In the shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 9

Story by Wolf_359 on SoFurry

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#9 of In the Shadow of Moonlight

A young woman becomes a werewolf and finds she strongly identifies with her wolf side. Eventually she must choose between the human world and the wild.

Sophia starts to settle into a new routine.

The first adult chapter! Feel free to leave constructive criticism, ideas or other comments! I welcome and appreciate any feedback given!

Chapter 9

For the first time ever, Sophia found herself an active participant in history class. It wasn't that she found any new found enjoyment in it, but it was the only way to temper the whirlwind of emotions raging through her. Her participation in the discussion over the consequences of World War I weren't particularly factual, but the teacher did seem pleased to see her involved at least. Granted, he did need to tell her to wait to be called on before interjecting a couple of times and not to be quite so aggressive when another student disagreed.

In Phy Ed, she took great pleasure in taking her frustrations out on the tennis ball. Even the teacher seemed caught off guard by his normally timid student sending serves every which way as hard as she could. Sophia admittedly enjoyed hitting him with one wildly 'errant' return while he was giving pointers to a student on the neighboring court. An innocent sounding apology kept her consequences limited to being directed to concentrate more on controlling the ball instead of hitting it as hard as possible. Her new found aggression didn't help her play any better, but she at least felt a little better as she went into the locker room.

"Hey Sophia, you certainly seemed pissed at the tennis balls today," a brown haired girl named Michelle said in the locker room after gym.

"It's been a rough day," Sophia admitted, taking off her sweaty exercise top.

"Maybe you'd feel better chewing on a ball instead," another girl, Lidia, taunted, prompting a glare from Sophia. "Seems like the sort of thing a dog or wolf would do."

"Think a wolf would play fetch?" a blonde haired girl asked playfully.

"I would think so, since dogs came from wolves," Lidia replied, pretending Sophia wasn't there. "We should go get a ball and see if she chases it."

"Better watch out, Wolfgirl will tear out your throat," another girl jeered.

Suppressing anger, Sophia mentally sighed and finished pulling on her shirt. Fine, let's play.

"I just might," Sophia threatened, baring her teeth. "Grrr, better watch out."

Surprised the girls in the locker room paused putting their school clothes back on, but then laughed.

"That video was so extra!" Lidia exclaimed. "Do you, like, practice being a wolf or something?"

"It was a dare!" Sophia exclaimed defensively. "I didn't know I was going to be filmed!"

"Yeah, but I've never seen someone move on all fours like that," Lidia continued. "Seems like you've had a lot of practice. And eating other people's food off their plates is disgusting! Whyever did you do that?"

"Wait, she ate other people's food off their plates?" a girl named Jill asked in shock. "Eww!"

"She sure did!" Lidia confirmed loudly. "You didn't hear about the video?"

"Nope!" Jill replied, intrigued. "Where can I see it?"

If only I could force myself to change, Sophia curled her hands into fists, her flimsy human nails digging into her skin. I would definitely demonstrate the fangs.

"That video was made without my permission," Sophia protested indignantly.

"The video was taken down, but not before it was downloaded by multiple people," Lidia continued as if Sophia hadn't said anything. "Can't delete things off the Internet! I can share it with you later!"

"Oooh!" Jill replied.

"Sophia, could you show us how you move on all fours so well?" Another girl in the locker room inquired. "I thought you were called Wolfgirl just because you loved wolves or something."

"How about everyone leaves me alone?" Sophia shot back.

Before anyone could goad her further, the bell signaling the end of class rang and everyone filed out of the locker room. Sophia hung back and glared at Lidia's neck, fantasizing what it would feel like to sink fangs into it.

At lunch, Candice was nowhere to be seen, which was fine with Sophia. It meant eating alone of course, but after the first half of the day, she was more than ready to be by herself. Instead, she made use of the time to do a passable job on the homework for her remaining classes. Although she noticed a number of students gawking at her, no one approached or talked to her. Assuming it was a temporary respite, she braced herself to run the gauntlet in the school hallways once again.

In fact, the morning's commotion seemed to have largely died down by the afternoon. Aside from the occasional smirk or snide remark, people otherwise let her go about her business unimpeded. The relative peace finally gave Sophia time to relax a little and think. She felt a little bad with how she had handled the morning conversation with Candice, but the fact was she had broken Sophia's trust. It was also clear her erstwhile best friend wasn't going to handle the new and unexpected direction of Sophia's life well, even if she was unwittingly responsible for it. If Candice was uncomfortable with what she had forced on Sophia, then fine, Sophia would deal with it without her.

At least I have a new friend, Sophia paused to look at her doodle of her wolf friend. I can't wait to see you again.

Idly, she wondered what her new lupine friend was up to as she listened to her Sociology teacher drone on. In a way she couldn't explain, she felt certain he was safe. Still, it worried her that he had been so close to town. The last thing she wanted was for him to get hit by a car or shot by a rancher.

One day down, Sophia returned to jotting down notes as the teacher looked her way. Four to go. The weekend can't get here soon enough.

The rest of Monday went by without incident. The end of the school day was always a time she could count on students being more preoccupied with leaving than tormenting their fellow students. Her shift at work felt like it had dragged on forever, but at least it had been quiet. Rob, the evening manager, was his usual unpleasant self, but didn't say anything about her leaving early Friday. During her nightly trek home, she was sure she caught a glimpse of her wolf watching her from the same field she had been passing when she had first encountered him. However, when she looked again, whatever she had seen was gone. Still, she felt he was there, watching her, and that lifted her spirits.

Tuesday and Wednesday proceeded in much the same way as Monday. The teasing and mockery weren't as bad as Monday morning, but several kids made a point of cracking jokes at her expense and there were, of course, the hushed voices and stares. Wednesday morning, she found someone had stuffed dog kibble through the locker door vents. It had all landed on the floor of the locker, making it easy to clean up at least. During math, she had to suffer under Mr. Pindlewood's accusatory gaze, doing her best to show no outward sign it was getting to her.

The most painful part of Sophia's new normal remained Candice's continued absence at lunch. Several times, they passed each other in the hall, but both refrained from acknowledging the other. Each time, Sophia distracted herself by thinking about the coming weekend and her promise to her new friend. By the time school got out Wednesday, she had drawn him in one way or another in every notebook she owned.

She was particularly anxious to get home Wednesday as it was her one night off before the weekend. Taking her shoes off, she hurried into the kitchen and began rushing through her homework. Within an hour of getting home, she had both eaten and finished her homework, though she knew it was probably full of errors. Quickly cleaning up, she hurried to her bedroom and shut the door. Dropping her backpack, she headed over to her laptop and signed in.

Over the last couple of nights she had started reading about werewolves and wolves. She had, of course, spent a lot of time reading about her favorite animal in the past, but with her new 'condition' and friend, she now had a strong incentive to know as much as she could. However, due to her work shifts, she had had little time or energy to focus on it. With the night off, she wanted to devote as much time as she could to the effort.

First on her list had been figuring out when the next full moon was. Next to her desk lay her calendar where she had circled December 2nd with a red pen. The week before, she had penciled in a note to ask off for the night. She still had no idea if she'd actually change again with the next full moon, but she hoped so. Meeting up with her furry friend with fur of her own would be a lot of fun. In her mind, she envisioned exploring the woods with her friend, hunting, playing, curling up with him...

Woah, back up, her cheeks warmed and she shifted uneasily. Too far.

The browser popped up with her reading from the prior night on whether wolves were susceptible to food poisoning. She had no idea if she had had a wolf's digestive system when she had eaten the raw chicken, but was somewhat relieved to see their digestive physiology made food poisoning unlikely. In any event, she had noticed no ill effects in the last few days. Still, if she did change again, it would be best not to risk eating raw meat again.

Closing the tab in her browser, she typed in a search for wolf body language and communication. The fear she would accidentally anger or scare off her new friend had been on her mind. Much of what she read she already had some idea of from her lifelong fascination with wolves, but there were many details she didn't know. Even aside from her personal interest, it was absolutely fascinating.

After reading about how wolves often greeted each other by licking each other's teeth, she clicked on an attached video depicting a wolf researcher demonstrating it. As the video played, she couldn't help imagining herself in the place of the woman. Instead of the woman baring her teeth, it was her and, instead of the wolf in the video licking them, it was her friend. As she pictured it, she unconsciously parted her lips and they tingled as she imagined his tongue touching them. Her eyes became unfocused and her breathing increased as the image of her licking his teeth in return played through her mind. Then she'd rub her head against his...

The video ended, drawing her attention back to her screen. Her cheeks reddened as she realized the mental images had left her feeling excited. She was aware of her clothing against her skin, the pressure of her butt against the chair and her feet crossed on the floor. An inhale lightly rubbed her breasts against her bra and she became aware her nipples had stiffened. Most startling of all, she could feel faint contractions down below and a slight dampness in her panties.

I shouldn't be feeling this way about... that, she lightly brushed her hand against her breast, sending a surge of pleasure through her. I need to stop and do something else. This isn't right.

A suggested video caught her eye, the preview showing two wolves - a male and a female. The title was plain, "Wolf Mating Behavior", but it was enough to pique her curiosity. Despite reservations that what she was feeling and doing was somehow wrong, she clicked the video and it began.

The video was in the form of a documentary and narrated, but her attention was fully on the wolves in the video. The narrator explained female wolves generally entered estrous once a year and would only seek to mate then. In a pack, there was only a single breeding pair, called the Alphas. Typically, a pack was actually made up of the breeding pair and their pups. As he spoke, two wolves jumped playfully at each other and opened their mouths as though to gnaw on each other. After a moment, one of the wolves ran away from the other, who gave chase. The chase didn't last long and the other wolf caught up quickly and jumped on the other's back. As he did so, Sophia felt blood rushing into her vulva and she squeezed her thighs, which sent another wave of euphoria through her.

The male wolf began thrusting and Sophia couldn't help placing a hand between her legs and gently rubbing herself through her jeans. Each thrust by the male into his mate intensified a feeling of emptiness in her own vagina and a yearning for it to be her being filled. She felt shame for feeling turned on by the two animals mating, but at the same time nothing seemed more natural to her. The thought of her friend on top of her, his fur mingling with her's flashed through her mind and she rubbed herself even harder, feeling her panties get even wetter. She had masturbated occasionally, but it had never felt as pleasurable as it did now.

In the video, several other wolves excitedly approached the pair and the male wolf snapped and growled at them, defending his claim. A silly grin appeared on Sophia's face as she thought of her wolf fending off other would-be suitors from his 'claim'. With her other hand, she intentionally brushed her breasts again and imagined having additional nipples down her belly. Wistfully, she rubbed her belly imagining the feeling of six additional teats. The male in the video stopped thrusting and climbed off before trying to move away from his mate. Instead, the female was forced back as the male's knot remained firmly in her. With each yank, Sophia felt as though her own vagina was being tugged.

At this point, her feelings of shame had been reduced to less than a whisper under the crescendo of her arousal. All inhibition crumbling, Sophia reached behind her and undid her bra before tossing it to the side, next she undid the buttons on her pants, exposing her now soaked panties. With her jeans out of the way, she thrust her right hand into her underwear and ran a finger through her now exposed labia and over her swollen clittoris, shuddering as she did. Now without reservation, she imagined it wasn't her finger, but her friend's lupine tongue lapping against her.

The video ended and she reached over with her left hand and started a new mating video, though she hardly paid attention to it. Her middle finger glided over her slick clit, as she rubbed and squeezed her nipples and breasts with her left hand. Mentally, it wasn't the male wolf of the video, but her friend and she was the female wolf.

As her mate climbed on her back, she moved her tail out of the way. Her mate began thrusting against her rear with his penis and found her lupine opening. Panting, she stared ahead blissfully as her mate filled her and then began pounding. Other male wolves, excited by the scents and sounds of mating, came near the alpha pair and her mate snapped and snarled, forcing them to back off. Suddenly her mate jerked and she felt her vagina being filled as his seed streamed into her and his knot inflated.

At that moment, Sophia tensed and let out a whimper as her efforts pushed her over the top. She stopped rubbing as intense heat and pleasure coursed through her. Her vagina began contracting around the imaginary lupine penis embedded deep within. Too soon, the masturbatory high wore off and she squeezed her thighs around her hand as she cupped herself tightly. After a moment, she stood and tossed off her shirt before discarding her now wet jeans. Happy, but not yet sated, she abandoned her research and lay on her bed in preparation for another round.

In the shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 10

### **Chapter 10** She could smell the rabbit in the wind. It wasn't far away, just a few dozen yards, in the tall grass. It wouldn't fill her like a deer would, but it would satisfy her hunger nonetheless. Dropping her nose to the ground...

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In the shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 8

### **Chapter 8 - November 5, Sunday** **The next morning, Sophia woke groggily to the sound of her alarm and the feeling of a full bladder. Once she forced her aching legs to take her to the bathroom, she climbed back into bed and leaned against the...

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In the shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 7

### **Chapter 7** Sophia felt like her insides were twisting themselves in knots as she stared at the attached recording titled "Little Red Riding Hood Wolfs Out!". Desperately pleading with herself to wake up from the nightmare, she fought the urge...

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