Attack of the Sex Zombies part 2

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#6 of Sex Zombies

Part 2

Ashley continued to look around as the city seemed to be slowly dipping into chaos. "Would you look at that!" The young wolf called out. Ashley walked over to him peering over to the front of the school. More and more furs gathered at the front gate and the principle with some teachers were present. "please disperse immediately, your actions here are making the student body uncomfortable!" The principle yelled out through her bullhorn. The tigress looked back at one of the teachers. "you better go call the police, these gates are meant to contain teenagers not rioters!" The teacher she was eye balling nodded and jogged off into the school. The main gate started to creek and moan as more pressure was put on it. The tigress turned her attention back to the crowed of white eyed furs. "You there, get down from there! go bother some other establishment you dirty hippies!."

The main gate made a loud whining noise and suddenly it came crashing down as the white eyed furs came pouring through, they pounced on the tigress principle and her teachers. The tigress found herself on her back with a number of furs over her, she looked up to see if anyone was trying to help her. She watched as her teachers were subdued by the same means as herself as she felt her cloths ripped from her body, her large breasts taken into the mouths of hungry attackers. The principle moaned out as she was stripped down to her nude form, she could feel her legs being opened forcefully as a large dick was pushed into her causing her to scream out. The tigress' body started to bounce feeling her attackers fuck her and suckle her nipples. The other teachers succumbed to the pleasures of their attackers as they groaned feeling their hard cocks trapped inside wet hungry holes, one uncomfortable looking cat found himself on all fours with his pants ripped to threads, a thick dick sliding effortlessly into his asshole. He moaned out with his own hard throbbing underneath him. The tigress started to moan with pleasure as her wet pussy was filled to satisfactory levels, she gripped a hard cock with her fingers and sucked off the white eyed fur hovering over her.

The large group of furs continued in deeper into the school yard, falling upon an unsuspecting gym class. A white eyed fox crept up on a group of girls playing with a jump rope, he managed to wrap his around around a young skunkete who was holding the rope, cupping her breasts in his hands. The other girls screamed as more attackers appeared and pounced on them ripping their gym cloths from their bodies, the attacker's wild tongues ran over their naked fur, licking at their nipples and forcing their thighs open as they remained helpless in their attackers grasp. The young skunkete blushed as the fox's hands on her hips guided her down onto his large cock making her moan out, she helplessly started to bounce in his lap feeling her pussy slid on the thickness filling her. A group of cheerleaders practicing their pyramid were caught by surprise when a group of white eyed furs came up behind them. The bottom cheerleaders looked back shocked feeling wandering hands on their soft ass', unable to move from the weight of the others on their backs. They started to scream out feeling their panties being ripped from their hips as furs took places behind them pushing their hard cocks into their soft pussies.

The pyramid came tumbling down as the cheerleaders fell into the welcoming arms of the white eyed attackers. The girls screamed out as their tops and dress' where ripped open, their naked bodies being caressed and pleasured by the group around them. The cheerleaders from the bottom of the pyramid moaned with pleasure as their wet pussies slid on the thick cocks that filled them, crying out feeling their soft asses pad against their attackers as they gripped their pompoms. A lizard boy ran with the soccer ball between his feet, he stopped giving the ball one final kick lunching it at the goal tending squirrel who only stood there taking the ball in the face with a stunned look. The lizard laughed. "Ha! jack ass, right in the kisser!" Suddenly he felt his shorts being pulled down, he looked down shocked feeling the tender fingers of a white eyed bat girl stroking his dick in front of the other players. "What the fu..." More naked furs ran out into the field chasing down the other players who started to run in different directions. The squirrel goal tender turned to run but found himself trapped by his own net, quickly turning again only to be pounced on by some horny looking furs.

The principle moaned with pleasure as a large cock fucked her hot pussy with increasing speeds, she sucked and stroked the dicks around her as she lost all sense of restrain. The tigress held her legs open wide for all her attackers as her firm ass slapped against the one fucking her. Suddenly the dicks around her pulsated and started to shoot their hot cum onto her face and large bouncing breasts. She held her tongue out to receive the jets of hot cream that seemed to cover her face. The young wolf clung to the chain fence that stopped people from going over the edge of the roof. "Wow, would you look at whats going on down there." Ashely clenched her fist. "I think we need to get the hell out of here before it is too late." Ashley started to walk for the roof excess door but the young wolf refused to move. "No way i wanna watch this! this is hot!" The young wolf felt his ear being grabbed by the lioness. "Come along Jr." The wolf cried out. "Hey!, oach oach oach oach!."

Ashley made her way down the steps with the young wolf trailing behind her, she had released him after he complied to follow. She burst through the stairwell door finding the halls of the top floor very calm, no one has noticed what was happening outside. She looked around eager to do something wanting to help, her eyes fell on the fire alarm and she snapped her fingers. "Right!" Ashley removed the cover and pulled the fire alarm, the school filled with the sound of a loud ringing, seconds after the doors started to open and the students started to file out of their rooms like clock work. Ashley started to sift through the crowds looking for the faces of her friends. She found berry and flagged him down, the rabbit parted with his class and join her. "Hey Ash i thought...." "No time to talk right now, something really fucked up is going on out side, i pulled the alarm to get everyone out but we have to get off the school grounds now before we get trapped by large numbers of them." The rabbit looked at her funny. "Them?" "I don't know who they are, but their raping everyone in sight, its a made house outside." The rabbit shook his head. "What, did you say, rape...." Ashley slapped him.

"Pull yourself together, just shut up and follow me!" Berry was shocked at the slap. "Alright, alright, i chock that up to female problems Missy. Wait, where are we going?" Ashley thought for a moment. "Everyone is suppose to assemble in front of the school, we can slip out the back." She nodded at her own plan, partly ashamed knowing what she had done would lead countless furs right into the clutches of the strangers outside. Ashley took all of four second to stop herself and breath deeply, if she kept acting the way she was she is going to get herself killed. "Ok, lets just get to the first floor, there are shuttle buses that the school uses for field trips out back. We will find someone to drive, or steal keys ourselves and load up and move out." The rabbit looked at her in disbelief. "Is it really that bad out there?" "The whole city is on fire and furs are getting their freak on everywhere!" The young wolf appeared behind Ashley. She looked back at him then nodded at Berry who looked at the small wolf. "My name is Terry by the way, i came here to make this fine bitch my girl!" He slapped Ashley's ass. Berry pulled his ears over his eyes as he heard a loud smack.

Berry and Ashley walked quickly down the stairs with Terry trailing behind them, his left eye closed with tears running down his face. By the time they made it to the bottom of the stairs they could hear screams of fear on the other side of the door. Berry opened it and they saw crowds of students running away from the front entrance. The two peeked around the corner to see what everyone was running from, screams filled the hall as students stampeded away from the main doors. White eyed attackers captured students and teachers, ripping their cloths as they pulled them to the floor. Helpless students squirmed under their attackers as they cried out, Berry watched in aw as the attackers fondled the breasts and jerking off their victims. Ashley tapped on his shoulder and pointed to the door across the hall to the nurses office. The lioness jumped out of the door and through the running furs to the other side with the young wolf behind her, Berry started to follow when he spotted another rabbit at the entrance. Her naked body bouncing on some defenseless student as she rode his hard cock moaning. The woman rabbit was in a torn business suit ripped in the front and no longer had a dress, her breasts bounced as she rose and fell letting her tongue hang from her slack jaw, her white eyes looking at nothing yet everything. "What the hell are you doing!" Ashley said holding the door open." "Dude....i think that's my mom!" He answered

Ashley grabbed his arm and pulled him into the nurses office. "There is no time!". With the door shut they heard a scream behind them, they turned to brace themselves only to fine the school nurse, a horse standing on her desk with a broom in her hand. "Wow, hey ho. ms. Stewart its just us!" Berry called out to her. The horse stopped screaming and took a second look. "Oh my god!, do you see whats happening outside!" Ashley nodded watching the horse get down from her desk. "Ms. Stewart we need to get a hold of the shuttle bus keys so we can safely get out." The horse thought for a moment. "well the keys are kept in the teacher's lounge." Ashley nodded. "Ok, Terry you stay hear with Ms. Stewart. Berry, your with me." "wait!, you will be back for us right?" The nurse asked. "Of coarse, but if we fail to get the keys then you guys can still make a brake for it. There is no reason for all of us to get caught at once." They all stayed silent for a while then Ashley made her way out the door with berry close behind her. Ms. Stewart locked the door and looked back at the young wolf who was now nursing a black eye. "What happened to you?" "Woman troubles." He said with a smug look, then examined the horses curves his eyes settling on the cleavage from her large breasts. "So....are you single?"

Ashely and Berry made their way down the main hall and turned seeing random furs having sex on the floor. The two walked down the hall slowly trying not to draw attention to themselves as the attackers busied themselves with their victims. Moans of pleasure and delight filled the halls, Ashley looked over at a student she knew from a class who held a white eyed woman by her hips fucking her pumping his dick as fast as his body would allow, he made eye contact with Ashley and quickly looked away seemingly ashamed of himself but never stopping his quick thrusts into the moaning woman. Ashley walked around a girl who's legs where rapped around her attacker, she screamed as he slapped against her soft ass filling her pussy. The two walked by another girl pin against the lockers, she bounced off her attackers hips as he held her up against the wall. Just before the teacher's lounge they saw the janitor leaning on his mop, he shamelessly waved at them as two white eyed women fought over his hard cock. "This is fucking nuts!" The rabbit said out loud, suddenly one of the girls kneeling in front of the janitor looked back at him and started to scream out. The white eyed panther sprang up and pounced at Berry, Ashley intercepted her with a fist to the throat turning her high pitched screams to a low croak.

The naked panther fell to the ground but the damage was already done, several white eyed furs came around the far corner at the end of the hall and ran for their new victims. Berry opened the door to the teacher's lounge and the two ran in before being pounced on. They slammed the door shut only seconds later hearing the pounding and moaning of the white eyed furs on the other side. "Holy shit!" The two found themselves in the room with a teacher being fucked on the large table in the room. The two watched the cheetah moan with pleasure, she sat on the edge of the table with her legs spread wide open. Her breasts bouncing as her soft wet pussy filled with the hard cock. The attacker ignored the two that just entered, he was using his hands to hold the cheetah thighs open as he slapped against her. The teacher rolled her head back enjoying every second of her experience as her pussy juice dipped down to the floor. Ashley slowly walked in as the two had sex, even the teacher ignoring them.

She looked to the far end of the room with a bill board holding several keys for the school, she walked over and looked through the labels finding several keys labels for the buses. Ashley picked one and turned to the rabbit giving him a thumbs up but found her friend watching the sex. The teacher continued to scream with pleasure throwing her arms around her attacker crying with lust as the large dick pumped into her dripping pussy. Ashley snapped her fingers to get his attention then pointed to the window, the rabbit nodded and walked over to her. Suddenly the teacher yelled out. "AAaaaahhhhh yeeeeeeeees cum inside me!." She stopped and fell back hitting the table. The white eyed dog looked at the two and Ashley quickly grabbed a chair throwing it through the window with a loud crash. "Move!" Berry wasted no time jumping through the broken window, the lioness watched the attacker leap onto the table making his way over the dead teacher. Ashley dove under the table watching the attackers shadow, just as she heard him jump she used her foot to kick a rolling chair out. The white eyed dog's foot caught the chair and he fell back smashing his head against the table.

The dog hit the floor as a pool of blood came from his skull, Ashley watched as he ceased to move. She crawled out always being weary of the dog on the floor and made her way slowly to the window. Just as she was about to leave the teacher suddenly rose and looked at her with white eyes. Ashley dove out hearing screams behind her as the two made their way back to the nurses room window. "I thought you were a goner there for a second. " Berry said following the lioness. Back at the nurses office Ms. Stewart busied herself with thwarting the advances of the young wolf. "I told you for the last time no! and don't you dare try to grab me like that again. Who in the hell has been raising you, you little." Suddenly a loud bang on the door was heard, then another soon a small group of furs outside where trying to get in. Ms. Stewart bit her lip thinking maybe that they were being attracted by her voice. She grabbed her broom again and moved behind the desk which they moved to act as a barricade, Terry was close behind her with a hand on her tail." Are they going to get in?" Terry asked in a childish manner. I.....just get back." Ms. Stewart could only say.

The door started to splinter as the white eyed furs tried harder to force their way into the room. Just as Ms. Stewart was about the lung an attack at the furs they heard a knocking on the window. Both looked back seeing Ashley's face through the glass dangling a key from her finger. Ms. Stewart dropped the broom and ran over to the window opening it. "Lets go! I don't know how long its safe to be out here." Ms. Stewart picked up Terry and guided him out the window into the arms of Ashley and Berry on the other side. She started to crawl out herself when the door finally gave way. The white eyed furs rushed into the room and without stopping toward the horse trying to escape. Ms. Stewart let herself fall out the window hitting the ground and Ashley snapped the window shut as countless hands and faces pressed up against the glass. "Come on before it breaks!" Berry started running for the back parking lot with Terry. Ashley helped the horse nurse up and started to follow the others.

The four made it to the edge of the lot without attracting any attention to themselves, but was forced to stop as they spotted a large number of furs in the parking lot having sex, on the ground, on or in the cars. The moans of pleasure were loud enough to hide them from the ones that were not busy. "Ok, this is the home stretch, we just have to make it over to that bus over there, get the door closed and take off." Ashley pointed out as she whispered. "Take off were?" Berry asked again. "We will worry about that later, the goal here is to be safe." The four started out slowly making their way to the bus, so far they were ignored as the sex continued around them, thick cocks pumping into wet pussies, groans of delight and lust. Berry spotted their friend Jessie who helplessly bounce in the lap of her attacker, moaning as her hot pussy slid on a large dick, she held two cocks with her hands sucking on them, one attacker groaned squirting his hot cum onto her face. Berry looked away wanting to do something.

They were vary close to the bus when suddenly someone called out to them. The group looked back to see another small group of students running out in a careless fashion. Their action aroused the several white eyed furs that were just siting and watching. "Quick! the bus." Ms. Stewart called out. The four climbed into the bus and Ashley waited by the door for the others. She watched in horror as the white eyed furs pounced on the students ripping off their cloths. Ashley shook her head and closed the door for the bus. "Lets go, they didn't make it." The engine started and the bus started to move. They drove past the students that tried to escape but found that they had already submitted to the pleasure of their attackers. The bus drove past large crowds of the white eyed furs that started to chase the bus. "Hang on everyone!" Ms. Stewart called out as she made a sharp turn to avoid a burning car on the street as the wheels squealed making the bus pick up speed.

The four looked around through the windows at a city in chaos, cars burned on the street, buildings smashed by mindless drivers. The sounds of car horns, screams and moans filled the air as the group spotted random furs in sexual situations scattered around the streets. Ms. Stewart turned the wheel again to avoid the threesome in the middle of the street her eyes always fixed on the group watching another young horse getting railed between two hard ones. Berry watch the post lady bent over her own mail box as a whited eyed fury slapped up against her ass hard as he fucked her. Ashley saw an open car door with a pair of legs hanging out, as they passed she saw a wet pussy sliding up and down a thick shaft as the two fucked in the car. The young wolf simply watched out the back window as every sexual scene passed by the bus, holding a hand over his bad eye and almost putting the other down his pants. Every white eyed fur that spotted the moving bus attempted to chase after it in an effort to satisfy themselves by its occupants. Ashley sat in a chair nearest to the driver and pulled out her cell phone and tried to call her sister again. She waited but no answer, she flipped through the numbers list and tried to phone her house.

Ashley's father laid on the half cut lawn as he groaned with delight as two white eyed rabbits lay on him, pleasuring him. One rabbit bounced her soft ass riding his large cock. The other rabbit sat on his face, dripping pussy juice on his nose. He let his tongue reach out and prob the soft pussy lips over him making her moan.

Ashley's mother gripped the edge of the table that she was bent over, she moaned feeling the thick cock fill her pussy, the stranger slapped against her soft ass as the pleasure spread through her body. Her pussy juice dripped to the floor as her attacker continued without relent, making her hot, letting out another moan of pleasure. She suddenly heard the phone ring and she reached over to grab it. "Ahhh...hello!" "Yeah mom! its me, are you alright, there is some crazy shit happening around the city." Ashley's mother tried to contain her moans as the thick cock continued to fuck her. " Please....don't come dangerous." She couldn't control herself anymore and let out a long moan that could be clearly heard on the other end of the phone. The lioness dropped the phone as the stranger fucked her wet pussy faster, another white eyed fur appeared in front of her putting his large dick into her mouth which she started to willingly suck on.

Ashley lowered her phone hitting end and looked at Ms. Stewart. "They are at my house right now. which means they have covered a good portion of the city." "So where the hell are we going to go?" Berry asked. "My sister's family owns a farm just outside the city, we can go there. At least before leaving the city entirely." Ms. Stewart said looking back at Ashley who seemed to be the one in charge now. "Yeah, lets get the hell out of here." The bus turned a corner and picked up speed as to leave the crowds of white eyed furs behind.

Ted hammered the last of the nails into the boards that was barricading the window of the police station. He looked over seeing two officers running up covered in blood holding their shotguns tightly. "That seems to be the last of them." The police woman said with a tired look. "We should all get back to the office, the Sergent should be waiting for us their. The three walked into the office, the room seemed to be completely blocked off as the windows were boarded shut and desks piled up against doors. The police chief waved the group over. "You guy gotta come see this." The last of the police survivors gathered around a TV watching the new report. The anchorman and woman, a dog and a cat ruffled through a mess of papers tried to keep up with the fast collapse of the city around them. "And we would like to repeat, the bodies of the recently deceased are returned to life and fucking the living. These events have become more and more bizarre the more we follow along, we just hope our signal is reaching to the communities outside the city without any problems."

Furs in the background started running around making more noise that interrupted the anchors. The cat looked back. "What the hell is going on back there!" A stressed out Doe ran by. "Their coming! what are we going to do?." The dog anchor looked at her walking by. "What are you going on about?!" The doors of the news room smashed open as white eyed furs poured through with the look of hunger on their faces. They pounced on the screaming fleeing furs. A giraffe found herself pushed onto her desk, her shirt pulled up releasing her breasts. She screamed as hungry furs sucked on her nipples. A raccoon Mic operator nearly dropped his Mic on the anchors as a white eyed dog pulled his dick out of his pants and into her mouth, he moaned out as he got hard in her mouth. The dog anchor looked around him in a panic at the increasing amount of sex, suddenly a white eyed Stella and Cindy appeared behind him sinking their claws into his chest. "Wh...what is this!" The two pulled him back behind the desk.

The cat anchor blushed as she watched him get raped by the husky and lioness, just then a large bear pulled her up and pushed her over the news cast desk ripping her dress off as she screamed. The large bear used his fingers to ripe the panties off of her as she squirmed. The camera man swallowed hard keeping the camera still, trying not to draw attention to himself as the news crew and the furs in the back ground broke out into a hot orgy. Moans of pleasure filled the news room as the orgy was broadcasted on live television. The cat news anchor moan as the large bear fucked her pussy, she held onto the table looking into the camera with a look of pleasure on her face. The husky Stella could only be seen bouncing behind the desk as a hand reached up and clawed at the papers on the desk top, groans of delight coming from the unseen news anchor.

The white eyed bear gripped the moaning cat by her hips and fucked her wet pussy faster as he pushed into her, slapping against her soft ass. The cat's pussy juice only making it easier to fill her hot love hole. The white eyed husky let out her own moan of pleasure as she continued to ride the hard cock of the anchorman who's hands reached up squeezing her breasts as she rocked up and down on his hips. The blushing cat rolled over onto her back raising her feet into the air as the thick cock continued thrusting inside her wetness, she grabbed at her breasts as she screamed out in lust in front of the camera. The anchor dog cried out as he unloaded his hot cum into the husky, he let out a lasting moan then fell back dead on the floor. The white eyed Stella and Cindy finished fucking their victim and got up looking at the camera or more specifically the camera man, each one spattered with cum. "Oh shit." He watched frozen in terror as the naked girls crawled over the desk and over to him. He moaned out keeping the camera on the anchor cat still being fucked on the desk.

The white eyed girls started to suck on the camera man's dick as he struggled keeping the camera steady. The cat anchor held her thighs apart, her now bare breasts bouncing wildly as her wet pussy dripped onto the floor. The cat curled her toes in pleasure as she suddenly felt her hot pussy fill with the bear's cream she screamed wildly arcing her back as her own orgasm hit her. She rode her pleasure in front of the camera then just stopped moving. The camera man moaned as Stella and Cindy continued sucking on his hard cock, he suddenly pushed the camera aside and went down on them who happily wrapped their arms and legs around him. The camera man wasted no time pushing his large cock into the Lioness' pussy. After the camera finished spinning it stopped on the Worried Doe who was laying on her side, her large breasts exposed to the camera, she moaned and squirmed between two furs with their large cocks in her pussy and mouth both fucking her at the same time.

The police survivors watched the news orgy with amazement and the chief shook his head. "This city is lost, we need to get out of here." All four of them looking at the clawing hands coming through the broken slots of the wood barricade.

The whole city had erupted into a brush fire of sex sweeping into all corners. At the city park a beautiful jogger panther lay on her back with her cloths torn to shreds a large beastly of a man lay on her, running his tongue across her exposed pussy lips, her screams muddled by the stranger's big dick in her mouth. A young couple beavers having a pick-nick under the shade of a tree were rudely interrupted by a trio of undead vixens, while one bouncing up and down and the helpless young man, his thick hard dick berried deep in her wet love hole, her large breasts bouncing wildly with her. The girlfriend found herself sandwiched between the other two, their naked bodies rubbing together against her as she spread her legs for them, their tongues caressing her fur as their fingers prob and pleasure her wet pussy lips.

She turned her head and exchanged tongue with one of the naked vixens. Not far from them a pair of casual walkers wolves in sun dress' where subdued on one of the many sex filled paths, one poor woman had her dress pulled down, her exposed tits rocked with her body as she rode her attack's large meat, her head cocked to the side sucking a dick given to her. Her friend was completely disrobed, her dress ripped into smaller pieces and thrown aside like trash as she lay on her shoulders almost upside down, her legs spread wide as her white eyed attacker pressed against her thighs with his hands and plunged his large cock into her, it moved quickly, lubed by his victims pussy juices, both girls moaned with pleasure.

Across the street in a grocery store the orgy continued, one of the check in girls, a blue jay, found herself on her counter, forced to sit on her attacker as her feathery hot pussy slid with ease down his big shaft, she chirped with pleasure as she started to bounce, her attacker ripped her shirt open letting her tit out, as he cupped them and started to suck on her nipples. Down one of the rows a squirrel box boy laid on his back groaning feeling the tight lips and sucking sensation around his thick dick, some strange woman came up to him and started this not long ago, and he did little to stop her. Looking around he saw other store patrons being sexually pleasured by strangers, many screamed, even more moaned with delight.

He gripped the strange woman's hair as he groaned and started to cum in her mouth, the strange woman pulled her head back letting the jets of hot cream onto her face, the box boy letting out a long moan he then fell back dead after he finished. In an office building near by there was still no escape as every cubical and corner office was filled with the sounds of sex and lust, milky white cats pressed her larges tits against the copier as she was being fucked from behind by a white eyes co worker, her pressed breasts popping out the side in print every 3 seconds showing the animated moments of her nipples as her co-worker slapped against her soft ass.

The tops of cubical were littered with discarded or ripped clothing, a male secretary gripped the hips of skunk woman who as he thrust his hard cock into her soft and hot pussy, she gripped his tie drawing him ever closer as her pussy juice dripped off the table. Behind him in the executive office his boss was surrounded by three men, two of which worked for her. The pig had her legs spread wide as one had his dick deep inside her now very wet pussy, another locked his lips around her hard nipples as he sucked on her ample breast. The boss like pig found her mouth filled by the thirds very big cock, she reached her hand out gripping it and sucking as much dick as she could.

Traffic in the city came to a complete stop as the roads and cars were filled with fucking couples and groups or pocket orgies, the whole city seemed to moan as one as pussy juice flowed and shot of hot cum assaulted the soft flash of woman, the faces and breasts being dotted with the jets of the sex liquid, and in the centre of all of this the zombie Dr. Keller smiled licked her lips ready to receive her treat, she could take on more people then any other of the sex zombies. As she sucked and stroked the large dicks around her each one in turn exploded, shooting out the hot cum she desired, they sprayed her in the face, on her large tits, across her belly and down her legs, she hung her tongue out in glee as is rained the warm cream down on her. When it was over she stood, covered in cum and looked around at the the body ridden ground around her, she seemed to have smiled.

Night fell on the old farm house once again and the school bus turned into the drive way. Ms. Stewart stopped the bus beside her sister's car and the group stepped out. "Seems quiet.." Berry said. "Yeah....too quiet." Ashley responded. The four walked up to the house, the lights were still on and the front door was wide open. They walked in slowly and carefully but after making a examination of the house they found nothing. Ashley and Berry stepped out onto the back porch looking at the barn. "Maybe someone is hiding out there." Ms. Stewart appeared behind them. "I'll go check it out." Berry said softly, hoping nobody heard him volunteer. Ms. Stewart put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll come with you." She then looked at Ashley. "You stay here, start locking everything down and see if the phones are working." The lioness just nodded and walked back inside.

Berry and Ms. Stewart made their way to the barn and everything seemed deserted, Berry pushed the barn door open as the two peeked inside. "This place is giving me the creeps." The rabbit looked around in the dimly lighted barn. "This place always gave me the creeps." Ms. Stewart shivered. Berry walked in deeper when he heard a noise, he walked into a stall where he found a young horse girl sitting in the hay, she was wearing a white shirt but nothing else, Berry was attracted to her soft equestrian ass. He walked into the stall. "Are you ok?" He said softly. The young horse looked back at him revealing her dead faded eyes. Berry was spooked and stepped back only walking into her mother, he looked back seeing the other dead eyed naked horse who wrapped her arms around him. "NO!...let go!" He let out a groan as the young horse got into his pants and started to suck his cock.

Ms. Stewart found the three and blushed. "Oh my god, sister stop!" Suddenly she felt a pair of arms wrap around her shoulders and rip her shirt open letting her large breasts bounce out. Ms. Stewart looked back seeing another dead eyed horse. "Nick!" She screamed out as more white eyed furs appeared and pulled her to the ground sucking on her nipples. Berry also found himself on the ground with the two horses on him, the mother sat on his face feeling pussy juice dripping on him. The young horse sat on Berry's cock making it push into her pussy. She started to slide up and down on it making them both moan with pleasure, Berry used his tongue to prob the pussy lips on his face. Ms. Stewart felt her legs being pulled up over her head as her soft ass hung in the air, a hand ripped her panties from her. A large cock pushed into her pussy while another filled her mouth. She tried to scream out but to little success, her ass started to bounce in the air as the large dick started fucking her pussy.

Berry moaned into the equestrian ass as felt the tight pussy dripping and sliding along his thick shaft. He gripped the legs of the horse over him and ate her pussy harder completely submitting to the pleasure making her moan out. Ms. Stewart stroked off dicks with her fingers as she sucked the large cock in her mouth, her to succumbed to the pleasure as the thick cock fucked her wet pussy faster. She moaned with pleasure feeling her hot pussy filled to its capacity, she could feel her pussy juice dripping down her ass. Berry reached up with his hands and gripped the young horses bouncing breasts through her white shirt, eagerly thrusting into her tight pussy. Berry groaned and felt his cock pulsate suddenly cuming inside the young horse, he shut his eyed riding his orgasm before falling dead beneath the two equestrian asses. Ms. Stewart moan with pleasure again as more large cocks press and rubbed against her large breasts, the dick fucking her throbbed and unloaded his thick cum into her making it squirt out form her pussy lips. She sucked the cock in her mouth until it too came down her throat, all the dicks around her started to shooting their hot cum onto her face and body as she wildly lapped at the jetting steams of cream and stroking the thick meats with her hands. She let out a cry of lust that could be heard beyond the barn walls.

Ashley locked everything that could be locked and sat on the couch with the sleeping young wolf. "I wonder if he knows whats going on......hell....i don't even know whats going on." Terry rolled over and laid on the lioness, using her breasts as a pillow. Ashley was about to swat him in the face but then her hand gently landed on his head. She sighed heavily. "Where the hell are those two?" Just then loud noises could be heard outside the doors. The sounds woke Terry and they both looked at the windows. Hands pressed against the glass and pale white eyes peered into the house. "Holy shit their outside!" Terry yelled out. Ashley quickly jumped up and grabbed the fire poker preparing for a fight. "Quickly, up stairs now!" The young wolf ran for the stairs with the lioness following him slowly. She could hear glass breaking and wood cracking as the white eyed furs forced their way into the house. Ashley made it to the top of the stairs looking down she saw a white eyed Berry that almost made her burst into tears. "God damn it!" She followed Terry into the master bedroom locking the door. "We are going to die, aren't we?" Terry asked her.

Ashley looked around. "not if i can help it." She walked over to the window and opened it. "I'm going to barricade the door and make sure that it takes everything they have to force their way in. You get out onto the roof and make sure the coast is clear, then you are going to find a gutter or some way down and run for it!" What about you?" Terry asked, scared of going out into the night alone. "Don't worry about me, just start running when your suppose to and i don't want to see your feet touch the ground!" They could already hear thumping on the bedroom door. Ashley got Terry to climb out onto the roof and wait and turned as the door started to crack. She ran up and braced herself against the door. Terry watched clinging onto the window frame not willing to leave her behind, suddenly flashing light caught his attention and he looked back at a SWAT van rolling up the drive way. "Ash! Ash! there is a police van coming!" Ashley looked back, a hand breaking through the door, she backed off keeping her foot in place as a door stop and thrust the fire poker through the hole stabbing at whatever was grabbing at her. More hands cracked through the door, one grabbing at her shirt ripping it.

She continue the thrust and stab pulling back a bloody fire poker then back through the hole again. "Hey kid! where are your parents?" Terry heard as he looked back seeing the top hatch to the van open with a police woman poking her head out. "My friend is in there, you have to help her!" "Jump down, i'll see what i can do about your friend!" Terry walked to the edge of the roof looking back. "Ash come on, we can leave with the cops!" He watched as Ashley tried to make it out the window but then several hands grabbing her and pulling her back in. He looked with shock and didn't hear her scream, only grunts as blood splattered against the window glass. Suddenly some fur flew through the window with a loud crash, the dead eyed fur rolled down the roof and off the edge. Ashley reappeared climbing out the window, her shirt gone, her pants torn and hands trying to grab at her. Ashley fought her way free and continued her assault on the white eyed furs with the bloody fire poker. "Lets go!." The police woman called out. "Jump already!" Ashley yelled at Terry. The young wolf leaped from the roof onto the SWAT van and Ashley was close behind him. Both made it into the van as it started to roll off away from the house with dead eyed furs chasing after it in vain.

"Terry looked wide eyed up at the topless lioness who only looked back at him with sweaty hard muscles. The police woman put a blanket over her shoulders. "You guys are lucky we saw the lights on in the house, we wanted to know if anyone was still around." "Yeah lucky." Ashley said thinking about the two that didn't make it. Terry wrapped his arms around the lioness' hips plowing his muzzle into her breasts. "You are so freaken cool!" Ashley fell back into a seat with the young wolf snuggled into her cleavage for the first time with a small smile on her face.

"This was the first time we encountered the sex zombies and it wouldn't be the last, we had no idea that the Clydesdale incident was just the beginning." The SWAT van motored down the road away from the farm house and passed a sign reading. "Raccoon City, 40 miles." Just then a naked gray cat appeared looking up at the sign, Keller licked the cum from her lips and started walking in the same direction leaving behind the burning glow of the city in chaos behind her.

Attack of the Sex Zombies.

Attack of the Sex Zombies part 1

Night fell on the farm house, a farm owned by a family of horses not far from the city of Clydesdale. The mother finished washing the dishes and hung her towel up. She walked towards the TV room, her hooves clicking on the tile floor, and peering in...

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Digimon Tamers: The Lust of MistressDevimon #3 Final

The rumble from the crowd increased as the multitude of gathering digimon awaited the promised entertainment. They stomped their feet against the floor making a loud deafening noise, like something you would hear in a sports arena. In fact all of the...

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Digimon Tamers: Lust of MistressDevimon #2

* * * MistressDevimon ran a finger over her lower lip. "I thought I told you two I wanted the Tamer." LadyDevimon and DarkLillymon coward under her throne. "Yes mistress you did, but you see..." DarkLillymon was cut off by the other." You see...

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