Uncatchable: Mew
#3 of Comm/YCH
Commission for Nakito on FA with his tiger Aurum trying to train his buizel for a pokemon contest before a mew shows up. His buizel gets annoyed at the mew mimicking their moves and jealous that it is stealing attention away from them, attacks the legendary pokemon to try and make it run off.
Aurum failed to get all the ribbons he wanted at the pokemon contest and knew the next would be even harder with his competition getting even tougher. The white tiger had at least a few days until the next contest, which should be plenty of time to teach his buizel new moves to wow the judges. Buizel was starting to get cocky with their current success though, ignoring some of what Aurum had to say in favor of what they thought looked better. Their display and use of water was beautiful after all, and frankly it was insulting to them to suggest it didn't look cool enough for the other ribbons.
After a few hours of practice, Aurum would notice a mew floating overhead, mimicking the buizel's movements. The tiger rubbed the gold stripes on his face along with his eyes, thinking he was imagining things. He was excited to see the legendary pokemon but also nervous as this was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity to catch it.
Buizel wasn't too amused though once they noticed their trainer was paying more attention to the mew than them plus mimicking their movements didn't help matters. Thinking they could get them to fly off just by shooting some water at them then they could go back to practice. The buizel's water gun missed as the mew glided to the left, chuckling to itself at the poor attempt to hit it. Firing off another five water guns, missing every time and only getting more agitated as they continued to laugh.
"Bui stop! Don't scare them off, we can be friends with them. They looked like they wanted to practice with you," Aurum tried to convince his buizel but the pokemon refused to listen.
Opening their mouth to try and blast them with water again, buizel would watch as a pink bubble enveloped their body. Unable to stop their attack from finishing, buizel would watch as the water bounced off of the bubble's interior and right back in their face before filling up the enclosed space completely. Mew floating down to plop atop of the bubble and play with the buizel desperately trying to break out of it to tackle the small pokemon.
After a minute the mew would float away from the bubble before popping it, dropping the buizel a few feet off of the ground along with all that water to splash out around them. Poor Aurum could only really watch for the most part as their buizel was completely ignoring him at this point. Eventually the buizel would just start throwing a fit as they couldn't land a single blow on the mew but they had their own water dropped on them several times.
Aurum, wanting it to stop reached for one of his pokeballs and threw it at the mew, hitting them right on the head. Watching intently as the ball started to fall to the ground, shaking only once before it popped free. The mew, shaking their head as they popped out looking around to reorientate themself before getting hit on the side of their head with water. Buizel was rather happy with their attack finally hitting but the mew's happy, mischievous mood dropped instantly.
Before the tiger could even try to apologize, he found himself lifted into the air as a blue aura surrounded his body and then felt his pants get tugged right off, leaving him naked in the middle of the air. A bubble then enveloped the tiger, with another trapping the buizel as well. The bubble muffling everything he tried to say, making it impossible to try and plead with the upset pokemon. Aurum then noticed the bubble was shrinking in size, making it cramped and forcing him to curl up into a ball. Thinking it couldn't possibly get any tighter in there as he could feel it squeeze around him on all sides.
It was only after he started paying attention to the world around him that he noticed that while the bubble shrank, he was getting smaller as well. Watching as the mew's face came into view, being smaller than himself originally but now the mew's head was quickly becoming bigger than he was. The mew starting to seem more playful again as it chuckled at the shrinking pokemon and trainer, batting lightly at the bubbles with their paws.
Aurum had a hard time figuring out what was up or down as the bubble continued to spin and move about rapidly. The dizzy tiger eventually came to, seeing his bubble touching the bubble holding his buizel and as he looked over he noticed that their bubbles were pressed up against the mew's balls. Gulping as he was a bit nervous about what the mew had on their mind to do with them. Watching the soft and shirt pink fur on those balls rub along the bubbles and squish against the large, plump sack.
Looking up, Aurum would see the massive pillar that was the mew's shaft as it throbbed over them and a bit of pre dripped off the tip and splattered over his bubble. Both bubbles then popped, dropping the pre that was on it all over the tigers white and gold fur as well as the scarf that shrunk with him. Free falling for a split second before the blue aura of the mew's psychic enveloped them both. Honestly he was a bit terrified by what was going on but with his current size and the mew levitating high up in the air it wasn't like he could just squirm free and land safely. Buizel seemed to be of the same opinion at least for now as they were staying almost completely still.
Aurum would then find himself pressed up against that mew's balls, rubbing his small form against that soft, squishy sack. Pre slowly flowed down along the length of the shaft, then the sheath and finally down onto those balls. The sticky fluid coating more of Aurum's body as he was rubbed along the sack, making the mew cry out softly in pleasure.
With the mew thoroughly worked up and enjoying themself, the buizel would find itself in quite the predicament next as they were lifted to the tip of the pokemon's shaft. Flipping the buizel upside down before pressing the water type's head right up against the tip, coating their face in pre as they felt the urethra start to stretch open. Once their head was completely enveloped by the shaft, it was finally enough to get the buizel to start squirming again. Though the psychic grasp over their small form was too powerful for the buizel to have any hope of breaking free. It was relatively easy for the mew to push in the buizel's entire upper body in a single motion. With the buizel securely in their shaft, mew would break the psychic hold over them, letting the water pokemon squirm freely as it only aided in their descent.
Below, Aurum would hear the muffled cries of his pokemon and when he looked up, he'd see the small legs and tail flailing about outside of the tip. The tiger was both a bit horrified by what was happening and aroused by it at the same time. He tried to fight the feeling but as the rest of his pokemon disappeared down the tip of the mew's shaft and left only a bulge in the underside of it, his feelings drifted further to the latter. Nuzzling and rubbing along the mew's sack as his own arousal grew and grinded up against those legendary balls. Not even caring what happened to him as the bulge neared the base of the shaft but part of him wanted to be fed to it as well. Moments later the bulge would vanish down past the shaft and emerge in that left nut that he was being held against. Feeling his buizel squirm around inside and press out against him as they desperately tried to get themself free. "It's okay bui, I'll be joining you soon," Aurum tried to reassure his pokemon, though it wasn't likely to help at all.
The tiger was ready for what came next as his pre soaked form was lifted away from those plush balls. Though he wouldn't be going on his trip just yet as the mew toyed with him some more, rubbing his wet fur over that pink shaft slowly. He could tell the mew was enjoying themself from the sounds they made especially whenever his head was pressed against the tip and dunked his muzzle inside.
After a few minutes of toying with his body, the mew would press the entirety of Aurum's head into their shaft. Inside, Aurum would feel the heat of the mew's shaft smothering his head as pre forced its way into his muzzle and a bit in his nose. Forcing the tiger to swallow whenever their mouth got too full of the sticky fluid. Unlike the buizel, mew seemed to take their time with Aurum as they slowly pushed the tiger inside until only their paws and tail were left out. At which point Aurum figured he'd be completely claimed by the legendary pokemon at any moment but instead his body was left there getting squeezed and soaking in the pre.
He'd soon discover that he was being used as a toy for the mew as his body was then pulled out of the shaft until only his head and chest remained inside before being pushed all the way back in. The chill from the afternoon air was the worst part whenever he was pulled free and it made him wish to be consumed by the shaft once more. Aurum also didn't know how much more of that pre he could handle swallowing as it never seemed to stop flowing and even when he kept his mouth firmly shut it'd still seep in. A few minutes later, Aurum would finally get his wish as the psychic hold over him released and he was rapidly sent down to those orbs.
Inside the balls, Aurum would find himself I'm the other nut and up to his neck in the mew's cum. Wiggling around inside of the sack, the tiger would rub and push out at the flesh holding him while the cum sloshed around heavily. "Are you there bui?" He'd ask but get no response from his pokemon. This made him nervous since he couldn't imagine his buizel drowning but what else could have happened. Aurum squirmed around more thinking maybe he could escape if he got the mew off and maybe there was a chance to revive his buizel. The tiger would soon discover what had happened to his buizel as he started to notice his limbs getting softer and his fur gone, having been turned into cum.
Outside the mew was enjoying themself as they laid back in the sky and basked in the pleasure of having melted one prey and quickly working on the other. Unable to hold back any longer the mew turned over and created a psychic bubble to lay belly down against. Grinding into the soft bubble at first until they penetrated into it, feeling that psychic grasp over their shaft, squeezing it in just the right way. Thrusting hard and fast into it, trying to hold off on their orgasm until they could feel for sure that the trainer and pokemon were gone. Eventually feeling nothing but a tickle in their balls as they hit their orgasm and started to fill the bottom of the bubble with their load.
Staying in that position for a while after their orgasm before pulling out and shrinking the bubble until it was just big enough to hold their load. Looking inside to see if anything survived, the mew wouldn't see any pieces of the tiger or buizel but there was a scarf floating around inside. Picking up the bubble, mew would throw it off over the route in the forest before popping it, possibly coating some poor trainer or pokemon on the ground below.