Plague of the Sex Zombies part 2

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#8 of Sex Zombies

Part 2

The sky turned black and darkness filled the air around the small mountain town of Rocksville as the bright full moon crept up into the sky replacing the sun. Cindy and her friends gathers their protesting 'gear' and were preparing to head out the front door when her dad caught their attention. "Girls! You might want to hold up with that right now." The three walked into the living room finding Cindy's father and brother siting next to the radio, her father playing with the tuning dial. "Whats going on Mr. P?" Alexis put her board on the chair next to her. "There has been a lot of talk down town of fights breaking out, violence, rapping, that sort of thing." The girls eyes widened at the sound of the descriptions. "jeepers! Rapping!?" Megan said in disbelief. "Right now I don't want you girl to be leaving the house tonight, sorry but the rally is off." Cindy's father asserted himself.

The couple walked down the dark street oblivious to the going ons around them, one was wearing a cheerleader outfit while the other was wearing a football lettermen jacket. "oh Eric, I want this to be our special night, if you....dig what I mean?" The young fox looked up at her boyfriend, who was also a fox but of the arctic variety. Suddenly he came to his scenes about the meaning. " mean.....O.K., you wanna go back to my place or somethin?" She proceeded to throw her arms around his neck, having to stand on her toes to do so. "No, how about right here." She said with a smirk. Eric looked around. "Right here?! Out in the open, like this!?" He was starting to get worried but the young fox calmed his nerves when she slowly dropped down in front of him unzipping his pants.

He threw back his head feeling his dick inside her small hot mouth, groaning to himself as silently as possible. She moved her head back and forth sucking his ever growing cock until she suddenly stopped. He looked down at her. "whats wrong?" "We need a condom." She said looking up at him from her crouched position. "I know! You can get them at the pharmacy, now be a good boy and be quick about it. The place is just around the corner." He tried his best to fit himself back into his pants with his mind going a mile a minute, and as he started to walk, when he suddenly stopped and spun around.

"Wait a minute, Angelica, your dad owns the pharmacy! If I walk in there to buy condoms I'm a dead man!" The young fox folded her arms. "Don't be stupid, I never told him about you, besides how would it look if I walked in there to buy them? His innocent little daughter! He would be crushed!" He started to walk again not willing to give up this chance. "Innocent my ass." Eric walked into the building and soon enough notices something was very wrong. The first thing was a light panel dangling from the ceiling as it flickered. The entire back of the store was dark as if were closed, even some shelves where knocked over with pills scattered on the floor. "What the hell happened here?" He ventured in deeper hearing noises from behind the counter and as he approached his eyes widened with shock.

Angelica waited outside for him when suddenly she heard a scream of terror. She burst in through the front doors. "Please daddy, don't kill him!" She rushed in only to find her boyfriend on the floor with the lady that worked with her dad on top of him. He gripped the whited eyed pig's round ass with his hands as it bounced up and down as his thick cock was trapped within the soft wet pussy that devoured it. Eric's face was berried in the the pig's large breasts completely ignoring the world around him now.

The young fox was shocked and started to back away until she bumped into something. She turned to see a large wolf in a hospital gown looking back at her with his white faded eyes. The zombie Dike grabbed her before she could even scream and threw her against the front desk, making her top rip open letting her smaller, soft breasts bounce out. Dike let out a low moan and forced himself onto her, the young fox found herself on her back with her legs forced open. She tried to struggle seeing her boyfriend submitting to the pleasures out of the corner of her eye. The whited eyed Dike with one yank of the hand ripped her panties from her hips, exposing her young and awaiting pussy. The large wolf ran his tongue across his sharp teeth remembering the faint pleasures of his past as he plowed between the young fox's thighs and started licking her like an ice cream.

The young fox's eyes widened as she felt the long tongue against her soft pussy lips making her blush at this new feeling. The white eyed wolf buried his tongue deeper into her even getting a moan of pleasure form the young girl, he could taste her pussy juices flowing into his mouth. Satisfying his taste buds he stood up rubbing his dick against her pussy lips. "'t" The young fox tried to plead with her attacker but suddenly cried out as she felt him fill her with a sharp push. Small trickles of blood flowed down the thick cock as Dike started moving his hips. Blood and juices started to squish out from the thrusts.

Angelica started to rock back and forth on the front desk while the large dick in her was beginning to move with ease. Pain soon turned into pleasure as she felt herself being filled. She started to moan with pleasure, keeping her own legs apart, raising her feet into the air. The zombie Dike gripped the counter fucking his small victim with everything he has, trying desperately to fulfill is now immortal desires. The young girl cried out with pleasure as the large dick inside her moved faster, her pussy juice squirting with every thrust into her. She could feel the heat building up inside her as she moaned. " like....this." She tried to plead one last time as she could feel her orgasm build up.

Dike moved his hips like a savage exercising no control, Angelica squealed feeling her orgasm hit her hard for the first time as her pussy juices flowed from her love hole filtering down Dike's shaft. He let out a bellowing roar as he unloaded into his victim, his white cream flowed from the young fox's pussy, he was forced to pull out letting out some last few shots squirting her in the face and onto her small breasts. She looked up at him with a look of ecstasy then dropped her head back as she fell dead on the front desk of her father's Pharmacy. Dike looked at his latest victim then out through the front window, he walked outside watching the chaos that consumed the town, people attacking one another, mass confusion as groups of furs ran from other groups, some running into seemingly trusting arms only to be attacked, forced to the ground.

A police car screeched to a stop with its lights flashing in the middle of the road, the driver was stopped by a man that jumped onto their hood. The badger beating against the windshield. "Please, you gotta help me, they got my family!" The deputy in the passenger side got out with his shotgun. "Get off the car now and tell us with the fuck is going on." The deputy was suddenly and very quickly jumped by three white eyed females, who wrestled him to the ground. His partner got out of the car with his own gun. "Hey! Get off of him right now!" Suddenly feeling something clawing at his pants he points his gun down and fires hitting some woman in the back. It seemed to have little effect and the gun shots only seemed to draw more attention to himself. The badger watched in horror as what seemed like his only hope was taken away by the savage ravaging of the white eyed females.

He quickly jumped off the police car and ran into the near by barber shop finding the old man barber in his chair, riding him was a half naked giraffe moaning with pleasure wildly as she bounce up and down on the old man. The badger covered his mouth. "Has this whole town gone insane!" The zombie giraffe cranked her neck back looking at him with her dead white eyes not stopping her sexual activity. The badger gathered his thoughts and stumbled into the back room where they washed the hair there he found of the barber's help on the floor with another woman, the two entangled in a sixty nine licking their soft pussies, caressing and moaning. The badger wiped the sweat from his brow and bolt out the back door.

A woman dog ran by the zombie Dike trying to get away from the chaos, he reached out hooking onto her blouse. She screamed trying to get away from him but her cloths ripped letting her breasts out as she fell back hitting the side walk. Dike's tongue dangled from his mouth as he jumped onto her with a savage moan making her scream as he clawed her cloths off in public.

The small clock on the fire place mantle chimed when the hands reached eight and Megan tapped on the window looking out on the dark backyard as night over took their environment. The rabbit looked back at her friends. "Well, tonight was a complete bust." Alexis exhaled heavily. "Yeah..... all that work for nothing." The panther laying on the floor, she was wearing a dress that went down to her knees and a T-shirt with the words " Love Not War"

Cindy walked in with a sad look on her face. "Whats going on?" Megan question her. "I have no idea, the radio is going nuts! The T.V. is down and people are coming up with all these strange stories. At first people are saying that its a peace protesters riot. Now people are saying escapees from the hospital are causing fights and fires." The girls listened with disbelief. "My dad said you guys should stay here till tomorrow." Alexis rolled over onto her belly. "Man, things are really far out." The rabbit nodded. "And only getting worse it looks like." Tom finished washing the dishes and looked out into the back yard, the back porch light was lit and did little to illuminate the yard. He strained his eyes at a make shifting shadows beyond the light. "What in the fuck?....."

He continued to strain his eyes until he jumped at the touch of a hand on his shoulder. It was his father. "Go get the gun, if what they are saying on the radio is true, we should be ready." Tom just nodded and ran upstairs into the master bedroom grabbing an old shotgun from the closet. He also collected the shells in a shoe box before leaving the room he spotted the keys to the truck on his dad's dresser and scooped them up and returned downstairs. He handed the double barrel to his dad who proceeded to load it and opened the back door. "Stay close boy, I might need your help." Tom followed him outside into the darkness.

As the two walked out they heard grunting and moaning noises in the darkness, as they walked out onto the lawn the make shift shadow came into view. A raccoon walked into the dim light, his cloths were ripped and thrashed, his hard throbbing dick in painfully plain view. Tom's father gripped the shotgun and leveled it on his target. "Christ, what is he, drunk." Tom asked not being able to keep his eyes off the strangers crotch. "I don't know boy, and don't use the lords name.....Hey! What do you want? What are you doing here?" Tom walked out to get closer, for some reason in his mind trying to see if this person needed help. "What are you doing?" His dad called out to him. Tom looked the stranger over, his faded white eyes flashed in the dim light, drool ran down from his lips.

Suddenly the raccoon stranger twisted his face in a more violent fashion and lunged at the young cheetah. Tom cried out falling back onto the grass only to be saved by his fathers quick trigger finger. The gun's loud bang range throughout the area as the raccoon flew back hitting the ground with a hole in his chest. "God dammit boy! You have to be more careful, look what I had to do!" Tom was shocked by the gun shot and his fathers sudden outburst. "Dad!....the lord." He gave Tom a frustrating look. ".....I won't tell if you don't. Come on, get up." Tom stood and brushed himself off. Suddenly a cracking gurgling noise was heard from the stranger as he sat up looking at the two cheetahs. Tom's dad panicked and pulled the second trigger this time taking the raccoon's head off as red liquid and brain matter spray across the lawn.

The two stared in disbelieve until their train of thought was cut short when a high pitched scream cut through the air. The two looked back finding Megan holding her hands up to her mouth in terror the other two girls were with her. At an almost response to the scream rustling was heard from the forest beyond the yard, more make shift shadows started to tumble and scuffle out of the darkness. Tom's dad pop the shotgun open letting the red shells fly out. "Boy, get everyone back inside and lock all the windows and doors, NOW!" He screamed at him while fumbling with the new shells.

Tom started to run back making a pushing motion with his hands, signaling the girl back into the house. As the group of kids went back into the house they split up trying to lock everything that had a lock on it while Tom watched through the kitchen window at the defense his dad was trying to throw together.

The group of strangers inched closer at a tiresome pace as his dad screamed out commands to stop, soon enough he gave up on warnings and started shooting into the group seemingly having no effect. After the two shell were discharged into the night the group mobbed forward jumping on the lone defender. Tom gripped the kitchen table harder trying to see what was happening only seeing the shifting figures walking into the dim porch light, meanwhile the girls were back in the kitchen pushing the table against the back door as random hands started slapping their palms against the glass of the windows. "What the fucking is going on out there?" Alexis cried out watching the gruesome faces in the windows. "I don't know, but I think it might have something to do with whats going on in town." Cindy pressed herself against the table holding the back door shut.

The glass from the door shattered and arms started coming through, grabbing at air as the strangers pressed their attack. "We should get to the basement now!" Tom suddenly yelled out over the moans and screams from outside. Cindy nodded in compliance making a dash for the basement door taking the panther by the hand dragging her along while Tom and Megan pressed against the table trying to hold the table as long as they could. Megan pushed the younger cheetah back. "Get going, get ready to lock the door after I make it through." Tom looked at her with a sense of surprise, he had never seen the rabbit so serious.

Tom dash out leaving the struggling rabbit to hold the back door, as one of the clawing hands reached through the window curling its fingers around the low cut of her top pulling on it. Megan felt the pull as she leaned forward, then with all her strength jerked back making her top rip, her large breasts bounced out as she continued to hold the table. She frowned at her predicament then quickly released the table and turned running. She could hear glass and wood cracking and braking around the house as she made her way to the basement. She turned the corner finding the door open with the young cheetah holding onto the knob.

Just as she reached the door it was forced closed but a large hand, the door closed hitting Tom in the head forcing him to take a tumble down the stairs to the basement, only a dim light shining through the cracks, outlining the door was left. Megan skidded on the her toes to a stop as she saw the large dog cut off her only escape. She looked back only to find more faded white eyes scanning her body with drooling lips. Megan looked frantically in all directions in seek of a way out but it was to late for her as she felt herself go falling to the floor with hands caressing and running across her feminine form. Wild tongues licked every unclothes part of her fine bunny body as a pare of hands wrapped around her eager to get at her breasts.

Rough hands pulled at her short shorts, she cried out as she heard rips as she could feel herself being disrobed by the mysterious hands. The rabbit found herself on her back looking up and strangers faces, a pair of hands firmly handling her breasts like dog toys, the stranger leaned down and started licking her nipples making her cringe blushing. "Sto....stop it please." More tongues started to roll across her furry body as one white eyed stranger held her thighs apart and licked her belly. She felt fingers curl around the fabric of her panties and ripped them off with a yank. The wild tongue started moving across the rabbit's soft pussy lips making her moan out.

Megan squirmed under the weight of her attackers as she felt her body being violated, she moaned out again feeling fingers inserted into her, the wild fingers thrust into her making her feeling excited and wet between the thighs. Soon enough the whited eyed attackers lost their patients swarming her with their hard dicks. Megan screamed feeling the large meat push into her, she started moving on the floor as her attacker fucked her making her moan.

A large dick hovered over her face as it tried to push into her mouth. Soon enough the rabbit surrendered to get attackers slowly parting her lips as the large dick pushed its way into her mouth. Megan moaned with pleasure as two dicks thrust into her from two ends, her large soft breasts bounced from the forces. She reached out to stabilize herself only to feel more dicks, instinctively she grabbed hold of them and started to stroke them as her gang rape continued to hammer pleasure into her. Tom and Cindy made their way back up the stairs, Tom with a hand rubbing his head, he reached for the door knob only to be stopped by his sister. "What are you doing?" He whispered. "Shhhh, listen." Cindy put a finger over his lips.

The two listened hearing the sounds of pleasure on the other side of the door. "What the hell is going on out there." Alexis butted in. Megan wrapped her legs around her attacker hearing the wet slapping noise as her pussy juice soaked the thick cock in her and the floor under her. The rabbits drool ran down her mouth as she sucked the big dick in her mouth all the while keeping her hands pumping. The pleasure almost became too much for her as she squealed a muffled moan feeling the pressures building inside her. The two dicks in her hands suddenly exploded as white cream shot out across her breasts. She let out one last muffled moan before her throat was filled with the hot cream of her attacker while the white eyes fur fucking her was still going strong.

Megan looked up in a daze of pleasure and terror as she felt her orgasm coming to her quickly, she squeezed her attacker with her thighs before cumming, letting out a long cry of pleasure. The rush of pussy juices made her attacker howl with her, shooting off his own load into her. The two moaned together until the female rabbit stopped moving at all. Tom, Cindy and Alexis huddled by the basement door in silence trying to hear what was happening on the other side of the wood door. As the trio inched closer to try and hear they jumped back at the violent thrashing the door was receiving as fists and palms pounded on the wood.

They scurried down the stairs as they looked at each other in a panic trying to figure out what was going on and how are they getting out of it. Just then Tom rummaged through his pants and pulled out the truck keys he got from upstairs. "We can use the cellar door beside the house to get out and take the truck." Tom said with a whisper as if the strangers didn't know they were down there. Alexis nodded. "Yeah that sounds like a fresh idea!" Cindy looked skeptical. "And where are we going to go?" "Who the hell cares, away from them" Alexis let her fear show more now as she pointed up to the banging and now cracking door. Cindy thought for a moment then snatched the keys from her brother's hand. "Alright, lets go, I'm driving." The three ran across the basement around old Christmas decorations and other stuff that only see the light of day a few days a year and made their way to the older cellar door that led outside.

The old door was warped from the years of use and exposure to the elements with visible gaps between the boards. Tom walked up the concrete stairs slowly and pushed his face against the door to see through one of these gaps. The side of the house was dimly lit by the glow from the windows of the house, various shadows moved across this light but nobody passed the old cellar door. "They must still be in the house." he thought to himself. He proceeded to unhook the rusted clasp that held the door shut and push it open. The three inched their way out keeping their heads moving around looking for sudden dangers. They scurried across the beams of light as they tried to make their way to the truck.

Suddenly they heard a bang above them, as they looked up a white eyed black cat looked back at them from inside the house. Without thinking the stranger let out a low moan and pushed his body through the window. With a crash of glass he fell out of the house onto the ground before them, more screams could be heard from within the house as dark shadows moved across the old 1950's wall paper, as if linked together by a hive mind the white eyed attackers poured out of the windows and doors of the old house. The three screamed and broke into a run with the attackers on their heels. Cindy unlocked the door and opened it just as Alexis jumped into the truck, quickly moving to the passenger side. Cindy climbed in after she locked herself in trying to start the engine. Tom with a jump fueled by adrenaline and fear landed himself in the back of the pick up.

The white eyed attackers swarmed the truck just as it was starting and started to rock in back and forth like an unruly mob. Tom's hands fell upon a tire iron that his dad kept back there for repair. He stood and started swinging hitting attackers in the head, fighting off any who tried to jump onto the truck. Suddenly he fell over as the truck started to move, Cindy pulled out of the gravel driveway as the stones crackled under the tires. She put the truck into drive and slammed on the accelerator as small bits of stone went flying from beneath the truck, Tom watched the small group of attackers fade away in the growing distance. He held his weapon in the air. "Fuck you turkeys!"

Cindy let up on the gas feeling safer and looked over to her friend. "My dad's sister lives in the next town over, I think we should go there and worry about the why later." Alexis just nodded not really knowing what to do herself. The brand new 69 Chevy moved down the night stricken road with only its headlight to guide it, heading for a large river that represented the boundary of the town of Rocksville. Tom relaxed against the tailgate as the rushing wind blew through his hair, he silently thought to himself about watching what happened to his dad and wondered what was happening to everyone.

The truck slowed as it approached the large steel bridge to exit the territory of the town, suddenly the whole truck was struck by the large beam of light as Cindy slammed on the breaks Tom slid forward and hit the back window of the cab. "phanks for phe pharning" He mumbled through the window. Tom stood and as their eyes adjusted to the intense light they could make out soldiers baring both search lights and weapons down on them, defensive works stretched out across the bridge and along the far bank of the wide river. Tom smiled at the sight of salvation and waved his tire iron in the air. "Hey! We need your help!" Just as he said this they opened fired on the truck, the three took cover were they could but noticed nothing happened. When they stopped shooting Tom noticed the road around them was only hit. "Lets go." He banged on the roof of the cab.

Cindy started to turn the truck around. "Wait! They can't do this to us, they have to protect us." Alexis pleaded with no one, trying to make sense of what just happened. The truck backed off away from the bridge quickly almost swerving in fear of another burst of weapons fire. Tom looked back at the blockade noticing several burned out vehicles, possibly those that tried to force the issue. He swung his weapon hitting the metal bed of the truck hard. "damn it!" "Oh no....what are we going to do now?!" Alexis wailed into the ear of the cheetah driving. " Even if we could make it to the other bridge they probably have that covered too." She continued. "Don't worry, there are plenty of crossings that are not on the map, remember the old horse trail that leads to the old Petermen rope bridge?"

Alexis expression turned hopeful. "Your right! We still have a chance." Cindy shook her head. "Don't get to excited, we still have to go through town to get there." Alexis frowned again. "Thats going to be dangerous.

Suddenly Cindy heard a knock on her window, they both looked over to see a fraction of Tom's face. She slowed down and rolled down the window. "What is it?" "You know we could find the old Petermen rope bridge on the other side of town, it might not be guarded like the main ones." Both the girls looked at him with annoyance on their faces, forgetting that he was not in the conversation. "Thanks Tommy, we'll take that under advisement." She then rolled up her window again isolating the boy in the back then both smiled at each other.

The truck slowly rolled down one of the side streets adjacent to the main street of the town with the head lights off, Tom kept himself pressed against the bed of the truck. Cindy tried to avoided the well lit areas of the town to draw the least amount of attention to themselves. As they drove they watched in silence at what was happening around them. Cindy peered over the wheel seeing vague shadows in sexual acts on the streets and in the alleys. They passed a couple, the woman laying on her back with her legs wrapped around the hips of her partner as he pumped into her. On the other side of the street some woman was trapped between two men, she rocked back and forth between them.

Cindy's eyes were glued to a woman bouncing on a figure, her wet pussy clearly sliding on a thick cock. The girls blushed at the sights and sounds of lust that consumed the town. Suddenly Alexis grabbed Cindy by the shoulder. "Look out!" Cindy eyes shot forward seeing two young gray cats in front of her. She turned the wheel hard and swerved the truck into a telephone line pole with a loud crash. Cindy slowly raised her head in a daze then looked around, Alexis was rubbing her head, she then looked back seeing Tom slowly crawl out of the back. She simply wasn't driving fast enough to cause any serious damage.

The three stumbled out and looked at the two young girls. "Wh...what are you doing out here." "Hey!, stay back!" They heard a voice from the darkness, a badger walked out of the shadows holding a pistol, his hand shaking. He walked up behind the girls as if using them like a shield. "Don't move!" He continued to give orders. "look man, we can't stay here." Tom said rubbing his neck. The badger seemed stressed and tired. The small group could hear moaning and screaming around them, they could feel themselves becoming surrounded as the streets and alleys were slowly filling with not so distracted white eyed furs.

The distraught badger grabbed one of the girls and held her close to him in defense and started firing into the gathering mobs. "Get the fuck back you sickos!" Tom quickly moved up behind the badger and gave him a quick shot with his tire iron. Cindy and Alexis quickly grabbed the cat girls and started running away from the downed badger. "Come on lets get away from this nut!" Cindy cried out. Tom wanted to give the man one last chance but he raise his gun to him, pulling the trigger there was only a click. Tom frowned and started running after her sister as the alarmingly growing mass swarmed in around them.

The badger tried to stand screaming at the fleeing survivors until he was tackled from behind and a large numbered of attackers leaped onto him like wild animals. Tom heard his scream of terror as he ran to catch up with the girls. The small group started to pick up the pace as they continue to hear growing numbers behind them, but could not move fast enough trying to keep the new arrivals with them. Passing an alley they caught the attention of a white eyed Dike who had some woman in front of him, he pumped his hips watching the survivors run by. His attention was drawn to the young girls and drool ran from his hanging tongue. He fucked the woman faster making her cry out in pleasure, his dick throbbed suddenly filling her with hot cum, The woman arced her back is delight before passing out. Dike was quick to toss her aside like a used toy and started to stalk his next victims.

They reached a back road that led to a long brick wall with a steel gate. "Its old man Ferdinand house, it looks like it hasn't been touched." Cindy said huffing as she ran keeping one of the young girls in front of her. They ran to the steel gate and tried to force it open, but it was locked, looking back they saw the growing mob of white eyed attackers behind Tom, screaming and moaning.

"What are we going to do?" one of the young girls asked with a hint of fear in her voice. Just as she said this Tom didn't stop running and went right up the wall, grabbing the top and lifting himself up. All were amazed at his ability to do this, his hand came down. "Lets go, girls first!" The smallest one threw up her arms taking his hand, he lifted quickly and pulled her up then down on the other side. Then her sister followed. "Come on, come on! Your going to have to use your feet cuz your too heavy." Alexis pushed her friend over to the waiting hands pushing her up the wall. Suddenly the panther felt a pair of hands wrap around her and grip her large breasts. She looked back blushing seeing another woman, a fox, she begin squeezing and groping her, pinching her nipples through her shirt.

Cindy looked down. "Fuck! Come on!" Alexis tried to ignore her erotic massage throwing her arms up hoping to be pulled up, but more arms appeared around her as the extra arms reached up grabbing Cindy as well. Cindy screamed as she was thrown off balance and fell forward, swinging her arm hitting Tom in the face throwing him back. Cindy landed into the grabbing fingers of the mob as she was pulled into them, hands clawing and ripping her cloths apart. Cindy cried out looked around but unable to move, she saw Alexis succumbed to the same fate. Cindy felt a pair of hands grip her shirt and rip it open down the centre making her breasts bouncing out as hands cupped them and tongues licked her nipples.

The cheetah blushed moaning as a stray hand crawled down her panties feeling a thick finger rub her pussy lips and massaging her clit. She could see and feel firm dicks rubbing against her body as if trying to find something to fuck. She looked up feeling the pleasure increase in her body as she became wet and horny for the groping hands. A woman looked down at her, a zebra with an almost glazed look in her eyes, she bend down and pushed her tongue into Cindy's mouth. Shocked at first Cindy tried to move her head away but soon submitted to her allowing their tongues come together. Alexis made gulping and slurping noises as she ran her tongue and lips across a large dick while holding another in her free hand. They were so hard and vibrant.

Alexis sucked the thick cocks given to her as she sat in a strangers lap, a large dick standing right up pressing against her wet panties while a pair of hands continued molesting her now bare breasts. The zebra woman now sat on Cindy's face squeezing her own large breasts as the young cheetah wrapped her arms around her legs and willingly licked her dripping pussy. She didn't know who this zebra was but she has seen her around town before, never in her dreams did she believe that she would be doing this with strangers. Cindy also felt a pair of fingers curl around her wet panties and pull, and with a ripe her wet pussy lips were exposed to the mob of attackers. Immediately tongues started to prob their way across her clit and into her love hole.

Alexis felt the same as her last line of defense was removed from her hips, the stranger under her pushed his cock into her before any other had a chance to do so making her cry out in pleasure feeling herself being filled by the enlarge meat, but that didn't detour an onlooker who pushing the two back and started to push his big dick into her asshole. Alexis spread her legs wide feeling the pressure between the two monsters crying out with pleasure and pain.

Their thick shafts started moving as they fucked the defenseless panther, she bounced between the two attackers riding their large dicks moaning with pleasure. Cindy's body rocked as she lay on the ground, her own pleasure pole thrusting into her, she made her own fulled moans under the round ass of the zebra she was eating out. Both girls submitting to the pleasure of the instant orgy. Tom pressed himself against the bars of the steel gate. "Let them go you fuckers!" He shouted out only drawing attention to himself. He fell back just escaping the grabbing claws that pushed through the steel gate. He turned around and punched the gravel driveway. "Damn it!" Tom had to get over his sour feelings quickly seeing the feet of the two young girls they had rescued.

"Mr. We should get away from this place, they can get through almost anything if there is enough of them." The older one spoke. Tom took a deep breath and looked up the drive way to the large house. "......Right." He took their hands and started a brisk jog up the driveway. Cindy and Alexis lay side by side, their breasts bouncing together as they moaned their legs spread out as the mob pleasure them. Thick cocks hovered over them as they burst, shooting hot cum across their faces and breasts. Zombie Dike watched the group sex then looked at the steel gate, his faded eyes focusing on his dead hearts desire, the two young girls running up the driveway.

He took a run at the wall and went up the same way Tom did and landed on the other side, he hit the security button on the other side and the steel gates slowly creaked open as the undead pored through the slowly opening gap.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore- While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. "T'is some visitor," I muttered, tapping at my chamber door- Only this and nothing more." - Suddenly the old shepherd jumped from his chair letting his pipe fall from his mouth, hearing the loud banging at his front door. He looked down the dark hallway then at his book. "What the....." The old man walked down the hall to the front door, as he got closer he could hear the faint sound of people yelling behind the heavy door. "T'is some strangers at my door." smiling at one of his many lonely jokes.

He opened it suddenly being rushed by two strangers falling to his back, a larger stranger closed the door behind him. "Please, I'm old, take what you want and leave me!" His eyes adjusted to find that he was being attacked by two young girls. "Wh..whats going on? Whats wrong with kids these days? What do you want from me huh? You all on the peace pipe!" The older man started to get brave. "Sir please, we aren't hear to harm you, we need to stay here." Tom was looking out the thin windows beside the heavy door.

"please mister, they are out there and their dead and their after us!" One of the young cats said looking up at him giving him her pretty eyed treatment. "Dead? Dead what?" He asked only now feeling the fall. "People!" the other cat said with a high screech that made the shepherds ears twitch. He stood up listening to the ever growing sounds of moans and screams outside. "Well then.....i.....i'm going to go call the police then." "I don't think that will help." Tom said still keeping a vigilant eyes through the window.

"What? What are you going on about now." Suddenly a large hand hit the small window beside the heavy door making Tom back off. "That's what we are going on about, we need to get out of the town. Do you have a car.? There are hundreds if not thousands of them!"

The shepherd was shaken by the suddenly growing mob outside his front door, so many years of seclusion and now all these people intruding in his life. "ok, ok, who are you all?" "My name is Tasha Keller and this is my younger sister Amber Keller and this is" Tasha was at a lose at her nameless hero. "I'm Tom, you know my father Mr. Ferdinand, he drove your prototype tanks back when he was in the army." The old shepherds ears perked. "Willy!, oh how is he?" Almost ignoring the sound of glass breaking else were. "Not well sir, we REALLY need to get out of town, can you help us?"

He nodded coming to his senses. "please, call me Otto and come with me, I might have a way out of here." He walked off into the darkness of his large house still in his silky red house coat, with pipe in hand. The three followed him into the garage, at least that's what Tom thought it was, it was more like a airplane hanger. "Over there, iv been working on it for a few years, still needs some work." The three looked in aw at the large construct of steel in front of them. "Is that a...." "Yes, a new tank I have been working on, ordered by General Abrams himself it was." He seemed proud about it, it was incomplete not having any guns and the treads were unprotected, but for the first time all night things looked hopeful.

"Can you drive this?" Tom questioned wary of the loud bangs and crashed he could hear. They were now in the house, it was only a matter of time. "Ok lets go!" Tom urged the girls to the tank looking at the old man. "Ok ok, let me get my driving cloths and we can go." Tom took him by the arm and pulled him. "No time for that, lets just get out of here." "But...the garage door! Someone needs to open it." The old man was flustered. "Then we go through it, there is NO TIME!" Tom was loosing his patients with him thinking he didn't fulling understand what was going on.

"Are you insane!" he said before being pushed into the tank, then Tom helped the girls into it, looked back he saw the first of many coming through the door, they moaned and ran for him. Tom sealed the hatch and looked around, Otto was already at the drivers seat. "Ok lets go!" "Hang on, this isn't like riding a bike, you don't just jump in and go." "Whatever just get it started." Otto looked back at him. "Now see here, you might be young but im the one in charge here." Tom's face almost went red under his fur. "Would you just hit it old man!"

Otto looked at him with a frown on his mug and put his pipe in his mouth starting the large engine. The undead outside the large garage doors hearing the rumbling sounds and moved closer to it. Just as the large tank came through the wood structure of the door with a loud crash, the furry zombies were crushed under the belly of the steel beast as it moved on without flinching at the inconvenience they posed to it. The tank made a steady but slow get away from the mob that pored out of the house after it and gathered around it. Tom looked at the sisters huddling at his feet. "We need to get out of town, but the army is blocking the bridges." Otto nodded. "Yes, yes I heard you the first time, I will worry about them."

Tom looked through a small slot intended for the tank commander to see around without opening the hatch. As the tank turn out onto the street he could see an ocean of furs trying to subdue the tank, with little effect. Tom turned to look behind seeing the same. Suddenly a hand came up scaring Tom, he kept his eyes glued on the lone attacker that seemed to be crawling up the back of the tank. A whited eyed timber wolf looked back at him and licked his sharp teeth. Zombie Dike made his way to the hatch and tried to force it open. Tom took a deep breath and opened the hatch hard and fast hitting the wolf in the face with a crack. The cheetah climbed out to face his opponent down, he took a swing as the wolf stood hitting him in the face, doing nothing to Tom's dismay.

Dike thrust back knocking the young cheetah to his ass, with a grin he stepped over him. Tom felt the blood coming down his nose, he looked up at the raging wolf and then back at the raging mob his head was dangling over, arms stretched out trying to nab him for themselves. He dreaded the thought of being molested by the larger wolf when suddenly Dike lurched forward at the impacted of an object hitting him in the back. He turned quickly seeing a young girl coming out of the hatch, she blushed and ducked back inside the tank. The zombie wolf grinned forgetting everything else, his former life's desires reasserting itself again and made a move for the hatch.

Tom took the opportunity and went after the wolf again, lunching a flury of attacks he saw captain Kirk throw down on the large lizard the other day on tv. This only seemed to annoy the larger wolf as he swung back batting the cheetah away. He then removed his belt wrapping it around Dike's neck, locking in place. He threw his weight back forcing the much larger wolf to throw his head back. Dike Growled in anger, he could feel the pressure around his neck, but did nothing but annoy him. He leaned forward throwing the young cheetah over his shoulders once again having Tom at his mercy, this time forgetting the young girls. Tom cowards before the looming shadow of the timber wolf, his faded white eyes narrowed down at him.

Tom noticed his belt still around the wolf's neck, he was wearing it like a collar, Tom waited until he got close enough and quickly lunged forward grabbing the belt. Dike gave him a back hand knocking him to the side, Tom still clutched the belt and pulled Dike over. Tom's head was dangerously close to the grabbing claws of the gathered mob again, but he was more concerned about the large timber wolf looked back at him. Tom reached down forcing the belt buckle into the moving treads of the tank as it continue to plod through the ocean of undead furs. Dike prepared to claw his victim only suddenly feeling a drag on his neck, at first he tried to fight back but failed against the power of the machine, he fell back and howled as he was being dragged away from Tom.

Dike clawed at anything he could but found himself sliding down in front of the tanks squeaking metallic treads. Tom watched as the large wolf disappeared and then hearing a crushing noise. He let out a sigh of relief still keeping an eye on the grabbing mob. Suddenly a bloodied hand clutched his shoulder and he looked over seeing a crushed and deformed timber wolf. He snapped and snarled at the cheetah. Tom used his foot to kick himself away from it who was continuing to be dragged back under the tank. Tom held his breath this time keeping his guard up but this time nothing but a bloody belt came back up.

The soldiers manning the blockade kept their weapons at the ready, the officer in charge of the bridge looked out into the darkness with his binoculars. "Its going to be day break soon, we will have to move in soon." "Sir! We have in coming!" one of the soldiers called out. The search lighted beamed out onto the incoming tank being fallowed by what seemed to be the whole town. "Get the fire crews together, we need to do this now!" The soldiers moved out of the way as the unknown tank crashed through their blockade with little effort with the army of the undead close behind it. The soldier created a reverse wedge letting the zombies fill it and opened fire with teams of flamethrowers. The battle was short as the zombies vague memory still impressed them with the fear of fire. Members of the mob burned hard and went up in smoke as they scattered back across the bridge.

The troops followed them across in a pursuit the fire licking out at the zombies. Soon enough an all out attack on the small town was underway as army units marched through the streets, smoke raise in high columns as the larger buildings burned.

One of the soldiers held up a picture of Professor Keller then lowered it to a snarling whited eyed Keller and his wife. Their feelings for each other still tethering them together, even after death. "That's him, torch em!" Another soldier help up his flamethrower and pulled the trigger, the orange flames engulfed the two cats as they screamed out.

A few weeks later.

"Well let me give you my condolences to your lose and know that I was instructed to assist with anything you needed." The aging lion played with his glasses as he looked over the two young cats. "Before your parents untimely death they set up a sum for you so you can take care of yourselves along with some personal effects........" At a lose for anything else to say to the gray cats, he stood. " I will leave you to it then." The two watched the lawyer leave the room leaving them alone with a small cardboard box. A lot of it was files and research papers. Amber looked at her older sister standing and looking in the box of papers that meant very little to her. One file caught her attention and she pulled it out.

Her older sister put her hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry, we will make sure they didn't die in vain." The two smiled together before she put the file marked "S-69" back into the box.

The End

Plague of the Sex Zombies part 1

1966, The Amazon. The small group of figures made their way through the dense jungle, hacking at the green obstacles in their path. The group of furs were let by a beautiful fox in a...

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Kunoichi ep.2

Ep. 2 The young raccoon walked onto the temple grounds and looked at all the old building. A old monk approached her. "greetings my child, what brings you to my temple." The raccoon...

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Kunoichi ep.1

Kunoichi Night fell on the land as the sun died, all was quite and dark except the shimmering torch light from...

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