Channel Surfing

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Dennis has a magical trinket stolen from under his nose and has to channel the form of a magical friend to get it back in time! Borrowing traits from various other creatures to try and stop a Pixie mid-flight before she returns to her master might not sound too complicated, but problems may arise due to the fact the primary target he channels is of the opposite gender.

(M half-merge F unicorn, various temporary demi transformations)

Dennis had an abrupt wake up call when he heard some nearby movement in his apartment. He opened his eyes to see a pixie picking up an amulet on his nightstand! Pixie were human in body shape but had insect wings and were essentially like a faerie in size, to a faerie. A fae fits in a human hand- a pixie is small enough to fit in a fae's hand- being only about seven millimetres tall at most. Due to the size- it was using magic to lift the amulet, since it weighed more than the pixie itself. As soon as she seen she had been caught she immediately bolted to the open window! Damnit! Magic rarely manifested in Dennis' world- mostly existing in an alternate frequency of existence simply called 'the otherside'. The pixie was a familiar from the Otherside that worked with Dennis' rival. They have been channeling magical creatures on the Otherside to recover artifacts and bring them to this side of reality so magic could be used here. She stole the amulet because it was a pretty big find- and Dennis had not announced the find as his own officially yet!

He knew he would not be able to catch the pixie without using magic, and immediately channeled his own familiar- a unicorn named Ivory. Because she was too large to summon into this modern world and get along, Dennis channeled her form into his own- causing their existences to momentarily overlap. He immediately felt his toenails thicken as her traits bled into his body. He could smell fresh vegetation even though he was in his apartment- she must be in a forest. He apologized to her mentally for disturbing her, even though Ivory did not understand his human words. His nails expanded forcing his toes wider and wider, pressing the skin together and finally joining it. Then the muscles tangled and fused before finally the bones merged- reducing their number while expanding the size of those that remained. The nails became metallic the larger they grew together, till finally only four remained in two different sizes. On the back of his foot just below his ankle was two immobile digits encapsulated in hoof segments to make dew claws, while the rest formed two huge toes and the segments of the main cloven hoof. The rather than become matte black like most hooves- their sheen increased till he was left with hooves made of gold. His complexion on his foot started to fade from tanned to snow white and a light fluz began to form. Dannis stepped out of bed and stomped down on the hooves to make sure he was sturdy enough to move and he made for the door to chase the pixie even while his changes continued. He paused at the door feeling the pressure in his hips though. Should he leave wearing his nightware? Odds are he was going to outgrow his clothes... but not wearing them means he is running around naked in public. He glanced at the clock and decided to just ditch his clothes. It was 4am, next to no one is going to be awake to see him in the first place. By the time he removed his clothing his ankles started to stretch and his foot structure bulk up. His ankles progressed higher up and further back, causing his knees to bend further forward- but his body remained at the same elevation. He now had fur around the top of his hooves and the white coloration was spreading up his legs.

Dennis dashed out into the night, looking up to try and spot the pixie. Sure enough he seen her flying away up the street a bit- luckily because she was so tiny, it was much harder for her to cover distances. As he chased after her, his golden hooves clacked on the sidewalk. The muscle sinew in his legs tightened and swelled stronger- though did not bulk up so much, remaining lean in form. The fur above his hooves turned to hair- long fetlocks. The fur advanced up beyond that as well now, but was ultra fine everywhere else, being so short as to not even being noticeable as fur without getting quite close to him. Between his changes and the cool kiss of night air, his genitals recoiled rather quickly. His flaccid penis bunched up into itself and started to shrink, his balls hugged his pelvic floor as the scrotum tightened up. The thing with channeling Ivory as a familiar- she isn't male, so whatever parts he borrows will be the wrong gender. His tailbone started to grow out a bit, but not too far- a unicorn tail is very narrow so the bones do not really continue down into it. As the white coloration properly covered his thighs and started up his hips his thigh muscles bulked up, becoming quite large and round. Dennis paused a bit and leaned forward a bit with a groan as he felt his ass expand massively as a result- becoming large, round, and firm.

Once all layers of change converted at the hip they sped up to completion. The tail became long enough to almost reach his ankles when his legs were relaxed- the end flourished into a long tassel of wavy off-white hair. While most of his skin turned white and gained a layer of ultra-fine fur, his naughtiest parts went the other direction- darkening to bruise purple and then completely black! His shaft already basically inverted on itself in its flaccidness shrank away, while the head morphed only slightly. The urethral opening closed up and the bulge collapsed as the tubing rerouted further down. His balls turned to ovaries and popped completely into his pelvis as his scrotum turned black and smooth, then pulled open at the seam to form the inner labia and reveal the still forming vaginal passage within. This allowed the pixie more time to distance herself- Dennis could not walk with these changes happening so deep in his hips. His pubic mound softened and billowed up fatter, forming the outer labia and swelling shut around his clit and the area around it as his urethra appeared once again as an opening below the clit- hidden under bother layers of labia. If anything the clit increased in size from its time as penis glans- swelling up into an almost vaguely heart-shaped bulge the size of a stiff, heavy ping pong ball.

His hip bones popped several times- loud and hollow sounding as they expanded greatly, causing him to wobble in place having his balance jarred. The expansion of his hips caused his vagina to move further back, so that the distance between the vagina and anus did not change even though the surface hosting them became larger. Now in the unoccupied space immediately between his legs, two stiff nubs formed into nipples. His anus swelled bigger, becoming a puffy, rubbery black ring. Mostly changed, Dennis resumed chasing the pixie. His ears extended, becoming long and leaf shaped, the thin base gaining new muscle to allow them to be moved about to follow sounds. His forehead felt very cold and went partially numb as a horn broke its surface- and almost looked like a screw being drilled in from the opposite side. A unicorn horn was spiraled in form. Younger unicorns have pearlescent white horns to make them less obvious against the rest of their form, but they darken to a gold color like their hooves as they age, and Ivory was fully grown, so hers was gold. His teats now sat on small jiggly black hills in his crotch; the udder of a unicorn.

The pixie stopped at a street corner, glancing around to try to get her bearings and Dennis caught up to her, lunging forward to grab her out of the air but she quickly cast a teleportation spell and blinked several feet over! Dennis felt a few things brush his side and almost thought the pixie had somehow surprise attacked him- but it was just twigs. He was channeling Ivory's body, so if she brushed something or did something in the Otherside, he could feel it as if it was happening to him. She stuck her tongue out at him and then bolted straight up! Too far off the ground the wind became too unpredictable for something so tiny to fly in, but she was flying up the side of a building- she was going to go over the rooftops assuming Dennis could not follow her. Now that he had a full connection with Ivory however, Dennis had access to her magic and could easily channel other creatures!

He held up his arms as his fingers quickly grew huge and extended tremendously! At first it looked like he was turning into some horrid spider creature, till he folded the enormous digits back and the skin fused together- between the fingers and also to his arm! When he pulled them back out straight, the skin stretched into a dark membrane! Only his thumbs remained mostly unchanged except for growing a bit bigger, and its nail turning into a claw. He had grown giant bat wings! With a few test flaps he slammed them down and fired himself up straight into the air, then flapped wildly to gain height till he was able to glide quickly onto the rooftop and rely on his hooves to cross the roof. Then with a few powerful flaps, easily cleared the gap between buildings. He seen a few glints of metal up ahead from the pendant but the pixie was far too tiny to be seen in the darkness- the streetlights did not illuminate the rooftops. Dennis shut his eyes a moment and darkness seemed to bleed out of them, consuming his eyelids and then out from the sides of his eyes before arching down in a stripe down either side of his face- the mask of a raccoon! He opened his eyes again and his now reflecting iris was able to repurpose the glints of light from down below and see in the dark- spotting the pixie again as he chased after her. He would have caught her already, but he had to stop and fly over the gaps between buildings which gave her a moments lead with each rooftop! He could not fly constantly because he lacks the experience and muscles to pull that off- he would tire himself out almost immediately.

Instead Dennis paused a moment channeling another creature quickly. His toes became longer and his hoof segments grew long and sharp as well- his feet slid back a bit causing him to stand on his toes rather than the hooves- making the hoof segments more like giant claws. Spikes of hardened flesh started to form off the sides of his long narrow feet up to his ankles. The muscle in his leg tightened nearly to rock hard and the blood pressure increased tremendously, building hydraulic pressure! In an instant Dennis fired himself into the air like a rocket and fell back down toward the pixie! He channeled the traits of a grasshopper's back legs- giving him unbelievable jumping power! She again was incapable of moving far enough to avoid the attack and was forced to teleport out of the way! Frustrated, she threw out a huge blast of magic at him, trying to hurt him and shove him back enough that he stumbles right off the roof! Dennis blocked it with his right arm but the magic singed the skin and temporarily knocked out the nerves in the limb, causing it to go limp a moment. He knew a second was coming and quickly channeled another creature into his other arm! The blast hit him as he raised his left arm, but this time the blast burst apart against the limb without hurting it! Across all the membrane on his left wing was thick hexagon plates! He channeled a tortoise shell- turning his left wing into a shield! Seeing as she was turning to violence, Dennis closed his right wing tightly, and the fingers all fused together even more tightly. The skin was pushed aside as the bones themselves merged together into one- so the skin became stiff with density. When he pulled his single-prong of a hand away from his forearm, the remaining flesh spread into several short spikes down the underside of his forearm and hand- turning it into the serrated scythe-arm of a praying mantis! He lunged forward very quickly using his grasshopper leg strength and swung his scythe arm at her! The pixie dashed out of the way in alarm, being small enough to evade the thin blade, but the amulet was larger than she is, and made an easier target! Dennis hooked the chain of the amulet around his scythe blade and clasped it closed against his forearm to hold it! He got it!

Before he could stick his tongue out at the pixie to return her mocking- Dennis noticed his heart rate was not slowing down. He still felt nervous instead of relieved, which means it was not his own feelings but Ivory, but why was she nervous? He let out a breathy grunt and staggered a bit from the feeling of a tremendous weight slamming down on his back- though there was no actual weight there. Oh no. It was mating season for unicorns, Ivory's mate- the black unicorn Dusk- must be with her! Dennis could feel the soft rubbery head of the equine phallus prod into him from behind, searching for the right hole! His concentration was immediately broken and one by one in the order he called them, his changes melted off of him like heavy colored vapour, revealing his normal human body behind. The only changes that did not leave was unicorn features since he had temporarily merged their forms! The pixie had no idea what was going on with him, but as soon as he dropped the amulet thanks to his arm reverting shape, she scooped it up. She dashed away but paused on the next roof over and fluttered down to rest on the chimney to watch him- trying to figure out what was happening to him.

Dennis felt the powerful groin muscles and veiny underside perfectly cup his huge equine ass, like two fitting puzzle pieces locking together. So huge and so strong, but so was Ivory, so rather than feeling intimidating it was more like the warm, firm embrace it was meant to be. The glans only brushed the plush black labia and immediately knew its target- thrusting in powerfully in one merciless go! Dennis' pussy was opened wide by the invading shaft- but it only existed on the Otherside, so it looked like there was an invisible object in Dennis! You could see what the penis was doing to it, but not the penis itself. As it thrust in, you could see the rippled walls of the inner vagina spread open like a series of curtains and finally the stiff round ring of the cervix, shielding the womb. The head of a horse's flared penis is actually the exact inverted shape of the bottom of the vagina- the projected urethra fits perfectly into the middle of the cervix. It was a unique feeling for Ivory as well- she could feel the coolness of the night air INSIDE of her pussy, because Dennis' version of it was opened up without any actual penis blocking the way, exposing it to the night. The cool night air helped mediate some of the intense heat. Her clit throbbed hard against the base of his huge shaft. Ivory and Dennis both grunt at the force of his thrusts and the feeling of his large balls slapping their rump. Dennis was half bent over- unable to stand straight with the feelings. The jiggly teats in his crotch jostled around on their own. As much as Dennis did not want this to happen, he could not deny it felt good, and because he was partially linked to Ivory he shared some of her desire for it. He just linked their bodies suddenly for his own convenience so he certainly could not blame Ivory for the situation- she did not know any better. He could feel her pride at attracting such a strong and dependable mate. Ivory knew with her own fit body she would be able to make a strong, healthy child with Dusk. Feeling her pride and giddy arousal made Dennis happy for her- completely forgetting for the moment that he was fighting with a pixie over an artifact. When Dusk climaxed he rammed into her as deep and as hard as he could- between that and the feeling of his twitching groin muscles sent Ivory over the edge- and unintentionally Dennis as well. Their shared pussy rippled as their leg muscles twitched and weakened considerably for a moment from the onslaught of pleasure. Dennis could feel the thick, heavy cum from Dusk squeeze the walls of the pussy wider, ballooning it out at the end a bit before slamming backwards around the shaft to find room, then splashing out around his cock in several waves before his orgasm stopped. He remained covering her for several long moments while his cock softened before finally sliding out. Dennis could then feel Dusk's head and neck rub against Ivory's. It was weird feeling everything in such vivid detail, but not being able to see anything. It was like Dennis had just been aggressively fucked by a ghost.

Dennis glared at the pixie again now that the very distracting mating was over. His legs started to get quite long, and his arms cracked several times racing to match them- since the legs were already considerably longer. He fell onto all fours, catching himself on his knuckles! He still needed his hands so several golden hoof segments formed- one on each of the first two joints of all his fingers allowing him to stand on those instead! He had channelled the limbs of a deer- long and narrow, they can leap great distances with ease. He bolted at the pixie who nearly fumbled the pendant in surprise- still having no idea why he ever stopped chasing her in the first place. Dennis easily jumped over the gap between buildings and quickly reared up so he could yank his arms inward suddenly. He moved them at the same time grown exploded down them, fattening the limbs up. When he moved them, the expanded mass quickly yanked apart with a sticky wet sound- the divided mass quickly turning into huge octopus arms, so when he dropped to all fours he still had two limbs to attack with! The pixie quickly fluttered up out of the way and dashed forward again, deliberately flying over edges, chimneys and any odds and ends left on the rooftops because she could just fly over them without having to change direction like Dennis. The buildings they ran across were all three floor buildings, mostly boxy shapes with flat rooftops- mostly brick buildings with small businesses on the ground floor and apartments on the two successive floors.

From the outer curve of the tentacles, smaller streamers of translucent flesh grew like trailing ribbons- the arms of a jellyfish. Each octopus arm now trailed seven of the lesser limbs. Dennis had both little control and little feeling in these extra limbs- they had about the same feeling as a finger did, but stretched out over four or five feet of length, rather than two or three inches. He could not bend them at all except for the very base where they connected to the arms- so he could only somewhat control their direction. He almost caught up to her, swiping with an octopus arm to whip the jelly arms through the air trying to lash her with their neurotoxic surface, but she was too quick and escaped their range. He would have to force her to pause to hit her with them. His octopus arm coiled around his normal arms and he resumed chasing her- trying to get close enough to maybe pounce her and pin her to the roof. They were also running out of buildings on this street- it would turn to homes soon forcing them to jump back down low- or leap across the road at a corner and follow the commercial district further in. The pixie would be able to do either of those things better than Dennis currently could. He can get caught with a nude half human form and arrested for indecency- the pixie was not human so the laws did not apply to her.

As he chased her his spine grew long, stretching his small unicorn tail massive and the hair fell from the end. As it grew, the bone density thinned and started to disintegrate, seething around the muscle and calcifying the skin instead! As it moved, the now hard layer of skin cracked into segments on the surface, creating a black carapace. While Dennis could fully feel and use this growing limb- it was much more numbed to the outside world than his other body parts, the hard chitin on the surface numbed outside stimulus. The surface became slightly bumpy as the carapace thickened fully to proper armour. As they approached the edge of the last of the three floor high buildings on this street, his horn became longer and more narrow- arching forward as he channeled a monoceros to get its giant blade-like horn! The pixie flew a foot off the edge and then just dropped with a grin- thinking Dennis would not be able to follow without channeling new wings- or breaking his legs on impact.

Dennis jumped off the edge of the roof, twisted in the air and then headbutt the wall! He slammed the huge forward arched horn into the brick wall to slow his fall, then fell onto his four limbs sideways on it- jamming his back hooves into the brick as hard as he could to slow himself as brick chips exploded out from around the horn cleaving the building. The pixie turned in shock, just in time to see his tail as it lunged at her! He had channeled both a scorpion's tail and pincer! The tail nearly speared her with its stinger, missing the pixie but causing her to drop the amulet in surprise, and then the stinger split open down the middle revealing it was also the pincer, as it grabbed the amulet and pulled it back to Dennis!

The pixie scowled at him and was about to attack again but Dennis let go of the building and swung an arm through the air- slapping her with several jelly arms! The pixie's body wrung with sharp stinging and became temporarily paralyzed, falling from the air! With a wink, Dennis blinked out of existence! He used his connection to Ivory to teleport to her- on the Otherside! The pixie was a magical being so she was from the Otherside too, but the reason she was on the human side now is because she is bound to a ring- currently possessed by Dennis' rival. As long as the ring remains on the human side, the pixie is trapped there with it- she cannot follow Dennis. As long of a fall as it was for her, her body weighed next to nothing so she did not hit the ground very hard. She growled in frustration, trying to think of excuses to give her master for her failure.

On the Otherside, Dennis was back in normal human form as he appeared by Ivory and Dusk, startling them a bit. He thanked Ivory for her unknowing help, brushing her mane a bit before teleporting back to his house, again using her power. It was good to physically see her once and a while- a rare treat since she started living in the Otherside. Ivory was not always a unicorn after all. All unicorn are born male- there is no such thing as a naturally born female unicorn. Using their powers they invade the human world to find mates- but thanks to their magical prowess only virgin women are able to see unicorns on the human side. Ivory used to be Dennis' friend till she decided to give into Dusk's advances- which is how Dennis got to know her in the first place, he knew her when she was human. Now that she was a denizen of the Otherside, she was his trump card against his rivals, and his favorite channel to watch.


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