Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 39

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#39 of Cuckolded by her Mother

Fyr's family dominates her while Sasha exerts her power, though the rest of the family thinks that the demon dragoness is getting far too cocky...

Maybe someone needs to put her in her place?

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Character © respective owners

Cuckolded by Her Mother

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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"Why don't you get down on your knees and serve me, oh daughter of mine?"

Fyr groaned, a spatula in one hand and a saucepan in the other, though it seemed that the sauce that she was in the middle of making would have to wait. Her mother posed, nude, with a hind paw up on a kitchen chair that already boasted claw-marks from similar escapades. Her red-scaled daughter flinched and turned away, but there was no dissuading her dominant demon of a mother as she imperiously snapped her fingers, pointing to her pussy.

"You know what to do..."

"Come on, mom..." Fyr whispered, though she could not deny that she was already moistening between her thighs, her own need running as rampant as it ever had before. "I have to keep cooking dinner, I can't do everything for you. Why don't you find Scott?"

He was probably the other member of the household who was in a position to serve her without thinking twice about it but even Fyr was under him and, frankly, sometimes a demon simply wanted to dominate the lowest of the low. It was her place in their lives, after all, serving the demons and everyone else that they wanted her to service too, all as they pleased and most certainly as exactly as they pleased too.

Fyr whimpered, turning her head from side to side, yet she could not have explained how she found herself on her knees, the hardness of the tiled kitchen floor pressing up to her. If she'd had more forethought, she would have used the rug to cushion herself just a little but it was funny how things like that ceased to matter when one was wrapped him in the intoxicating heat of the moment. The saucepan, thankfully, had been set aside so that it would not bubble and boil, though her creamy sauce may be later found to have reduced more than Fyr wanted. It was not the worst thing of the day, to be fair, but something that Fyr would grumble and lament over later.

There were only so many things, however, that she could take under her control at any one time. She slurped into her mother's pussy, the dragoness' ragged wings looming over her, spread and towering, hissing through her teeth.

"Yes..." Sasha snarled, curling her lips ominously back from her teeth. "Deeper... More..."

Fyr could only obey, Sasha's hips rocking, thrusting up to her lips as the demoness relished in her power. To be a demon was to take what one wanted without any care or consideration for those around her, for what Sasha had found in her life as a demon so far was that those in her vicinity simply fell into line. She snarled and lapped at her lips, tasting Ropes in her maw, the lingering feel of his seed slipping down her throat and over her tongue intoxicating. Yes, always more, she had to have more, and she was the demoness head of the household who would take everything that should ever have been hers and more too!

Work? What was that? She smirked down at her daughter, pinching and groping her frills as the dragoness, who now seemed so much smaller and shrunken into herself than she used to be, squealed. Yes, there was pain but that was just one more thing that Sasha leaned into hungrily, her drive and need for more unparalleled by any other than, perhaps, the other demons in the household. Ropes fed her drive and she met him more than halfway, taking every opportunity to fuck even while his tentacles plunged into the slits in her sides, her body perfectly formed just for him.

Two paws landed on her shoulders but she did not spare her stolen husband, Ropes, a look, scoffing and turning from him even as the cougar's tentacles snaked teasingly down her sides.

"Don't you see that you're interrupting me?" She growled loftily, not even gracing him with looking at him directly. "I'm making use of your wife here... And she's doing a fine job. Perhaps it's the only job that her tongue should be doing from now on."

Ropes' frown bypassed her attention but, for a demon, he was relatively easy-going, which only made his flare-ups all the more delicious for when the fire of him broke the surface. He was prone to fits of rage, never unwarranted, but she wanted to push him there again and again, if only to feel him slam her into the bed, the frame breaking and cracking under her, fucking her so furiously that she came time after time again, leaving no distinction between one ferocious orgasm and the next.

Ah... Yes. That was how she wanted it, the way that she wanted everything to be. She had her way as the cougar slunk off, surely with his tail between his legs, though he did spare a moment that she did not enjoy. He should not have twisted his tentacles around his wife's neck, her daughter's neck, Fyr moaning and leaning into it, momentarily distracted from eating out her pussy.


The sharp bark came with a lash of her tongue cracking through the air and Fyr shuddered, delving back into her pussy with renewed vigour. Placated, at least for the time being, Sasha moaned and rocked and pumped her hips until the exotic bliss of climax overwhelmed her, powering through in wave after wave that she ate up and drank down with a demon's relish. She needed that lust to feed from, day in and day out, no other way about it, and she would have it every day, every time she pleased, wanting more even as she drank down the passion of her daughter, her restrained need. Holding her back from orgasmic bliss gave her pleasure and sustenance too and Sasha did not care all that much where she got her feeding in on.

Ropes, however, growled and threw himself down on the sofa beside Kao, the two of them clad only in pairs of long, loose shorts that were easily removed. Clinging to the last remnants of summer even as autumn took a grip on the land, they ran a little warmer than most and did not feel the cold as much as demons. That, however, was most likely partially due to how much time they spent in motion, sexual activity the order of the day, though it had been a while since Ropes had taken his rightful place at the head of the household, forcing even Kao to bend the knee to him. The cougar purred, his annoyance eased but only a little. Maybe forcing the dragon, Sasha's son, back to his knees and taking his cock into his mouth would find him in a better mood in no time at all?

"She's getting full of herself, isn't she?"

It was Kao that broke the silence, however, his blue-scaled tail dangling off the sofa as he frowned, flipping through the channels on the TV as if he was not paying any attention at all. The tilt of his head, however, was angled towards Ropes.

It was not something that would have usually have been said about a femfur, at least not in the household, but it was one of few ways that they could put it, not being of particularly eloquent minds. Sasha had forced her way into more and more and Ropes even thought that she may well have been angling to take his place at the top of the household. To be frank on that matter, it was not something that he was at all worried about, being the one true demon there. It was almost laughable to think that she could usurp him but lesser demons sometimes could be exceptionally prone to rather grandiose expectations about what they could achieve in the mortal world. Whereas they would remain stronger than any mortal, they couldn't hold a candle to the burning blaze of a real demon.

"Agreed," Ropes said, sighing as his tentacles slumped back. "Sure, it's entertaining when fucking but there's only so much of her attitude that anyone could take, let alone me. I take it you feel the same there?"

Kao would have flinched if he did not have the control over his expressions that he did, half-shrugging instead. She'd even told him to get between her legs the other day and softening the interaction to a sixty-nine hadn't made it any better for him, his pride simmering and bruised in the aftermath. There shouldn't have been anything wrong with her wanting that, of course, but it was the gleam in her eye and the meaning behind the act, how she was angling to break down those that she saw as equals or above her, bit by bit. That was what got to him, what made every day with her grind on him just a little bit more.

"Of course..." He scowled, turning the TV off, no longer making a pretence of not being interested. "Fyr would say that she's completely insufferable... And she'd be fucking right about it too! Sasha needs to back off, learn her place again."

"Which isn't a bad one," Ropes agreed readily, licking his lips, his pale eyes taking on a more ominous glow than usual. "Just not one where she's constantly clawing at our nerves, trying to push in and get somewhere else. Maybe she needs a hobby."

"She's already going to that gig next month, she's got nothing else she likes doing right now."

"Except fucking," Ropes countered.

That was food for thought and the dragon's shaft rose just thinking about Sasha on all fours, fucking her rampantly, the slap of his hips on her buttocks ringing through the room with a clap that could not be ignored. Kao growled in the back of his throat, eyes alight, the pupils narrowing there a little more, though outward expressions of his demon-hood, to be fair, were few and far between. Maybe there was a way for Sasha to remember that it was not right to push in on their space...that benefited him too.

"I could put her in her place..." Kao mused. "She's calmer after being fucked, but it doesn't last for long."

Ropes' eyes gleamed.

"You could impregnate her again. That'll ease it, or it should. Or else we'll have to find another way."

The blue dragon considered his options for the moment but there was hardly a demon so inclined to lust in the whole world that was going to turn down sex when it was offered to them on a silver platter, a smirk pulling at his lips.

"Deal. If not, we double-team her. She won't be any match for both of us at once and, hell, that'll be funny if she's squirming and thrashing, snarling at us! We can even set her on Fyr afterwards and watch her take out her frustrations on her!"

Ropes laughed but the deal was already made and there was no more to say as the dragon that he had turned into a demon was already on his feet. Like that of a snake's, his tongue flickered out darkly, tasting the air, but he knew where Sasha was, Fyr's muffled cries emanating from the kitchen. No one minded her use of Fyr, of course, but there was sharing to be had too amongst the demons and it was just another niggling annoyance that Sasha had not played fair with in too long. It was time to show her what she needed to do to remain a fair part of the family and, if not, well... Kao grinned openly, a flash of white teeth curving up too far around his muzzle like the grin of a Cheshire cat. There were more forceful ways too, of course, to show a demon what was and was not acceptable. That was one of the reasons that he was careful around Ropes: a little respect went a long way and ensured he still got all that he wanted. It was a small price to pay when considering all that he got in return.

"Go on then, slut, try to get off, why don't you?"

Fyr whimpered as she was taunted, on her back and humping up, Sasha yawning widely and letting her grind onto her paw, though she always pulled away, her fingers shoved into her daughter's pussy, whenever Fyr was getting close to the edge. All the younger dragoness could do was whimper and whine and beg to be allowed to cum, drawn to the edge over and over again, wanting so much and getting nothing at all. It was outright cruel and not even fun for her anymore, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes.

Smirking down at her, Sasha bared her teeth.

"What's the matter, whore? Too much for you? I can imagine... You are dealing with a demoness, after all. You're lucky I'm even doing this to you, you're so worthless."

"That's enough, Sasha."

Kao snarled, showing his teeth, not even doing her the justice of referring to her as his mother, for their relationship had transcended such bonds and bounds. She didn't deserve to be called such when she was tormenting Fyr: that was not needed. There was still a little bit of brotherly protectiveness in him, despite how often he made use of his sister too, though it would have been impossible for him not to recognise how wet his sister got for him. With what he did to and for her, there was a lust in her that wanted it too and, frankly, Kao agreed with Ropes in that taking those that did not truly want it was out of bounds. As demons of lust and passion, they had no reason to force attention where it was not wanted, too many luxuriously devious temptations at their disposal to make it a more pleasurable experience for those that they fed from.

Maybe that was what Sasha needed to learn.

He latched his fingers around her wrist, claws biting, and yanked her off-balance, dragging her away while she was vulnerable: it was the only time that he was going to catch her as he wanted to. Sasha howled and thrashed but he channelled as much strength as his demon side possessed into hauling her off. He wanted to get her back to at least one of the bedrooms but, well, he wasn't going to get that far with his cock hard and her thrashing like a banshee, as strong as he was even though he had something to tame the rampant temper of her spirit one way or another.

"Get the hell off me, Kao, or I swear I'm going to rip you apart!"

She allowed him time, not really meaning it, knowing what her place was despite everything else as she snarled and snapped, lunging for his shoulder. He didn't realise that she'd connected with him until a flash of burning pain seared through, yelling as he toppled into the living room with her teeth sunk into him.


_ _

Well, that was about all that he was going to get as he twisted around, not pulling away, even though his new natural abilities would ensure that any marks on him from her teeth and claws would not take all that long to heal. He did not have to reach to her pussy to temper her, however, his fingers releasing her wrist and instead delving into those tender, sensitive entrances on her sides. They were not something that he usually played with, as they were clearly for Ropes' tentacles, but with a demoness red-hot with lust and rage he would take any opening that he could get one way or another.

"Oh... Kao... Unnff... No, fuck!"

She wanted it and didn't at the same time, furious that he had wrenched her away from her daughter and yet rising to the lure of passion all the same. Her jaws hung open as his fingers teased deeper but it was far, far too light and too gentle for her, her hips swinging, sitting astride his thighs with the hard meat of his cock rising before her.

"Fine, you win," she growled, a hint of something darker hiding in her tone. "But this is how we do it - my fucking way!"

She had not been one to swear in years gone by but being turned into a demon while she had been carrying the first egg had changed things. Her belly needed to round out again, to show her what her lusts truly let to, but there was only so much that she could do about that on her own. Kao knew that even if she did not, showing his teeth in his most fearsome snarl yet, teeth peeling back from his teeth, his intent all on show.

"Yes... But my way," he growled, knees rising, a hind paw hooking around her leg. "This...isn'!"

Each word was punctuated with a grunt of exertion but he had to use his hips and tail to flip her over, her paws going for his throat. The claws raked and left scrapes down his throat to his chest, but he could not spare time to inspect them, knowing that they were not in any position to cause him harm anyway. He had to take her, had to get her pinned down, had to force her under him through any means possible, a flung out arm slamming the armchair back off against the wall.


That was Fyr but, again, there was no time to spare for her with the writhing beast that was Sasha trapped in his arms, snarling and snapping, lunging for his throat, wanting to overpower him. It was not to be, however, not in the moment, snarling something that may or may not have reached her ears, though Kao was not even sure of what he said in the heat of the moment. There was too much happening too quickly as he forced his body over hers, her legs kicking as she writhed like a serpent at the end of its line, a beast knowing that it was cornered and due to face its comeuppance at long last.

She spat at him, a drool of saliva dribbling down his cheek, but he could not stop even for that as his hardness ached for her. Something in the fight empowered the dominant part of him and, even then, he could not hold back from it, snarling and snapping, gnashing and meeting her jaws with his own, leaning hungrily into every moment that presented itself to him. He needed it, wanted it, forcing one of her legs up and to the side, the brush of his cock on her giving her a fragmented, momentary pause.

It was all he needed to sink his cock into her, trusting the lines of his body to guide him home again, right up where his cock belonged once more. Deeply, it shoved into her body, yet the grind of it was not one that Sasha wanted, snarling and lunging, her claws slashing out in a flash of silvery-black. Had she painted them again?

"Fuck you, you bastard of a son! I'm going to make you regret this!"

Maybe he had been too forward to think that he could tame the beast of Sasha, his mother, all on his own but he was in for it, Ropes surely watching from somewhere. He could not think of the cougar who had changed the course of their fates, however, not when he pressed down on his mother's throat, stifling her cries, if not her thrashing. Even her tail lashed out, striking the tall lamp in the living room, knocking it over, all while the flash of his red sister looked on in horror.

"Stop! You're hurting her!"

But he needed to hurt his mother to make her see, though everyone knew that, as demons, they could more than take a few knocks and scrapes. It was Fyr and Scott, of course, that needed to be treated more delicately and that was told in how her fist connected with his ribcage, something cracking. He grunted, huffing faintly, though he would not show any signs of weakness even as she tried to claw away - not to escape but, of course, to turn the tables back on him, the duel of sex only just begun.

The pain of his rib breaking in the immediate instance, however, slowed him for a moment and the next his cock was out of her, dripping with her juices. Their arousal was up and he scrambled up with as much energy as he could manage, his mother hunkered over and hissing, weaving her head back and forth like a demon gone wild.

"Fine, is this the way you want it to be?" She snarled, her eyes taking on a more demonic, faint glow. "Wait... Just you wait... You'll see!"

What he was to see would not be in that moment as she leapt, all flashing fangs and ragged wings, Kao lurching into motion. Around her, he had to get around her, but she was too quick for him even as his body sought to heal itself, his cock achingly hard and wanton still. He crashed to the ground and could not hold in the howl of pain that coursed forth, his tail whipping out and around her ankle. She followed him swiftly, knocking the sofa back and cushions flying, though that was absolutely the least of Kao's worries when it came right down to it. No, he needed to pin her, to fuck her, to bring her back down to a level they all could manage with a bun in the oven.

It was not fun anymore even as he prowled, the two of them circling one another, jabbing and prodding for an opening, any opening.

"Give it up, Kao," Sasha hissed. "You're bested."

Her son smirked.

"Not yet."

Sometimes, it took a little ingenuity to play into force and he lunged in a wild charge that was never meant to stop just when he hit the barrier of her body. Sasha cried out in surprise more than pain as he slammed her off her hind paws and onto the carpet, sprawling, where the sofa had already fallen onto its back, her son's paws reaching - but not for her. All he needed was one moment and her wrists were cuffed, the enhanced metal (strong enough for demons, of course) digging into her wrists as she tried to wrench them free. He was on her in the next moment, her arms stretched out before her and her chest tipped down to the floor, buttocks raised for the plunging rod of his cock.

"Unnnff..." Sasha groaned as his shaft sank into her, something deep inside her faltering, only slightly. "That... That won't stop me for long, Kao. These toys won't do anything for me!"

But all Kao needed was the upper paw for a few moments to take control, snarling and letting ropes of saliva splatter in a feral, ragged fashion to her back, his hips working like a piston. With his mother, there was not to be anything soft or gentle or soothing, no manner of allowing her to get used to the thick girth of his cock. No, that was not needed at that time as he fucked her as if he was trying to break her, rougher than he had ever been before with his mother or anyone else too for that matter.

Dimly, through a haze of dominant lust, Kao was aware of lifting her up and shoving her over the raised edge of the sofa, what would have usually have been down against the floor if the furniture had been orientated correctly. Fyr caught his attention, vaguely, in the corner of his eye, but her watching with her paw between her thighs was of no concern for him, though he wondered if she knew what he had done for her, what he was doing to set the family back to rights again.

Whether she knew or not was not something he had to worry about, for everything would be back to normal soon as he slammed into Sasha's pussy, his paw closing around her wrists even as she fought to get the cuffs off. Even though they were strong enough to temporarily hold a demon, they most certainly were no manner of permanent fix with her thrashing like that, snarling and whipping about, her wings snapping up against his chest. She tried every which way to throw him off her but her body, as it always was, was primed and in heat, wanting him more than her mind did at that moment. It was that that gave her son an edge as he fucked her, each driving, forceful plunge of his cock sending her cries higher and higher, a lighter, more lustful edge colouring them.

Sasha groaned, refusing to moan, anger still blazing in her heart, wanting to know, to force her way through. To think that he sought to stop her! That was beyond anything that she could have ever expected from him, her son, but she had to fight, had to show him that she was better than him. She had been planning to go along a gentler route to bring her son under her but, well, times changed. The cuffs snapped free as the metal sheared through, leaving lines on her wrists where they had dug in, and she howled, trying to flip him even as she only succeeded in grinding back onto him.

His cock speared deep and something deeper in her pulled for it, a little strength going from her, the anger tempering, but only a little. There was still plenty to go around as she belted out a roar that bounced off the walls, the acoustics of the room changed with the furniture shoved around, the curtains ripped down and dangling off one of the rails. She didn't even remember that but it no longer mattered as she rocked back on him, riding out her orgasm even as her wings and tail took over for her, fighting to beat him off. But she wanted her pleasure too, damn it, one conflict beating against the other, twisting and turning, nothing at all in agreement.

Kao's breath washed over her neck as he toppled with her, though she could not have said whether or not he was aware that his cock was shooting a load in her. It had not been something she'd taken in the throes of her heat for a long time, a very long time, but it was not enough to soothe her even as he pumped her hips, working every last drop from his balls as he spent himself completely and utterly.


Not the most elegant language but it was still something that would do in a moment like that as he hissed over her, rolling to the side, on the bottom but still with his cock inside her. Her thighs slid to either side of his hips, kneeling facing away from him, his cock filling her perfectly, the dragoness' hips moving of her own accord. More in control, or at least appearing to be, Sasha hissed and rolled her hips onto his cock, letting him plunge as deeply up into her as her body allowed, filling her completely.

"Yes, that's better," she growled, tipping her head back, letting things go in a moment when she should have hung onto them all the more tightly. "Yes... Take... Take... You..."

Yet it was not her that was doing the taken as a little more of the tension eased out of her wings, hanging more loosely, jaw slackening in a long, drawn out moan that she could not contain. She was still in control though, she told herself, her tail lifted, showing off the pucker of her tail hole, though that was not a pleasure that she yearned to take at that time. No, she would ride him and fuck him and show him his place under her, even if her mind was lost and gone and she did not even realise that it was the demon that she was that was being teased and satisfied at that very moment.

Kao knew, however, grinding up into her as he thrust and heaved, taking every advantage he could, thrusting her crudely into another orgasm. She barely even tried to get away anymore, leaning back hungrily into him, her moans rising in time with his. There was a need there that could not and would not be controlled and yet he could not expect it to be as he twisted his head back and forth, already on the cusp of yet another orgasm. He needed to cum, so very desperately, and there was nothing he could do to hold any of it back as he hissed and howled, wrenching up against her as if he thought there was something, manacles perhaps, that he needed to rattle free from.

Each thrust of his shook the two of them to their core, orgasm crashing through, roars mingling so that it was no longer possible to tell who was making what sound at any one time. If there had been any ranch hands left working there that day they had surely been scared off by the sounds coming from the ranch house, though that was for Fyr to deal with, if it even was a problem at all. Kao didn't care about that as he seeded his mother again, cum slopping messily out of her pussy as he kept fucking her, the perfect cream-pie to sink into, again and again, his greed rising.

Sasha didn't have to be the head of him... Not when he was bigger than her, stronger than her, weakening her with his cum as he gave her body everything that it could have possibly needed and more. No, he could top her, dominate her, settle her down, impregnate her: yes, that was the best way for it. He knocked her off him deliberately while her pussy ached for him, forcing her to claw her way around, torn between fighting and fucking him, the conflict in her erotic in a strange way that, honestly, he could not quite understand. Yet that was not something that he was going to linger on as everything ramped up, her claws flashing, teeth on show, though he doubted she meant it all that much anymore.

No... No, the anger in her simmered down as the steaminess between them rose, the air thick and full of demonic pheromones, acting on one another as she quivered in his arms. Although she still wanted it, she didn't have the strength left in her to fight back anymore, snarling and grunting weakly, her son lifting her up to pin her back against the wall. The plaster and paint cracked and indented behind her back as he fucked her brutally, each stroke of his cock seeming to plunge deeper than the last, no escape from it for either of them. Fyr shouted in the background but she never had any real influence over anything, someone there to serve the demons - but in the right way.

"Oh..." Sasha's moans broke again, head swimming as they softened, the edges of everything easing just a little. "Yes... Harder... Fuck me harder!"

That was a demand that Kao was more than happy to comply with as he ground powerfully into her, the sawing pump of his hips something that he could have more than kept up all day and all night long. He had to plunge into her, fucking her harder and faster, deeper, wanting it all the more, his orgasm clawing desperately at the back of his mind. He may have been a demon but there were still baser needs deep inside him to be filled, teeth on show, not caring how much cum slopped out of Sasha. There would be more than enough left to fill her as he arched his neck down to her chest, shoving his nose between her tits, grunting and growling, taking in her scent with a shudder of breath.


All he needed, all he wanted: oh, he was as caught up in it as she was, but the two of them were more on the same level than before. They knew what their bodies craved and they were in agreement of how to satisfy it, Sasha's lusts teasing down even as her need ramped up. It was needed, the pounding drive of his cock, moaning for him, lusting for him, even as her very own son thrust her into yet another orgasm.

"Yes... Yesss.... Oh, yesss!"

She cried out for him, claws digging into his shoulders, holding him to her even though there was no chance at all that he was going to let her go. She was there to stay until he was good and done with her, every moment stretching out, every thrust of his cock cramming deeply up into her, filling her, breeding her. There could be no doubt that she would leave their liaison, eventually, with a bun in the oven, his seed working away inside her even then, knowing what it was there for and all that it was there to do.

Kao groaned, wings spreading dominantly, taking his due as the dragoness simpered in his arms. She clung to him and moaned for him, even bare the expanse of her throat for him, shivering and begging for all that he had every intention to give anyway. He thrust and thrust, no distinction between one stroke of his cock and the next, devout in the moment, taking his pleasure just as he pleased. The drake growled, his lust devolving into a snarl, showing his demonic passion as his pupils narrowed further, shockingly demonic, the sharpness of his fangs, finally, on full show.

He sank his teeth into her shoulder, trading one mating bite for another, her cries rolling over him as she climaxed, her pussy gripping his cock. He'd take her arse later, he thought to himself, yet it was her pussy that he needed to breed, to seed, to breed and to seed, over and over again until her body was tempered. Sasha clung to him, pussy rippling around him, but to say that either of them was in any kind of control over their bodies at that moment would have been a lie.

Yet that was how it was meant to be even as they slipped from the wall, fucking on the carpet, shoving furniture out of the way while Fyr clutched her paws to her chest, looking on. Kao slammed into her mother with a feral roar that even she could not fade from, though her tail was between her thighs, grinding into her pussy even then, the round of her stomach betraying her remaining pregnancy. If he was trying to help her, it wasn't something still that Fyr was all that sure about as Sasha whimpered and wrapped her arms around her son, holding onto him as if there was no one else at all left for her in the whole wide world.

"Yes... Harder... Fill me..."

Her breathy moans were easily overpowered even as Kao curled over her, almost as if he was trying to ensure that no one else got to his breeding dragoness in a moment like that. It was his, she was his, everything was his, his breathing short and ragged, a gleam in his eye.

The deed was done.

Fyr jumped as her husband's paw landed on her shoulder, Ropes smirking as Kao stood and offered his cock to Sasha. In testament to just how her attitude had drastically changed, she welcomed his shaft into her mouth and sucked him into the back of her maw with a low, needy moan, hips rocking, a deluge of cum drooling and splattering from her pussy, though it was left in a messy cream-pie for later.

"Take it all, mother..."

Kao relished in the moment, Ropes looking on, a smirk that could have meant anything on the cougar's lips. Yet even he was, sometimes, one to watch and enjoy the show, though Fyr could not help but take a tiny bit of advantage of the moment and slip her paw inside her husband's loose shorts, groping and caressing his cock as awkward as it was. He eased his shorts down with his tentacles to aid him but the dragoness was not so much a fool anymore as to suspect that it was for her benefit, her paw working him up and hard, the uncut length craving attention. If she'd been in a better position, she would have dropped to her knees and taken up the contact, servicing him right then and there.

But her husband was gone almost as soon as he had the chance, a load of Kao's cum dripping from Sasha's muzzle, stringing ropes of it between her jaws as she opened up proudly to show what she had taken. It all served her lust, of course, the dragoness relishing in everything and craving more, lapping off her muzzle salaciously in preparation for another. She didn't catch Ropes' look with Kao but, truly, she wouldn't have cared even if she had known what they really thought about her, what had prompted such a rough, carnal session with Kao.

"I see... You've made progress."

Ropes laughed softly, offering his cock to the dragoness too who was too caught up in her lust to care that she was, in a way, submitting. The playing field would once again be levelled for her in times soon to come but the heat inside her had cooled, the snap in her tone softened, coming back to a calmer sense of being. She didn't have to fight everything or snarl to get to the top when she was already in the place that she wanted to be when it was all offered to her, drawing Ropes' cock readily into the back of her maw and swallowing luxuriously around him.

It was where she was supposed to be, the fight gone from her, leaving only the burning, simmering sense of lust that was there and natural. That was okay, she thought, it was alright. It was something that anyone could control, least of all a dragoness like her. Twining and wrapping her tongue around Ropes' cock, she moaned around him, letting the soft vibrations of her maw travel down into the thick length of his cock. It gave him more pleasure that would ramp up her own and she was hungry already for a creamy dose of his seed, her maw feeling empty when she could not enjoy that too.

Ropes' petted her head and she growled in warning: it was not as if Sasha was that far gone as yet, but it was sure that her temper had, well, been tempered, if only for a time being.

Kao's seed, all the while, worked away inside her, finding her eggs, fertilising them, the virility of a demon nothing to be scoffed at. Times would change again in the next few months as the egg, or eggs, grew within her, their shells hardening to protect the precious young ones inside, but that would only be seen in time.

Swapping between her son's cock and her demon-husband's cock, Sasha was finally at peace, slurping them into her maw without anything else in mind. It was easy to do, her paw taking care of whichever one was not driving up into the soft back of her throat at any given time, her tongue knowing the ins and outs of their shafts like nothing else. It was their moans for her, however, that drove her on, seeking out that pleasure even as her messy pussy begged for more, tightening and clenching around an invisible shaft, wanting that ecstasy for herself all over again.

With her mind in the right place again, anything could be hers.


"Here you go, Fyr, darling!"

The red dragoness eyed her mother suspiciously as the stack of pancakes teetered before her, so tall that it had to be comical. That they were dripping in maple syrup only made the moment seem all the more unrealistic, though she poked them warily with her fork without digging in.

"Mom... What is this?"

Sasha giggled, dressed in an apron and nothing else, though there was a hum on her lips and a spring in her step that had not been there before. Well, not before Kao had fucked her, even if Fyr had settled the demon with a glare that should well have befitted a demoness, forcing him, after the fact, to help her sort the living room. Her power did not come in brute force but a command of the running of a household that could not afford to have rooms smashed up one week and rebuilt the next, time after time again.

"Oh, silly... They're just pancakes! If you don't want them, I'll have them."

Ah, that was the Sasha Fyr knew and she dragged the plate back to her even as her mother shot her a look and threatened to take the plate away.

"No, no... I'll eat them. I've got to take the truck down to town today anyway, will be out for a while. I need a big breakfast to keep us both fed."

As she chowed down on her pancakes with a few less manners than she had had before (hey, times changed), one paw rested on her stomach, protecting the little one within despite not knowing, as yet, whether they were an egg or a youngster that would be born as with a mammal. Being that Kao was the father, it would surely be an egg but she didn't know what to think yet, her mind drifting, Sasha's moans washing over her as Kao bent his mother over the other side of the kitchen table, her tail raised and ready. As he did every morning, he fucked her senseless, the dragoness' moans rising as Fyr's lips quirked in a smile.

Maybe living with a family of demons wasn't so bad, after all.

Show Stallion's Reward

**Show Stallion's Reward** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ _This is a work of fantasy fiction with an intelligent, consenting feral character with an anthro one._ "What a ride!" The anthro fox...

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