I Wanna Be The Best

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Lass Leia would rather be a pokemon herself than a trainer, and when she arrives in a new region she discovers there may be a way. The game was never intended to be used the way hackers do, but even hackers never intended their works to be used like Leia is!

(F TF Dragalge TF amalgamation pokemon)

Lass Leia liked pokemon since she was little- which wasn't surprising since 90% of the entire planet enjoyed pokemon, and their economy rotated entirely around it, and society as a whole would utterly collapse without them. But she did not just enjoy their company- what she secretly desired was far more unusual, so she generally never told anyone. Stories about the pokemaniac Bill fusing with a pokemon for a breif period of time, campfire stories of people dying and becoming ghost pokemon, or that psychopath in Ballonlea Town that both talks and looks like he should not be allowed to roam freely. Leia absolutely loved the idea of becoming a pokemon herself, somehow. She always knew it was impossible, but she adored stories of it and always secretly held onto the idea. The closest she ever got was that one time she wore her Ditto and got it to transform into a rockin' bod for a Halloween party.

That all changed when she arrived in the Kanadah region. She looked out over the vast forests to the vast forests, and the forests beside those. "So... its all wild lands? Where are the cities? Towns? Where the hell does everyone sleep?"

Professor Maple chuckled. "In gen1 Kanto your mother slept in the kitchen, which was also the living room, and the bathroom. So if you think this is bad..." She pointed to the north. "There are towns still, just really far apart." She opened a breifcase with three pokeballs in it. "Do you already have a travelling partner? It isn't safe to wander out into the tall grass."

Leia cocked an eyebrow. "Why would I go into the grass instead of the path like a normal human being? But uh, is that a shiny Giratina in that third ball? Cuz... I'll take that if you don't want."

"Oh damnit. That isn't supposed to be in there. It is hacked- you don't want that one."

"Wh-wait how do you hack a pokemon?"

Maple shook her head. "It is illegal, all you need to know is to avoid any pokemon that seem hacked. You should head on up to the capital- Quebock City, there are all sorts of shops and good fishing spots. If you talk to other trainers there you might be able to fill in some entries in your Kanadaian pokedex to get you started."

And Lass Leia set out for Quebock City and arrived fairly quickly, but she did not start looking for new pokedex entries right away. She subtly started asking around if anyone has been using hacked pokemon. She wanted to track them back to their source and find out how that was even possible. Eventually she found her way to a Youngster in a back lane, he had a laptop set up to several strange canister looking machines and was sat down beside a BFI so people just wandering past on the street likely would not see him.

"I was told you could help me hack some pokemon?"

He glanced at her and shrugged. "Yeh. I mean, it isn't particularly hard if you have the right equipment."

"But... how do you hack a living creature?!"

"Ever heard of Porygon?"

"Yea, I got a seizure from one."

"Well it is a pokemon that is entirely digitally made. You see, when you use a pokeball the pokemon turns into a pure energy state- the inside of a pokeball is reflective pannels to keep the energy in motion and trap it by reflecting it. When you transfer a pokemon to a PC for storage, the computer reads and stores the energy just like it already does electricity. If you can break something down to pure energy while keeping the information it holds, you can easily turn it into data- which means you can use data to turn energy back into something real."

"So you can just... create whatever you want?"

"Ye-w-well not anything. To make something from scratch you'd need to know what makes it tick, right down to its atomic level and from this brief conversation I can already tell you aren't pulling that off. Pokedex have been gathering information on that for years- so to hack a pokemon you just use that preexisting data. That is mostly what pokedex do- the flavour text is randomly generated by AI based on rough estimates and isn't actually reliable information. Heck, if half the things the pokedex entries told you were true the entire world would have ended a hundred times over by now. Not to mention how would a machine based on gathering information magically know all that stuff just from breifly scanning a creature? The answer is- it doesn't, most of the up-front information it gives you is just fluff."

The Youngster handed her a small device and cord and she quickly put it in her Key Items pocket. "So, I just use this and search a pokemon, and it will create it?"

"Yup. The pokemon needs to be in your pokedex already obviously, because it needs the data on its makeup. You need to point that light looking thing on the bottom of the device at an object though. It will convert that object into energy and then send a signal to the PC telling it that you should have the pokemon- then the PC uses the energy to create the pokemon. Since it was just created- a hacked pokemon will have no memories to start out with but, meh."

"What if I... accidentally point it at a human?"

The Younger's eyes went wide. "Uh, well if the person was of equal mass to the pokemon... they would turn into it, I guess? No one's ever been crazy enough to do that before. If they were less than the mass of the pokemon it just wouldn't work."

"Greater than the pokemon?"

"Weird anthro pokemon I guess? Why are you asking so much ab-"

"Gotta go!"

Leia quickly darted off. She quickly scooted her way to the nearest body of water- a superior lake. She had a portable PC unit from the Galar region, and hooked that up to the device. She walked out on a thin dock and took her shoes off to dip her toes in the cool water. Leia browsed her collection of pokemon but kept flipping back to her favorite- Dragalge, a Poison/Dragon type. She really wanted to turn into a Dragalge... 5'11" and 179.9lbs, she wasn't that far off. If she pointed it at herself, it would turn her into the pokemon, but because the hacked pokemon would have no memories- hers would remain intact, and because she is already a living creature it wouldn't need to completely break her down to reassemble her. She bit her lip in thought. She really wanted to do this. The only hessitation was that there is no pokedex entry for humans- she could turn into a pokemon but she can't turn back. She decided to hell with it, glanced around to see if anyone else was nearby but then remembered Game Freak barely ever programs wandering NPCs. She slipped out of her clothing and into the cool water, shivering as her body adjusted to the lake water. She placed the two connected devices on the end of the dock and activated it. There was a powerful tingling where the light touched her collar that then radiated through her- delivering new instructions to all her genes. Leia could not stop smiling as she could feel her leg muscles moving on their own, pulling together.

Leia's spine started to project outward a bit as the skin around it also puffed up and then hardened- the keratin content of the cells becoming much higher to create a shell for her spin alone. This created a dark powder brown ridge down her back, protecting it from hard. Dragalge does have immense defensive stats. Leia arched herself forward and moaned as three blade-like spikes formed from her spine in the middle, arching up to give her even more protection. Her hard spine grew a bit longer, but not too far. Her legs started to quickly fuse together at the top going down- the muscle structure equalized between the two sides to completely erase any sign they were seperate- which also caused her hips and butt to vanish. Pokemon do not deficate after all- their digestive systems were advanced enough that it broke down and used all of the material it took in, so there was no waste to get rid of. Leia closed her eyes and scrunched her face up a bit at the weird feeling of her breasts tightening and regressing into her chest- but like her back the skin was rapidly hardening and getting pulled into the middle rather than being disposed of. It formed into a blade-like spike that trailed into her collar bone, and then split. It followed the collar to her shoulders and tapered off there, and a small strip went up to her neck before tapering off there.

She had to break her concentration off from her changes a bit though, having to now focus on relaxing herself the best she could while she changed. She needed to float in the water- her arms were starting to change, the bones softening quickly, which meant she could not swim till her changes advanced farther. Her united thighs started to stretch out a bit farther now that they formed a single tube of muscle. The hard skin on her chest started to trail down her front onto this forming tail, protecting it from the front rather than the back. Her knees fused together, but the joined remained there as the hardened front ridge formed a spike off of it and continued down. Her feet united and lost all shape- the bones vanished entirely, but the muscle structure developed further. The hardened skin took over the entire united foot which spread as she flexed the muscles, turning into a multi-point sheet that looked like a halfway between a leaf and a fin. It was a fin- bit Dragalge thrived by disguising themselves as drifting kelp, so it was also meant to look somewhat plant like. The muscles that used to control individual toes now controlled a strip of the fin, allowing her to curl or wiggle it. It was made of the reinforced flesh, so it felt outwardly stiff and extremely thick- somewhat like the tail of a beaver... er, I mean a Bibarel. This made swimming much easier- the fin could slam water around easily when cupped or glide through when held straight. Leia had never thought about the shape of its lower body that much before- a bit confused when her knee joint remained as-is. That is why there is a steep kink in a Dragalge's tail- its the knee.

Her arms started to transform with the dense brown skin, her bones almost gone as the limbs stretched and flattened, losing their human shape very quickly. The ends developed into long leaf like fins as well as several small streamers trailing off what used to be her forearms, again to mimic kelp.

She furrowed her brow a bit as the coloration continued to change- the dark powder brown started to blush a hue of dark violet. "What is it..." She gasped sharply. "Oh my God!" She squealed with glee, momentarily forgetting her concentration and almost falling under the water. "IM SHINY!!"

A passing Hiker rubbed his bald head selfconsciously. "So am I, but you don't hear me bragging about it."

Her regular skin was marked with gentle ribbing from the muscle structure below, and turned a pale violet at first, but once her shiny gene kicked in quickly converted to a vibrant baby blue. Her long limbs fully finished forming- now relying on powerful hardened muscle sinew to move free of a skelital structure. Her body still had bones, but not her arms, and not the end of her tail. Her neck started to harden to the dark violet armored flesh that quickly advanced up her head. Her hair started to clump up and fuse together, forming into sheets as it turned powder red, with two streaks of base green that grew out a bit longer than the rest. The sheets acted like dead kelp and float on the surface of the water as camo. They also absorbed solar energy to convert to draconic power. The stiffening skin on her neck tugged on her spine which gave off muffled pops as her neck was stretched longer. Leia's face started to push out longer as well, her nose extending to her upper jaw and joining with it to pull out even longer. The nose started to turn up at the end forming a large snout. Her mouth remained almost the exact same size, making it rather small for the new sized head, and almost entirely hidden under the snout. The back of her head extended out a bit, forming into smaller sheets of the armored skin, with two extremely long streamers that almost reached as low as her knee when resting. The shiny gene turned her top sheets that used to be her hair from powder red to bright green and the base green streaks to yellow. She was complete! Now able to swim with ease as well as breath under water she dove down and twirled around, feeling the water against her fins! The Special Defense leviathan- a dragon that is not weak to Faerie types!

Once she had swam around for a bit she returned to the dock to turn the device off. The 'transfer' was complete so it was just asking her if she wanted to withdraw any other pokemon, so she tapped no to shut it all down. Nothing happened though. She furrowed her brows with a sigh, realising the problem. The touch screens were adjusted to only register human finger presses- she didn't have human fingers, it wasn't recognising her fin point tapping on the screen. She waved the fin back and forth on the dock trying to get the wood to dry it off enough so the screen would pick up on it.

Leia tried to press no again but it was hard to tell with fins exactly what she was pressing, so she just sort of mashed the entire right side of the screen, which ended up clicking outside the dialog box- onto Snorlax. The dialog box closed and the device shot another beam onto her for a moment, except this time she felt dread rather than giddy eagerness.

Leia sighed. "Oh wait, if it doesn't have equal mass the device won't work. You're having a real Shuckle if you think I have mass equal to a Snorlax."

She felt a warm tightness start to seep into her gut, looking down at it in confusion and seen the water rippling around her unusually. Oh no- she doesn't have the mass of a Snorlax... but the lake she is in sertainly does. The machine was converting the water! Her body started to inflate forward getting rounder and heavier. If she was out of water she wouldn't be able to move at all- but in water it actually made it easier to float; fat is very buoyant. Leia could feel Snorlax's triangular little ears growing on her head as she frantically mashed the screen on the device trying to get it to stop. If she could bring up literally any other selection or menu it should pause the change at least. She was starting to look like a Dragalge parade balloon but finally got it to pause before her coloration or limbs started to change.

*Group select- which pokemon would you like?*

"Oh god, that is even worse!" She quickly mashed the top of the screen where selection modes were- trying her best to avoid touching any pokemon in her storage boxes.

*Voice selection mode- which pokemon would you like?*

"Ah shit. Good enough I guess, at least I am not changing any more."

*21 results found for Shit. 683 results found for Good Enough. Can you be more specific?*

Her brows lowered at the machine. "Can you undo the last selection? Uhm... reverse? Backspace?"

She felt a tingle again and she started to change, but not her huge gut! Something was happening to her head. It felt good but also... weird. She looked at the selection screen in confusion and seen Malamar selected! How the hell did it get Malamar from what she just asked?! Then it hit her- reverse... Malamar's default ability is Contrary, it reverses all stat modifications. Though the flaps of false kelp on her head that used to be her hair remained untouched, the ones that trailed her head on the sides started to thicken like her gut had- but instead of fat these filled with muscle tissue. Leia moaned at the oddly nice feeling of her head getting thicker, and four large, thick tentacles formed trailing off the back of her head! The skin on her giant gut started to turn pale purple like the shiny gene had reverted there- but it also became semi translucent as three bioluminescent lights appeared below the surface on either side of the reinforced frame that still ran down the middle of her round torso.

"Aaah~! I need hands to stop this thing!" She heard the machine confirm a selection. "Don't you fucking dare..."

*Ambipom... not found.*

Leia sighed. "Of course not, I hate that pokemon. I can't fix this without changing more... I guess... Hoopa."

*Hoopa- withdrawing*

Leia smirked. "Unbound form. Good thinking me- lets give the girl a HAND!"

A gold ring appeared beside her and she looked at it concentrating a moment before claws started to appear from it- using the ring as a portal. A blue clawed hand emerged and then a forearm before it became too thick to fit through the ring. It ended in two fingers and a thumb, but that was good enough to hold and manipulate things with. While she watched it five more formed around her- three to either side. She had to concentrate quite hard to figure out how to even move them at all. It was a good thing Malamar was part Psychic. The rings were not physically attached to her, which meant there was not really a maximum range on them- she could put her limbs anywhere without actually moving her body. That was just a matter of registering that fact in her head and understanding it. The complicated part is she now has six hands instead of two- but her fins are still there which were her original limbs- so her brain is trying to process six more arms than its ever had. Leia winced a moment as two horns started to emerge from the sides of her head and she remembered she had to pause or cancel the transfer or it would just keep going. She canceled it and was about to hit Deposit to try and undo some of these unwanted changes, but froze up before touching it. That was extremely risky. There was a slim chance it would pull transformations out of her, but a much better chance it will just yank her entire being into the PC. If she went digital any human traits- including her personality and memory would be discarded at best or create a glitch and crash the system at worst. Neither were acceptable terms for Leia. For now, she changed the selection method off of voice so it didn't misinterpret her again.

So if she could not undo her transformations like that, maybe she can override them? What if she just selected another random pokemon and did not cancel the transformation? Turning into one would cancel out the others presumably. She cannot select a pokemon she already has in her body, because the PC will think its already withdrawn still, so she has to pick yet another. She supposed it did not really matter which the chose then, since as soon as it finished she would just pick Dragalge again and revert back to her 'proper' form. She flicked the screen and then tapped without even looking at the pokemon.

*Escavalier- withdrawing*

Leia chuckled and shook her head at the oddball pick. At least between Dragalge and Escavalier her defenses should be damn near invincible- Escavalier is only weak to Fire type and since Dragalge is part Dragon, it resists Fire. At first it looked like silvery sweat beads forming on her arm fins but as it collected and spread it quickly hardened into a metal sheen. The weight of the forming metal seeping from her pours caused her fins to droop at the end, and the metal covered the smaller streamers on her former forearms as well, causing them to dangle down like metal icicles. The result looked more like a multi-tipped scythe than lances like Escavalier had. The top portion of the hard bracket on her spine turned metal as well, but not the entire length of it- only the middle to top. The skin on her head started to stiffen and grow up a bit, forming a oddly rectangular base, gathering her hair flaps together, forming a crest like Escavalier's helmet... but still made of the flaps. The helmet started to form out of the base of the crest, but stretched over a Dragalge's head it looked sort of like a metal skull. Her body started to ache a bit but did not seem to transform past this point. She had to cancel the transfer to get the ache to stop. Leia grumbled... so much for that plan. The reason it could override her human body is because it isn't programmed to recognise it as a human body in the first place- the only thing it recognises is pokemon. Which means she cannot override pokemon traits. She can add more but not subtract. And even adding traits was somewhat limited- she let the Escavalier transfer run but this was as much as her body could take of that one pokemon. It was most likely reserved for only the primary traits.

She had to wave her tail fin harder now just to stay idle in the water- metal was great for defense but terrible for swimming. She went to grab the dock to steady herself but heard the dock creak from her pressing down on it while her body remained bobbing in the water. Damnit! Her extra hands aren't actually attached to her so she cannot lift herself like that. She had to bob up and hook the dock on her chin to stable herself then flapped her fin arms up onto the dock to hold it. Leia moaned as a strange energetic tingle fired through her quickly. What on earth was that? She looked at the screen on the device but she never touched anything- it wasn't doing anything. She then shifted her left fin over and realised it had been on top of her Dynamax band she left with her clothes she took off before. She looked up in a panic and seen three red clouds forming as they spun in a halo over her. SHIT. It was a strange feeling, because Dynamaxing doesn't actually make the pokemon bigger, its somewhat of an illusion, or more like a tangible projection of the pokemons aura. In the Kanadah region there shouldn't be any Power Spots to activate the Galar Particles though! Leia looked down into the water at a red glow and sighed. Most people hated Dynamax mechanics- so when they get to the new region they tossed their wishing stars into the lake to get rid of them immediately... there was so many at the bottom of the lake it created a Power Spot.

She could tell how some pokemon went berserk when G Maxing. The power seething into her body as she got bigger was intoxicating. But her gut started to round out even faster than the rest of her, which caused her actual body to groan and stretch. But Dynamaxing isn't supposed to change her physical.... oh wait. The Snorlax... can Gigantimax. She pressed her Dynamax band several times before banging it against the dock in frusteration. Why wasn't any of this equipment built with an off switch?! It runs out in three turns but she isn't in combat so there are no turns to pass! In her quickly growing state though, she failed to notice her manipulations of the band were causing one of the dangling metal spikes on the side of her arm to hit the screen of the hack device!

*Metagross- transferring. We have detected that you have pressed several buttons at the same time, multiple times. Would you like to activate Fat Fingers mode and switch to voice commands?*

She quickly pulled her growing arms back off the dock. "Oh screw you. I'm not even going to touch the damn thing"

Four of her six additional arms quickly pulsed bigger, straining the gold rings they were contained in. The skin quickly started to harden- the iron concentration in her skyrocketing as the limbs became almost petrified. The fingers regressed and the arms and claws turned to metal- the four metal arms of a Metagross- the psychic steel pokemon. She furrowed her brow as she heard what sounded like other voices in her head. After a few moments though Leia determined the other voices were still her- Metagross has multiple brains so now so did she. Different parts of her psyche split, so rather than them being a percentage of her current thoughts, they had equal weight.

*Confirmed, activating voice mode.*

"I didn't press anything!"

Rotom's face appeared on the screen. *I know, I am just messing with you. Remember when you said the Rotom Dex was the most annoying character in the series?*

"Oh uh... well, I was just saying that to go with the crowd. I wasn't saying that TO you."

*Transferring Hydreigon*

Leia felt her middle two extra hands start to transform, bloating up quickly causing the fingers to mush together and fuse into a big mass. The skin grew thicker and darkened to black just before it split several times from the tip, opening up like a flower, but what was inside was another head! A blue dragon head, with sunken black eyes. Her brain appropriately split into two more, but the Hydreigon auxiliary heads are not especially smart- so only lesser aspects of her psyche projected into them.

"You little shit! Payback!"

Because she used Payback after Rotom, its power was doubled, in addition to the fact Rotom is already weak to dark type. The attack fired from one of her dragon heads as a bolt of negative light and blasted right through the machine- slamming the KOed Rotom into the dock on the other side. The machine started to spit sparks wildly! It was still on, she only destroyed part of it- the part that was required to interface with it properly! It was sending scrambled signals to the other device! Her tail fin started to become stiff and curl on its own as it quickly hardened, turning to metal like her claws. It was taking the shape of a colossal bell? Oh, Bronzong. Two of the orbiting red clouds from over her flew down and touched her back, fanning out into wings like Altaria. With the now formed bell-tail it was too heavy to swim with and she just sank to the bottom. But her head only actually sunk a few inches. She was still growing- and was now as tall as the lake was deep! The metal skull helmet fused to her face continued to harden beyond metal- turning to a pink hue. It thickened a bit as facets formed in its crystaline structure- it formed into a mask of pink diamonds, taking features from the mythic Diancie. Leia half-groaned half-roared as her neck started to rapidly grow in length, turning green and black from Mega Rayquaza. Rayquaza is 23 feet long and half of that is neck! And still she was growing, with her belly growing rounder a bit ahead of the rest of her. What had been Snorlax ears on her head grew out as cotton fluff formed on the ends, causing them to flop over from their weight- Lopunny ears. Her knee was resting on the lake bottom, the bell-end of her tail was at the shore on the opposite side of the lake, and her body was so big and long that the water level was barely higher than her hips. Her arms started to grow even more streamers that started to lash around all on their own- Tangrowth vines. Even her vagina grew and changed- pokemon do not produce waste but they do still breed. Her labia grew longer and stiffened on the outside into several frilled plates, like the shell of a Cloyster. Her clit remained soft and rubbery, though gave off a delicious scent that made other creatures tempted to try and eat it- it was the same vibrant pink of a Slowpoke tail after all. Her extremely long neck caused her to flop over, unable to hold herself upright. Her belly squished out against the ground somewhat holding her up but as soon as her arms touched the ground, they started to vein out even more, growing around the metal spikes and digging into the ground as roots! Trevenant! She could not lift them up again, they gripped the ground too tightly! She let out a long pained groan at her situation, accidentally burping a huge blast of fire at the same time, surprising herself.

Arceus appeared before her in a flash of light, looking her over for a moment before speaking to her within her own thoughts. *Uhm... that thing you're doing? Have you ever considered maybe not doing that? Being maybe something that isn't an affront to nature? I didn't make this universe so you could come along and shit on it. I know you humans like to play God but that is already sort of my thing, soo...*

"I didn't do this on purpose! Save me!"

*If it means I don't have to look at this thing anymore, sure.*

And so Arceus turned Leia back into a human in the blink of an eye. Or longer- she doesn't know; he knocked her out with Judgement before he did it so it could have taken hours for all she knows. She woke up in a Pokemon Center. She sighed and just stared at the roof for several minutes, thinking of what could have been- and what horrors had been. When Leia went to get up off the stretcher her limbs responded strangely and as she looked down her smile returned. Arceus didn't revert her to a human- he reverted her back to a Shiny Dragalge! Leia would go on to be a bit of a local legend- the Dragalge too powerful to ever be caught by a trainer. Which admittedly wasn't too hard in a world where professional pokemon trainers think its a good idea to bring a Magikarp to a Max Raid against an Electric type and expect to live. She would have entered tournaments and become even more famous but she was actually banned from competitive matches. The pokemon league determined she was hacked.

Tip The Scales

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