Seducing His Father: Chapter Seven

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#7 of Seducing His Father

Fyr and Hiss are none the wiser as Holly cheats with Ropes behind everyone's back, enjoying the demon's bare length pushing into her. Who cares about falling pregnant to her boyfriend's father? She hopes she already is!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Seducing His Father

Chapter Seven

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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Holly thought she was pregnant but she could not say, as yet, for sure. Of course, that was just her kinky mind at work on that point, as no one could possibly say that they were pregnant just a few days after doing the deed, as much of a warm memory as it was lingering in her mind.

Yes... Yes, that had been a lovely time indeed to share with her boyfriend's father and she would have been purring happily if she'd been of the feline persuasion. She was not, of course, being a lovely skunk instead, but that was beside the point as she resisted the urge to rub her stomach, skin trembling with anticipation of what was still left to come. It would take a whole nine months for her pregnancy to run through and there was absolutely no doubt in her mind as to who the little one would be fathered by. Always making Hiss use condoms with her did not leave much up to interpretation, to be fair.

"You seem like you've got something on your mind."

That was perceptive for him. Holly smiled, though even she did not feel like she had anything to hide, rather carrying a delicious secret around that warmed her through. There may have been a sliver of guilt, deep down, that she buried but it was not something that she was going to allow to the forefront of her mind. Especially not with the cougar who had fathered her cub sitting in the back seat of her car.

She felt his presence there even as she chatted lightly with Hiss, Ropes quiet. Holly knew just why he was there, of course, considering that there was supposedly nothing else to do that day. She knew that his wife would have found him something to do if he had said anything to her but instead he had merely professed boredom and hopped in the car with the two of them, heading into the town centre for a job interview that Hiss was attending at noon.

"It's going to be a long one, I hope," Hiss said with as much confidence as he could muster, though Holly knew her boyfriend well enough to know that there were nerves too at play. "I think there'll be a tour of the office to meet others if it goes well, but it's only going to be something to do in the interim to college, really. Mom says something like that will look good on my resume and I don't think they want too many hours off me either."

"It's been a hard year," Holly agreed, barely even thinking about what she was saying. "We need a break too. Things are only going to get busier from here."

Of course, she was not quite talking about the same things that Hiss was, sure already that she had a bun in the oven and longing for it too. It was not something that she would ever turn back the clocks on when it promised so much good for her, setting her life up the way that she had always imagined it to be. Sure, her studies would be more difficult but she wasn't thinking about that, basking in the glow of all that she had done with Ropes, the presence of the cougar tickling at the back of her neck.

She shivered. He was watching her.

Dropping Hiss off in front of his interview building and straightening the collar of his hardly worn, ironed shirt, she kissed him on the cheek. He did look like a young cougar off to work, his tentacles neatly hidden under his shirt and suit jacket too so that they would not attract unwanted attention. Sometimes others didn't know what to think about them and the demons still tended to keep that part of their life and bodies under wraps for the most part.

"Good luck, sweetie!"

She waved him off but when she got back in the car, Ropes having punched his son on the shoulder, winked and told him he'd do a great job, the cougar, of course, had already made his way into the front seat. He moved like a monster of the night, perfectly silently without even trying, and she jumped as he brushed her arm with the tip of a tentacle, slipping it out from under his T-shirt with deceptive casualness.

"Shall we get something to eat?"

His eyes glowed with a faint intensity, taking her breath away.

"Yeah... Sure."

Things changed without Hiss in the car, sitting a little closer, their shoulders tipped towards one another, Holly chuckling faintly as he tickled the back of her neck. No longer did she have to simply know that his eyes were on her - she could see that for herself. He barely even took his gaze off her for a single moment and, truth be told, she rather liked the notion of not being wanted to leave his sight. She wanted to be there, letting her fingers tap-dance lightly across his thigh, teasing him even as they pulled into the multi-storey car park, the cool darkness of the concrete structure bringing a shivering chill to their fur.


Ropes leaned over, his lips on her neck, teasing and caressing. Holly was too easy to work up and he didn't think that the skunk was in any way inclined to make him wear a condom again, the thickness of his shaft rising in his trousers. They tented out the front of his jeans into a bulge that not even the seductive skunk could resist, her paw on it as she parked up, fingers trembling.

"You can't be that needy for me already..." She teased, though there was a catch in her voice that had not been there before. "Doesn't your wife put out?"

Oh, it was rude of her to say that but she cared less and less for the dragoness who had been, to be fair, very kind to her. There was something more there, she was sure, and Ropes being as he was could not be held accountable for looking elsewhere. She was sure about that too, enough so that it was easier and easier for her to quash any doubts that flitted to the surface, drowning and shoving them right back where they belonged.

He walked close to her, deliberately so, their hips touching from time to time. In the shopping centre, they could be a little more risqué but they still had to remember that there were other furs there that could recognise them too, even if it was unlikely. It was that risk, however, that kept things light and lively, interesting for them. Ropes' tentacles were well tucked away but that only left his paws free to roam as they chose a taco place to eat at, seated as close as lovers. Maybe passers-by could mistake them for a father and daughter couple (it was not unheard of, considering that she could have taken more after her mother than Ropes), though the closeness between them was not so pure.

"Mm... You didn't come out today because you wanted to support Hiss..."

Her breath came with a little more difficulty as he squeezed her thigh but, tenaciously, did not allow his fingers to creep higher, leaving her in the dark and wanting, panting faintly. Oh, how she needed him, craved him, desired him more than anything else in the world... Her heart surged. And she had him too for her own in a way, the fruit of his loins surely quickening in her womb already.

That would come to be seen in time, of course, but she wanted it to be. If the cougar had not already rendered her sweetly pregnant, she would simply fuck him again and again until she had all that she wanted from him.

"We could just go back to the car if you're that needy."

Ropes purred, a smirk on his lips setting his whiskers aquiver, knee touching hers. Her paw squeezed the hard length of his cock through his jeans and she pretended to feign disinterest, jigging a hind paw in the air as she shook her head.

"Oh, no... I'm going to make you wait for it, kitten."

The cougar rolled his eyes - or, at least, the facial contractions showed that that was what he was doing. It was hard to define things like that with his eyes being pale, even when he was wearing contacts to ensure that others did not realise that he was a demon. Although he did not care too much about the effect it had on him if some chose to ostracise him for it, he did care about the knock-on effect that such a revelation would come to have on his family and that was not something he was willing to negotiate on. Thus, he kept things quiet, his true nature locked down and away from overly curious eyes for the most part. Hiss would make his own decision on that in time to come too.

They did, somehow, remember to grab a to-go bag of food for Hiss, though Holly did say that it would be cold by the time that the cougar got to eat it. They would have to pick him up soon but the interview session must have been going well as they had not yet been called to come to pick him up. That wasn't something that was about to worry either of them, however, as they half-rushed back to the car, some part of them trying to appear normal still but, frankly, it was not a part of them that, at that time, was all that much taking priority.

Ropes' tail flicked back behind her, brushing her buttocks, and the skunk squealed, hustling along, a smile on her lips. She couldn't get into the car quickly enough, laughing all the while, her paws scrambling, bumping against the frame. She was in the driving seat too, of course, but it was strange still to not have the cougar leading in that regard, though she would have to get used to having her own wheels soon enough.


His lips met hers and his heart leapt, stomach turning over as Holly's lust filled the air. It would have filled the car too but Ropes was too busy slurping it up, feeding on the essence of lust that swirled and throbbed around him. It was what drove him on to lust more and more, to take femfur after femfur, all that they had to offer him, his need rising and rising, the hardness of his cock demanding precedence.

Oh, and Holly was hardly about to ignore it as her paws dropped, tugging at his jeans, fumbling with his belt. She may not have been the most dextrous in that regard but it was the suspense that drew out the pleasure for him, his chest rising in a gulp of breath that did not seem quite enough. The kiss broke, their lips connected for a fraction of a moment but a devious string of saliva, yet they would not be apart for too long at all as she lowered her head, smirking as his cock sprang free.

"I think you were waiting for me."

Ropes smirked and leaned back, paws behind his head, enjoying the moment as she sucked his shaft deep up into her muzzle, swallowing rapidly just so that she could take him as deeply as it was possible to in that moment. To some extent, he was keeping watch, but it was difficult to say just how good he would be at something like that when there was so much else going on.

She ran her tongue around the head of his shaft, delighting in every last tiny sensation she could take for herself. She had not known before just how wonderful stolen moments could be, even in a car park where anyone could walk by them at any time. She needed it too badly, murmuring softly as she sucked on his shaft, her head bobbing slowly. It was her time to take and there was no sense of rush about Holly, despite the risky situation that they were in. No, she would have what she needed, giving the cougar a little something too, no matter what else would come to pass that day.

Ropes was not in the manner of holding back, or so it seemed, grunting and purring softly, his tail lashing even within the tighter confines of the car. She still remembered just how his naked body had looked in the gleam of moonlight as they had come together in carnal bliss only a few days ago, his bare shaft sinking into her unprotected pussy for the very first time. Holly groaned around him, her paw trying to grasp what she could not fit in her muzzle, but the moment was far too fervent for even that. No, he would not allow it as his paw landed on the back of her head, pushing her muzzle down all the way as he unloaded his seed, filling her muzzle as fast as she gulped and swallowed.

It was all Holly could do not to make a mess of herself, doing her best not to let any semen escape her lips and trickle onto their clothes, marking their fur, but that was yet another thing that made it more delightful still. She knew the danger and welcomed it too, embracing it with open arms, a moan on her lips. Well, her moan was rather muffled by the thick length of his cock but she didn't mind that, slurping down the length as she let him guide her with a paw twisted luxuriously into her dark green hair.

It was a quickie, just a quickie, and they had to head off swiftly as her phone pinged.

Hiss: Where are you? I thought you'd be out here.

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Holly: We got you food! How did it go?

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Hiss: Tell you when I see you.

_ _

As always, a cougar of many words, though she had come to expect that. It was the way of things when it came to Hiss and she would have been out of place to expect anything else from him, as much as she adored him too. With the taste of his father's cum in her mouth, the skunk chuckled softly and set her GPS for the site of the interview, though the company name itself eluded her. It wasn't anything important, just something that was good for Hiss, not that anyone was going to be digging into the company at any time, and Holly was proud of him for going for it. She would have to think about a summer job soon, her scholarship funds running out that had sustained her so far where her parents' had not been able to push her onward. She knew they were doing the best but the hours of her last job hadn't matched up with the tail end of her schooling there, which was a shame but not something she felt she had any control over.

Holly was interrupted from her musing by Ropes reaching over, his paw deliberately slow. She was still wearing long shorts that showed off her legs and it was easy for him to press through them with enough pressure to feel the outline of her pussy, how her folds sank in lightly against the touch of his fingers. She groaned and he teased on, sliding his fingers between her thighs, forcing her to pleasurably spread them.

"Mmmph... Ropes."

It was notable that she didn't stop him, enjoying the teasing as much as he was as he fed luxuriously on her sexual energy. It pulsed in the air between them, a tangible force all on its own, something that only a demon could sense, though those in close proximity to them for long periods of time could learn to feel it too. Of course, they could not feed like he did, teasing and pressing, imagining that he could slip his fingers into her right then and there.

Alas, the drive was too short for that as Holly puffed, his paw working its way up to her chest, the fullness of her breasts tempting him in such a way that could not be ignored. Other cars whizzed by them as Holly dropped off into the slowest lane, her need rising, though she could not drag her eyes off the road for fear of something worse happening. There was no point in teasing if it came to an end that neither of them were going to enjoy, after all. She was already horny after giving him a blowjob, filling a need of hers at the same time, and rocked her hips plaintively.

It was a moment of powerlessness to be so worked up as he dragged his cock out again, showing off what she wanted when she could not even take it for her own. Of course, Holly reached for his uncut length but Ropes batted her paw away, eyes gleaming as he clicked his tongue disapprovingly against the roof of his mouth.

"Ah-ah... You've got to keep your attention on the road."

Holly huffed.

"But you can't do that and expect me to concentrate!"

"But I do."

And, so, she had to put up with the smooth slide of his paw along his length while she drove, eyes flicking over to him near enough constantly. She wanted him desperately, wanted to be sitting in his lap, skin burning up as if she was in heat, even though that was something that was better controlled with furs in their time. Holly whimpered and nipped at her lip, though the cougar, oddly, did not reach his own climax before they got to the office block where a slightly ruffled cougar was waiting outside.

Hiss faltered for a moment to find his father in the passenger seat but recovered swiftly, hopping into the back instead as if he was trying to get away from the building as quickly.

"Jeez... You forget how draining those things are! And it was so hot in there!"

Hiss tugged at his collar as if trying to allow his fur to air out a little more, though there was a distinct look of relief on his face. Holly had to glance over just to see but, yes, of course, Ropes had managed to get his cock away before his son saw. He couldn't have left all that much time about it though.

"Was it good though? Do you know if you got it yet?"

Hiss smiled.

"Yeah, I think so. They're hiring more than one so it gives me more of a chance, you know? I should be able to keep it on different hours when I'm studying again, so that's good. If they hire me, that is."

"I'm sure you'll have done great."

She smiled, looking back at him, genuinely meaning it. Hiss, however, was duly tired and already looking for the spare T-shirt he'd brought along with him. Shirts and suit jackets were hardly his usual attire but he must have (rightly) had his phone switched off for the interview, leaving messages and social media unchecked. She couldn't fault the attention of him, though she did nudge Ropes to at the very least pass a bottle of water back to him.

"Oh... Yes, thanks."

Hiss' eyes slid back to the phone as he chugged it.

"Huh... Andy wants help with his car, said it broke down again. Damn it. Holly, would you mind if I went to help? I think he's got to go off to see his sister tomorrow and, well..."

Hiss half-shrugged but Holly saw her chance and took it, even though it meant that she had been used pretty much as his chauffeur for the day. Well, and that she had been there to support him, but it had not seemed that Hiss had needed all that much support in the end either.

"Sure thing, hon," she said, trying to keep the trembling excitement from colouring her tone. "You get what you need there, I can always come by to pick you up later if Ropes...your father or mother can't, hey? I've not got much to do today."

She laughed softly but the look she exchanged with Ropes said far more than her words as the cougar rumbled a tiny growl, inching a tiny bit closer to her. The deal was set and Hiss thought that he'd gotten off with the best girlfriend ever, dropping a kiss on her cheek as he left with his spare change of clothes, what Holly had made sure he had for later in case they'd wanted to go out after the interview. The change of plans, however, was more than merely a happy accident when it came to her perspective on it.

They dropped Hiss off and the look that they latched onto, with each other, spoke volumes. A low purr rumbled forth from the cougar.

"Well, well, well... Now, what are we going to do?"

Holly giggled.

"You probably broke Andy's car yourself just to get some time with me, didn't you, sly cougar?"

That was not something that Ropes was either inclined to agree with or disagree, leaving it open to interpretation as he chuckled and let his paw rest more possessively than ever on her thigh. Instinctively, Holly leaned into it, wanting that distance to be closed, though she knew too that that would come soon enough.

Unfortunately, heading back to Ropes' house soon showed that Fyr was home and Holly could not hold back a disappointed groan. But not everything was destined to go perfectly to plan as her need simmered within her, skin prickling with electric heat and even sticking up in places where it simply refused to lie flat. Ropes squeezed her paw, a grin lighting up his muzzle.

"Don't worry, I got this."

Sometimes, it really was better to leave it to the cougar as Fyr fussed around the both of them, fetching them both their chosen drinks (she'd even let Holly have a drop of wine the other day), then worrying about snacks.

"Oh, dear..." She pursed her lips, shaking her head at cupboards that, from Holly's perspective, looked full enough to her. "There's nothing here I can do for you too. I can't believe you had enough to eat earlier!"

Ropes half-shrugged.

"Well, dinner will be soon, hon, you don't have to do anything special. Maybe we can just get food out tonight? Or bring it back here? I don't think Hiss will want to get dressed up in "smart" clothes again after his interview."

"Oh, yes! That was today! We should celebrate his first interview! Does he know if he got it yet?"

Of course, they did not - based on what Hiss had said anyway, but all was coming together nicely as Ropes pondered.

"What about that little Italian place? Olives & Wine? Hiss liked that before, the pizza there."

Fyr frowned.

"That's across town... But I supposed it saves me having to go out to pick up ingredients and cook."

Holly suppressed a smile. She still didn't know what was wrong with the food that was already there in the house but she wasn't about to step in when Ropes was so aptly playing his wife like a fiddle. It took nothing at all to persuade her to go out to a restaurant that was all the way across town, though she did have to send Hiss a message, on Fyr's bidding, to say what time he had to be back by. Hopefully, he would have wrapped things up with the car by then too so that she could have a nice meal there with them. Despite the tacos, she was a little on the hungry side, though Holly was sure that she would have plenty to occupy her in the interim.

The door closed behind Fyr and it took no longer than her car pulling out of the driveway for Holly to pounce. After all that teasing, it was more than time for her to take the lead and she growled like a cougar herself as she practically ripped his clothes off.

"Come on!" She hissed. "You can't tease me like that and expect to not pay out on it! Fair is - mmph!"

His lips crushing lightly, demandingly, to hers sealed away her complaints and meant that she was getting what she needed anyway, grunting as he bore her down to the floor of the kitchen, the centre island a brace for her back as she let him kneel astride her hips. Her shorts slid down and his tentacles assisted in getting them off her long legs, a little thicker since she had stopped doing as much sporty activity (maybe she'd have to change that or find something else). But no one was worrying about the ins and outs of the little details about anyone's figures as Ropes kissed her passionately, their tongues tangling and need rising already.

He hitched her up, the two of them naked, his knees sliding under her buttocks. With her back to the wood of the centre island of the kitchen, there was nowhere for the skunk to go, wrapping her legs around his waist and hips, letting him take her. His cock was right where she wanted it to be.

She sank onto him with a throaty groan, only just then realising that her bra was only half off her, dangling from one shoulder. There was no time to spare between them, horny and wanton after all the time they'd spent pent-up, need rising, his cock sinking home. Deeper and deeper until she sat down into his lap, the skunk let out a long, needy groan.

"Oh, yes... That's what I needed."

Ropes didn't need to say anything, baring his teeth as he bore her back, using the leverage of her body as he thrust. There were no wild and rampant strokes there but the milking twitch and erratic pulse of her pussy, not under Holly's control, was more than enough to get him wanting to cum, the skin of his uncut shaft pulling back from the head with every sensual roll of his hips. The skunk in his arms moaned luxuriously, the sound trembling through him, the vibrations in the air something that his quivering, white whiskers picked up on. In his younger years they had been black but the change had denoted his years rather than any kind of aging process. In all actuality, the cougar was as virile as he had been back when he'd actually just been eighteen years old.

And that was just why he was able to cum inside her so quickly, yowling as his nuts tightened and he emptied a milky load into her, the cat leaving his cream right where it belonged. The cougar hissed and pressed his lips down into the crook of her neck, near the point of the mating bite that he had given Holly only a few days ago, yet the moment rolled on, the demon of lust boasting a cock that did not simply soften after a single round.

No... Oh no, indeed. The demon had so much more to give that he wasn't about to concede right then and there, his tentacles sweeping around her to lift her as he stood, impressively, with the skunk in his arms. Not that he was going to get very far but, well, that was just how things were going to be there. The skunk dug her heels into his buttocks and rocked against him to spear herself on his cock, moaning wantonly, her shoulder bumping into the door frame even as he carried her off.

"Oh... Yes... I'm so close!"

Holly barely knew what he was doing to her as her body thrummed with vibrant need like nothing she'd ever felt before, hissing and snarling, rocking her hips with fervent fashion. All she knew was that one moment she was in the kitchen and the next she was flat on her belly in the living room before the might of a demon who only had her body to take.

She couldn't even get her hips up off the carpet as he covered her with his body, his tentacles yanking her legs wide as he speared into her, his thick, hard length sinking right up where it belonged once again. In such a position barely able to get her elbows on the carpet and her forearms flat for some manner of support, he pounded her into the carpet, his tentacles supporting her hips only enough to ensure he did not crush her.

The skunk moaned, head swirling with breeding lust. He hadn't even thought to get a condom out and there was no way she was going to ask him too then as he thrust her right into climax without even needing to touch her clit. She was too hot, too ready, too pent up to do anything about it, nothing other than lingering and moaning through her climax. Her cunt milked his shaft as if she wanted to take everything he had, need coursing through, her skin tingling desperately, sweat dampening the fur under her arms.

Neither of them cared. They would not care about anything else at all until their needs were satisfied and spent. And who knew just how long that could take with a demon?

They'd keep going and going until they couldn't move anymore, moans rising, filling the living room. A shove from Ropes' tentacles had the sofa out of the way and Holly still striving to roll her hips back into him, a feral need to mate, to breed, overcoming her. Maybe that meant that she was pregnant, her body responding to hormones she had not yet realised were present, or maybe it meant that she needed to become pregnant. Whatever it was, her need was there to be filled as she cried out and gasped with every last drop of breath she had left in her lungs, barely able to move as he fucked her like he'd never fucked her before.

"Harder, you brute!"

She goaded him on even though some part of her was not even sure she could take his thrusts if he was to fuck her any more roughly than he already was. Yet Holly had always been a daredevil and all she could do was beg for it, a snarl rising from the back of her throat, a more feral side of her coming out. She had not even realised that that side lay within her but there it was for the world to see, or at least Ropes when it came right down to it. She wanted it more than she wanted air, food, water - anything! All she wanted was his cock plundering her pussy forevermore and if that was just how the rest of her life was to be she would find herself a very happy skunk at the end of it all.

Such needs leaked through from the demon, even if she was not to understand what was happening there. Ropes growled darkly as he yanked her hips up with his tentacles but she may as well have been pinned into the carpet for all the additional range of movement that gave her. He bound her lovingly but roughly in place with his wrapping tentacles, dragging her back forcefully onto his cock with every thrust, the lewd slap of his hips on her buttocks echoing through the room.

There was no one there to bear witness to their passion, however, not even as Holly screamed through climax, not holding back in the slightest anymore. Why did she have to hold back when, after all, they had already done what seemed to her like pretty much everything together? Her inexperience still rang through in what she knew was possible and real and there was still so much left for Ropes to show her, though even that would come in time.

"Yes... Oh... Fuck... Yes..."

All she could get out was a single syllable at a time between rampant thrusts but she loved it all the more for that, barely distinguishing between simple pleasure and orgasms, her body quivering as she gave up everything to a higher dose of ecstasy. That was all that Ropes was, all that he could do, all that he controlled, his tentacles slinking around her tits, groping and squeezing, even tickling at her nipples and pulling lightly as if to rile her up all the more. Yet Holly did not need to be wound up and ready for sex when she was already there, whimpering and gasping, breathless in the heat of a moment that was so much more than she ever could have expected to take for herself.

That was why Ropes was the one for her.

The cougar snarled, showing his teeth, nipping at her shoulder as he slammed in, orgasm rushing upon him. He'd already climaxed twice inside her in that session but that was destined to be the most powerful one yet, squeezing her breasts too hard with his tentacles as demonic need overcame even him. Drunk on sexual ecstasy, he howled and ground as delight pumped through him, each aching throb of his cock heralding another spurt of cum. Adding to the creamy load already inside her, the cougar could barely stop himself, as much as his shoulders rounded, a little of his energy (but only a little) taken away.

A moment...yes. That would do him but he needed her more, Holly groaning in his arms as he pulled back a little. Thankfully, he had not hurt her and purred throatily as he kissed down the back of her neck and across her shoulders, tail flicking contently as it swished back and forth, back and forth, his simmering need still there, waiting to be fed. What he took, after all, could always be replenished in due course and he had no intention of leaving her without a hot length of cougar-dick to fill her pussy - at least until his wife came home again.

"Come here, cougar," Holly moaned, her throat sore from crying out in lust. "I think...ah...we need to go somewhere more comfortable."

As if it was nothing at all, the cougar swept her up in his arms, supported by his tentacles, kissing her with surprising tenderness on the tip of her nose.

"Mmm... If you insist."

It was only a little effort to him to carry her up the stairs to the master bedroom, which he considered to be a shade more comfortable than the couch at the very least. It was right and it was wrong for him to lay her on her back right there and then, kissing her sweetly - more sweetly than he had ever had the notion to kiss his wife in years.

"You're the only one for me..."

Ropes murred softly, tail flicking. Whether she meant that or not was subject to their agreement, though the smirk in her eyes told a different tale. No, Holly was something like him, a fur and a creature that wanted what she wanted and that was that. She didn't want to be held back in life as they finally slipped off what remained of their clothes, his lips meeting hers as he pushed into her, holding one of her legs up. It allowed him the easiest access to her pussy without challenging her flexibility, and the skunk moaned into his mouth as he covered her.

His strokes may have been slow but there was still a feral air to it, the skunk knowing that she had laid her claim to him just the same as he was still laying his claim to her. Whether they liked it or not, there was some part of them that would be bound together forever, their fates intertwined in such a way that they could never again escape it. Yet she could not deny just how perfectly his cock fit her, how he filled her, raking her short claws down his back as he yowled, breaking the kiss only to press his lips into her neck.

"I need you..." She whispered. "So why don't you fuck me like a real demon."

A tentacle bopped her on the nose, his cock plunged deep, the demon smirking more widely than she ever could.

"Mm... I wouldn't want to break you."

Maybe that was just as well for Holly did not truly know how much she could take from the cougar, as much as his touch made her heart leap in weird and wonderful ways. His cock fit her perfectly even as her sex closed around him as if it was trying to hang on to the luxury of his shaft, skin pulling and tugging as his uncut length pushed into her. They kissed again but it was more furtive, more frantic, the breeding session not yet done.

He bent her leg up even higher, using his tentacles to keep it there, another slipping into Holly's mouth for her to suck on. There would be time for talking but sweetness and sensuality had their place too, the cougar shivering as she suckled sweetly on his tentacle. Oh, her mouth could do wonderful things... And he would have them all, feel them all, enjoying every last moment that he possibly had to spend with the sexy skunk. Hopefully, the gig would not be up between them anytime soon.

The skunk groaned around his tentacle, suckling and playing with it with her tongue, though it was not like a cock but something thicker, something more. There was no skin to pull back and forth along the length of it, plant-like in its textures and perfectly smooth. The tip teased up into the back of her throat and she swallowed reflexively, wanting to gulp it all down. But she was right there on Fyr's bed, their marriage bed, and the romanticism could not outweigh the kinkiness of it all.

Slowly, he covered her with longer, harder strokes, the bed itself squeaking as it sought to keep up with them. All she could do was moan around his tentacle and submit to him in the best way she knew how, though her orgasm was there too to be taken. Every thrust filled her perfectly, her folds trying to tighten around him, cum drooling from her, the lewd slop of their bodies coming together filling the room. She wondered if Fyr would later find the stain on the sheets and wonder what it was but that was not for Holly to worry about in the moment. No, it was only there to heighten her arousal, rendering his wife a cuck for all to see, as private as their forsaken tryst was.

Yet the skunk could not hold back the pleasures of her own body and allowed climax to sweep her away. Her reality distorted and, suddenly, there was nothing more than pleasure for her, the throb of his cock aching inside her, so thick and meaty, the girth just enough to stretch her without being too much. It was all the more sensual for his shaft being unwrapped then and she laughed giddily, muffled by his tentacle, to think that there was only more and more of his seed pouring into her, impregnating her then if she was not already pregnant. And she so very terribly wanted to be.

Ropes followed swiftly, yowling and snarling, showing his teeth, but his lover was floating on the high of her orgasm, too far gone to even realise that he was filling her pussy with yet another load of creamy cum. Yet his balls throbbed all the same to spill it all, grunting softly, pouring everything he had into her, though he would be ready to go again as soon as one orgasm had finished. Thus was the life of a demon of lust, his power and drive bringing him to fresh highs that replenished his breeding need repeatedly, never-ending and always endless.

They cuddled there, her in his arms as if she was a long-time lover of his, and Holly would not have wanted to be anywhere else.



"What if I'm pregnant?"

The cougar smirked. They always asked that question sooner or later.

"Then I'll be a very happy cougar."

Holly shivered, smiling as she snuggled in even closer to him.

"It's nice... Well... Strange to think that having your kid makes me excited but...well..."

"Don't worry, I understand. And..." He'd never said it out loud but it was probably time to let something fly. "You know that I am a demon, yes? I'm a demon of lust too so I know..."

He let that hang in the air for a moment, drawing out the suspense. Holly's paw gripped his arm.

"I'm a demon of lust. You are pregnant, Holly, and it is my cub in there too."

She swallowed hard, though would have purred if she was a feline, her paws falling to her stomach. Her stomach flipped but her heart surged, nerves and excitement curling together into that delightful cocktail called anticipation.

"I'm glad... But this is going to change everything."

She clung to him and kissed him, fear and lust in that kiss that he returned in his demon way. There was no worry in his heart, of course, for she would be taken care of and things would not end badly for either of them, but he would have to soothe her, gentle her, show her that there were ways for her to have his child and not carry fear in her heart.

It would all be okay.

"Come," he murmured, offering his paw. "You will love being pregnant, dear, I assure you, but it's time to get clean. Fyr will never believe I've only been out in the car if I turn up again reeking like this."

She giggled faintly, reeling from the news that she had suspected and hoped for anyway - but it was something else entirely to have it confirmed. He carried her in his arms to the shower, the en-suite one that she had never been in further, the rush of hot water flowing over her soaking her fur flat to her body. There, they kissed again, sharing sweetness for the first time, her first pregnancy - and it wasn't even due to her boyfriend. That would change everything in her whole life but Holly was not thinking about any of the bad that could come at all as his tentacles soothed and wrapped around her stomach as if it was already large and full.

She could feel it though as he brushed her belly with his fingertips, a longing growl pulling from his lips.

"You're going to be so big and round with my child," he purred, his eyes glowing more intensely than ever. "They'll all see you... And I shall know you are mine."

He growled, rolling his hips into her, her buttocks grinding back at him. Without thinking, Holly braced on the wall opposite arching her back, her striped tail well lifted out of his way. Everything she had was his as the cougar snarled, pushing into her slick sex all over again, even though they were supposed to be showering to get clean. It seemed that getting dirty to clean up all over again was simply going to be how it all happened that day.

Each roll of his hips emanated a slap of flesh on flesh around the large shower cubicle, the rainfall shower head more than large enough, thankfully, to douse both of them fully without either of them becoming cold in the middle of the act. It soothed any aches that may have been present from their bones, Ropes' yowl bouncing off the walls even as Holly grunted thickly, in a more primal manner than she ever had before.


"Yes..." He growled, gripping her hips, drawing her back onto his shaft with every thrust. "Take it... You know you want to, dear."

And, of course, the cougar was right as he always was, letting the skunk, at least for the moment, exert a modicum of control, using the leverage of her paws and her trembling legs to rock onto his cock as he stilled. He let her do the work for a moment while Holly whimpered and begged for more, telling him how much she wanted it, but it was no more than a stream of lustful thought: barely coherent but every last bit of it so very true.

They would not stop, could not stop, his body aching to seed her as if it did not already know that she was going to grow fat with his cub. That was all to come, however, as he hissed, lusting for her more than ever, her body ripe for taking, even if, of course, he could not impregnate her for a second time.

Not yet. Not quite yet.

That would come and he longed for that too, claiming the sexy skunk as his, her hips rolling, working, her lust rising more and more with every passing second. The water hissed down around them, cutting them off from any tease and touch of the outside world, too much for them even to hear Holly's phone ringing, Hiss calling to be picked up when she was engaged in otherwise more appealing activities than acting as a chauffeur.

The cougar groaned, pounding her, caring for her stomach even as he swept his paws over it, though he only saw it as large and around, so very fertile, in his mind's eye. Even a demon of lust could be caught in the moment, it had to be said, and he forgot where he was, his wife due to return soon, passions rising and flourishing above all else. Nothing else mattered but the hot body of the skunk before him, how her body rose to meet every one of his thrusts, her hair falling over her face as she tipped forward even further, the angle of his rampant thrusts hitting her G-spot perfectly.

"Ohhh... Ohhhhhh!"

She couldn't stop her body from responding as it always did, moaning and grunting, though she could barely believe that it was her making some of the sounds that she was. She couldn't stop herself, wanting him all the more, Holly's heart pounding, racing quicker and quicker, her body practically begging for another one of his loads. Maybe she would become even hornier in the later stages of her pregnancy, surprising the cougar by jumping his bones in weird and wonderful places, though that was a delight that would have to relieve itself to her when the time was right.

He leaned over her, his cock teasing deep, seeding her full, the rock and thrust of his hips sensual after the feral notion of those prior moments. He spent himself inside her with hot spurts of cum, slopping out of her messily, although, that time, the mess was washed away by the shower as quickly as the globs of cum poured forth. Her pussy was left softly gaping, the folds pulling apart where her entrance closed again, her paw settling everything back into place so that she was comfortable, a dreamy smile on her muzzle.

Her orgasm... Oh, that had practically been present throughout the whole thing. With a bun in the oven, how could she not enjoy the lust of it all?

They kissed, they washed off: no one was any the wiser. Not even as Holly kissed her boyfriend on the cheek, smiling as she greeting him and apologised for being so late to pick him up. She even said that she'd been playing one of his video games: that had made him happy. She wasn't so sure how he was going to feel when she fobbed off playing it with him later, though there were things too that her body could do for him that would distract any kinky feline.

She knew her body was going to change, that everything was going to be different...and she couldn't wait for it.

She was never going to say that the cub was Ropes' anyway.

Show Stallion's Reward

**Show Stallion's Reward** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ _This is a work of fantasy fiction with an intelligent, consenting feral character with an anthro one._ "What a ride!" The anthro fox...

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