Digimon Tamers: The Lust of MistressDevimon #3 Final

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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The rumble from the crowd increased as the multitude of gathering digimon awaited the promised entertainment. They stomped their feet against the floor making a loud deafening noise, like something you would hear in a sports arena. In fact all of the seats the digimon were sitting in were pointing to a dark centre much like a stadium, the huge crowds of on lookers waiting for the show. Suddenly two beams of light appeared in the centre of the surrounding crowd.

The lights came from the ceiling and revealed two figures down below. Renamon and Rika's mom hung from shackles in front of the crowd, hanging naked as they burst into a roar as if a great game had just started. The sound was more then loud enough to wake them up, Renamon looked around at the massive mob of dark digimon who cheered at their exposure. She looked over at Rika's mother who was awake with her, but she had a look of defeat on her face, seemingly surrendered her will along time ago.

The beams of lights widened as DarkLillymon and LadyDevimon walked out onto the stage, making the crowd roar louder. The two were naked as well only wearing their high heeled boots and LadyDevimon kept her leather mask on to hide her beautiful face."Ladies and gentlemon! Your mistress has promised a great show tonight! A little something for your loyalty and a small demonstration of whats to come when we conquer the real world!" A small Palmon held a sign over her head. "I love you DarkLillymon!"

DarkLillymon smiled turned to Renamon, taking one of her breasts into her hand. "Well now, do you all want to see a show!" The mob went wild and cheered them on. LadyDevimon walked up behind Rika's mom and started to massage her large breasts and licked her neck. DarkLillymon ran her fingers down Renamon's tight tummy and dropped to her knees, Renamon tried to keep her legs close together but that did little to deter DarkLillymon from doing her thing. The evil digimon extended her tongue, squeezing between Renamon's powerful thighs and against her soft pussy lips.

Renamon blushed feeling the wet intruder slithering its way into her, she tried to hold herself in against her attacker but soon failed against DarkLillymon's expertise in delight and moaned with pleasure. The mob cheer to this and DarkLillymon held up her hand making devil horns with her fingers. Renamon thighs loosed unable to control her urges, to this DarkLillymon only increased her pleasure as she licked her pussy more intensely.

DarkLillymon Ran a hand up her furry thigh and squeezed her figures into her. Renamon moaned out as the fingers moved inside her, her pussy juice started to drip down her thighs as the evil digimon's touch finally giving into her letting her legs relax and the mob cheered again. Meanwhile LadyDevimon had a hand between the human's legs already making her moan, fingering her. Her tongue ran circles around her hard nipples as she licked and suckled her breasts.

Both Rika's mom and Renamon moaned louder as the two evil digimon slowly worked on them. The mob watched with hungry eyes as the two where molested in front of them. After they finished making the two wet and horny they stepped back showing to the crowd their pussy juice dripping fingers as the roared with excitement, leaving Rika's mother and Renamon panting as the same erotic liquid dripped down their thighs and onto the stage. DarkLillymon proceed to take those fingers and run them over her own clit, playing with herself for them as they howled and whistled. Her clit throbbed and grew into her secret weapon as it enlarged into a large thick cock. LadyDevimon was doing the same and as her own large cock grew out from between her thighs.

They turned to their pets with their throbbing cock ready and willing to pleasure them. Renamon looked at the large meat blushing, embarrassed by the large group watching this. Rika's mom found herself on her back, unshackled but kept her arms over her head as her large breasts bounced, moaning with pleasure. "Please....do it...slower, I'll split in two." LadyDevimon smiled at her plea as she continued to thrust her large cock into her wet pussy. Holding the humans legs apart wide so all could see.

Renamon was also let loose from the shackles, her breasts pressing against the mat of the stage with her right leg high in the air making her spread wide for DarkLillymon who filled her wet pussy making her lower lips open wide as she was fucked. A large video monitor over the stage showed in all directions a split screen of the girls blushing moaning faces and the squirting pussy as the large dicks fucked them in front of the cheering audience.

Renamon rolled onto her side as she gripped one of her breasts as she played unable to control herself any longer, the cheering crowd turning her own as thousands of eyes were glued to her open pussy. DarkLillymon only smiled at her surrender, looking over at LadyDevimon and nodded as the two couples changed positions. Renamon and Rika's mother were looking into each others flushed faces as their soft asses slapped against those that fucked them, their arms pulled back behind them as their wrists were help to constrain them.

The two dark digimon had devious looks on their faces as they fucked them without mercy. Renamon looked into Ms. Nonaka's eyes. "Please....forgive me..." She could barely squeeze out between thrusts into her. Rika's mom did nothing to respond, its possible she didn't hear her over the noise of the audience. Suddenly a new wave a pleasure came over them and they screamed out in lust feeling their orgasm rising in them, as their breasts heaved under them wildly.

The view screens could see everything the dark digimon could see and they zoomed in on the slapping wet pussies being fucked. The crowd could sense the climax of the show and started to chant. "Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum!" Rika's mom and Renamon screamed with pleasure with the chant ringing in their ears as they came harder then they ever experienced. DarkLillymon and LadyDevimon felt the torrent of pussy juices flowing down their thick hard shafts. They could feel themselves close as well and fucked the pussies faster, they cried out with their victims as they unloaded their hot cum into them. Renamon and Rika's mother fell to the floor beside each other as they were showered to streams of the warm cream. The crowd stood and cheered clapping at the display of unrestricted lust.

LadyDevimon raised her hand as the crowd's cheers settled down. "Now now, I know you loved that, my friend and I have a job to do, so we will leave you to watch the second round!" She chirped to her fans. They all clapped and cheered again, DarkLillymon and LadyDevimon walked off the stage, leaving the two alone on the stage. Just as they left four new digimon walked on, Leomon, Andramon, Angelmon and DarkWargreymon.

Rika and Wizardmon nudged their way through the throngs of on lookers, and was able to get a glimpse of the grand show, seeing the large monitor screens above the stage. She could see her mom and Renamon between digimon as they continued to pleasure them, with tight zoomed in shots of their wet pussies, the sounds of their moans of pleasure were amplified on huge speakers."We have to do something!" Rika Whispered. "Not yet, follow me."

MistressDevimon sat on her throne humming and hawing at her current predicament, the sounds of the howling cheering crowd muffled in the back ground. She posed in front of the mirror running her fingers over her soft pale skin and amble breasts, only lightly playing with herself. "Soon......soon I will have the will power of the humans behind me, and I will rule both worlds." She smiled to herself. She heard a knock at her chamber door. "Come." She said with a voice of an angel, she seemed to enjoy changing her voice for soft and caring to ruthless and terrifying, she enjoyed her underlings reactions.

She saw LadyDevimon and DarkLillymon in the mirror. "well?" "Your intelligence was right mistress, Wizardmon's hide out was there.....but...." LadyDevimon said. "But?" MistressDevimon pressed. LadyDevimon looked at DarkLillymon who normal interrupted her by now but kept silence and proceeded to give her a "fuck you" look. Taking a deep breath she continued. "He nor the Tamer were not there, we believe they fled your realm."

MistressDevimon screamed letting out an intense wave of power that shattered the mirror. "Idiots!, you let them get away." She produced a whip that came from her palm and it snapped around LadyDevimon's neck, pulling her in until their breasts were pressed together and they were nose to nose. "You let me down my pets." "Please mistress, let us make it up to you." LadyDevimon said as she trembled, emphasizing us trying to remind her mistress that she was not alone.

MistressDevimon looked at DarkLillymon. "Just get me to the real world, the tamer's mother can take her place in the ceremony. I am done with waiting." DarkLillymon bowed obediently and ran out of the room leaving LadyDevimon to fend for herself. MistressDevimon's attention was back to her, she directed her by the neck in front of her bed and pushed her onto it. She smiles with a devious look. "Take your cloths off and prepare to receive your mistress."

The door opened to the the cell and Renamon was thrown into it without care, grunting as she hit the ground. Her vision was blurred buy the amount of times someone had cum in her face as she looked to see if she was alone. She was not. She saw two robbed figures in the corner of the large cell and she tried to rise to meet them. "Renamon!" One of the figures ran out and grasped her before she fell from exhaustion. The figure was Rika. "Oh Rika, I was with your mother, I could do nothing." Rika nodded and held her. "Its Okay, we are going to get her together."

Rika looked over at Wizardmon, when we deal with the baddies, you need to get my mom and the others out of here and back to were they belong." Wizardmon nodded. "I can do that." Rika raised her hand. "are you ready." Renamon raise her hand and held her tamer's. "We should have done this in the beginning." A bright light emerged from the two blinding Wizardmon. The cell door open as Agumon and Gabumon ran in. "Whats going in here......aaaahhhh." The two burst into data as the light engulfed them.

MistressDevimon watched over the ceremony as the human women were put in a circle around a large pillar in the centre of the room. A Devimon brought Rika's mom to her spot and forced her to bend over a railing that ran in a circle around the pillar, she looked about finding herself in the same position as the other girls from the real world. Her soft ass facing the pillar just like the others, Devimon smiled and produced a large thick candle that was burning on one end.

She looked back at him. "Wh...what are you going to do?" She heard the other girl cry out, as she looked and saw each girl getting a large candle pushed into their pussies. She suddenly felt her own candle being driven into her making her moan with pleasure. These were not like other candles, the heat from the small fire seemed to carry through down the shaft into her body cause pulses of pleasure. Each girl moaned and squirmed, unable to move being restrained with shackles as their pussy juices slowly dripped down the candles.

MistressDevimon watched with delight as the pussy juice dripped from the candles and slowly pooled onto the floor between their legs. The floor was carefully carved to funnel these juices to the base of the large pillar, that was constructed from the same tainted data as she was.

This pillar drew its power from the perverted energy harnessed by the candles and opened a portal to the real world powerful enough to take her and her minions. MistressDevimon looked up at the top of the pillar where the portal was expected to be generated and she could slowly she the aura of power climbing the tall pillar as the pussy juices continue to be collected, the girl moaned feeling the heat pulse into them. The small army of tainted digimon waited eagerly as the mist slowly formed before them. MistressDevimon and DarkLillymon smiled with delight. "Soon, soon, everything is coming together perfectly."

The group waited a few more minutes as the field grew in size and intensity. Suddenly a large explosion was heard that shook the room. "What is going on?!" MistressDevimon demanded but DarkLillymon only looked at her clueless, she was with her the whole time. The doors leading into the ceremony chamber shattered open. The army looked in confusion and MistressDevimon waited for the dust to settle, as it cleared it revealed Wizardmon. "End this now MistressDevimon or I will stop you here." MistressDevimon smiled. "You and what army?"

The dust continued to clear revealing Sakuyamon behind him. She was an impressively tall digimon with a tight leather pants that hugged her well revealing all her smooth curves. Her large breasts were protected by a gold breast plate, and the upper half of her face covered by a gold fox mask decorated with Tao symbols. Her long pig tailed silver hair came down to her rear as she held a long gold staff at her side. LadyDevimon licked her lips at the sight of this new mistress of light. "Release my mother and the other now, or you will feel our wrath MistressDevimon!"

The tainted digimon cocked her head. "Your mother?" Her brain just then clicked. "So this is what humans can do for digimon....impressive. Well I would like to stay and chat but I have a world to conquer." MistressDevimon spread her large bat like wings and took off towards the gathering portal above the pillar. "We have to stop her!" Wizardmon called out but before they could do anything they were attacked from all sides by the army of tainted digimon. "Crystal sphere!" A barrier formed around the two as the attacks where ether absorbed or deflected by the shield.

She jabbed her staff in the floor. "Spirit strike!" four small fox spirits emerged from the top of her staff and shot out at the attackers. Each fox spirit took their own coarse and passed through the chest of different digimon coming out their back and continuing to the next until their was a small web of stunned digimon entrapped by the elemental spirits. When they ended these digimon burst into data. A good quarter of the army was whipped out in a single shot, striking fear into the others as some started to flee.

MistressDevimon scoffed at them. "Fools, I will rule alone then!" She flew into the portal and disappeared. Sakuyamon looked at DarkLillymon who seemed to shrink from the tall shinning digimon and ran behind a Wargreymon who lunged at the two. Sakuyamon opened her arms " Amethyst Mandala!" A gold ring formed around the Wargreymon as it reduced in size to the point of crushing the apposing mega to data. Sakuyamon jumped flying over the fleeing weaker digimon as Wizardmon ran for the humans.

DarkLillymon made it into the portal with Sakuyamon right behind her, opening her arms again. "Amethyst Mandala!" The gold ring of energy formed around the pillar and shrank again crushing the stone that made the pillar. She passed through the portal before it collapsed shutting the portal behind her so nothing could follow them. Wizardmon started to release the human girls and lastly Rika's mom. "where....where is Rika?" She is already in the real world, you all need to follow me so I can take you back." The girls gathered what little strength they had and followed the short stranger."

MistressDevimon flew out of the digital field that formed in the middle of an intersection of Tokyo. She shot out of the mist into the air as cars swerved and crashed and pedestrians looked up at the flying demon like woman causing some to scream. She landed on the street below in front of some cars as on lookers gasped in horror as this large seductress, the men in particular staring at her exposed ample breasts. A police officer walked up behind her. "ma'am you can't be dressed like this." She turned to face him and gripped his neck. "Near before your new mistress." She said in a deep seductive voice, the teenagers on the side walk dropped to their knees, "Wow, she is so freaken hot!" one said. "I total want to do that!" Another shouted.

Making MistressDevimon smile with glee. DarkLillymon emerged from the digital field and smiled at the humans who were shocked by her appearance. Suddenly she felt a spike of pain in he mid section. She looked down seeing a gold shaft coming through her torso, she looked up seeing the face of Sakuyamon. "I'm sorry it had to end this way." DarkLillymon smiled a little before bursting into data.

Sakuyamon walked out into the street and stood opposite of MistressDevimon. "Its over, its time to pack it in." MistressDevimon tossed the policemen aside and smiled. "Its over when I say its over." She extended her wings and darted up into the air making a burst of wind. Sakuyamon followed her into the air. "Your not getting away!" "get away?" MistressDevimon laughed. The two hovered over a crowd of humans as they clashed briefly. MistressDevimon smirked. "Oh you are really worth my time."

She reclined in the air and spread her legs, she started to finger herself in front of her opponent and the humans. Sakuyamon blushed. "What are you doing!?" MistressDevimon moan with pleasure. "just doing what I do best!" Her clit throbbed and grew into a thick hard cock, this one was studded with metal balls down its shaft. She smiled and licked her juice dripping fingers.

She then braced herself in the air. "Semen bast!" Her large cock throbbed and shot a bolt of energy from the tip hitting the side of the building near Sakuyamon shattering the windows beside her in a large explosion. Sakuyamon just dodged by a hair as she dove away from her. "Shit!, that's just fucked up!" she yelled out in retreat. MistressDevimon only laughed with delight and gave chase letting off bolts of energy to shoot her target down. Crowds of people watched the action above as the two figures danced above them with explosions rocked the buildings.

Sakuyamon tried to keep once step ahead of the cock cannon but it was extremely difficult for her as MistressDevimon had wings and she did not. Soon enough MistressDevimon zeroed in on her target and hit Sakuyamon square in the back, forcing her down into a streets with a crash. MistressDevimon fluttered down after her, chuckling in triumph. Sakuyamon wrestled herself to her knees looking around for her staff when suddenly she felt the sting of a whip around her neck.

She cried out feeling MistressDevimon's heel in her back. "Did you really think you were going to stop me from ruling here!" Her lips curled into a smile. "You bad girl, you." She took a swing with her free hand and slapped Sakuyamon's ass making a loud noise. Sakuyamon blushed with surprise. "Wh...stop this right now!" "Now why would I do that?" She spanked her again in front of the gather group of people. "You like that, don't you, in front of all these people."

Sakuyamon tried to force herself away from her attacker but the whip around her neck made that difficult. "How about we show everyone here what you are really made of." Her smile turned to one of evil as she used her sharp nails to cut the straps of her breast plate. Sakuyamon heard the sound of her gold plate hit the road as her soft large breasts bounced out in front of everyone, causing a big gasp among the crowd.

Sakuyamon was forced to arc her back when she felt a hard pull on her neck. MistressDevimon poked her head over Sakuyamon's shoulder and licked her cheek. " How about we should these lovely people how good you really are miss perfect tits." She said while squeezing her breast with her free hand. Sakuyamon's mask did little to hide her embarrassment from the crowd of humans around them, many of them started taking out their cell phones and snapping pictures of the abnormal display.

MistressDevimon gave a few more slashes with her fingers cutting Sakuyamon's leather pants to shreds shows the crowd her round soft ass. The evil digimon dismounted her yet keeping a firm grip on her whip, posing herself behind Sakuyamon rubbing the head of her thick dick against her plump pussy lips. She looked around smiling at all the attention she was getting from the humans and gave a quick thrust into her. Sakuyamon screamed out feeling herself open up as every inch and every steel ball slide into her.

The evil digimon started thrusting her hips forcing her meat in and out of the slowly arousing Sakuyamon who could only moan helplessly under the restrains of the whip around her neck. Slowly but surely it became easier for MistressDevimon feeling the soft pussy become more wet with desire, she could feel her victims juices start to flow down her shaft. Sakuyamon couldn't hold it in any longer and let out a loud cry of pleasure as her opponent fucked her in front of the crowd of humans and the flashing cameras.

Sakuyamon's large breasts bounced wildly if front of her as the thick meat pumped into her from behind, she tried to reach back but could only feel the whip, MistressDevimon was far outside of her reach. MistressDevimon pulled hard on the whip forcing Sakuyamon to arc back higher and higher until MistressDevimon was on her back with her play mate on top of her, riding her.

Sakuyamon's legs spread wide allowing all to see her wet pussy sliding on the large cock as gasp and sounds of amazement were heard from the crowd. "You might as well surrender now, cuz you will never be able to escape the pleasure I can feed you. You will be mine." MistressDevimon called out, she was speaking to the humans as much as to her horny victim. Sakuyamon just moaned with pleasure as she bounced in front of the camera phones. Out of the corner of her eye Sakuyamon spotted her staff not far to the left of them, hidden under some fallen ruble.

"Two can play at this game." Remembering what Wizardmon said about MistressDevimon's arrogance. The golden princess reached down with one hand and started to finger her attacker, running her fingers across MistressDevimon's pussy which was underneath her thick cock and returned the favor. This made her arms comes close together forcing her large bouncing breasts together which caused a stir in the crowd. MistressDevimon blushed feeling the cold fingers against her soft pussy lips then the suddenly thrust into her.

The flashes from the camera's intensified as the two digimon moaned with pleasure as they play with each other. MistressDevimon raised a leg to spread out more giving Sakuyamon what she was after. "Yes, you are already mine, aren't you, you slut!" Sakuyamon only cried out with delight as she continued riding the large studded cock.

As soon as Sakuyamon felt the whip loosen around her neck she made a hard lean to the left, making her fall over closer to her staff. MistressDevimon interpreted as a change in position and spread Sakuyamon's legs wider as they moved to their sides and fucked her harder. "aw you think you can get away!" She said in a playful tone. Sakuyamon held her hands over her head trying to reach for her weapon as she screamed with pleasure.

Members of the crowd had their hands down their pants at this point. "Oh man this is so great, I didn't know digimon can be so fun." One remarked. "I'm totally posting these all over the internet!" another said. "I can not believe I let my son play this game." a woman remarked. Sakuyamon managed to get her hands on the end of her staff and swung it hard hitting MistressDevimon in the face mask, making her fall back.

By the time she could refocus her eyes she saw partial naked Sakuyamon standing over her with her golden staff. MistressDevimon made a look of defeat. "Finish it." Sakuyamon said nothing and sat down the large studded cock, her wet pussy engulfed it easily. "Wh....what are you doing!?" MistressDevimon was shocked at the out come. "Beating you at your own game." Sakuyamon started to bounce riding the thick studded cock making them both blush. MistressDevimon didn't know what to do, and it turned her on, she has never been on the receiving end of the game.

Sakuyamon threw her staff over her shoulder, holding onto one end and letting the top come down between MistressDevimon's thighs, the large loop wedged nicely between her wet pussy lips. "You see, this is the true curse of having two sexual organs, and when I'm finished with you, it is you that will call me mistress." Sakuyamon proceeded to flick her staff with her fingers causing it to hum with a high noise. MistressDevimon squealed feeling the gold loop vibrate inside he pussy lips.

She regained her composure. "Not, likely!" Grabbing a hold of Sakuyamon's hips, fucking her faster. The thick studded cock pumped faster causing the golden princess to moan with pleasure, but did not stop her from her counter attack, striking the staff harder causing a more powerful vibration. MistressDevimon moaned out again loosing control. The circling crowd gasped at the intensity of the sexual combat. "Please, stop......i give up....mistress!. Your making me...." It was to late as Sakuyamon felt a thick rush of hot cum fire inside her cunt.

Both of them screamed with pleasure making the crowd back up at once as if it was an explosion of sexual energy. The hot cum streamed down the thick cock as MistressDevimon laid there panting. Sakuyamon rose letting the large studded cock slip out of her as a stream of cum followed as she stood. "I am going to absorb your data so there will be no chance you can do this again."

MistressDevimon just smiled. "you will never stop me." Sakuyamon watched the evil digimon try to crawl away but planted her staff in the ground. "Spirit strike!" Four small fox spirits shot out of the head of Sakuyamon's staff and passed through MistressDevimon's body pinning her and causing her to cry out. Then they spirits double backed and collided together with MistressDevimon in the centre who suddenly burst into data. That data slowly drifted towards the golden princess as she absorbed it until there was nothing left of the perverted ruler of taint.

The flashes from the cameras intensified once again as the lights shined off of Sakuyamon's sweaty body. Making her curvy round breasts glisten. Some humans approached with microphones. "Excuse me, what is your name and is this how digimon fight now a days." One called out to her. "Will there be other such displays and can you tell us when and where?" another called out. "Excuse me." Sakuyamon said shyly only then realizing what had happened in front of so many.

She jumped and almost few away from the gather mob of humans who continued to take pictures of her rear as she leaped away.

Renamon flipped through the channels of the t.v. with a board look on her face. When Rika walked in with a phone in her hand. "I don't care what you saw on the news Takato, Renamon and I were not even in the city for the whole week." She stopped to listen. "What......A Sakuyamon porn site." Renamon's ears perked, turning her head. "Look I still don't care, it wasn't us.....alright bye." She pushed the end call button and sighed. "This is to much." "How is your mom dealing with it?" Renamon asked. "Better then me, at least no one saw what happened to her." She said sitting down beside her partner.

Just then Renamon smiled. "I know what would cheer you up!" Rika looked with a 'what' look on her face. Renamon stood and placed a hand between her thighs starting to play with herself. "Renamon, what the fuck!" Just as Rika was freaked out by her partners actions a large thick studded cock grew from between her legs. "Is.....is that...." Renamon nodded. "I got it when we loaded her data." Rika blushed. "Lets say we give it a test." Rika gave a delayed nod. The two lay on the best exchanging a kiss. "Oh Renamon, its so big."

Back in the digital world the dark castle was abandoned as no digimon was go near such a place. The doors remained half open, or blown open from previous battles. Dust gathered on the throne once occupied, in the stadium nothing could be seen as it remained pitch back, the ceremony room remained a disaster area, the once towering column folded in half. The entire castles seemed like it was abandoned centuries ago.

"hello?" a voice echoed through the dark halls of the castle. Back in MistressDevimon chamber LadyDevimon hung from a strand of soft rob, naked, even her leather mask removed revealing her barely seen beautiful face. "Mistress?..........I'd like to get down now......." Suddenly a pulse of power past through her. She looked over at where it came from noticing a small crib. "Wha.....who is that!" A small ball of a digimon poked its head up with red glowing eyes. LadyDevimon squirmed in her bonds trying to escape. "Do...don't come closer!" The small digimon shines its white teeth and leaped at the entangled digimon.

A high pitched screamed followed as it echoed down the halls and then silence.


Digimon Tamers: Lust of MistressDevimon #2

* * * MistressDevimon ran a finger over her lower lip. "I thought I told you two I wanted the Tamer." LadyDevimon and DarkLillymon coward under her throne. "Yes mistress you did, but you see..." DarkLillymon was cut off by the other." You see...

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Digimon Tamers: The Lust of MistressDevimon #1

Rika ran through the crowds of people with Renamon following behind her in her stealth like fashion. Rika produced her D-power from her belt and looked up the information of the appearing digimon. She stopped in front of the white cloud just as Renamon...

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Gypsy curse# 6 FINAL

Episode six Kate, the school girl's gym teacher discreetly walked down the halls, as if she was on some sort of secret mission. Just as she turned the corner she bumped into the equine...

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