Kunoichi ep.1

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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Night fell on the land as the sun died, all was quite and dark except the shimmering torch light from the fortress on the large hill. Samurai stood watch at the gate for their lord as he celebrated his birthday. The week before was marked with warfare of the most brutal kind. The bear drank deep from a gold cup eyeballing the females they captured. "Which one do you think father will like to have tonight." The bears eyes where fixed on a white faced fox geisha. "Oh....definitely that one." The son of the lord walked up to the group of females who huddled together in fear. Each one taken from fathers or husbands. The young bear took the fox geisha by the arm forcing her to rise, she seemed more calm then the other females. The bear looked her over, her short kimono revealing her long legs, hugging her ample breasts. "Oh yes, you will make father happy." He looked at his soldiers. "you can do whatever you want with the others." The soldiers smiled surrounding the captured females, who started to scream in terror as hands grabbed at them, squeezing their breasts, wild tongues licking their fur. A female dog screamed as a soldier licked her toes, running his tongue down her leg pushing his head up her dress.

A pig whimpered siting in a soldiers lap with her legs spread, the soldier's hand eagerly playing inside her panties, he used a free hand to grope a breast while licking the side of her face. A mouse screamed as she was forced to sit on a dick. She bit her lip as she felt it fill her pussy, the soldier grabbed her hips and forced her to bounce, her heaving breasts slipped out from the folds of her dress. The other females whimpered and moaned as their bodies were pleasured, dresses removed. Their firm nipples licked and suckled and one by one their pussies filled. The bear led the fox geisha down a hall as the sounds of the orgy grew more distant, they came to a large door which the bear open without stopping. Inside was a vast bedroom where an old bear was removing his cloths. "I have a present for you father." The younger bear pulled a beautiful fox geisha in with him. The geisha stepped closer to the older lord. "My lord, i would be honored to provide my services, a dance or a song perhaps." The old bear ignored what she was saying, gazing at her ample breasts a pair like he has never seen before.

The old bear smiled sitting in a chair. "Come to me, you will provide relief to my successfully aging body." The geisha walked over to him. "A massage then?" The old bear smiled. "Yeah, something like that." The old bear took her by the hips and pulled her into him as he reached up gripping her large breasts. The geisha gasped softly as the bear caressed her body, pulling her kimono open. He ran his tongue across her soft mounds centering on her nipples, he licked and suckled them as he squeezed her breasts. The fox geisha moaned letting her kimono fall from her shoulders to the floor showing off her body, her best parts hidden by her silk panties. The old bear seemed to become more lively as he squeezed her soft ass continuing to suck on her firm erect nipples as if trying to feed from them. He used his thumbed to pull her panties down around her thighs as he ran his tongue down her tight belly, reaching her crotch he curled his tongue up and licked her soft pussy lips. The son of the lord watched with eagerness as the fox geisha gave no resistance only moaned with pleasure.

The old bear leaned back in his chair showing off his hard cock. "Get down there and do your job." "As you wish my lord" The geisha complied dropping to her knees between his legs, taking the old bears thick shaft in her fingers and starts rolling her tongue around its head. The lord laughed watching the geisha as she guided the dick into her mouth and started to suck him off. "Come over here my son, this Geisha whore seems eager to please." The younger bear couldn't believe his luck, he always wanted to fuck a geisha and this one seemed willing to give it all as he watched her head bouncing in his fathers lap. He walked over licking his lips, as the geisha without command stopped sucking the one cock and leaned into the son, pulling his stiffness out of his pants and putting it in her mouth. The lord laughed again amazed at their luck, his son putting his hands on her bobbing head. "Ohhhhh. this is great!" "It sure is my son, but do you know whats even better" Without finishing his sentence his fingers glided across her soft ass to her wet pussy lips. The fox geisha moaned without stopping sucking the dick in her mout.

The geisha sat in the chair with the lord facing him as she hovered over his cock. She slowly let her hips down, moaning with pleasure as the old bears huge cock slipped into her wet pussy. When the lord was satisfied with how deep he was he thrust his hips quickly, starting to fuck to fox. The son watched with eagerness with his throbbing dick in his hands, he starred at her naked body. Just then the geisha looked back at him with inviting eyes and used her fingers to spread her asshole open. The son smiled and guided his thick cock to her soft bouncing ass pushing himself into her. The geisha screamed lustfully as the two cocks filled and fucked her ass and pussy. The son reached forward and squeezed her ample breasts while licking the sweat from her back. Suddenly the geisha raised her hands and pulled a dagger from her wig, stabbing the lord in the neck. Blood sprayed onto the geisha as the son screamed in terror, he tried to pull himself out but couldn't his dick was stuck in her asshole. "W...what the fuck is going on!, are....are you some sort of demon!" The fox geisha rolled over keeping her legs spread wide open revealing a tattoo on her inner thigh, the Chinese characters for "praying mantis" Her beautiful tits smeared in blood, she licked the blood from the dagger. "No.....not a demon." She quickly thrust the dagger into his neck before the next words were spoken.

Guards rushed into the room as the lord was late for the party and they were shocked at what they saw. The lord and his son hanging from the rafters upside down. There heads removed. "Sound the alarm! someone has killed the lord!"

The busty fox walked down the halls of an old wood building that appeared to be well kept. She opened the door seeing an old cat with wild gray hair and buggy eyes siting in the middle of the room in front of the fire. "Ah, Raku, come in please, i just got the report from your successful mission. Lord yogi wont be bothering anyone again, and the elimination of his son will stop him from following in his father's foot steps." The fox stepped in and sat in front of the bug eyed cat on the other side of the fire. "You wanted to see me." She was never much for idol conversation. The old cat thought for a moment. "I have another mission for you Raku." He was interrupted by the door opening again. A young white cat walked into the room, she was wearing a Gi, a training outfit that stopped at her thighs. "Ah Chio, are you ready for your one on one training?" The young cat bowed. "Yes Sensei" She walked around the fire pit and keeled in front on him. "Well, you know what to do, you cant expect you opponent to be so willing." The cat used her fingers to prob through the old fur's robs pulling his dick out, she bowed before him putting it into her mouth. The old Sensei placed a hand on her bouncing head as sucking noised filled the small room.

Raku's eyes fell on the student's soft round ass, her panties clinging tightly to her pussy lips. She blushed lightly remembering her training, and she thought he was old then and he can still get it up. Raku personally thought training Kunoichi was an old ninjas excuse to fuck young girls. She recalled never making him cum first, thinking he cheated some how. Her thoughts were broken when he started to speak again. "Apparently there is someone or something going around to temples, deflowering there altar girls." The student pulled her head back, her lips producing a thick long cock that stood right up, throbbing. It was gray, the color of old but acted like it was new. The student rose and pulled her panties down letting them fall to her toes, she stood over her Sensei lowering herself down onto his cock. She moaned as she felt the old cat's cock fill her pussy. He continued to speak as his student bounced in his lap.

"I want you to investigate and stop whatever is doing this to the temples." Raku looked out the window. "Is there any clue as to what is going on." She asked. "None." The fox rose to her feet. "I will be on my way then." She started to step out the door, leaving the two in the room. The cat fell back as she moaned with pleasure, her Sensei pumping his hips, fucking her wet pussy conquering the young trainee with his unknown skills.

Raku traveled across the tree tops, heading for the closest temple to the one that was attacked. She jumped from branch to branch as she approached it, hearing a strange sound in the air. The closer to the temple she got the more she knew the sound, it was a flute. She found a tree over looking the temple and perched on a branch. She was shocked at what she saw the temple was under attack by animals, dogs, the four legged kind one keeps as a pet. She looked closer with her keen eyes and noted that these dogs had horns protruding from there heads. Pets of demon origin no doubt she thought to herself. The demon dogs ripped the robes from their bodies mounting them from behind, more then one dog sharing a alter girl. There thick cocks pumping into there love holes as the altar girls seemed willing to give themselves to them. They spread there legs holding there pussies open. She saw one altar girl underneath a dog's four legs stroking its dick until it pulsated shooting cum onto her face.

Raku was puzzled, this wasn't an attack this was an orgy, the entire temple grounds was covered in dead mangled monks and wet horny temple girls. Over all of the sex and moans of pleasure the sound of a flute could be heard. The more Raku's ears concentrated on the sound the more she was started to feel horny herself. She had nothing to explain her sudden arousal as she felt her panties becoming wet. She used her hand to wipe sweat from her face as she propped herself against the tree, feeling hot. Her eyes centering on a young female, a raccoon that didn't look like an alter girl, in fact she was the one playing the flute! Untouched by the display of sex around her she was wrapped in a Gi like that of a student Kunoichi, she stood on the roof playing music as if for a party down below. Raku shook the sweat from her eyes and squatted down on the branch running her fingers down her thigh and across her loin cloth, tempting herself to masturbate to the temple orgy.

Her fingers stopped. "If the raccoon is a Kunoichi......shes the one doing this." She drew her short sword from the small of her back resolved to kill her before she submitted to the lust of her hot body. Suddenly she heard a sound of a dog barking below her. She looked down seeing one of the large demon dogs clawing at the tree she was on, She also saw her pussy juice dripping down the tree. "Shit!" Raku leaped from the tree to lower branches trying to get away from the pursuing dog. She jumped with sword in hand and hit the ground, she turned to attack the animal but it quickly grabbed her hand biting down hard, She yelled releasing her sword as it flew through the air and buried itself in the ground. The demon dog pushed her against a tree as she was forced to the ground, she looked cautiously as the growling animal and then over to her blade which was to far for her to grab at.

sweat rolled down her brow as she could still hear the flute in the distance, the dog crept forward looking like he was going to bite her. Raku braced herself against the tree when it started to lick her neck, she looked surprised "This is...whats happening to the temple girls." Raku succumbed to the desire to run her fingers through the beasts fur as it started to lick her face, she willingly opened her mouth letting her tongue hang out as it started to lick her tongue and inside her mouth. She blushed as the dog explored her mouth, her whole body started to sweat and burn with desire as the animals wild tongue and the sound of the flute became unbearable. The dog stopped licking inside her mouth and buried its muzzle in her soft cleavage. It grabbed a cloth that ran down the center of her body with its teeth and yanked on it, this forced the two cloths covering her breasts to come apart forcing the ample mounds to bounce out exposing themselves. The dog happily licked her large hard nipples causing Raku to moan softly. After the dog covered her breasts in its saliva it moved for her crotch. Putting its head between her thighs and under her loin cloth carefully grabbing at her wet panties, while nudging her clit with its cold nose.

Raku just laid there moaned softly to herself but reached for her panties as the dog pulled them down her legs. After they where disposed of she looked at the dog with worry keeping her loin cloth between her thighs. The demon dog growled at her and barked. Raku jumped. "Y...your....ordering....me." She leaned back on her hands and spread her legs open. "Like...this?" The dog dove between her thighs and started licking her wet pussy, she rolled her head back and moaned with pleasure as she felt the dogs long tongue. The dog manage to get its way under her and lift her into the air. Raku leaned forward grabbing the dog's body for support, her pussy balanced on its nose. She moaned louder amazed at its strength. The dog bucked suddenly throwing Raku to the ground. As she rose to her knees the dog jumped on her, revealing its long hard cock between its hind legs. She licked her lips with the desire to have it inside her, or she was going to burst.

Raku made her way onto all fours moving the cloth that covered her from behind, presenting her womanhood to the dog. It wasted no time in mounting her, she blushed a deep red as her pussy lips opened as the thick cock filled her slowly. Raku looked back just as the dog started thrusting its hips, fucking her hot pussy. She started to scream with pleasure as the fast thrusting cock filled her completely. She gripped the ground with her hands as the dog slapped against her soft ass making her ample breasts boounce underneath her. She let her tongue hang from her mouth as saliva dripped to the ground. She screamed as her pussy burned with the lustful sounds of the flute, the pleasure was to great for her as her back shivered making her orgasm. Raku rode the pleasure as her pussy juice flowed from her love hole, the thick dog cock not even slowing down as it fucked her. Raku laid there helplessly, moaning as the mounted beast just kept fucking her from behind. If this was a Kunoichi's attack, she wouldn't even care about her death, the pleasure robbed her of all senses now, all but lust.

Suddenly the large dick inside her pulsated and filled her wet pussy with thick cum, Raku's eyed opened wide as she moaned loudly, the hot cum flowing from her pussy lips. The demon dog shot its cum into her for a full minute and not letting go of her for one second. When the dog finally pulled itself out of her she was on her knees in a thick puddle of the cream. She scooped it up with her hands with long trails of the semen dripping between her fingers. She lapped it up from her hands when the dog suddenly stood over her, its cum dripping hard cock between its hind legs. "How is that possible!?" She took the dick in her fingers before the dog had to do anything. "Well, well, look what we have here!" Raku looked up in a tree and found the raccoon Kunoichi watching her in her small pool of cum under the dog. She was embarrassed by what she was doing. "I was wondering when they would send someone to stop me, I guess you where listening to the flute of clitoris before you got the chance to act, you see once you get all buttered in the nether region, these demon dogs hunt down the smell and......well you know." The raccoon laughed and sat on the branch above Raku.

"Well....if you want to fight....." "No!.....I...I don't want to stop." Raku was shocked at what she said, but her hot body had its wants, unknowing still massaging the sticky dick in her hand. "Oh.....well then." The raccoon started to play the flute again. Raku moaned softly as she felt the flute over come her, the raccoon smiled as she played, watching the busty fox under the dog, sucking its large dick. She rolled her tongue around its thick shaft licking up the cum that dripped from it. The dog forced Raku onto her back while still fucking her mouth, she used her large breasts to capture the dick in her cleavage and tit fucked the dog. She continued rolling her tongue as she suckled the tip of the dog's cock. It didn't take long this time for the dog to cum as it started to fill Raku's mouth, she locked her lips around it and guzzled the cream like a drink before it started to flow out of her mouth and down her face. The dog's orgasm didn't last as long as the last time but Raku was more then satisfied with the amount of jizz.

The raccoon Kunoichi stood on the top of a hill over looking a new temple in the distance. "Well, how about we make this one a marathon!" She looked back at Raku who was on all fours and naked, her face and bouncing breasts covered in cum. Raku only responded with a moan of pleasure as a dog thrust into her from behind. The raccoon turned to look at the temple again and started to laugh.

End episode 1

Kunoichi ep.2

Ep. 2 The young raccoon walked onto the temple grounds and looked at all the old building. A old monk approached her. "greetings my child, what brings you to my temple." The raccoon...

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Night fell on the farm house, a farm owned by a family of horses not far from the city of Clydesdale. The mother finished washing the dishes and hung her towel up. She walked towards the TV room, her hooves clicking on the tile floor, and peering in...

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