
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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There is a time for crazy fetishes and there is a time for reality, but Alex wishes there wasn't a divide... well, he is sort of getting that wish. He does not have a knack for knowing when to keep his mouth shut and his girlfriend has finally had enough of his warped standards- now he is the victim of his own tastes.

(MtF BE, Udder, Multibreast)

So, Alex knew he was in hot water with his girlfriend Laura, but it wasn't like he did it on purpose. He had been caught looking at bustier women a few times and scolded for it. How was he not going to look when there was large boobs bouncing around in his field of view? Its like calling someone's name and then getting upset that they turned around in responce. And maybe she knew he was into hyper sizes, and breast expansion so she was a little self conscious of her own timid size to begin with. The last thing Alex remembered was Laura commenting frusteratedly at a woman's rack on a movie, saying he must really like her character because she was so huge. Well... Alex has seen huge. Room filling, house-crushing... those sizes did not exist in reality. He immediately pointed out with a chuckle the woman was not 'huge' she was just 'big'. That was the last thing he remembers because Laura responded either with punching his lights out or putting him under some sort of spell. Or both.

Alex recognised one of her magic tricks once he woke up and wandered their apartment a bit trying to figure out where she was. The front door leads to utter darkness and all the mirrors in the house reflected a towel that had been put over them. Laura did not go anywhere- she shoved Alex into a mirror's reflection and then quickly covered it. Untill the mirror was uncovered again, the reflection would remain the same and Alex would still be trapped. It was actually a type of time magic- because the only way to do it was to cover the mirror before the reflection changed at all, which required the person to freeze time for a moment. Laura normally tossed herself into a mirror as her 'quiet place'. Alex figured it out as soon as his thoughts pulled themselves together enough for him to realise the entire apartment was backwards- what was normally on the left was on the right, because it was a reflection. He was naked too for some reason, and his closet and drawers were empty so he could not get re-dressed. He called to her but unless she was using magic to eavesdrop on him she wouldn't hear a thing. The next thing he noticed was all the paper, photos and stick-its on the fridge were replaced with identical ones only now showing a note left for him by Laura instead of what they were supposed to be of in reality. She said that he would be trapped in here for a while- she was going to find a man and let him see into this realm. The idea was she was going to ask the man what he found attractive, what his wildest desires were and Alex would transform accordingly. Alex grumbled at the message. Wait, a guy? She was going to show some random dude Alex trapped naked in his own apartment? That... left a lot of questions. First of all, why a guy? Alex would have to assume a gay guy because that made no sense otherwise. Secondly, what was this supposed to prove? Maybe he was just reading too much into this. Maybe she was just pissed and trying to mess with him for revenge.

Alex went to the laundry hamper thinking he had outsmarted her, but all his clothes were missing from the laundry too. Was the stranger she was getting already watching? Alex had no way of knowing and felt sort of stupid trying to cover his own junk with his hand in his own empty apartment. She might not be able to find someone to play along, and then Alex would just be scrambling around for no reason. One thing he did note- the clothing had not been removed- only HIS clothing. Laura's clothes were still present in the reflection. After a while he shrugged it off and decided to take a shower- at least his nudity made sense in the shower. As he washed himself he noticed his skin felt oddly taught, and smooth. It was harder to notice because of the water pulling it flat but his hair was also a bit longer. He would check his reflection but they were all covered- from the opposite side. When he dried himself off after he also noticed his face was oddly smooth. His stubble should be growing in by now, but it was completely gone; his face smooth as if he had just shaved.

Laura went to bed early usually, so once it was later at night, Alex knew he was safe from watching eyes because she would have gone to sleep. He felt a bit horny from the whole situation really. He was trapped in his apartment for now so there was not a whole lot to do, and also the thought of Laura trying to punish him was a bit sexy. Worrying, but sexy. When he sat on their bed and grabbed his erection though he furrowed his brows a bit, wondering if his hands had gotten bigger- or if his penis shrank. It seemed smaller, even though it was fully erect. Alex grunted and just told himself to not be paranoid. He could just be psyching himself out overthinking everything. Laura might not actually do anything to him other than keep him trapped in here for a while. As horny and bored as he was though, he found it hard to get off. His oddly softer hands felt great on his shaft and he was plenty aroused but for some reason his dick retained a bit of a bend to it- never becoming as erect as it could be, and while his pleasure levels rose as he beat his meat- they seemed to cap out before he was able to climax. In his lust he managed to remember that Laura's stuff still existed in the reflection and rolled over to her side of the bed and found her dildo under it. As soon as the dildo was in him he started to moan louder and rock in pleasure, angling the bend of the silicon member so it slid in and out a bit as he rocked. He was so absorbed in pleasure he did not notice when his penis shrank a bit more and the dildo felt like it was throbbing bigger in him! Actually though, the dildo remained the same size- his entire body shrank a bit. As he finally cried out in climax his voice raised in pitch, and after he almost immediately fell asleep with the dildo still in him!

Alex's dreams were feverishly sexual and started with Laura dominating him with a strap on. As the dreams continued though the concept of a strap-on was lost and Laura had an actual cock. In his dream he was so addicted to the taste of Laura's dick he did not even notice he had grabbed the dick of another man who showed up out of no where. Then his dreams continued to progress to a room filled with naked men and Alex getting pounded every which way. When he woke up back in the reflection it was suddenly. His brain was an explosion of colors- he had orgasmed himself awake. He spit out the dildo he had in his mouth, confused. Once the tremors of orgasm settled down he also noticed he had two other dildos in him! That was one more than he should have holes to fill! He quickly looked down trying to find his dick but it was nowhere to be seen!

"What the f- AH! My voice!" His voice was... hot as hell. The honeyed voice of a hot woman. "She turned me into a woman?!"

Alex hopped up, letting the dildos fall out of her as she scrambled to a mirror, then grumbled and banged her head against it when she remembered they did not work. She plopped down on the floor and tried to scrunch herself up as best she could, trying to get a look at her own changed genitals but she could only see the clit and its hood over her plush pubic mound. Her nipples were a bit rosey and plump too, but she had no breasts yet. Shaking her head, she noted her hair was to her lower back now. Alex felt all over her body, examining the changes with feel since she could not with sight. Her butt was round and taught, a nice bubble butt. Her skin was so very smooth and bouncy!

"Fuck..." She bit her lip, lowering her voice as she talked to herself. "I know this is supposed to be a punishment but I am super hot right now."

Blushing brightly she let out a few forced moans and reached around the soft rubbery curve of her labia to penetrate herself with her fingers, moaning louder and more authentically. Being in a woman's body meant her own body turned her on now, even the sound of her own moans. Her heart rate jumped up at the thought that someone could be watching her right now- and it almost felt like there was. She was already so far in though, and it felt too good to just stop now! Her increased heart rate only seemed to amplify the tingling pleasure. Alex's legs trembled and weakened at the pleasure, struggling to keep her up. She gasped at the tightening of several spots on her lower gut as she became able to actually see them as pink bumps- like large bug bites. Alex did not have long to think about it though before her legs bent out either way and she slunk down onto her butt and climaxed. Her new grown pussy was so tight it cut the circulation to her fingertips before she was able to pull them free.

Face and ears beat red she quickly scrambled over to Laura's dresser and stole an outfit to cover herself with. She was surprised how comfortable skirts were, and also liked the feel of the tube socks. Looking down at herself she twirled around in women's clothes and smiled at how good she looked. She also noted there was some jiggle in her chest, but refrained from checking because she really felt like someone was watching. On the up side, she looked like a woman so whoever seen her right now would not know who she was unless Laura deliberately told them. She went over to the fridge about to get something to eat but her body turned to go for the tap instead. She wanted to feel cool water on her titties! Wait, why? Her eyes widened when she realised her actions are part of her appearance! As long as the guy Laura chose continues to watch, he can influence all of Alex's actions! But unless Laura created a psychic link, he could not hear any sounds Alex made, so Alex had no way to communicate to him that he did not volunteer for this! This wasn't a kinky choose-your-own-adventure sex show! Alex couldn't help but want to poor a glass of cold water on herself, squealing at the coldness as it soaked her fresh clothes. Her nipples immediately went rock hard in response but in more places than they should have. The pink bumps that formed before she got dressed! She had a feeling what those might be, but now that they stiffened and grew she knew immediately they were teats! Alex bent forward, holding herself as a pleasurable warmth surged down through her body and then a pressure appeared on her upper crotch as her forming teats twitched under the wet cloth. She quickly thrust her hips out and yanked her shirt up a bit to see and sure enough the skin was starting to get puffy and blush pink. New nerves and mammaries formed inside causing the entire area to glow with pleasure. Her clit stiffened and her labia swelled a bit and started to drool from the pleasure returning. Alex forgot about that- women do not really have a refractory period, they can orgasm as many times in a row as their body can take. Her breasts started to jiggle more with each twitch of pleasure her body gave off and wobbled slightly from the movement of their own growth as they got progressively fatter, making it harder to see what was happening in her crotch over them. As the mammary glands formed, milk ducts started to reach out like roots toward the surface, causing the teats to grow bigger and fatter in preparation. The gentle blushing hill started to rise into four conjoined mounds as the glands fully formed, creating chambers for each of the four teats. Alex moaned and squirmed, leaning heavily back on the island counter in the kitchen for support as she reached down to pull her skirt down- it was cutting into the bottom of the forming udder. Alex seen a braif glint of light and glanced up but only seen the metallic sheen of the knobs on the cupboard doors. That was it! The point of reference- the person watching him was currently watching from the perspective of those knobs- they are a reflective surface. She realized with her hips thrust forward she was giving him a real nice view of her newly formed tits and slowly straightened back into a normal standing. It was hard to know when she actually had control of her body, because the other person's wants manifested as desires in her own thoughts, making it hard to tell whose thoughts they were.

Alex's rigid nipples formed tents in her wet shirt, but the breasts under them seemed to stop at a relatively mild D cup- his attention likely having drifted down for the time being. Alex grinned weakly. A real life woman with a petite pink cow udder? This guy had good taste. Maybe it was Laura who would learn a lesson here; if the guy she chose also liked stuff like this she would see that it was normal for guys to like this sort of stuff and turn Alex back.

"Mmmm... MMMM-!" She started moaning but her throat seemed to twitch on its own increasing her volume, which caused her to shut her mouth in surprised resistance. "Mmm..." She wobbled a bit, opening her mouth only breifly. "Muh! Muhm..." She was trying her best to resist but it was like trying to hold in a sneeze- once its far enough along nothing is going to stop it. "Muuhooooooo~!"

Alex's brow twitched in irritation. What was the point of making her moo, he can't even hear her! Although she supposed it was pretty easy to read lips when all they are doing is mooing. As if queued up by the moo, her udder surged in pressure and started to expand in every angle! It was admittedly tiny compared to a cows, but appropriate size for a human torso! Alex bowed forward putting her hands by the sink so her udder could hang freely. If she stood upright, the weight tugging at the top of the udder was unpleasent, and the weight pooling at the bottom rubbed her pussy. Watching it carefully you could almost see the growth spilling from her torso into the udder itself as subtle waves of expansion. The extremely thick veins pulsed seperately since they formed a more complex network the growth had to find its way down in. The fat ones were milk veins, and trailed onto her torso slightly before vanishing under the surface. Alex's heart was tense with worry but the worry did not manifest consciously in his mind- all his mind was thinking was how fucking hot this was. Never mind the man controlling this behind the scenes- Alex wanted to see this too! She just wished she did not have to see it in first person. The udder swung heavily and pushed more in between her spread legs as well as rounding farther forward. The teats grew as well, becoming very fat cone-shaped teats that looked more at home on a goat udder than a cows. Alex seen the glint of reflection shift from the knobs to the sink faucet to get a closer look, but ignored her audience for now. She was too turned on by this giant bloated udder! She rubbed both hands over the taught rubbery skin, she could feel stiff chambers burried deep inside- full of milk. She had seen so many milking videos by now. She gently wrapped her fingers around her two top teats, rubbing the end of the udder at their base as if to usher the milk down, then tugged on the teats without squeezing to stretch open the passage for it to flow into, then from the base to tip squeezed gently, but pulled hard and produced two solid streams of sweet hot milk. It felt so good! Like scratching an itch you didn't even know you had, the relief of internal pressure from the milk and the warm flow passing through her fat heavy teats was orgasmic! Alex started milking herself so vigorously she almost looked like she was trying to jack off the giant teats. Her fists slapping onto the surface of the udder itself sending heavy ripples across its surface like someone slapping a waterbed. Her udder rocked, squishing the bottom curve over her pussy over and over, building an intense heat there. Leaning this far over though strained her back tremendously and she ended up falling forward using her shoulder against the counter to hold her up because her hands were occupied and refused to stop. She grunt a bit in frusteration as she kept banging into the bottom cupboard doors! Her udder was still growing, and was taking up most of the room between the island counter and the main counter.

Several drops of sweat dropped from her face as she breathed heavily. "F-fffuck moo. So fucking hot...I... muh! I have to get to the couch or something"

It was easier said than done. Alex straightened herself only with the help of both hands on the counter and shuffled her way out. Her legs had to be so far apart to fit her udder that she had to shimmy out from between counters sideways. Because of its low center of gravity only was Alex able to carry such a behemoth sphere of fat between her legs. Its weight was so immense that every step she took caused it to rock a little, which tugged her entire center of gravity back and forth. It was so heavy that if it somehow swung forward or back by too much, it would yank her entire body along with it. The struggle seemed to entice other changes though. Her hips popped loudly as she tried to walk to the couch, widening to allow the udder more room so her inner thighs were not perminently mashed into its sides. Her feet started to grow longer and her toes started to devolve, leaving two behind to turn into dew claws. Alex could tell what was happening from the sound alone without having to try and see around her udder. Her heavy footsteps went from thuds, to clunks, to clacks. Her cloven hooves clicked on the floor like a high heeled shoe, having worn holes through the bottom of her tube socks almost immediately with their hard edges- though the socks still remained on. They were cow in shape but not size- they were pretty small and dainty for a cow, and also were not granite in color but solid gold! Not at all practical for balancing, especially with this completely broken center of gravity, but chances are the man in charge of these changes was not going for functionality. She got to the couch but before she could shuffle her way over and onto it her udder surged powerfully. She mooed loudly as her udder pulled taught, and milk started to express itself automatically. Her udder pressed into her legs to hard it almost swallowed her limbs into its soft mass. The teats rubbed against the floor as Alex continued to moo and squirt milk, and then the udder itself brushed the floor. The floor by the couch was carpet so it felt good rubbing against her udder. Alex forgot herself for a moment and deliberately shifted her weight to press the udder into the floor and rub it. The udder quickly pushed back. It wobbled violently entirely from the momentum of its own expansion as it grew even bigger, the giant teats spreading out on the floor in four different directions the udder was so monolithic it lifted Alex off the ground! She was not carrying the udder, the udder was carrying her! It was far too wobbly to balance on though, so her torso flopped over immediately and she caught herself on the arm of the couch. Alex started to thrust against her udder, mashing her pussy against it as it bounced up and down from the motion. She wanted to mash her entire fist into her pussy but she was holding her torso up with her hands on the arm of the couch- while the udder held up her lower body.

Now that her ass was elevated and presented on a pedistal of fat flesh her thighs started to thicken! Her skin developed black blotches like cow hide and her butt cheeks became huge and round as a thin tasseled tail grew out over her butt. Her tail started to lash around randomly as if trying to flag attention to her now huge ass. Though still pink, her anus projected out a bit into a soft ring like the bullseye on a target and her labia fattened up a bit as well. Her clit throbbed so hard it popped out of her thick large labia and then back in as it relaxed again. These were all more horse-like features- cows generally have boxy butts not huge and round. Alex was starting to get worried when her hands started to reshape with dull muffled cracks. Even when the guy stopped making a human fetish idol of her, she wouldn't be able to do anything without hands till Laura let her back out. She can't milk or finger herself even once her hands became free again if she no longer had hands. The black blotches advanced all the way up her body, but she never actually grew fur. Her hands compressed and the nails grew and advanced around to form cloven hooves, but her arms remained human, so they were not actually long enough to walk on all fours. Alex could guess easily enough- it was like a form of bondage; if she had hooves she couldn't use her hands to do anything, putting her further at the mercy of everyone else. It was still hot, and Alex couldn't fault the guy for his taste but... she was also a living person and needed to do things other than sex at some point! She had no idea how long Laura was planning to leave her like this!

Alex tried her best to stop bouncing her winking clit off her udder and roll herself over its mass to get off her front hooves. Maybe if she got out of range of their sight this would be forced to stop for a while at least. Because this area is a reflection it can only be viewed through its reflection, or in this case- other reflections linked to it by magic. So if she found a place within the apartment that lacked reflective surfaces, they would be blind. Their point of view was currently the metal band holding the light fixture to the living room roof. As soon as she tried to shove off the couch and roll over her udder a explosion of pleasure from in her chest stunned her and she fell back onto the arm of the couch with her hooves hard. When her boobs yanked away from her chest from the impact they did not spring back into place. They had almost doubled their mass in only a moment and completely filled the shirt! The fabric was pulled so tight you could see the exact shape of her erect nipples jammed into the still moist fabric. The buttons were groaning. Her breaths became short and rapid because breathing too deeply jammed her nipples into the taxed fabric even harder and the feeling was too much. Her head itched a bit causing her face to scrunch up, since she was unable to scratch it. Her hair was getting longer, fast, and the color was also rapidly draining from it. The new length was a near-white platinum with two narrow streaks of pitch black. Her hair had been base brown, but even the length that already existed was fading to match the new colors. Alex always wanted super long hair, she hoped it got even longer. Or wait... is that something she wanted? She liked other women who had really long hair, that was it. It did make her look pretty too though. And she liked how it hid her face if she bowed forward. But not her eyes? Alex furrowed her brows trying to figure that out- it was really hard to think through all the pleasure but she was aware enough to know the hair shouldn't be able to avoid her eyes on its own. She could not see them, but when she shook her head she could feel the hair against them- there was two short spike-like horns jutting from her forehead now that incidentally parted her hair right over her eyes. She did not feel them grow at all because the skin where they grew drained of blood and sensation before the horns penetrated it. The fabric of her shirt was really irritating her now- there was a line right where her nipples jammed into it that was pulled so tight all the way around that it was cutting into her skin. She did not want to expose herself even more to her perverted audience but the shirt was leaving red marks on her skin from digging in so much. She pulled her shoulder blades back, thrust her chest out and took a deep breath. The button slammed into the couch so hard it bounced off, twanged off the TV screen and rolled to a stop back in the kitchen somewhere. The next button immediately followed, but jammed itself in the crack between couch cushons. The shirt was still stringling her but at least the pressure was more spread out now that there was an opening. Her nipples wedged themselves out the opening, yanking on either edge of it as if actively trying to rip it wider on their own. Alex could stand to be rid of her skirt too. As comfortable as skirts were, her ass and massive hips hiked the waist up in the back, which caused it to dig into the underside of her udder considerably. And considering her udder was between her legs, you can only imagine the odd shape that skirt was currently having to bend in to be on at all.

"Muh... moooo. I am so fucking hot. Muh- if I actually had a wooorking mirror I would be trying to french kiss my reflectiooon. Uuuh... how much longer? Too good... my brain is going to fry, moooo~"

She tried to thrust herself off the couch again but again she was hit with an explosion of pleasure and growth as two more shirt buttons fired off like bullets in two different directions! There was only two buttons left and they were the bottom ones. Her breasts popped out of the shirt completely and just flopped over the buttons that remained in place. She already tossed herself back when it happened though, and her flinching from the pleasure caused her to rock around on top of her udder, nearly falling sideways. She managed to awkwardly twist in a half turn and then fell off the back curve of her udder. Her big round butt slammed into the wall behind her and stuck there! Her huge hips were wedged between wall and udder- her hooves still could not reach the ground and now she had nothing to push off of! She could practically hear her skin groan as her breasts stretched larger so fast, getting nearly twice the size of her head each- well over any cup size she was aware of. The skin blushed bright pink nearly matching the pastel pink of her udder. She mooed in desperation but the sound of her honeyed womanly voice mooing turned herself on even more and the pleasure grew even more intense! Her breasts started to lift on their own! Oh no, she was growing another set of breasts below her current ones! She already couldn't see any of her body past her giant tits as it was. The second set had to lift the first one in order to grow, which was causing them to completely eclipse her view of anything other than her own lush tits. She was getting sweaty now to so the surface of her giant mams was getting shiny with moisture. Her hair was so long it was pooling on the ground now, which was insulating her, but Alex was already throwing off heat from her lust and the warmth of growth. She bowed her head to press her face into her own cleavage just in time to feel it press out and wedge itself further in! The bridge of her nose started to lift out and grow a bit longer! Her nostrils became very large and bright pink, and the pink coloration advanced down to take her lips as well. There was a slight cleft in her upper lip though, and the bridge of her nose came to a triangular end, making her face look like a mix of both cow and goat features overlayed on an otherwise human head. Alex's eyes rolled in her head as her large nostrils drank in her own musk as she wobbled around on her own fat tits.

There was already so much pleasure pulsing in her torso at any one time it was nearly impossible to figure out just where each jolt came from, so it took her longer than you would think to realize she was getting even more. Her breasts were being forced even farther up! She was growing another set! The second set was still slowing to a stop and a third was already starting to wedge itself between the upper curve of her udder and the bottom curve of her second set of breasts! She could feel her ears getting big and long too... donkey ears maybe? They grew even longer and started to fold over. Large eared cow? They folded completely on themselves and still they grew larger and longer. Lop-eared rabbit... which also meant.... yep. Alex felt around with her tongue and sure enough her front teeth were growing large. Girls with slightly bucked teeth were adorable. The only sounds to escape her mouth now were breathy 'muh's, because she could not even get enough of her breath back to give a full moo. Her mind absolutely spun trying to comprehend what she must look like. So many hot features on one person, it was too much! Her back started to get forced to arch backward a bit to give her breasts enough room. She literally could not bend forward at all- her breasts were all firmly pressed into one another, stacked up ontop of her udder which held her up off the ground! She moaned and her brain started to overload in pleasure, her thoughts degrading to flashes of color as bursts of pleasure went off. Her spine buckled and she was forced even farther back as her breasts started to shuffle around on their own. She was growing more breasts, but they did not have the room to fit symmetrically and were now just growing into whatever free space she still had on her torso- but breasts are round, so just because they have space at the base to grow doesn't mean they actually fit. The expanding fat felt like it was trying to rip her body apart, crushing into one another for room that did not exist. Her clothing tore the rest of the way off as her skin groaned and pulled shiny and smooth from pressure. Alex completely blacked out from pleasure overload- her nervous system actually could not parse the information overload.

She woke up a bit later, still feeling exhausted. She tried to move but could barely squirm. It felt like she was completely enveloped in fat bloated tit flesh. But because it grew from her own body she could not pull away from it, she was trapped. She moaned so loud it was almost a desperate scream as Laura put a hand on one of her side-breasts and used it as a grip to push her entire body down onto its own fat and then watch her bounce back up like a spring on the rubbery spheres.

"See? What you like is completely impractical. You look at that fetish stuff so much that it has warped your standards. Your expectations are absurd."

Alex tried to speak but her face was resting in a wall of cleavage so her voice was far too muffled to hear.

Laura held up a magic pendant and popped out the middle ring which had a metal rod through it. She held it up beside Alex so she could actually see it from the corner of her eye past her tits. The pendant actually worked like a portable sundial when used outside. "The guy who was watching you? You. I told the past you that for a sexy surprise I got one of my girlfriends to volunteer to be his ultimate fetish for a day. So, he watched you through my magic looking glass and just listed off all the things he thought would be sexy, getting progressively more wild as he seen the magic could keep up with him. So, you literally did this to yourself. And now? Well, I don't much care. This is what YOU wanted technically so I guess I will leave you to it." Laura went to lift the seal off the reflection. "Oh... but, I will let you out of this reflection of course. I promised the past you a romp with... whatever the fuck you think you are now. The only catch is... you might be contagious. You see, the spell is tailored to be on you, but there is two instances of you in the same time period- the spell can't tell which is which, so as soon as he comes into contact with you, he will start to turn into you as well. And then I will take that instance of you and place him in a reflection to present to another past you. So you will keep doing this to yourself forever. I hope you enjoy all this, because you'll be seeing it over, and over, and over."

She slapped the side of Alex's tit hard, leaving a red imprint as her body wobbled violently. She tried to yell to Laura to stop this but remembered she couldn't say anything through all the fat wedged in her face. She had no way of warning her past self, she could only moan and moo into her own tits.

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