Gypsy Curse Pluse! part 1

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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Ricky walked down the street with a small piece of paper in his hand, the rabbit looked up at the different store signs for the one he was looking for. He stopped in front of the store he was looking for before almost being knocked down by the door swinging open hard. An angry looking fox stepped out, she was wearing a cheerleader uniform with her hair tied back into pig tails. "This is it! I'm going to get the bitch Suzie this time!" she stormed off laughing to herself. Ricky looked her over as she walked away from him, he thought to himself how he would love to get in between that vixens legs, but he knew he didn't stand a chance and this is why he was there. He opened the same door that almost knocked him out and walked into the store.

It was dusty and the shelves were littered with old books and jars of liquids and parts.....of things that he saw in text books. The rabbit took a deep breath of the seemingly mystical air around him. "Hello is anyone here?" He listened for a moment." Oh for fuck sakes, can't you kids just give me five minutes for lunch." A raccoon walked out from behind the bead covered door way. Ricky was taken aback by the anger from this beautiful woman her low cut out fit showing off her cleavage and a long dress that cut up the side showing off some leg. "Ricky blushed. "Um....I...I want to by something from you." He said shy like. The coon only rolled her eyes. "Really, why is it you kids wanna buy SOMETHING. Why can't you just tell me what you want?" Ricky stuck out his chest in a stint of bravery. "I....i want all the girls to like me, I want to be irresistible!" He blurted out hoping nobody else was in the store.

The gypsy curled her lips into a smile and looked the young rabbit over. "How much money does a runt like you have?" Ricky frowned at the insult but he was desperate. "He dismounted his back pack and pulled out a jar, inside a loose collection of coins and bills. "Boy, are you fucking with me?" Then he produced another. "Three hundred dollars." The raccoon's eyes widened. "Well step right back here sir, I will give you anything you need." Her entire attitude seemed to change."The gypsy led the rabbit into the back room and sat him down at a round table where only a single item occupied its surface an old book. She sat at the other end, she opened the book and laid her hands on the table palms up, signaling Ricky to give her his hands. "So you wish to be an Adonis, no small order but I promise you won't go unnoticed after this."

Ricky smiled and gladly gave his hands up. The gypsy looked down into her book and into the rabbits eyes. "Kannda duc ba raka!" Suddenly a wind seemed to pick up around them, opening books and making there pages flutter. "Junto rugtunga fangtor!" The table they sat at shook as if suddenly struck with an earth quake but all other surfaces around them seemed idle. "Kannda duc ba raka dio!" Ricky eyes were forced closed from the wind then suddenly form the side of the room. "Ding!" The raccoon suddenly rose breaking her hold on the rabbit. "Ah hot pockets." She walked over to a microwave and took them out. Ricky shook his head. "Wait what? What are you...." "Oh don't worry we are done here, go home, sleep it off and most importantly of all, no refunds." The raccoon started to chow down on her lunch. Ricky seemed to sit there inspecting himself, he didn't feel any different but his inspection was cut short when the raccoon insisted on his leaving.

After school Ricky found his way home, he felt more tired then he normally would and could barely make it to his room, he stumbled in and got undressed, his eyes growing heavy. He threw himself down onto his bed an passed out right then and there.

The sounds of moaning pleasure filled Ricky's thoughts, the soft fur of girls, their moist warm insides, it was his wildest dream. "Come on, fuck me Ricky, fuck me hard you stud!" A voice pleaded with them. "Fuck me faster baby, its great!" Another voice pleaded with him. "Do me in the ass Ricky, your so big!" "Wake up Ricky, come on wake up." A new voice rang, a familiar voice in fact. His eyes slowly opened, he was laying on his back in his bed, his eyes focused to see a pair a beautiful eyes, the bunny who'm they belonged to sat back with a smile. "Jesse....what are you doing in my room?" "You, know.....i don't know, for the life of me I couldn't stop thinking about you when I woke up, we just don't do enough together you know?" She blushed to herself and smiled putting her hands on her cheeks. "You wouldn't believe the crazy dream I had." As Jesse talked Ricky's eyes wondered his sister was wearing a long jersey shirt to stopped at her upper thighs, the shirt made out the shapes of her large breasts, the bunny had her legs folded showing them off naked all the way down to her bare toes. She clearly just got out of bed. "Listen to me ramble on like that, I know you had a pretty intense dream." She smiled and moved her hand, placing a finger on the very tip of the firm bulge in his boxers. "You make quite the tent little brother."

Ricky shot up with a blush on his face. "Holy shit! Want are you doin...." Jesse pushed him back down onto his back. With the same hand she unbuttoned his boxers and curled her finger inside pulling and twisting until Ricky's hard dick popped out and stood right up pulsating. Jesse took the member into her fingers and lowered her head. Ricky licked his lips and suddenly looked like he had fever, he felt light headed. Jesse gave his cock and gentle kiss, the feeling of the bunnies soft lips made Ricky role his eyes into the back of his head. "Oh, sis, we can't be doing this!" "Shshshshshsh" she responded letting her tongue out and licking his thick shaft. Ricky's ears perked up at the sudden warm wet feeling of his sister's tongue.

He couldn't believe what she was doing and groaned at his sister's warm tongue slid up and down his dick making it wet, he had never felt anything like this before. Jesse leaned on Ricky's legs making her long shirt rise a little showing off a small portion of her pink panties. She took his cock into her mouth slowly lowered her head taking in as much dick in as she could. Ricky reached up and grasped his pillow feeling his firm cock in his sister's warm mouth. Jesse started to bob her head up and down sucking his hard dick, she worked her tongue running it across Ricky's meat as she sucked him off. The sucking sounds started to fill the rabbit's ears as he groaned again. "Jesse.....this....this is to much." His sister took the base of his thick cock into her fingers as she sucked him off faster. Her drool started to drip down his shaft. Jesse blushed deeply and moaned to herself sucking her brother's dick. Ricky seemed to start enjoying himself bringing his hand down placing it on top of his sister's head. He felt her head going up and down with the feeling her lips and tongue engulfing his hard dick.

"Ok sis, you gotta stop.....your gonna make me...." Jesse raised her head continuing to stroke his drool covered cock. "mmmm.....come on little brother, give it to me." She lowered her head again sucking his dick harder. Ricky shut his eyes hard groaning out loud feeling his orgasm build, he cock throbbed and suddenly he pumped his hips a little and unloaded his hot cream into his sister's mouth. She drew her head back stroking his thick shaft letting the cum jet out like a fountain onto her face. Ricky released his grip on his pillow and opened his eyes panting, he blushed seeing his sister's face covered his his cum, she just smiled licking at it. "Oh Ricky, that was so embarrassing for me." She blushed. Ricky's eyes widened "For you!?" "Ricky, Jesse Hurry up or your going to be late for school!" They heard from down stairs. Jesse pressed up against her brother and kissed him deeply, pushing her tongue into his mouth. The kiss lasted for a few very long seconds for Ricky then she broke the kiss, finishing him off by licking his lips. "I'll see you after school little brother." She got up and walked out of his room leaving him laying there with his used dick hanging out of his boxers.

Ricky got himself dress, his mind swimming with what just happened, he felt odd about it, the same girl that used to steal his ice cream, push him into the mud, fight with him in long car rides sucked his dick a few minutes ago. He walked into the kitchen and noticed Jesse was gone already, he sat down to eat. He nodded to his dad. "Whats wrong boy, you look like you got the life sucked out of you. Did you sleep alright?" Ricky's ears twitched. "Well, I got something sucked out of me." He said whimsically. His mother served him breakfast and as she placed the plate onto the table her large cleavage was well in view. She lowered her head and kissed him on the lips. Ricky was surprised he was used to the old kiss on the cheek but this was was better. She raised up again and ran her hand down his cheek. "Your looking really good today Ricky." Ricky chucked. "Thanks mom." She sat down and rested her head into her hands watching her son with an intense interest. "Tell me what you thing hunny."

Ricky smiled and shoveled some food into his mouth watching his dad eat as well, he continued to eat until he felt something rubbing against his leg. He didn't think of it at first until it slowly rubbed its way up his leg. The rabbit jumped up a little and looked at his dad, who was still eating, then he looked over at his mom who was giving him love eyes. Ricky discretely looked down seeing his mother's naked bunny foot pressing against his crotch. He looked back up to his mom. "Well? Do you like it dear?" Ricky swallowed hard. "y...yes...its great." His mom smiled pleased with his answer and continued to massage his growing dick with her foot. He shoveled his food quickly and stood. "I should be going to school now." He made his way for the front door when his mom stood. "Ricky! Can I see you upstairs for a moment." Ricky panics and looked back at his hot bunny mom. "Actually no mom, I need to......" Suddenly his dad chimed in. "Excuse me? You do not say no to your mother." Ricky swallowed hard again.

Ricky panicked and ran out the door. "Sorry mom I really need to get to school bye!" Ricky mom frowned and looked at her husband and he only shrugged. "I tried."

When Ricky made it to school the rabbit was flustered, his mind filled with thoughts of his nympho sister and mom. As he walked through the halls he started to notice something different from any other days. A lot of the girls that he enjoyed checking out were in fact checking him out. Each girl he walked past started giving him horny eyes. "Hi Ricky" A sexy looking lizard walked passed. "Looking good Ricky." A skunkete closed her locker. Ricky suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around one of his. As he looked over at a beautiful looking otter, it was Stacy, I senior! "Ricky, I was wondering if you weren't busy after school could you help me with some homework, I wouldn't mind if you came over." Ricky was floored, a hot senior, wanting him to come over to her house, this was a dream. "Um....yeah I guess, what time do you want me to come." "Not to quickly." She said with a smirk. Ricky looked over at her with surprise making the Otter blushed. "Oh I mean anytime after school hun." The hot otter broke away and Ricky watch her walk away, her skirt stopping at her lower ass, he could almost make out her panties.

The rabbit bit his lip and smiled only the run into something, as he looked forward he saw a very angry bulldog in a suit. "Ricky! Don't you have to be somewhere?!" Ricky jumped at his booming voice. "Yes sir!" He skirted around him and made his way to class. The first class was math, he always thought it was a good idea to get it out of the way so early. As he walked in he notice quickly that all the girls in the glass started to smile at his arrival. He made his way to his desk with all those eyes and smiling teeth following him.

He sat at his desk smiling at himself with all the attention he was getting, just as he was pondering at what to do with his new found popularity and hand dropped a piece of paper on his desk from the left. When he looked over at a sleepy looking cat he just nodded to the hot lizard in front of him, she looked back at him and made a kissing motion with her lips. He looked at the paper. (Tasha and a phone number.) Ricky was excited and then another paper dropped on his desk from the right. ( Lizzy and a phone number.) He looked around seeing a badger in pig tails wink at him. Then before you could react he felt a tap on his shoulder, when he looked back another guy passed him a piece of paper then used his thumb to point at the young equine beauty behind him. She caught Ricky's attention and licked her upper lip in a seductive manner.

The teacher walked in, a subject of many of Ricky's fantasies, a hot cheetah with shoulder length red hair, a low cut blouse and a short skirt that reveal both her large breasts and her gorgeous legs. Before talking she took one hard look at Ricky with a look of surprise on her face, blushing she shook her head and started her class. It didn't take long for him to collect a book of phone number, by the end of the forty five minute class he thought he collected the numbers of all the girls in the class. He got up from his chair with everyone else keeping an eye on all the girls who were giving him horny eyes, he couldn't felt more like a man right there. As he was making his way to the front a hand touched his shoulder, as he turned and say his teacher. "Oh Mrs. Blake, whats up." The cheetah leaned against her desk watch the other students leave. "Whats going on, I'm just kicking myself up here because I can't remember your name, such a cute little thing that you are."

Ricky smiled at that. "Well, the name is Ricky." Mrs. Blake folded her long legs showing the rabbit as much of them as can be seen. "You know I have been meaning to speak with you since I walked in, could you sit down?" Ricky smiled again not thinking of his next class as he sat he watch the hot cheetah close the classroom door. "You know I think your grades have been slipping Mr. Ricky" She took a set on top of the desk where the rabbit was sitting again folding her beautiful legs. Ricky's eyes scanned them, licking his lips for him this was the greatest moment in his life. " I....uh...i don't know what to say, I can try harder." The cheetah smiled rotating on the desk parting her legs. "Oh harder is exactly what I was thinking young man."

She leaned forward just enough giving Ricky a full few of a black pair of silk panties between a pair of powerful thighs and his teachers plush and soft cleavage. Ricky started breathing hard "Oh wow!" He could only say. His teacher reached down and started rubbing his crotch squeezing lighting and impressed with his size. "wow indeed." Ricky groaned a little leaning back as Mrs. Blake continued to massage his dick through his pants. He felt himself get hard and tight as his teachers magic hands did their job. Ricky took this as a free pass and leaned forward pressing his lips against her's. The cheetah as shocked but returned to kiss as she drove her tongue into his mouth, they shared their tongues as Ricky pulled her down off the desk onto his lap, she moaned softly as she landed and sat on his hard bulge.

The two continued to mingle tongues as drool ran down their chins. Mrs. Blake pulled her head back and smiled with a blush. "My my, I feel your a really big boy!" Ricky was only focused on one thing though and reached forward and tried to unbutton her blouse he got the first button but started to fumble, Mrs. Blake got impatient with her student and pulled her own shirt open, Ricky closed one eye to avoid the button shrapnel but watched in glory as the cheetah's soft and large tits bounced out in front of him. Ricky ignored his teacher's annoyance and dove right in, taking those soft mounts into his mouth and started to suck on her nipples.

Mrs. Blake moan with pleasure feeling the suction on her firming nipples, the rabbit moved from one to the other as if hungry and wild his head took over where is head was left behind as he caressing the cheetah's long beautiful legs. Mrs. Blake leaned back against the desk rolling her head back and forth feeling the pleasure, the heat in her body slowly building. She reached down groping his hardness in his pants again stroking it running her slender fingers up and down. Ricky shuttered, it wasn't enough, he was getting everything he wanted but he really wanted to wreck her! He pushed her back onto the desk so she was almost laying on her back, he proceeded to pull her panties up her thigh and long legs, Mrs. Blake smiled and raised her feet into the air to let it happen and as soon her panties where on the floor she spread her legs for him. Ricky wasted no time extended his tongue and let his taste buds taste the soft flesh of his hot teacher's pussy or any for that matter.

Mrs. Blake stretched her legs feeling the warm caress of her students wet tongue, she became excited fast feeling herself become wet as he licked away at her. She moaned with pleasure feeling herself up as the rabbit ate away at her hot pussy "Oh Ricky, stop playing around." The rabbit licked away at her clit before poking his head up. "Sorry ma'am?" The cheetah pressed her tits together and curled her toes. "Stick your cock in me already, we don't have all day." Ricky started to panic, he started to fumble with his pants and he unzipped himself but the couldn't get at the button, he was too hard it was making it hard to get them off.

Mrs. Blake sighed and moved to sit on his lap again but just standing above him as he sat down, he reached down and into his pants. Ricky swallowed hard "Oh my god, oh my god, she's touching my dick!" he thought to himself. With one quick yank she pulled it out and was amazed at its size as it stood right up pulsating. The cheetah wasted no time and lowered herself down onto him her hot pussy lips parting as his cock drove into her, she moaned with pleasure as she slowly slid down his thick shaft. Mrs. Blake moaned with pleasure as she stated to bounce in her students lap feeling his thick shaft prob into her wet and warm love hole.

The cheetah pressed her large tits against his face and rode his dick faster, all Ricky could do is sit there holding onto her hips and moaning as he felt her juice dripping down his shaft as her hot pussy slowly sucked him in deeper with ever thrust. "Mrs. Blake...i ...i can't hold.." Ricky said between the moans and slapping noise of the older woman's soft ass against him. The cheetah moaned out loud. "Don't cum just yet." She gripped the chair and bounced faster, fucking him with more fierceness then he could have ever imagined. Just then the door opened and a new class started to poor into the room, all the students suddenly stopping seeing the sex scene that was happening in front of them. Ricky was scarred at what was happening, but suddenly so turned on, he squeezed the cheetah's hips and started fucking her back.

The other students watched with amazement as the moans of pleasure filled their ears, their teacher's wet pussy bouncing and devouring the thick cock inside of it. Mrs. Blake suddenly arced her back or came right in front of everyone screaming with pleasure. This drove Ricky of the edge as he unleashed his load of hot cum into her, the thick cream escaping her pussy lips and dripped down his shaft. The other boys watched with amazement and the girls watched with blushed faces all seeing the climax of this act in full view. Suddenly another teacher walked then stopped dead in his tracks. "What the fuck is going on in here!" Ricky frowned while Mrs. Blake still gyrated her hips with his dick inside her. "ooohh boy."

End 1

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