The pleasure of giving... A Harry Potter Fanfic

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Harry Potter fanfic


Harry Potter and the pleasure of giving...

After all the new first years were sorted, Dumbledore as was his custom stood and waved the hall to silence. "If I may have everyone's attention please." The always curtsey headmaster called... his mild voice magically filling the great hall. "I would like to welcome you all once again to a new year at Hogwarts." "Lamentably we have found ourselves once again with out a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor." "However... as luck would have it an old acquaintance from across the pond found us a most qualified replacement." From down the line of teachers a tall backed chair scraped on the flagstone floor. And a small pert blonde woman stood up as Dumbledore introduced her.

"Ms. Tabitha Stevens." Dumbledore finish stepping aside, as a pretty young blond witch stepped up to say a few words.

"A WOMAN!" Ron choked and Harry was just as surprised to see that the new Professor was indeed a woman.

"And why not?" Hermione demanded flashing them both reproachful looks as she fingered her wand.

"'s just...defense against the dark arts.. takes a strong hand... and well..Errr." Ron stuttered.

"You don't think a woman can be powerful?!?" Hermione growled.

"'s not that...I..I.. mean your better than either Harry or I..." Ron confessed honestly enough that it smoldered Hermione's anger and left her batting her eye lashes at him.

"Sssshhhhh." Harry hushed them both as he listened to the blonds words seemingly enraptured.

"This year will be no easy ride, I fully intend to challenge each of my students." "From first years to seventh years, you will find my class... difficult but rewarding." "Some of you will make great strides, perhaps becoming great defenders against the dark arts." "Others of you will falter, but this I promise... you will all learn how to defend yourselves." With that the pretty blond returned to her seat by a frowning Professor Snape, and Dumbledore stepped up to speak once more.

"I'd also like to welcome one more new member to our staff." "Ms. Vorla Heimwale, she will be assisting Mr. filch in his duties." "Now let the feast begin!"

The meal was just as splendid as it ever was, but Harry hardly noticed it. As he and his friends rapidly discussed their new Professor's feminine attributes, and speculated on her magical ones. All to quickly Dumbledore was stand up, to finish the feast with his final speech. "Now that we have all stuffed ourselves with this excellent feast..." "I have as Professor Snape was so kind as to remind me... one final announcement before we are off to bed." "This year prefects will need to see the master's of their houses for information, on new punishments that they will be authorized to mead out." He explained with a slight smile. "Now you go."

Hermione and Ron, being prefects led the students to the common room in their tower. Once they got there, they agreed to meet Harry in the common room after the meeting with Professor McGonagall. And then left to head off to the meeting... Harry raced up to his room and unpacked as swiftly as he was able. With that done he came back down to the common room to wait, it was still some time before they came back. Quickly Harry asked just what the new form of punishments would be.

"Physical transformations." Ron answered swiftly obviously creeped out by the idea himself.

"What kind of physical transformations?" Harry asked puzzled as Ron showed him the new Perfects wand.

"Pretty much anything you can imagine!" Hermione answered obviously more than a little stunned herself, at being given so much power and responceability. "From a chair to a... well to a Yeti!"

"Yeah and Malfoy's still a perfect!" Ron choked with a shiver. "So he can dish these punishments out, and you know how he is!"

"Luckily these new powers can Not be used on another Perfect." Hermione pointed out consolingly.

"Fat lota good that does Harry!" Ron countered, making Hermione bite her lower lip.

"Oh yes... I'd forgotten Harry isn't one of u... Errr that is he's not a perfect."

"What was Dumbledore thinking." Harry exclaimed in horror, know that he. And most of his fellow Gryffindor's, would end up spending much of they're time transformed into gods knews what...


The week went fairly well amazingly, that is until late friday evening. Just after dinner, as the others were heading up to Gryffindor tower. Harry remembered that he'd left his Charms book in class, hurrying down to the empty classroom. He stumbled into Malfoy Crabbe and Goyle, hanging out in the empty halls and smoking.

"What are you doing down here Potter?" Malfoy demanded guility as he brushed out his fag.

"Forgot my book in class... just came down to get it." Harry explained, as Malfoy polished the perfects badge on his chest. And Crabbe and Goyle looked back and forth between Harry and Malfoy grinning.

"Your out to late." The sharp faced little blonde git snarled. "You should have gotten a perfect to come with you, if your going to be in the halls this late." "Its not like you don't have one in you pocket... banging that princes a lot?" Malfoy sneered.

"Its not like that... Hermione and I are just friends." Harry snarled even as he realized he'd just stepped into Malfoys trap.

"I wasn't talking about the Mudblood... I ment your red headed homo Perfect slut."

"It's not like I snuck out here to smoke, and jerk two guys off." Harry tossed back doubling the insinutation the slitherin had just made. "I just come down..."

"Cum down... good idea Potter!" Malfoy snapped, his normally pale face red with rage and embarrassment. Quickly he pulled the clunky perfects Transformations wand from his robes, waving it at Harry. 'Masturbato!' He shouted, before Harry had time to react or put his own wand.

"Now hold on..." Harry began, as he tried to leap back; but his body was instantly gripped in the powerful magic. He was forced to watch in horror as his body shrunk, and changed rapidly. Twisting and warping around and over its self. Until it was a small soft pink rubber tube, it took a second for him to realize what he'd just become. Fred and George Ron's older brothers had shown him one once. He had been changed into a rubber masturbation toy. Bending over Malfoy picked up the toy waggling it around playfully.

"This is the way you should always be Potter." He laughed as the toy quivered angrily in his grasp. "At least now you can be of some use to your betters."

"Ok so who wants to Cum down Potter first?" He chuckled lewdly, as he tossed the sex toy to Goyle who tauntingly fingered it before tossing it to Crabbe.

It was a hypothetical question of course... no one was going to use Harry Potter before himself. Taking his new Potter pussy toy into the Perfects bathroom, Malfoy ran hot water throught it. Until Harry's new soft rubber body was hot to the touch. As Malfoy lifted him from the sink, Harry was unsurprised to see that he and the other boy's had they're aroused organs hanging out of they're pant's. From his tiny new prespective, they looked huge and surprisingly considering the other two boy's body size's. Malfoy's long pulsing uncut organ was biggest of all, as Harry watched helplessly. Malfoy guided his big purple mushroom shaped glans, into the opening that had been Harry's mouth. Harry found his new rubber lip's being pushed apart, the taste and smell of Malfoy's drooling organ filling his senses. As the full lenght sank deep into him, Harry found his lip's wrapped tightly around it; his new body begining to quiver in pleasure. As the velvety soft skin caressed his inside, the heat and movement filling his mind with delight.

"Ahhhhhh... you like that... huh Potter?" Malfoy purred gloatingly, as Harry's new body quiver and caressed his massive organ. Even though Malfoy and his two minions used him repeatedly, until their lust's were sated. Harry's new form sang with delight... pleasure was his purpose and his norishment. As the sex toy that had been Harry Potter lay in the sink, devouring the cum dribbling from both end's of its new now totally debauched body. The three Slitherians sat around panting for breath, and discussing what to do with Harry next.

"He's big buddies with Hagrid, and I bet Hagrid never gets" Goyle joked.

"Not bad." Draco admitted snickering. "But if Hagrid's cock is as big as the rest of him..." Malfoy shook his head. "Wouldn't want our little Potter pussy toy to explode." He laughed.

"Let's take him back to our tower, and pass him around." Crabbe grunted grinning wolfishly, as he thought how this would get them in with the older boys.

"Another excellant idea." Malfoy sneered. "But if we combine the two, it's be even better."

"Huh?" Crabbe and Goyle grunted togather looking confused.

"We'll send our little Potter pussy toy to the Gryffindor's Tower, and let his own friends pass him around!"

"Sick..." Crabbe and Goyle grunted as all three of them roared with laughter.


Grumbling angerly at his Devination home work, Ron pushed his book away; and looking around the common room. It was filled mostly with guy's, as all the girl had went to their room's. After Neville had accidentily set off a bunch of dung bombs earlier. Just then a dark owl flew in the opened window, dropping a package in Ron's lap.

"Wow... it's a bit late for mail." Neville observed from across the table, the owl's arrival had caught everyone in the room's attention.

"O's it from?" Seamus inquired curiously as he watched Ron pick it up, and slowly rip the packaging open. Looking on shocked, as the pink rubber masturbation toy fell out onto the table top with a lewd sounding 'Shlop'

"What is it?" Dean Thomas asked, as he starred at the sex toy confused. Picking up the card Ron read it out loud. "Hey little bro, we're expanding into non joke adult toy's." "So you and the boy's try this out and tell us what you think." "We trust you need no instructions on how to use a pussy toy" "Yours Fred & George."

"Wheeeeeewwwww!" Seamus whisled. "Thats some brothers ya got there."

"Hah!" "Like I'm going to stick my dick in that thing... knowing Fred and George... it'll make it turn black and fall off!" Ron spat as he looked down at the quivering toy as if it were a deadly snake.

"Ahem...well if your not going to..." Dean Thomas started, a blush creeping onto his face.

"Be my guest... just don't come crying to me when it happens." Ron warned.

"Tis easy enough ta check." Seamus announced.

"Oh?" "How so?" Ron asked.

"Jest do a magical aura spell... like this." Seamus explained as he waved his wand, at once the toy began to glow blue. "Tis magical, but has no evil enchantments upon it." "Tis safe ta be scrooged!" The grinning Irish boy announced lustfully.

"How'd you know how to do that?" Ron asked.

"Believe me... yer brothers have nothing on the leprechaun's!" Seamus answered dryly.

"Ya know who could really use this thingy." Ron said throughtfully as he examined the toy, slipping a finger into first on end and then the other.

"Besides us ya mean?" Seamus asked smirking.

"I said really use it." Ron stressed as the toy began to quiver and viberate in his hand's. Desperately Harry tried to communicate with his friends, as they laughed and played with his lewd new body.

"Ok.. tell us who?" Dean asked, more to humor Ron than anything.

"Snape." Ron answered firmly. "I bet he's not had any in like... well ever." This observation drawing wild guffaws from the other boys, none of them could imgine Snape with a girlfriend.

"Aye ya got a point there sure enough!" Seamus answered.

"Heh.. I bet he gets blow jobs from Malfoy." Neville stammered shocking them all, and drawing more laughter. Ron wiped a tear of laughter from his eye as the humor at last began to die down.

"But seriously." Ron insisted. "Wouldn't it be a gas to give this to Snape as a joke!"

"Well... maybe afterwards..." Dean admitted as he and the other boi's pasted the warm pulsing toy around.


Severus Snape was burning the midnight oil, grading papers in his office. When a soft knock came at his office door, with a haggard sigh. The tall, willowy, black clad professor arose, pushing his long greasy hair back out of his eyes. And marched purposely to the do,or flinging it open and peering out into the empty hallway angrily. Raising a single eyebrow he glanced around curiously, whipping out his wand. Quickly he cast a second sight charm, but nothing was reveal. Frowning he was just about to return to his desk, when he spotted the package on the door step. Wrapped in black paper with silver snakes upon it, the package was a fancy sight. Snape was careful however, quickly he cast a x-ray charm. Looking surprised and somewhat amused as the package's contents were reveal. Quickly he bend and picked up the package, closing his door as he returned to his desk. He sat the box aside and returned to grading papers, but the box's content's kept creeping into his thought's. With one hand he reached over and unwrapped the box, long pale finger's slipping inside to touch the toy within. Harry quivered in disgust and yet excitement as Snapes fingers caressed his new body.

"Ammmmm so soft." Snape whispered softly to himself, as his fingers explored the warm rubber toy making it quiver again... Finishing the paper's, Snape set his quill aside and leaned back in his chair. Brushing his long greasy black hair out of his face, his eye's alit on the box. Reaching in he took the sex toy out and held it up in one hand. He looked at it sharply, then chuckled it was exactly then kinda thing a horny teen would make. 'A gift from the boys of his tower no dout.' Still this was very well made, it almost looked real. As he studied it, he noticed the lip's becoming moist from his touch. Indeed this really was top of the line magic, Snape smiled and lifted his long green robes. It's not like anyone would ever know, besides it had been month's since he'd indulged himself. And his need this night was great, a little fun with this gift couldn't hurt.

Taking the rubber tubed shaped pussy, Snape slid it up his own eight inch organ. The hot moist depths quivered and viburated as he penetrated them. The pleasure was out standing... making him moan in senual delight. It felt better than any women he'd had ever had, speeding up he thrust harder and deeper. His pleasure growing, even as Harry the toy quivered and shook in disgust and pleasure. As he tasted and felt even inch of Snapes big unwashed organ, then it happened. The big hard on tensed iron hard for a long moment even as Snape pumped faster. Then he moaned as his orgasm erupted within the warm tight toy. Harry's disgust grow as his new body eagerly devoured the hated teachers greasy spunk!

"Ohooooo Lily!" Snape moaned letting the quivering sucking toy hang on his semi hard organ. "My thanks... that was the best cum I've had since..." He paused grinning in glee. "Since I caught Sirus Black intoxicated and took him in the ass." Snape snickered. But something strange was going on, for as he slid it off the thick organ. The potions Professor watched, as a long string of his gooey spunk was sucked up by those quivering lip's. A frown forming on his long pale face, as he milk watched the toy devour his leavings. Carefully he milking a few last drops from his softening organ, letting them collect on the outside of the toy. A good ways from its quivering mouth... and then watched as those white blobs began to crawl towards that mouth. Picking the toy up he turned it up... and grunted as he saw those blobs slither upwards to the mouth and get sucked in.

"Something is not as it seems here." Snape growled quickly whipping out his wand to cast a disspell enchantment spell. 'Removate' The toy jumped as the spell hit it, rolling off the desk and onto the floor.

A wave of dizziness washed over Harry and, the world seemed to twist and change. Suddenly he found himself sitting on the cold stone floor, looking up at the dispised teacher. The taste of Snape's cum still strong in Harry's mouth, as the stunned Professor looked down at him in shock.

"POTTER!" He snarled savagely as they're eye's connected, and he was able to see the whole preverse story unfold. The transformation... Malfoy's use... the gift to Harry's friend's and they're gift to him. The anger he felt... swiftly melting to icy horror at what they had just done. And yet there was something there something of her... "You have her eye's..." Snape swung around and stalked swiftly away, even as a part of him enjoyed that moment. "I shall never speak of this... and do my best to forget it happened." Snape snarled over his shoulder... "You had best do the same... Potter." He spat that name with all the bile he could muster... but Harry blinked as he couldn't help hearing a fondness in that voice as well.

Standing up Harry staggered out into the dark halls, even as he noticed his belly sloshing. With all the cum he'd swallowed earlier... slowly he climbed the stairs heading towards the Gryffindor's Tower. It was very late by this time... and the halls were completely deserted. Using his wand for light Harry was almost to the safety of the Fat Lady's alcove. When he heard the soft 'Mewl' Miss Norris... the rangy cat was just down the corridor. Quickly Harry extinished his wand, and hurried down a pitch black side corridor. Behind him he could hear Mr. Filch talking to his cat, promising all kinds of wicked punishments that would be inflicted on the rule breaker. Harry stumbled along as swiftly as he dared in the absolute darkness, when suddenly a light flashed just ahead if him. When suddenly a hand landed on his shoulder, swiftly pulling him back into a small corner. If it had not been for the second hand that pressed it's self hard over his mouth, Harry would have cried out in shock and surprise. Suddenly a shimmering transparent curtain draped over him, and he realized he was under the invisibility cloak. The light flared brighter as a rotund figure clad in a ridiculous golden robe covered in mirror bright silver stars. Came ambling around the corner, a lit wand in her right hand. And a number of cold turkey legs held in her flabby left hand. Ms. Vorla Heimwale strolled straight past the cowering pair, and on down the hallway.

Harry spun under the cloak to look at his rescuer, even as the heard loud voices from down the hall. "Neville..." He whispered in surprise, as a pale slender finger silenced him.

"Didcha see'em didcha see'em?" Mr. Filch snarled as he confronted Vorla Heimwale.

"Whotch..." The roturn Ms. Heimwale growled at the surprising confrontation. "Damn you Angus ya scared me half to death..." "Now what are you getting on about?"

"Students out of bed... roaming the halls after curfew." Angus Filch roared as he lifted his lanturn high, the light shining through the invisibility cloak.

"Hahaha... so what if they are." The roturn Ms. Heimwale laughed. "Most likely just looking to do a bit of snoggling... lord knows we did enough of it in my day."

"I don't care wha..." Filch started and then trailed off as he heard her last few words. "Did enough of it in yer day..."

"Oh my goodness yes... I was what the boys called easy..." Ms. Heimwale confessed, forcing Harry and Neville to bite their lip's to keep from laughing. "Of course back then Ol' Tibbuts the caretaker had a soft spot for young lovers..." She paused a moment as if considering and then added. "Well actually I think he just got off on watching us..." This all left Angus Filch sputtering and stammering something... Harry wasn't sure what. But then a long low laugh filled the silent hallway... "Huhuhuu." The voice was deep, sultry and burning with sexual innuendo, it took Harry a moment to realize it was coming from Ms. Heimwale.

"My brother told me about you..." Angus Filch countered as strongly as he could, as that big pink hand teased him.

"Oh?" Ms. Heimwale purred obviosly amused. "And what did dear Jamie... say about me?"

"He... he told me about that spell... you know the one that switches parts..." Mr Filch stammered his voice sounding very high pitched and strained. As that hot hand explored inside of his trousers.

"Oh my it looks you and Jamie have a lot in common... and you've gotten just as excited for me as he did..." "How sweet dear Angie..." Mr Filch was begining to sound like Nevilles cauldren in one of Snapes potion class's.

"Wotcha... woman!" Mr Filch half moaned in pleasure half shouted in horror. "We can't be doing this in the hall's!" The caretaker sputtered struggling to escape from her fat greasy hand.

"Why ever not..." . Heimwale cooed tauntingly as she pressed the skinny Mr.Filch up against the wall. "The halls are decreted this time of night... as you've said the students are all surposed to be in their towers."

"The students..." Those words seemed to break him out of his pleasure induced calm. "But Ms Norris saw them in this very Hallway..." He tried yanked himself away from her, and stalked up the hall. But only managed to have his unbuttoned trousers fall down around his ankles. Harry and Neville huddled together under the invisability cloak trying desperately to stifle their laughter. As Ms. Norris stalked closer and closer around them. While the huge woman pulled Flich backwards by his raging erection and began to wank him slowly. Harry began to tremble... softly at first and then more and more voilently. As he watched the lewd scene unfold before them... he could feel himself growing aroused.

"Harry please you've got to be still." Neville whispered softly as Harry's body seemed to vibrate against him. And then as he watched... Harry's body was gripped in the powerful magic. Neville was forced to watch in horror as Harry shrank down, and changed rapidly. Twisting and warping around and over its self. Until it was a small soft pink rubber tube, it took a second for Neville to realize what Harry had just become. It... it was the same rubber masturbation toy Fred and George had sent Ron. The one they had gifted to Professor Snape earlier that very night... Harry had been changed into that same rubber fuck toy. The slight nerdy boy couldn't believe he was actually holding the great Harry Potter in his hand. "Harry is that... is it really you?" Neville asked softly, and then almost dropped him when the toy vibrated softly in his fist. "Was... was it you we all... back in Gryffindor tower..." The Harry toy quivered again and Neville knew it had been. The way the toy pulsing in his hot sweaty palm, somehow made him think Harry was not displeased with what had happened. "Did... did you like... Errr I mean are you ok with..." Neville stuttered, as he watched Ms Heimwale molest Mr.Filch much to the old caretakers enjoyment. He was sitting up on a small table now... with his pants down around his ankles. While the rotund Ms Heimwale was stroking his shockingly large male organ teasingly.

Slowly Neville worked the zipper of his trousers down, and freed his own proud if much smaller erection. A pearly drop of pre-cum glittered on the tip, as he held Harry's toy body in front of it. "Harry can I... Ahem I mean would you like it?" Neville stammered as the toy in his grasp grew warmer and began to quiver wildly. Taking that for the obvious yes it was Neville slowlly inserted his throbbing erection into Harry. As softly moan escaping him as that warm velvety smooth flesh swallowed his engorged male flesh. The two caretakers were much to involved in what they were doing... to hear it. But one set of keen ears perked... now picking up the 'Shlop shlop shlop' as

that hard oozing cock fucked lustfully in and out of Harry Potter fuck toy... Neville's breath grew heavier as he thrust in and out of Harry's hot tight depths. Even as Harry's whole being worked to pleasure his nerdy friend. Even thought Neville had orgasmed earlier that night... with all the erotic stimulation and danger adrenaline. Neville was soon feeding the toy his hot thick gush of seed. The toy sucked it up at once devouring the gooey stud milk. And suddenly Harry found himself kneeling before a very startled Neville. That hot semi hard male organ still deep in Harry's mouth, slowly he pulled back using his suckling lip's to milk the last few drops from Nevilles spent cock.

"Ammmm thanx." He moaned coyly as the nerdy Neville starred down at him in a misture of awe and horror.

"Ahem... your welcomed." Stunned Neville grunted a little too loudly. Ms Norris was meowing wildly now and batting at the hem of the invisability cloak. Even as Neville and Harry edged away from her, luckily Mr. Filch was way to involved in what he and Ms. Heimwale were doing to pay any attention. Quickly the boy's made their way to the entrance to their Tower and spoke the password. The fat lady gave the sweaty sex scent pair a rueful little grin and swung open...


The two of them didn't speak of what had accrued in that dark hallway... instead going straight to bed. Harry's sleep was fitful but at least his dreams were far more pleasant than he was use to. Gone were the dark images... of half remember horrors. In their stead were lighthearted images of handsome boi's, with huge hard male hoods that throbbed just for him. It was just before dawn when he awoke... with the craving so strong he almost couldn't bare it. Climbing out of bed he staggered over to Ron's bed, and starred down at his sleeping friend. "He's my best mate..." Harry moaned, as he looked around at the other boys sleeping, they all appeared to be fine, most of them were even throwing wood in their sleep. But Ron's was the biggest of them all... this as Ron had explained was what he liked best about being a Weasley. All Weasley men were 'blessed' as they say, the shorter stockier ones like the twins had girth on their side. Not being longer than most, but having the width akin to their wrists. While the lanky ones such as Ron himself, were more prone to sheer length than anything else. As Harry stood admiring his friends mighty erection as it stood out, clearly outlined through his Maroon pajamas. That strange weak feeling swept over him once again and Harry's body began to tremble and vibrate. As it was gripped in the powerful magic of the transformation curse that had been laid upon it. Harry's slender form shrank down, and changed rapidly twisting and warping around and over its self. Until it was once again that small soft pink rubber tube, that flopped gently on the bed by Ron's side. The pale red head awoke with a start... and sat up looking around the room. Spotting the sex toy as he was just getting ready to roll over and try to go back to sleep.

"Whoa... I can't believe Fred and George didn't hex this thing." He grunted picking the soft warm pulsing tube up, and then glanced over. Suddenly worried as he saw the empty bed beside him, Harry wasn't in his bed. "Could be he's skipped off to the Loo." Ron mused to himself, as he began fondling that soft warm toy. When he felt his pre-cum oozing wet against his inner thigh, he slipped his pajamas down. And eased Harry on to his nine and a half inch erection, moaning as he felt the toy come alive. Ron's bed shuddered with him, as Harry began vibrating and massaging his huge cock. "Oh God." He began to mumble incoherently, this was even better than it had been the first time around. He wasn't even holding on to it, it seemed to want to be there. Ron could feel his body temperature begin to rise, and could smell his own scent. He could barely control himself, his toes began to curl and he arched his back. He had to get it off, he'd never get back to sleep if he didn't. He reached his fingers around the soft hot tube and tried to pull it off. "OH GOD!" He cried out into his pillow, the pressure from his hands had caused the tube to grip him even harder. Ron could barely think now, the heat causing him to break out in a sweat. He could feel the blood pumping as the pressure around his dick grew. He began pumping his hips into the air, trying to cope with the massive suction coming from it. By this time, all the other boys had awoke; and were quietly watching the free show. Trying as best they could to appear to be asleep, as they discreetly wanked themselves off. He pumped harder into the air, lifting his body off the bed. "Ohhhhhhhhh." His moans echoed off the walls, as he felt himself lose control. His veins stood out on his neck and temples, his face flushed with blood. Hefty ball's drawing up, as his might organ shot its massive load into the Toy's quivering depths. He collapsed back onto the mattress, utterly exhausted and drifting off to sleep. Ron was silent now, the only sound that could be heard was the slapping of skin as each boy watching, lustfully jerked themselves off.

Harry's eyes shot open wide, his first thought was that he was back. He could feel the cold air of the dorm against his arms and legs. The second thought was a desperate desire to breath which was impossible with what he had in his throat. Something tickled his cheeks as lifted himself up onto his hands and knee's. In the pale light of dawn he could see, he was nose deep into Ron's flaming red pubic bush. Ron's semi naked slumbering body shuddered as a cool breeze swept through the tower room. He crawled away to his own bed, afraid of the others waking up and finding him looming over Ron. Completely naked and with a raging hard on of his own. As he slipped under the covers he noted how sore his mouth, and ass were. It felt like he had sucked, jerked, and been fucked by every boy in the tower. 'I suppose I was.' He thought to himself, deciding to just tell the boys he had spent most of the night hiding from Malfoy. And that was the reason why he had gotten back in so late. As he lay there he couldn't get the taste of Ron's cock out of his mouth, all he could think about was his best friend's junk. And what was worse, Harry knew that he wanted to taste him again. Him and all the other boys that had come to know him in his sex toy form.

The whole of the boy's dorm, exhausted from their sexual exploits slept in late that Sunday morning. Which was fine for most of the boys, but Harry, Ron and Seamus... For it was to be they're first day of Quidditch practice. Awaking at half passed nine, Seamus quickly awoke the other boy's. And they gathered they're robes and ran for the practice field. The girls were already there, flying about the pitch as they practiced they're maneuvers. Angelina dropped from the sky like a stone when she saw them, landing on the pitch only inches in front of Harry... who was in the lead.

"Where have you three been?" She demanded angrily. "Practice started over and hour ago... we don't have the field all day you know!"

"Errr we over slept!" The three of them admitted shamefaced.

"Over slept..." Angelina exclaimed hotly. "Why... what time did you go to bed last night?"

"I...Uhmmm... late!" The three confessed sheepishly.

"What were you doing... all night?" Angelina demanded, making the three boy's blush and stammering incoherently. "Never mind!" Angelina growled. "Seamus take your position as right beater, along side our other new beater Tarisa." "Ron cover that goal good Katie and Alice need to practice against a real goalie." "Harry... get up top and I'll release the Snitch for you." Mounting his broom, Harry winced slightly discovering that taking a seat wasn't so easy this morning. Sore and uncomfortable he sat his Firebolt uneasily, as he zoomed high into the air. The weather was bright and fair, but the winds this high were still cold. Within minute Harry's aching hand's and jaw were numbed, but he still found it hard to sit correctly. A bludger whipped pasted his head, and he heard Angelina scream. "No... no... no Seamus, hit them away from your team mates; you almost got Harry with that one."

"Sorry Harry!" Seamus yelled as he flew past swinging his bat at yet another fast moving bludger.

"S'ok." Harry shouted back, as a glint of gold caught his eye's. There was the Snitch hovering just ten feet off the ground mid pitch, instantly Harry nosed his Firebolt over diving on the buzzing toy. 'Buzzing Toy!' Harry thought started... What had made him put it that way? Even as he dove on the Snitch his mind filled with images of the night before.

"Harry watch out!" Katie screamed suddenly as he darted through the air. Snapping back to what he was doing, Harry pulled up at the last second. Keeping his collision with the ground to a dull thump, rather than a bone crushing slam. Glancing around he saw the Snitch had disappeared, once again and took off again wobbling.

"Don't take such risks Harry this is only practice... save it for the game." Angelina yelled obviously upset with her star player. As Harry climbed back to his position again, and began searching for the Snitch. The rest of practice did not go well for him, he only managed to catch the Snitch once. And in fact spent most of his time, trying to push the memories and the desires they brought out of his mind.

After practice the boy's hurry back to the tower to shower off, Harry deciding to join Ron in the perfects bath room. Ron ran a tub of water as the two stripped off they're clothing. Harry sat naked on the edge of the tub, trailing his fingers through the water.

"I...I have to tell you something." He stammered, trying not to look at Ron's huge semi hard directly.

"Ya I know..." Ron grunted making Harry's heart leap up into his throat. "I was over reacting to Katie's faints again in practice." Ron admitted, as he absentmindedly fondled himself.

"Errr... thats not it." Harry choked, licking his lip's as he felt himself growing aroused. And knowing it was only a matter of time.

"What...was I doing something else wrong?" Ron asked in despair.

"Errr no... it's not that... not that I could see." Harry admitted.

"Then what?" Ron asked bluntly as he stood fully naked beside his best mate.

"Your brothers didn't send that... that toy." Harry panted weakly.

"Ahem...what?" Ron asked startled, clearly this was the last thing he expected to hear. "Well where did it come from then?"

"Malfoy..." Harry stuttered choking on his words as he was forced to admit the blond bastard had got the better of him.

"MALFOY!" Ron exclaimed in shock and horror. "Why would he..." "It wasn't cursed... we all used..." Ron stammered looking worried and slightly embarrassed.

"No it wasn't it...was... it was me!" Harry blurted at lasted making Ron's jaw drop.

"What... you... how?" Ron stammered confused and now obviously horrified.

"Malfoy used his perfects punishment wand to change me... into... then sent it" Harry was choked off by humiliation and his own arousal.

"I... YOU.. WE!" "Oh Harry I'm so sorry... I... We.. didn't know." Ron explained moving up to pat Harry on the shoulder, leaning forwards Harry wrapped his arm's around Ron's naked waist. Burying his face in Ron's rough red pubic hair as Ron looked down at him stunned.

"It... it's ok." Harry whimpered. "To... to be totally honest... I liked it..." Harry confessed, his soft lip's brushing Ron's semi hard shaft as he spoke.

"Harry... Errr please..." Ron stammered embarrassed as his long thick organ began to stiffen from the hot breath washing over it.

"Why not." Harry grunted misunderstanding. "I've done it enough in the last few days!" He admitted slipping his mouth to take Ron's massive male organ into it.

"Ohoooooooo Harry!" Ron moaned as his best friend's hot mouth engulfed his big aroused organ. Working that hot mouth over Ron's organ for an instant more.

"There's something I want you to do for me." He breaths his tongue flicking over Ron's glands.

"Anything Harry... Anything you want!" Ron moaned trying to thrust into Harry's mouth.

"I've been changing into it whenever I get horny..." Harry admitted. "First with Neville last night and then you this morning, but I knew these perfect's punishment are supposed to wear off." "So I need you to take your prefects wand and change me back into the toy every weekend..." Harry moaned shivering violently now on the very verge of shifting. "So... so that everyone can use me all weekend."

Harry's body shuddered and went through its change, and suddenly Ron had a warm pulsing, squeezing, fuck toy on his mighty erection.

"Harry no!" Ron breathed lustfully even as that hot tight sex toy began working on him. "I... I couldn't... yer my best..." He stammered as Harry stopped teasing his big organ.

'I want you to... just like I want you to cum inside of me right now.' Harry voice groaned inside of his head, even as that magical toy body worked mightily to bring him off.

"Alright alright..." Ron panted breathlessly as his best friend brought him to orgasm and swallowed his spooge.


Walking out of the bath room Dean Thomas tossed the Toy on to the table top grinning lewdly. "Ok who's next?" He asked looking around, the boy's shrugged they'd all used it four or five times. And most were pretty well sated, Neville was just reaching across the table. For his sixth go, when Hermione came hurrying down the stairs from the girl's dorm. The big clunky perfects wand flashing in her grip as she did, startled by her sudden appearance no one thought to grab and hide the toy. "Hermione... Errr what are you..." Ron choked looking decidedly embarrassed.

"My Perfects wand is detecting a punishment Transformation in here." Hermione explained as she glanced around at all the red faced boys.

"It can do that" Ron choked looking strangely ill at ease.

"Of course it can..." "Didn't you read the instruction manual that came with it?" Hermione asked, and then shook her head... what was she thinking... of course he hadn't. "Whats going on?" She demanded as her eyes were drawn to the table top by her flashing wand. "Hmmmmmm it seems to think this..." "What is this funny looking tube?" She asked examining it where it lay. "It... it almost looks like a... a..." "Oh My God." "That's sick!" "Your all sick!" She choked for a moment then frown as her perfects wand flashed brighter. "The wand is saying this thing... is a... a... student under perfects punishment." She gasped, quickly gesturing with the clunky wand, instantly the Toy shimmered and changed into a stunned very humiliated looking Harry Potter. "Harry!" Hermione gasped shock as the other boy's in the room did the same.


In the next few hours Harry was barraged with many awkward apologies, and even a few offers to return the service he'd provided. But all he wanted was for everyone to just forget it, and not say a word. Which was of course much promised, still by breakfast the next morning it was out. The Slithern table burst into loud lewd laughter, as soon as he walked in. And he could heard the whispering and snickering from the other tables as he walked by. Sitting at his own table he did his best to ignore it all, but everything he ate tasted like bile in his mouth. With breakfast over they all hurried off to class's, where it wasn't much better for Harry. Then coming back from herblogy, he had to answer the call of nature. In the boys restroom, he was glad to find himself all alone. Hurrying into a stall, he dropped his trousers and sit down. When there came a knock on his stall door, opening it a crack he looked out to see a tall handsome Ravenclaw boy. "Errr... what?" Harry started to ask, but was cut off as the boy pushed his way into the stall and locked the door behind him. Without a word the tall boy whipped his stiff cock out, dangling it in front of Harry's face.

"Go on... you know you want to." He half offered... half ordered. Harry opened his mouth to deny it, and found himself fed that big stiff organ.

"I'mmmmm..." Harry choked as that hard cock filled his mouth, then unable to resist he began to suck... A few minutes later, the Ravenclaw boy left with a satisfied smirk, and a load lighter. Leaving the stunned and confused Harry wondering about his own sexually... Harry stumbled back out into the hall... the taste of cum still thick within his mouth.


Taking Advantage...

A drunken Vorlan is taken advantage of by his Stag roommate... and takes advantage right back.. ...

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Warning for Gay male sex... Sci Fi... body invasion... Parasite... Neutering... mind control... basil\_ramley Goes on the space adventure ride at Charnival and discovers that its a little to real......

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