The Imposter

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#33 of Vore Thursday Quickies

Insert there's an imposter among us meme here about the imposter being sus. On a more serious note, Ookitsu has a rather bad start to his day as a tanuki runs around disguised as him scamming people out of their money and he has to deal with negative effect of it.

Will be posting an alternate ending in a couple days probably where the soul survives instead so if you'd prefer that just be on the look out.

Ookitsu was minding his own business while he walked around town, looking for a place to eat. The nine tailed kitsune always tried to keep a low profile even going as far as using illusion magic to hide all but one of his tails. He wandered around lost in thought with all the food possibilities. Breakfast sounded good so maybe he'd stop at a diner and get some pancakes, eggs and bacon. Though fried chicken, mashed potatoes and biscuits were also on his mind. Oh pizza could also be an option but he had that yesterday, not that it has stopped him before.

His train of thought getting thrown off as someone tapped his shoulder and did that rude clearing of their throat to get attention thing. Turning to whoever it was, Ookitsu couldn't recognize the wolf so figured they must have the wrong person and started to walk again. Though as he did they grabbed his shoulder hard and the kitsune's electrical energy surged out and zapped them. "Last and only warning, don't touch me," Ookitsu said as he turned to his assailant. Removing his sunglasses to look them directly in the eye, partially to intimidate them since the pitch black sclera around his gold eyes made everyone uneasy. "I don't know who you think I am but I'm hungry, tired and not in the mood for the Karen attitude."

When he started to walk away, the wolf yelled and followed after him. Ookitsu was completely tuning it out, hoping they'd just leave him be, since the last thing he wanted was to draw attention to himself. Unfortunately for him they kept at it and even tried to grab him again as he rounded a corner. The sidewalk was busy enough that some would notice what would happen next but if they blinked they'd practically miss it. They fell back and as if they were a ghost sank through the ground in an instant, leaving no trace of them. In reality the kitsune had pulled them into a shadow pocket realm and would likely pull them out later after he had a meal. It caused a couple people to look away from their phones for a moment and whisper to those next to them. Luckily no one wanted to speak out loud about it and seem insane to everyone else around.

That was probably going to give him a headache later as they would likely start yelling again when he let them go free. Actually it might just be better to shrink them down and eat them, that way he didn't have to deal with it as much, add in a reforming spell and they'll probably just think it was a nightmare. The kitsune sighed silently to himself, either way it was going to be a pain and not something he wanted to deal with. At least now that whatever that was is over, he can finally get something to eat and enjoy some peace and quiet while he eats.

Walking inside a diner, he patiently waited until he was seated at a corner booth and sipped on his water while he decided on what to eat. It felt odd getting seated here since he was alone but it looked like it was pretty dead at the moment so he wasn't going to complain. Looking down at the menu while resting his head on his right paw, rubbing over the side of his face while doing so. He was more than likely going to just go with his initial idea from before he walked in here but it never hurts to see if something else looks good.

Ookitsu then got startled and jumped in his seat as a white furred paw slammed down onto his menu. "Give me my money back! You cheated me out of my money and I want it back now before things get ugly." Not even giving the feline in front of him a chance this time, Ookitsu looked around to make sure no one was watching before swiftly pulling them down into his shadow realm as well. The kitsune was rather confused at what was happening, he had never seen these people before and even if he did steal from them he would have disguised himself first.

The waitress had asked about who came over here but didn't press on it after telling her, he had no idea. She took Ookitsu's order then walked away to give it to the cooks. It took about ten minutes during which time the kitsune kept himself busy with his phone. Ookitsu thanked her as she set down his plate of pancakes then the plate of eggs and bacon.

Once she was out of sight the kitsune reached into his pocket to hide the fact his paw was disappearing as it went into his shadow realm. He was able to control the size of his personal realm with relative ease, including those inside of it. Grabbing the wolf from earlier first, making sure to hold their muzzle shut as he pulled them back out. They wouldn't be let go but rather held by his left paw while his right took a piece of bacon and started wrapping it around the micro. The sight amused the kitsune as the wolf was starting to look like a proper side dish for his breakfast. "To be fair I did warn you," Ookitsu said while grinning wickedly. "Don't worry though, I hold no personal grudges so just think of this as a nightmare." Then without any hesitation the kitsune tossed the bacon wrapped wolf into his muzzle.

Inside the wolf was surrounded by teeth pitch black flesh that the kitsune was cursed with. Unable to see anything until the muzzle opened ever so slightly to let light in. Not that it was preferable by any means since it just showed the poor micro where they would be going soon. The tongue then slammed the wolf against the top of Ookitsu's muzzle, slathering them in saliva while it grinded over them to get a better taste. They would start to be able to move around a little and even push at the tongue as the bacon unwrapped itself, allowing them to move more. It was a terrifying display to the wolf as they watched the bacon get chewed to pieces by the kitsune's sharp teeth. Passing out on the spot when the bacon around them got tugged over to the teeth, watching as they came baring down on them.

Ookitsu was not a fan of blood in the slightest though so the moment he even felt the weight of the micro go from his tongue over to his teeth it was a gentle gnaw more than anything. Having chewed enough he would tilt his head back and wolf it down into his throat with a couple gulps. Giggling to himself once he finished swallowing it since he had just wolfed down a wolf. That would hardly fill him but that's what the rest was for, starting with half of his pancakes after he buttered and covered them in syrup.

Reaching into his pocket, grabbing the cat and holding them until he got a mouthful of eggs to toss them into. The cat immediately grabbed onto his tongue out of their fear of teeth and getting swallowed. Which helped the kitsune more than anything since now he was able to chew the eggs freely and enjoy the flavor of both. Once he was done chewing, Ookitsu slammed the cat against the top of his muzzle to loosen their grip then swallowed them down just like the wolf before. Enjoying the rest of his meal and a glass of milk without getting disturbed by anyone else.

After paying for his meal, Ookitsu made sure to stay aware of his prey since it would be more troublesome than anything if two people went missing so he couldn't digest their souls. He was going to drain them for every last drop of energy they had but those two would wake up in their own beds tomorrow once the reformation spell finished. The kitsune was in a much better mood now that he had eaten though he still wondered why that had happened earlier.

He'd soon find his answer after he started walking down the street again as yet another person was trying to cause a scene. Walking down an alley he just passed to pull away from the crowd, hearing them continue follow him. Turning around to see the now second wolf of the day yelling at him. Not even really listening to the angry barking at him as he snapped his fingers and the wolf's own shadow enveloped them, holding their arms against their sides and keeping that muzzle shut. "Now be a good boy and I'll undo this shadow binding. Be a bad boy and much much worse will happen to you then a little bondage." Ookitsu said while putting away his sunglasses once more to look them in the eye while arcing electrical energy between his fingers. "So why are you angry with me? I know for a fact I haven't seen you before and you're the third person to try this today. Keep it quiet and do not yell."

The shadow around the wolf's muzzle vanished allowing them to talk. "Don't act dumb you idiot..." The wolf was then cut off by a shadow around their neck tightening a few seconds. "Stop please just stop. You sold a graphics card to me, then once I got home it turned into a leaf."

Sounds like it was another kitsune or maybe even a tanuki. "How long ago was this and where?"

"You know exactly where, you thieving fox." Binding squeezing tightly once more. "About thirty minutes ago down at the mall."

Pulling out his receipt and showing it to the wolf as he undid the bindings. "I'm not your guy, I was eating during that time as you can see. Thank you for the information though and if you don't mind I have someone to hunt." Electrical energy arced all over the kitsune's body as he then jumped high into the air, grabbing onto the roof of the store and pulling himself up onto it. All nine of his tails became visible as he started sprinting and jumping over rooftops in search of his imposter.

Upon arriving at the mall, the kitsune looked around to find a lead or the imposter outright. Most avoided him completely until a security guard approached, the tiger shaking a bit as they did so. "Uh sir, if you don't stop I'll be forced to remove you from the premises."

Taking a deep breath, Ookitsu turned to the security guard and smiled while turning down his magical output for the most part. "I'm sorry, I'll be on my way shortly. You wouldn't happen to know where someone who looks like me is by chance would you?"

The tiger was still a bit uneasy as they were not at all trained to handle this. "They were in the western wing but left about twenty minutes ago. We've been getting a lot of complaints from customers about getting scammed."

"Thank you, I will be on my way now." The electrical energy surged once more as the kitsune ran out of the building. Not keeping himself in check, Ookitsu accidentally summoned a thunderstorm and blackened out the once clear sky. A surge of air swirled around him before flying straight up into the air and going west to the waystone. Whoever did it was surely going home now but if they reached the waystone first, Ookitsu would have no idea where that would be.

Meanwhile outside of town, the imposter was still disguised as Ookitsu while they happily counted their money. Stashing the money away in their hoodie once that first drop of rain came down and hit their face. "That was a good score, I'm sure that kitsune will be having to deal with that for months if not years." Chuckling to himself as he turned a lead into an umbrella and walked happily to the waystone. After a few minutes they could finally see the waystone enclosure and were confident they were gone free. Now they just had to go through it, turn back into themself and enjoy their spoils.

Though as they approached the gate, the kitsune guards looked amused when they noticed him and he wasn't sure why. There was a line to get inside because of a wedding party needing a magical escort to travel. Someone then lined up behind him and spoke, "Mister tanuki, mister tanuki why are you disguised right now?"

"Because I'm busy playing tricks right now." The imposter said in a cheerful tone on reflex before covering their muzzle. Turning to see the kitsune they were disguised as standing behind them. Startled the imposter poofed back into being their slightly short and chubby tanuki self. "I'm sorry, I swear I never meant any harm."

"Figured it'd be a tanuki, can't imagine another kitsune doing that over something so small." Ookitsu then grabbed the tanuki by the scruff of their neck before flying off with them. Small zaps surging through their imposter while he looked for a private spot to deal with them.

"I'll give you all the money I made just..." Shadow bindings cut the tanuki off from speaking any further.

"Oh no, you'll have to do a lot more than that to pay me back. You gave me quite the headache today and I'll probably have to move now thanks to your actions." Slowly gliding down to an abandoned cabin, the kitsune kept a firm grip on his prey as he tried to call down and the storm would come to a stop eventually anyways. Using magic to unlock the door before making his way inside and tossing the tanuki gently onto the couch slowing their fall with air swirling around them. Ookitsu meanwhile enveloped himself in a magic blue flame to dry off his fur as well as his clothes.

"Now my chubby tanuki, I ate breakfast not too long ago so you're safe from my stomach. But I am going to destroy that body of yours still, if you play along I'll spare the soul and I'm sure you can get someone you know to reform you. So how about it, pay off your debt or suffer a kitsune's wrath?" Sitting himself down next to the tanuki, a couple tails curling around to make them sit up straight. With a snap of his fingers the bindings vanished and the tanuki didn't run off immediately but rather they seemed flustered by what was happening. "Now that isn't the reaction I expected, what do you play tricks on kitsune in hopes of one of them catching you?" Ookitsu laugh a bit at that. "Would be cute if you didn't ruin this town for me."

"Shut up you dumb kitsune." Looking away as he said that. "What do I have to do?"

Getting up the kitsune took off his pants, tossing them to the side then grabbing his underwear to slide them off. The tanuki then noticed the underwear was enchanted with hammerspace magic to hide their true size as Ookitsu had balls to even rival some tanuki. "Well you'll be filling these out more at least until you're a cum stain in whoever's cabin this is." Sitting back down, not going through the effort to remove his hoodie and t-shirt.

Tanuki taking an audible gulp as they stared at the massive balls and hefty sheath. Reaching down to touch them to see if they were even real, sinking their fingers into the soft fluff, feeling the large load slosh around inside. "I guess if I have to." They then stripped down as well before kneeling in front of the kitsune and pressing his paw against the top of that sheath.

Ookitsu was happy to see them willingly play along even if they tried to act like they were disinterested. Grabbing onto both of the paws, he'd stuff the fingers inside which were immediately pulled into his shaft. The tip of that shaft then poked out of its sheath, showing the black flesh holding firmly onto the intruding fingers. Letting go of the paws, waiting to see if the tanuki would actually go through with it.

It took a few seconds for the tanuki to do anything as they seemed a bit stunned this was actually happening. Feeling pre start to seep out around their fingers before pressing deeper. Watching as the tip easily stretched out to accept both of the tanuki's paws before stopping there. Though as the kitsune got more into it, the shaft grew as it slipped free of its fuzzy sleeve and worked its way over the tanuki's wrist then stopping momentarily at the elbows. Ookitsu then grabbed the tanuki's head and pressed their nose against his tip before thrusting forward to stuff it inside along with the rest of the arms.

Sitting back, Ookitsu rested his arms on the back of the couch while he let his shaft and the seemingly eager tanuki work themself deeper. His shaft continued to grow until it was long enough that that kitsune could have sucked on his own tip without any effort. Feeling that chubby middle stretch out his shaft was a good feeling and he couldn't wait to melt it down. Once the belly was completely claimed, Ookitsu would grab onto his shaft and lift it until it was against his chest. Feeling the pre going down his shaft get on his hoodie and seep through into his shirt, realizing he should have taken it off.

Gravity now aiding the throbbing shaft in getting those wide hips down followed by those thick thighs and the tanuki's naturally large balls. Spreading his legs to make room as he started to feel his prey slip into his balls. With the hardest parts out of the way the rest of the tanuki's legs and tail slipped inside with relative ease. "All mine." Ookitsu said possessively as the last of that tail was slurped down into his shaft. Paws rubbing along the underside of his shaft, pressing and rubbing down the bulges until every last bit of the tanuki was in his balls.

Idly rubbing along his shaft though not too much as he didn't want to get off early and possibly let the tanuki go. Ookitsu's foot paws pressing down against bulges in his balls, feeling over them as they start to melt down. He wanted it to last as long as possible just to feel that tanuki slosh around inside as the bulges smoothed out and they slowly sank into the pool of cum before becoming one with it.

It was hard to hold off his orgasm for so long especially once he saw the glow from the soul barely becoming visible. He wanted to spare then like he said he would but the closer he got to his orgasm the more he lost himself to his own pleasure. Upon hitting his orgasm the soul was quickly melted down with some of it just getting absorbed directly into the kitsune's balls. Rope after rope of seed shot out, covering the part of the cabin floor, walls and even ceiling with the massive and powerful climax.

After a few minutes or panting and winding down the kitsune came to and tried to feel for the soul. He could faintly feel it inside himself though for the most part it was gone and probably not enough left for it to ever really recover outside of being trapped as a part of his balls. "Oh well, hope you enjoy your new home." Getting up, the kitsune took off the rest of his clothes and headed to the shower to get cleaned up if the water was on if not he always had his magic.

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