Digimon Tamers: The Lust of MistressDevimon #1

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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Rika ran through the crowds of people with Renamon following behind her in her stealth like fashion. Rika produced her D-power from her belt and looked up the information of the appearing digimon. She stopped in front of the white cloud just as Renamon appeared beside her. "Ok Renamon, this should be easy for you. Ogremon, we did this before so lets just finish this." Of coarse Rika" Renamon answered and followed her tamer into the cloud. The two stopped finding the target digimon in front of them and Renamon left into the attack. Rika watched with confidence at the fight unfolding as Renamon danced around the violent Ogremon's attacks. "Come on Renamon, this is taking too long." Rika called out to her, and just as Renamon found an opening she leaped into the air and spread her arms. "Diamond sto--aaahhh." Renamon was shocked by an impact to her side as another Ogremon attacked her from behind. Rika opened her eyes wide at the side of a second Ogremon. "What! two of them?" She looked back at her D-power seeing if she missed this information as Renamon fell to the ground and rolled, almost knocked out.

Both Ogremon looked at the defenseless Renamon with a smile. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking brother?" One said to the other. "Oh that i am." Rika watched the two go down on Renamon thinking it was all over. They took Renamon and turned her onto her back, the pulled her legs up over her head so she was laying on her shoulders, they spread her thighs until she was in an embarrassing position. Rika watched with her hand on her card pouch not knowing what to do. Renamon looked up with a blush on her face as one of the Ogremon started to lick her soft pussy. Renamon tried to fight back but was helpless under the weight of her two attackers.

Rika blushed watched the once fight now sexual acts unfold in front of her. Renamon began to moan with pleasure as the long digi-tongue moved deeper and more wildly into her pussy. Then one of the Ogremon looked back at the blushing Rika grinning. He leaped into the air and landed behind her before she could even do anything, wrapping his large arms around her as she suddenly screamed. Renamon looked over wanting to help but was pressed hard against the ground. Her attacker brushed her white main aside exposing her well endowed breasts.

She let out another stiffening moan as her breasts were squeezed and fondled with delight. Rika watched as the Ogremon holding her used his blade to cut her belt open, her D-Power and cards fell to the ground. She could feel her jeans fall down around her legs revealing her blue stripped panties, after forcing them off her the Ogremon made her sit in his lap with her legs spread open showing off her moist panties and her hard nipples coming through her shirt.

The Ogremon licked his lips lifting her shirt and watched as her soft breasts bounced out. He then moved his hand down her panties and started to finger her eagerly, while squeezing one breast and suckling the other. Both girls moaned with pleasure as their pussy juices flowed from them. Soon enough Rika found herself on her back naked with her feet in the air, the Ogremon ran his thick green dick across her wet pussy lips. "Are you ready for this one girly." Rika whimpered and shook her head."no please...."

Without waiting her to finish he pushed his big cock into her making her cry out. She spread her legs wide as he forced himself all the way in and pressed her hands against his chest in an effort to make him stop. Renamon looked back in distress to see what was happening to Rika before she had a large dick of her own pushed into her, she was forced to sit on the Ogremon laying on his back moaning out as well.

The girls squealed with pleasure as the thick green dicks fucked their wet pussies. Their breasts bounced wildly as the moaned and Renamon found herself willingly riding the thick cock, her bouncing breasts moved faster because of this and her pussy juice flowed down the thick green shaft as her soft wet pussy nearly took it all in. Rika's hands where above her head now as she tried to wrap her legs around the Ogremon's hips.

The sound of their soft asses slapping against their attackers rang in the misty area. The group sex changed positions, both girls where now on all fours facing each other, as the Ogremon mounting them continued their thrust attacks, the girls soft asses continued to bounce as they screamed with pleasure. "ooohh, why aren't they cuming!?" Rika asked before crying with pleasure, her pussy juice squirting with every thrust. "Please....Rika!...come closer....i have...an idea!"

The two drew closer together and started to kiss, the Ogremon's eyes widened as the lesbian kiss drove them insane with delight, fucking them faster.

Renamon pushed her tongue into Rika's mouth, the two continued kissing drawing it out as long as possible, using their hands to squeeze and caress each others breasts, their fingers running over their hard nipples. "oh man, do you see this!?" One Ogremon said to the other. "I....I can't....take it!" The big green dicks inside then throbbed and started shooting their hot cum inside them. The two girls broke their hot kiss and cried out with pleasure feeling the hot cream inside them. The dicks where forced out of the love holes from the pressure, the girls looked back only to catch a shot in the face with cum.

The Ogremon laid back with the cum covered girls between them. Renamon comforted Rika by taking her into her arms. "Don't worry, I will take care of these guys." Renamon started to crawl over to her attacker, running her tongue across his chest, stroking his wet semi hard with her hand. "Well, look at this slut, looks like she wants more!" He said chuckling. The other Ogremon smiled slapping Rika's soft ass making her whimper. "yup, its a shame we have to bring them back." Suddenly Renamon's hand moves from the Ogremon's dick straight to his neck, putting her nails through his throat. The Ogremon gasped with shock, and before the other could do anything Renamon was already in the air with her arms spread open. "Diamond storm!" Thousands of diamond projectiles flew at the surprised Ogremon and started to riddle him with holes and cuts. The two Ogremon exploded into data clouds just as Renamon touched the ground, she took the time to absorb them and ran back to her tamer to help her.

LadyDevimon and DarkLillymon knelled before the mysterious figure siting on the throne. "Forgive us Mistress, but one of the raiding parties never returned with their catch." The LadyDevimon pointed over to a group of digimon, each one bringing in one or more naked girls from the real world. "Their have been reports of Tamers and their digimon that fight those that travel to the real world, we believe that is what happen to the raiding party." DarkLillymon finished the report.

The mysterious figure stood and walked into the light revealing a beautiful female digimon, She was wearing leather high heel boots and leotard, the very top removed revealing her ample breasts and a mask covering the top half of her face but letting her silver hair flow out from behind, finished with a pair of bat wings springing from her shoulder blades. She cracked a whip in anger making the other femfetals to recoil in fear.

"Then go back to the real world, find them and teach them what it means to interfere with MistressDevimon!" She turned and looked back. "Take Vajramon with you for backup." The two bowed obediently. "Yes mistress!"

Renamon flipped through the channels on the T.V. as Rika washed herself in the shower. Everything she saw was very uninteresting until she wondered across a NEWS channel reporting about missing girls across the city. She turned in off when she heard the water stop running and she sighed thinking about what just happened to them and how it affected Rika. Rika walked out wrapped in a towel. It was large enough to cover her body but did nothing to cover her long shinning legs, her hair hung to her shoulders instead of the brush like pony tail she normally has it in.

"Rika, I'm sorry about what happened earlier today." Renamon managed to squeeze out. Rika sat down beside her. "It's alright, besides it wasn't all bad." She smiled at her digimon leaning against her, Renamon looked at her with a look of surprise when suddenly Rika leaned in and kissed her partner, Renamon blushed with her eyes wide open. Soon they closed and she started to return the kiss, their lips parted and exchanged their tongues. The two girls continued to make out as Renamon's hand wandered up Rika's legs.

Suddenly the D-power went off again, the two broke their kiss with a look of embarrassment on their face only then feeling more attracted to each other. "Do you want to go after them?" Renamon asked her tamer. Rika sighed and picked it up. "We should....I'll get dressed."

Rika ran down the street of crowded people in the direction of the hot zone, she could see the mist in the distance almost covering Shinjuku park. She was wearing a pair of denim hot pants and a light blue shirt with a heart printed over her bouncing breasts. Renamon in her stealth like fashion traveled across anything she could leap from. When the two entered the digital field, they broke into a run for the centre. They stopped only to look up at the raging Vajramon. "oh looks like this is going to be a problem!" Renamon clenched her fists.

Rika produced a blue card from her card holder on her hip and strikes it across her D-Power. Renamon turned into a brilliant light and digivolved into Kyubimon. The two digimon started going at it, fighting with everything they had with no pause in the action. Kyubimon tried her best to keep her distance knowing that he was much more powerful then herself, but that was exactly what Vajramon wanted, unlike other digimon he was driven by the lust of her mistress.

As soon as Kyubimon was far enough away from Rika, Vajramon turned on her tamer grasping her with one hand, Rika screamed as the large hand wrapped around her body. Leaving only a sandal behind on the ground she was lifted into the air. Kyubimon rushed over to defend her but was to late. "What are you doing! Put her down now!" Vajramon smirked. "Sure...you just have to do one thing." Kyubimon's muscles tighten preparing for a surgical strike. "Your going to give me a nice dick cleaning....or else she gets it like a grape!" Both girls blushed at what he said.

"Why is this happening again!" Rika thought to herself. "This can't be a coincidence." Kyubimon's mind races fast thinking of things to do without hurting her tamer but was at a lose. She lowered her head in submission and walked toward him. Vajramon watched with gleeful eyes as the nine tailed fox walked underneath his four legs and let out a soft sigh feeling the fox's warm tongue against him. It didn't take long for him to get sexually charged feeling his large dick grow with excitement. Kyubimon continued her tongue work until the large black cock was too big to pleasure with just a tongue and took it into her mouth and started to suck his cock.

Rika felt the hand loosen up around her feeling free to breath again, asking a hundred question in her mind, mostly, why are digimon fights becoming so sexual.

Vajramon looked down seeing Kyubimon's ass coming out from under him and smiled, he reached down with his free hand running his fingers roughly across her asshole then down to her soft pussy lips, making her moan out and suck his big cock faster. He smiled at her new excitement, he spread her pussy lips with his fingers pushing a third into her. He laughed feeling his blow job intensifying and seeing her hind legs quiver from his treatment. " So you really are a slut." He proceeded to finger her pussy feeling it become wet.

Vajramon grunted hearing the slurping sounds from his hind legs as Kyubimon sucked him off faster and more determined. Vajramon pulled his fingers out of the wet pussy bringing them up to his lips and licking them, enjoying the taste, he then flicked some pussy juice at Rika. "Isn't this great! Your digimon is a great slut." He then looked down again. "Turn around now! I want the need it bad!" Kyubimon found herself facing away from him now with her ass in the air presenting her wet pussy to her attacker.

Vajramon walked forward and over her, the sound of his hooves being heard as they hit the ground. His large black dick pressed against her wet pussy lips and when he pushed forward, it moved into her, making her cry out in pleasure as her pussy was spread open further then she ever experienced. Vajramon placed his free hand down on her back as he started to move his hips, his big dick slip inside her as he thrust. The nine tailed fox cried out with pleasure as her soft ass slapped against him.

All Rika could do was blush and listen to her digimon's sexual cried of lust. Vajramon grunted trying to contain himself but fucked Kyubimon's wet pussy faster and harder. His thick black cock throbbed as it moved and cried out unable to withstand against the fox's soft insides, he threw his head back moving his hips faster until finally he started to shoot his hot cum into her, the cream streamed down his shaft and onto the ground. Kyubimon gave out a moan of pleasure like no other as she felt the hot cum fill her insides. Vajramon dropped Rika in the heat of it and continued groaning with delight. Kyubimon notice her hit the ground and reached up. Vajramon cried out in pain next as he felt teeth sin into his neck.

Kyubimon was back into the fight as the hot sex finished, He threw her off of him but the damage was already done, he was bleeding out and stumbling. Kyubimon faced him spreading her tails out. "Fox tail inferno!" Her tail tips lit up and lunched like missile into the chest of the larger digimon. He was forced to the ground for good dieing, slowly. " you.....you have no idea what your messing with....she to much for you. You will....be hers..." He burst into data that Kyubimon absorbed triumphantly.

As the mist cleared Rika ran over to now Renamon, who was on the ground gripping the soil. Rika kissed her on the cheek with a look of concern on her. "are you ok?" Renamon nodded. "Yes...he was just....really big..." Above them, in the trees DarkLillymon and LadyDevimon hugged each other pressing their large breasts together as the two kissed. LadyDevimon looked out at the two down below. Before she saw an orb in front of her being held by her partner in crime. "Mistress, the digimon tamer you sought after, is indeed a girl." MistressDevimon appeared in the the orb. "Then bring her to me, I can use her in my plan." She said over the sound of many moans of pleasure. "Yes Mistress." They both said with a smile then returned to making out in the trees.

LadyDevimon and DarkLillymon sat in a tree over the Nonaka house watching the girl walk in with her digimon. They were about to jump in right then and there when a taxi pulled up in front of the house, a beautiful woman stepped out, she was wearing a small black dress that stopped at her thighs and black high heels to match. Ms. Nonaka who was very drunk threw money back into the cab and started to hobble into the house. The two dark digimon smiled at each other. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" LadyDevimon chirped. "always!" DarkLillymon smiled.

Ms. Nonaka walked into her kitchen with a blushed face as she looked for the light switch. She couldn't find it and sighed prepared to just go to bed right on the floor. Suddenly the light turned on revealing a silvered haired women in all leather smiling at her. "Good afternoon pretty creature." She spoke. Ms. Nonaka was shocked at the stranger. "Wo....who are you!" She asked. Suddenly she felt something press against her back and a pair of milky white arms wrapped around her, the hands started to play with her large breasts. "What! Who are you people!"

DarkLillymon leaned in licking her ear. "Mmmmm, no bra, what a dirty little girl." Ms. Nonaka blushed a deeper red. "No...don't say that." Her nipples coming through her dress. LadyDevimon walked closer to them, her high heel boots clicking on the floor. She took her by the chin and kissed the human woman. Ms. Nonaka was shocked at first then started returning the kiss, their tongues mingled for a moment before LadyDevimon broke the kiss and smirked. " you are a little slut." Ms. Nonaka blushed then moaned feeling her nipples being pinched through her dress.

Rika walked to the kitchen to get something to eat before she went to bed, when she walked in she was shocked to find yet a new sexual scene. Her mom was sandwiched between two gorgeous digimon, her black dress pulled down around her hips, her neck turned as she locked her shinny lips against DarkLillymon's, their wet tongues mingled and played with each others, LadyDevimon was going wild on her large breasts, squeezing and licking.

When the three notices Rika was standing in the door her mother cried out with a moan of pleasure, DarkLillymon ran her tongue across Ms. Nonaka's soft skin, licking her neck and LadyDevimon continued to fondle her large breasts. "Hello darling, care to join your mother in here?" LadyDevimon said smirking. Rika's face turned angry and she reached for her cards only to find them not there. It had never occurred to her that she might be attacked in her own home. Just then Renamon appeared in the air over the three and kick DarkLillymon in the head sending her to the wall.

However LadyDevimon was a little faster, pushing Ms. Nonaka aside she let her long leg fly hitting the fox before she could make good on her surprise. It was Renamon's turn to hit the wall as she ended up beside DarkLillymon, she suddenly felt the crack of a whip as it curled around her neck like a constrictor. Renamon felt a pull as she was forced into the air again landing face first on the kitchen floor, she made an effort to rise doing a push up only to feel LadyDevimon's high heel boot press down onto her tail bone, the almost spiked heel pushing into her asshole.

Renamon cried out in discomfort, blushing at her embarrassing position. LadyDevimon laughed. "Got anymore surprises!" She moved her ankle making her heel fuck her ass making Renamon groan in rage. She then looked at DarkLillymon who had recovered. "Come on, lets get out of here." Her partner picked up Ms. Nonaka who screamed only now realizing what was happening and a small digital portal opened behind them. First DarkLillymon walked through with her hostage as she screamed. "Mom!" Rika could only get out. LadyDevimon uncurled the whip and gave Renamon's ass one last push, kicking her back to the floor and followed her partner through. "Come, to the Digital world if you dare young one."

With that, the two digimon and Rika's mom disappeared, the field faded and it was over as fast as it started. Rika and Renamon came together starring at the empty space where the portal was. "Don't worry Rika, we will get her back, I promise." Rika only looked angry. "Yes.....yes we will, and we are going to get who ever is responsible for this." Rika burst into her room preparing everything she might need on her personal crusade, as Renamon appeared behind her as she normally does. "You know there is a chance we might not win this one." She said in a cold voice. "Rika didn't even response throwing cloths around. Among them her torn jeans from earlier today. "I need to get my best cards for this." She seems fixated.

After some time of preparation Rika stood in her room, her favorite pale blue shirt with a heart hugged her body, complemented with a pair of short denim hot pants showing off her long soft skinned legs. Over the years since she first met Renamon her body managed to curve in all the right places just like her mothers.

"Are you ready Renamon." The yellow fox appeared at her side. "Always" Rika held her D-Power up and with her shear will of force commanded to open a portal to the Digital world, a feat she had no idea she could do, but it was worth a shot and it paid off. The smiled at each other and stepped through. Unknown moments passed by soon after as Rika groaned with a dizzy head, she opened her eyes slowly seeing Renamon over her. "Are you O.K. now?" Rika groaned again. "What happened?" "When we arrived I found you on the ground out cold, I took us into a near by forest and started a fire. I didn't try to wake you to make sure you got your rest before any fight." Rika sat up looking around. "Then we will move out when it gets light out." She said before falling back onto the ground.

Renamon looked at her before returning to cooking something for them to eat over the fire.

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