Erotic Fairy Tales #6 The Wizard of Oz

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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The Wizard of Oz

A young white cat named Dorothy lived on a small farm in Kansas with her aunt Em and Uncle Henry. She was finding it increasingly lonely living on the farm with no other furs to interact with. Her only friend on the farm was her small dog Todo. "uuuuhhhhhhh.....Todo...that feels so good." Dorothy spread her thighs keeping her feet planted firming in the ground as the small dog under her short dress licked her pussy lips. The dog happily waged its tail as it rapidly licked her. Dorothy raised her hand to her lips biting a finger as pleasure shot threw her fury body. Her pussy juice dripped to the ground of the field they where in. "oh Todo...i don't know.....what i would do....without you." She moaned as the dog's tongue lapped at her clit. Dorothy curled her toes into the ground as her dog continued licking her wet pussy. The dog's tongue lapped deeper into her folds, she bent her head back and moaned with pleasure. "Yeah...Todo...right there." Dorothy started pumping her hips up and down, her pussy juice pooling on the ground under her. She continued to moan with pleasure as she felt her orgasm coming to her. The dog's tongue wiggled inside her trying to drink up her flowing juices. Dorothy screamed with pleasure as she came, her pussy juice flowing onto the dog. She bit her finger moaned as she rode her orgasm, bouncing her hips. When she finished she rose to her feet and pulled her panties up.

Dorothy looked up hearing thunder as dark clouds formed over head. "We better get back quickly before it comes down on us." The dog barked. As Dorothy and Todo were on there way home, a female lizard riding a bicycle crossed there paths and stopped before them. "Hello little Dorothy, what are you and your stupid little dog doing out here." "Well that's none of your business Mrs. Gulch and Todo is not stupid." The lizard reached forward grabbed Dorothy by her small blue shirt that only covered her breasts and stopped above her tight tummy. "You don't tell me whats my business you little......" She was interrupted when Todo bit her hand. "What the! little." Mrs. Gulch moved to grab the dog but Dorothy protected him. The lizard looked at her with anger. "oh....I'll get you....and your stupid little dog too. That dog crossed the line and I'll get the police to take him away." She peddled off in anger. Dorothy stuck her tongue out as she cuddled her small dog. "I better find a way to hide you later, she will come back with the police."

The wind got worse as they got closer to the farm and the sky was black. Dorothy burst through the door. "Safe!" She looked around and saw no one in the house. "Hello!?, aunt Em?......Uncle Henry?" She looked around the house as Todo barked at the window. "No Todo, we are not going outside again. Dorothy talked down to her dog, ignoring the massive tornado that Todo was barking at. The dog started pulling on her short dress. "No Todo, we can't play in the house, Aunt Em would kick us out for sure if she caught us." Suddenly the house rocked violently as she turned and finally saw the tornado right outside. She tried hiding under the table but it fell over as the house jolted to one side, she then ran for the door frame holding herself inside, little Todo between her legs. The house jolted again and she fell forward, and fell face first into a flapping window shutter. The impact knocked Dorothy onto the floor, her rump hanging in the air as she passed out.

Dorothy could hear the sounds of birds chirping as she slowly opened her eyes. "uuuhhhhh, what the hell just happened." She moaned softly as Todo pressed his wet nose against her panties, her soft ass still in the air. "Oh headache is ever so big." She straightened out and sat on the floor looking out the window. It was sunny and very colorful outside as if the storm never even happened. She fixed her pigtails and opened the front door and both Todo and her stepped outside. They looked around in shock as the farm seemed to have disappeared. As they wandered further about they could hear noises coming from the bushes. "I don't know who's watching me but i got a .45 and i know how to use it." Dorothy tried to scare the would be attackers away. Suddenly a bubble appeared out of nowhere and a beautiful skunkete in a long white dress was inside. As the bubble landed the skunkete tried to push through the bubble but couldn't seem to get out. She started to claw at the insides with a look of panic on her face. She eventually thrust her wand through the bubble making it pop.

The strange skunkete put her hands on her knees breathing heavily. "um....hello?" Dorothy spoke. The skunkete raised a finger. " hold breath......whew!. Thought i was a goner there for a second. Right. I am the Good witch of the north and you my dear, you killed the Wicked witch of the east." "I did!" Dorothy was shocked. Come out my dears, the evil witch is gone. Suddenly a large number of small furs appeared, they looked funny and Dorothy was amused by them. "Why what tiny people." "They are the munchkins. and you are in munchkin town." The little furs surrounded Dorothy in a joyous manner. "Thank you so much for killing the wicked witch of the east!" They all clamored in happiness when suddenly thunder and wind rose up. "Oh no, its the wicked witch of the west!" The witch of the north yelled. "Hide everyone!" The little furs scattered as quickly as they appeared as smoke came from nothing and a strange lizard appeared, she looked a lot like Mrs. Gulch, Dorothy thought except she was wearing a tight black dress that stopped at her upper thighs and was cut to reveal the cleavage from her large breasts, her shoulders and tummy. "I have come for my sisters possessions!" The wicked witch proclaimed.

"Why whatever do you mean?" The witch of the north asked with an innocent tone. The wicked witch stomped her foot. "You know what I'm talking about you goodie goodie bitch. I want the ruby dildo." She stomped over to the house to look over her sister's body. The witch of the north waved her wand behind her back and Dorothy suddenly yelped. Something had unexpectedly appeared inside her and filled her pussy and whatever it was it was being held inside her by her panties. Dorothy looked at the wicked witch who seemed to be getting angrier that she wasn't finding her prize, then she looked at the witch of the north who winked at her, holding a finger to her lips telling her to keep quite. "Maybe she didn't bring it with her." The witch of the north pressed the wicked witch. "She always had it on her!" Dorothy bounced on her toes uncomfortably which only seemed to make it worse for her. Her panties acted like an elastic letting the object bounce and slide inside her.

Dorothy blushed and bit her lip as she felt herself becoming wet. The wicked witch walked back to the witch of the north. "I don't know what you did with it, but it will be mine." The witch of the north shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "I still down know what your going on about." The wicked witch look angry again then looked at Dorothy. "......What the hell is your problem?" Dorothy danced in one spot looking like she needed to pee. "oh....nothing.....just so.....happy to be here." The wicked witch raised a brow then went on her way. "I will find my ruby dildo if its the last thing i do." The wicked witch laugh evilly and disappeared in a puff of smoke, the same as she arrived. Dorothy let out a sigh of relief. As the munchkins gathers again, she blushed in embarrassment as she pulled her panties down to her knees. She bent over and the munchkins watched in aw as the glittering ruby dildo slowly slide from Dorothy's wet pussy. The witch of the north smiled and waved her wand again. To Dorothy's surprise the ruby dildo started to slide back in, she moaned as it started to fuck her pussy

Dorothy fell to her knees as pleasure over powered her, the mysterious ruby toy pumping into her, She leaned forward until she was on all fours, showing her sexual experience to the crowd of munchkins. The witch of the north crouched in front of the young cat continuing to wave her wand in the same motion the dildo was moving. So my dear, what brings you to Oz?" Dorothy moaned with pleasure. "I....I don't know.....I J...Just want to go....home." "Well if you want to go home, you will have to see the Wizard." The witch of the north answered. "Where do.....i find....him." Dorothy moaned out as pussy juice dripped to the ground, little Toto licking it up. The witch of the north thought for a moment as Dorothy moaned louder, the munchkins backing away as the ruby dildo fucked her hot pussy faster. "Oh! of coarse you can follow the yellow brick road!" The witch used her wand to point the way, without thinking driving the ruby dildo completely into Dorothy who screamed loudly. The witch put her hands over her mouth. "oh my god, i am so sorry!" Dorothy curled her toes from the pleasure and her whole body shivered as she ocame spraying pussy juice onto the yellow brick road. The ruby dildo slipped out of her harmlessly.

The munchkins clapped and whistled with approval as they watched her finish cumming. After Dorothy recovered from her sexual encounter with the ruby toy, the witch put it in her small basket. "Make sure you have this with you at all time, or your sexy little butt will be at the mercy of the wicked witch of the west. The directions seemed pretty simple as Dorothy waved to everyone goodbye as she started to skip down the yellow brick road with Toto not far behind her. The witch of the north waved happily and sighed. "ah, cute girl......which one of you little guys wanna give me a ride home, I'm not using those damn bubbles again."

Dorothy continued to travel down the yellow brick road, until she stopped to look at a wheat field. "wow, even the farms look better hear. Toto just barked. "Hey! can you help me?" She suddenly heard. "Wha....who said that?" "I did, can you help me?" She looked up to a scarecrow who was facing away from her. She walked around and found that there was in fact two scarecrows, it looked like one was fucking the other. The scarecrow that was doing the humping looked liked a fake fox and turned his head. "hey!" Dorothy jumped. "holy shit!, you can talk." "Well of coarse i can you help me?" Dorothy smiled. "what seems to be the problem?" The fox scarecrow pointed around the other scarecrow which didn't seem to be alive. Dorothy walked around and was shocked to see a large throbbing cock stuck in the wood. "oh my, how did this happen?" She asked. "I would rather not get into that right now. Do you think you can help?"

Dorothy gripped the tip of the cock with her fingers. "Yeah yeah just like that." Suddenly he felt a sharp pain and screamed as Dorothy tried to force his dick back through the hole in the wood. "GOD DAMN IT!, what the fuck are you trying to do to me!" Dorothy jumped again. "Sorry sorry, I know what we can do to make this better." She took the cock in her fingers again and started to stroke it. The scarecrow had his eyes shut prepared for more pain but only encountered delight as Dorothy ran her tongue up and down his thick shaft. The fox gripped the other scarecrow. "Yeah...thats the way" Dorothy took the thick cock in her mouth and started to bob her head. The scarecrow moan as he felt his dick being sucked by the young cat. She made sucking noises as she continued her blow job, she then let her lips and tongue slid back to look at the glazed cock. Dorothy then unbuttoned her top revealing her large round breasts, she used them to trap the wet cock between her cleavage tit fucking the scarecrow, wrapping her lips around the tip and sucked on it like a straw.

The fox moaned with pleasure as Dorothy's saliva dripped down and off his cock. She let out her own moan of satisfaction as she pleasured the scarecrow, she started to bob her head again squeezing her breasts together. The scarecrow's dick suddenly pulsated as he grunted cumming in Dorothy's mouth, she sealed her lips around it and guzzled the cream, but it filled her mouth quickly and she pulled her head back as the dick squirted cum on her face as she milked the cock with her breasts. As soon as the scarecrow stopped cumming his dick got soft and he was able to pull it out of the wood. Dorothy buttoned her top back up licking the cum from her lips and nose, the scarecrow walked up and hugged her, "Thank you so much! i was trapped like that for hours!" Dorothy looked at him with amazement. "So how did you get like that in the first place?" The Scarecrow thought for a moment. "Well where are we heading, I'll tell you on the way." Dorothy smiled. "I'm going to see the wizard."

The Scarecrow guided her back onto the yellow brick road. "Well my story begins when i was born, however....born without a brain." The two walked down the road as Dorothy continued listening to the fox scarecrow's long story that seemed to go in circles, Todo trailing behind them. Just then Dorothy stopped and spotted a metal fur next to a log cabin. The two approached the tin fur. "What a strange looking person." Dorothy stated and then suddenly jumped as she saw his eyes move. "Did you see that!" The scarecrow scratched his head. "What the hell is going on here." The scarecrow leaned in closer to the tin man's face then backed off as he herd him mumble something. "I think he needs something." "Do you know what?" Dorothy asked. The scarecrow leaned in again trying to listen to the mumbling again. "Now...if I'm hearing him correctly, which i think i am, i think he needs to be lubricated.......he needs female juices." Dorothy blushed. "Wh...what do you mean?" She asked even though she knew. The scarecrow reached down and opened a small hatch on the tin fur. A large red rode made of metal bounced out as if on a spring. "This is what you gotta use." The white cat blushed again. "What do you mean you!" The scarecrow folded his arms. "Well I'm not the one with the female juice."

"Well, if he needs help.....i guess i could." Dorothy pulled her panties down and let them fall to her toes, she stepped out of them and bent over, her rump facing the tin fur. The scarecrow watched with delight seeing Dorothy's pale blue dress being pulled up revealing her round ass. "Here goes nothing" Dorothy backed up into the tin fur, she gasped softly as her pussy lips parted as the big red rode filled her slowly. As soon as she felt comfortable she started to wiggle her hips letting the rode deep inside her. She moaned softly as she felt her pussy become wet with excitement urging her to wiggled her hips faster. The scarecrow licked his lips watching the young cat's pussy juice drip down the red shaft and into the tin fur. Suddenly the red rode started to vibrate and Dorothy gasped feeling it come to life inside her. She couldn't help but moan with pleasure as more of her juice dripped into the Tin fur. He started moving his arms and neck more freely as his body absorbed Dorothy's pussy juice. The Tin fur grabbed onto her hips and started to thrust into her hot pussy. "Thank you so much, i have been stuck here for so long without anyone to attend to me i would have rusted away." The scarecrow waved his hand. "Oh don't mention it." Dorothy could only moan with pleasure as she was bend over, her soft ass slapping against the Tin fur who vibrated inside her wet pussy.

Dorothy screamed loudly as she came, her pussy juice flow down the vibrator and into the Tin fur who seemed to be working normally now. As the Tin fur let her loose she fell forward and landed on all four, juice still flowing from her pussy as she rode her orgasm. After Dorothy recovered and cleaned herself up. The Tin fur hugged her. "Thank you so much, might i lend you a helping hand?" Dorothy smiled. "Well, we are going to see the Wizard." The scarecrow jumped in. "You can come with us, we can see what we can do about getting you a good pussy supply." The three started to make their way down the yellow brick road again with Todo trailing behind licking wet spots up from the road. Next the group came across a dark forest and they stopped to look at the dead and scary trees. "Oh, this place looks so scary, there could be lions!" Dorothy said. "Or tigers!" The scarecrow said. "Or Bears!" The Tin fur added. "Lions, Tigers and Bears oh my!" All three said together.

The group started to walk when suddenly a large lion came out of nowhere roaring at them. The three screamed together and Todo just barked then suddenly the lion screamed. "Please don't hurt me!, have your way with me if you want but be gentle its my first time." The three looked at each other then back at the lion. "Don't worry, we wont hurt you." Dorothy said. "Unless you make us" The scarecrow added. Dorothy waved him off. "We need to get through this forest to go see the wizard, can you help us." The lion abandoned his defensive stand. "Well i know this forest like the back of my hand, but I'm not going through there, I'm to scarred. The scarecrow leaned up to the Tin fur. "Some big scary lion." The lion seemed to have over heard them and frowned. Just then the Tin fur got an idea. "All you need is a little encouragement from Dorothy here." Dorothy looked back at him. "What?"

The Tin fur whispered in her cat ear and she suddenly blushed. "I'm not doing that!" "But he needs your help." The Tin fur added. Dorothy looked around pouting. "Why does this happen to me....." She started to walk over to the lion. "Everyone needs your help..." She said in a funny voice. "I got your help right here..." She finished and looked up at the lion. "Ok Mr. lion are you ready?" The lion gripped his tail. "What are you going to do to me!?" Dorothy knelled in front of him and undid the pants he was wearing, putting the lions large cock in her small cat mouth. "Hey, what are you doing down there, oooohhh." Dorothy bobbed her head back and forth sucking the lion's dick. The lion moaned softly feeling himself grow larger in the cat's mouth and it didn't take him long to get rock hard. Dorothy stopped sucking and rose to her feet. "Hey! whats the big idea!?" They lion complained. Dorothy started walking down the yellow brick road into the forest with her dog beside her. She then pulled her panties down around her thighs bending over just enough to reveal her soft pussy lips. "If you want this, you gotta come through the forest with me." The large lion with the throbbing dick huffed and puffed and started a slow sprint chasing after the young female. "That is really not fair." The scarecrow and Tin fur smiled running after them.

After a short jog through the seemingly harmless yet spooky forest Dorothy arrived at the edge of a flower field surrounding the emerald city where the wizard lived. Suddenly screamed being pushed to the ground as the lion ran into her from behind. "Oh sorry....hey! we are through!?" The scarecrow and Tin fur ran up behind them huffing." Geeezz you guys run fast for a girl with her panties around her legs and a lion with a boner." The scarecrow said louder then was necessary. The lion took the chance as Dorothy was on all fours and mounted her, pushing his dick inside her. Dorothy moaned feeling the lion's cock fill her insides. The lion pulled Dorothy up as he sat down in the middle of the yellow brick road, taking her by the hips thrusting into her. Dorothy moaned more as she started to bounce in the lion's lap, feeling her pussy become wet with little effort. Her pussy slid on the lions shaft as the others sat in the flowers to catch their breaths watching the cat girl. Dorothy moaned with pleasure as her wet pussy devoured the thick cock inside it. The lion, over come with lust used his nails to ripped open Dorothy's top, exposing her round bouncing breasts. He reached forward and squeezed her tits, putting his head under her arm and licking a nipple.

Dorothy placed her feet on the ground letting her hips rise and fall faster as she started give long moans of pleasure feeling her orgasm. After the lion's huge cock filled her pussy a few more times she screamed cumming. The lion pinched her firm nipples as the sweaty cat's pussy juice flowed down his shaft. He couldn't control himself anymore as his cock throbbed shooting his hot cum into her. Dorothy cried out as saliva dripped from her hanging tongue, feeling the cum flow from her pussy lips down the lion. As the two finished cumming Dorothy dismounted the lion. They all took a break and Dorothy tied her top into a knot in front of her, showing off more cleavage. "Well we should continue right!" The others rose "Right!" Todo barked. "ok, lets go gang" Dorothy started to walk for the emerald city with her new friends trailing behind her.

The group arrived at the main gates of the emerald city and knocked on the door. "Hello! we are hear to see the wizard." A hatch opened up and a little face appeared. "Whats this?....." "I said we are here to see the wizard." Dorothy repeated herself. "No one just comes and sees the wizard!, do you have an appointment." Dorothy thought for a moment. "No but the witch of the north sent me here." "Oh did she now, well come on in then, you must be tired." Dorothy sighed "tell me about it." The group was shown through the large city and then to the residence of the great wizard. They came into a large room. "WHO ARE YOU TO DISTURB THE GREAT WIZARD OF OZ." The group jumped. "Um.....hi....Dorothy here, i...i was told to come see you, your suppose to help me get home." "OH AM I NOW?" a large head appeared in front of them in the form of a giant mouse. "I AM THE GREAT WIZARD OF OZ! MY HELP COMES AT A PRICE." Dorothy started to pull her panties down. "NO NOT THAT!" She pulled them up quickly. "VERY NICE THOUGH..., IM TALKING ABOUT A BROOM STICK, THE WICKED WITCH'S BROOM STICK, IF YOU BRING THAT TO ME, I WILL HELP YOU GET HOME!" The group was quickly shuffled out of the wizards home. "Well how the hell are we going to get that broom stick." Dorothy asked. She then got an idea.

The group stood out in the middle of the dark forest as Dorothy produced the ruby dildo. "If she wanted this so bad, then she fill find us!." The scarecrow's eyes hovered over the ruby dildo. "Wow, is that real ruby." Dorothy winced from a memory. "oh yeah, its real." The group waited for some time almost falling asleep when they heard the sounds of flapping wings, they looked up and saw, to their amazement, flying monkeys. Dorothy quickly put the dildo back in her basket as the monkeys landed. "We are here for the ruby dildo, hand it over." "And who the hell are you!" the scarecrow and tin fur jumped forward while the lion hid behind Dorothy. The flying monkeys took up action posses. " We are the wicked witch's winkie warriors!" The group was silent for a moment then Dorothy started to laugh followed by the others. "What the hell is so god damn funny!" The flying monkeys struggled to keep there ridiculous poses. Dorothy fell over laughing as the ruby dildo rolled from her basket. The lead flying monkey spotted it. pointing at the scarecrow and tin fur. "Take them!" The other flying monkeys attacked as he dove for the dildo, just as Dorothy was. She got to it first pulling it into her basket.

The lead monkey resolved to take the young cat and lifted off the ground with her as his troops where fighting with the others. Soon all the flying monkeys took off with Dorothy and the ruby dildo, Todo chased after them barking but stopped as they left his sight. "Well......does that mean we go home now?" the lion asked. The scarecrow slapped him. "pull yourself together! we will attack the wicked witch's castle and get our girl back!" "How are we going to do that." The tin fur asked. "I'll figure that out when by the time we get there." The tin fur crossed his arms. "Aren't you the one without a brain!" The scarecrow started walking. "I know! isn't that fantastic!" The tin fur looked confused. "what!" Dorothy hung upside down under the flying monkey with her arms around his neck screaming. The monkey looked down and saw her cleavage smiling. He suddenly let go of her, she screamed and wrapped her legs around him. "What are you doing!" "This!" The monkey responded while using his free hands to pull her panties down around her thighs. "Hey stop that!, i didn't give you permission to....uuuhhh" She moaned feeling the monkey's semi hard pushing into her pussy. As the flying monkey flapped its wings Dorothy bounced on his firm cock underneath him. The flying monkey didn't even have to thrust, the force from his wings did all the work as she moaned with pleasure, her soft ass slapping against him. Dorothy's pussy juice flowed from her thighs and tricked down below as the group of flying monkeys continued to the castle.

The flying monkeys landed on the castle balcony letting Dorothy touch down first, she quickly pulled her panties up around her soft ass as she turned playing with her pig tails. "Thanks for the ride" The flying monkey nodded in response. "Where is my ruby dildo!" She spun around and watched the wicked witch in her tight black dress. "The girl has it!" The flying monkey pointed to the cat. "Give it to me!" The witch demanded. Dorothy pulled her basket away. "I'll never giv...." the dildo was removed by one of the monkeys and handed over to the witch. Dorothy frowned. "oh....". The witch smiled. "prepare her to be executed. The witch took another glance at the young cat's sexy body. rubbing the head of the ruby dildo around her lips. "Wait!, on second thought! I want her as a slave." "I'll never be slave to you!" Dorothy cried. "Oh i have ways of making it happen." She ran the ruby dildo up her thigh under her short dress, pressing it against her soft panties. Dorothy blushed. "Oh...not again..."

The three guys and the dog continued there journey to the witch's castle. "Ok if we are going to do this mission we need code names. I will be mad dog, you can be Robocop and he will be Chewbaca." The scarecrow continued. "I am not Robocop." the tin fur said. "I don't want to be Chewbaca, he was scary." The scarecrow waved him off "Pipe down back there." The tin fur interrupted him "Why don't you just shut up already." The scarecrow suddenly stopped spotting the front gate of the wicked witch's castle. "So how are we suppose to get in." The Tin fur asked. "Don't worry, i have a plan." the scarecrow answered. "Of coarse you do" The tin Fur rolled his eyes. The scarecrow and lion in robes approached the front gate with a wheelbarrow, in it was a knocked out Tin fur. "Halt, who goes there" someone yelled from the gate. "We have brought the wicked witch a new prisoner for her dungeon." The scare crow called back. The gate opened and the group wheeled in with the small dog trailing behind them. They stopped as a flying monkey approached them. "where did you find him?" The monkey asked. "Oh i found him in my corn field. The flying monkey looked him over. "right, bring him inside." The lion started to lift the wheel barrow again when the scarecrow spoke again. "right, right, we will just bring him inside and we will be back to our wheat fields." The lion stopped dead in his tracks hearing what he said and the Tin fur twisted his face in anger. "Wait....didn't you say you had a corn field?" The scarecrow looked around at the gathering flying monkeys. "Well....uh...yeah....i have both corn and wheat.....i like to diversify!" "Hey boss, something wrong with this one. pointing at the lions shaking legs.

The scarecrow saw his genius plan falling apart. Scarecrow panics and threw open his robes pulling out a Kalashnikov firing it into the air scarring the monkeys back. "Get back mother fuckers!" He continued firing into the air as the flying monkeys scattered. "YEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!" The Tin fur jumped out of the wheel barrow. "What the hell are you doing!, where did you get that thing?" "Never mind that, we will hold off the witch's guards. you have to go get Dorothy!" The lion gripped his tail. "We will take hold them off?" "Damn right, lets move out team!" The scarecrow chased a bunch of flying monkeys while fire his weapon, the lion threw down his tail, pumped his fists into the air and chased after him "Rooooooaaaaaaar" with the dog running along, barking. The tin fur looked around at the empty court yard then ran for the main building. The scarecrow continued running down a hall chasing monkeys. "Get back here you monkey mother fuckers!" As he turned the corner he had wandered into a Tie fighter hanger filled with armed flying monkeys. The leader pointed at him. "Blast em!" The lion stopped as he saw the scarecrow running back with laser shots hitting the walls behind him. "Go back!, Go back!" He picked up the dog and ran back. "Mommy!"

The Tin fur made it two a wall where he held up his arm, His hand firing like a grappling gun into the air. He felt his hand grip something and he lifted himself up to scale the wall. As he made his way up the large wall a window suddenly opened beside him and a monkey looked at him. The Tin fur smiled. "Hehehehe" The monkey smiled back. "Hehehehehe." The Tin fur reached over and pulled him out the window. "Whhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy" as the monkey fell and hit the ground. The Tin fur made his way to the top where he crawled over a balcony. He looked around and found no one, they must be out to deal with the Scarecrow and the Lion. He walked in a found a pair of large doors only open a crack. He peered through and was smiling at what he found. Dorothy and the wicked witch where naked together on a large bed size pillow. The witch pushed her large green breasts against the young cat. She held the ruby dildo in her hand and slowly pumped inside Dorothy's wet pussy. The two had a look of lovers about them as the exchanged tongues. The two girls moaned together as the wicked witch slowly moved her large breasts back and forth across the cat's their hard nipples pleasuring them

The Tin fur crept up behind the wicked witch and surprised her with his red rode pushing into her. She moaned then looked back. "Who the fuck are you!" "I'm your greatest dream babe!" She started to moan as she felt to the Tin Fur start to vibrate inside her. Dorothy snapped out of her feelings of lust and rolled out from under the wicked witch and started to gather her cloths. "Good work Tin fur, i ow you one." She then got the ruby dildo from the witch. "ok lets book it!" The Tin fur let Dorothy get a head start then pulled out of the witch and started running. The witch looked back with her ass still in the air. "You could at least finish me off......stupid fuckers!" Dorothy and Tin fur ran for the balcony. "Wait, we still need her broom. She ran back and picked it up from a table inside. "Suddenly the witch appeared behind her, holding her black dress in front of her naked body. "How dare you, those belong to me!" "Not anymore they don't." Dorothy retorted. The witch held out her hand and formed a fireball. "I'll burn you down little girl." The Tin fur spotted a bucket of water not far from the balcony entrance. He dove for it spilled it over the witch's burning arm.

The Tin fur could see her hard nipples as the wet dress pressed against her breasts. "Nice" he said to himself. She started to smoke and scream a horrible scream. "I'm melting...melting...oh what a world, what a world!" She shrank into the floor and disappeared into her black dress. The two looked at the bucket. "What the fuck?"

At some laboratory a scientist pulled out his jar. "What, water? Where is the acid i ordered?"

Dorothy rode in Tin fur's arm as they repelled from the balcony to the ground with Broom in hand. The two made their way out the front gate and Dorothy suddenly stopped. "Wait, where are the others?" Tin fur looked back. "Ah, shit!" Suddenly they saw them up on the wall, they jumped from the parapet in the traditional action movie style as the castle exploded behind them. "Rooooooooock oooooooooooonnnn" The scarecrow screamed out as he was followed by the Lion. The two landed in the long grass outside the wall and Todo landed in Dorothy's arms. "Oh Todo, hello!" The scarecrow popped up. "Whew, that was a rush!" "can we go home now?" the Lion came up after him. The scarecrow wrapped an arm around the young cat. "Nice to see your still vertical." She nodded with a smile. "Thanks to you guys." The scarecrow snapped his fingers. "ok guys, lets go home" "ok mad dog" The Lion answered. The Tin fur slapped his forehead. "What was that?" Dorothy asked. "Oh its a long story."

The group made it safely back to the emerald city and back to the great wizard. "We brought you the broom now will you help me?" "OF COARSE I WILL, BUT FIRST." The big mouse head disappeared and a short old mouse appeared from behind a certain. "Will you give me the broom stick?" Dorothy handed over the broom stick and watched him break it in two. "Now, how to get you home.....ah yes, do you still have the ruby dildo?" Dorothy produced it from her basket. "Good, all you have to do is use it and say the magic words. there is no place like home repeatedly." Dorothy's innocent face suddenly twisted into anger. "Are you telling me, this thing right here can take me home......this whole time. the thing i had since the beginning!" She smacked the old mouse in the head with the sex toy "What the fuck old man! why didn't you say something earlier!" "Hey don't hit me....I AM THE GREAT WIZARD OF...." She hit him again. "Don't you use your big voice with me you little bastard!" The group of guys grabbed her arms holding her back to stop her from killing the wizard.

Dorothy lay on a giant pillow naked. She spread her legs and started to rub the head of the toy against her pussy lips. "ok, here gos nothing." She pushed it into her and started to masturbate with it. First slowly then she went faster as more pleasure could be felt. She moaned to herself as she became more wet. After her adventures she was a master at pleasure herself, knowing all the sweet spots inside her body, know just where she wanted to be touched and she directed the ruby dildo just right. Her new friends stood around her watching the show as they smiled, their eyes scanning her soft sexy body. The ruby dildo pumped in and out of her wet pussy as she moaned with pleasure loudly. She curled her toes and breathed heavily. She leaned onto her side her thighs wide so everyone could see the glittering toy sliding in and out of her hot pussy. "oohhh, there's no place like home....mmmmmm.....there's no place like home....aaaaaaahhhh. there's no place like home." She felt her orgasm coming to her. "Ahhhhhh. there's!!!!!!"

Dorothy awoke in her bed with her aunt over her rubbing a towel over her head. "Hey pa! she's awake." Uncle henry walked in with his remarkable familiar farm hands. "You mean i was here the whole time?" Her aunt continued to rub her forehead. "Thats right, it was all a dream." "One hell of a dream by the sounds of it!" Henry said. "oh pa shush" Dorothy looked at the farm hands. "Oh, you where there, and you where where all there." Uncle henry spun around to face them. "What was that!" "Hey boss don't look at us like that, we didn't do nothin!" Dorothy lay back in her bed smiling as she heard her Uncle yelling at the farm hands about how young and innocent she was, but she didn't feel that way anymore.

The End

Sexual Shorts

The baby sitter The white cat Melloney walked down the hall, her eyes passing from each door to the small piece of paper in her hand. Her tail swayed back and forth coming...

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Gypsy Curse # 4

Epsiode 4 Suzie swallowed hard at the thought that there was another herm at the school this whole time. "You have no idea how long i have been waiting to have another...

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Gypsy Curse #3

Episode 3 Suzie woke up looking at the clock which showed 7:17, shi yawned already dreading another day at school. Shi looked over at hir mother who shi slept with that night, who...

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