Cloud Diving with Dragons

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Xigfeldo and a slenderer version of him from another world dive in and out of the clouds to satisfy lewdness and lust all in one...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Character © respective owners

Cloud Diving with Dragons

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar

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Xigfeldo dipped back and forth in front of the portal, though he could not have been said to truly be hesitating. No, he was more the sort of dragon to dive in head-first with his silver-black heritage embodying the very best of both types of dragons. To say that there was nothing he feared in the world would have been an understatement but it was the magic from his silver-side heritage that set him apart, wielding it with more skill than most dragons could even dream of. Of course, the drake did so very often take it on in the sense of pursuing erotic activities but who was he to complain when his skill as so very much higher than that of others?

The dragon licked his lips, a flash of darker pink slipping out in the gleam of his tongue. His wings beat slowly and carefully, hovering in place - something that would have been a challenge for some types of dragons but that which he had mastered long ago. He was, after all, well-known through the land for a reason and was not about to hesitate from taking such pleasure. At such a height, wispy clouds closing in softly around him, the air should have chilled his scales, though he ran colder-blooded, like Svea the hydra, than most and did not feel it with his natural immunity. Being homothermal, ultimately, had its perks for Xigfeldo at the very least.

The air on the other side of the glittering, fragmented portal heralded more, however, and called him onward, and it was with a throaty chuckle that Xigfeldo dove through, folding his wings tightly down to his body and dropping like a stone. It rippled over him, time and space twisting around him, altered with magic to suit his will and needs as he was transported to another universe entirely. One world, after all, could become oh so very boring for a dragon like him and he cried out in child-like relish at the pulsing tease of the portal, transporting him, over his scales, tickling and caressing as if with the tips of a thousand tongues and claws.

Scenes flashed before him, Myrika with some other kind of creature that he did not recognise, a hydra that looked something like Svea, a massive serpent coiled up tightly, a hippogriff wheeling in the sky, a dark-furred marten with the flash of the coy about her, a deer herd in rut, a glorious black and pink bird that seemed to flicker with a strange sort of flame. Yet it was not those places that the portal was taking him, his course set off from that, and he sucked in a breath of frosty, chilled air as he plunged into a new world, blinking in the stark brightness of sunshine that not even he had been expecting.

It was a new world, something like his mountains in the dead of winter, though he was perfectly suited for the cold climate and stretched out his wings as he soared and spiralled, taking in the scenery languidly as if he had not a care in the world. Below him sparkled snow in the glory of the sunshine, so pure and so very perfect that it was all he could do in that moment to resist the urge to plunge into it head-first, testing out the depths of the heightened drifts and swimming through them like water. Snow-diving was a sport in itself and he shivered to delight in it again, the change of the seasons in his home-land whispering for a cooler time, a time where he did spend days sleeping in the sun simply because he could. Although it warmed his scales, it could make him slow and sluggish when he didn't want to be, though that was just the nuisance of having a body. There were things, as was the case with all creatures, that his particular body was good at and not too.

Yet the land was glorious and he relaxed into the cool grasp of it, his lungs expanding to take in even more air, ensuring that he had a full lungful with every breath. There was no time up there for not using his lungs to their fullest extent, a frozen lake stretching out below, cloven hoof markings on the surface where there remained a sprinkling of snow, heralding the crossing of a reindeer herd or similar. The temperature was not high enough up there for it to melt even with the sun on it and he twisted and dipped back and forth with delirious joy, enjoying the caress of the wind and the sky, fresher and crisper than he had had the delight to experience in many months.

Yet it was not so that Xigfeldo was up there in the serene blue of the sky all on his own, eyes watching him as they melded softly with the clouds, the soft, condensed droplets coming together like a treat for the eyes and the senses as another dragon entirely wove and wound through one. He swam through the cloud as if it was water, his long, serpentine body weaving back and forth easily, a long crest of fluff running down his body from the back of his head, though the cloud droplets hardly dampened it in the slightest. He was, after all, one with the land that he loved to explore, even though he was a long way from home up in the mountains, his long, snake-like stomach glistening very slightly with the remnants of ice-crystals from belly-surfing down frozen slopes and lakes.

After all, regardless of which Xigfeldo was in which world, there was always time to play. The Eastern dragon form of Xigfeldo recognised his cousin from another world instantly, his nostrils and eyes protruding curiously from the cloud, but the feral Xigfeldo would have recognised a cheeky mischief glinting there. He could walk on his shorter yet slim and elegant legs if he so chose but often preferred to slide and slither when he was not flying, for what else would a noodle-dragon prefer to do but to snake back and forth through the sky, swimming in it with the buoyancy and luxury that best befitted his species. And now he had someone else to play with too - what luck!

The dragon, to be fair, had been doubled - and the fun between them right along with it.

There remained no sense in concealing himself for any longer as the noodle-bodied Xigfeldo slipped from the cloud right before Xigfeldo's nose, a grin stretching his jaws wide that could be construed in some aggressive fashion. Although he drew himself up short, heart pounding, jaws gaping, all that passed the barrier of Xigfeldo's was a surprised grunt.


For once, he was drawn up short and caught off-guard, losing a few feet of height as he failed to hover instantly. The lean dragon came right along with him though it took Xigfeldo a moment longer to take in his brightly glittering silver scales in the light of the day. If he saw the other drake in darkness, however, he was sure that there would be a darker, more camouflaging hue to his scales, denoting the heritage of a black dragon too, even if he may no longer have been in a world where the species barriers of dragons were such anymore.

"I didn't think I'd be looking in a mirror up here."

The Eastern drake chuckled, light-hearted and spinning, twirling in place with his crest ruffling lightly in the breeze created by the passage of his body. Xigfeldo tilted his head, though he could not have said just what a mirror was, though he did, of course, understand the manner of a reflection. And the dragon before him was, indeed, a reflection of him - if only his body had been changed just a little. There was something lighter about the other dragon too, even if they were evenly matched when it came to size, perhaps the Eastern dragon stretching out further than Xigfeldo if only due to his heavily extended tail, the tip always in motion.

Xigfeldo blinked, his lisp slowly quirking up into a smile on both sides, though he could not raise a wing-tip in a dragon greeting.

"Well, well, well, maybe there's a reason that the portal brought me here too... Is this where you are from, my dear double?"

The noodle-Xig laughed and cavorted, turning a cartwheel and pivoting on the point of his tail as if to demonstrate his flexibility. Xigfeldo looked on, the slimmer-formed version of himself barely able to hold himself in some bubble of space even in mid-air. It seemed quite as if he tingled with so much vibrant energy up there in the frost of a chilled world that he simply could not keep himself still and quiet, something that boded quite well if he was of the same mind as Xigfeldo himself.

"Oh, no, I come from another land but travelling is so much more entertaining - wouldn't you agree?"

Xigfeldo would have answered Xig but it was hard to do that with the Eastern dragon sweeping around and around him as if he was about to coil him up tight and bundled with his long, sinuous form. Despite his incredibly close proximity to the hovering drake, the Eastern dragon did not brush him even the once, demonstrating shocking control over his own body and awareness of where his body was at any one time. Xigfeldo sucked in a breath, ice clawing at his lungs, though it was a sensation that his body, adapted for the colder climates, was better able to handle, no pain rising forth despite how the sensation could have been for other dragon-types.

"Where have you travelled from them?"

"Oh, all over the place!"

Conversation flowed easily with noodle-Xig, though, to be fair, one could only expect such when one was merely speaking with another version of themselves. It was the first time, however, that Xigfeldo had ever come across another dragon that was him but with its own mind - it certainly wasn't anything like creating copies of himself with Myrika when they were trying to sexually outdo one another!

Where had he been? Oh, it was too easy to talk, the two of them trading stories, though Xigfeldo could not deny being particularly interested in Xig's stories of going underwater (like him, he could easily breathe underwater too, very interesting) and meeting the sea horses. Apparently, they were not all that small and there were some as large as the deer and the unicorns that he was familiar with in the forest, their interests just as keen as that of the dragons. If there was one thing that seemed to connect and link every world that Xigfeldo (and the glorious Eastern dragon too), it was the deriving of and enticement of erotic pleasure, bringing different creatures together in the learning about one another's bodies.

Xigfeldo panted softly, his cloaca spreading very slightly as his shaft tried to slip out, though he was still trying to appear calm and polite, despite how the noodle-dragon, in a strange sort of way, made his scales tingle. Sometimes one's desire was not something that could so easily be explained and he was not about to delve into it until he, later, had the chance to examine such thoughts and emotions, the cool, winding swathes of desire clawing at the pit of his stomach, urging him on. It did not help that his natural arousal and attraction to his other self allowed his oily essence to spill forth, coating his cloaca in a glistening gleam, milky in shade but still something that could be missed if someone did not quite know what they were looking for.

"I... Ah... I'm afraid I find myself a little distracted here."

Xig laughed, his noodle-like body rippling back and forth in mid-air as if it too was made of water and had no formal form and essence. Yet he was just as solid as the drake before him, a twin smirk painting Xigfeldo's muzzle that the Eastern drake would have seen on his own muzzle if he had had the grace of a true reflection of himself. He shook his head, but the softening, sweetening fog did not clear, standing out in stark, musky contrast to the crisp freshness of the air so high above the land.

One of the problems, however, with the dragon before him being a thicker, winged version of himself, was that the drake's scent could not help but tickle at Xig's nostrils. Without thinking, the slim dragon sucked in heady breath after breath, itching with ice-crystals, yet it was all he could do to keep himself airborne as he slunk more keenly than ever around the dragon who gave the appearance of being larger than him, even though they were fairly eagerly matched. Until he was coiled tight with his serpentine body, it was easy to discount a noodle-dragon, though their wiles were tricky to understand and his innate senses of mischief and glee were both things that he had learned to accept long ago.

Oh, he knew what was happening but the slimmer dragon simply did not have the will to deny it, purring softly as he slunk around Xigfeldo, trusting the other dragon to hold his weight. There was a solid comfort to his bulk, to being so up close and personal to a dragon that could support him, and Xigfeldo shuddered bodily beneath his coils, though Xig did not grip hard enough to restrict his breathing in the slightest. No, that was not what he needed as he caught his breath, a lusty shudder running through his entire body, down to the twisting, curling tip of his tail. He needed something far more carnal than a mere tightening, as tight as some parts of his body felt right then and there too.

"I think you know where this is going..."

Xig's eyes sparkled, glancing back at Xigfeldo as he nuzzled around under the drake's tail, seeking out his cloaca, the source of that sweet essence that was like fresh blossoms, more enticing than any headier sense of musk could have ever been, at least to him. There was nothing better than two lustful bodies coming together for their delightful, mutual pleasure and Xigfeldo rumbled a throaty purr in turn, trembling softly as he murmured and nuzzled down what of noodle-Xig's tail was there that he could reach.

"Mm... Well, I haven't tried it airborne for a while..."

Noodle-Xig's eyes gleamed, tongue flickering out against the edge of Xigfeldo's cloaca, teasing and tasting even as his body too released his essence in turn. Yet there was a surprise there, of course, that would swiftly come to be seen...

"I'm sure I can make this a challenge for you then..."

It was difficult for them to get out more words than that as the slender-bodied dragon plunged his muzzle right up to Xigfeldo's cloaca, moaning and slithering his tongue in deep. Although he was searching for the female entrance within, both male and female genitalia tucked within, he spared a moment for the emerging, smooth rise of the dragon's cock. Oh, it was so different to his (and only the one...) but Xig was not about to be picky when it came to that, squirming delightedly as he savoured his double's essence, slurping up every drop of that oil that he could get his tongue on. It would render his senses cloudy and every sexual sensation, nuance and lick of excitement, heightened, the sweet essence mixing with his mind in the most delightful of ways.

Yet it was all as he wanted to be, allowing Xigfeldo's shaft to push out against his nose and taking it into his maw without even thinking about that - it was just that easy. He moaned around the thick length, swelling and shifting lightly to fit his muzzle (mm, that was new), the other dragon's body changing to suit him even as noodle-Xig's eyes rolled back ever so slightly into his head in abject pleasure.

Xigfeldo panted heavily, the scent of himself and, of course, the Eastern dragon's more slowly flowing essence affecting his mind, though he struggled more with holding both of their bodies up at the same time. The noodle-dragon should have been lighter than him but, truly, such bodies held a deceptive air to them, the sky-serpent hissing luxuriously as his need swelled. Xigfeldo, however, could not hover there forever and let the winds caress his wings, taking the shape of the air for his own and gliding, soaring, finding what best suited him in that moment, though a little lightening magic did not go amiss either. He had other things to think about other than staying airborne when it came to noodle-Xig and how the shockingly serpentine dragon had easily slipped around him, things progressing at just the rate that he was used to.

Licking his lips, Xigfeldo could not have known just how much of a treat he was in for as not one but two smooth-skinned shafts slipped out against his lips, the glans defined at the tip where they tapered to a penetrating point. Xigfeldo shuddered bodily, slurping around the base of first one and then the other, though the sweetness of a feminine essence too was present there, heralding his other self's sex as a hermaphrodite too. Whether noodle-Xig preferred to identify either way or no way at all was something that he would have to ask him later but there were some things that could not help but fall by the wayside to make way for more erotic thrills and pleasures. It did not matter to either the slender Eastern dragon or his bulkier other half.

Xigfeldo grunted, need pulsing up, setting the edges of his cloaca alight with tingling heat, his pleasure rising with every passing second. One of noodle-Xig's lengths pressed up to the side of his muzzle, those delicious double-shafts, as he soared, though he was more concerned about taking the other as deeply up into the back of his maw as possible. And, as he'd said, it was not something that the Eastern drake was about to make any easier for him, bobbing his head and flexing his throat as he swallowed repeatedly, gulping down a hefty dose of the dragon's pre-cum along with his oil, eager only to make his job as difficult as possible for him. And yet where was the fun in something if it was not a challenge too? Xigfeldo rumbled a growl, rubbing his muzzle luxuriously against the length of one of the hemipenes. No, he could play dirty at that game too...

Noodle-Xig gasped as a cloud tickled his back, heralding a change in Xigfeldo's course, but he was more concerned with the thick dose of oil painting his muzzle, almost as if the dragon's cunny or even his cloaca was squirting it onto him. Even though he was not trying to get away, there was nothing to stop himself from practically drowning in it, thick globules sliding deliciously down the scales of his muzzle as he moaned and did his very best to lap up every last drop of it. There was no holding back from delirious pleasure as his cocks throbbed, a worming, wriggling tongue delving into his cloaca. It did not differentiate easily between his slick cunny, the entrance begging for attention within him, and his anal passage, tickling between both, bringing a sharp rise of sensation to the slim drake's body that had him panting more hotly than ever.

"Oh... Oh, my..."

Yet his words too were lost in the air as he cried out, orgasm pulling at him, the urgency to breed closing in, lust swamping him. Despite the clarity of the day, there was nothing else for him up there but the body of the other dragon, his world narrowing to one that his lust-addled mind could understand. A dragon's body (or at least ones like theirs) would always scream to breed and be bred, a desire that they were better able to take on for themselves in times of peace: something that they both were very fortunate to be able to relish in.

Closer and closer... Noodle-Xig groaned and gulped down Xigfeldo's single shaft, barely even able to marvel at how perfectly it filled his muzzle. He wanted more, even more than he had for himself at that moment, and yet he could only get what his body had sense enough to take, his tail flicking back and forth where it was not wound around the dragon. Their bodies pressed coolly together as soft ribbons of Xigfeldo's breath teased into the Eastern drake's cunny, tongue driving deep and claiming every last part of him as it curled up a so very sensitive spot of nerves within him. Xig could not help himself as his long body rippled and shuddered, need spiralling up and up and up in such a way as could not possibly be contained.

Xigfeldo rumbled with pleasure as his noodle-self cried out, twisting and convulsing so violently that he was thrown off-course, though there was thankfully room enough in the sky for them. Noodle-Xig's orgasm came from both parts at once, ropes of seed splattering forth, though there was no way to contain them up in the air as they were. Thus he was pleasantly forced to take a pearly load dripping over his muzzle and head, wild in how it spurted, though it was the frenzied twisting and writhing of noodle-Xig's body that did make it go off in weird and wonderful directions. Some even sank into Xigfeldo's crest but such "accidents" were to be expected in erotic pleasures and he only rumbled a laugh into the other dragon's cloaca, tail twitching, lightly adjusting their course.

One orgasm was not another and the lean dragon's head spun with delirious delight as it flowed through him, a wave of sensation that did not come in spurts but one, long, continuous flow that he did not even want to contain for himself. He cried out again and again as Xigfeldo's tongue drove deep, thrusting into his cunny and tail-star alike, one pucker unlike an entrance and yet offering a blended, divine pleasure when they were both brought to light. His scales tingled and itched as if craving more sensation, the length of his body trying to undulate, breeding desire, even then, getting the better of him.

Oh, he needed it and that was not something they would ever deny, having seeded so very many clutches of eggs during his long life so far and laid many himself. His young were most often self-sufficient on hatching and yet he had cared for them all, broody twinges simmering through him as he yearned to raise them all over again. He groaned and wriggled back and forth, his need too much for even his slim body to encompass, to hold for his own, passion rising, throbbing up thick and fast. His two cocks ached furiously, one orgasm nowhere near enough to satisfy them, let along the need to breed, how it coursed through him in perfect time to the beat of his heart.

Xigfeldo chuckled, nuzzling down what length of the Eastern dragon's body that he could reach, pressing in closer, wing-tip brushing into a wispy swathe of cloud and leaving a stream in its wake. There was so much of his Eastern dragon half that he could not resist doing his best to adore every last bit of him, even if their position meant that it was not always possible. That, however, did not stop him wanting. And Xigfeldo always got what he wanted.

"H-here..." Noodle-Xig panted out, though it was a struggle for him to do anything, his whole body trembling with an exotic thrill of pleasure. "Let you..."

Xigfeldo's curiosity was perked and he allowed the slender dragon to guide him closer to the clouds, though he could not see how that was going to change anything. Maybe it was cooling for scales that, even then, could not help but warm a little merely from the enforcement of their lustful activity? Yet it was to prove itself to be so much more than that as their bodies folded softly into the clouds, noodle-Xig slithering free of him with his cocks still drooling and dripping the very last droplets of seed that he had to give.

Yet the clouds were more substantial in that land than he could have realised, a little of the serpent-dragon's powers seeping into him as Xig disentangled himself from the bulkier dragon's body, giggling as he flickered away. All it took was a sweep and a pump of his tail to get him where he needed to go and Xigfeldo was left chasing the tail of what, if he didn't know any better, looked quite like a serpent, flickering and silvery even in the soft muteness of the clouds. How they held his form he did not have a moment in which to wonder, pushing on with a groan in the back of his throat, cock aching, throbbing, pulsing for an orgasm that had not yet come.

Although he was wicked, he had no intention, however, of leading his newfound friend on a merry chase, flipping onto his back on top of the cloud, the glaringly bright sunshine glancing off his scales so that he appeared as something even more mythical. It was his scent that led Xigfeldo straight to him, however, blinking in the brightness but not thrown off in the slightest, a gasp on his lips as he lightly pinned the Eastern dragon into the cloud. Although he sank back a little, he was still supported, even though Xigfeldo would have to tame and moderate his thrusts, if only a little, to ensure that he did not let them sink all the way through.

It would still work though, the drake licking his lips and pressing down on the wriggling length of noodle-dragon under him as Xig moaned out loud, his tail twitching and flickering back and forth like rippling water.

"Oh, you're teasing now..."

Laughing softly as if it caught even Xigfeldo by surprise, the powerful dragon licking and nuzzling at the other dragon's long, luxuriously slender neck, working his way up under his chin and along the line of his jaw. Each tiny nibble and nip of those sharp teeth set the smooth noodle-dragon's scales tingling with desire, pleasure rippling through, muscles tensing and relaxing, trying to work out just what it was that he needed to do to get his needs met. Yet Xigfeldo knew him well already, as he was himself, and had little intention of hanging around as he growled deep in the back of his throat, teeth flashing as he lightly bit his partner's throat.

The Eastern drake was there to stay but it did not stop him moaning as Xigfeldo spread him open, his cock easily slipping inside, though it was not kind enough to find the treat of his cunny. Knowing exactly what he was doing and just how it would make the Eastern dragon feel, yearning for more, he instead ploughed slowly and seductively into Xig's anal passage, relishing with a heady grunt just how it stretched around him. The other dragon's body was built, of course, to take partners just like him, and he had no fears of Xig not stretching to accommodate him, even if it was a truly delectable sensation to have that much tightness clasped around him.

Noodle-Xig's head swam, mixed up in pheromones and musky lust, need throbbing, pulsing - yet he was not in control of it. Even then, he had to give himself up to seductive ecstasy, the divine nuances of it prickling through his veins like tiny sparks of electricity. His muscles contracted without his will, tightening around that thick rod of flesh spreading him open. He whimpered, wanting more - if only Xigfeldo had two shafts also, so that he could push into his cunny and his anal entrance at the same time! Desires would be there despite anything else, a moan and a whimper born from lips that did not quite know how to vocalise such devious wants, not in the passion of the moment. Alas, that was not the case, even if it made his cocks twitch and throb, obviously needing something that only his double in the other drake could provide.

Xigfeldo pushed him down into the cloud, enveloping the two of them in soft whiteness that closed in around them, lifting them up and supporting them at least in some small way. He growled against the winding, slim dragon's neck, lust carrying him on, though it was hard to tell anymore just how much of that lust was his own and how much had come from the sweet, cloying essence of the other dragon. He didn't want to resist it, how it seemed to cling to the insides of his nostrils and layer itself thickly down his windpipe, forcing him to absorb it, pupils dilating, greed growing. It was clear that all it took was a twist of his tail or body to swim through the cloud, though the water droplets condensed there were not substantial enough to force them to use their aqua breathing ability either.

That was a shame... Though it was more fun still to hold one's breath, to challenge another dragon to a feat of strength in cock sucking, bringing one another to orgasm after orgasm without coming up for any manner of true breath, lungs burning. Other kinds of play riled him up too and he growled, digging his teeth in a little more to noodle-Xig's neck, though he did not break his scales, merely clarifying his possession over him and keeping him where he needed to be. Xigfeldo shivered, a cool heat flickering through him. No, the other drake wasn't going anywhere until he was done...

The pounding drive into his under-tail made him tremble with pleasure and yet writhing only brought his exposed, vulnerable throat up against Xigfeldo's teeth all the more urgently. He had to climax, had to cum, and yet the drake above him went still, allowing the Eastern dragon's body to do the work for him. Even as that cock twisted lightly back and forth inside him, desperate to climax, it still demonstrated another ability of the winged dragon. Xigfeldo nipped sharply at him, a twinge from his teeth reminding Xig of his place, even though he was sure too that the tables were soon to be turned.

Xig's eyes gleamed, lids slipping closed as he moaned in delirious delight. Oh, yes... Yes, he could turn things on the other drake in the blink of an eye, but that did not mean that he was not there in the moment to take his own pleasure there too first.

Xigfeldo could not hold himself back, breath rasping in his throat, that tight hole pulsing around him, Xig's muscles working to milk him of his cum. It was the traditional way for dragons like him that could demonstrate shockingly excellent muscular control and he howled out in draconian bliss as he spent his load, hips still working to thrust when there was no real need to. His body was set to unleash his load as his internally held testes ached, spilling everything he had to give in long, heady spurts, the milking pulses of noodle-Xig's anal passage drawing everything from him. It was tighter than he may have expected, as if it too had elongated along with the length of his body, pulling and pulsing, milking the bulkier drake's shaft of all he had to give. Xigfeldo didn't even have to do anything as he released noodle-Xig's neck from his mating bite, a tiny trickle of blood remaining where he had nipped a little too hard, moaning open-mouthed as he enjoyed every last second.

Sometimes, there really was nothing like mating with someone who knew his body inside and out. Moreover...someone who was him, in more than one simple way.

The slender Xig took everything like a pro but he needed something else more, eyes glinting, twisting and writhing his way free to take control. His tail lashed around Xigfeldo's and locked him down, dipping and diving deeper into the cloud, heads popping out the bottom for a moment. With their lusts so high, however, there was no time to languish there, enjoying the view of the snowy slopes below sparkling with ice-crystals and they delved back into the muted softness, twisting and turning, losing his sense of which way was up and which was down.

The Eastern dragon had the upper claw, however, knowing how to best manipulate and swim in clouds, sweeping around Xigfeldo while he floundered for a brief moment. That was all that noodle-Xig needed to swoop in, his cocks aching and drooling, need paramount. He may have wanted a womb full of eggs but that would have to come once he had tamed the so-called "mighty beast" and instead speared his cloaca with his shaft.

He cared little for which hole that his shaft sank into, yet he did draw away and adjust his angle for a second thrust as Xigfeldo shuddering, opening the door to a little more opportunity. It was with that second thrust that both of his shafts sank deep, the hump and grind of his twisty body helping them deeper, stretching out the other dragon even as both of his holes sought to close down around him. Xig moaned. The drake's body adjusted to suit him in that way too but he was not so unskilled as to be so swayed by that tightness, the rasp in Xigfeldo's throat, the trace of his nose down the line of the noodle-dragon's neck all over again...


"You think you're in control but you've never had someone quite like me before," Xigfeldo murmured, tenderly nudging up under the Eastern dragon's chin. "I'm not like the others."

Xig pressed his nose to his, muzzle wrinkling a little as he tried to screw up his face. Expressions of anger or frustration (however mild they were) did not very often come easily to a face like his.

"But you've never had someone quite like me before either!"

Noodle-Xig was not to be outdone, pulling Xigfeldo into the clouds, their world wrapped up in cottony softness. Dipping through, he lashed his tail and the full length of his body around the other dragon, though it was a clunky type of bondage, only managing to get his wings and one of his legs. His tail, however, succeeded in twining around and around Xigfeldo's as the drake shuddered and gasped, rocking his body, though holding back then or breaking free were both things completely and utterly outside any realm of possibility.

He had him right where he wanted him and noodle-Xig tensed and rocked his body, treating those tight holes to long, slow thrusts, using as much of his dual-shafts as he possibly could. The glans ached with pleasure with every thrust, delving into that tight coolness, though he was, perhaps, more used to plunging into warmer bodies than the cool-blooded dragon. That didn't matter, however, as he groaned and even used his neck to control the other drake, proving quite unequivocally that size truly did not matter when one really wanted something.

The restriction was insidious and delicious at the same time, the dragon's coils tight as Xigfeldo let out a full-throated moan, relishing in the moment like he never had before. Although he swung both ways, it seemed that he spent so long in the top position that he forgot to be gracious about changing sides from time to time. It ended up being a rare treat for him to be forced into it, panting heavily as his flanks juddered with every attempt at breath, cunny clenching and rippling around Xig's shaft. His anal passage tried to keep up but the muscles did not quite work in perfect time there, doing what they could, his heaving gasps and grunts of breath teasing at further pleasure.

They needed more, noodle-Xig grunting and pounding, breath cool and soft against Xigfeldo's scales. With their musk pouring forth in their oily essence, there was no denying the attraction that they both had for each other but that would still mean that different breeding urges had to be accommodated for. The Eastern dragon's loins ached for a hard length and one that would see him swelling with eggs to be laid all over again, although that was something too, he was sure, would come in time. Patience and variety were two partners in the same game even as Xigfeldo's holes tensed so wonderfully, the velvety coolness of his passages holding him tight as if the drake did not want him to thrust anymore.

Yet it was thrusting that the noodle-dragon craved and he forced his way on with a grunt, a gasp breaking from Xigfeldo's lips. Caught up in rampant need, he could not contain himself anymore as he rocked and curved his body to pound into the drake with short, sharp thrusts, so desperate to fill him that he barely pulled his cock out all the way before slamming in again. There was no reason to hold back and the other dragon took every one of his rampant strokes with a shudder and a moan, the muting effect of the cloud softening the slap of scales on scales, passions rising. The slender dragon's body could put more force with less flexion into his thrusts than Xigfeldo, the two of them trembling together as delight coursed through above all else.

The two dragons ground together in mutual passion, however, the slender dragon losing control, panting madly, an erratic edge to his strokes. It could not be long before he had no control left at all over himself and he was quite right in that as they climaxed together, both of Xigfeldo's holes clenching around him, milking him, the teasing strokes beyond anything he could ever have imagined. He needed it all as he moaned headily into the dragon's scales, not even aware of where his head was, so twisted was he around Xigfeldo. But none of that mattered as he thrust and thrust, filling him with spurt after spurt of cum, pouring forth exactly where it needed to go as Xigfeldo murred through his orgasm.

"Mmm... You have quite a load to you..."

It was a praise of sorts but not the sort of encouragement that Xig was used to get, chuffing a short laugh, head spinning as they shared in orgasm. There was nothing quite like climaxing at the same time as a partner, something that did not all that often overlap, yet it was a delight like no other, bodies twisting and writhing, passion overcoming all else in the heat of the moment.

Only when he was done did noodle-Xig slip out and show Xigfeldo how to swim properly through the clouds, taking a moment in which to recover, even though their shafts were still out and hard. That did not mean that they did not appreciate some time to wind around one another, learning further nuances of one another's bodies and just how they differed from each other. There was a passion in their coming together even then, breath catching at the tickle of the other's scales on theirs, need rising, the drip of pre-cum from their lengths disappearing into the clouds. Being in the cloud eased the effect of their aphrodisiac oil just a touch but still not enough to lead them back to normal senses - who would want that anyway? All they wanted was to twist and to swim, Xigfeldo laughing out loud with younger glee than his many years should have embodied, following Xig's lead as he slunk through the clouds with the sinuous twist of a serpent. The cloud cover became thicker as Xig called in the weather with a little of his influence, the innate magic that was unique to his type of dragons, allowing them to play a little more.

Lust, however, like theirs could not be cooled off so easily as they growled and twisted together, Xigfeldo trying to wind around the noodle-dragon to no avail, though his tail had some grip and dexterity to it. He simply could not quite match up to the Eastern drake with a cheeky glint in his eye, the delight on his muzzle infectious and intoxicating in equal amounts, goading him on to play in the chase. Twisting back and forth, he laughed and trembled, cock drooling, need driving him on.

Xigfeldo nuzzled down to the slimmer dragon's cloaca, offering another taste of that pleasure, yet there was only one thing that Xig wanted as he presented his cloaca, instead, to Xigfeldo's shaft. It had to go where it was supposed to and, twisting and wriggling into the cottony embrace of the clouds, Xig speared him full with a single thrust of his hindquarters. With his wings spread, he floated on the surface of the cloud as if it was water, head bobbing, tongue draped out and over his teeth as he panted. It was not a way to help him cool himself down, considering that he was cool-blooded already, yet it was a way to bring juddering breaths into his lungs in greater time, his tail tensing, secured within the needy grasp of the Eastern dragon.

All it took was a roll of Xigfeldo's hindquarters to thrust into the noodle-dragon, his cock thrusting deep, a low, needy keen rising from Xig's lips. He had all that he could have wanted and yet it was not enough for him, twisting and writhing, forcing Xigfeldo to thrust harder to keep up with him. There would be no stilling of his shaft for that round as he took his partner in the most carnal way possible, huffing and puffing and grunting thickly. It was more rampant and ragged to thrust and grind, letting his muscles contract and put a dose more power into the strokes of his cock, fitting the Eastern dragon's cunny perfectly.

Noodle-Xig panted softly, twisting in the other dragon's grasp even though they were already beautifully wound together. There was never any need for anything more as they writhed in bliss, Xigfeldo's cocks disappearing into his cunny over and over again, even managing to tease up against one of his shafts with every thrust. The added lick of pleasure set his scales shivering, the edges lifting, yet there was no extra heat within him to release, only the pleasure swirling around and around his head.

He felt everything, every last exquisite tiny detail of that shaft plunging into him. It seemed almost as if it was ever so slightly too large for him and yet his body swallowed it all down wonderfully, noodle-Xig's cunny clenching and rippling, striving even in the midst of it all to milk Xigfeldo of his seed. His body ached for it, yearned for it more than anything else that he could think of - even if part of that thought was merely just how breeding lust played out, teasing and weaving, breaking down his sense of reality.

Xigfeldo was in no better of a position as a world of white and muted grey pulsed softly around them, swimming with their tails, the light undulations of their joined bodies more than enough to power them, gently, through the clouds. It was fortunate, however, that it was a long body of cloud that they were in at that time, or else they may have unexpectedly found themselves dropping into a delicious freefall, which was another nuance of pleasure entirely. Xigfeldo shivered, tiny droplets of moisture beading and dripping from his already cool scales, twisting to catch the Eastern dragon's jaws in his own, a deep kiss that neither would want to escape from.

They moaned together, neither caring who was truly dominant in that moment, lusts and passions rising, throbbing up thick and fast, like never before. They bubbled to the surface like air in a hot spring, the natural gas flowing through and demanding exit even as it warmed the water that so many dragons and other creatures could luxuriate in. Xigfeldo's tongue wantonly twined and twirled around noodle-Xig's but it was more and more difficult to tell where one of them ended and the other began, losing sense of all time and place in one another's bodies.

Yet closer and closer... Oh, the purity of orgasm and bliss were just around the corner and muscles tensed wonderfully, heralding the sweet encroach of release. Moaning lustfully into Xigfeldo's jaws, which were just a little bit wider than his, noodle-Xig bucked his hind end, tail tightening around Xigfeldo's, drawing him in all the closer. No, he couldn't let him get away, not when the expulsion of passion was so near, scales prickling as if with heat but, of course, it was not heat, not with him and Xigfeldo's colder-running body. Eroticism came with an exotic thrill and a tingle, every nerve-ending in his body too sensitive to be contained, twisting and pulsing, desire stark in the moments before divinity exploded.

Noodle-Xig could not have told quite the moment when he crossed into passion, their heads bursting into the sunshine as the kiss broke and their roars shattered the fragile peace of the sky. His orgasm rippled forth, his inner muscles pulsing and twitching and managing to rhythmically caress Xigfeldo's pounding shaft, although he would not have said that he was in control of his body at that moment. No, it was far better to relinquish every trembling muscle and nerve-ending in his body to ecstasy, giving up everything he was for the joy that that submission would bring. Everything that he gave up was gained again in turn and noodle-Xig's cries rose and rose, the bright sunshine, once again, splashing across his silvery muzzle.

Dimly, he was aware of two gryphons some distance away, twisting and cavorting, though one was anthro and one was feral, their silhouettes distinctly different even to him in the moment of ecstasy. He shook himself and leaned back into it, letting the clouds envelop him again, Xigfeldo guiding him, dipping and swimming through the cloud cover itself as he worked his magic on the groaning Eastern dragon.

His cock ploughed deep and Xigfeldo took advantage of every last little moment afforded to him, the cool grasp of the slender, adoring dragon's cunny too much for him to bear. The urge to breed was something that he would never deny himself and he rasped into a more dominant snarl than ever as he powered in, hard and fast, coursing into orgasm as his loins tightened. Ropes of thick seed poured forth as if they were beyond even Xigfeldo's control, though all he wanted was to relish in the moment, to enjoy every last minute detail of his creamy seed leaving his shaft, how his length pulsed desperately to send it forth. There was no escaping a call of nature like that and neither did he want to as he filled his noodle-partner to the brim, the tight grip of Xig's velvety, tight cunny holding every last drop inside him.

Their musk eased off and yet Xigfeldo's orgasm was not slow to come down as Xig's pulsed on, head waving back and forth as if he was a serpent to be tamed by a snake charmer. He'd seen those in another world but had not understood it, something more that he was curious about. But that was just what led him to world after world, seeking to satisfy a never-ending sense of curiosity, one that gave him life in a way that nothing else ever could in breeding and joy.

They simmered down, finding a way into the clouds, sprawling across them, though they had to disengage with their shafts still out and hard, even if the true depths of their breeding lusts had been satisfied. Both with a womb full of seed (well, Xigfeldo had ensured that it was stored within his body, as his ability was wont to do still until it came time for a fresh load of eggs to be fertilised within his womb), they settled and sprawled out, mirth on their lips and eyelids growing heavy. Neither was particularly tired, for it would take far more than that to wear them out, yet there was something about relaxing and easing into a warming afterglow that was appealing, bringing a warmth to their scales from the inside out that their cooler blooded bodies never usually felt.

"I see I am just as lustful in another world," noodle-Xig murmured, eyes cheekily downcast, though he chanced a quick look up to see what the other dragon's reaction was. "And now we are both impregnated. I wonder just what our offspring will look like?"

Xigfeldo grinned, shaking his head, working out the kinks in his neck where his muscles had grown just a little bit too stiff for comfort.

"I will bring them back to visit you, one day. Perhaps there is a way to bring even more to this world..."

Noodle-Xig's brow furrowed but he was too content to really wonder what the other dragon was talking about, letting Xigfeldo's tail drape over him as a wing lifted, shading his head from the intensity of the bright sunshine. Their breath frosted lightly before them, not quite as cold as the air around them, yet even that little bit of sun sparkled off their hides, jewels no longer to be hidden in the embrace of the skies.

Warmed but not dazzled, the Eastern dragon exhaled in a luxuriously soft sigh, leaning into the other version of himself as if he had known him for many years. A double of himself, even if their shapes, of course, were different, was more comforting than he had had any right to expect and he groaned softly in the back of his throat, tension unwinding from the breeding desire lacing his body. Not a drop of seed drooled from him but that was as it should have been, sure even then that the eggs within him were being fertilised, preparing to swell with harder, more resilient shells, a new generation to love and adore.

Beneath the sunshine, there could be no better way for them to spend the day than with another with similar inclinations. The slender Eastern dragon's eyes lowered, gazing at his other self with passion brimming over.

Xigfeldo's purrs lulled him to sleep.

Pleasing a Mare

**Pleasing a Mare** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ _This work contains an intelligent, consenting feral character with an anthro character._ _ _ ** ** "What are you waiting for? Don't tease me like...

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