sure!" Turk responded seriously, "It could be just a really flat chested girl."

"Excuse me?" Hollow spat his temper rising as these two hooligans insulted him.

"Nope." Turk grunted, sounding disappointed, "Listen to that voice Spike. It's a he all right. Damn it!" The other rottwieler, whom was apparently named Spike, smiled broadly.

"That means I win!" He laughed, taking a threatening step toward Hollow. "I get to go first."

"What are you talking ab...." The human started to reply, but he was cut short by a strong punch to his ribs. It happened so quick he couldn't be certain which of them had done it, but regardless it knocked the breath out of him, forcing him to his knees as he suddenly saw stars. Spike stepped up, grabbing the boy by his snowy white hair and forcing his head back, so that he was looking up at the dog. The canine reached down, shoving some sort of old rag into Hollow's mouth that he had pulled from his pocket.

"That should keep you quiet." Spike growled, pulling out a menacing looking blade from his pocket. "Plus," He added as he started to cut at the human's robes, "Since you're a wizard, we can't have you muttering any spells on us, now can we?" The young boy whimpered around the gag, swinging his arms wildly as he tried to push the advancing rottwieler away. The mage's efforts were rewarded with a hard slap, sending him to the ground and causing stars to dance about in front of his eyes. As he lay there stunned, Spike grabbed at the robe, finishing his cut on it and ripping it off. Hollow, like most mages, wore nothing underneath of the large, heavy robe because it was simply too hot. Thus he found himself lying naked against the stone pavement, trying to cry out for help with a rag in his mouth. The dog grabbed hold of his hands then, forcing them behind his back and tying them off with another strip of cloth. With the human finally bound up he began to undress.

The dog was muscular, and by the scent that the human caught he had been working quite hard that day. The rottwieler's muscles gleamed with just a hint of sweat as the terrified young mage stared up at his attacker. More terrifying still than his muscles was the engorged canine cock that suddenly jumped out into view. The dog was hard as steel, his 8 inches of throbbing meat loomed over the scared boy triumphantly. Hollow began to scream and thrash about, trying desperately to free himself and get the gag out. All he needed was to be able to say one spell. Just one spell and he could be free, but the rottwieler's bindings were done too well, the little human finding himself unable to escape.

"Just don't mess him up too bad!" Turk complained, undressing himself as well, his equally large cock springing out as his overalls came down. Hollow lay there whimpering as Spike reached down, picking him up by his hair and forcing him into a sitting position.

"You might as well save your breath." He growled, "You're going to need it when you start screaming here in a minute." The cruel canine laughed, pushing the terrified Hollow forward, so that he fell onto his belly, hitting his head slightly on the street as he fell. The large dog walked around behind the human and got down on his knees. For a moment he let his cock sit between the boy's soft, hairless ass cheeks, drooling out torrents of hot pre. Hollow whimpered, shaking his head and pleading through his gag as he started to cry. The canine merely laughed as he saw the mage's tears.

"Look at this!" Spike teased, pulling Hollow's hair and forcing his front end up so that his pal could see the boy's tear soaked face. "The little fag is crying!" Turk, chuckled, reaching down and rubbing his swollen cock. Spike pulled Hollow's head back so that he could look into the boy's eyes. "Try and relax or this is REALLY going to hurt." The rottwieler told him in a cold and cruel voice. Then, with a hard and deliberate thrust, the dog shoved his cock into the human's virgin ass, eliciting a loud scream from the helpless boy. The young apprentice had never felt pain like this, like someone sticking a hot poker up his ass as he was stretched until he thought he would certainly tear.

Spike moaned, thrusting hard and fast into Hollow's tight ass. The boy's screams seemed deafening to him, but he knew that the rag was muffling them, making it so no one beyond that alley could hear them. The dog groaned as the hot, slimy bowels of the sobbing human squeezed around his invading member. Hollow barely even noticed the pain in his scalps as the horny canine kept his hold on the mage's hair, using it to hold the front of his body up. Meanwhile Turk growled, getting impatient to get a piece of their victim. The canine got down on his knees in front of the sobbing human, aiming his throbbing member at the human's face.

"I'm going to take that gag out boy." The second dog growled, "If I hear you start to say ANYTHING that I think is a spell, I'll break your damned jaw off." Hollow whimpered, shaking in fear as the muscular mutt pulled the gag out, tossing it aside. The mage was too terrified to even think of a spell, let alone dare to try one. The rottwieler in front of him seemed satisfied and took hold of Hollow's hair from his partner, forcing his hips forward and his throbbing shaft into the boy's mouth.

Hollow winced at the strange taste that filled his mouth, the large male's hard cock pumping out warm pre into the warm, wet hole.

"Damn." Turk grumbled, pushing more and more of his malehood into Hollow's mouth with each thrust, "This bitch doesn't really have a muzzle. I can barely fit my TIP in there!" Spike laughed, shaking his head at his friend.

"That's why you have to fuck his throat." Spike told him, shoving his cock back into the helpless human, eliciting another muffled scream. Turk nodded, looking down at the sobbing mage with a wicked smile. Hollow looked up at his abuser, tears rolling down his cheeks as he silently pleaded with the canine.

"Down the hatch!" The rottwieler growled, pushing forward hard and forcing his hard shaft down the mage's throat. The dog practically howled as he felt the human's tight gullet squeeze around him, trying desperately to expel him. Thus the two canines built up a rhythm, one shoving his cock into the human while the other pulled out, then switching. Hollow was helpless to fight back, and he merely laid there, crying, screaming, and gagging as the two large males raped him.

The pair of dogs however were enjoying themselves quite thoroughly, raping the boy's holes so hard he felt almost certain that he was going to pass out. Indeed, Hollow felt himself loosing consciousness quickly as the edges of his vision began to go black. The canines seemed to notice as the smaller male's screams and struggles began to weaken.

"I think he's about to pass out." Turk groaned, slamming his hips forward again and again. Spike ignored him, hunching over Hollow as he picked up his pace. The human, now only barely clinging to consciousness, could feel the dog's swelling knot at the entrance to his already brutally stretched hole.

"Fuck..." Spike moaned, "I... I'm gonna tie!" Turk slammed his own cock forward into the boy's mouth harder and harder, the dog's heavy, furry orbs bouncing off Hollow's chin with each thrust. Suddenly the mage could feel Turk's knot as well, pressing against his open lips. Behind him, Spike gave one last, hard thrust into the boy's waiting ass, forcing his knot in. That was all that Hollow could take, the blinding pain making the apprentice's eyes roll back in his head as he blacked out, the last thing he remembered being the sensation of Spike's molten seed flooding his insides as Turk thrust his own knot into the human's mouth and forcing his cock all the way down his throat.

When Hollow awoke, he found himself still laying in the alley, naked and cold. He could just barely see, as it was apparently late twilight by that time. He began to cry as the burning sensation in his ass returned. He could even taste Turk's cum in his mouth still. The boy lay there in the alley for a bit, sobbing his heart out at the indignation of what had been done to him.

"By the gods!" Came a surprised cry from somewhere nearby. Hollow looked up, seeing a brown robed figure rushing down the alley to him. The figure's face was hidden by a large, baggy hood that was attached to the back of the old robe. As the stranger arrived, they got down onto their knees, pulling back the hood to reveal a pretty young rabbit girl. She had light gray fur and short blonde head fur, looking down at the crumpled boy with her soft blue eyes. "What happened to you?" She asked in concern. Hollow tried to answer, but found that all he could do was sob and moan. The long ear female looked at him pitifully, reaching around to a pack that she held on her back, opening it and bringing out a large, wool blanket which she draped over him. "Come." She told him gently, helping the young mage to his feet.

Hollow found it difficult to stand, much of the sensation being gone out of his legs. He stood next to the girl, wobbling uncertainly as he held the blanket draped over his shoulders.

"My name is Myra." She told him, "I'm a priestess at the church of Terra. Why don't you come with me friend? We can get you safe and warm." Hollow whimpered, wiping his eyes and nodding.

"T...Thank you." He sobbed, "My name is Hollow by the way." She gave him a caring smile, putting one of his arms around her shoulders and helping him walk.

"It's nice to meet you Hollow." She replied, "You are very lucky I happened to be coming back from the market this way. But what is a young mage like you doing down in the Bum's Pit?"

"B... Bum's Pit?" Hollow whimpered in reply as they hobbled out onto the dark main street.

"Yes." Myra answered, her long ears flicking about curiously, "Are you not from around here?"

"No." Hollow responded, "I just arrived in the city today. But... how did you know I was a mage?" Myra smiled, taking her arm opposite the human and pointed his shoulder, where a small, black tattoo sat. It was a star inside of a sun, surrounded by a thin triangle. Hollow laughed weakly. He had forgotten about that. It was the mage's mark, a permanent mark placed on all young people who were enrolled in the Mage Academies throughout the Empire. Myra gave him a kind smile.

"But you never answered my question." She pointed out, "What are you doing all the way down here? These streets are dangerous at night!"

"So I've found." Hollow joked dryly, "I was headed towards the Crown City Mage Academy." Myra looked at him in confusion.

"The Mage Academy?" The rabbit sighed, shaking her head, "You should have turned down Shaker Street about five blocks north of where I found you."

"I got a little lost." Hollow told her with a shrug, his stomach letting out a loud growl as he realized for the first time that he was hungry. The priestess giggled at the noise.

"Come," The long ear told him, "Mother Yura will certainly have dinner ready when we arrive. Tonight is potato soup night. Do you like potato soup Hollow?" The boy nodded in reply, the pair chatting idly as they slowly walked to Myra's church, putting the boy's troubled mind a little more at ease. He would spend the night with these kind holy women at the church of Terra and leave in the morning. He was sure that the Arch-Mage would understand once the human explained what had happened.

Hollow had found the capital a much different place than he had imagined, or even than it had originally appeared. The young mage looked over at his traveling companion and smiled. Perhaps though, if there were other kind people like Myra in this city, it would not be such an awful place after all.

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