In the shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 7

Story by Wolf_359 on SoFurry

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#7 of In the Shadow of Moonlight

A young woman becomes a werewolf and finds she strongly identifies with her wolf side. Eventually she must choose between the human world and the wild.

Sophia continues to deal with the consequences of her new reality.

This was a difficult chapter to write, but I'm overall happy with how it turned out. Feel free to leave constructive criticism, ideas or other comments! I welcome and appreciate any feedback given!

Chapter 7

Sophia felt like her insides were twisting themselves in knots as she stared at the attached recording titled "Little Red Riding Hood Wolfs Out!". Desperately pleading with herself to wake up from the nightmare, she fought the urge to vomit. Who at the party took a video? She didn't remember anyone with a phone out, much less filming. Barely conscious of her hand moving, she placed the cursor over the video embed and clicked.

A page on a video sharing site opened in a new tab and the video began playing. It wasn't great quality, but she could definitely recognize the wolf skin on top of the costume she had worn. The recording didn't start when she had first put on the skin as she had expected, nor did it start when she had playfully eaten off her plate. In fact, she only vaguely remembered doing anything shown in the video; it was all just a blur. Even more disquieting was the recording was six minutes long.

Praying the video included the other girls' romps with the skin, she skipped to the end. The hope it included more than just her died as soon as the video finished loading. The last few seconds were of her bending down to Lynn's cup and Lynn saying her name. As soon as she started standing, the playback reached the end. Restarting the video from the beginning, she watched, barely daring to breathe.

Despite herself, she found herself utterly mesmerized. The recording phone appeared to have been set on someone's leg and, judging by the angle of the camera and white dress in the foreground, it had to have been Patty. On the screen, she had risen onto the ball of her foot and was moving around on all fours confidently, if awkwardly. The other girls in the video laughed as she put her nose close to the floor and moved around, sniffing, until she came close to the person filming, which had definitely been Patty.

"That's my food, girl!" Patty exclaimed as the playback jolted for a moment as she bent over and picked her plate up.

In the video, Sophia looked up, her eyes looking up at Patty, opened her mouth... and snarled. She actually snarled. It wasn't just a playful snarl either, her teeth were fully bared and there was an angry look in her eyes. Despite that, several of the girls laughed, although Candice actually looked taken aback for a moment.

"Woah there," Patty said, sounding amused. "Here, fetch!"

The phone jiggled again as Patty threw something. What looked to be a slice of sausage flew through the air and hit the floor close to the entryway, flipped over and stopped. Immediately, Sophia went after it in the video, to the delight of the others. Moving with surprising fluidity, she covered the distance on all fours. Bending her head down, she sniffed it before picking it up in her mouth and eating it.

"Wow Sophia," Alexa laughed in the video. "You really are a wolf girl."

The recording stayed focused on Sophia and she turned back towards the group, looking at them intently. With almost unnatural ease, Sophia trotted back towards the group on all fours. She turned towards Candice and began curiously sniffing her leg.

"Look out!" Patty warned playfully. "She's seeing if you'll taste good!"

Candice shifted uneasily as Sophia continued sniffing down her thigh as it rested on the chair. Before backing off, Sophia rubbed the side of her cheek against Candice's pants to more laughter. Backing off, Sophia went around to Candice's other side, to where her plate was on the small table. This time, she planted her face over the sausages and actually ate several off the plate with her mouth. Lynn and Patty laughed nervously while Candice looked aghast. After another round of sausages, Sophia went for Lynn's cup and the recording reached the end.

Sophia slumped against the back of her chair, her hands dangling. After viewing the recording, she could vaguely remember doing what the video showed. It had been like a trance, like something deep within her had taken control for those minutes. Had she been drugged? Did Patty slip something in her drink while she wasn't looking? What had Sophia done to deserve this degree of embarrassment? Was losing her mother, having an uncaring father and being a failure at everything not enough?

It's not fair! Anger surged through her, hot and violent. I've done everything I'm supposed to and all I do is get hurt!

Wanting to unleash her fury on something or someone, she examined the video. It had been posted the night before and the number of views was already several hundred. Everyone in school was going to see it before the end of the weekend! Nearly shaking, she closed the video and the picture of Candice with Patty and Rachel filled the screen, enraging her even more. Rachel was the one who told the legend, and Candice was the one who brought the wolf pelt in the first place. Did they all conspire together? If they didn't, how could they not have noticed Patty filming? It didn't seem possible it had been just a coincidence! It had to have been some prank dreamed up in band class. Why would Candice do this to her though? Was being friends with the "wolf girl" too embarrassing for Candice? Was that it? In her mind's eye, she pictured Candice laughing as Patty filmed Sophia moving around on all fours.

Well, they succeeded! Sophia brought up the chat with Candice. This 'wolf girl' is a real werewolf now and they're going to ruin any remaining chance I have at a life!

Her fingers furiously tapped:

Great job! Your prank on the wolf girl succeeded! I hope you're happy with your new friends now that you guys have made my life even more of a living hell! If I was such a drag to be around, you should have just told me you didn't want me instead of stringing me along.

Without a second thought, she hit 'send' and slammed her laptop closed. As she got up from her chair, her anger rapidly cooled, and she collapsed onto her bed, sobbing.

Several hours later, Sophia was curled up with a blanket in front of the living room television. It was rare for her to sit down in front of the television and nothing really interested her now, but at least it distracted her from the gaping emotional wound inside her. She had tried drawing or even doing homework, but her mind would inevitably drift to how alone she was, and she'd start crying all over again. Candice had tried to call twice, no doubt seeking to further mock Sophia's gullibility, but Sophia refused to answer and turned off the phone after the second attempt.

As the sun started to set, she found herself with a half-empty bag of puffs while watching a soap opera she didn't have any real interest in. Up to then, it had more or less succeeded in distracting her from the sad reality of her existence. However, as darkness descended outside, she found herself growing restless. Any claim the television still had on her attention waned as the sun disappeared below the mountains, and she found herself staring out the window at the fading daylight. Although half hoping she'd change again, she didn't feel at all like she had preceding her transformation the night before, but her mind and body felt increasingly confined in the house.

Maybe some fresh air would do me some good, she turned off the TV and stood, letting her bag of puffs and the blanket fall. If I change again, well, at least I'll have something else to distract me.

After putting on her shoes, coat, gloves and a hat, she was about to go out the front door when she decided she'd rather be away from the artificial light of the streets. Instead, she went out into the backyard via the kitchen's sliding backdoor. The sun had set, but the moon had yet to clear the mountains and the yard was covered in an eerie darkness. Stepping off the porch, she slowly walked along the hedges behind the house. Just moving outside in the cold night helped loosen the tension in her mind and body. Once she reached the edge of the house, she took a lazy turn and moved along the slight depression that marked the division between properties. Stopping at her yard's edge, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, she held it a few seconds and then slowly exhaled, letting some of her stress go with it. She had intended to stop at the yard's edge, but, on a whim, she stepped into the field that separated the property line and kept going.

Despite the lack of a path or illumination, she found herself stepping confidently as she hiked in the direction of the northern foothills and mountains. After half an hour, she had crossed the undeveloped grassy plain that separated her neighborhood from the foothills and the terrain was increasingly hilly and dotted with trees. By then, the moon was peaking above the eastern mountains, and the trees and rocks cast long shadows over the rolling landscape. She had no idea where she was going, but felt driven to push on. In the back of her mind, she knew walking in the wilderness alone, particularly at night, was dangerous. Besides the risk she'd miss a step and break a leg with no one aware she was there, predators were at their most active in the evening. Not to mention, she lacked water or even proper footgear. Yet, whether through bravery or recklessness, she felt unconcerned for her safety as she jumped between two large boulders only partly lit by the moonlight.

When she was younger, she and her parents would occasionally take day hikes into the nearby foothills. They'd picnic on one of the hills with a clear view of their home and town. Like her, Sophia's mother had been at home in the wilderness and the two never missed an opportunity to explore, no matter how dangerous the terrain, much to her father's chagrin. When she got older, Sophia would sometimes drag Candice on ill-advised adventures in the same hills, often in the hopes of glimpsing a pack of wolves. Those excursions had always been during the day though and never alone.

She had also never ventured past the tree line without her parents. Nor had she been outside the town line since her mother died and her body was letting her know it. Breathing heavily, Sophia clambered quickly up a rockfall on the slope of a particularly steep hill, not even ensuring the next rock she reached for or stepped on was secure. Her muscles protested against the demands she was making of them, but she still pushed on.

By some miracle, she reached the upper edge of the rocks without slipping and paused a moment to catch her breath against a tree. She lingered only a moment though before resuming. Her destination was close, she could feel it. Despite the tangled branches that scraped her face and treacherous ground, she continued. Finally, she came upon a rocky outcropping free of any foliage near the hill's apex. Her instincts told her this was the place. For what, she had no idea.

The outcropping was about fifteen feet across and seven deep. The wind and rain had eroded the softer material away from this remnant of a past geological epoch and created a relatively flat surface. Tall pine trees surrounded the approaches to the ledge, but did not obscure the face of it, giving a largely unobstructed view of the valley. The lights of Woodbury were easily visible several miles away. The nearly full moon gave the entire valley an unearthly white glow.

Temporarily forgetting her personal problems or fatigue, Sophia settled on a rock protruding from the outcrop and looked out over the valley, awed. The night was clear and the moonlight glinted off the snow on the distant peaks of the Teton mountains. The spot reminded her of the hikes she used to take with her mother out to the hills. Mother and daughter spent many a weekend exploring the wilds around Woodbury and finding a secluded overlook with a spectacular view was always a highlight. Though, they had never attempted something so dangerous at night nor without preparation. As memories flashed through her mind's eye, tears began to well up.

Mom, a tear left a wet trail on her cheek. I wish you could see this with me. I wish I could talk to you now; you would have known what to do.

Rustling startled her and she turned towards it in a panic; the memories falling away. Whatever it was, it was big and getting closer. She sat there unmoving, barely even breathing, as the rustling grew closer. A large shape emerged from the darkness, making its way towards her. Eyes widening, she got ready to run. As the source of the noise stepped out of the shadows, its eyes caught the moonlight and briefly shone white. Then Sophia's eyes were able to make out other details and the image of a large wolf formed in her brain.

"It's you..." Sophia whispered in awe as she recognized the lupine form in front of her.

Rationally, it seemed silly to think this could have been the same wolf she had met almost a week before, but deep in her soul she knew. As before, she also somehow knew he would bring her no harm and she relaxed. The wolf stopped ten feet away, keen golden eyes regarding her. His nose twitched and ears swiveled as he stood with his head held high. Despite the unexpectedness of the situation on both sides, his body was relaxed and his tail swished lazily behind him.

"I didn't expect to see you again," Sophia broke the silence, feeling strangely giddy. "What brings you here?"

The wolf rotated his head curiously in response, tail rising briefly. For her part, Sophia was unable to take her eyes off him. He was as magnificent a creature as she had remembered from their first encounter.

"Are you alone?" she asked, realizing she had yet to see any other wolves with him. "Where's your pack?"

The wolf didn't respond of course, but did take a cautious step forward. Slowly, she raised her hand and the wolf tensed in response.

"It's okay!" she reassured him. "I'm not going to hurt you. I wish we had met last night; we could have made our own pack."

Seeing there was no danger, the wolf crept closer. He continued to stare at her, nose twitching as he sniffed the air, as if unsure of what to make of her.

I wonder if I smell a bit like a wolf to him, she slowly slid off her rock onto her hands and knees. Having that wolf nose and instincts would be really useful right about now.

The wolf stopped again, this time sitting on his haunches with his tail sweeping the ground. Hoping that meant he was accepting her, she cautiously moved forward. When the wolf didn't respond, she crawled towards him until the gap between them was only a few feet.

I can't believe this is actually happening! She got into a cross-legged sitting position, her heart thudding in her chest.

The two now sat facing each other. This close, she could see just how big he was and the idle thought he could easily snap her neck if he wanted floated through her mind. A point driven home when he opened his mouth to pant, displaying his massive, sharp fangs. Yet, Sophia didn't feel the least bit worried and actually felt comforted with him there. The moonlight shone on and through his fur and she had to admit he was even more, dare she say, handsome than he had been under the glow of the streetlights.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you after the other night," Sophia told the wolf. "I certainly didn't believe we'd meet again."

The wolf closed his mouth, lowered his ears and whined briefly, surprising her.

"I was sad too," she responded, smiling. "I've been very lonely lately. Have you been lonely too?"

As if in response, the wolf's ears went back to upright and his jaw relaxed. To her delight, the wolf got off his haunches and covered a third of the distance between them. He was almost close enough to touch. Mentally crossing her fingers, Sophia slid herself a similar distance, leaving just a foot of space between them. Tentatively, she raised a hand and slowly moved it towards her companion. The wolf leaned towards her hand, sniffing it.

Gently, Sophia curled her fingers inward until they brushed the bridge of the wolf's muzzle. As her fingers made contact, a wave of electricity starting in the tips of her fingers traveled through her hand, up her arm and from then through the rest of her body. Letting out a sigh, she ran her fingers lightly over his muzzle, taking in every sensation. The wolf continued to sniff her hand and gave it a lick, causing her to giggle.

"Do I smell a bit like a wolf?" Sophia asked curiously. "Believe it or not, you're not the strangest thing to happen to me this week. I guess you could say I'm a part-time wolf now."

Thrilled at the opportunity to touch a real, wild wolf, she shifted closer until her face was almost touching the wolf's. The wolf seemed just as eager to examine her and began intently sniffing her face while occasionally flicking his tail.

Remembering something she had once read from someone who had spent time with wolves, she drew her lips back, baring her teeth. This seemed to please her lupine friend and he gave her several rapid licks across her teeth. Sophia laughed, joy filling her. Placing her hand on the wolf's neck, Sophia ran her hand through his fur there. Underneath the outer coat was a thick layer of soft fur similar to what had adorned Sophia's front the prior night.

"It's funny, I ran into you and became a werewolf a few days later," Sophia murmured as she ran her hand over the wolf's head. "Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. I've always dreamed of being a wolf, but now that I've become one, sort of, I'm worried about it messing up my life. Of course, there isn't much left to mess up."

The wolf whined and she paused her exploration of his mane. Was he responding to her words..? Oddly, it felt like she knew what he was feeling too and he felt...

"You're lonely too..." she whispered as she understood. "What happened to the rest of your pack?"

The wolf's head and tail drooped for a moment, but he then ran his muzzle against her face.

"I'm sorry," Sophia sympathized as she nuzzled him back. "I've lost most of my pack too, and those who I thought were in my pack, well, I don't know anymore."

She gave his chin a friendly scritch and then moved her hand to the side of his leg. The fur was thinner there, and she marveled at the solid muscles that lay underneath. Unable to resist, she gave his muscles a squeeze. Despite the cold air, she was feeling rather warm underneath her coat and her heart was pumping rapidly.

Am I..? she nervously played with her coat's zipper with her left hand. No, don't be silly; I'm just excited.

Suddenly unsure, she glanced around and panicked when she saw how high the moon was in the sky.

"Crap!" she exclaimed, startling her companion who was sniffing her coat. "I need to get home!"

The wolf growled and then whined.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I really want to stay, but I need to get back. This has been a dream come true for me, and I wish I could go with you."

The wolf's tail drooped. Somehow, she felt like the wolf was asking her something.

"I'll come back next weekend," she blurted out. "I promise."

The wolf perked up and began panting and Sophia sensed he understood her intent. Leaning in, she gave her new friend a hug before nuzzling her face against his muzzle. The wolf gave her a friendly lick on the cheek, sending a thrill through her. Standing, she made her way towards where she had come up and looked back to see the wolf watching her with his tail up, wagging. Smiling broadly at her new friend, she began her journey home.

In the shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 8

### **Chapter 8 - November 5, Sunday** **The next morning, Sophia woke groggily to the sound of her alarm and the feeling of a full bladder. Once she forced her aching legs to take her to the bathroom, she climbed back into bed and leaned against the...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 6

### **Chapter 6** Sophia slowly swam towards consciousness, her brain feeling like it was submerged in molasses. Groaning, she willed stiff muscles to move her arm to her face and rub her temples. She opened her eyes and immediately shut them as...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 5

### **Chapter 5** Once the door was shut, Sophia locked it. After a moment's thought, she turned off the light in her room, leaving only the light provided by the moon. While in the bathroom and hallway, she had noticed that she had little trouble...

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