Within Josh

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of Josh's dad


Within Josh

Josh rose up on his toes... as the horse buried his long muzzle in the burly Bears musky crotch. One thick finger wiggling its way up between those sleek round butt cheeks, to caress the big Bruin's taut pucker. Josh inhaled sharply and glared down as the passively kneeling stallion. Who paused in his suckling of that big Ursine cock to moan breathlessly. "Trust me." Josh nodded his head once, and then closed his eye's. Tossing his head back, as that blunt finger was worked up his taut anus. Slick with saliva and the Bears own pre-cum... the finger slipped inside him fairly easily. Even so the discomfort was intense for a moment or two... before that questing finger found...

"UHUUUU!" Josh moaned, startled by the wave of pleasure swept through him, as that blunt finger tip rubbed over his male pleasure gland. Making the standing Bear bounce up and down on his toes, as Cameron swallowed his cock and pushed that pleasure button simultaneously. "Fuck me." The young star lineman moaned as that finger traced tight circles around his prostate gland.

"I'd love to... but your way to tight for me." Cameron moaned around that hot dribbling organ even as he licked and suckled on it. "I mean I could but it'd hurt a lot... you need someone more your size for the first few times." The experienced stallion explained, even as the big Bear grasped his long narrow head. And fucked his long muzzle intensely for a few more seconds, before exploding down Cameron's long equine throat.

"REROROROO." Josh roared, as he fed his best friend a huge hot load of his spoo. And even though the young Bear jock had a girl friend, and loved females. He knew no matter what might happen... this was something he'd be doing for the rest of his life.


Mike awoke with a snort, as his bed sagged and shook softly. Someone was climbing into it... he felt big hot paws tug his loose fitting underwear down. Freeing his big hot hard on from them, glancing around the room he found it totally dark. Someone had closed his bedroom door, blocking out the faint light that came from the hallway. 'Cameron' The big horse had often came in here in the middle of the night, after that first time. Of course normally the Horse left the door open so he could see. But then Josh had been less curious back then, and he had been sleeping although the night.

"Ummmmm." The big Bear inhaled sharply, as he suddenly felt a hot mouth engulf his thick erection. "Ohooo yeah." Mike moaned as those soft lip's wrapped tightly around his shaft. Suckling on that fat erection lovingly, even as it already had began oozing thick gooey pre-cum. "Damn yer good at that..." The big Bruin moaned, as he felt the unseen equines forehead smack against his amble belly. Once... twice... a dozen times or so, long tongue smearing his throbbing length with spit and his own greasy pre-cum. Giving his thick prick a slimy coating of slick saliva, and then the weight shifted around. As that heavy body atop him, climbed up his burly body positioning it's self.

Wide muscular thigh's straddled his crotch, and then the big Bruin felt the searing heat. As that thick cock head wedged between taut round butt cheeks. 'Damn that sexy equine has a sweet ass.' Mike thought absently... as his big bulbous cock head slid between those cheeks. Although the fur against his sensitive cock head, felt longer and courser than he remembered Cameron's feeling. But then his spit slickened tip pressed against that scalding hot anal pucker.

"Ammmm ya... want daddy Bear to pop yer pucker sweety?" Mike moaned in excited pleasure, as he felt those tight sphincters struggling to open up for him. Even as his unseen rider pressed himself down hard on that thick Ursine rut stick. "Damn boi yer even tighter than last time." Mike huffed, as the body on top of him slowly slid down his hard arching cock. "Ummmm yeah ride my big fucker nice and slow." The older Bruin reached up laying the wide palms of his huge paws on those thick masculine thigh's. But strong paws grasp his wrists lifting those big paws up, to the rail's of the head broad. Obviously the big horse wanted him to hold on, and a second later Mikes saw why. As that heavy body began to bounce athletically up and down on the older Bears pulsing erection.

The springs of Mikes bed began to creak and groan in a slow steady rhythm. As the dark silhouette above him rose up his thick rut stick, and then plunged back down it with a long shuddering sigh of pleasure. The older Bear could feel his big round cock head punching against that hard prostate gland. So knew the pleasure his silent dark rider was feeling. Grunts and soft panting breaths could be heard between them as they moved it that ageless dance of lust. "You bring an old Bear soooooo much pleasure." Mike growled as he bucked his hip's up into that hot tight pleasure hole. "After I cum up yer butt... you can fuck my muzzle." He promised in a low lewd whisper, that made the black silhouette bouncing on his cock tremble. Even as that quivering tail hole clenched and milked that thick Bruin cock. While Mike arched his back thrusting up to bury his big dick as deep as it could go, into that hot oh so tight orifice. "Ohooo Oho yeah..." "Yeah... who's yer daddy bitch?"

"Hohohoo." A soft voice choked in a strangely startled cry... making the big Bear wonder what was going on with the horse. But then even as that odd exclamation escaped, then that hot tail hole clamped down on his hefty sausage. And the big Bruin forgot about everything, but the hard athletic young body atop him. Pumping and squeezing his thick cock... straining and sweating, he could feel it then. That soft ball sack bouncing on his belly, as the young stud bucking on his cock masturbated himself. Mike was panting for breath by this time, the erotic imagery within his head making it all the better. "Get ready pony boi..." The big Bear growled lustfully... as his pleasure grew and grew. "I'm about to pump your slutty butt full..." Mike warned, making that excited body ride him all the harder. Right paw flying up and down that unseen stud stick... milking it wildly.

Big powerful bodies bucking and writhing, the bed frame squealing as it thumped against the wall. Faster and faster, strong young body bouncing fat thick prick plunging deep. "RRRROROROOO..." The big Bear roared, his claws gouging into the wooden bed frame as he clutched at it roughly. Straining to thrust himself upwards... straining to rut that sweet tail hole brutally. Breath coming in great panting gasps... as those cushy round globes smacking into his groin. Sharp deadly teeth bared and gritting... as that big cock tensed as hard as iron. Orgasm being held back one last impossible second... as the sound of blood rushing in his veins drowning out everything. And then it released... thick cock contracting and releasing spurting hot gooey spunk up into that hot hole. And then in the next instant... his muzzle was grabbed... roughly held mouth already open. And then a hot blast of fluid splattered over his nose... dripping down into his panting mouth. As that pumping fist milking out another long spurt... better aimed this one shot straight into his muzzle.

"Ammmm... ya feed daddy yer spunk." Mike moaned lustfully, his big paws sliding down from the head board. Cupping those twin globes and pulling that spurting cock into his muzzle. It took a moment for Mike to notice that small stubby tail against his thumb.

"Ohooooo." That soft voice moaned as the big Bears hot mouth suckled at his spasming cock. But then that shapely ass was pulled out of Mikes paws, as the big Bear suddenly realized two things. Firstly... it was no equine tail he was feeling, and secondly the cock in his muzzle wasn't Equine either. The big Bear lay back puzzled as that firm athletic young body climbed off of him. And quickly left the room even as the big Bruin lay there... wondering what had just happened.


Cameron pushed those two big brown furry globes wide apart, starring at that angry red abused Ursine anus. As a slimy string of cloudy spunk drooled out of it, and down towards the big jock Bears balls. Because that red abused orifice was drooping open slightly, from it's so recent fucking. "Oh yeah!" The big horse moaned in erotic delight at the thought of what he knew had just happened. "Daddies got you nice and opened up for me." The big stallion nickered under his breath, more for his own pleasure than Josh's. As he pictured the two Bears fucking in his mind, the sexiness of it almost making him cum by it's self. Even as he pressed the big blunt head of his enormous equine cock against that hot sloppy hole. Already sagging half open it swallowed his big blunt cock easily, Mikes cum making a silky lube for his sons hole.

"Did he make you spurt?" Cameron asked leeringly, as he fondled Josh's limp spent cock. Milking a few last slimy drops of thick white semen out of that limp stud stick. While he pushed more and more of his huge equine cock into that young jock stud. Rutting him slowly as Josh moaned loudly, as Cameron's hefty equine cock beat against his male pleasure gland roughly.

"Yeah he... he made me cum." Josh mumbled softly in to the pillows, his eye's rolling back as that huge cock rubbed over his prostate sensually.

"Hahah... yeah I can tell." Cameron smirked as he fucked his best friends tight ass more forcefully. "Isn't the prostate wondrous..." The big horse giggled the rhetorical question. As he savagely pummeled the young Bear jocks quivering pleasure gland with his thick equine fucker.

"Ummmmm..." Josh moaned in agreement as he arched his masculine muscular back and lifted his ass up into the horse's hard rut thrusts.

"Ohooo..." "Somebody likes that treatment." Cameron panted, as he pounded the big jock Bears firm round ass back down. Even as Josh lifted it up again to meet Cameron's hard fuck thrusts with moans of delight. Swiftly that spent cock began to stiffen, and rub against those cool cotton sheets. As the Bears powerful body began to hump the bed, as the two of them bucked and withered in sodomistic pleasure. Each enjoying the other in a way that they simply could not enjoy anyone else in the world...


Mike peeked through the crack Cameron had left in the bed room door, watching the two young jock studs rut. Too stunned by the turn of events, to do much more than watch and enjoy the erotic spectacle. While Cameron teased his big son, with taunting questions about taking that mighty cock. But there was little doubt that Josh was enjoying it, now that his boi cherry had been popped.

Mike shivered uncontrollably as he heard Josh moaning softly into the pillows as Cameron fucked him. A shiver ran down the big older Bear's broad back, as he thought about what had happened. Suddenly feeling very naughty, even though it was a trick that had been played on him. After all he had not known at the time he was fucking his own son's tail hole. The big Ursine never would have believed Josh would go in for that kind of thing. Much less that he would climb atop his own unknowing sires big hard cock. The big Bruin grunted and looked down guiltily at his own cock, which was mocking him with it's throbbing erectness. Reaching down he took it into one big paw, stroking it slowly. As he watched the handsome young stallion pounded his son's tight ass lustfully. As he replayed within his own mind the feeling of that taut virgin tail hole sliding up and down his cock. The old Bear began to jerk himself more excitedly as his mind wandered over those sensations, even while he watched them rutting...


"RRRROAHOAHA." The big Bear jock flopped over, panting for breath as his orgasm subsided. His sleek sexy Elk girlfriend snuggled up close against his thickly muscled side. The two of them laying there gasping for breath, in the after glow of their passion for a long moment. Before the big Bear looked over at his pretty Elk girlfriend admiringly, as he tried delicately to broach the subject. "That was great huh..." Josh moaned as Kandy smiled back at him... clearly just as pleased by his performance.

"It sure was stud." She giggled softly. as she wondered where this was going. Normally the big jock just went to sleep afterwords, but she had the impression tonight he was wanting to talk about something. "So whats on your mind big boy?" Kandy purred as she cuddled up close to his side and tickled him gently.

"Hey... heheh..." Josh chuckled and struggled to push her fingers away. "I... hehe... I was just thinking that... it might have been even more fun if..." He paused, taking a deep breath and gulping before continuing carefully. "I was just thinking how much more fun it would be if... if we had a... a third." The big sexy Elk cheerleader frowned lightly as she digested that...

"Who did you have in mind?" She asked at last, just as Josh was getting ready to drop the whole thing. "Because I have no girlfriends, that I could ask to do something like that." She protested, and Josh saw at once where this was going and so quickly cut her off.

"Ummm... well I was thinking about maybe asking Jordan." He explained quickly, as he watched the look on Kandy's muzzle change.

"Jordan..." The pretty Elk cheerleader exclaimed in surprise, as she thought that over. "Jordan the center on your team..." Clearly she had not been expecting him to want to bring in another guy. "Wanting to share me with another guy huh?" She smirked in a manner calculated to make him jealous... "And Jordan's a pretty big sexy guy too." She chuckled as she watched the look in his muzzle darken with blush.

"Yeah... I guess so..." The big Bear jock admitted, as his mind wandered over the handsome Bovine's thickly muscled body. Slowly his thoughts crept down to the big Bull's hot thick male attributes, that dangled so heavily between his powerful thigh's. "So... you'd be ok with it?" Josh asked as Kandy smiled and nodded her sleek Cervine head.

"Well sure I guess..." She answered slowly. "Has he asked about... ummm being with me?" The pretty Elk whispered as Josh slowly began to get erect once again.

"Oh yeah... he's always saying how lucky I am to be with you." Josh assured as his big paws began to fondle her lush body again. "And how he wished he could... ya know be with you." Which was true enough... although the big Bull said it much more crudely. 'I'd love ta pound that pretty ass.'

"Ammmm oh really?" Kandy purred excitedly, as she guided the Bear jocks big strong paws to her bouncy breasts. Breathing harder as those paws cupped and squeezed them gently, even as Josh rolled back on top of her. "Think you could handle the two of us?" He asked teasingly as his thick hard on lay throbbing against her soft sex lip's.

"I thought so before... but now I'm not so sure." Kandy moaned back playfully, as she reached down and guided his throbbing hard on back into her sloppy wet sex. "I mean four times in one night... and if he's just as good." The pretty Elk Cow giggled lewdly. "The pair of you could rut a girl's brains out." She finished with a leering smile, as the big jock Bear atop her began to rut her lustily.

"Oh I'm sure you can handle it." Josh moaned breathlessly, as his hip's slammed into her roughly...


"Really?" The big Bull snorted, as he studied his big burly teammate and his sexy Elk girlfriend. "Yer ok with seein' another guy bangin' yer girl huh." He questioned Josh, and the big Bear nodded his head smiling. And then added hastily so there would be no misunderstanding.

"As long as I'm there to share in the fun..." The big Bull looked Josh over, unsure just how much sharing the Bear would be willing to do...

"I kin understand that." Jordan grunted at last, as he flashed them both a big bright smile. As he unbuttoned his shirt and then stripped it off, displaying his massively muscled torso. "So we gunna do this on the bed or what?"

"You don't waste any time do you stud?" Kandy flashed them both a smirk, as she stood up and strolled sexily into the bed. Slowly stripping off her clothing as she went, glancing back to watch as the boy's stripped much faster. She climbed up on the big bed slowly and sensually, her three fingered hands stroking her own body. As she lay on her back and spread her long shapely Cervine leg's. "So..." The pretty Elk smirked as the two big aroused jocks crowded into the room. Both sporting sizable erections... although the Bull's was quite a bit longer. "Who's going to go first?" Jordan and Josh exchanged leering looks and then answered together.

"We thought we'd share..." Kandy's eye's widen as the big Bull climbed up between those long leg's, while Josh moved up to straddle her head. Crouching over her, Josh watched her muzzle as Jordan stuffed that long thick Bull cock into her. Clearly Kandy was impressed by the length that was plundering her depths. The Bear jock knew it was closer to her on species than his own shorter stouter Bruin fucker. And clearly it was stimulating her in ways his own penis and performance never had. With that in mind he leaned over her head and stuffed his fat cock into her muzzle. Thrusting his big firm round ass back towards the horny Bull, as he rutted that pretty muzzle roughly.

It wasn't long before he felt it... hot breath ruffling the fur of his stubby Ursine tail. Glancing back he saw that the big Bull was starring at his butt intently, that long Bovine muzzle getting closer. Starring at the Bears tiny pink pucker that was fully exposed by that erect tail. Jordan was known as a tail hole rutter... and Kandy wasn't about to let anyone pound hers. Which was why he'd invited the big Bull rather than any of the other guys on his team. Josh pulled his fat cock back until only the tip was still in Kandy's mouth. This pressed his big round ass back until it was almost bumping up against the Bull's muzzle.

Jordan licked his rubbery black lip's as that sweet ass pressed back almost on to his tongue. And decided to see just how much sharing Josh was willing to do... Slowly he reached one huge hand up, and began to fondle the Bears ass cheeks. Squeezing those big muscular globes, and then stroke over them gently. Watching intently for any negative reaction from the big Bear... but there was none. In fact those big globes tense and relaxed under his groping hand. That tight pink star of flesh almost winking at him as Josh's rump cheeks flexed for him. Glancing up he saw the big Bear watching him over his own shoulder. Smiling the big Bull wet one finger in his own muzzle, and as Josh watched slowly moved it to that pucker. Seeing that the big Bear wasn't about to protest... the horny Bull slowly began to insert it into that tight hole.

"Ohooooo..." Josh moaned softly as the smirking Bovine slowly forced his thick finger up that taut hole. "Baby." Josh added belatedly, as his taut pucker began to squeeze and milk that invading finger. He leaned forwards stroking Kandy's head and muzzle, but the big Bull knew that the moan was for him. Slowly he began to explore that tight orifice, his questing finger finding the Bear pleasure button. "Uhuhuhuuu!" Josh moaned loudly as the big Bull pressed it, rolling his finger tip around and around it. As the Bear jock bucked and moan more and more intensely with each circle. It was incredibly erotic for the big Bull to be violating the Bear, while they were doing his girlfriend. Who had no idea what was going on between them, even as they were yiffing her.

"Fucking hot." Jordan moaned... as he fingered Josh's tail hole more intensely wanting to get the Bear off that way. And it wasn't hard to tell that he was, Josh's tail hole clamped down on that thick finger. Even as the Bear began to shove himself back on it... rutting himself on the invader. "Ummm you like that don't you slut?" Jordan moaned feeling Kandy's sex quivering on his huge cock, even as he finger raped her boy friends tail hole.

"Ohoo Fuck... Ohoo fuck..." Josh moaned as his tail hole moved up and down that thick finger more lustily. "Come on now... come on..." He begged softly, even as he petted and stroked Kandy's muzzle gently. To hide the fact that he was begging the big Bull to penetrate him even more. That stroking finger became more rough and prodding... sending even more intense waves of pleasure through him. "Ohoo I'm gonna... Ohooo fuck I... I..." The big bed rocked back and forth wildly as Jordan pounded into the sexy Elk wildly. Even as he sodomized his big Bear buddy panting lustfully under his breath.

"Come on... cum for me... come on slut." Slipping his big round nose between Josh's thigh's, his rough Bovine tongue snaked out to lick the back of the Bear's swinging ball's.

"RRROROROOO!" That was it... unable to hold back any longer. The big Bear jock threw his head back and growled lustfully, as his thick cock tensed as hard as iron. And then erupted spewing his hot gooey spunk down Kandy's willing throat... as the big Bull chuckled lewdly. Josh rolled off to one side, and lay there watching. As the big Bull pounded the Bears girlfriend to their own screaming orgasms... And then the three of them lay there twisted together, panting for breath in post orgasmic bliss.


Cameron looked around the wide open lawns nervously, but also intensely sexually excited. The small grounds keepers shed, was the only privacy for hundreds of yards in any direction. The horny young stallion loved sexual adventure... and Josh's dad had called him out here. The big burly Bear was a landscaper, and contacted with the golf course to do the up keep on their greens. It was a big job and the burly Bear employed a good dozen guys for this one contract alone. Of course the big roan stallion wasn't thinking about that... be was thinking about the big Bears hot tail hole and thick hard on.

Pushing the rattling tin door open... the big roan red stud peered into the dimly lit shed. But with on lights and only one small window in the very back Cameron couldn't see much. "Mike... where are ya poppa Bear?" The horny young stallion whickered softly as he trotted carefully into the dim shed. He'd gone little more than a dozen steps... when the door banged closed behind him. Making the gloom even deeper, twisting his head around the big roan stud looked back at the door. When suddenly a musty smelling old sack was tossed over his head, a draw sting pulled tightly around its neck.

The big equine panicked then... lifting his hands to yank and tug at the bag. But even as he did so... a powerful body slammed into him... forcing him to stagger forwards. He stumbled another dozen steps of so... and then his leg's hit something. Sending him sprawling over a large pile of neatly stacked plastic, his arm went out as he did. And instantly his wrists were grabbed, rough cord wrapped around them and yanked savagely down. To be tied tightly to the wooden pallet the plastic bags were stacked on top of. Almost at the same moment his long shapely leg's were grabbed as the flailed behind him. And his tight jeans were skinned off in one swift fluid motion, leaving him with only his jock strap. "Damn you were right this bitch has got a fine ass..." A husky masculine voice he'd never heard before grunted from just behind him. "Tie his legs good... I'm goina have first go." That lustful unknown voice growled as his ankles were secure with that same rough cord. Cameron jerked and struggled as much as he could as his unseen attackers finished immobilizing him.

"Hand my the grease gun." That now sneering voice demanded, and the helpless stallion heard the 'Shlop shlop' as it was pumped. And then he felt cold tacky automotive grease squirted into his hot pucker. And then big rough fingers spread it around, before pushing into him pumping his taut tail hole slowly. "Ammm bitch is tight too..." Those big rough fingers were withdrawn, and something much thicker was wedged in its place. Cameron clamped his tail hole down hard... and just managed to hold that long springy organ out. "Oooooo that's impressive..." That deep masculine voice growled into his ear playfully. "But you can't keep it up forever..." And it was true even as that voice spoke the big stallion's quivering muscles began to weaken. And that thick bulbous cock head slowly began to sink deeper and deeper into his well greased tail hole. "See your going to be mine bitch..." That lustful voice raged in his ear... even as that invading organ was pushing hard against his inner gates. "But keep it up... this feels real good... and it'll made your inevitable breaking all the sweeter." And almost as that voice said it... his inner gates gave way and that big dick was plunged ball's deep into him!

"EEEEHEHEHEEE!" The helpless horse screamed in pain and anger as he was taken hard. Cameron was use to the pain of anal sex... he'd been penetrated many times. But he'd been trying to open himself for it then... this time he had been struggling to keep it out. And the pain of forced penetration was like liquid fire being poured into his bowels. The choice of lubricates was a bad one as well, the automotive grease heated up from the friction. And soon his tail hole felt like it was on fire, as the big horny male on his back pounded it lustfully. And it seem like he was lasting for hours... grunting and huffing into the helpless horse's ear.

A wave of relief washed over Cameron as he heard the grunts of pleasure and felt his rapist cum. But in an instant he pulled out and a new organ was shoved right in, Cameron's tail hole was to tired to resist this time. And this newcomer sank his long cock smoothly into the now passive horse. There was nothing Cameron could do but lay there and take it... as one after another six big males fucked him. The young stallion's own cock had grown hard under him... and lay drooling on the plastic fertilizer bags beneath him. As he listened to his attackers leave, sobbing softly he struggled to free himself. But he was bound to well, and soon gave up. That was when he heard it... movement nearby the creak of a chair. Someone was sitting and watching him, the chair creaked again. And he knew someone had stood up, he sensed more than anything that a big body was coming closer. His keen ears hear a snap... and then a zipper go down. And then he felt a big hot body climb atop of his own helpless one. And then a gruff amused sounding voice snickered.

"Whats the matter horse boy I thought you liked being tail rutted." 'Mike... it was Mike thank god.' The musty old sack was pulled off his head, and the big Bear grinned down at him. "That was for tricking me... into rutting Josh's tail hole." He growled darkly as his powerful body settled down on Cameron's. "Just so he'd be relaxed enough, for you to get this big equine salami into him." The Bear's huge hot paw grasped Cameron's wet dribbling stud stick. "That was a dirty trick... that really got me off." Mike's smile widened, as he stabbed his thick Ursine cock into the Horses raw raped tail hole. "And this was your punishment... we both know it really got you off." He moaned as he forcefully rutted that abused tail hole, taking it just as roughly as any of the others.

"Yeah..." Cameron admitted softly... now that it was over and he knew it wasn't a real gang rape. He was forced to admit that it had been very hot. "Those guys on your crew?"

"Heh most of them... one guy was the brother of a guy on the crew."


"Noooooo way." Kandy insisted firmly. "Didn't Josh tell you?" "I don't take it up my tail hole... not for anyone ever." The pretty Elk cow shook her head, wasn't it enough that she'd let them do it in her pussy and muzzle twice each.

"Awwww but I love putting it in a nice tight tail hole." Jordan the big Bull insisted lustfully.

"Well that's just too bad." Kandy snapped, and then a mischievous look swept across her pretty muzzle. "Unless you want to put it up Josh's tail..." She smirked loving the looks of surprise on the boys muzzles, and then noticing the big Bull's erection surge. This could be fun... she thought as she pictured her big masculine boyfriend getting rump pounded.

"Wha... now hold on." Josh protested... weakly as he lay between her long sexy leg's.

"Hey your the one who invited him... and you know I don't do that." Kandy pointed out even as she maneuvered his muzzle down to her oozing sex. "It's your responsibility... just like this..." She moaned as he tried to protest again, she rubbed her dribbling sex against his nose. Quickly she gestured to the Bull as she wrapped her thigh's around the Bears head. And before he knew what was happening Josh was pinned under the big Bovine. His nose and mouth pressed into her dripping pussy, that was filled mostly with the big Bull's cum. "Ummmm yeah rape that ass..." She moaned as Josh's long hot tongue slithered into her depths. Even as Jordan spread the Bear's big round ass cheeks and shoved his long pink cock between them. "Ohooo gods he's putting it up your butt." Kandy moaned in graphic description as she watched her big jock boyfriend get slowly lustfully penetrated. Jordan bellowed lustfully as he forced his way in between those tight anal sphincters... "RRRAHahaha..." The big Bull roared as he bottomed out in the Bears hot almost painfully tight butt.

The pretty Elk Cow wasn't as pleased with herself as she had been at first. As the boys appeared to have forgotten she was even there. Only the big Bear jocks lapping tongue slithering into way over her bare sex flesh. Connected Kandy to them in anyway, but that long slick organ was tasting the Bull's thick salty cum. Even as Jordan worked lustfully to fill the bears other end with even more of it. Still Josh's lapping tongue felt very nice on her hot used sex, and the big jock was using it much more extensively than he normally would. Licking and suckling lavishly on her hot oozing sex as he tongue fucked it. Obviously the big Bear was highly turned on by what was happening to him. Jordan the big Bull was snorting and grunting lustfully into Josh's little round Ursine ear. As he rode that big sexy round rump lustily... driving the Bears short blunt muzzle so hard his teeth bruised that delicate flesh. As his long Ursine tongue delved into its hot sloppy depths, mining for the creamy deposits that the Bull had left there... Kandy pulled back unsurprised to discover her sleek sex had been licked thoroughly clean... With his muzzle free if it's task the big Bear began to grunt and moan lewdly as he was savagely fucked by the big Bull on his broad back.

The sleek pretty Elk smirked, glad that it wasn't her tailhole Jordan was using so harshly. But also more than a little jealous, that the two of them were so obviously enjoying themselves. So very much without her... being at all involved anymore. The big red Bull had slipped a huge hand under Josh's up raised ass, and was jacking the Bear off lazily. Both of them lost in their own private world of lust, nearly forgetting that Kandy was even there... Even as the big Bull pounded his long red Bovine cock in and out of Josh's firy hot tail hole. While the horny Bear was lifting that shapely bubble butt, and slamming it back into Jordan's hard thrusts. Arching his broad powerful back as he bucked his hip's on that long stud stick. Only to thrust them back forwards into the Bull's huge hot fist that had been so well lubricated by the Bears own copious pre-cum. Kandy lay back and watched the two handsome young jock studs rut passionately. And was forced to admit it was a very erotic sight, two horny sexy males sharing their bodies... Reaching down she slowly began to rub the tingling nub of her excited sex slowly... "Yeah that's it ride him good... make him cum." She moaned as the big lustful Bull did exactly that...



Warning for Gay male sex... Sci Fi... body invasion... Parasite... Neutering... mind control... basil\_ramley Goes on the space adventure ride at Charnival and discovers that its a little to real......

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Possession Chapter 8... Confronting the truth

Confronting the truth Possession Chapter 8 "WWWOOOOOSH." Toby awoke with a gagging snort... jerking his head away from the foul smelling capsule that was being waved under his new sensitive Lupine nose. "What tha..." The big...

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