Dentist's Nightmare

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A police officer thinks she finally has AWE's shady experiments exposed, but its head scientist has plenty of tricks up his sleeve. Now she has a mammoth problem.

(FtM Woolly Mammoth)

Gale had been advised by her chief to drop her investigations. As a police officer, she found the lack of information unsettling. She had been hounding the local AWE branch about safety procedures. While the media looked the other way, the police came in to help clean messes left behind, but never questioned the breach in security in the first place. People were going missing and AWE's experiments kept appearing on the wrong side of their walls, and it seemed like Gale was one of only a few who actually questioned this. AWE openly advertised itself as a research and conservation organisation, looking into the possible ressurection of extinct species using top secret methods. The shocking thing was that they were actually doing it. Several supposedly extinct creatures had been sighted and AWE had been releasing images taken from within their facilities of several more in enclosures.

Her cheif wanted her to drop it, but even if AWE's methods were not of any harm to people, it seemed to Gale that transparency on the matter would ease everyone's minds. Why wouldn't AWE release that information? Were they afraid someone else would do a better job ressurecting dinosaurs? So Gale and her partner Jacob went to work trying to investigate the AWE facility, monitoring the surrounding area. It took less than a week, before they found what they needed. A person named Erik was found in an alleyway not too far from AWE, with two huge fangs overgrowing his mouth! He kept telling the two officers that his genitals had transformed- that he was turning into a woman. It was very hard to understand what he said, because the fangs in his mouth were huge to the point they were starting to deform his actual jaw. They did their best to try to guide the man to their car to get him to a hospital, but the man kept flinching and pausing as more changes overtook his body. They could hear dull pops and cracks under his skin as bone shifted and changed shape and his body hair seemed to grow rapidly in thick mats like fur. Even in the panic and confusion of the situation Gale managed to put it together. The missing people cases was not AWE experiments running amuck and eating people- the missing people ARE the experiments! AWE's prehistoric creations somehow used to be humans! The two officers barely managed to get Erik into their car before he started to swipe at them randomly with his now extremely sharp claws! His mind must be effected- he was responding less to human words and seemed more like a confused, hostile creature. Jacob went to trace Erik's steps back to see where he had escaped out of.

What Gale seen in the car as she waited was increasingly less human. His clothes were shredded off by his changing form and he was shredding the inside of the police car trying to get out. It made some growls that vaguely sounded like some human words. He grew so big he took up basically the entire back of the car- his ass and bobbed tail was pressed against one window and his face against the other- his giant fangs clacking against the shatter proof glass. They encountered a male human, but their car was now containing a female sabertooth tiger! Even ignoring the fact that a sabertooth on the loose was a gigantic health risk to everyone- the fact it used to be human flies in the face of almost every ethics based law ever written. Gale tried repeatedly to call for backup but was getting absolutely no response over radio for some reason. She sure as hell was not going to get into the car with that thing in there. Jacob was also taking a very long time to return! Finally too unnerved by the sabertooth in the car starting at her, Gale gave up waiting and went to find her partner. Dr. Magnus of AWE's R&D turned the corner in the alley at almost the same time, causing them to nearly walk into each other. She glanced down as he flicked blood from his giant claws, even as they quickly shrank back down to fit his human hands. Had... he been transformed into something else, and reverted?! Whose blood was that?!

That was the last thing she could remember before Magnus knocked her out with inhuman strength. Gale woke up in her own bed the morning after, not really remembering any of the night before at first because of how abruptly she was put down. Her head felt so groggy and almost dizzy, so she woke with her usual schedule- basically moving in auto pilot without even thinking. Her teeth ached a bit, but she examined them during and after she brushed them and seen nothing wrong with any of them. Her top canine teeth were aching, but there was nothing visibly wrong with them. As she got into the shower her guts felt a bit cramped too. It wasn't that time of the month yet, what gives? She got into the shower hoping getting pelted by water would clear her head. It felt better than it usually did. Her long black hair matted with moisture and clung to the surface of her breasts, tickling her nipples. As she washed herself lower down, she noticed her clit oddly erect, almost tickling with blood pressure from being engorged. It had been a long time since she had a boyfriend. Most boys are intimidated by a female officer, plus her job generally kept her pretty busy. She grimaced again as the cramp made itself known again, and as she placed a hand on her lower gut it felt a bit bloated.

After her shower she decided to lay back in bed. She was feeling really off today. She paused at the side of her bed before getting in, still naked from the shower, and decided to do some stretches. Maybe that will help untie the knot her in guts. She had no way of knowing the cramping was because her ovaries were about three times bigger than they are supposed to be, and starting to send out the wrong hormones. Stretching felt really good- her body clearly needed this. Her muscles squirmed under the surface, extending a bit and swelling. Her body kept telling her she needed more. The muscle needed to be flexed and used, because it was getting bigger at an abnormal rate and needed to extend blood flow to the new areas. Jogging in place, oddly full of energy even though her body groaned with confusion, she danced her way over to the pullup bar over her bedroom door and yanked herself up, doing several chinups very quickly. Each time she yanked herself up the muscles in her arms bulged, and remained that size when they relaxed again, so the next time they flexed they were literally bigger than the last. Though Gale was not looking herself- it almost looked like her skin was flowing like waves from all the muscle movement below the surface. Veins became increasingly projected as they were pinched between muscle and skin, and her forearms got a bit harrier from the incorrect hormones poluting her body thanks to her monsterously engorged ovaries as they bloated further into internal testicles. Muscle weighs more than fat though- and after a minute of chinups the bar ripped off the doorframe and she fell to the floor still holding it!

Gale gawked at her arms and the splintered bits of wall still attached to the bar where the two were supposed to remain locked in place. She knew she should be worried- muscle mass doesn't grow like that. On the other hand, she just got like two months worth of muscle bulk in a workout that was only a minute long. She was not sure if she should be upset or happy. She went to get up off the floor, tossing the bar to the side and immediately moaned as her stomach tightened. She looked down and seen the vague shadow of muscle movement under the flesh. Gale straightened her legs instead and did several pullups, each time feeling her gut tighten with more and more muscle. The veins in her neck started to pulse from the increased blood flow and her neck thickened a bit. As if trying to connect the dots, muscle expanded between arm and abs as well, causing her breasts to project further out from the growth of pectoral muscles. She was really starting to look ripped! Gale quickly moaned much louder and rolled onto her side stopping her workout when the blood pressure surged to part of her that was not being worked out- her clit. Still engorged from her shower it swelled even bigger now! She had never seen it so big, it was like a red marble throbbing over her pussy. Not knowing what to do, she touched it and her entire body trembled from the sensation. So badly engorged, all the nerves inside of it were already stretched thin, making them ultra sensitive! She had not fully recovered her thoughts from waking up, never mind remembering last night, and then was immediately distracted with her inhuman muscle growth, and now with her clit. Her situation was drawing her thoughts farther off track as she went.

Gale rolled into her bed, noting how far she sunk into the matress now because her body weight had increased considerably. She had to take care of her clit- it felt like someone was trying to inflate it and it was so abnormally huge she was afraid it would literally pop with blood pressure if she tried to ignore it. She touched it gently and traced it back into herself, feeling its swollen mass farther in than normal. She aggressively pawed at her hungry pussy, her arm muscles bulking up ever so slightly as she did. The muscle mass in her entire body continued to grow tighter, and bigger. It was causing her body to look much more masculine. Her breasts as well started to shrink, as if her pectoral muscles were devouring their mass to feed themselves. Gale's moans changed pitch as she went, her voice getting deeper. She kept having to change the position of her fingers inside of herself- her vaginal passage was getting smaller, tightening as her clit continued to mutate and grow longer. Soon her vagina was so small it almost hurt to try an penetrate it even with her fingers, but having been touching herself for a bit now she was far too worked up to pause now. Gale had to switch to rubbing her clit, and found the sensation was different now. On the surface the feeling was much more dulled, so she could grip it aggressively without hurting it, but each tug still built a hot pleasure within. She gripped it with two fingers and her thumb, using her other hand to press down on her pubic mound. No longer trying to penetrate herself, Gale failed to notice when her labia finally swelled together and her vagina collapsed entirely. The remnants of her pussy joined to the base of her mutating clit, causing the skin on it to grow a bit thicker, and the urethra started to extend out and up the clit hidden under the new layer of skin.

Her clit throbbed almost constantly, but there was two sets of beats. A subtle throb from each of her powerful heart beats, but also a pressure surge from growth, stretching it still bigger. She should be quite worried at the mutations, but in the moment all her brain thought was bigger clit = more pleasure. Soon she had to grip it with three fingers, then her entire hand. It was growing a lot more in length than width now, but it was still growing width, just at a much slower pace. She could feel her heart beat within in much more concentrated pulses as fat veins formed up its length, and it grew past her hand. It grew thick enough that her fingers were barely able to encapsulate it. Even in her hormone daze Gale immediately recognized it as a penis now! It did not really have a defined head though- it sort of just had a flat end on it making the entire thing a cylinder. Another cramp inside, her already large balls got still a bit bigger but remained trapped in her lower torso and fired up a stream of thick white goo. The urethra had not even fully formed yet, so the searing hot spunk only got halfway up the shaft and slammed against the current end, having no where to go. The urethra bulged and went rock hard from pressure, clearly visible along the underside of the forming shaft, and the pressure forced the growth to speed up. Meanwhile Gale groaned and squirmed violently on the bed, crying for release- the pleasure and pressure bordered pain. The bulge moved further up with the pressure till it finally reached the end and erupted into a messy spray at first, till the opening fully formed and it became a staggered stream.

Gale sat there, staring at the mess of her lower bed, half paralyzed with the confusion of what was going on, and half paralyzed by the afterglow of orgasm and the feeling of her newly cleaned body on the fresh, soft bed sheets. Once she caught her breath and finally went to fully close her mouth she felt two protrusions preventing it! Her two aching teeth had grown almost straight forward and now stuck far enough out that she couldn't keep them in her mouth. She carefully got up, feeling odd moving around in this drastically reformed body and made her way to her body mirror behind her door.

"Oh my God, I almost look like... a man..." She now noted her voice was slightly deeper, and the longer she looked at her reflection she seen the shadow of hair growing in on her chest- between where her breasts used to be. "Oh gosh I AM a dude!"

He had no visible balls, but Gale did have an oddly shaped cock of impressive size- his breasts and pussy a thing of the past. His nipples still looked femanine but that likely would not last. He even turned his hands to look at them and noted they looked masculine now too, no longer small and dainty. He then had a flash of memory from the night before, the sight of the man changing into a sabertooth! It had been a man, but he turned into a female sabertooth... does that mean Gale is turning into a male sabertooth? Their giant teeth go straight down though- his were trying to go straight foward. Gale still did not remember everything that happened the night before, but he remembered going to AWE with Jacob, and finding the man. AWE must be behind his changes now too! They must be cocky as hell to just let Gale to free, because he was obviously going to report this immediately. Though, this thought caused him to remember another detail- the man's mind seemed to degrade too. He couldn't talk using human words anymore when it was done. Gale won't physically be able to rat out AWE if he doesn't hurry.

He quickly started to get dressed, having to discard several clothing options as he went because they no longer fit his body- including his police uniform. He had to wear very loose, stretching clothing, and Gale started to regret not having any skirts, because now he had to try to stuff a big dick into his panties. He made several attempts but it was too outwardly obvious. Since it was fully limp, he ended up having to tuck it back between his legs and trap it like that so the bulge could not be seen through the pants. The shaft was pretty girthy, and even soft now it was at least 6 inches long still. Every once and a while his teeth would ache for a moment and grow out a little bit longer, reminding him he had to hurry. He would need to take the back lanes to try and get to the police station- outwardly he still looked human except for the growing tusks. If someone got a good enough look at those they would likely freak out, which could cause a panic, which would slow Gale down and he is already working on a limited time. He wanted to go back to his cruiser but decided there would not be enough time. He did wonder what happened to the sabertooth though. Was it still trapped in the cruiser? Was it still even a sabertooth tiger? Maybe the transformation was only temporary.

His body started to itch mildly in several places, slowing him down to scratch. In the back lanes there was only a few vagrants so barely anyone to see luckily. Annoyed by the itching he pulled up his sleeve to actually look at one of the itching areas to see if he had some sort of rash now only to see all the hair on his forearm! He was quite hairy now- the itching was body hair growing in quickly, and thick. He groaned and felt his bones strain against one another before several popped quietly and his entire body grew a bit, straining even these loose clothes. A bulge started to show in his pants and his panties filled completely and started to stretch off of him. The growth felt like an internal pressure, like blood had quickly gathered in one area but when it cleared the size difference remained. He looked at his hands again and his fingers were very thick now, and his fingernails many times thicker than they should ever be. He still had no idea what was actually happening to him, but he knew he didn't like it. And he was running out of time. He felt a bit dizzy, leaning a bit on one building and holding his face with his other hand. He could feel his teeth extend again on either side of his wrist and then under his hand the bones of his skull started to give off muffled cracks under the skin and push out! The bone between upper jaw and nostril extended, the nostrils reshaping and migrating higher up the skull. Outwardly the bridge of his nose expanded tremendously, starting a gradual arch starting as high as the middle of his forehead! His nose also grew longer, the end almost long enough to touch his upper lip! Gale was not too educated on prehistory, but there was only one species she knew of with a big nose and lots of hair. Especially in ancient times when reptiles outnumbered everything else. He forced himself off the wall of the building to stand on his two feet and get moving again, and when he groaned doing it he noted his voice dropped again.

Gale made it down two more sets of alleyways, having to dash quickly across the streets between, desperately trying to not be seen. His dick was wedged between his legs though- moving quickly caused friction against it and it was already trying to slowly grow bigger. The bulge became very noticeable, and his panties were badly strained, the large dick yanking them a full inch off her actual body. His fingers were starting to get so thick they rubbed against one another when he tried to move them. Every time he stepped down he felt a mini surge of pressure in his feet. The thickening of his feet started to feel like someone trying to push his foot down, trying to level it with his leg. The next step he took he tried to bend his foot that way just to see if it would help, and as soon as he did the tendons in his lower leg twanged like elastic bands and repositioned. His ankles almost immediately cracked in rapid fire as they extended the distance from his toes! It was forcing him to stand on only the fronts of his feet! He didn't have hooves though, so that was painful to do! The pain caused him to shift his stance, but as soon as he did the other foot changed the same way! He shifted back to the first and as soon as he put weight on it he felt the pressure swell and shove the skin and muscle farther out- his feet became tremendously wide! He then deliberately let it happen to the other foot. With much thicker skin and much wider feet it hurt a lot less to stand like that. His toenails were also rapidly thickening, like his fingernails had already done. His whole body felt like it was cramping slowly. Gale gave a manly groan and hunched over, flexing as many of his muscles as he could at once and felt the releif in them right away, but also more change. His muscles surged in size pulling his pant legs tight and ripping his sleeves up to the shoulder. Even the veiny thick trunk of a neck he had strained the collar of his shirt! The vertebrae on his upper back started to grow taller though as well, giving him a bit of a hunch, so when Gale went to stand up straight again he was forced to keep a slight forward lean. He went to force himself forward again but the growing dick finally snapped the elastic of his panties and slammed against the front of his pants! It looked like he had a third leg in there! He fell backward, using a building to brace himself again from the feelings.

Gale glanced down either end of the alleyway to see if anyone had a line of sight, but there was no one right now. He slowly look the cock out of his pants just to give it a moments rest- having the erecting shaft bent at those angles cramped it. Looking down at the dick, he also noted he had to look past his tusks. Now several inches out of his face- even at a distance it would be hard to not notice them. The dick between his legs was looking insane by now! Still with a blunt end on it, it was as thick as his arms used to be, and probably as long, if not longer. He was much bigger now and it still reached his knees. Though flooded with new male hormones, the old female hormones were still circulating their way out. Looking at the cock mesmerized him. This was bigger than any dick any man he had ever been with had owned. It was so fucking heavy! It probably took a paint bucket worth of blood just to fill this thing alone. He could feel his pulse beating in the shaft. It felt... good. The rhythmic pulsing pulling the shaft tight on its own was like hundreds of gentle tugs on its length. He gently felt up and down the shaft as it stood up- or more accurately stood out from him, it was physically unable to stand UP. It looked even better fully erect. So... tastey. He groaned again as pressure surged in his head. The bridge of his nose expanded out so massively this time that it actually stretched his skull wider as well, and his tusks grew thicker and longer. His nose now grew down past his mouth in a tiny pseudo trunk. Gale grabbed his meaty cock with both hands, since it was too thick to encompass with one and started working its massive length. Half to get it to go soft so he could try to walk again- half out of worship of its grandeur. The hair on his arms grew thicker and longer, covering most of his arms with hair so dense it looked like shag carpet. He started breathing heavier, causing his chest to expand a bit, ripping his shirt and exposing another massive mat of dense hair on his chest, and advancing so far up from his crotch that the two areas nearly met. He closed his eyes a moment and groaned long as his skull popped and expanded yet again, his nose getting both thicker and longer again, now he was able to touch his chest with the end of it, and had the ability to move it around a bit on its own. Hairs started to sprout on the bridge of his nose, covering it with a light fuz as well. His cock started to twitch with more need and the throbs caused it to stretch bigger and thicker yet again! It felt like he was holding onto a tree trunk or a fleshy fire hydrant!

His tusks grew bigger and bigger, making it hard to close his mouth at all- they took up so much room! His legs got thicker and thicker, looking like huge stumps, but he had tunnel vision on the gigantic dick. He did however notice right away when his hands followed along with his feet and got thicker and thicker. His hands and arms grew so thick and round that you could not outwardly see the wrist joint. His fingers became so thick they were wedged against one another and extremely hard to move. His palms became so dense that they started to swallow his fingers into them, making it impossible to fully grip anything. His cock was already titanic and hard to grip with normal hands- he couldn't do anything with his current hands! He groaned long and hard, reverberating through his trunk. His skull expanded yet again, forcing his neck thicker just so his body could support the huge head, and the bridge of his nose became monsterously wide. Growth surged down the length of his trunk and it became another nearly two feet longer- and even more mobile. His mind had started to devolve to that of a mammoth, so he had no problem adapting the mindset to immediately know how to use the trunk. Gale immediately wrapped it around his cock and resumed masturbating! Fur started to spread from the bridge of the nose around the head, down the trunk. Almost his entire body was covered in it at this point, and the original patches of it were growing even longer and shaggier. He grunted in frusteration when he felt his tusks grind against the other wall. They were so large that even leaned against one wall- they reached across the entire alleyway to touch the opposite wall! He couldn't get off if his skull was wedged between buildings, so he had to move. As soon as he tried to get up his badly strained clothing popped like a party balloon against a needle. His head and chest had expanded so greatly though that trying to stand put too much strain on his lower back! He couldn't be upright! He wobbled a bit and then pulled his trunk back as he fell forward. He slammed down on his massive trunk like arms, thinking it would hurt but they absorbed the impact just fine. The impact did cause them to change more though- the arms grew still thicker, swallowing the fingers entirely so that only the very tips were exposed, and the gigantic nails on their ends. His palms rest flat against the ground as perfectly round stumps of meat. He had to reposition his feet several times as they also shifted, and once he got his proper footing on them and they finished- his hips popped loudly. They became more shallow and tall- locking him in a quadrupted position forever.

Gale had to face forward to give his tusks the most room to grow down the length of the alley, forming titanic ivory archs around his huge trunk. His fur was becoming quite long, becoming more hair-like now than fur. There was a large bump on the top of his huge head that retained the black of his original hair, but the rest grew in as dark brown. The bridge of his nose was so large that it was level with the curve of his actual head. The hunch on his back grew bigger as he bent his head down and reached under himself again to grab his massive fire-hydrant-thick cock with his trunk and resume his... nose-job? With every stroke the rest of his body seemed to groan a bit and pulse in size. Every two or three pulses caused his joints to dully pop into new positions. His torso thickened tremendously, equalizing for the most part with the chest area that had expanded ahead of the rest. Though very much still very muscular you could not outwardly see the muscles anymore. His eyes barely grew at all, making them look absolutely miniscule compared to the giant head. His ears did not grow too large either- mammoth do not have big floppy ears like elephants, because the thin material would freeze in the climates they live in. Most desert mammals have big ears to get rid of heat quickly- so having big ears in the arctic would be a bad idea.

Gale's thoughts continued to simplify. Finish masturbating, get to the station and report what was happening to him so.... so that... hmm. He forgot the why. Then it was finish masturbating and get to the station. Did not know what he was going to DO at the station, he just remembered where it was and that it was a place he is familiar with. Then it was just finish masturbating- didn't need to worry about anything else till that was done. By the time the giant throbbing pillar of meat finally erupted giant blasts of cum down the alleyway, he wasn't really thinking of anything at all. Just thinking pleasure, cum, good. Hungry. Get food now? Except when he went to move he finally became aware of the fact he destroyed two different buildings at the same time while masturbating and didn't even notice. The loud sirens were distracting. Several police cars were stopped at the end of the lane and the police had to duck behind their cruisers as giant ropes of cum splattered down the hoods. While masturbating he started to grow so huge that he got stuck in the alley, then started to push the walls into the buildings. By then people both inside and out of the buildings noticed the growing mammoth and called the police. His shoulders were stuck in two giant holes in either walls- there was no way of getting Gale out of the alley without demolishing a corner of either building. And no one was going to tell on AWE for another day- certainly not a wooly mammoth.

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